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Of Truth
Of Death
Of Unity in Religion
Of Revenge
Of Adversity
Of Simulation and Dissimulation
Of Parents and Children
Of Marriage and Single Life
Of Envy
Of Love
Of Great Place
Of Boldness
Of Goodness and Goodness of Nature
Of Nobility
Of Seditions and Troubles
Of Atheism
Of Superstition
Of Travel
Of Empire
Of Counsel
Of Delays
Of Cunning
Of Wisdom for a Man's Self
Of Innovations
Of Dispatch
Of Seeming Wise
Of Friendship
Of Expense
Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates
Of Regiment of Health
Of Suspicion
Of Discourse
Of Plantations
Of Riches
Of Prophecies
Of Ambition
Of Mosques and Triumphs
Of Nature in Men
Of Custom and Education
Of Fortune
Of Usury
Of Youth and Age
Of Beauty
Of Deformity
Of Building
Of Gardens
Of Negotiating
Of Followers and Friends
Of Suitors
Of Studies
Of Faction
Of Ceremonies and Respects
Of Praise
Of Vain-glory
Of Honor and Reputation
Of Judicature
Of Anger
Of Vicissitude of Things
Of Fame
SALOMON saies; A good Name is as a precious
oyntment; And I assure my selfesuch wil
your Graces Name beewith Posteritie. For your
Fortuneand Merit bothhave been Eminent. And
you have planted Thingsthat are like to last. I doe
now publish my Essayes; whichof all my other
workeshave beene most Currant: For thatas it
seemesthey come hometo Mens Businesseand
Bosomes. I have enlarged themboth in Number
and Weight; So that they are indeed a New Worke.
I thought it therefore agreeableto my Affection
and Obligation to your Graceto prefix your Name
before themboth in Englishand in Latine. For I
doe conceivethat the Latine Volume of them
(being in the Universall Language) may lastas
long as Bookes last. My InstaurationI dedicated to
the King: My Historie of Henry the Seventh
(which I have now also translated into Latine) and
my Portions of Naturall Historyto the Prince:
And these I dedicate to your Grace; Being of the
best Fruitsthat by the good Encreasewhich God
gives to my Pen and LaboursI could yeeld.
God leade your Grace by the Hand. Your Graces
most Obliged and faithfull Servant
Of Truth
WHAT is truth? said jesting Pilateand would
not stay for an answer. Certainly there be
that delight in giddinessand count it a bondage to
fix a belief; affecting free-will in thinkingas well
as in acting. And though the sects of philosophers
of that kind be goneyet there remain certain dis-
coursing witswhich are of the same veinsthough
there be not so much blood in themas was in those
of the ancients. But it is not only the difficulty and
laborwhich men take in finding out of truthnor
againthat when it is foundit imposeth upon
men's thoughtsthat doth bring lies in favor; but
a naturalthough corrupt loveof the lie itself. One
of the later school of the Greciansexamineth the
matterand is at a standto think what should be
in itthat men should love lies; where neither they
make for pleasureas with poetsnor for advan-
tageas with the merchant; but for the lie's sake.
But I cannot tell; this same truthis a nakedand
open day-lightthat doth not show the masksand
mummeriesand triumphsof the worldhalf so
stately and daintily as candle-lights. Truth may
perhaps come to the price of a pearlthat showeth
best by day; but it will not rise to the price of a
diamondor carbunclethat showeth best in varied
lights. A mixture of a lie doth ever add pleasure.
Doth any man doubtthat if there were taken out
of men's mindsvain opinionsflattering hopes
false valuationsimaginations as one wouldand
the likebut it would leave the mindsof a number
of menpoor shrunken thingsfull of melancholy
and indispositionand unpleasing to themselves?
One of the fathersin great severitycalled poesy
vinum daemonumbecause it fireth the imagina-
tion; and yetit is but with the shadow of a lie.
But it is not the lie that passeth through the mind
but the lie that sinketh inand settleth in itthat
doth the hurt; such as we spake of before. But how-
soever these things are thus in men's depraved
judgmentsand affectionsyet truthwhich only
doth judge itselfteacheth that the inquiry of truth
which is the love-makingor wooing of itthe
knowledge of truthwhich is the presence of itand
the belief of truthwhich is the enjoying of itis
the sovereign good of human nature. The first
creature of Godin the works of the dayswas the
light of the sense; the lastwas the light of reason;
and his sabbath work ever sinceis the illumina-
tion of his Spirit. First he breathed lightupon the
face of the matter or chaos; then he breathed light
into the face of man; and still he breatheth and in-
spireth lightinto the face of his chosen. The poet
that beautified the sectthat was otherwise in-
ferior to the restsaith yet excellently well: It is a
pleasureto stand upon the shoreand to see ships
tossed upon the sea; a pleasureto stand in the win-
dow of a castleand to see a battleand the adven-
tures thereof below: but no pleasure is comparable
to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth
(a hill not to be commandedand where the air is
always clear and serene)and to see the errorsand
wanderingsand mistsand tempestsin the vale
below; so always that this prospect be with pity
and not with swellingor pride. Certainlyit is
heaven upon earthto have a man's mind move in
charityrest in providenceand turn upon the
poles of truth.
To pass from theologicaland philosophical
truthto the truth of civil business; it will be ac-
knowledgedeven by those that practise it notthat
clearand round dealingis the honor of man's
nature; and that mixture of falsehoodsis like alloy
in coin of gold and silverwhich may make the
metal work the betterbut it embaseth it. For these
windingand crooked coursesare the goings of the
serpent; which goeth basely upon the bellyand
not upon the feet. There is no vicethat doth so
cover a man with shameas to be found false and
perfidious. And therefore Montaigne saith pret-
tilywhen he inquired the reasonwhy the word
of the lie should be such a disgraceand such an
odious charge? Saith heIf it be well weighedto
say that a man liethis as much to sayas that he is
brave towards Godand a coward towards men.
For a lie faces Godand shrinks from man. Surely
the wickedness of falsehoodand breach of faith
cannot possibly be so highly expressedas in that
it shall be the last pealto call the judgments of God
upon the generations of men; it being foretold
that when Christ comethhe shall not find faith
upon the earth.
Of Death
MEN fear deathas children fear to go in the
dark; and as that natural fear in children
is increased with talesso is the other. Certainly
the contemplation of deathas the wages of sin
and passage to another worldis holy and relig-
ious; but the fear of itas a tribute due unto nature
is weak. Yet in religious meditationsthere is some-
times mixture of vanityand of superstition. You
shall readin some of the friars' books of mortifica-
tionthat a man should think with himselfwhat
the pain isif he have but his finger's end pressed
or torturedand thereby imaginewhat the pains
of death arewhen the whole body is corrupted
and dissolved; when many times death passeth
with less pain than the torture of a limb; for the
most vital partsare not the quickest of sense. And
by him that spake only as a philosopherand nat-
ural manit was well saidPompa mortis magis
terretquam mors ipsa. Groansand convulsions
and a discolored faceand friends weepingand
blacksand obsequiesand the likeshow death
terrible. It is worthy the observingthat there is no
passion in the mind of manso weakbut it mates
and mastersthe fear of death; and therefore
death is no such terrible enemywhen a man hath
so many attendants about himthat can win the
combat of him. Revenge triumphs over death; love
slights it; honor aspireth to it; grief flieth to it; fear
preoccupateth it; naywe readafter Otho the em-
peror had slain himselfpity (which is the tender-
est of affections) provoked many to dieout of mere
compassion to their sovereignand as the truest
sort of followers. NaySeneca adds niceness and
satiety: Cogita quamdiu eadem feceris; mori velle
non tantum fortis aut misersed etiam fastidiosus
potest. A man would diethough he were neither
valiantnor miserableonly upon a weariness to
do the same thing so oftover and over. It is no less
worthyto observehow little alteration in good
spiritsthe approaches of death make; for they
appear to be the same mentill the last instant.
Augustus Caesar died in a compliment; Liviacon-
jugii nostri memorvive et vale. Tiberius in dissi-
mulation; as Tacitus saith of himJam Tiberium
vires et corpusnon dissimulatiodeserebant. Ves-
pasian in a jestsitting upon the stool; Ut puto deus
fio. Galba with a sentence; Ferisi ex re sit populi
Romani; holding forth his neck. Septimius Severus
in despatch; Adeste si quid mihi restat agendum.
And the like. Certainly the Stoics bestowed too
much cost upon deathand by their great prepara-
tionsmade it appear more fearful. Better saith he
qui finem vitae extremum inter munera ponat
naturae. It is as natural to dieas to be born; and to
a little infantperhapsthe one is as painfulas the
other. He that dies in an earnest pursuitis like one
that is wounded in hot blood; whofor the time
scarce feels the hurt; and therefore a mind fixed
and bent upon somewhat that is gooddoth avert
the dolors of death. Butabove allbelieve itthe
sweetest canticle is'Nunc dimittis; when a man
hath obtained worthy endsand expectations.
