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Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
Enter Camillo and Archidamus.
Arch. If you shall chance (Camillo) to visit Bohemiaon
the like occasion whereon my seruices are now
on-footyou shall see (as I haue said) great difference
betwixt our Bohemiaand your Sicilia
Cam. I thinkethis comming Summerthe King of
Sicilia meanes to pay Bohemia the Visitationwhich hee
iustly owes him
Arch. Wherein our Entertainment shall shame vs: we
will be iustified in our Loues: for indeed
Cam. 'Beseech you
Arch. Verely I speake it in the freedome of my knowledge:
we cannot with such magnificence- in so rare-
I know not what to say- Wee will giue you sleepie
Drinkesthat your Sences (vn-intelligent of our insufficience)
maythough they cannot prayse vsas little accuse
Cam. You pay a great deale to dearefor what's giuen
Arch. 'Beleeue meI speake as my vnderstanding instructs
meand as mine honestie puts it to vtterance
Cam. Sicilia cannot shew himselfe ouer-kind to Bohemia:
They were trayn'd together in their Childhoods;
and there rooted betwixt them then such an affection
which cannot chuse but braunch now. Since their more
mature Dignitiesand Royall Necessitiesmade seperation
of their Societietheir Encounters (though not Personall)
hath been Royally attornyed with enter-change of
GiftsLetterslouing Embassiesthat they haue seem'd to
be togetherthough absent: shooke handsas ouer a Vast;
and embrac'd as it were from the ends of opposed Winds.
The Heauens continue their Loues
Arch. I thinke there is not in the Worldeither Malice
or Matterto alter it. You haue an vnspeakable comfort
of your young Prince Mamillius: it is a Gentleman of the
greatest Promisethat euer came into my Note
Cam. I very well agree with youin the hopes of him:
it is a gallant Child; onethat (indeed) Physicks the Subiect
makes old hearts fresh: they that went on Crutches
ere he was bornedesire yet their lifeto see him a Man
Arch. Would they else be content to die?
Cam. Yes; if there were no other excusewhy they should
desire to liue
Arch. If the King had no Sonnethey would desire to
liue on Crutches till he had one.
Scoena Secunda.
Enter LeontesHermioneMamilliusPolixenesCamillo.
Pol. Nine Changes of the Watry-Starre hath been
The Shepheards Notesince we haue left our Throne
Without a Burthen: Time as long againe
Would be fill'd vp (my Brother) with our Thanks
And yet we shouldfor perpetuitie
Goe hence in debt: And thereforelike a Cypher
(Yet standing in rich place) I multiply
With one we thanke youmany thousands moe
That goe before it
Leo. Stay your Thanks a while
And pay them when you part
Pol. Sirthat's to morrow:
I am question'd by my fearesof what may chance
Or breed vpon our absencethat may blow
No sneaping Winds at hometo make vs say
This is put forth too truly: besidesI haue stay'd
To tyre your Royaltie
Leo. We are tougher (Brother)
Then you can put vs to't
Pol. No longer stay
Leo. One Seue' night longer
Pol. Very soothto morrow
Leo. Wee'le part the time betweene's then: and in that
Ile no gaine-saying
Pol. Presse me not ('beseech you) so:
There is no Tongue that moues; nonenone i'th' World
So soone as yourscould win me: so it should now
Were there necessitie in your requestalthough
'Twere needfull I deny'd it. My Affaires
Doe euen drag me home-ward: which to hinder
Were (in your Loue) a Whip to me; my stay
To you a Chargeand Trouble: to saue both
Farewell (our Brother.)
Leo. Tongue-ty'd our Queene? speake you
Her. I had thought (Sir) to haue held my peacevntill
You had drawne Oathes from himnot to stay: you (Sir)
Charge him too coldly. Tell himyou are sure
All in Bohemia's well: this satisfaction
The by-gone-day proclaym'dsay this to him
He's beat from his best ward
Leo. Well saidHermione
Her. To tellhe longs to see his Sonnewere strong:
But let him say so thenand let him goe;
But let him sweare soand he shall not stay
Wee'l thwack him hence with Distaffes.
Yet of your Royall presenceIle aduenture
The borrow of a Weeke. When at Bohemia
You take my LordIle giue him my Commission
To let him there a Monethbehind the Gest
Prefix'd for's parting: yet (good-deed) Leontes
I loue thee not a Iarre o'th' Clockbehind
What Lady she her Lord. You'le stay?
Pol. NoMadame
Her. Naybut you will?
Pol. I may not verely
Her. Verely?
You put me off with limber Vowes: but I
Though you would seek t' vnsphere the Stars with Oaths
Should yet saySirno going: Verely
You shall not goe; a Ladyes Verely 'is
As potent as a Lords. Will you goe yet?
Force me to keepe you as a Prisoner
Not like a Guest: so you shall pay your Fees
When you departand saue your Thanks. How say you?
My Prisoner? or my Guest? by your dread Verely
One of them you shall be
Pol. Your Guest thenMadame:
To be your Prisonershould import offending;
Which is for melesse easie to commit
Then you to punish
Her. Not your Gaoler then
But your kind Hostesse. ComeIle question you
Of my Lords Tricksand yourswhen you were Boyes:
You were pretty Lordings then?
Pol. We were (faire Queene)
Two Ladsthat thought there was no more behind
But such a day to morrowas to day
And to be Boy eternall
Her. Was not my Lord
The veryer Wag o'th' two?
Pol. We were as twyn'd Lambsthat did frisk i'th' Sun
And bleat the one at th' other: what we chang'd
Was Innocencefor Innocence: we knew not
The Doctrine of ill-doingnor dream'd
That any did: Had we pursu'd that life
And our weake Spirits ne're been higher rear'd
With stronger bloodwe should haue answer'd Heauen
Boldlynot guilty; the Imposition clear'd
Hereditarie ours
Her. By this we gather
You haue tript since
Pol. O my most sacred Lady
Temptations haue since then been borne to's: for
In those vnfledg'd dayeswas my Wife a Girle;
Your precious selfe had then not cross'd the eyes
Of my young Play-fellow
Her. Grace to boot:
Of this make no conclusionleast you say
Your Queene and I are Deuils: yet goe on
Th' offences we haue made you doewee'le answere
If you first sinn'd with vs: and that with vs
You did continue fault; and that you slipt not
With anybut with vs
Leo. Is he woon yet?
Her. Hee'le stay (my Lord.)
Leo. At my requesthe would not:
Hermione (my dearest) thou neuer spoak'st
To better purpose
Her. Neuer?
Leo. Neuerbut once
Her. What? haue I twice said well? when was't before?
I prethee tell me: cram's with prayseand make's
As fat as tame things: One good deeddying tonguelesse
Slaughters a thousandwayting vpon that.
Our prayses are our Wages. You may ride's
With one soft Kisse a thousand Furlongsere
With Spur we heat an Acre. But to th' Goale:
My last good deedwas to entreat his stay.
What was my first? it ha's an elder Sister
Or I mistake you: Owould her Name were Grace.
But once before I spoke to th' purpose? when?
Naylet me haue't: I long
Leo. Whythat was when
Three crabbed Moneths had sowr'd themselues to death
Ere I could make thee open thy white Hand:
A clap thy selfemy Loue; then didst thou vtter
I am yours for euer
Her. 'Tis Grace indeed.
Why lo-you now; I haue spoke to th' purpose twice:
The onefor euer earn'd a Royall Husband;
Th' otherfor some while a Friend
Leo. Too hottoo hot:
To mingle friendship farreis mingling bloods.
I haue Tremor Cordis on me: my heart daunces
But not for ioy; not ioy. This Entertainment
May a free face put on: deriue a Libertie
From Heartinessefrom Bountiefertile Bosome
And well become the Agent: 't may; I graunt:
But to be padling Palmesand pinching Fingers
As now they areand making practis'd Smiles
As in a Looking-Glasse; and then to sighas 'twere
The Mort o'th' Deere: ohthat is entertainment
My Bosome likes notnor my Browes. Mamillius
Art thou my Boy?
Mam. Imy good Lord
Leo. I'fecks:
Why that's my Bawcock: what? has't smutch'd thy Nose?
They say it is a Coppy out of mine. Come Captaine
We must be neat; not neatbut cleanlyCaptaine:
And yet the Steerethe Heycferand the Calfe
Are all call'd Neat. Still Virginalling
Vpon his Palme? How now (you wanton Calfe)
Art thou my Calfe?
Mam. Yesif you will (my Lord.)
Leo. Thou want'st a rough pash& the shoots that I haue
To be fulllike me: yet they say we are
Almost as like as Egges; Women say so
(That will say any thing.) But were they false
As o're-dy'd Blacksas Windas Waters; false
As Dice are to be wish'dby one that fixes
No borne 'twixt his and mine; yet were it true
To say this Boy were like me. Come (Sir Page)
Looke on me with your Welkin eye: sweet Villaine
Most dear'stmy Collop: Can thy Dammay't be
Affection? thy Intention stabs the Center.
Thou do'st make possible things not so held
Communicat'st with Dreames (how can this be?)
With what's vnreall: thou coactiue art
And fellow'st nothing. Then 'tis very credent
Thou may'st co-ioyne with somethingand thou do'st
(And that beyond Commission) and I find it
(And that to the infection of my Braines
And hardning of my Browes.)
Pol. What meanes Sicilia?
Her. He something seemes vnsetled
Pol. How? my Lord?
Leo. What cheere? how is't with youbest Brother?
Her. You look as if you held a Brow of much distraction:
Are you mou'd (my Lord?)
Leo. Noin good earnest.
How sometimes Nature will betray it's folly?
It's tendernesse? and make it selfe a Pastime
To harder bosomes? Looking on the Lynes
Of my Boyes faceme thoughts I did requoyle
Twentie three yeeresand saw my selfe vn-breech'd
In my greene Veluet Coat; my Dagger muzzel'd
Least it should bite it's Masterand so proue
(As Ornaments oft do's) too dangerous:
How like (me thought) I then was to this Kernell
This Squashthis Gentleman. Mine honest Friend
Will you take Egges for Money?
Mam. No (my Lord) Ile fight
Leo. You will: why happy man be's dole. My Brother
Are you so fond of your young Princeas we
Doe seeme to be of ours?
Pol. If at home (Sir)
He's all my Exercisemy Mirthmy Matter;
Now my sworne Friendand then mine Enemy;
My Parasitemy Souldier: States-man; all:
He makes a Iulyes dayshort as December
And with his varying childnessecures in me
Thoughtsthat would thick my blood
Leo. So stands this Squire
Offic'd with me: We two will walke (my Lord)
And leaue you to your grauer steps. Hermione
How thou lou'st vsshew in our Brothers welcome;
Let what is deare in Sicilybe cheape:
Next to thy selfeand my young Rouerhe's
Apparant to my heart
Her. If you would seeke vs
We are yours i'th' Garden: shall's attend you there?
Leo. To your owne bents dispose you: you'le be found
Be you beneath the Sky: I am angling now
(Though you perceiue me not how I giue Lyne)
Goe toogoe too.
How she holds vp the Neb? the Byll to him?
And armes her with the boldnesse of a Wife
To her allowing Husband. Gone already
Ynch-thickknee-deepe; ore head and eares a fork'd one.
Goe play (Boy) play: thy Mother playesand I
Play too; but so disgrac'd a partwhose issue
Will hisse me to my Graue: Contempt and Clamor
Will be my Knell. Goe play (Boy) playthere haue been
(Or I am much deceiu'd) Cuckolds ere now
And many a man there is (euen at this present
Nowwhile I speake this) holds his Wife by th' Arme
That little thinkes she ha's been sluyc'd in's absence
And his Pond fish'd by his next Neighbor (by
Sir Smilehis Neighbor:) naythere's comfort in't
Whiles other men haue Gatesand those Gates open'd
(As mine) against their will. Should all despaire
That haue reuolted Wiuesthe tenth of Mankind
Would hang themselues. Physick for'tthere's none:
It is a bawdy Planetthat will strike
Where 'tis predominant; and 'tis powrefull: thinke it:
From EastWestNorthand Southbe it concluded
No Barricado for a Belly. Know't
It will let in and out the Enemy
With bag and baggage: many thousand on's
Haue the Diseaseand feele't not. How now Boy?
Mam. I am like you say
Leo. Whythat's some comfort.
What? Camillo there?
Cam. Imy good Lord
Leo. Goe play (Mamillius) thou'rt an honest man:
Camillothis great Sir will yet stay longer
Cam. You had much adoe to make his Anchor hold
When you cast outit still came home
Leo. Didst note it?
Cam. He would not stay at your Petitionsmade
His Businesse more materiall
Leo. Didst perceiue it?
They're here with me already; whisp'ringrounding:
Sicilia is a so-forth: 'tis farre gone
When I shall gust it last. How cam't (Camillo)
That he did stay?
Cam. At the good Queenes entreatie
Leo. At the Queenes be't: Good should be pertinent
But so it isit is not. Was this taken
By any vnderstanding Pate but thine?
For thy Conceit is soakingwill draw in
More then the common Blocks. Not notedis't
But of the finer Natures? by some Seueralls
Of Head-peece extraordinarie? Lower Messes
Perchance are to this Businesse purblind? say
Cam. Businessemy Lord? I thinke most vnderstand
Bohemia stayes here longer
Leo. Ha?
Cam. Stayes here longer
Leo. Ibut why?
Cam. To satisfie your Highnesseand the Entreaties
Of our most gracious Mistresse
Leo. Satisfie?
Th' entreaties of your Mistresse? Satisfie?
Let that suffice. I haue trusted thee (Camillo)
With all the neerest things to my heartas well
My Chamber-Councelswherein (Priest-like) thou
Hast cleans'd my Bosome: Ifrom thee departed
Thy Penitent reform'd: but we haue been
Deceiu'd in thy Integritiedeceiu'd
In that which seemes so
Cam. Be it forbid (my Lord.)
Leo. To bide vpon't: thou art not honest: or
If thou inclin'st that waythou art a Coward
Which hoxes honestie behindrestrayning
From Course requir'd: or else thou must be counted
A Seruantgrafted in my serious Trust
And therein negligent: or else a Foole
That seest a Game play'd homethe rich Stake drawne
And tak'st it all for ieast
Cam. My gracious Lord
I may be negligentfoolishand fearefull
In euery one of theseno man is free
But that his negligencehis follyfeare
Among the infinite doings of the World
Sometime puts forth in your affaires (my Lord.)
If euer I were wilfull-negligent
It was my folly: if industriously
I play'd the Fooleit was my negligence
Not weighing well the end: if euer fearefull
To doe a thingwhere I the issue doubted
Whereof the execution did cry out
Against the non-performance'twas a feare
Which oft infects the wisest: these (my Lord)
Are such allow'd Infirmitiesthat honestie
Is neuer free of. But beseech your Grace
Be plainer with melet me know my Trespas
By it's owne visage; if I then deny it
'Tis none of mine
Leo. Ha' not you seene Camillo?
(But that's past doubt: you haueor your eye-glasse
Is thicker then a Cuckolds Horne) or heard?
(For to a Vision so apparantRumor
Cannot be mute) or thought? (for Cogitation
Resides not in that manthat do's not thinke)
My Wife is slipperie? If thou wilt confesse
Or else be impudently negatiue
To haue nor Eyesnor Earesnor Thoughtthen say
My Wife's a Holy-Horsedeserues a Name
As ranke as any Flax-Wenchthat puts to
Before her troth-plight: say'tand iustify't
Cam. I would not be a stander-byto heare
My Soueraigne Mistresse clouded sowithout
My present vengeance taken: 'shrew my heart
You neuer spoke what did become you lesse
Then this; which to reiteratewere sin
As deepe as thatthough true
Leo. Is whispering nothing?
Is leaning Cheeke to Cheeke? is meating Noses?
Kissing with in-side Lip? stopping the Cariere
Of Laughterwith a sigh? (a Note infallible
Of breaking Honestie) horsing foot on foot?
Skulking in corners? wishing Clocks more swift?
HouresMinutes? NooneMid-night? and all Eyes
Blind with the Pin and Webbut theirs; theirs onely
That would vnseene be wicked? Is this nothing?
Why then the Worldand all that's in'tis nothing
The couering Skie is nothingBohemia nothing
My Wife is nothingnor Nothing haue these Nothings
If this be nothing
Cam. Good my Lordbe cur'd
Of this diseas'd Opinionand betimes
For 'tis most dangerous
Leo. Say it be'tis true
Cam. Nonomy Lord
Leo. It is: you lyeyou lye:
I say thou lyest Camilloand I hate thee
Pronounce thee a grosse Lowta mindlesse Slaue
Or else a houering Temporizerthat
Canst with thine eyes at once see good and euill
Inclining to them both: were my Wiues Liuer
Infected (as her life) she would not liue
The running of one Glasse
Cam. Who do's infect her?
Leo. Why he that weares her like her Medullhanging
About his neck (Bohemia) whoif I
Had Seruants true about methat bare eyes
To see alike mine Honoras their Profits
(Their owne particular Thrifts) they would doe that
Which should vndoe more doing: Iand thou
His Cup-bearerwhom I from meaner forme
Haue Bench'dand rear'd to Worshipwho may'st see
Plainelyas Heauen sees Earthand Earth sees Heauen
How I am gall'dmight'st be-spice a Cup
To giue mine Enemy a lasting Winke:
Which Draught to mewere cordiall
Cam. Sir (my Lord)
I could doe thisand that with no rash Potion
But with a lingring Dramthat should not worke
Maliciouslylike Poyson: But I cannot
Beleeue this Crack to be in my dread Mistresse
(So soueraignely being Honorable.)