Death hath this also; that it openeth the gate to
good fameand extinguisheth envy. - Extinctus
amabitur idem.
Of Unity
RELIGION being the chief band of human so-
cietyit is a happy thingwhen itself is well
contained within the true band of unity. The
quarrelsand divisions about religionwere evils
unknown to the heathen. The reason wasbecause
the religion of the heathenconsisted rather in
rites and ceremoniesthan in any constant belief.
For you may imaginewhat kind of faith theirs
waswhen the chief doctorsand fathers of their
churchwere the poets. But the true God hath this
attributethat he is a jealous God; and therefore
his worship and religionwill endure no mixture
nor partner.We shall therefore speak a few words
concerning the unity of the church; what are the
fruits thereof ; what the bounds; and what the
The fruits of unity (next unto the well pleasing
of Godwhich is all in all) are two: the onetowards
those that are without the churchthe other
towards those that are within. For the former; it is
certainthat heresiesand schismsare of all others
the greatest scandals; yeamore than corruption
of manners. For as in the natural bodya wound
or solution of continuityis worse than a corrupt
humor; so in the spiritual. So that nothingdoth so
much keep men out of the churchand drive men
out of the churchas breach of unity. And there-
forewhensoever it cometh to that passthat one
saithEcce in desertoanother saithEcce in pene-
tralibus; that iswhen some men seek Christin the
conventicles of hereticsand othersin an outward
face of a churchthat voice had need continually
to sound in men's earsNolite exire- Go not out.
The doctor of the Gentiles (the propriety of whose
vocationdrew him to have a special care of those
without) saithif an heathen come inand hear
you speak with several tongueswill he not say
that you are mad? And certainly it is little better
when atheistsand profane personsdo hear of
so many discordantand contrary opinions in re-
ligion; it doth avert them from the churchand
maketh themto sit down in the chair of the
scorners. It is but a light thingto be vouched in so
serious a matterbut yet it expresseth well the
deformity. There is a master of scoffingthat in his
catalogue of books of a feigned librarysets down
this title of a bookThe Morris-Dance of Heretics.
For indeedevery sect of themhath a diverse pos-
tureor cringe by themselveswhich cannot but
move derision in worldlingsand depraved politics
who are apt to contemn holy things.
As for the fruit towards those that are within; it
is peace; which containeth infinite blessings. It
establisheth faith; it kindleth charity; the outward
peace of the churchdistilleth into peace of con-
science; and it turneth the labors of writingand
reading of controversiesinto treaties of mortifica-
tion and devotion.
Concerning the bounds of unity; the true plac-
ing of themimporteth exceedingly. There appear
to be two extremes. For to certain zealantsall
speech of pacification is odious. Is it peaceJehu?
What hast thou to do with peace? turn thee be-
hind me. Peace is not the matterbut following
and party. Contrariwisecertain Laodiceansand
lukewarm personsthink they may accommodate
points of religionby middle wayand taking part
of bothand witty reconcilements; as if they would
make an arbitrament between God and man. Both
these extremes are to be avoided; which will be
doneif the league of Christianspenned by our
Savior himselfwere in two cross clauses thereof
soundly and plainly expounded: He that is not
with usis against us; and againHe that is not
against usis with us; that isif the points funda-
mental and of substance in religionwere truly
discerned and distinguishedfrom points not
merely of faithbut of opinionorderor good in-
tention. This is a thing may seem to many a matter
trivialand done already. But if it were done less
partiallyit would be embraced more generally.
Of this I may give only this adviceaccording to
my small model. Men ought to take heedof rend-
ing God's churchby two kinds of controversies.
The one iswhen the matter of the point contro-
vertedis too small and lightnot worth the heat
and strife about itkindled only by contradiction.
Foras it is notedby one of the fathersChrist's
coat indeed had no seambut the church's vesture
was of divers colors; whereupon he saithIn veste
varietas sitscissura non sit; they be two things
unity and uniformity. The other iswhen the
matter of the point controvertedis greatbut it is
driven to an over-great subtiltyand obscurity; so
that it becometh a thing rather ingeniousthan
substantial. A man that is of judgment and under-
standingshall sometimes hear ignorant men dif-
ferand know well within himselfthat those
which so differmean one thingand yet they
themselves would never agree. And if it come so
to passin that distance of judgmentwhich is be-
tween man and manshall we not think that God
abovethat knows the heartdoth not discern that
frail menin some of their contradictionsintend
the same thing; and accepteth of both? The nature
of such controversies is excellently expressedby
St. Paulin the warning and preceptthat he giveth
concerning the sameDevita profanas vocum novi-
tateset oppositiones falsi nominis scientiae. Men
create oppositionswhich are not; and put them
into new termsso fixedas whereas the meaning
ought to govern the termthe term in effect gov-
erneth the meaning.There be also two false peaces
or unities: the onewhen the peace is grounded
but upon an implicit ignorance; for all colors will
agree in the dark: the otherwhen it is pieced up
upon a direct admission of contrariesin funda-
mental points. For truth and falsehoodin such
thingsare like the iron and clayin the toes of
Nebuchadnezzar's image; they may cleavebut
they will not incorporate.
Concerning the means of procuring unity; men
must bewarethat in the procuringor reuniting
of religious unitythey do not dissolve and deface
the laws of charityand of human society. There
be two swords amongst Christiansthe spiritual
and temporal; and both have their due office and
placein the maintenance of religion. But we may
not take up the third swordwhich is Mahomet's
swordor like unto it; that isto propagate religion
by warsor by sanguinary persecutions to force
consciences; except it be in cases of overt scandal
blasphemyor intermixture of practice against
the state; much less to nourish seditions; to author-
ize conspiracies and rebellions; to put the sword
into the people's hands; and the like; tending to
the subversion of all governmentwhich is the
ordinance of God. For this is but to dash the first
table against the second; and so to consider men
as Christiansas we forget that they are men.
Lucretius the poetwhen he beheld the act of Aga-
memnonthat could endure the sacrificing of his
own daughterexclaimed: Tantum Religio potuit
suadere malorum.
What would he have saidif he had known of
the massacre in Franceor the powder treason of
England? He would have been seven times more
Epicureand atheistthan he was. For as the tem-
poral sword is to be drawn with great circumspec-
tion in cases of religion; so it is a thing monstrous
to put it into the hands of the common people. Let
that be left unto the Anabaptistsand other furies.
It was great blasphemywhen the devil saidI will
ascendand be like the highest; but it is greater
blasphemyto personate Godand bring him in
sayingI will descendand be like the prince of
darkness; and what is it betterto make the cause
of religion to descendto the cruel and execrable
actions of murthering princesbutchery of people
and subversion of states and governments? Surely
this is to bring down the Holy Ghostinstead of the
likeness of a dovein the shape of a vulture or
raven; and setout of the bark of a Christian
churcha flag of a bark of piratesand assassins.
Therefore it is most necessarythat the churchby
doctrine and decreeprinces by their swordand
all learningsboth Christian and moralas by their
Mercury roddo damn and send to hell for ever
those facts and opinions tending to the support of
the same; as hath been already in good part done.
Surely in counsels concerning religionthat coun-
sel of the apostle would be prefixedIra hominis
non implet justitiam Dei. And it was a notable
observation of a wise fatherand no less ingenu-
ously confessed; that those which held and per-
suaded pressure of conscienceswere commonly
interested therein.themselvesfor their own ends.
Of Revenge
REVENGE is a kind of wild justice; which the
more man' s nature runs tothe more ought
law to weed it out. For as for the first wrongit
doth but offend the law; but the revenge of that
wrongputteth the law out of office. Certainlyin
taking revengea man is but even with his enemy;
but in passing it overhe is superior; for it is a
prince's part to pardon. And SolomonI am sure
saithIt is the glory of a manto pass by an offence.
That which is past is goneand irrevocable; and
wise men have enough to dowith things present
and to come; therefore they do but trifle with
themselvesthat labor in past matters. There is no
man doth a wrongfor the wrong's sake; but
thereby to purchase himself profitor pleasureor
honoror the like. Therefore why should I be
angry with a manfor loving himself better than
me? And if any man should do wrongmerely out
of ill-naturewhyyet it is but like the thorn or
briarwhich prick and scratchbecause they can
do no other. The most tolerable sort of revengeis
for those wrongs which there is no law to remedy;
but then let a man take heedthe revenge be such
as there is no law to punish; else a man's enemy is
still before handand it is two for one. Somewhen
they take revengeare desirousthe party should
knowwhence it cometh. This is the more gener-
ous. For the delight seemeth to benot so much in
doing the hurtas in making the party repent. But
base and crafty cowardsare like the arrow that
flieth in the dark. Cosmusduke of Florencehad a
desperate saying against perfidious or neglecting
friendsas if those wrongs were unpardonable;
You shall read (saith he) that we are commanded
to forgive our enemies; but you never readthat we
are commanded to forgive our friends. But yet the
spirit of Job was in a better tune: Shall we (saith
he) take good at God's handsand not be content to
take evil also? And so of friends in a proportion.
This is certainthat a man that studieth revenge
keeps his own wounds greenwhich otherwise
would healand do well. Public revenges are for
the most part fortunate; as that for the death of
Caesar; for the death of Pertinax; for the death of
Henry the Third of France; and many more. But
in private revengesit is not so. Nay rathervindic-
tive persons live the life of witches; whoas they
are mischievousso end they infortunate.
Of Adversity
IT WAS an high speech of Seneca (after the
manner of the Stoics)that the good things
which belong to prosperityare to be wished; but
the good thingsthat belong to adversityare to be
admired. Bona rerum secundarum optabilia; ad-
versarum mirabilia. Certainly if miracles be the
command over naturethey appear most in adver-
sity. It is yet a higher speech of histhan the other
(much too high for a heathen)It is true greatness
to have in one the frailty of a manand the security
of a God. Vere magnum habere fragilitatem homi-
nissecuritatem Dei. This would have done better
in poesywhere transcendences are more allowed.
And the poets indeed have been busy with it; for
it is in effect the thingwhich figured in that
strange fiction of the ancient poetswhich seemeth
not to be without mystery; nayand to have some
approach to the state of a Christian; that Hercules
when he went to unbind Prometheus (by whom
human nature is represented)sailed the length of
the great oceanin an earthen pot or pitcher; lively
describing Christian resolutionthat saileth in the
frail bark of the fleshthrough the waves of the
world. But to speak in a mean. The virtue of pros-
perityis temperance; the virtue of adversityis
fortitude; which in morals is the more heroical
virtue. Prosperity is the blessing of the Old Testa-
ment; adversity is the blessing of the New; which
carrieth the greater benedictionand the clearer
revelation of God's favor. Yet even in the Old
Testamentif you listen to David's harpyou shall
hear as many hearse-like airs as carols; and the
pencil of the Holy Ghost hath labored more in de-
scribing the afflictions of Jobthan the felicities of
Solomon. Prosperity is not without many fears
and distastes; and adversity is not without com-
forts and hopes. We see in needle-works and em-
broideriesit is more pleasing to have a lively work
upon a sad and solemn groundthan to have a dark
and melancholy workupon a lightsome ground:
judge therefore of the pleasure of the heartby the
pleasure of the eye. Certainly virtue is like precious
odorsmost fragrant when they are incensedor
crushed: for prosperity doth best discover vicebut
adversity doth best discover virtue.
Of Simulation
DISSIMULATION is but a faint kind of pol-
icyor wisdom; for it asketh a strong wit
and a strong heartto know when to tell truthand
to do it. Therefore it is the weaker sort of politics
that are the great dissemblers.
Tacitus saithLivia sorted well with the arts of
her husbandand dissimulation of her son; attri-
buting arts or policy to Augustusand dissimula-
tion to Tiberius. And againwhen Mucianus
encourageth Vespasianto take arms against Vitel-
liushe saithWe rise not against the piercing
judgment of Augustusnor the extreme caution or
closeness of Tiberius. These propertiesof arts or
policyand dissimulation or closenessare indeed
habits and faculties severaland to be distin-
guished. For if a man have that penetration of
judgmentas he can discern what things are to
be laid openand what to be secretedand what to
be showed at half lightsand to whom and when
(which indeed are arts of stateand arts of lifeas
Tacitus well calleth them)to hima habit of dis-
simulation is a hinderance and a poorness. But if
a man cannot obtain to that judgmentthen it is
left to bim generallyto be closeand a dissembler.
For where a man cannot chooseor vary in parti-
cularsthere it is good to take the safestand wari-
est wayin general; like the going softlyby one
that cannot well see. Certainly the ablest men
that ever werehave had all an opennessand
franknessof dealing; and a name of certainty and
veracity; but then they were like horses well
managed; for they could tell passing wellwhen to
stop or turn; and at such timeswhen they thought
the case indeed required dissimulationif then
they used itit came to pass that the former opin-
ionspread abroadof their good faith and clear-
ness of dealingmade them almost invisible.
There be three degrees of this hiding and veil-
ing of a man's self. The firstclosenessreservation
and secrecy; when a man leaveth himself without
observationor without hold to be takenwhat he
is. The seconddissimulationin the negative;
when a man lets fall signs and argumentsthat he
is notthat he is. And the thirdsimulationin the
affirmative; when a man industriously and ex-
pressly feigns and pretends to bethat he is not.
For the first of thesesecrecy; it is indeed the
virtue of a confessor. And assuredlythe secret
man heareth many confessions. For who will open
himselfto a blab or a babbler? But if a man be
thought secretit inviteth discovery; as the more
close air sucketh in the more open; and as in con-
fessionthe revealing is not for worldly usebut for
the ease of a man's heartso secret men come to
the knowledge of many things in that kind; while
men rather discharge their mindsthan impart
their minds. In few wordsmysteries are due to
secrecy. Besides (to say truth) nakedness is un-
comelyas well in mind as body; and it addeth no
small reverenceto men's manners and actionsif
they be not altogether open. As for talkers and
futile personsthey are commonly vain and credu-
lous withal. For he that talketh what he knoweth
will also talk what he knoweth not. Therefore set it
downthat an habit of secrecyis both politic and
moral. And in this partit is good that a man's face
give his tongue leave to speak. For the discovery of
a man' s selfby the tracts of his countenanceis a
great weakness and betraying; by how much it is
many times more markedand believedthan a
man's words.
For the secondwhich is dissimulation; it fol-
loweth many times upon secrecyby a necessity;
so that he that will be secretmust be a dissembler
in some degree. For men are too cunningto suffer
a man to keep an indifferent carriage between
bothand to be secretwithout swaying the bal-
ance on either side. They will so beset a man with
questionsand draw him onand pick it out of him
thatwithout an absurd silencehe must show an
inclination one way; or if he do notthey will
gather as much by his silenceas by his speech. As
for equivocationsor oraculous speechesthey can-
not hold out long. So that no man can be secret
except he give himself a little scope of dissimula-
tion; which isas it werebut the skirts or train of
But for the third degreewhich is simulation
and false profession; that I hold more culpable
and less politic; except it be in great and rare mat-
ters. And therefore a general custom of simulation
(which is this last degree) is a viceusing either of
a natural falseness or fearfulnessor of a mind that
hath some main faultswhich because a man must
needs disguiseit maketh him practise simulation
in other thingslest his hand should be out of use.
The great advantages of simulation and dissi-
mulation are three. Firstto lay asleep opposition
and to surprise. For where a man's intentions are
publishedit is an alarumto call up all that are
against them. The second isto reserve to a man's
self a fair retreat. For if a man engage himself by
a manifest declarationhe must go through or take
a fall. The third isthe better to discover the mind
of another. For to him that opens himselfmen
will hardly show themselves adverse; but will fair
let him go onand turn their freedom of speechto
freedom of thought. And therefore it is a good
shrewd proverb of the SpaniardTell a lie and find
a troth. As if there were no way of discoverybut
by simulation. There be also three disadvantages
to set it even. The firstthat simulation and dissi-
mulation commonly carry with them a show of
fearfulnesswhich in any businessdoth spoil the
feathersof round flying up to the mark. The sec-
ondthat it puzzleth and perplexeth the conceits
of manythat perhaps would otherwise co-operate
with him; and makes a man walk almost aloneto
his own ends. The third and greatest isthat it
depriveth a man of one of the most principal in-
struments for action; which is trust and belief.
The best composition and temperatureis to have
openness in fame and opinion; secrecy in habit;
dissimulation in seasonable use; and a power to
feignif there be no remedy.
Of Parents
THE joys of parents are secret; and so are their
griefs and fears. They cannot utter the one;
nor they will not utter the other. Children sweeten
labors; but they make misfortunes more bitter.
They increase the cares of life; but they mitigate
the remembrance of death. The perpetuity by
generation is common to beasts; but memory
meritand noble worksare proper to men. And
surely a man shall see the noblest works and foun-
dations have proceeded from childless men; which
have sought to express the images of their minds
where those of their bodies have failed. So the care
of posterity is most in themthat have no posterity.
They that are the first raisers of their housesare
most indulgent towards their children; beholding
them as the continuancenot only of their kindbut
of their work; and so both children and creatures.
The difference in affectionof parents towards
their several childrenis many times unequal; and
sometimes unworthy; especially in the mothers;
as Solomon saithA wise son rejoiceth the father
but an ungracious son shames the mother. A man
shall seewhere there is a house full of children
one or two of the eldest respectedand the young-
est made wantons; but in the midstsome that
are as it were forgottenwho many timesnever-
thelessprove the best. The illiberality of parents
in allowance towards their childrenis an harmful
error; makes them base; acquaints them with
shifts; makes them sort with mean company; and
makes them surfeit more when they come to
plenty. And therefore the proof is bestwhen men
keep their authority towards the childrenbut not
their purse. Men have a foolish manner (both par-
ents and schoolmasters and servants) in creating
and breeding an emulation between brothersdur-
ing childhoodwhich many times sorteth to dis-
cord when they are menand disturbeth families.