I haue lou'd thee
Leo. Make that thy questionand goe rot:
Do'st thinke I am so muddyso vnsetled
To appoint my selfe in this vexation?
Sully the puritie and whitenesse of my Sheetes
(Which to preserueis Sleepe; which being spotted
Is GoadesThornesNettlesTayles of Waspes)
Giue scandall to the blood o'th' Princemy Sonne
(Who I doe thinke is mineand loue as mine)
Without ripe mouing to't? Would I doe this?
Could man so blench?
Cam. I must beleeue you (Sir)
I doeand will fetch off Bohemia for't:
Prouidedthat when hee's remou'dyour Highnesse
Will take againe your Queeneas yours at first
Euen for your Sonnes sakeand thereby for sealing
The Iniurie of Tonguesin Courts and Kingdomes
Knowneand ally'd to yours
Leo. Thou do'st aduise me
Euen so as I mine owne course haue set downe:
Ile giue no blemish to her Honornone
Cam. My Lord
Goe then; and with a countenance as cleare
As Friendship weares at Feastskeepe with Bohemia
And with your Queene: I am his Cup-bearer
If from me he haue wholesome Beueridge
Account me not your Seruant
Leo. This is all:
Do'tand thou hast the one halfe of my heart;
Do't notthou splitt'st thine owne
Cam. Ile do'tmy Lord
Leo. I wil seeme friendlyas thou hast aduis'd me.
Cam. O miserable Lady. But for me
What case stand I in? I must be the poysoner
Of good Polixenesand my ground to do't
Is the obedience to a Master; one
Who in Rebellion with himselfewill haue
All that are hisso too. To doe this deed
Promotion followes: If I could find example
Of thousand's that had struck anoynted Kings
And flourish'd afterIl'd not do't: But since
Nor Brassenor Stonenor Parchment beares not one
Let Villanie it selfe forswear't. I must
Forsake the Court: to do'tor nois certaine
To me a breake-neck. Happy Starre raigne now
Here comes Bohemia.
Enter Polixenes.
Pol. This is strange: Me thinkes
My fauor here begins to warpe. Not speake?
Good day Camillo
Cam. Hayle most Royall Sir
Pol. What is the Newes i'th' Court?
Cam. None rare (my Lord.)
Pol. The King hath on him such a countenance
As he had lost some Prouinceand a Region
Lou'das he loues himselfe: euen now I met him
With customarie complementwhen hee
Wafting his eyes to th' contraryand falling
A Lippe of much contemptspeedes from meand
So leaues meto consider what is breeding
That changes thus his Manners
Cam. I dare not know (my Lord.)
Pol. Howdare not? doe not? doe you knowand dare not?
Be intelligent to me'tis thereabouts:
For to your selfewhat you doe knowyou must
And cannot sayyou dare not. Good Camillo
Your chang'd complexions are to me a Mirror
Which shewes me mine chang'd too: for I must be
A partie in this alterationfinding
My selfe thus alter'd with't
Cam. There is a sicknesse
Which puts some of vs in distemperbut
I cannot name the Diseaseand it is caught
Of youthat yet are well
Pol. How caught of me?
Make me not sighted like the Basilisque.
I haue look'd on thousandswho haue sped the better
By my regardbut kill'd none so: Camillo
As you are certainely a Gentlemanthereto
Clerke-like experienc'dwhich no lesse adornes
Our Gentrythen our Parents Noble Names
In whose successe we are gentle: I beseech you
If you know ought which do's behoue my knowledge
Thereof to be inform'dimprison't not
In ignorant concealement
Cam. I may not answere
Pol. A Sicknesse caught of meand yet I well?
I must be answer'd. Do'st thou heare Camillo
I coniure theeby all the parts of man
Which Honor do's acknowledgewhereof the least
Is not this Suit of minethat thou declare
What incidencie thou do'st ghesse of harme
Is creeping toward me; how farre offhow neere
Which way to be preuentedif to be:
If nothow best to beare it
Cam. SirI will tell you
Since I am charg'd in Honorand by him
That I thinke Honorable: therefore marke my counsaile
Which must be eu'n as swiftly followedas
I meane to vtter it; or both your selfeand me
Cry lostand so good night
Pol. Ongood Camillo
Cam. I am appointed him to murther you
Pol. By whomCamillo?
Cam. By the King
Pol. For what?
Cam. He thinkesnay with all confidence he sweares
As he had seen'tor beene an Instrument
To vice you to'tthat you haue toucht his Queene
Pol. Oh thenmy best blood turne
To an infected Gellyand my Name
Be yoak'd with histhat did betray the Best:
Turne then my freshest Reputation to
A sauourthat may strike the dullest Nosthrill
Where I arriueand my approch be shun'd
Nay hated tooworse then the great'st Infection
That ere was heardor read
Cam. Sweare his thought ouer
By each particular Starre in Heauenand
By all their Influences; you may as well
Forbid the Sea for to obey the Moone
As (or by Oath) remoueor (Counsaile) shake
The Fabrick of his Follywhose foundation
Is pyl'd vpon his Faithand will continue
The standing of his Body
Pol. How should this grow?
Cam. I know not: but I am sure 'tis safer to
Auoid what's grownethen question how 'tis borne.
If therefore you dare trust my honestie
That lyes enclosed in this Trunkewhich you
Shall beare along impawndaway to Night
Your Followers I will whisper to the Businesse
And will by twoesand threesat seuerall Posternes
Cleare them o'th' Citie: For my selfeIle put
My fortunes to your seruice (which are here
By this discouerie lost.) Be not vncertaine
For by the honor of my ParentsI
Haue vttred Truth: which if you seeke to proue
I dare not stand by; nor shall you be safer
Then one condemnd by the Kings owne mouth:
Thereon his Execution sworne
Pol. I doe beleeue thee:
I saw his heart in's face. Giue me thy hand
Be Pilot to meand thy places shall
Still neighbour mine. My Ships are readyand
My people did expect my hence departure
Two dayes agoe. This Iealousie
Is for a precious Creature: as shee's rare
Must it be great; andas his Person's mightie
Must it be violent: andas he do's conceiue
He is dishonor'd by a manwhich euer
Profess'd to him: why his Reuenges must
In that be made more bitter. Feare ore-shades me:
Good Expedition be my friendand comfort
The gracious Queenepart of his Theame; but nothing
Of his ill-ta'ne suspition. Come Camillo
I will respect thee as a Fatherif
Thou bear'st my life offhence: Let vs auoid
Cam. It is in mine authoritie to command
The Keyes of all the Posternes: Please your Highnesse
To take the vrgent houre. Come Siraway.
Actus Secundus. Scena Prima.
Enter HermioneMamilliusLadies: LeontesAntigonusLords.
Her. Take the Boy to you: he so troubles me
'Tis past enduring
Lady. Come (my gracious Lord)
Shall I be your play-fellow?
Mam. NoIle none of you
Lady. Why (my sweet Lord?)
Mam. You'le kisse me hardand speake to meas if
I were a Baby still. I loue you better
2.Lady. And why so (my Lord?)
Mam. Not for because
Your Browes are blacker (yet black-browes they say
Become some Women bestso that there be not
Too much haire therebut in a Cemicircle
Or a halfe-Moonemade with a Pen.)
2.Lady. Who taught 'this?
Mam. I learn'd it out of Womens faces: pray now
What colour are your eye-browes?
Lady. Blew (my Lord.)
Mam. Naythat's a mock: I haue seene a Ladies Nose
That ha's beene blewbut not her eye-browes
Lady. Harke ye
The Queene (your Mother) rounds apace: we shall
Present our seruices to a fine new Prince
One of these dayesand then youl'd wanton with vs
If we would haue you
2.Lady. She is spread of late
Into a goodly Bulke (good time encounter her.)
Her. What wisdome stirs amongst you? Come Sirnow
I am for you againe: 'Pray you sit by vs
And tell's a Tale
Mam. Merryor sadshal't be?
Her. As merry as you will
Mam. A sad Tale's best for Winter:
I haue one of Sprightsand Goblins
Her. Let's haue that (good Sir.)
Come-onsit downecome-onand doe your best
To fright me with your Sprights: you're powrefull at it
Mam. There was a man
Her. Naycome sit downe: then on
Mam. Dwelt by a Church-yard: I will tell it softly
Yond Crickets shall not heare it
Her. Come on thenand giu't me in mine eare
Leon. Was hee met there? his Traine? Camillo with
Lord. Behind the tuft of Pines I met themneuer
Saw I men scowre so on their way: I eyed them
Euen to their Ships
Leo. How blest am I
In my iust Censure? in my true Opinion?
Alackfor lesser knowledgehow accurs'd
In being so blest? There may be in the Cup
A Spider steep'dand one may drinke; depart
And yet partake no venome: (for his knowledge
Is not infected) but if one present
Th' abhor'd Ingredient to his eyemake knowne
How he hath drunkehe cracks his gorgehis sides
With violent Hefts: I haue drunkeand seene the Spider.
Camillo was his helpe in thishis Pandar:
There is a Plot against my Lifemy Crowne;
All's true that is mistrusted: that false Villaine
Whom I employ'dwas pre-employ'd by him:
He ha's discouer'd my Designeand I
Remaine a pinch'd Thing; yeaa very Trick
For them to play at will: how came the Posternes
So easily open?
Lord. By his great authority
Which often hath no lesse preuail'dthen so
On your command
Leo. I know't too well.
Giue me the BoyI am glad you did not nurse him:
Though he do's beare some signes of meyet you
Haue too much blood in him
Her. What is this? Sport?
Leo. Beare the Boy hencehe shall not come about her
Away with himand let her sport her selfe
With that shee's big-withfor 'tis Polixenes
Ha's made thee swell thus
Her. But Il'd say he had not;
And Ile be sworne you would beleeue my saying
How e're you leane to th' Nay-ward
Leo. You (my Lords)
Looke on hermarke her well: be but about
To say she is a goodly Ladyand
The iustice of your hearts will thereto adde
'Tis pitty shee's not honest: Honorable;
Prayse her but for this her without-dore-Forme
(Which on my faith deserues high speech) and straight
The Shrugthe Humor Ha(these Petty-brands
That Calumnie doth vse; OhI am out
That Mercy do'sfor Calumnie will seare
Vertue it selfe) these Shrugsthese Hum'sand Ha's
When you haue said shee's goodlycome betweene
Ere you can say shee's honest: But be't knowne
(From him that ha's most cause to grieue it should be)
Shee's an Adultresse
Her. Should a Villaine say so
(The most replenish'd Villaine in the World)
He were as much more Villaine: you (my Lord)
Doe but mistake
Leo. You haue mistooke (my Lady)
Polixenes for Leontes: O thou Thing
(Which Ile not call a Creature of thy place
Least Barbarisme (making me the precedent)
Should a like Language vse to all degrees
And mannerly distinguishment leaue out
Betwixt the Prince and Begger:) I haue said
Shee's an AdultresseI haue said with whom:
More; shee's a Traytorand Camillo is
A Federarie with herand one that knowes
What she should shame to know her selfe
But with her most vild Principall: that shee's
A Bed-swaruereuen as bad as those
That Vulgars giue bold'st Titles; Iand priuy
To this their late escape
Her. No (by my life)
Priuy to none of this: how will this grieue you
When you shall come to clearer knowledgethat
You thus haue publish'd me? Gentle my Lord
You scarce can right me throughlythento say
You did mistake
Leo. No: if I mistake
In those Foundations which I build vpon
The Centre is not bigge enough to beare
A Schoole-Boyes Top. Away with herto Prison:
He who shall speake for heris a farre-off guiltie
But that he speakes
Her. There's some ill Planet raignes:
I must be patienttill the Heauens looke
With an aspect more fauorable. Good my Lords
I am not prone to weeping (as our Sex
Commonly are) the want of which vaine dew
Perchance shall dry your pitties: but I haue
That honorable Griefe lodg'd herewhich burnes
Worse then Teares drowne: 'beseech you all (my Lords)
With thoughts so qualifiedas your Charities
Shall best instruct youmeasure me; and so
The Kings will be perform'd
Leo. Shall I be heard?
Her. Who is't that goes with me? 'beseech your Highnes
My Women may be with mefor you see
My plight requires it. Doe not weepe (good Fooles)
There is no cause: When you shall know your Mistris
Ha's deseru'd Prisonthen abound in Teares
As I come out; this Action I now goe on
Is for my better grace. Adieu (my Lord)
I neuer wish'd to see you sorrynow
I trust I shall: my Women comeyou haue leaue
Leo. Goedoe our bidding: hence
Lord. Beseech your Highnesse call the Queene againe
Antig. Be certaine what you do (Sir) least your Iustice
Proue violencein the which three great ones suffer
Your Selfeyour Queeneyour Sonne
Lord. For her (my Lord)
I dare my life lay downeand will do't (Sir)
Please you t' accept itthat the Queene is spotlesse
I'th' eyes of Heauenand to you (I meane
In thiswhich you accuse her.)
Antig. If it proue
Shee's otherwiseIle keepe my Stables where
I lodge my WifeIle goe in couples with her:
Then when I feeleand see herno farther trust her:
For euery ynch of Woman in the World
Ieuery dram of Womans flesh is false
If she be
Leo. Hold your peaces
Lord. Good my Lord
Antig. It is for you we speakenot for our selues:
You are abus'dand by some putter on
That will be damn'd for't: would I knew the Villaine
I would Land-damne him: be she honor-flaw'd
I haue three daughters: the eldest is eleuen;
The secondand the thirdnine: and some fiue:
If this proue truethey'l pay for't. By mine Honor
Ile gell'd em all: fourteene they shall not see
To bring false generations: they are co-heyres
And I had rather glib my selfethen they
Should not produce faire issue
Leo. Ceaseno more:
You smell this businesse with a sence as cold
As is a dead-mans nose: but I do see'tand feel't
As you feele doing thus: and see withall
The Instruments that feele
Antig. If it be so
We neede no graue to burie honesty
There's not a graine of itthe face to sweeten
Of the whole dungy-earth
Leo. What? lacke I credit?
Lord. I had rather you did lacke then I (my Lord)
Vpon this ground: and more it would content me
To haue her Honor truethen your suspition
Be blam'd for't how you might
Leo. Why what neede we
Commune with you of this? but rather follow
Our forcefull instigation? Our prerogatiue
Cals not your Counsailesbut our naturall goodnesse
Imparts this: whichif youor stupified
Or seeming soin skillcannotor will not
Rellish a truthlike vs: informe your selues
We neede no more of your aduice: the matter
The lossethe gainethe ord'ring on't
Is all properly ours
Antig. And I wish (my Liege)
You had onely in your silent iudgement tride it
Without more ouerture
Leo. How could that be?
Either thou art most ignorant by age
Or thou wer't borne a foole: Camillo's flight
Added to their Familiarity
(Which was as grosseas euer touch'd coniecture
That lack'd sight onelynought for approbation
But onely seeingall other circumstances
Made vp to'th deed) doth push-on this proceeding.
Yetfor a greater confirmation
(For in an Acte of this importance'twere
Most pitteous to be wilde) I haue dispatch'd in post
To sacred Delphosto Appollo's Temple
Cleomines and Dionwhom you know
Of stuff'd-sufficiency: Nowfrom the Oracle
They will bring allwhose spirituall counsaile had
Shall stopor spurre me. Haue I done well?
Lord. Well done (my Lord.)
Leo. Though I am satisfideand neede no more
Then what I knowyet shall the Oracle
Giue rest to th' mindes of others; such as he
Whose ignorant credulitiewill not
Come vp to th' truth. So haue we thought it good
From our free personshe should be confinde
Least that the treachery of the twofled hence
Be left her to performe. Come follow vs
We are to speake in publique: for this businesse
Will raise vs all
Antig. To laughteras I take it
If the good truthwere knowne.
Scena Secunda.
Enter Paulinaa GentlemanGaolerEmilia.
Paul. The Keeper of the prisoncall to him:
Let him haue knowledge who I am. Good Lady
No Court in Europe is too good for thee
What dost thou then in prison? Now good Sir
You know medo you not?
Gao. For a worthy Lady
And onewho much I honour
Pau. Pray you then
Conduct me to the Queene
Gao. I may not (Madam)
To the contrary I haue expresse commandment
Pau. Here's adoto locke vp honesty & honour from
Th' accesse of gentle visitors. Is't lawfull pray you
To see her Women? Any of them? Emilia?
Gao. So please you (Madam)
To put a-part these your attendantsI
Shall bring Emilia forth
Pau. I pray now call her:
With-draw your selues
Gao. And Madam
I must be present at your Conference
Pau. Well: be't so: prethee.
Heere's such adoeto make no stainea staine
As passes colouring. Deare Gentlewoman
How fares our gracious Lady?
Emil. As well as one so greatand so forlorne
May hold together: On her frightsand greefes
(Which neuer tender Lady hath borne greater)
She issomething before her timedeliuer'd
Pau. A boy?