The Italians make little difference between chil-
drenand nephews or near kinsfolks; but so they
be of the lumpthey care not though they pass not
through their own body. Andto say truthin
nature it is much a like matter; insomuch that we
see a nephew sometimes resembleth an uncleor
a kinsmanmore than his own parent; as the blood
happens. Let parents choose betimesthe vocations
and courses they mean their children should take;
for then they are most flexible; and let them not
too much apply themselves to the disposition of
their childrenas thinking they will take best to
thatwhich they have most mind to. It is truethat
if the affection or aptness of the children be extra-
ordinarythen it is good not to cross it; but gener-
ally the precept is goodoptimum eligesuave et
facile illud faciet consuetudo. Younger brothers
are commonly fortunatebut seldom or never
where the elder are disinherited.
Of Marriage
HE THAT hath wife and children hath given
hostages to fortune; for they are impedi-
ments to great enterpriseseither of virtue or mis-
chief. Certainly the best worksand of greatest
merit for the publichave proceeded from the un-
married or childless men; which both in affection
and meanshave married and endowed the public.
Yet it were great reason that those that have chil-
drenshould have greatest care of future times;
unto which they know they must transmit their
dearest pledges. Some there arewho though they
lead a single lifeyet their thoughts do end with
themselvesand account future times imperti-
nences. Naythere are some otherthat account
wife and childrenbut as bills of charges. Nay
morethere are some foolish rich covetous men
that take a pridein having no childrenbecause
they may be thought so much the richer. For per-
haps they have heard some talkSuch an one is a
great rich manand another except to itYeabut
he hath a great charge of children; as if it were an
abatement to his riches. But the most ordinary
cause of a single lifeis libertyespecially in certain
self-pleasing and humorous mindswhich are so
sensible of every restraintas they will go near to
think their girdles and gartersto be bonds and
shackles. Unmarried men are best friendsbest
mastersbest servants; but not always best sub-
jects; for they are light to run away; and almost
all fugitivesare of that condition. A single life
doth well with churchmen; for charity will hardly
water the groundwhere it must first fill a pool. It
is indifferent for judges and magistrates; for if
they be facile and corruptyou shall have a ser-
vantfive times worse than a wife. For soldiersI
find the generals commonly in their hortatives
put men in mind of their wives and children; and
I think the despising of marriage amongst the
Turksmaketh the vulgar soldier more base. Cer-
tainly wife and children are a kind of discipline
of humanity; and single menthough they may
be many times more charitablebecause their
means are less exhaustyeton the other sidethey
are more cruel and hardhearted (good to make
severe inquisitors)because their tenderness is not
so oft called upon. Grave naturesled by custom
and therefore constantare commonly loving hus-
bandsas was said of Ulyssesvetulam suam praetu-
lit immortalitati. Chaste women are often proud
and frowardas presuming upon the merit of their
chastity. It is one of the best bondsboth of chastity
and obediencein the wifeif she think her hus-
band wise; which she will never doif she find him
jealous. Wives are young men's mistresses; com-
panions for middle age; and old men's nurses. So
as a man may have a quarrel to marrywhen he
will. But yet he was reputed one of the wise men
that made answer to the questionwhen a man
should marry- A young man not yetan elder
man not at all. It is often seen that bad husbands
have very good wives; whether it bethat it raiseth
the price of their husband's kindnesswhen it
comes; or that the wives take a pride in their
patience. But this never failsif the bad husbands
were of their own choosingagainst their friends'
consent; for then they will be sure to make good
their own folly.
Of Envy
THERE be none of the affectionswhich have
been noted to fascinate or bewitchbut love
and envy. They both have vehement wishes; they
frame themselves readily into imaginations and
suggestions; and they come easily into the eye
especially upon the present of the objects; which
are the points that conduce to fascinationif any
such thing there be. We see likewisethe Scripture
calleth envy an evil eye; and the astrologerscall
the evil influences of the starsevil aspects; so that
still there seemeth to be acknowledgedin the act
of envyan ejaculation or irradiation of the eye.
Naysome have been so curiousas to notethat
the times when the stroke or percussion of an envi-
ous eye doth most hurtare when the party envied
is beheld in glory or triumph; for that sets an edge
upon envy: and besidesat such times the spirits
of the person envieddo come forth most into the
outward partsand so meet the blow.
But leaving these curiosities (though not un-
worthy to be thought onin fit place)we will
handlewhat persons are apt to envy others; what
persons are most subject to be envied themselves;
and what is the difference between public and
private envy.
A man that hath no virtue in himselfever en-
vieth virtue in others. For men's mindswill either
feed upon their own goodor upon others' evil; and
who wanteth the onewill prey upon the other;
and whoso is out of hopeto attain to another's
virtuewill seek to come at even handby depress-
ing another's fortune.
A man that is busyand inquisitiveis com-
monly envious. For to know much of other men's
matterscannot be because all that ado may con-
cern his own estate; therefore it must needs be
that he taketh a kind of play-pleasurein looking
upon the fortunes of others. Neither can hethat
mindeth but his own businessfind much matter
for envy. For envy is a gadding passionand walk-
eth the streetsand doth not keep home: Non est
curiosusquin idem sit malevolus.
Men of noble birthare noted to be envious
towards new menwhen they rise. For the distance
is alteredand it is like a deceit of the eyethat
when others come onthey think themselvesgo
Deformed personsand eunuchsand old men
and bastardsare envious. For he that cannot pos-
sibly mend his own casewill do what he canto
impair another's; except these defects light upon
a very braveand heroical naturewhich thinketh
to make his natural wants part of his honor; in that
it should be saidthat an eunuchor a lame man
did such great matters; affecting the honor of a
miracle; as it was in Narses the eunuchand Agesi-
laus and Tamberlanesthat were lame men.
The same is the case of menthat rise after ca-
lamities and misfortunes. For they are as men
fallen out with the times; and think other men's
harmsa redemption of their own sufferings.
They that desire to excel in too many matters
out of levity and vain gloryare ever envious. For
they cannot want work; it being impossiblebut
manyin some one of those thingsshould surpass
them. Which was the character of Adrian the Em-
peror; that mortally envied poetsand painters
and artificersin works wherein he had a vein to
Lastlynear kinsfolksand fellows in officeand
those that have been bred togetherare more apt
to envy their equalswhen they are raised. For it
doth upbraid unto them their own fortunesand
pointeth at themand cometh oftener into their
remembranceand incurreth likewise more into
the note of others; and envy ever redoubleth from
speech and fame. Cain's envy was the more vile
and malignanttowards his brother Abelbecause
when his sacrifice was better acceptedthere was
no body to look on. Thus much for thosethat are
apt to envy.
Concerning those that are more or less subject
to envy: Firstpersons of eminent virtuewhen
they are advancedare less envied. For their for-
tune seemethbut due unto them; and no man
envieth the payment of a debtbut rewards and
liberality rather. Againenvy is ever joined with
the comparing of a man's self; and where there is
no comparisonno envy; and therefore kings are
not enviedbut by kings. Nevertheless it is to be
notedthat unworthy persons are most enviedat
their first coming inand afterwards overcome it
better; whereas contrariwisepersons of worth
and merit are most enviedwhen their fortune
continueth long. For by that timethough their
virtue be the sameyet it hath not the same lustre;
for fresh men grow up that darken it.
Persons of noble bloodare less envied in their
rising. For it seemeth but right done to their birth.
Besidesthere seemeth not much added to their
fortune; and envy is as the sunbeamsthat beat
hotter upon a bankor steep rising groundthan
upon a flat. And for the same reasonthose that are
advanced by degreesare less envied than those
that are advanced suddenly and per saltum.
Those that have joined with their honor great
travelscaresor perilsare less subject to envy.
For men think that they earn their honors hardly
and pity them sometimes; and pity ever healeth
envy. Wherefore you shall observethat the more
deep and sober sort of politic personsin their
greataessare ever bemoaning themselveswhat
a life they lead; chanting a quanta patimur! Not
that they feel it sobut only to abate the edge of
envy. But this is to be understoodof business that
is laid upon menand not suchas they call unto
themselves. For nothing increaseth envy more
than an unnecessary and ambitious engrossing of
business. And nothing doth extinguish envy more
than for a great person to preserve all other infe-
rior officersin their full lights and pre-eminences
of their places. For by that meansthere be so
many screens between him and envy.
Above allthose are most subject to envywhich
carry the greatness of their fortunesin an insolent
and proud manner; being never wellbut while
they are showing how great they areeither by
outward pompor by triumphing over all opposi-
tion or competition; whereas wise men will rather
do sacrifice to envyin suffering themselves some-
times of purpose to be crossedand overborne in
things that do not much concern them. Notwith-
standingso much is truethat the carriage of
greatnessin a plain and open manner (so it be
without arrogancy and vain glory) doth draw less
envythan if it be in a more crafty and cunning
fashion. For in that coursea man doth but dis-
avow fortune; and seemeth to be conscious of his
own want in worth; and doth but teach othersto
envy him.
Lastlyto conclude this part; as we said in the
beginningthat the act of envy had somewhat in
it of witchcraftso there is no other cure of envy
but the cure of witchcraft; and that isto remove
the lot (as they call it) and to lay it upon another.
For which purposethe wiser sort of great persons
bring in ever upon the stage somebody upon whom
to derive the envythat would come upon them-
selves; sometimes upon ministers and servants;
sometimes upon colleagues and associates; and the
like; and for that turn there are never wanting
some persons of violent and undertaking natures
whoso they may have power and businesswill
take it at any cost.
Nowto speak of public envy. There is yet some
good in public envywhereas in privatethere is
none. For public envyis as an ostracismthat
eclipseth menwhen they grow too great. And
therefore it is a bridle also to great onesto keep
them within bounds.
This envybeing in the Latin word invidia
goeth in the modern languageby the name of
discontentment; of which we shall speakin hand-
ling sedition. It is a diseasein a statelike to infec-
tion. For as infection spreadeth upon that which is
soundand tainteth it; so when envy is gotten once
into a stateit traduceth even the best actions
thereofand turneth them into an ill odor. And
therefore there is little wonby intermingling of
plausible actions. For that doth argue but a weak-
nessand fear of envywhich hurteth so much the
moreas it is likewise usual in infections; which
if you fear themyou call them upon you.
This public envyseemeth to beat chiefly upon
principal officers or ministersrather than upon
kingsand estates themselves. But this is a sure
rulethat if the envy upon the minister be great
when the cause of it in him is small; or if the envy
be generalin a manner upon all the ministers of
an estate; then the envy (though hidden) is truly
upon the state itself. And so much of public envy
or discontentmentand the difference thereof from
private envywhich was handled in the first place.
We will add this in generaltouching the affec-
tion of envy; that of all other affectionsit is the
most importune and continual. For of other affec-
tionsthere is occasion givenbut now and then;
and therefore it was well saidInvidia festos dies
non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other.
And it is also notedthat love and envy do make a
man pinewhich other affections do notbecause
they are not so continual. It is also the vilest affec-
tionand the most depraved; for which cause it
is the proper attribute of the devilwho is called
the envious manthat soweth tares amongst the
wheat by night; as it always cometh to passthat
envy worketh subtillyand in the darkand to the
prejudice of good thingssuch as is the wheat.
Of Love
THE stage is more beholding to lovethan the
life of man. For as to the stagelove is ever
matter of comediesand now and then of tragedies;
but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a
sirensometimes like a fury. You may observethat
amongst all the great and worthy persons (whereof
the memory remainetheither ancient or recent)
there is not onethat hath been transported to
the mad degree of love: which shows that great
spiritsand great businessdo keep out this weak
passion. You must exceptneverthelessMarcus
Antoniusthe half partner of the empire of Rome
and Appius Claudiusthe decemvir and lawgiver;
whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man
and inordinate; but the latter was an austere and
wise man: and therefore it seems (though rarely)
that love can find entrancenot only into an open
heartbut also into a heart well fortifiedif watch
be not well kept. It is a poor saying of Epicurus
Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus; as if
manmade for the contemplation of heavenand
all noble objectsshould do nothing but kneel be-
fore a little idoland make himself a subject
though not of the mouth (as beasts are)yet of the
eye; which was given him for higher purposes. It
is a strange thingto note the excess of this passion
and how it braves the natureand value of things
by this; that the speaking in a perpetual hyper-
boleis comely in nothing but in love. Neither is it
merely in the phrase; for whereas it hath been
well saidthat the arch-flattererwith whom all
the petty flatterers have intelligenceis a man's
self; certainly the lover is more. For there was
never proud man thought so absurdly well of him-
selfas the lover doth of the person loved; and
therefore it was well saidThat it is impossible to
loveand to be wise. Neither doth this weakness
appear to others onlyand not to the party loved;
but to the loved most of allexcept the love be reci-
proque. For it is a true rulethat love is ever re-
wardedeither with the reciproqueor with an
inward and secret contempt. By how much the
moremen ought to beware of this passionwhich
loseth not only other thingsbut itself! As for the
other lossesthe poet's relation doth well figure
them: that he that preferred Helenaquitted the
gifts of Juno and Pallas. For whosoever esteemeth
too much of amorous affectionquitteth both riches
and wisdom. This passion hath his floodsin very
times of weakness; which are great prosperityand
great adversity; though this latter hath been less
observed: both which times kindle loveand make
it more ferventand therefore show it to be the
child of folly. They do bestwho if they cannot but
admit loveyet make it keep quarters; and sever it
wholly from their serious affairsand actionsof
life; for if it check once with businessit troubleth
men's fortunesand maketh menthat they can no
ways be true to their own ends. I know not how
but martial men are given to love: I thinkit is but
as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask
to be paid in pleasures. There is in man's naturea
secret inclination and motiontowards love of
otherswhich if it be not spent upon some one or a
fewdoth naturally spread itself towards many
and maketh men become humane and charitable;
as it is seen sometime in friars. Nuptial love maketh
mankind; friendly love perfecteth it; but wanton
love corruptethand embaseth it.
Of Great Place
MEN in great place are thrice servants: ser-
vants of the sovereign or state; servants of
fame; and servants of business. So as they have no
freedom; neither in their personsnor in their ac-
tionsnor in their times. It is a strange desireto
seek power and to lose liberty: or to seek power
over othersand to lose power over a man's self.
The rising unto place is laborious; and by pains
men come to greater pains; and it is sometimes
base; and by indignitiesmen come to dignities.
The standing is slipperyand the regress is either
a downfallor at least an eclipsewhich is a melan-
choly thing. Cum non sis qui fuerisnon esse cur
velis vivere. Nayretire men cannot when they
wouldneither will theywhen it were reason; but
are impatient of privatenesseven in age and sick-
nesswhich require the shadow; like old towns-
menthat will be still sitting at their street door
though thereby they offer age to scom. Certainly
great persons had need to borrow other men's
opinionsto think themselves happy; for if they
judge by their own feelingthey cannot find it; but
if they think with themselveswhat other men
think of themand that other men would fain be
as they arethen they are happyas it wereby
report; when perhaps they find the contrary
within. For they are the firstthat find their own
griefsthough they be the lastthat find their
own faults. Certainly men in great fortunes are
strangers to themselvesand while they are in the
puzzle of businessthey have no time to tend their
healtheither of body or mind. Illi mors gravis
incubatqui notus nimis omnibusignotus moritur
sibi. In placethere is license to do goodand evil;
whereof the latter is a curse: for in evilthe best
condition is not to win; the secondnot to can. But
power to do goodis the true and lawful end of
aspiring. For good thoughts (though God accept
them) yettowards menare little better than good
dreamsexcept they be put in act; and that cannot
bewithout power and placeas the vantageand
commanding ground. Merit and good worksis
the end of man's motion; and conscience of the
same is the accomplishment of man's rest. For if a
man can be partaker of God's theatrehe shall like-
wise be partaker of God's rest. Et conversus Deus
ut aspiceret opera quae fecerunt manus suaevidit
quod omnia essent bona nimis; and then the sab-
bath. In the discharge of thy placeset before thee
the best examples; for imitation is a globe of pre-
cepts. And after a timeset before thee thine own
example; and examine thyself strictlywhether
thou didst not best at first. Neglect not also the
examplesof those that have carried themselves
illin the same place; not to set off thyselfby tax-
ing their memorybut to direct thyselfwhat to
avoid. Reform thereforewithout braveryor scan-
dal of former times and persons; but yet set it down
to thyselfas well to create good precedentsas to
follow them. Reduce things to the first institution
and observe whereinand howthey have degen-
erate; but yet ask counsel of both times; of the
ancient timewhat is best; and of the latter time
what is fittest. Seek to make thy course regular
that men may know beforehandwhat they may
expect; but be not too positive and peremptory;
and express thyself wellwhen thou digressest
from thy rule. Preserve the right of thy place; but
stir not questions of jurisdiction; and rather as-
sume thy rightin silence and de factothan voice
it with claimsand challenges. Preserve likewise
the rights of inferior places; and think it more
honorto direct in chiefthan to be busy in all.
Embrace and invite helpsand advicestouching
the execution of thy place; and do not drive away
suchas bring thee informationas meddlers; but
accept of them in good part. The vices of authority
are chiefly four: delayscorruptionroughness
and facility. For delays: give easy access; keep
times appointed; go through with that which is in
handand interlace not businessbut of necessity.