Emil. A daughterand a goodly babe
Lustyand like to liue: the Queene receiues
Much comfort in't: Sayesmy poore prisoner
I am innocent as you
Pau. I dare be sworne:
These dangerousvnsafe Lunes i'th' Kingbeshrew them:
He must be told on'tand he shall: the office
Becomes a woman best. Ile take't vpon me
If I proue hony-mouth'dlet my tongue blister.
And neuer to my red-look'd Anger bee
The Trumpet any more: pray you (Emilia)
Commend my best obedience to the Queene
If she dares trust me with her little babe
I'le shew't the Kingand vndertake to bee
Her Aduocate to th' lowd'st. We do not know
How he may soften at the sight o'th' Childe:
The silence often of pure innocence
Perswadeswhen speaking failes
Emil. Most worthy Madam
Your honorand your goodnesse is so euident
That your free vndertaking cannot misse
A thriuing yssue: there is no Lady liuing
So meete for this great errand; please your Ladiship
To visit the next roomeIle presently
Acquaint the Queene of your most noble offer
Whobut to day hammered of this designe
But durst not tempt a minister of honour
Least she should be deny'd
Paul. Tell her (Emilia)
Ile vse that tongue I haue: If wit flow from't
As boldnesse from my bosomele't not be doubted
I shall do good
Emil. Now be you blest for it.
Ile to the Queene: please you come something neerer
Gao. Madamif't please the Queene to send the babe
I know not what I shall incurreto passe it
Hauing no warrant
Pau. You neede not feare it (sir)
This Childe was prisoner to the wombeand is
By Law and processe of great Naturethence
Free'dand enfranchis'dnot a partie to
The anger of the Kingnor guilty of
(If any be) the trespasse of the Queene
Gao. I do beleeue it
Paul. Do not you feare: vpon mine honorI
Will stand betwixt youand danger.
Scaena Tertia.
Enter LeontesSeruantsPaulinaAntigonusand Lords.
Leo. Nor nightnor dayno rest: It is but weaknesse
To beare the matter thus: meere weaknesseif
The cause were not in being: part o'th cause
Sheth' Adultresse: for the harlot-King
Is quite beyond mine Armeout of the blanke
And leuell of my braine: plot-proofe: but shee
I can hooke to me: say that she were gone
Giuen to the firea moity of my rest
Might come to me againe. Whose there?
Ser. My Lord
Leo. How do's the boy?
Ser. He tooke good rest to night: 'tis hop'd
His sicknesse is discharg'd
Leo. To see his Noblenesse
Conceyuing the dishonour of his Mother.
He straight declin'ddroop'dtooke it deeply
Fasten'dand fix'd the shame on't in himselfe:
Threw-off his Spirithis Appetitehis Sleepe
And down-right languish'd. Leaue me solely: goe
See how he fares: Fiefieno thought of him
The very thought of my Reuenges that way
Recoyle vpon me: in himselfe too mightie
And in his partieshis Alliance; Let him be
Vntill a time may serue. For present vengeance
Take it on her: Camilloand Polixenes
Laugh at me: make their pastime at my sorrow:
They should not laughif I could reach themnor
Shall shewithin my powre.
Enter Paulina.
Lord. You must not enter
Paul. Nay rather (good my Lords) be second to me:
Feare you his tyrannous passion more (alas)
Then the Queenes life? A gracious innocent soule
More freethen he is iealous
Antig. That's enough
Ser. Madam; he hath not slept to nightcommanded
None should come at him
Pau. Not so hot (good Sir)
I come to bring him sleepe. 'Tis such as you
That creepe like shadowes by himand do sighe
At each his needlesse heauings: such as you
Nourish the cause of his awaking. I
Do come with wordsas medicinallas true;
(Honestas either;) to purge him of that humor
That presses him from sleepe
Leo. Who noyse therehoe?
Pau. No noyse (my Lord) but needfull conference
About some Gossips for your Highnesse
Leo. How?
Away with that audacious Lady. Antigonus
I charg'd thee that she should not come about me
I knew she would
Ant. I told her so (my Lord)
On your displeasures perilland on mine
She should not visit you
Leo. What? canst not rule her?
Paul. From all dishonestie he can: in this
(Vnlesse he take the course that you haue done)
Commit mefor committing honortrust it
He shall not rule me:
Ant. La-you nowyou heare
When she will take the raineI let her run
But shee'l not stumble
Paul. Good my LiegeI come:
And I beseech you heare mewho professes
My selfe your loyall Seruantyour Physitian
Your most obedient Counsailor: yet that dares
Lesse appeare soin comforting your Euilles
Then such as most seeme yours. I sayI come
From your good Queene
Leo. Good Queene?
Paul. Good Queene (my Lord) good Queene
I say good Queene
And would by combatemake her good sowere I
A manthe worst about you
Leo. Force her hence
Pau. Let him that makes but trifles of his eyes
First hand me: on mine owne accordIle off
But firstIle do my errand. The good Queene
(For she is good) hath brought you forth a daughter
Heere 'tis. Commends it to your blessing
Leo. Out:
A mankinde Witch? Hence with herout o' dore:
A most intelligencing bawd
Paul. Not so:
I am as ignorant in thatas you
In so entit'ling me: and no lesse honest
Then you are mad: which is enoughIle warrant
(As this world goes) to passe for honest:
Leo. Traitors;
Will you not push her out? Giue her the Bastard
Thou dotardthou art woman-tyr'd: vnroosted
By thy dame Partlet heere. Take vp the Bastard
Take't vpI say: giue't to thy Croane
Paul. For euer
Vnvenerable be thy handsif thou
Tak'st vp the Princesseby that forced basenesse
Which he ha's put vpon't
Leo. He dreads his Wife
Paul. So I would you did: then 'twere past all doubt
Youl'd call your childrenyours
Leo. A nest of Traitors
Ant. I am noneby this good light
Pau. Nor I: nor any
But one that's heere: and that's himselfe: for he
The sacred Honor of himselfehis Queenes
His hopefull Sonneshis Babesbetrayes to Slander
Whose sting is sharper then the Swords; and will not
(For as the case now standsit is a Curse
He cannot be compell'd too't) once remoue
The Root of his Opinionwhich is rotten
As euer Oakeor Stone was sound
Leo. A Callat
Of boundlesse tonguewho late hath beat her Husband
And now bayts me: This Brat is none of mine
It is the Issue of Polixenes.
Hence with itand together with the Dam
Commit them to the fire
Paul. It is yours:
And might we lay th' old Prouerb to your charge
So like you'tis the worse. Behold (my Lords)
Although the Print be littlethe whole Matter
And Coppy of the Father: (EyeNoseLippe
The trick of's Frownehis Fore-headnaythe Valley
The pretty dimples of his Chinand Cheeke; his Smiles:
The very Moldand frame of HandNayleFinger.)
And thou good Goddesse Naturewhich hast made it
So like to him that got itif thou hast
The ordering of the Mind too'mongst all Colours
No Yellow in'tleast she suspectas he do's
Her Childrennot her Husbands
Leo. A grosse Hagge:
And Lozellthou art worthy to be hang'd
That wilt not stay her Tongue
Antig. Hang all the Husbands
That cannot doe that Featyou'le leaue your selfe
Hardly one Subiect
Leo. Once more take her hence
Paul. A most vnworthyand vnnaturall Lord
Can doe no more
Leo. Ile ha' thee burnt
Paul. I care not:
It is an Heretique that makes the fire
Not she which burnes in't. Ile not call you Tyrant:
But this most cruell vsage of your Queene
(Not able to produce more accusation
Then your owne weake-hindg'd Fancy) something sauors
Of Tyrannieand will ignoble make you
Yeascandalous to the World
Leo. On your Allegeance
Out of the Chamber with her. Were I a Tyrant
Where were her life? she durst not call me so
If she did know me one. Away with her
Paul. I pray you doe not push meIle be gone.
Looke to your Babe (my Lord) 'tis yours: Ioue send her
A better guiding Spirit. What needs these hands?
You that are thus so tender o're his Follyes
Will neuer doe him goodnot one of you.
Soso: Farewellwe are gone.
Leo. Thou (Traytor) hast set on thy Wife to this.
My Child? away with't? euen thouthat hast
A heart so tender o're ittake it hence
And see it instantly consum'd with fire.
Euen thouand none but thou. Take it vp straight:
Within this houre bring me word 'tis done
(And by good testimonie) or Ile seize thy life
With what thou else call'st thine: if thou refuse
And wilt encounter with my Wrathsay so;
The Bastard-braynes with these my proper hands
Shall I dash out. Goetake it to the fire
For thou sett'st on thy Wife
Antig. I did notSir:
These Lordsmy Noble Fellowesif they please
Can cleare me in't
Lords. We can: my Royall Liege
He is not guiltie of her comming hither
Leo. You're lyers all
Lord. Beseech your Highnessegiue vs better credit:
We haue alwayes truly seru'd youand beseech'
So to esteeme of vs: and on our knees we begge
(As recompence of our deare seruices
Pastand to come) that you doe change this purpose
Which being so horribleso bloodymust
Lead on to some foule Issue. We all kneele
Leo. I am a Feather for each Wind that blows:
Shall I liue onto see this Bastard kneele
And call me Father? better burne it now
Then curse it then. But be it: let it liue.
It shall not neyther. You Sircome you hither:
You that haue beene so tenderly officious
With Lady Margerieyour Mid-wife there
To saue this Bastards life; for 'tis a Bastard
So sure as this Beard's gray. What will you aduenture
To saue this Brats life?
Antig. Any thing (my Lord)
That my abilitie may vndergoe
And Noblenesse impose: at least thus much;
Ile pawne the little blood which I haue left
To saue the Innocent: any thing possible
Leo. It shall be possible: Sweare by this Sword
Thou wilt performe my bidding
Antig. I will (my Lord.)
Leo. Markeand performe it: seest thou? for the faile
Of any point in'tshall not onely be
Death to thy selfebut to thy lewd-tongu'd Wife
(Whom for this time we pardon) We enioyne thee
As thou art Liege-man to vsthat thou carry
This female Bastard henceand that thou beare it
To some remote and desart placequite out
Of our Dominions; and that there thou leaue it
(Without more mercy) to it owne protection
And fauour of the Climate: as by strange fortune
It came to vsI doe in Iustice charge thee
On thy Soules perilland thy Bodyes torture
That thou commend it strangely to some place
Where Chance may nurseor end it: take it vp
Antig. I sweare to doe this: though a present death
Had beene more mercifull. Come on (poore Babe)
Some powerfull Spirit instruct the Kytes and Rauens
To be thy Nurses. Wolues and Bearesthey say
(Casting their sauagenesse aside) haue done
Like offices of Pitty. Sirbe prosperous
In more then this deed do's require; and Blessing
Against this Crueltiefight on thy side
(Poore Thingcondemn'd to losse.)
Leo. No: Ile not reare
Anothers Issue.
Enter a Seruant.
Seru. Please' your HighnessePosts
From those you sent to th' Oracleare come
An houre since: Cleomines and Dion
Being well arriu'd from Delphosare both landed
Hasting to th' Court
Lord. So please you (Sir) their speed
Hath beene beyond accompt
Leo. Twentie three dayes
They haue beene absent: 'tis good speed: fore-tells
The great Apollo suddenly will haue
The truth of this appeare: Prepare you Lords
Summon a Sessionthat we may arraigne
Our most disloyall Lady: for as she hath
Been publikely accus'dso shall she haue
A iust and open Triall. While she liues
My heart will be a burthen to me. Leaue me
And thinke vpon my bidding.
Actus Tertius. Scena Prima.
Enter Cleomines and Dion.
Cleo. The Clymat's delicatethe Ayre most sweet
Fertile the Islethe Temple much surpassing
The common prayse it beares
Dion. I shall report
For most it caught methe Celestiall Habits
(Me thinkes I so should terme them) and the reuerence
Of the graue Wearers. Othe Sacrifice
How ceremonioussolemneand vn-earthly
It was i'th' Offring?
Cleo. But of allthe burst
And the eare-deaff'ning Voyce o'th' Oracle
Kin to Ioues Thunderso surpriz'd my Sence
That I was nothing
Dio. If th' euent o'th' Iourney
Proue as successefull to the Queene (O be't so)
As it hath beene to vsrarepleasantspeedie
The time is worth the vse on't
Cleo. Great Apollo
Turne all to th' best: these Proclamations
So forcing faults vpon Hermione
I little like
Dio. The violent carriage of it
Will cleareor end the Businessewhen the Oracle
(Thus by Apollo's great Diuine seal'd vp)
Shall the Contents discouer: something rare
Euen then will rush to knowledge. Goe: fresh Horses
And gracious be the issue.
Scoena Secunda.
Enter LeontesLordsOfficers: Hermione (as to her Triall) Ladies:
Leo. This Sessions (to our great griefe we pronounce)
Euen pushes 'gainst our heart. The partie try'd
The Daughter of a Kingour Wifeand one
Of vs too much belou'd. Let vs be clear'd
Of being tyrannoussince we so openly
Proceed in Iusticewhich shall haue due course
Euen to the Guiltor the Purgation:
Produce the Prisoner
Officer. It is his Highnesse pleasurethat the Queene
Appeare in personhere in Court. Silence
Leo. Reade the Indictment
Officer. HermioneQueene to the worthy LeontesKing
of Siciliathou art here accused and arraigned of High Treason
in committing Adultery with Polixenes King of Bohemia
and conspiring with Camillo to take away the Life of our
Lord the Kingthy Royall Husband: the pretence whereof
being by circumstances partly layd openthou (Hermione) contrary
to the Faith and Allegeance of a true Subiectdidst counsaile
and ayde themfor their better safetieto flye away by
Her. Since what I am to saymust be but that
Which contradicts my Accusationand
The testimonie on my partno other
But what comes from my selfeit shall scarce boot me
To sayNot guiltie: mine Integritie
Being counted Falsehoodshall (as I expresse it)
Be so receiu'd. But thusif Powres Diuine
Behold our humane Actions (as they doe)
I doubt not thenbut Innocence shall make
False Accusation blushand Tyrannie
Tremble at Patience. You (my Lord) best know
(Whom least will seeme to doe so) my past life
Hath beene as continentas chasteas true
As I am now vnhappy; which is more
Then Historie can patternethough deuis'd
And play'dto take Spectators. For behold me
A Fellow of the Royall Bedwhich owe
A Moitie of the Throne: a great Kings Daughter
The Mother to a hopefull Princehere standing
To prate and talke for Lifeand Honorfore
Who please to comeand heare. For LifeI prize it
As I weigh Griefe (which I would spare:) For Honor
'Tis a deriuatiue from me to mine
And onely that I stand for. I appeale
To your owne Conscience (Sir) before Polixenes
Came to your Courthow I was in your grace
How merited to be so: Since he came
With what encounter so vncurrantI
Haue strayn'd t' appeare thus; if one iot beyond
The bound of Honoror in actor will
That way enclininghardned be the hearts
Of all that heare meand my neer'st of Kin
Cry fie vpon my Graue
Leo. I ne're heard yet
That any of these bolder Vices wanted
Lesse Impudence to gaine-say what they did
Then to performe it first
Her. That's true enough
Though 'tis a saying (Sir) not due to me
Leo. You will not owne it
Her. More then Mistresse of
Which comes to me in name of FaultI must not
At all acknowledge. For Polixenes
(With whom I am accus'd) I doe confesse
I lou'd himas in Honor he requir'd:
With such a kind of Loueas might become
A Lady like me; with a Loueeuen such
Soand no otheras your selfe commanded:
Whichnot to haue doneI thinke had been in me
Both Disobedienceand Ingratitude
To youand toward your Friendwhose Loue had spoke
Euen since it could speakefrom an Infantfreely
That it was yours. Now for Conspiracie
I know not how it tastesthough it be dish'd
For me to try how: All I know of it
Isthat Camillo was an honest man;
And why he left your Courtthe Gods themselues
(Wotting no more then I) are ignorant
Leo. You knew of his departureas you know
What you haue vnderta'ne to doe in's absence
Her. Sir
You speake a Language that I vnderstand not:
My Life stands in the leuell of your Dreames
Which Ile lay downe
Leo. Your Actions are my Dreames.
You had a Bastard by Polixenes
And I but dream'd it: As you were past all shame
(Those of your Fact are so) so past all truth;
Which to denyconcernes more then auailes: for as
Thy Brat hath been cast outlike to it selfe
No Father owning it (which is indeed
More criminall in theethen it) so thou
Shalt feele our Iustice; in whose easiest passage
Looke for no lesse then death
Her. Sirspare your Threats:
The Bugge which you would fright me withI seeke:
To me can Life be no commoditie;
The crowne and comfort of my Life (your Fauor)
I doe giue lostfor I doe feele it gone
But know not how it went. My second Ioy
And first Fruits of my bodyfrom his presence
I am bar'dlike one infectious. My third comfort
(Star'd most vnluckily) is from my breast
(The innocent milke in it most innocent mouth)
Hal'd out to murther. My selfe on euery Post
Proclaym'd a Strumpet: With immodest hatred
The Child-bed priuiledge deny'dwhich longs
To Women of all fashion. Lastlyhurried
Hereto this placei'th' open ayrebefore
I haue got strength of limit. Now (my Liege)
Tell me what blessings I haue here aliue
That I should feare to die? Therefore proceed:
But yet heare this: mistake me not: no Life
(I prize it not a straw) but for mine Honor
Which I would free: if I shall be condemn'd
Vpon surmizes (all proofes sleeping else
But what your Iealousies awake) I tell you
'Tis Rigorand not Law. Your Honors all
I doe referre me to the Oracle:
Apollo be my Iudge
Lord. This your request
Is altogether iust: therefore bring forth
(And in Apollo's Name) his Oracle
Her. The Emperor of Russia was my Father.