For corruption: do not only bind thine own hands
or thy servants' handsfrom takingbut bind the
hands of suitors alsofrom offering. For integrity
used doth the one; but integrity professedand
with a manifest detestation of briberydoth the
other. And avoid not only the faultbut the sus-
picion. Whosoever is found variableand changeth
manifestly without manifest causegiveth sus-
picion of corruption. Therefore alwayswhen thou
changest thine opinion or courseprofess it plainly
and declare ittogether with the reasons that move
thee to change; and do not think to steal it. A
servant or a favoriteif he be inwardand no
other apparent cause of esteemis commonly
thoughtbut a by-way to close corruption. For
roughness: it is a needless cause of discontent:
severity breedeth fearbut roughness breedeth
hate. Even reproofs from authorityought to be
graveand not taunting. As for facility: it is worse
than bribery. For bribes come but now and then;
but if importunityor idle respectslead a manhe
shall never be without. As Solomon saithTo re-
spect persons is not good; for such a man will
transgress for a piece of bread. It is most truethat
was anciently spokenA place showeth the man.
And it showeth some to the betterand some to the
worse. Omnium consensu capax imperiinisi im-
perassetsaith Tacitus of Galba; but of Vespasian
he saithSolus imperantiumVespasianus mutatus
in melius; though the one was meant of sufficiency
the other of mannersand affection. It is an assured
sign of a worthy and generous spiritwhom honor
amends. For honor isor should bethe place of
virtue; and as in naturethings move violently to
their placeand calmly in their placeso virtue in
ambition is violentin authority settled and calm.
All rising to great place is by a winding star; and
if there be factionsit is good to side a man's self
whilst he is in the risingand to balance himself
when he is placed. Use the memory of thy prede-
cessorfairly and tenderly; for if thou dost notit is
a debt will sure be paid when thou art gone. If
thou have colleaguesrespect themand rather call
themwhen they look not for itthan exclude
themwhen they have reason to look to be called.
Be not too sensibleor too rememberingof thy
place in conversationand private answers to
suitors; but let it rather be saidWhen he sits in
placehe is another man.
Of Boldness
IT IS a trivial grammar-school textbut yet
worthy a wise man's consideration. Question
was asked of Demostheneswhat was the chief
part of an orator? he answeredaction; what next?
action; what next again? action. He said itthat
knew it bestand hadby naturehimself no ad-
vantage in that he commended. A strange thing
that that part of an oratorwhich is but superficial
and rather the virtue of a playershould be placed
so highabove those other noble partsof invention
elocutionand the rest; nayalmost aloneas if it
were all in all. But the reason is plain. There is in
human nature generallymore of the fool than of
the wise; and therefore those facultiesby which
the foolish part of men's minds is takenare most
potent. Wonderful like is the case of boldness in
civil business: what first? boldness; what second
and third? boldness. And yet boldness is a child of
ignorance and basenessfar inferior to other parts.
But nevertheless it doth fascinateand bind hand
and footthose that are either shallow in judg-
mentor weak in couragewhich are the greatest
part; yea and prevaileth with wise men at weak
times. Therefore we see it hath done wondersin
popular states; but with senatesand princes less;
and more ever upon the first entrance of bold per-
sons into actionthan soon after; for boldness is an
ill keeper of promise. Surelyas there are mounte-
banks for the natural bodyso are there mounte-
banks for the politic body; men that undertake
great curesand perhaps have been luckyin two
or three experimentsbut want the grounds of
scienceand therefore cannot hold out. Nayyou
shall see a bold fellow many times do Mahomet's
miracle. Mahomet made the people believe that
he would call an hill to himand from the top of it
offer up his prayersfor the observers of his law.
The people assembled; Mahomet called the hill to
come to himagain and again; and when the hill
stood stillhe was never a whit abashedbut said
If the hill will not come to MahometMahomet
will go to the hill. So these menwhen they have
promised great mattersand failed most shame-
fullyyet (if they have the perfection of boldness)
they will but slight it overand make a turnand
no more ado. Certainly to men of great judgment
bold persons are a sport to behold; nayand to the
vulgar alsoboldness has somewhat of the ridicu-
lous. For if absurdity be the subject of laughter
doubt you not but great boldness is seldom without
some absurdity. Especially it is a sport to seewhen
a bold fellow is out of countenance; for that puts
his face into a most shrunkenand wooden pos-
ture; as needs it must; for in bashfulnessthe spirits
do a little go and come; but with bold menupon
like occasionthey stand at a stay; like a stale at
chesswhere it is no matebut yet the game cannot
stir. But this last were fitter for a satire than for a
serious observation. This is well to be weighed;
that boldness is ever blind; for it seeth not danger
and inconveniences. Therefore it is ill in counsel
good in execution; so that the right use of bold per-
sons isthat they never command in chiefbut be
secondsand under the direction of others. For in
counselit is good to see dangers; and in execution
not to see themexcept they be very great.
Of Goodness
I TAKE goodness in this sensethe affecting of
the weal of menwhich is that the Grecians
call philanthropia; and the word humanity (as
it is used) is a little too light to express it. Good-
ness I call the habitand goodness of naturethe
inclination. This of all virtuesand dignities of the
mindis the greatest; being the character of the
Deity: and without itman is a busymischievous
wretched thing; no better than a kind of vermin.
Goodness answers to the theological virtuechar-
ityand admits no excessbut error. The desire of
power in excesscaused the angels to fall; the desire
of knowledge in excesscaused man to fall: but in
charity there is no excess; neither can angelnor
mancome in dan ger by it. The inclination to good-
nessis imprinted deeply in the nature of man; in-
somuchthat if it issue not towards menit will
take unto other living creatures; as it is seen in the
Turksa cruel peoplewho nevertheless are kind
to beastsand give almsto dogs and birds; inso-
muchas Busbechius reportetha Christian boyin
Constantinoplehad like to have been stonedfor
gagging in a waggishness a long-billed fowl.
Errors indeed in this virtue of goodnessor charity
may be committed. The Italians have an ungra-
cious proverbTanto buon che val niente: so
goodthat he is good for nothing. And one of
the doctors of ItalyNicholas Machiavelhad
the confidence to put in writingalmost in plain
termsThat the Christian faithhad given up good
menin prey to those that are tyrannical and un-
just. Which he spakebecause indeed there was
never lawor sector opiniondid so much mag-
nify goodnessas the Christian religion doth.
Thereforeto avoid the scandal and the danger
bothit is goodto take knowledge of the errors of
an habit so excellent. Seek the good of other men
but be not in bondage to their faces or fancies; for
that is but facilityor softness; which taketh an
honest mind prisoner. Neither give thou AEsop's
cock a gemwho would be better pleasedand hap-
pierif he had had a barley-corn. The example of
Godteacheth the lesson truly: He sendeth his rain
and maketh his sun to shineupon the just and
unjust; but he doth not rain wealthnor shine
honor and virtuesupon men equally. Common
benefitsare to be communicate with all; but pe-
culiar benefitswith choice. And beware how in
making the portraiturethou breakest the pattern.
For divinitymaketh the love of ourselves the pat-
tern; the love of our neighborsbut the portraiture.
Sell all thou hastand give it to the poorand fol-
low me: butsell not all thou hastexcept thou
come and follow me; that isexcept thou have a
vocationwherein thou mayest do as much good
with little means as with great; for otherwisein
feeding the streamsthou driest the fountain.
Neither is there only a habit of goodnessdirected
by right reason; but there is in some meneven in
naturea disposition towards it; as on the other
sidethere is a natural malignity. For there be
that in their nature do not affect the good of others.
The lighter sort of malignityturneth but to a
crassnessor frowardnessor aptness to opposeor
difficultiesor the like; but the deeper sortto envy
and mere mischief. Such menin other men's ca-
lamitiesareas it werein seasonand are ever on
the loading part: not so good as the dogsthat licked
Lazarus' sores; but like fliesthat are still buzzing
upon any thing that is raw; misanthropithat
make it their practiceto bring men to the bough
and yet never a tree for the purpose in their gar-
densas Timon had. Such dispositionsare the very
errors of human nature; and yet they are the fittest
timberto make great politics of; like to knee tim-
berthat is good for shipsthat are ordained to be
tossed; but not for building housesthat shall stand
firm. The parts and signs of goodnessare many. If
a man be gracious and courteous to strangersit
shows he is a citizen of the worldand that his heart
is no islandcut off from other landsbut a conti-
nentthat joins to them. If he be compassionate
towards the afflictions of othersit shows that his
heart is like the noble treethat is wounded itself
when it gives the balm. If he easily pardonsand
remits offencesit shows that his mind is planted
above injuries; so that he cannot be shot. If he be
thankful for small benefitsit shows that he weighs
men's mindsand not their trash. But above allif
he have St. Paul's perfectionthat he would wish
to be anathema from Christfor the salvation of
his brethrenit shows much of a divine natureand
a kind of conformity with Christ himself
Of Nobility
WE WILL speak of nobilityfirst as a portion
of an estatethen as a condition of particu-
lar persons. A monarchywhere there is no nobil-
ity at allis ever a pure and absolute tyranny; as
that of the Turks. For nobility attempers sover-
eigntyand draws the eyes of the peoplesomewhat
aside from the line royal. But for democracies
they need it not; and they are commonly more
quietand less subject to seditionthan where there
are stirps of nobles. For men's eyes are upon the
businessand not upon the persons; or if upon the
personsit is for the business' sakeas fittestand
not for flags and pedigree. We see the Switzers last
wellnotwithstanding their diversity of religion
and of cantons. For utility is their bondand not
respects. The united provinces of the Low Coun-
triesin their governmentexcel; for where there
is an equalitythe consultations are more indif-
ferentand the payments and tributesmore
cheerful. A great and potent nobilityaddeth
majesty to a monarchbut diminisheth power;
and putteth life and spirit into the peoplebut
presseth their fortune. It is wellwhen nobles are
not too great for sovereignty nor for justice; and
yet maintained in that heightas the insolency of
inferiors may be broken upon thembefore it come
on too fast upon the majesty of kings. A numerous
nobility causeth povertyand inconvenience in a
state; for it is a surcharge of expense; and besides
it being of necessitythat many of the nobility fall
in timeto be weak in fortuneit maketh a kind of
disproportionbetween honor and means.
As for nobility in particular persons; it is a rev-
erend thingto see an ancient castle or building
not in decay; or to see a fair timber treesound and
perfect. How much moreto behold an ancient
noble familywhich has stood against the waves
and weathers of time! For new nobility is but the
act of powerbut ancient nobility is the act of time.
Those that are first raised to nobilityare com-
monly more virtuousbut less innocentthan their
descendants; for there is rarely any risingbut by
a commixture of good and evil arts. But it is reason
the memory of their virtues remain to their pos-
terityand their faults die with themselves. Nobil-
ity of birth commonly abateth industry; and he
that is not industriousenvieth him that is. Besides
noble persons cannot go much higher; and he that
standeth at a staywhen others risecan hardly
avoid motions of envy. On the other sidenobil-
ity extinguisheth the passive envy from others
towards them; because they are in possession of
honor. Certainlykings that have able men of
their nobilityshall find ease in employing them
and a better slide into their business; for people
naturally bend to themas born in some sort to
Of Seditions
SHEPHERDS of peoplehad need know the
calendars of tempests in state; which are com-
monly greatestwhen things grow to equality; as
natural tempests are greatest about the Equinoc-
tia. And as there are certain hollow blasts of wind
and secret swellings of seas before a tempestso
are there in states:
--Ille etiam caecos instare tumultus
Saepe monetfraudesque et operta tunescere bella.
Libels and licentious discourses against the state
when they are frequent and open; and in like sort
false news often running up and downto the dis-
advantage of the stateand hastily embraced; are
amongst the signs of troubles. Virgilgiving the
pedigree of Famesaithshe was sister to the Giants:
Illam Terra parensirra irritata deorum
Extremam (ut perhibent) Coeo Enceladoque sororem
As if fames were the relics of seditions past; but
they are no lessindeedthe preludes of seditions to
come. Howsoever he noteth it rightthat seditious
tumultsand seditious famesdiffer no more but
as brother and sistermasculine and feminine; es-
pecially if it come to thatthat the best actions of
a stateand the most plausibleand which ought
to give greatest contentmentare taken in ill sense
and traduced: for that shows the envy greatas
Tacitus saith; conflata magna invidiaseu bene
seu male gesta premunt. Neither doth it follow
that because these fames are a sign of troublesthat
the suppressing of them with too much severity
should be a remedy of troubles. For the despising
of themmany times checks them best; and the
going about to stop themdoth but make a wonder
long-lived. Also that kind of obediencewhich
Tacitus speaketh ofis to be held suspected: Erant
in officiosed tamen qui mallent mandata impe-
rantium interpretari quam exequi; disputingex-
cusingcavilling upon mandates and directionsis
a kind of shaking off the yokeand assay of dis-
obedience; especially if in those disputingsthey
which are for the directionspeak fearfully and
tenderlyand those that are against itaudaciously.
Alsoas Machiavel noteth wellwhen princes
that ought to be common parentsmake them-
selves as a partyand lean to a sideit is as a boat
that is overthrown by uneven weight on the one
side; as was well seenin the time of Henry the
Third of France; for firsthimself entered league
for the extirpation of the Protestants; and pres-
ently afterthe same league was turned upon him-
self. For when the authority of princesis made
but an accessory to a causeand that there be other
bandsthat tie faster than the band of sovereignty
kings begin to be put almost out of possession.
Alsowhen discordsand quarrelsand factions
are carried openly and audaciouslyit is a sign the
reverence of government is lost. For the motions
of the greatest persons in a governmentought to
be as the motions of the planets under primum
mobile; according to the old opinion: which is
that every of themis carried swiftly by the
highest motionand softly in their own motion.
And thereforewhen great ones in their own
particular motionmove violentlyandas Tacitus
expresseth it wellliberius quam ut imperan-
tium meminissent; it is a sign the orbs are out
of frame. For reverence is thatwherewith princes
are girt from God; who threateneth the dissolving
thereof; Solvam cingula regum.
So when any of the four pillars of government
are mainly shakenor weakened (which are relig-
ionjusticecounseland treasure)men had need
to pray for fair weather. But let us pass from this
part of predictions (concerning whichneverthe-
lessmore light may be taken from that which
followeth); and let us speak firstof the materials
of seditions; then of the motives of them; and
thirdly of the remedies.
Concerning the materials of seditions. It is a
thing well to be considered; for the surest way to
prevent seditions (if the times do bear it) is to take
away the matter of them. For if there be fuel pre-
paredit is hard to tellwhence the spark shall
comethat shall set it on fire. The matter of sedi-
tions is of two kinds: much povertyand much dis-
contentment. It is certainso many overthrown
estatesso many votes for troubles. Lucan noteth
well the state of Rome before the Civil War
Hinc usura voraxrapidumque in tempore foenus
Hinc concussa fideset multis utile bellum.
This same multis utile bellumis an assured and
infallible signof a state disposed to seditions and
troubles. And if this poverty and broken estate in
the better sortbe joined with a want and necessity
in the mean peoplethe danger is imminent and
great. For the rebellions of the belly are the worst.
As for discontentmentsthey arein the politic
bodylike to humors in the naturalwhich are apt
to gather a preternatural heatand to inflame.
And let no prince measure the danger of them by
thiswhether they be just or unjust: for that were
to imagine peopleto be too reasonable; who do
often spurn at their own good: nor yet by this
whether the griefs whereupon they risebe in fact
great or small: for they are the most dangerous
discontentmentswhere the fear is greater than
the feeling. Dolendi modustimendi non item.
Besidesin great oppressionsthe same things that
provoke the patiencedo withal mate the courage;
but in fears it is not so. Neither let any princeor
statebe secure concerning discontentmentsbe-
cause they have been oftenor have been longand
yet no peril hath ensued: for as it is truethat every
vapor or fume doth not turn into a storm; so it is
nevertheless truethat stormsthough they blow
over divers timesyet may fall at last; andas the
Spanish proverb noteth wellThe cord breaketh at
the last by the weakest pull.
The causes and motives of seditions areinnova-
tion in religion; taxes; alteration of laws and cus-
toms; breaking of privileges; general oppression;
advancement of unworthy persons; strangers;
dearths; disbanded soldiers; factions grown des-
perate; and what soeverin offending people
joineth and knitteth them in a common cause.
For the remedies; there may be some general
preservativeswhereof we will speak: as for the
just cureit must answer to the particular disease;
and so be left to counselrather than rule.
The first remedy or prevention is to removeby
all means possiblethat material cause of sedition
whereof we spake; which iswant and poverty in
the estate. To which purpose serveth the opening
and well-balancing of trade; the cherishing of
manufactures; the banishing of idleness; the re-
pressing of wasteand excessby sumptuary laws;
the improvement and husbanding of the soil; the
regulating of prices of things vendible; the moder-
ating of taxes and tributes; and the like. Generally
it is to be foreseen that the population of a king-
dom (especially if it be not mown down by wars)
do not exceed the stock of the kingdomwhich
should maintain them. Neither is the population
to be reckoned only by number; for a smaller num-
berthat spend more and earn lessdo wear out an
estate soonerthan a greater number that live
lowerand gather more. Therefore the multiply-
ing of nobilityand other degrees of qualityin an
over proportion to the common peopledoth speed-
ily bring a state to necessity; and so doth likewise
an overgrown clergy; for they bring nothing to
the stock; and in like mannerwhen more are bred
scholarsthan preferments can take off .
It is likewise to be rememberedthat forasmuch
as the increase of any estate must be upon the
foreigner (for whatsoever is somewhere gottenis
somewhere lost)there be but three thingswhich
one nation selleth unto another; the commodity as
nature yieldeth it; the manufacture; and the vec-
tureor carriage. So that if these three wheels go
wealth will flow as in a spring tide. And it cometh
many times to passthat materiam superabit opus;
that the work and carriage is more worth than the
materialand enricheth a state more; as is notably
seen in the Low-Countrymenwho have the best
mines above groundin the world.