Oh that he were aliueand here beholding
His Daughters Tryall: that he did but see
The flatnesse of my miserie; yet with eyes
Of Pittynot Reuenge
Officer. You here shal sweare vpon this Sword of Iustice
That you (Cleomines and Dion) haue
Been both at Delphosand from thence haue brought
This seal'd-vp Oracleby the Hand deliuer'd
Of great Apollo's Priest; and that since then
You haue not dar'd to breake the holy Seale
Nor read the Secrets in't
Cleo. Dio. All this we sweare
Leo. Breake vp the Sealesand read
Officer. Hermione is chastPolixenes blamelesseCamillo
a true SubiectLeontes a iealous Tyranthis innocent Babe
truly begottenand the King shall liue without an Heireif that
which is lostbe not found
Lords. Now blessed be the great Apollo
Her. Praysed
Leo. Hast thou read truth?
Offic. I (my Lord) euen so as it is here set downe
Leo. There is no truth at all i'th' Oracle:
The Sessions shall proceed: this is meere falsehood
Ser. My Lord the King: the King?
Leo. What is the businesse?
Ser. O SirI shall be hated to report it.
The Prince your Sonnewith meere conceitand feare
Of the Queenes speedis gone
Leo. How? gone?
Ser. Is dead
Leo. Apollo's angryand the Heauens themselues
Doe strike at my Iniustice. How now there?
Paul. This newes is mortall to the Queene: Look downe
And see what Death is doing
Leo. Take her hence:
Her heart is but o're-charg'd: she will recouer.
I haue too much beleeu'd mine owne suspition:
'Beseech you tenderly apply to her
Some remedies for life. Apollo pardon
My great prophanenesse 'gainst thine Oracle.
Ile reconcile me to Polixenes
New woe my Queenerecall the good Camillo
(Whom I proclaime a man of Truthof Mercy:)
For being transported by my Iealousies
To bloody thoughtsand to reuengeI chose
Camillo for the ministerto poyson
My friend Polixenes: which had been done
But that the good mind of Camillo tardied
My swift command: though I with Deathand with
Rewarddid threaten and encourage him
Not doing itand being done: he (most humane
And fill'd with Honor) to my Kingly Guest
Vnclasp'd my practisequit his fortunes here
(Which you knew great) and to the hazard
Of all Incertaintieshimselfe commended
No richer then his Honor: How he glisters
Through my Rust? and how his Pietie
Do's my deeds make the blacker?
Paul. Woe the while:
O cut my Laceleast my heart (cracking it)
Breake too
Lord. What fit is this? good Lady?
Paul. What studied torments (Tyrant) hast for me?
What Wheeles? Racks? Fires? What flaying? boyling?
In Leadsor Oyles? What oldor newer Torture
Must I receiue? whose euery word deserues
To taste of thy most worst. Thy Tyranny
(Together working with thy Iealousies
Fancies too weake for Boyestoo greene and idle
For Girles of Nine) O thinke what they haue done
And then run mad indeed: starke-mad: for all
Thy by-gone fooleries were but spices of it.
That thou betrayed'st Polixenes'twas nothing
(That did but shew theeof a Fooleinconstant
And damnable ingratefull:) Nor was't much.
Thou would'st haue poyson'd good Camillo's Honor
To haue him kill a King: poore Trespasses
More monstrous standing by: whereof I reckon
The casting forth to Crowesthy Baby-daughter
To be or noneor little; though a Deuill
Would haue shed water out of fireere don't;
Nor is't directly layd to theethe death
Of the young Princewhose honorable thoughts
(Thoughts high for one so tender) cleft the heart
That could conceiue a grosse and foolish Sire
Blemish'd his gracious Dam: this is notno
Layd to thy answere: but the last: O Lords
When I haue saidcry woe: the Queenethe Queene
The sweet'stdeer'st creature's dead: & vengeance for't
Not drop'd downe yet
Lord. The higher powres forbid
Pau. I say she's dead: Ile swear't. If wordnor oath
Preuaile notgo and see: if you can bring
Tinctureor lustre in her lipher eye
Heate outwardlyor breath withinIle serue you
As I would do the Gods. ButO thou Tyrant
Do not repent these thingsfor they are heauier
Then all thy woes can stirre: therefore betake thee
To nothing but dispaire. A thousand knees
Ten thousand yeares togethernakedfasting
Vpon a barren Mountaineand still Winter
In storme perpetuallcould not moue the Gods
To looke that way thou wer't
Leo. Go ongo on:
Thou canst not speake too muchI haue deseru'd
All tongues to talke their bittrest
Lord. Say no more;
How ere the businesse goesyou haue made fault
I'th boldnesse of your speech
Pau. I am sorry for't;
All faults I makewhen I shall come to know them
I do repent: AlasI haue shew'd too much
The rashnesse of a woman: he is toucht
To th' Noble heart. What's goneand what's past helpe
Should be past greefe: Do not receiue affliction
At my petition; I beseech yourather
Let me be punish'dthat haue minded you
Of what you should forget. Now (good my Liege)
SirRoyall Sirforgiue a foolish woman:
The loue I bore your Queene (Lofoole againe)
Ile speake of her no morenor of your Children:
Ile not remember you of my owne Lord
(Who is lost too:) take your patience to you
And Ile say nothing
Leo. Thou didst speake but well
When most the truth: which I receyue much better
Then to be pittied of thee. Prethee bring me
To the dead bodies of my Queeneand Sonne
One graue shall be for both: Vpon them shall
The causes of their death appeare (vnto
Our shame perpetuall) once a dayIle visit
The Chappell where they lyeand teares shed there
Shall be my recreation. So long as Nature
Will beare vp with this exerciseso long
I dayly vow to vse it. Comeand leade me
To these sorrowes.
Scaena Tertia.
Enter Antigonusa MarrinerBabeSheepeheardand Clowne.
Ant. Thou art perfect thenour ship hath toucht vpon
The Desarts of Bohemia
Mar. I (my Lord) and feare
We haue Landed in ill time: the skies looke grimly
And threaten present blusters. In my conscience
The heauens with that we haue in handare angry
And frowne vpon's
Ant. Their sacred wil's be done: go get a-boord
Looke to thy barkeIle not be long before
I call vpon thee
Mar. Make your best hasteand go not
Too-farre i'th Land: 'tis like to be lowd weather
Besides this place is famous for the Creatures
Of preythat keepe vpon't
Antig. Go thou away
Ile follow instantly
Mar. I am glad at heart
To be so ridde o'th businesse.
Ant. Comepoore babe;
I haue heard (but not beleeu'd) the Spirits o'th' dead
May walke againe: if such thing bethy Mother
Appear'd to me last night: for ne're was dreame
So like a waking. To me comes a creature
Sometimes her head on one sidesome another
I neuer saw a vessell of like sorrow
So fill'dand so becomming: in pure white Robes
Like very sanctity she did approach
My Cabine where I lay: thrice bow'd before me
And (gasping to begin some speech) her eyes
Became two spouts; the furie spentanon
Did this breake from her. Good Antigonus
Since Fate (against thy better disposition)
Hath made thy person for the Thrower-out
Of my poore babeaccording to thine oath
Places remote enough are in Bohemia
There weepeand leaue it crying: and for the babe
Is counted lost for euerPerdita
I prethee call't: For this vngentle businesse
Put on theeby my Lordthou ne're shalt see
Thy Wife Paulina more: and sowith shriekes
She melted into Ayre. Affrighted much
I did in time collect my selfeand thought
This was soand no slumber: Dreamesare toyes
Yet for this onceyea superstitiously
I will be squar'd by this. I do beleeue
Hermione hath suffer'd deathand that
Apollo would (this being indeede the issue
Of King Polixenes) it should heere be laide
(Either for lifeor death) vpon the earth
Of it's right Father. Blossomespeed thee well
There lyeand there thy charracter: there these
Which may if Fortune pleaseboth breed thee (pretty)
And still rest thine. The storme beginnespoore wretch
That for thy mothers faultart thus expos'd
To losseand what may follow. Weepe I cannot
But my heart bleedes: and most accurst am I
To be by oath enioyn'd to this. Farewell
The day frownes more and more: thou'rt like to haue
A lullabie too rough: I neuer saw
The heauens so dimby day. A sauage clamor?
Well may I get a-boord: This is the Chace
I am gone for euer.
Exit pursued by a Beare.
Shep. I would there were no age betweene ten and
three and twentyor that youth would sleep out the rest:
for there is nothing (in the betweene) but getting wenches
with childewronging the Auncientrystealing
fightinghearke you now: would any but these boyldebraines
of nineteeneand two and twenty hunt this weather?
They haue scarr'd away two of my best Sheepe
which I feare the Wolfe will sooner finde then the Maister;
if any where I haue them'tis by the sea-sidebrouzing
of Iuy. Good-lucke (and't be thy will) what haue
we heere? Mercy on'sa Barne? A very pretty barne; A
boyor a Childe I wonder? (A pretty onea verie prettie
one) sure some Scape; Though I am not bookishyet I
can reade Waiting-Gentlewoman in the scape: this has
beene some staire-workesome Trunke-workesome
worke: they were warmer that got this
then the poore Thing is heere. Ile take it vp for pityyet
Ile tarry till my sonne come: he hallow'd but euen now.
Enter Clowne.
Clo. Hilloaloa
Shep. What? art so neere? If thou'lt see a thing to
talke onwhen thou art dead and rottencome hither:
what ayl'st thouman?
Clo. I haue seene two such sightsby Sea & by Land:
but I am not to say it is a Seafor it is now the skiebetwixt
the Firmament and ityou cannot thrust a bodkins
Shep. Why boyhow is it?
Clo. I would you did but see how it chafeshow it rages
how it takes vp the shorebut that's not to the point:
Ohthe most pitteous cry of the poore soulessometimes
to see 'emand not to see 'em: Now the Shippe boaring
the Moone with her maine Mastand anon swallowed
with yest and frothas you'ld thrust a Corke into a hogshead.
And then for the Land-seruiceto see how the
Beare tore out his shoulder-bonehow he cride to mee
for helpeand said his name was Antigonusa Nobleman:
But to make an end of the Shipto see how the Sea flapdragon'd
it: but firsthow the poore soules roaredand
the sea mock'd them: and how the poore Gentleman roared
and the Beare mock'd himboth roaring lowder
then the seaor weather
Shep. Name of mercywhen was this boy?
Clo. Nownow: I haue not wink'd since I saw these
sights: the men are not yet cold vnder waternor the
Beare halfe din'd on the Gentleman: he's at it now
Shep. Would I had bin byto haue help'd the olde
Clo. I would you had beene by the ship sideto haue
help'd her; there your charity would haue lack'd footing
Shep. Heauy mattersheauy matters: but looke thee
heere boy. Now blesse thy selfe: thou met'st with things
dyingI with things new borne. Here's a sight for thee:
Looke theea bearing-cloath for a Squires childe: looke
thee heeretake vptake vp (Boy:) open't: solet's seeit
was told me I should be rich by the Fairies. This is some
Changeling: open't: what's withinboy?
Clo. You're a mad olde man: If the sinnes of your
youth are forgiuen youyou're well to liue. Goldeall
Shep. This is Faiery Gold boyand 'twill proue so: vp
with'tkeepe it close: homehomethe next way. We
are luckie (boy) and to bee so still requires nothing but
secrecie. Let my sheepe go: Come (good boy) the next
way home
Clo. Go you the next way with your FindingsIle go
see if the Beare bee gone from the Gentlemanand how
much he hath eaten: they are neuer curst but when they
are hungry: if there be any of him leftIle bury it
Shep. That's a good deed: if thou mayest discerne by
that which is left of himwhat he isfetch me to th' sight
of him
Clowne. 'Marry will I: and you shall helpe to put him
i'th' ground
Shep. 'Tis a lucky dayboyand wee'l do good deeds
Actus Quartus. Scena Prima.
Enter Timethe Chorus.
Time. I that please sometry all: both ioy and terror
Of goodand bad: that makesand vnfolds error
Now take vpon me (in the name of Time)
To vse my wings: Impute it not a crime
To meor my swift passagethat I slide
Ore sixteene yeeresand leaue the growth vntride
Of that wide gapsince it is in my powre
To orethrow Lawand in one selfe-borne howre
To plantand orewhelme Custome. Let me passe
The same I amere ancient'st Order was
Or what is now receiu'd. I witnesse to
The times that brought them inso shall I do
To th' freshest things now reigningand make stale
The glistering of this presentas my Tale
Now seemes to it: your patience this allowing
I turne my glasseand giue my Scene such growing
As you had slept betweene: Leontes leauing
Th' effects of his fond iealousiesso greeuing
That he shuts vp himselfe. Imagine me
(Gentle Spectators) that I now may be
In faire Bohemiaand remember well
I mentioned a sonne o'th' Kingswhich Florizell
I now name to you: and with speed so pace
To speake of Perditanow growne in grace
Equall with wond'ring. What of her insues
I list not prophesie: but let Times newes
Be knowne when 'tis brought forth. A shepherds daughter
And what to her adhereswhich followes after
Is th' argument of Time: of this allow
If euer you haue spent time worseere now:
If neueryet that Time himselfe doth say
He wishes earnestlyyou neuer may.
Scena Secunda.
Enter Polixenesand Camillo.
Pol. I pray thee (good Camillo) be no more importunate:
'tis a sicknesse denying thee any thing: a death to
grant this
Cam. It is fifteene yeeres since I saw my Countrey:
though I haue (for the most part) bin ayred abroadI desire
to lay my bones there. Besidesthe penitent King
(my Master) hath sent for meto whose feeling sorrowes
I might be some allayor I oreweene to thinke so) which
is another spurre to my departure
Pol. As thou lou'st me (Camillo) wipe not out the rest
of thy seruicesby leauing me now: the neede I haue of
theethine owne goodnesse hath made: better not to
haue had theethen thus to want theethou hauing made
me Businesses(which none (without thee) can sufficiently
manage) must either stay to execute them thy selfe
or take away with thee the very seruices thou hast done:
which if I haue not enough considered (as too much I
cannot) to bee more thankefull to theeshall bee my studie
and my profite thereinthe heaping friendshippes.
Of that fatall Countrey Sicilliaprethee speake no more
whose very namingpunnishes me with the remembrance
of that penitent (as thou calst him) and reconciled King
my brotherwhose losse of his most precious Queene &
Childrenare euen now to be a-fresh lamented. Say to
mewhen saw'st thou the Prince Florizell my son? Kings
are no lesse vnhappytheir issuenot being graciousthen
they are in loosing themwhen they haue approued their
Cam. Sirit is three dayes since I saw the Prince: what
his happier affayres may beare to me vnknowne: but I
haue (missingly) notedhe is of late much retyred from
Courtand is lesse frequent to his Princely exercises then
formerly he hath appeared
Pol. I haue considered so much (Camillo) and with
some careso farrethat I haue eyes vnder my seruice
which looke vpon his remouednesse: from whom I haue
this Intelligencethat he is seldome from the house of a
most homely shepheard: a man (they say) that from very
nothingand beyond the imagination of his neighbors
is growne into an vnspeakable estate
Cam. I haue heard (sir) of such a manwho hath a
daughter of most rare note: the report of her is extended
morethen can be thought to begin from such a cottage
Pol. That's likewise part of my Intelligence: but (I
feare) the Angle that pluckes our sonne thither. Thou
shalt accompany vs to the placewhere we will (not appearing
what we are) haue some question with the shepheard;
from whose simplicityI thinke it not vneasie to
get the cause of my sonnes resort thether. 'Prethe be my
present partner in this businesand lay aside the thoughts
of Sicillia
Cam. I willingly obey your command
Pol. My best Camillowe must disguise our selues.
Scena Tertia.
Enter Autolicus singing
When Daffadils begin to peere
With heigh the Doxy ouer the dale
Why then comes in the sweet o'the yeere
For the red blood raigns in y winters pale.
The white sheete bleaching on the hedge
With hey the sweet birdsO how they sing:
Doth set my pugging tooth an edge
For a quart of Ale is a dish for a King.
The Larkethat tirra Lyra chaunts
With heighthe Thrush and the Iay:
Are Summer songs for me and my Aunts
While we lye tumbling in the hay.
I haue seru'd Prince Florizelland in my time wore three
pilebut now I am out of seruice.
But shall I go mourne for that (my deere)
the pale Moone shines by night:
And when I wander hereand there
I then do most go right.
If Tinkers may haue leaue to liue
and beare the Sow-skin Bowget
Then my account I well may giue
and in the Stockes auouch-it.
My Trafficke is sheetes: when the Kite buildslooke to
lesser Linnen. My Father nam'd me Autolicuswho being
(as I am) lytter'd vnder Mercuriewas likewise a
snapper-vp of vnconsidered trifles: With Dye and drab
I purchas'd this Caparisonand my Reuennew is the silly
Cheate. Gallowesand Knockeare too powerfull on
the Highway. Beating and hanging are terrors to mee:
For the life to comeI sleepe out the thought of it. A
prizea prize.
Enter Clowne.
Clo. Let me seeeuery Leauen-weather toddeseuery
tod yeeldes pound and odde shilling: fifteene hundred
shornewhat comes the wooll too?
Aut. If the sprindge holdthe Cocke's mine
Clo. I cannot do't without Compters. Let mee see
what am I to buy for our Sheepe-shearing-Feast? Three
pound of Sugarfiue pound of CurrenceRice: What
will this sister of mine do with Rice? But my father hath
made her Mistris of the Feastand she layes it on. Shee
hath made-me four and twenty Nose-gayes for the shearers
(three-man song-menalland very good ones) but
they are most of them Meanes and Bases; but one Puritan
amongst themand he sings Psalmes to horne-pipes.
I must haue Saffron to colour the Warden PiesMace:
Datesnone: that's out of my note: Nutmeggesseuen;
a Race or two of Gingerbut that I may begge: Foure
pound of Prewynsand as many of Reysons o'th Sun
Aut. Ohthat euer I was borne
Clo. I'th' name of me
Aut. Oh helpe mehelpe mee: plucke but off these
ragges: and thendeathdeath
Clo. Alacke poore soulethou hast need of more rags
to lay on theerather then haue these off
Aut. Oh sirthe loathsomnesse of them offend mee
more then the stripes I haue receiuedwhich are mightie
ones and millions
Clo. Alas poore mana million of beating may come
to a great matter
Aut. I am rob'd sirand beaten: my moneyand apparrell
tane from meand these detestable things put vpon
Clo. Whatby a horse-manor a foot-man?
Aut. A footman (sweet sir) a footman
Clo. Indeedhe should be a footmanby the garments
he has left with thee: If this bee a horsemans Coateit
hath seene very hot seruice. Lend me thy handIle helpe
thee. Comelend me thy hand
Aut. Oh good sirtenderlyoh
Clo. Alas poore soule
Aut. Oh good sirsoftlygood sir: I feare (sir) my
shoulder-blade is out
Clo. How now? Canst stand?
Aut. Softlydeere sir: good sirsoftly: you ha done
me a charitable office
Clo. Doest lacke any mony? I haue a little mony for
Aut. Nogood sweet sir: noI beseech you sir: I haue
a Kinsman not past three quarters of a mile hencevnto
whome I was going: I shall there haue moneyor anie
thing I want: Offer me no money I pray youthat killes
my heart
Clow. What manner of Fellow was hee that robb'd
Aut. A fellow (sir) that I haue knowne to goe about
with Troll-my-dames: I knew him once a seruant of the
Prince: I cannot tell good sirfor which of his Vertues
it wasbut hee was certainely Whipt out of the
Clo. His vices you would say: there's no vertue whipt
out of the Court: they cherish it to make it stay there;
and yet it will no more but abide
Aut. Vices I would say (Sir.) I know this man well
he hath bene since an Ape-bearerthen a Processe-seruer
(a Bayliffe) then hee compast a Motion of the Prodigall
sonneand married a Tinkers wifewithin a Mile where
my Land and Liuing lyes; and (hauing flowne ouer many
knauish professions) he setled onely in Rogue: some
call him Autolicus
Clo. Out vpon him: Prigfor my life Prig: he haunts
WakesFairesand Beare-baitings
Aut. Very true sir: he sir hee: that's the Rogue that
put me into this apparrell
Clo. Not a more cowardly Rogue in all Bohemia; If
you had but look'd biggeand spit at himhee'ld haue
Aut. I must confesse to you (sir) I am no fighter: I am
false of heart that way& that he knew I warrant him
Clo. How do you now?
Aut. Sweet sirmuch better then I was: I can stand
and walke: I will euen take my leaue of you& pace softly
towards my Kinsmans
Clo. Shall I bring thee on the way?
Aut. Nogood fac'd sirno sweet sir
Clo. Then fartheewellI must go buy Spices for our
Aut. Prosper you sweet sir. Your purse is not hot enough
to purchase your Spice: Ile be with you at your
sheepe-shearing too: If I make not this Cheat bring out
anotherand the sheerers proue sheepelet me be vnrold
and my name put in the booke of Vertue.
Song. Iog-onIog-onthe foot-path way
And merrily hent the Stile-a:
A merry heart goes all the day
Your sad tyres in a Mile-a.
Scena Quarta.
Enter FlorizellPerditaShepherdClownePolixenesCamillo
Flo. These your vnvsuall weedsto each part of you
Do's giue a life: no Shepherdessebut Flora
Peering in Aprils front. This your sheepe-shearing
Is as a meeting of the petty Gods
And you the Queene on't
Perd. Sir: my gracious Lord
To chide at your extreamesit not becomes me:
(Oh pardonthat I name them:) your high selfe
The gracious marke o'th' Landyou haue obscur'd
With a Swaines wearing: and me (poore lowly Maide)
Most Goddesse-like prank'd vp: But that our Feasts
In euery Messehaue folly; and the Feeders
Digest with a CustomeI should blush
To see you so attyr'd: sworne I thinke
To shew my selfe a glasse
Flo. I blesse the time
When my good Falconmade her flight a-crosse
Thy Fathers ground
Perd. Now Ioue affoord you cause:
To me the difference forges dread (your Greatnesse
Hath not beene vs'd to feare:) euen now I tremble
To thinke your Fatherby some accident
Should passe this wayas you did: Oh the Fates
How would he looketo see his workeso noble
Vildely bound vp? What would he say? Or how
Should I (in these my borrowed Flaunts) behold
The sternnesse of his presence?
Flo. Apprehend
Nothing but iollity: the Goddes themselues
(Humbling their Deities to loue) haue taken
The shapes of Beasts vpon them. Iupiter
Became a Bulland bellow'd: the greene Neptune
A Ramand bleated: and the Fire-roab'd-God
Golden Apolloa poore humble Swaine
As I seeme now. Their transformations
Were neuer for a peece of beautyrarer
Nor in a way so chaste: since my desires
Run not before mine honor: nor my Lusts
Burne hotter then my Faith
Perd. O but Sir
Your resolution cannot holdwhen 'tis
Oppos'd (as it must be) by th' powre of the King:
One of these two must be necessities
Which then will speakethat you must change this purpose
Or I my life
Flo. Thou deer'st Perdita
With these forc'd thoughtsI prethee darken not
The Mirth o'th' Feast: Or Ile be thine (my Faire)
Or not my Fathers. For I cannot be
Mine ownenor any thing to anyif
I be not thine. To this I am most constant
Though destiny say no. Be merry (Gentle)
Strangle such thoughts as thesewith any thing
That you behold the while. Your guests are comming:
Lift vp your countenanceas it were the day
Of celebration of that nuptiallwhich
We two haue sworne shall come
Perd. O Lady Fortune
Stand you auspicious
Flo. Seeyour Guests approach
Addresse your selfe to entertaine them sprightly
And let's be red with mirth
Shep. Fy (daughter) when my old wife liu'd: vpon
This dayshe was both PantlerButlerCooke
Both Dame and Seruant: Welcom'd all: seru'd all
Would sing her songand dance her turne: now heere
At vpper end o'th Table; nowi'th middle:
On his shoulderand his: her face o' fire
With labourand the thing she tooke to quench it
She would to each one sip. You are retyred
As if you were a feasted one: and not
The Hostesse of the meeting: Pray you bid
These vnknowne friends to's welcomefor it is
A way to make vs better Friendsmore knowne.
Comequench your blushesand present your selfe
That which you areMistris o'th' Feast. Come on
And bid vs welcome to your sheepe-shearing
As your good flocke shall prosper
Perd. Sirwelcome:
It is my Fathers willI should take on mee
The Hostesseship o'th' day: you're welcome sir.
Giue me those Flowres there (Dorcas.) Reuerend Sirs
For youthere's Rosemaryand Ruethese keepe
Seemingand sauour all the Winter long:
Graceand Remembrance be to you both
And welcome to our Shearing
Pol. Shepherdesse
(A faire one are you:) well you fit our ages
With flowres of Winter
Perd. Sirthe yeare growing ancient
Not yet on summers deathnor on the birth
Of trembling winterthe fayrest flowres o'th season
Are our Carnationsand streak'd Gilly-vors
(Which some call Natures bastards) of that kind
Our rusticke Gardens barrenand I care not
To get slips of them
Pol. Wherefore (gentle Maiden)
Do you neglect them
Perd. For I haue heard it said
There is an Artwhich in their pidenesse shares
With great creating-Nature
Pol. Say there be:
Yet Nature is made better by no meane
But Nature makes that Meane: so ouer that Art
(Which you say addes to Nature) is an Art
That Nature makes: you see (sweet Maid) we marry
A gentler Siento the wildest Stocke
And make conceyue a barke of baser kinde
By bud of Nobler race. This is an Art
Which do's mend Nature: change it ratherbut
The Art it selfeis Nature
Perd. So it is
Pol. Then make you Garden rich in Gilly' vors
And do not call them bastards
Perd. Ile not put
The Dible in earthto set one slip of them:
No more then were I paintedI would wish
This youth should say 'twer well: and onely therefore
Desire to breed by me. Here's flowres for you:
Hot LauenderMintsSauoryMariorum
The Mary-goldthat goes to bed with' Sun
And with him risesweeping: These are flowres
Of middle summerand I thinke they are giuen
To men of middle age. Y'are very welcome
Cam. I should leaue grasingwere I of your flocke
And onely liue by gazing
Perd. Out alas:
You'ld be so leanethat blasts of Ianuary
Would blow you through and through. Now (my fairst Friend
I would I had some Flowres o'th Springthat might
Become your time of day: and yoursand yours
That weare vpon your Virgin-branches yet
Your Maiden-heads growing: O Proserpina
For the Flowres nowthat (frighted) thou let'st fall
From Dysses Waggon: Daffadils
That come before the Swallow daresand take
The windes of March with beauty: Violets (dim
But sweeter then the lids of Iuno's eyes
Or Cytherea's breath) pale Prime-roses
That dye vnmarriedere they can behold
Bright Phoebus in his strength (a Maladie
Most incident to Maids:) bold Oxlipsand
The Crowne Imperiall: Lillies of all kinds
(The Flowre-de-Luce being one.) Othese I lacke
To make you Garlands of) and my sweet friend
To strew him o'reand ore
Flo. What? like a Coarse?
Perd. Nolike a bankefor Loue to lyeand play on:
Not like a Coarse: or if: not to be buried
But quickeand in mine armes. Cometake your flours
Me thinkes I play as I haue seene them do
In Whitson-Pastorals: Sure this Robe of mine
Do's change my disposition:
Flo. What you do
Still betters what is done. When you speake (Sweet)
I'ld haue you do it euer: When you sing
I'ld haue you buyand sell so: so giue Almes
Pray so: and for the ord'ring your Affayres
To sing them too. When you do danceI wish you
A waue o'th Seathat you might euer do
Nothing but that: moue stillstill so:
And owne no other Function. Each your doing
(So singularin each particular)
Crownes what you are doingin the present deeds
That all your Actesare Queenes
Perd. O Doricles
Your praises are too large: but that your youth
And the true blood which peepes fairely through't
Do plainly giue you out an vnstain'd Shepherd
With wisedomeI might feare (my Doricles)
You woo'd me the false way
Flo. I thinke you haue
As little skill to feareas I haue purpose
To put you to't. But comeour dance I pray
Your hand (my Perdita:) so Turtles paire
That neuer meane to part
Perd. Ile sweare for 'em
Pol. This is the prettiest Low-borne Lassethat euer
Ran on the greene-sord: Nothing she do'sor seemes
But smackes of something greater then her selfe
Too Noble for this place
Cam. He tels her something
That makes her blood looke on't: Good sooth she is
The Queene of Curds and Creame
Clo. Come on: strike vp
Dorcas. Mopsa must be your Mistris: marry Garlick
to mend her kissing with
Mop. Now in good time
Clo. Not a worda wordwe stand vpon our manners
Comestrike vp.
Heere a Daunce of Shepheards and Shephearddesses.
Pol. Pray good Shepheardwhat faire Swaine is this
Which dances with your daughter?
Shep. They call him Doriclesand boasts himselfe
To haue a worthy Feeding; but I haue it
Vpon his owne reportand I beleeue it:
He lookes like sooth: he sayes he loues my daughter
I thinke so too; for neuer gaz'd the Moone
Vpon the wateras hee'l stand and reade
As 'twere my daughters eyes: and to be plaine
I thinke there is not halfe a kisse to choose
Who loues another best
Pol. She dances featly
Shep. So she do's any thingthough I report it
That should be silent: If yong Doricles
Do light vpon hershe shall bring him that
Which he not dreames of.
Enter Seruant.
Ser. O Master: if you did but heare the Pedler at the
dooreyou would neuer dance againe after a Tabor and
Pipe: nothe Bag-pipe could not moue you: hee singes
seuerall Tunesfaster then you'l tell money: hee vtters
them as he had eaten balladsand all mens eares grew to
his Tunes
Clo. He could neuer come better: hee shall come in:
I loue a ballad but euen too wellif it be dolefull matter
merrily set downe: or a very pleasant thing indeedeand
sung lamentably
Ser. He hath songs for manor womanof all sizes:
No Milliner can so fit his customers with Gloues: he has
the prettiest Loue-songs for Maidsso without bawdrie
(which is strange) with such delicate burthens of Dildo's
and Fadings: Iump-herand thump-her; and where
some stretch-mouth'd Rascallwould (as it were) meane
mischeefeand breake a fowle gap into the Matterhee
makes the maid to answereWhoopdoe me no harme good
man: put's him offslights himwith Whoopdoe mee no
harme good man
Pol. This is a braue fellow
Clo. Beleeue meethou talkest of an admirable conceited
fellowhas he any vnbraided Wares?
Ser. Hee hath Ribbons of all the colours i'th Rainebow;
Pointsmore then all the Lawyers in Bohemiacan
learnedly handlethough they come to him by th' grosse:
IncklesCaddyssesCambrickesLawnes: why he sings
em oueras they were Godsor Goddesses: you would
thinke a Smocke were a shee-Angellhe so chauntes to
the sleeue-handand the worke about the square on't
Clo. Pre'thee bring him inand let him approach singing
Perd. Forewarne himthat he vse no scurrilous words
in's tunes
Clow. You haue of these Pedlersthat haue more in
themthen youl'd thinke (Sister.)
Perd. Igood brotheror go about to thinke.
Enter Autolicus singing.
Lawne as white as driuen Snow
Cypresse blacke as ere was Crow
Gloues as sweete as Damaske Roses
Maskes for facesand for noses:
Bugle-braceletNecke-lace Amber
Perfume for a Ladies Chamber:
Golden Quoifesand Stomachers
For my Ladsto giue their deers:
Pinsand poaking-stickes of steele.
What Maids lacke from head to heele:
Come buy of mecome: come buycome buy
Buy Ladsor else your Lasses cry: Come buy
Clo. If I were not in loue with Mopsathou shouldst
take no money of mebut being enthrall'd as I amit will
also be the bondage of certaine Ribbons and Gloues
Mop. I was promis'd them against the Feastbut they
come not too late now
Dor. He hath promis'd you more then thator there
be lyars
Mop. He hath paid you all he promis'd you: 'May be
he has paid you morewhich will shame you to giue him
Clo. Is there no manners left among maids? Will they
weare their placketswhere they should bear their faces?
Is there not milking-time? When you are going to bed?
Or kill-hole? To whistle of these secretsbut you must
be tittle-tatling before all our guests? 'Tis well they are
whispring: clamor your tonguesand not a word more
Mop. I haue done; Come you promis'd me a tawdrylace
and a paire of sweet Gloues
Clo. Haue I not told thee how I was cozen'd by the
wayand lost all my money
Aut. And indeed Sirthere are Cozeners abroadtherfore
it behooues men to be wary
Clo. Feare not thou manthou shalt lose nothing here
Aut. I hope so sirfor I haue about me many parcels
of charge
Clo. What hast heere? Ballads?
Mop. Pray now buy some: I loue a ballet in printa
lifefor then we are sure they are true
Aut. Here's oneto a very dolefull tunehow a Vsurers
wife was brought to bed of twenty money baggs at
a burthenand how she long'd to eate Adders headsand
Toads carbonado'd
Mop. Is it truethinke you?
Aut. Very trueand but a moneth old
Dor. Blesse me from marrying a Vsurer
Aut. Here's the Midwiues name to't: one Mist[ris]. Tale-Porter
and fiue or six honest Wiuesthat were present.
Why should I carry lyes abroad?
Mop. 'Pray you now buy it
Clo. Come-onlay it by: and let's first see moe Ballads:
Wee'l buy the other things anon
Aut. Here's another ballad of a Fishthat appeared
vpon the coaston wensday the fourescore of Aprilfortie
thousand fadom aboue water& sung this ballad against
the hard hearts of maids: it was thought she was a Woman
and was turn'd into a cold fishfor she wold not exchange
flesh with one that lou'd her: The Ballad is very
pittifulland as true
Dor. Is it true toothinke you
Autol. Fiue Iustices hands at itand witnesses more
then my packe will hold
Clo. Lay it by too; another
Aut. This is a merry balladbut a very pretty one
Mop. Let's haue some merry ones
Aut. Why this is a passing merry oneand goes to the
tune of two maids wooing a man: there's scarse a Maide
westward but she sings it: 'tis in requestI can tell you
Mop. We can both sing it: if thou'lt beare a partthou
shalt heare'tis in three parts
Dor. We had the tune on'ta month agoe
Aut. I can beare my partyou must know 'tis my occupation:
Haue at it with you:
Get you hencefor I must goe
Aut. Where it fits not you to know
Dor. Whether?
Mop. O whether?
Dor. Whether?
Mop. It becomes thy oath full well
Thou to me thy secrets tell
Dor: Me too: Let me go thether:
Mop: Or thou goest to th' Grangeor Mill
Dor: If to either thou dost ill
Aut: Neither
Dor: What neither?
Aut: Neither:
Dor: Thou hast sworne my Loue to be
Mop: Thou hast sworne it more to mee.
Then whether goest? Say whether?
Clo. Wee'l haue this song out anon by our selues: My
Fatherand the Gent. are in sad talke& wee'll not trouble
them: Come bring away thy pack after meWenches Ile
buy for you both: Pedler let's haue the first choice; folow
me girles
Aut. And you shall pay well for 'em.
Will you buy any Tapeor Lace for your Cape?
My dainty Duckemy deere-a?
Any Silkeany Thredany Toyes for your head
Of the news'tand fins'tfins't weare-a.
Come to the PedlerMoney's a medler
That doth vtter all mens ware-a.
Seruant. Maysterthere is three Cartersthree Shepherds
three Neat-herdsthree Swine-herds y haue made
themselues all men of hairethey cal themselues Saltiers
and they haue a Dancewhich the Wenches say is a gally-maufrey
of Gambolsbecause they are not in't: but
they themselues are o'th' minde (if it bee not too rough
for somethat know little but bowling) it will please
Shep. Away: Wee'l none on't; heere has beene too
much homely foolery already. I know (Sir) wee wearie
Pol. You wearie those that refresh vs: pray let's see
these foure-threes of Heardsmen
Ser. One three of themby their owne report (Sir)
hath danc'd before the King: and not the worst of the
threebut iumpes twelue foote and a halfe by th' squire
Shep. Leaue your pratingsince these good men are
pleas'dlet them come in: but quickly now
Ser. Whythey stay at doore Sir.
Heere a Dance of twelue Satyres.
Pol. O Fatheryou'l know more of that heereafter:
Is it not too farre gone? 'Tis time to part them
He's simpleand tels much. How now (faire shepheard)
Your heart is full of somethingthat do's take
Your minde from feasting. Soothwhen I was yong
And handed loueas you do; I was wont
To load my Shee with knackes: I would haue ransackt
The Pedlers silken Treasuryand haue powr'd it
To her acceptance: you haue let him go
And nothing marted with him. If your Lasse
Interpretation should abuseand call this
Your lacke of loueor bountyyou were straited
For a reply at leastif you make a care
Of happie holding her
Flo. Old SirI know
She prizes not such trifles as these are:
The gifts she lookes from meare packt and lockt
Vp in my heartwhich I haue giuen already
But not deliuer'd. O heare me breath my life
Before this ancient Sirwhom (it should seeme)
Hath sometime lou'd: I take thy handthis hand
As soft as Doues-downeand as white as it
Or Ethyopians toothor the fan'd snowthat's bolted
By th' Northerne blaststwice ore
Pol. What followes this?
How prettily th' yong Swaine seemes to wash
The handwas faire before? I haue put you out
But to your protestation: Let me heare
What you professe
Flo. Doand be witnesse too't
Pol. And this my neighbour too?
Flo. And heand more
Then heand men: the earththe heauensand all;
That were I crown'd the most Imperiall Monarch
Thereof most worthy: were I the fayrest youth
That euer made eye sweruehad force and knowledge
More then was euer mansI would not prize them
Without her Loue; for heremploy them all
Commend themand condemne them to her seruice
Or to their owne perdition
Pol. Fairely offer'd
Cam. This shewes a sound affection
Shep. But my daughter
Say you the like to him
Per. I cannot speake
So well(nothing so well) nonor meane better
By th' patterne of mine owne thoughtsI cut out
The puritie of his
Shep. Take handsa bargaine;
And friends vnknowneyou shall beare witnesse to't:
I giue my daughter to himand will make
Her Portionequall his
Flo. Othat must bee
I'th Vertue of your daughter: One being dead
I shall haue more then you can dreame of yet
Enough then for your wonder: but come-on
Contract vs fore these Witnesses
Shep. Comeyour hand:
And daughteryours
Pol. Soft Swaine a-whilebeseech you
Haue you a Father?
Flo. I haue: but what of him?
Pol. Knowes he of this?
Flo. He neither do'snor shall
Pol. Me-thinkes a Father
Is at the Nuptiall of his sonnea guest
That best becomes the Table: Pray you once more
Is not your Father growne incapeable
Of reasonable affayres? Is he not stupid
With Ageand altring Rheumes? Can he speake? heare?
Know manfrom man? Dispute his owne estate?
Lies he not bed-rid? And againedo's nothing
But what he didbeing childish?
Flo. No good Sir:
He has his healthand ampler strength indeede
Then most haue of his age
Pol. By my white beard
You offer him (if this be so) a wrong
Something vnfilliall: Reason my sonne
Should choose himselfe a wifebut as good reason
The Father (all whose ioy is nothing else
But faire posterity) should hold some counsaile
In such a businesse
Flo. I yeeld all this;
But for some other reasons (my graue Sir)
Which 'tis not fit you knowI not acquaint
My Father of this businesse
Pol. Let him know't
Flo. He shall not
Pol. Prethee let him
Flo. Nohe must not
Shep. Let him (my sonne) he shall not need to greeue
At knowing of thy choice
Flo. Comecomehe must not:
Marke our Contract
Pol. Marke your diuorce (yong sir)
Whom sonne I dare not call: Thou art too base
To be acknowledge. Thou a Scepters heire
That thus affects a sheepe-hooke? Thouold Traitor
I am sorrythat by hanging theeI can
But shorten thy life one weeke. And thoufresh peece
Of excellent Witchcraftwhom of force must know
The royall Foole thou coap'st with
Shep. Oh my heart
Pol. Ile haue thy beauty scratcht with briers & made
More homely then thy state. For thee (fond boy)
If I may euer know thou dost but sigh
That thou no more shalt neuer see this knacke (as neuer
I meane thou shalt) wee'l barre thee from succession
Not hold thee of our bloodno not our Kin
Farre then Deucalion off: (marke thou my words)
Follow vs to the Court. Thou Churlefor this time
(Though full of our displeasure) yet we free thee
From the dead blow of it. And you Enchantment
Worthy enough a Heardsman: yea him too
That makes himselfe (but for our Honor therein)
Vnworthy thee. If euer henceforththou
These rurall Latchesto his entrance open
Or hope his body morewith thy embraces
I will deuise a deathas cruell for thee
As thou art tender to't.
Perd. Euen heere vndone:
I was not much a-fear'd: for onceor twice
I was about to speakeand tell him plainely
The selfe-same Sunthat shines vpon his Court
Hides not his visage from our Cottagebut
Lookes on alike. Wilt please you (Sir) be gone?
I told you what would come of this: Beseech you
Of your owne state take care: This dreame of mine
Being now awakeIle Queene it no inch farther
But milke my Ewesand weepe
Cam. Why how now Father
Speake ere thou dyest
Shep. I cannot speakenor thinke
Nor dare to knowthat which I know: O Sir
You haue vndone a man of fourescore three
That thought to fill his graue in quiet: yea
To dye vpon the bed my father dy'de
To lye close by his honest bones; but now
Some Hangman must put on my shrowdand lay me
Where no Priest shouels-in dust. Oh cursed wretch
That knew'st this was the Princeand wouldst aduenture
To mingle faith with him. Vndonevndone:
If I might dye within this houreI haue liu'd
To die when I desire.
Flo. Why looke you so vpon me?
I am but sorrynot affear'd: delaid
But nothing altred: What I wasI am:
More straining onfor plucking backe; not following
My leash vnwillingly
Cam. Gracious my Lord
You know my Fathers temper: at this time
He will allow no speech: (which I do ghesse
You do not purpose to him:) and as hardly
Will he endure your sightas yet I feare;
Then till the fury of his Highnesse settle
Come not before him
Flo. I not purpose it:
I thinke Camillo
Cam. Euen hemy Lord
Per. How often haue I told you 'twould be thus?
How often said my dignity would last
But till 'twer knowne?
Flo. It cannot failebut by
The violation of my faithand then
Let Nature crush the sides o'th earth together
And marre the seeds within. Lift vp thy lookes:
From my succession wipe me (Father) I
Am heyre to my affection
Cam. Be aduis'd
Flo. I am: and by my fancieif my Reason
Will thereto be obedient: I haue reason:
If notmy sences better pleas'd with madnesse
Do bid it welcome
Cam. This is desperate (sir.)
Flo. So call it: but it do's fulfill my vow:
I needs must thinke it honesty. Camillo
Not for Bohemianor the pompe that may
Be thereat gleaned: for all the Sun seesor
The close earth wombesor the profound seashides
In vnknowne fadomeswill I breake my oath
To this my faire belou'd: ThereforeI pray you
As you haue euer bin my Fathers honour'd friend
When he shall misse meas (in faith I meane not
To see him any more) cast your good counsailes
Vpon his passion: Let my selfeand Fortune
Tug for the time to come. This you may know
And so deliuerI am put to Sea
With herwho heere I cannot hold on shore:
And most opportune to her needeI haue
A Vessell rides fast bybut not prepar'd
For this designe. What course I meane to hold
Shall nothing benefit your knowledgenor
Concerne me the reporting
Cam. O my Lord
I would your spirit were easier for aduice
Or stronger for your neede
Flo. Hearke Perdita
Ile heare you by and by
Cam. Hee's irremoueable
Resolu'd for flight: Now were I happy if
His goingI could frame to serue my turne
Saue him from dangerdo him loue and honor
Purchase the sight againe of deere Sicillia
And that vnhappy Kingmy Masterwhom
I so much thirst to see
Flo. Now good Camillo
I am so fraught with curious businessethat
I leaue out ceremony
Cam. SirI thinke
You haue heard of my poore seruicesi'th loue
That I haue borne your Father?
Flo. Very nobly
Haue you deseru'd: It is my Fathers Musicke
To speake your deeds: not little of his care
To haue them recompenc'das thought on
Cam. Well (my Lord)
If you may please to thinke I loue the King
And through himwhat's neerest to himwhich is
Your gracious selfe; embrace but my direction
If your more ponderous and setled proiect
May suffer alteration. On mine honor
Ile point you where you shall haue such receiuing
As shall become your Highnessewhere you may
Enioy your Mistris; from the whomI see
There's no disiunction to be madebut by
(As heauens forefend) your ruine: Marry her
And with my best endeuoursin your absence
Your discontenting Fatherstriue to qualifie
And bring him vp to liking
Flo. How Camillo
May this (almost a miracle) be done?
That I may call thee something more then man
And after that trust to thee
Cam. Haue you thought on
A place whereto you'l go?
Flo. Not any yet:
But as th' vnthought-on accident is guiltie
To what we wildely doso we professe
Our selues to be the slaues of chanceand flyes
Of euery winde that blowes
Cam. Then list to me:
This followesif you will not change your purpose
But vndergo this flight: make for Sicillia
And there present your selfeand your fayre Princesse
(For so I see she must be) 'fore Leontes;
She shall be habitedas it becomes
The partner of your Bed. Me thinkes I see
Leontes opening his free Armesand weeping
His Welcomes forth: asks thee there Sonne forgiuenesse
As 'twere i'th' Fathers person: kisses the hands
Of your fresh Princesse; ore and ore diuides him
'Twixt his vnkindnesseand his Kindnesse: th' one
He chides to Helland bids the other grow
Faster then Thoughtor Time
Flo. Worthy Camillo
What colour for my Visitationshall I
Hold vp before him?
Cam. Sent by the King your Father
To greet himand to giue him comforts. Sir
The manner of your bearing towards himwith
What you (as from your Father) shall deliuer
Things knowne betwixt vs threeIle write you downe
The which shall point you forth at euery sitting
What you must say: that he shall not perceiue
But that you haue your Fathers Bosome there
And speake his very Heart
Flo. I am bound to you:
There is some sappe in this
Cam. A Course more promising
Then a wild dedication of your selues
To vnpath'd Watersvndream'd Shores; most certaine
To Miseries enough: no hope to helpe you
But as you shake off oneto take another:
Nothing so certaineas your Anchorswho
Doe their best officeif they can but stay you
Where you'le be loth to be: besides you know
Prosperitie's the very bond of Loue
Whose fresh complexionand whose heart together
Affliction alters
Perd. One of these is true:
I thinke Affliction may subdue the Cheeke
But not take-in the Mind
Cam. Yea? say you so?
There shall notat your Fathers Housethese seuen yeeres
Be borne another such
Flo. My good Camillo
She's as forwardof her Breedingas
She is i'th' reare' our Birth
Cam. I cannot say'tis pitty
She lacks Instructionsfor she seemes a Mistresse
To most that teach
Perd. Your pardon Sirfor this
Ile blush you Thanks
Flo. My prettiest Perdita.
But Othe Thornes we stand vpon: (Camillo)
Preseruer of my Fathernow of me
The Medicine of our House: how shall we doe?
We are not furnish'd like Bohemia's Sonne
Nor shall appeare in Sicilia
Cam. My Lord
Feare none of this: I thinke you know my fortunes
Doe all lye there: it shall be so my care
To haue you royally appointedas if
The Scene you playwere mine. For instance Sir
That you may know you shall not want: one word.
Enter Autolicus.
Aut. Hahawhat a Foole Honestie is? and Trust (his
sworne brother) a very simple Gentleman. I haue sold
all my Tromperie: not a counterfeit Stonenot a Ribbon
TapeGloueShooe-tyeBraceletHorne-Ringto keepe
my Pack from fasting: they throng who should buy first
as if my Trinkets had beene hallowedand brought a benediction
to the buyer: by which meanesI saw whose
Purse was best in Picture; and what I sawto my good
vseI remembred. My Clowne (who wants but something
to be a reasonable man) grew so in loue with the
Wenches Songthat hee would not stirre his Petty-toes
till he had both Tune and Wordswhich so drew the rest
of the Heard to methat all their other Sences stucke in
Eares: you might haue pinch'd a Placketit was sencelesse;
'twas nothing to gueld a Cod-peece of a Purse: I
would haue fill'd Keyes of that hung in Chaynes: no
hearingno feelingbut my Sirs Songand admiring the
Nothing of it. So that in this time of LethargieI pickd
and cut most of their Festiuall Purses: And had not the
old-man come in with a Whoo-bub against his Daughter
and the Kings Sonneand scar'd my Chowghes from
the ChaffeI had not left a Purse aliue in the whole
Cam. Naybut my Letters by this meanes being there
So soone as you arriueshall cleare that doubt
Flo. And those that you'le procure from King Leontes?
Cam. Shall satisfie your Father
Perd. Happy be you:
All that you speakeshewes faire
Cam. Who haue we here?
Wee'le make an Instrument of this: omit
Nothing may giue vs aide
Aut. If they haue ouer-heard me now: why hanging
Cam. How now (good Fellow)
Why shak'st thou so? Feare not (man)
Here's no harme intended to thee
Aut. I am a poore FellowSir
Cam. Whybe so still: here's no body will steale that
from thee: yet for the out-side of thy pouertiewe must
make an exchange; therefore dis-case thee instantly (thou
must thinke there's a necessitie in't) and change Garments
with this Gentleman: Though the penny-worth (on his
side) be the worstyet hold theethere's some boot
Aut. I am a poore FellowSir: (I know ye well
Cam. Nay prethee dispatch: the Gentleman is halfe
fled already
Aut. Are you in earnestSir? (I smell the trick on't.)
Flo. DispatchI prethee
Aut. Indeed I haue had Earnestbut I cannot with
conscience take it
Cam. Vnbucklevnbuckle.
Fortunate Mistresse (let my prophecie
Come home to ye:) you must retire your selfe
Into some Couert; take your sweet-hearts Hat
And pluck it ore your Browesmuffle your face
Dis-mantle youand (as you can) disliken
The truth of your owne seemingthat you may
(For I doe feare eyes ouer) to Ship-boord
Get vndescry'd
Perd. I see the Play so lyes
That I must beare a part
Cam. No remedie:
Haue you done there?
Flo. Should I now meet my Father
He would not call me Sonne
Cam. Nayyou shall haue no Hat:
Come Ladycome: Farewell (my friend.)
Aut. AdieuSir
Flo. O Perdita: what haue we twaine forgot?
'Pray you a word
Cam. What I doe nextshall be to tell the King
Of this escapeand whither they are bound;
Whereinmy hope isI shall so preuaile
To force him after: in whose company
I shall re-view Sicilia; for whose sight
I haue a Womans Longing
Flo. Fortune speed vs:
Thus we set on (Camillo) to th' Sea-side
Cam. The swifter speedthe better.
Aut. I vnderstand the businesseI heare it: to haue an
open earea quick eyeand a nimble handis necessary for
a Cut-purse; a good Nose is requisite alsoto smell out
worke for th' other Sences. I see this is the time that the
vniust man doth thriue. What an exchange had this been
without boot? What a boot is herewith this exchange?
Sure the Gods doe this yeere conniue at vsand we may
doe any thing extempore. The Prince himselfe is about
a peece of Iniquitie (stealing away from his Fatherwith
his Clog at his heeles:) if I thought it were a peece of honestie
to acquaint the King withallI would not do't: I
hold it the more knauerie to conceale it; and therein am
I constant to my Profession.
Enter Clowne and Shepheard.
Asideasidehere is more matter for a hot braine: Euery
Lanes endeuery ShopChurchSessionHangingyeelds
a carefull man worke
Clowne. Seesee: what a man you are now? there is no
other waybut to tell the King she's a Changelingand
none of your flesh and blood
Shep. Naybut heare me
Clow. Nay; but heare me
Shep. Goe too then
Clow. She being none of your flesh and bloodyour
flesh and blood ha's not offended the Kingand so your
flesh and blood is not to be punish'd by him. Shew those
things you found about her (those secret thingsall but
what she ha's with her:) This being donelet the Law goe
whistle: I warrant you
Shep. I will tell the King alleuery wordyeaand his
Sonnes prancks too; whoI may sayis no honest man
neither to his Fathernor to meto goe about to make me
the Kings Brother in Law
Clow. Indeed Brother in Law was the farthest off you
could haue beene to himand then your Blood had beene
the dearerby I know how much an ounce
Aut. Very wisely (Puppies.)
Shep. Well: let vs to the King: there is that in this
Farthellwill make him scratch his Beard
Aut. I know not what impediment this Complaint
may be to the flight of my Master
Clo. 'Pray heartily he be at' Pallace
Aut. Though I am not naturally honestI am so sometimes
by chance: Let me pocket vp my Pedlers excrement.
How now (Rustiques) whither are you bound?
Shep. To th' Pallace (and it like your Worship.)
Aut. Your Affaires there? what? with whom? the
Condition of that Farthell? the place of your dwelling?
your names? your ages? of what hauing? breedingand
any thing that is fitting to be knownediscouer?
Clo. We are but plaine fellowesSir
Aut. A Lye; you are roughand hayrie: Let me haue
no lying; it becomes none but Trades-menand they often
giue vs (Souldiers) the Lyebut wee pay them for it
with stamped Coynenot stabbing Steeletherefore they
doe not giue vs the Lye
Clo. Your Worship had like to haue giuen vs oneif
you had not taken your selfe with the manner
Shep. Are you a Courtierand't like you Sir?
Aut. Whether it like meor noI am a Courtier. Seest
thou not the ayre of the Courtin these enfoldings? Hath
not my gate in itthe measure of the Court? Receiues not
thy Nose Court-Odour from me? Reflect I not on thy
BasenesseCourt-Contempt? Think'st thoufor that I
insinuateat toaze from thee thy BusinesseI am therefore
no Courtier? I am Courtier Capape; and one that
will eyther push-onor pluck-backthy Businesse there:
whereupon I command thee to open thy Affaire
Shep. My BusinesseSiris to the King
Aut. What Aduocate ha'st thou to him?
Shep. I know not (and't like you.)
Clo. Aduocate's the Court-word for a Pheazant: say
you haue none
Shep. NoneSir: I haue no Pheazant Cocknor Hen
Aut. How blessed are wethat are not simple men?
Yet Nature might haue made me as these are
Therefore I will not disdaine
Clo. This cannot be but a great Courtier
Shep. His Garments are richbut he weares them not
Clo. He seemes to be the more Noblein being fantasticall:
A great manIle warrant; I know by the picking
on's Teeth
Aut. The Farthell there? What's i'th' Farthell?
Wherefore that Box?
Shep. Sirthere lyes such Secrets in this Farthell and
Boxwhich none must know but the Kingand which hee
shall know within this houreif I may come to th' speech
of him
Aut. Agethou hast lost thy labour
Shep. Why Sir?
Aut. The King is not at the Pallacehe is gone aboord
a new Shipto purge Melancholyand ayre himselfe: for
if thou bee'st capable of things seriousthou must know
the King is full of griefe
Shep. So 'tis said (Sir:) about his Sonnethat should
haue marryed a Shepheards Daughter
Aut. If that Shepheard be not in hand-fastlet him
flye; the Curses he shall hauethe Tortures he shall feele
will breake the back of Manthe heart of Monster
Clo. Thinke you soSir?
Aut. Not hee alone shall suffer what Wit can make
heauieand Vengeance bitter; but those that are Iermaine
to him (though remou'd fiftie times) shall all come vnder
the Hang-man: whichthough it be great pittyyet it is
necessarie. An old Sheepe-whistling Roguea Ram-tender
to offer to haue his Daughter come into grace? Some
say hee shall be ston'd: but that death is too soft for him
(say I:) Draw our Throne into a Sheep-Coat? all deaths
are too fewthe sharpest too easie
Clo. Ha's the old-man ere a Sonne Sir (doe you heare)
and't like youSir?
Aut. Hee ha's a Sonne: who shall be flayd aliuethen
'noynted ouer with Honeyset on the head of a Waspes
Nestthen stand till he be three quarters and a dram dead:
then recouer'd againe with Aquaviteor some other hot
Infusion: thenraw as he is (and in the hotest day Prognostication
proclaymes) shall he be set against a Brick-wall
(the Sunne looking with a South-ward eye vpon him;
where hee is to behold himwith Flyes blown to death.)
But what talke we of these Traitorly-Rascalswhose miseries
are to be smil'd attheir offences being so capitall?
Tell me (for you seeme to be honest plaine men) what you
haue to the King: being something gently consider'dIle
bring you where he is aboordtender your persons to his
presencewhisper him in your behalfes; and if it be in
manbesides the Kingto effect your Suiteshere is man
shall doe it
Clow. He seemes to be of great authoritie: close with
himgiue him Gold; and though Authoritie be a stubborne
Beareyet hee is oft led by the Nose with Gold:
shew the in-side of your Purse to the out-side of his
handand no more adoe. Remember ston'dand flay'd
Shep. And't please you (Sir) to vndertake the Businesse
for vshere is that Gold I haue: Ile make it as much
moreand leaue this young man in pawnetill I bring it
Aut. After I haue done what I promised?
Shep. I Sir
Aut. Wellgiue me the Moitie: Are you a partie in
this Businesse?
Clow. In some sortSir: but though my case be a pittifull
oneI hope I shall not be flayd out of it
Aut. Ohthat's the case of the Shepheards Sonne:
hang himhee'le be made an example
Clow. Comfortgood comfort: We must to the King
and shew our strange sights: he must know 'tis none of
your Daughternor my Sister: wee are gone else. SirI
will giue you as much as this old man do'swhen the Businesse
is performedand remaine (as he sayes) your pawne
till it be brought you
Aut. I will trust you. Walke before toward the Seaside
goe on the right handI will but looke vpon the
Hedgeand follow you
Clow. We are bless'din this man: as I may sayeuen
Shep. Let's beforeas he bids vs: he was prouided to
doe vs good
Aut. If I had a mind to be honestI see Fortune would
not suffer mee: shee drops Booties in my mouth. I am
courted now with a double occasion: (Goldand a means
to doe the Prince my Master good; whichwho knowes
how that may turne backe to my aduancement?) I will
bring these two Moalesthese blind-onesaboord him: if
he thinke it fit to shoare them againeand that the Complaint
they haue to the Kingconcernes him nothinglet
him call me Roguefor being so farre officiousfor I am
proofe against that Titleand what shame else belongs
to't: To him will I present themthere may be matter in
Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.
Enter LeontesCleominesDionPaulinaSeruants: Florizel
Cleo. Siryou haue done enoughand haue perform'd
A Saint-like Sorrow: No fault could you make
Which you haue not redeem'd; indeed pay'd downe
More penitencethen done trespas: At the last
Doeas the Heauens haue done; forget your euill
With themforgiue your selfe
Leo. Whilest I remember
Herand her VertuesI cannot forget
My blemishes in themand so still thinke of
The wrong I did my selfe: which was so much
That Heire-lesse it hath made my Kingdomeand
Destroy'd the sweet'st Companionthat ere man
Bred his hopes out oftrue
Paul. Too true (my Lord:)
If one by oneyou wedded all the World
Or from the All that aretooke something good
To make a perfect Woman; she you kill'd
Would be vnparallell'd
Leo. I thinke so. Kill'd?
She I kill'd? I did so: but thou strik'st me
Sorelyto say I did: it is as bitter
Vpon thy Tongueas in my Thought. Nowgood now
Say so but seldome
Cleo. Not at allgood Lady:
You might haue spoken a thousand thingsthat would
Haue done the time more benefitand grac'd
Your kindnesse better
Paul. You are one of those
Would haue him wed againe
Dio. If you would not so
You pitty not the Statenor the Remembrance
Of his most Soueraigne Name: Consider little
What Dangersby his Highnesse faile of Issue
May drop vpon his Kingdomeand deuoure
Incertaine lookers on. What were more holy
Then to reioyce the former Queene is well?
What holyerthen for Royalties repayre
For present comfortand for future good
To blesse the Bed of Maiestie againe
With a sweet Fellow to't?
Paul. There is none worthy
(Respecting her that's gone:) besides the Gods
Will haue fulfill'd their secret purposes:
For ha's not the Diuine Apollo said?
Is't not the tenor of his Oracle
That King Leontes shall not haue an Heire
Till his lost Child be found? Whichthat it shall
Is all as monstrous to our humane reason
As my Antigonus to breake his Graue
And come againe to me: whoon my life
Did perish with the Infant. 'Tis your councell
My Lord should to the Heauens be contrary
Oppose against their wills. Care not for Issue
The Crowne will find an Heire. Great Alexander
Left his to th' Worthiest: so his Successor
Was like to be the best
Leo. Good Paulina
Who hast the memorie of Hermione
I know in honor: Othat euer I
Had squar'd me to thy councell: theneuen now
I might haue look'd vpon my Queenes full eyes
Haue taken Treasure from her Lippes
Paul. And left them
More richfor what they yeelded
Leo. Thou speak'st truth:
No more such Wiuestherefore no Wife: one worse
And better vs'dwould make her Sainted Spirit
Againe possesse her Corpsand on this Stage
(Where we Offendors now appeare) Soule-vext
And beginwhy to me?
Paul. Had she such power
She had iust such cause
Leo. She hadand would incense me
To murther her I marryed
Paul. I should so:
Were I the Ghost that walk'dIl'd bid you marke
Her eyeand tell me for what dull part in't
You chose her: then Il'd shriekethat euen your eares
Should rift to heare meand the words that follow'd
Should beRemember mine
Leo. StarresStarres
And all eyes elsedead coales: feare thou no Wife;
Ile haue no WifePaulina
Paul. Will you sweare
Neuer to marrybut by my free leaue?
Leo. Neuer (Paulina) so be bless'd my Spirit
Paul. Then good my Lordsbeare witnesse to his Oath
Cleo. You tempt him ouer-much
Paul. Vnlesse another
As like Hermioneas is her Picture
Affront his eye
Cleo. Good MadameI haue done
Paul. Yet if my Lord will marry: if you willSir;
No remedie but you will: Giue me the Office
To chuse you a Queene: she shall not be so young
As was your formerbut she shall be such
As (walk'd your first Queenes Ghost) it should take ioy
To see her in your armes
Leo. My true Paulina
We shall not marrytill thou bidst vs
Paul. That
Shall be when your first Queene's againe in breath:
Neuer till then.
Enter a Seruant.
Ser. One that giues out himselfe Prince Florizell
Sonne of Polixeneswith his Princesse (she
The fairest I haue yet beheld) desires accesse
To your high presence
Leo. What with him? he comes not
Like to his Fathers Greatnesse: his approach
(So out of circumstanceand suddaine) tells vs
'Tis not a Visitation fram'dbut forc'd
By needand accident. What Trayne?
Ser. But few
And those but meane
Leo. His Princesse (say you) with him?
Ser. I: the most peerelesse peece of EarthI thinke
That ere the Sunne shone bright on
Paul. Oh Hermione
As euery present Time doth boast it selfe
Aboue a bettergone; so must thy Graue
Giue way to what's seene now. Siryou your selfe
Haue saidand writ so; but your writing now
Is colder then that Theame: she had not beene
Nor was not to be equall'dthus your Verse
Flow'd with her Beautie once; 'tis shrewdly ebb'd
To say you haue seene a better
Ser. PardonMadame:
The oneI haue almost forgot (your pardon:)
The otherwhen she ha's obtayn'd your Eye
Will haue your Tongue too. This is a Creature
Would she begin a Sectmight quench the zeale
Of all Professors else; make Proselytes
Of who she but bid follow
Paul. How? not women?
Ser. Women will loue herthat she is a Woman
More worth then any Man: Menthat she is
The rarest of all Women
Leo. Goe Cleomines
Your selfe (assisted with your honor'd Friends)
Bring them to our embracement. Still 'tis strange
He thus should steale vpon vs.
Paul. Had our Prince
(Iewell of Children) seene this hourehe had payr'd
Well with this Lord; there was not full a moneth
Betweene their births
Leo. 'Prethee no more; cease: thou know'st
He dyes to me againewhen talk'd-of: sure
When I shall see this Gentlemanthy speeches
Will bring me to consider thatwhich may
Vnfurnish me of Reason. They are come.
Enter FlorizellPerditaCleominesand others.
Your Mother was most true to WedlockPrince
For she did print your Royall Father off
Conceiuing you. Were I but twentie one
Your Fathers Image is so hit in you
(His very ayre) that I should call you Brother
As I did himand speake of something wildly
By vs perform'd before. Most dearely welcome
And your faire Princesse (Goddesse) oh: alas
I lost a couplethat 'twixt Heauen and Earth
Might thus haue stoodbegetting wonderas
You (gracious Couple) doe: and then I lost
(All mine owne Folly) the Societie
Amitie too of your braue Fatherwhom
(Though bearing Miserie) I desire my life
Once more to looke on him
Flo. By his command
Haue I here touch'd Siciliaand from him
Giue you all greetingsthat a King (at friend)
Can send his Brother: and but Infirmitie
(Which waits vpon worne times) hath something seiz'd
His wish'd Abilitiehe had himselfe
The Lands and Waters'twixt your Throne and his
Measur'dto looke vpon you; whom he loues
(He bad me say so) more then all the Scepters
And those that beare themliuing
Leo. Oh my Brother
(Good Gentleman) the wrongs I haue done theestirre
Afresh within me: and these thy offices
(So rarely kind) are as Interpreters
Of my behind-hand slacknesse. Welcome hither
As is the Spring to th' Earth. And hath he too
Expos'd this Paragon to th' fearefull vsage
(At least vngentle) of the dreadfull Neptune
To greet a mannot worth her paines; much lesse
Th' aduenture of her person?
Flo. Good my Lord
She came from Libia
Leo. Where the Warlike Smalus
That Noble honor'd Lordis fear'dand lou'd?
Flo. Most Royall Sir
From thence: from himwhose Daughter
His Teares proclaym'd his parting with her: thence
(A prosperous South-wind friendly) we haue cross'd
To execute the Charge my Father gaue me
For visiting your Highnesse: My best Traine
I haue from your Sicilian Shores dismiss'd;
Who for Bohemia bendto signifie
Not onely my successe in Libia (Sir)
But my arriualland my Wifesin safetie
Herewhere we are
Leo. The blessed Gods
Purge all Infection from our Ayrewhilest you
Doe Clymate here: you haue a holy Father
A graceful Gentlemanagainst whose person
(So sacred as it is) I haue done sinne
For whichthe Heauens (taking angry note)
Haue left me Issue-lesse: and your Father's bless'd
(As he from Heauen merits it) with you
Worthy his goodnesse. What might I haue been
Might I a Sonne and Daughter now haue look'd on
Such goodly things as you?
Enter a Lord.
Lord. Most Noble Sir
That which I shall reportwill beare no credit
Were not the proofe so nigh. Please you (great Sir)
Bohemia greets you from himselfeby me:
Desires you to attach his Sonnewho ha's
(His Dignitieand Dutie both cast off)
Fled from his Fatherfrom his Hopesand with
A Shepheards Daughter
Leo. Where's Bohemia? speake:
Lord. Herein your Citie: I now came from him.
I speake amazedlyand it becomes
My meruaileand my Message. To your Court
Whiles he was hastning (in the Chaseit seemes
Of this faire Couple) meetes he on the way
The Father of this seeming Ladyand
Her Brotherhauing both their Countrey quitted
With this young Prince
Flo. Camillo ha's betray'd me;
Whose honorand whose honestie till now
Endur'd all Weathers
Lord. Lay't so to his charge:
He's with the King your Father
Leo. Who? Camillo?
Lord. Camillo (Sir:) I spake with him: who now
Ha's these poore men in question. Neuer saw I
Wretches so quake: they kneelethey kisse the Earth;
Forsweare themselues as often as they speake:
Bohemia stops his earesand threatens them
With diuers deathsin death
Perd. Oh my poore Father:
The Heauen sets Spyes vpon vswill not haue
Our Contract celebrated
Leo. You are marryed?
Flo. We are not (Sir) nor are we like to be:
The Starres (I see) will kisse the Valleyes first:
The oddes for high and low's alike
Leo. My Lord
Is this the Daughter of a King?
Flo. She is
When once she is my Wife
Leo. That once (I see) by your good Fathers speed
Will come-on very slowly. I am sorry
(Most sorry) you haue broken from his liking
Where you were ty'd in dutie: and as sorry
Your Choice is not so rich in Worthas Beautie
That you might well enioy her
Flo. Dearelooke vp:
Though Fortunevisible an Enemie
Should chase vswith my Father; powre no iot
Hath she to change our Loues. Beseech you (Sir)
Remembersince you ow'd no more to Time
Then I doe now: with thought of such Affections
Step forth mine Aduocate: at your request
My Father will graunt precious thingsas Trifles
Leo. Would he doe soI'ld beg your precious Mistris
Which he counts but a Trifle
Paul. Sir (my Liege)
Your eye hath too much youth in't: not a moneth
'Fore your Queene dy'dshe was more worth such gazes
Then what you looke on now
Leo. I thought of her
Euen in these Lookes I made. But your Petition
Is yet vn-answer'd: I will to your Father:
Your Honor not o're-throwne by your desires
I am friend to themand you: Vpon which Errand
I now goe toward him: therefore follow me
And marke what way I make: Come good my Lord.
Scoena Secunda.
Enter Autolicusand a Gentleman.
Aut. Beseech you (Sir) were you present at this Relation?
Gent.1. I was by at the opening of the Farthellheard
the old Shepheard deliuer the manner how he found it:
Whereupon (after a little amazednesse) we were all commanded
out of the Chamber: onely this (me thought) I
heard the Shepheard sayhe found the Child
Aut. I would most gladly know the issue of it
Gent.1. I make a broken deliuerie of the Businesse;
but the changes I perceiued in the Kingand Camillowere
very Notes of admiration: they seem'd almostwith staring
on one anotherto teare the Cases of their Eyes.
There was speech in their dumbnesseLanguage in their
very gesture: they look'd as they had heard of a World
ransom'dor one destroyed: a notable passion of Wonder
appeared in them: but the wisest beholderthat knew
no more but seeingcould not sayif th' importance were
Ioyor Sorrow; but in the extremitie of the oneit must
needs be.
Enter another Gentleman.
Here comes a Gentlemanthat happily knowes more:
The NewesRogero
Gent.2. Nothing but Bon-fires: the Oracle is fulfill'd:
the Kings Daughter is found: such a deale of wonder is
broken out within this hourethat Ballad-makers cannot
be able to expresse it.
Enter another Gentleman.
Here comes the Lady Paulina's Stewardhee can deliuer
you more. How goes it now (Sir.) This Newes (which
is call'd true) is so like an old Talethat the veritie of it is
in strong suspition: Ha's the King found his Heire?
Gent.3. Most trueif euer Truth were pregnant by
Circumstance: That which you heareyou'le sweare
you seethere is such vnitie in the proofes. The Mantle
of Queene Hermiones: her Iewell about the Neck of it:
the Letters of Antigonus found with itwhich they know
to be his Character: the Maiestie of the Creaturein resemblance
of the Mother: the Affection of Noblenesse
which Nature shewes aboue her Breedingand many other
Euidencesproclayme herwith all certaintieto be
the Kings Daughter. Did you see the meeting of the
two Kings?
Gent.2. No
Gent.3. Then haue you lost a Sight which was to bee
seenecannot bee spoken of. There might you haue beheld
one Ioy crowne anotherso and in such mannerthat
it seem'd Sorrow wept to take leaue of them: for their
Ioy waded in teares. There was casting vp of Eyesholding
vp of Handswith Countenance of such distraction
that they were to be knowne by Garmentnot by Fauor.
Our King being ready to leape out of himselfefor ioy of
his found Daughter; as if that Ioy were now become a
LossecryesOhthy Motherthy Mother: then askes
Bohemia forgiuenessethen embraces his Sonne-in-Law:
then againe worryes he his Daughterwith clipping her.
Now he thanks the old Shepheard (which stands bylike
a Weather-bitten Conduitof many Kings Reignes.) I
neuer heard of such another Encounter; which lames Report
to follow itand vndo's description to doe it
Gent.2. What'pray youbecame of Antigonusthat
carryed hence the Child?
Gent.3. Like an old Tale stillwhich will haue matter
to rehearsethough Credit be asleepeand not an eare open;
he was torne to pieces with a Beare: This auouches
the Shepheards Sonne; who ha's not onely his Innocence
(which seemes much) to iustifie himbut a Hand-kerchief
and Rings of histhat Paulina knowes
Gent.1. What became of his Barkeand his Followers?
Gent.3. Wrackt the same instant of their Masters
deathand in the view of the Shepheard: so that all the
Instruments which ayded to expose the Childwere euen
then lostwhen it was found. But oh the Noble Combat
that 'twixt Ioy and Sorrow was fought in Paulina. Shee
had one Eye declin'd for the losse of her Husbandanother
eleuatedthat the Oracle was fulfill'd: Shee lifted the
Princesse from the Earthand so locks her in embracing
as if shee would pin her to her heartthat shee might no
more be in danger of loosing
Gent.1. The Dignitie of this Act was worth the audience
of Kings and Princesfor by such was it acted
Gent.3. One of the prettyest touches of alland that
which angl'd for mine Eyes (caught the Waterthough
not the Fish) waswhen at the Relation of the Queenes
death (with the manner how shee came to'tbrauely confess'd
and lamented by the King) how attentiuenesse
wounded his Daughtertill (from one signe of dolour to
another) shee did (with an Alas) I would faine saybleed
Teares; for I am suremy heart wept blood. Who was
most Marblethere changed colour: some swowndedall
sorrowed: if all the World could haue seen'tthe Woe
had beene vniuersall
Gent.1. Are they returned to the Court?
Gent.3. No: The Princesse hearing of her Mothers
Statue (which is in the keeping of Paulina) a Peece many
yeeres in doingand now newly perform'dby that rare
Italian MasterIulio Romanowho (had he himselfe Eternitie
and could put Breath into his Worke) would beguile
Nature of her Customeso perfectly he is her Ape:
He so neere to Hermionehath done Hermionethat they
say one would speake to herand stand in hope of answer.
Thither (with all greedinesse of affection) are they gone
and there they intend to Sup
Gent.2. I thought she had some great matter there in
handfor shee hath priuatelytwice or thrice a dayeuer
since the death of Hermionevisited that remoued House.
Shall wee thitherand with our companie peece the Reioycing?
Gent.1. Who would be thencethat ha's the benefit
of Accesse? euery winke of an Eyesome new Grace
will be borne: our Absence makes vs vnthriftie to our
Knowledge. Let's along.
Aut. Now (had I not the dash of my former life in
me) would Preferment drop on my head. I brought the
old man and his Sonne aboord the Prince; told himI
heard them talke of a Farthelland I know not what: but
he at that time ouer-fond of the Shepheards Daughter (so
he then tooke her to be) who began to be much Sea-sick
and himselfe little betterextremitie of Weather continuing
this Mysterie remained vndiscouer'd. But 'tis all
one to me: for had I beene the finder-out of this Secret
it would not haue rellish'd among my other discredits.
Enter Shepheard and Clowne.
Here come those I haue done good to against my will
and alreadie appearing in the blossomes of their Fortune
Shep. Come BoyI am past moe Children: but thy
Sonnes and Daughters will be all Gentlemen borne
Clow. You are well met (Sir:) you deny'd to fight
with mee this other daybecause I was no Gentleman
borne. See you these Clothes? say you see them not
and thinke me still no Gentleman borne: You were best
say these Robes are not Gentlemen borne. Giue me the
Lye: doe: and try whether I am not now a Gentleman
Aut. I know you are now (Sir) a Gentleman borne
Clow. Iand haue been so any time these foure houres
Shep. And so haue IBoy
Clow. So you haue: but I was a Gentleman borne before
my Father: for the Kings Sonne tooke me by the
handand call'd mee Brother: and then the two Kings
call'd my Father Brother: and then the Prince (my Brother)
and the Princesse (my Sister) call'd my FatherFather;
and so wee wept: and there was the first Gentleman-like
teares that euer we shed
Shep. We may liue (Sonne) to shed many more
Clow. I: or else 'twere hard luckbeing in so preposterous
estate as we are
Aut. I humbly beseech you (Sir) to pardon me all the
faults I haue committed to your Worshipand to giue
me your good report to the Prince my Master
Shep. 'Prethee Sonne doe: for we must be gentlenow
we are Gentlemen
Clow. Thou wilt amend thy life?
Aut. Iand it like your good Worship
Clow. Giue me thy hand: I will sweare to the Prince
thou art as honest a true Fellow as any is in Bohemia
Shep. You may say itbut not sweare it
Clow. Not sweare itnow I am a Gentleman? Let
Boores and Francklins say itIle sweare it
Shep. How if it be false (Sonne?)
Clow. If it be ne're so falsea true Gentleman may
sweare itin the behalfe of his Friend: And Ile sweare to
the Princethou art a tall Fellow of thy handsand that
thou wilt not be drunke: but I know thou art no tall Fellow
of thy handsand that thou wilt be drunke: but Ile
sweare itand I would thou would'st be a tall Fellow of
thy hands
Aut. I will proue so (Sir) to my power
Clow. Iby any meanes proue a tall Fellow: if I do not
wonderhow thou dar'st venture to be drunkenot being
a tall Fellowtrust me not. Harkethe Kings and Princes
(our Kindred) are going to see the Queenes Picture.
Comefollow vs: wee'le be thy good Masters.
Scaena Tertia.
Enter LeontesPolixenesFlorizellPerditaCamilloPaulina:
(like a Statue:) Lords&c.
Leo. O graue and good Paulinathe great comfort
That I haue had of thee?
Paul. What (Soueraigne Sir)
I did not wellI meant well: all my Seruices
You haue pay'd home. But that you haue vouchsaf'd
(With your Crown'd Brotherand these your contracted
Heires of your Kingdomes) my poore House to visit;
It is a surplus of your Gracewhich neuer
My life may last to answere
Leo. O Paulina
We honor you with trouble: but we came
To see the Statue of our Queene. Your Gallerie
Haue we pass'd throughnot without much content
In many singularities; but we saw not
That which my Daughter came to looke vpon
The Statue of her Mother
Paul. As she liu'd peerelesse
So her dead likenesse I doe well beleeue
Excells what euer yet you look'd vpon
Or hand of Man hath done: therefore I keepe it
Louelyapart. But here it is: prepare
To see the Life as liuely mock'das euer
Still Sleepe mock'd Death: beholdand say 'tis well.
I like your silenceit the more shewes-off
Your wonder: but yet speakefirst you (my Liege)
Comes it not something neere?
Leo. Her naturall Posture.
Chide me (deare Stone) that I may say indeed
Thou art Hermione; or ratherthou art she
In thy not chiding: for she was as tender
As Infancieand Grace. But yet (Paulina)
Hermione was not so much wrincklednothing
So aged as this seemes
Pol. Ohnot by much
Paul. So much the more our Caruers excellence
Which lets goe-by some sixteene yeeresand makes her
As she liu'd now
Leo. As now she might haue done
So much to my good comfortas it is
Now piercing to my Soule. Ohthus she stood
Euen with such Life of Maiestie (warme Life
As now it coldly stands) when first I woo'd her.
I am asham'd: Do's not the Stone rebuke me
For being more Stone then it? Oh Royall Peece:
There's Magick in thy Maiestiewhich ha's
My Euils coniur'd to remembrance; and
From thy admiring Daughter tooke the Spirits
Standing like Stone with thee
Perd. And giue me leaue
And doe not say 'tis Superstitionthat
I kneeleand then implore her Blessing. Lady
Deere Queenethat ended when I but began
Giue me that hand of yoursto kisse
Paul. Opatience:
The Statue is but newly fix'd; the Colour's
Not dry
Cam. My Lordyour Sorrow was too sore lay'd-on
Which sixteene Winters cannot blow away
So many Summers dry: scarce any Ioy
Did euer so long liue; no Sorrow
But kill'd it selfe much sooner
Pol. Deere my Brother
Let himthat was the cause of thishaue powre
To take-off so much griefe from youas he
Will peece vp in himselfe
Paul. Indeed my Lord
If I had thought the sight of my poore Image
Would thus haue wrought you (for the Stone is mine)
Il'd not haue shew'd it
Leo. Doe not draw the Curtaine
Paul. No longer shall you gaze on'tleast your Fancie
May thinke anonit moues
Leo. Let belet be:
Would I were deadbut that me thinkes alreadie.
(What was he that did make it?) See (my Lord)
Would you not deeme it breath'd? and that those veines
Did verily beare blood?
Pol. 'Masterly done:
The very Life seemes warme vpon her Lippe
Leo. The fixure of her Eye ha's motion in't
As we are mock'd with Art
Paul. Ile draw the Curtaine:
My Lord's almost so farre transportedthat
Hee'le thinke anon it liues
Leo. Oh sweet Paulina
Make me to thinke so twentie yeeres together:
No setled Sences of the World can match
The pleasure of that madnesse. Let't alone
Paul. I am sorry (Sir) I haue thus farre stir'd you: but
I could afflict you farther
Leo. Doe Paulina:
For this Affliction ha's a taste as sweet
As any Cordiall comfort. Still me thinkes
There is an ayre comes from her. What fine Chizzell
Could euer yet cut breath? Let no man mock me
For I will kisse her
Paul. Good my Lordforbeare:
The ruddinesse vpon her Lippeis wet:
You'le marre itif you kisse it; stayne your owne
With Oyly Painting: shall I draw the Curtaine
Leo. No: not these twentie yeeres
Perd. So long could I
Stand-bya looker-on
Paul. Either forbeare
Quit presently the Chappellor resolue you
For more amazement: if you can behold it
Ile make the Statue moue indeed; descend
And take you by the hand: but then you'le thinke
(Which I protest against) I am assisted
By wicked Powers
Leo. What you can make her doe
I am content to looke on: what to speake
I am content to heare: for 'tis as easie
To make her speakeas moue
Paul. It is requir'd
You doe awake your Faith: thenall stand still:
On: those that thinke it is vnlawfull Businesse
I am aboutlet them depart
Leo. Proceed:
No foot shall stirre
Paul. Musick; awake her: Strike:
'Tis time: descend: be Stone no more: approach:
Strike all that looke vpon with meruaile: Come:
Ile fill your Graue vp: stirre: naycome away:
Bequeath to Death your numnesse: (for from him
Deare Life redeemes you) you perceiue she stirres:
Start not: her Actions shall be holyas
You heare my Spell is lawfull: doe not shun her
Vntill you see her dye againe; for then
You kill her double: Naypresent your Hand:
When she was youngyou woo'd her: nowin age
Is she become the Suitor?
Leo. Ohshe's warme:
If this be Magicklet it be an Art
Lawfull as Eating
Pol. She embraces him
Cam. She hangs about his necke
If she pertaine to lifelet her speake too
Pol. Iand make it manifest where she ha's liu'd
Or how stolne from the dead?
Paul. That she is liuing
Were it but told youshould be hooted at
Like an old Tale: but it appeares she liues
Though yet she speake not. Marke a little while:
Please you to interpose (faire Madam) kneele
And pray your Mothers blessing: turne good Lady
Our Perdita is found
Her. You Gods looke downe
And from your sacred Viols poure your graces
Vpon my daughters head: Tell me (mine owne)
Where hast thou bin preseru'd? Where liu'd? How found
Thy Fathers Court? For thou shalt heare that I
Knowing by Paulinathat the Oracle
Gaue hope thou wast in beinghaue preseru'd
My selfeto see the yssue
Paul. There's time enough for that
Least they desire (vpon this push) to trouble
Your ioyeswith like Relation. Go together
You precious winners all: your exultation
Partake to euery one: I (an old Turtle)
Will wing me to some wither'd boughand there
My Mate (that's neuer to be found againe)
Lamenttill I am lost
Leo. O peace Paulina:
Thou shouldst a husband take by my consent
As I by thine a Wife. This is a Match
And made betweene's by Vowes. Thou hast found mine
But howis to be question'd: for I saw her
(As I thought) dead: and haue (in vaine) said many
A prayer vpon her graue. Ile not seeke farre
(For himI partly know his minde) to finde thee
An honourable husband. Come Camillo
And take her by the hand: whose worthand honesty
Is richly noted: and heere iustified
By Vsa paire of Kings. Let's from this place.
What? looke vpon my Brother: both your pardons
That ere I put betweene your holy lookes
My ill suspition: This your Son-in-law
And Sonne vnto the Kingwhom heauens directing
Is troth-plight to your daughter. Good Paulina
Leade vs from hencewhere we may leysurely
Each one demandand answere to his part
Perform'd in this wide gap of Timesince first
We were disseuer'd: Hastily lead away.
The Names of the Actors.
LeontesKing of Sicillia.
Mamillusyong Prince of Sicillia.
Lords of Sicillia.
HermioneQueene to Leontes.
PerditaDaughter to Leontes and Hermione.
Paulinawife to Antigonus.
Emiliaa Lady.
PolixenesKing of Bohemia.
FlorizellPrince of Bohemia.
Old Shepheardreputed Father of Perdita.
Clownehis Sonne.
Autolicusa Rogue.
Archidamusa Lord of Bohemia.
Other Lordsand Gentlemenand Seruants.
Shepheardsand Shephearddesses.
FINIS. The Winters Tale.