Above all thingsgood policy is to be usedthat
the treasure and moneysin a statebe not gath-
ered into few hands. For otherwise a state may
have a great stockand yet starve. And money is
like mucknot good except it be spread. This is
donechiefly by suppressingor at least keeping
a strait handupon the devouring trades of usury
ingrossing great pasturagesand the like.
For removing discontentmentsor at least the
danger of them; there is in every state (as we
know) two portions of subjects; the noblesse and
the commonalty. When one of these is discontent
the danger is not great; for common people are of
slow motionif they be not excited by the greater
sort; and the greater sort are of small strength
except the multitude be aptand ready to move of
themselves. Then is the dangerwhen the greater
sortdo but wait for the troubling of the waters
amongst the meanerthat then they may declare
themselves. The poets feignthat the rest of the
gods would have bound Jupiter; which he hearing
ofby the counsel of Pallassent for Briareuswith
his hundred handsto come in to his aid. An em-
blemno doubtto show how safe it is for mon-
archsto make sure of the good will of common
people. To give moderate liberty for griefs and dis-
contentments to evaporate (so it be without too
great insolency or bravery)is a safe way. For he
that turneth the humors backand maketh the
wound bleed inwardsendangereth malign ulcers
and pernicious imposthumations.
The part of Epimetheus mought well become
Prometheusin the case of discontentments: for
there is not a better provision against them. Epime-
theuswhen griefs and evils flew abroadat last
shut the lidand kept hope in the bottom of the
vessel. Certainlythe politic and artificial nourish-
ingand entertaining of hopesand carrying men
from hopes to hopesis one of the best antidotes
against the poison of discontentments. And it is a
certain sign of a wise government and proceeding
when it can hold men's hearts by hopeswhen it
cannot by satisfaction; and when it can handle
thingsin such manneras no evil shall appear so
peremptorybut that it hath some outlet of hope;
which is the less hard to dobecause both particu-
lar persons and factionsare apt enough to flatter
themselvesor at least to brave thatwhich they
believe not.
Also the foresight and preventionthat there be
no likely or fit headwhereunto discontented per-
sons may resortand under whom they may join
is a knownbut an excellent point of caution. I
understand a fit headto be one that hath great-
ness and reputation; that hath confidence with
the discontented partyand upon whom they turn
their eyes; and that is thought discontentedin his
own particular: which kind of personsare either
to be wonand reconciled to the stateand that in
a fast and true manner; or to be fronted with some
otherof the same partythat may oppose them
and so divide the reputation. Generallythe divid-
ing and breakingof all factions and combinations
that are adverse to the stateand setting them at
distanceor at least distrustamongst themselves
is not one of the worst remedies. For it is a desper-
ate caseif those that hold with the proceeding of
the statebe full of discord and factionand those
that are against itbe entire and united.
I have notedthat some witty and sharp
speecheswhich have fallen from princeshave
given fire to seditions. Caesar did himself infinite
hurt in that speechSylla nescivit literasnon po-
tuit dictare; for it did utterly cut off that hope
which men had entertainedthat he would at one
time or other give over his dictatorship. Galba un-
did himself by that speechlegi a se militemnon
emi; for it put the soldiers out of hope of the dona-
tive. Probus likewiseby that speechSi vixero
non opus erit amplius Romano imperio militibus;
a speech of great despair for the soldiers. And
many the like. Surely princes had needin tender
matters and ticklish timesto beware what they
say; especially in these short speecheswhich fly
abroad like dartsand are thought to be shot out of
their secret intentions. For as for large discourses
they are flat thingsand not so much noted.
Lastlylet princesagainst all eventsnot be
without some great personone or rather moreof
military valornear unto themfor the repressing
of seditions in their beginnings. For without that
there useth to be more trepidation in court upon
the first breaking out of troublesthan were fit.
And the state runneth the danger of that which
Tacitus saith; Atque is habitus animorum fuitut
pessimum facinus auderent pauciplures vellent
omnes paterentur. But let such military persons be
assuredand well reputed ofrather than factious
and popular; holding also good correspondence
with the other great men in the state; or else the
remedyis worse than the disease.
Of Atheism
I HAD rather believe all the fables in the Leg-
endand the Talmudand the Alcoranthan
that this universal frame is without a mind.
And thereforeGod never wrought miracleto
convince atheismbecause his ordinary works con-
vince it. It is truethat a little philosophy inclineth
man's mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy
bringeth men's minds about to religion. For while
the mind of man looketh upon second causes scat-
teredit may sometimes rest in themand go no
further; but when it beholdeth the chain of them
confederate and linked togetherit must needs fly
to Providence and Deity. Nayeven that school
which is most accused of atheism doth most dem-
onstrate religion; that isthe school of Leucippus
and Democritus and Epicurus. For it is a thousand
times more crediblethat four mutable elements
and one immutable fifth essenceduly and eter-
nally placedneed no Godthan that an army of
infinite small portionsor seeds unplacedshould
have produced this order and beautywithout a
divine marshal. The Scripture saithThe fool hath
said in his heartthere is no God; it is not saidThe
fool hath thought in his heart; so as he rather saith
itby rote to himselfas that he would havethan
that he can thoroughly believe itor be persuaded
of it. For none denythere is a Godbut thosefor
whom it maketh that there were no God. It ap-
peareth in nothing morethat atheism is rather in
the lipthan in the heart of manthan by this; that
atheists will ever be talking of that their opinion
as if they fainted in itwithin themselvesand
would be glad to be strengthenedby the consent
of others. Nay moreyou shall have atheists strive
to get disciplesas it fareth with other sects. And
which is most of allyou shall have of themthat
will suffer for atheismand not recant; whereas if
they did truly thinkthat there were no such thing
as Godwhy should they trouble themselves? Epi-
curus is chargedthat he did but dissemble for his
credit's sakewhen he affirmed there were blessed
naturesbut such as enjoyed themselveswithout
having respect to the government of the world.
Wherein they say he did temporize; though in
secrethe thought there was no God. But certainly
he is traduced; for his words are noble and divine:
Non deos vulgi negare profanum; sed vulgi opini-
ones diis applicare profanum. Plato could have
said no more. And although he had the confidence
to deny the administrationhe had not the power
to deny the nature. The Indians of the Westhave
names for their particular godsthough they have
no name for God: as if the heathens should have
had the names JupiterApolloMarsetc.but not
the word Deus; which shows that even those bar-
barous people have the notionthough they have
not the latitude and extent of it. So that against
atheiststhe very savages take partwith the very
subtlest philosophers. The contemplative atheist is
rare: a Diagorasa Biona Lucian perhapsand
some others; and yet they seem to be more than
they are; for that all that impugn a received re-
ligionor superstitionare by the adverse part
branded with the name of atheists. But the great
atheistsindeed are hypocrites; which are ever
handling holy thingsbut without feeling; so as
they must needs be cauterized in the end. The
causes of atheism are: divisions in religionif they
be many; for any one main divisionaddeth zeal to
both sides; but many divisions introduce atheism.
Another isscandal of priests; when it is come to
that which St. Bernard saithnon est jam dicere
ut populus sic sacerdos; quia nec sic populus ut
sacerdos. A third iscustom of profane scoffing in
holy matters; which dothby little and littlede-
face the reverence of religion. And lastlylearned
timesspecially with peace and prosperity; for
troubles and adversities do more bow men's minds
to religion. They that deny a Goddestroy man's
nobility; for certainly man is of kin to the beasts
by his body; andif he be not of kin to Godby his
spirithe is a base and ignoble creature. It destroys
likewise magnanimityand the raising of human
nature; for take an example of a dogand mark
what a generosity and courage he will put on
when he finds himself maintained by a man; who
to him is instead of a Godor melior natura; which
courage is manifestly suchas that creaturewith-
out that confidence of a better nature than his own
could never attain. So manwhen he resteth and
assureth himselfupon divine protection and
favorgathered a force and faithwhich human
nature in itself could not obtain. Thereforeas
atheism is in all respects hatefulso in thisthat it
depriveth human nature of the means to exalt it-
selfabove human frailty. As it is in particular
personsso it is in nations. Never was there such a
state for magnanimity as Rome. Of this state hear
what Cicero saith: Quam volumus licetpatres con-
scriptinos amemustamen nec numero Hispanos
nec robore Gallosnec calliditate Poenosnec arti-
bus Graecosnec denique hoc ipso hujus gentis et
terrae domestico nativoque sensu Italos ipsos et
Latinos; sed pietateac religioneatque hac una
sapientiaquod deorum immortalium numine
omnia regi gubernarique perspeximusomnes
gentes nationesque superavimus.
Of Superstition
IT WERE better to have no opinion of God at all
than such an opinionas is unworthy of him.
For the one is unbeliefthe other is contumely;
and certainly superstition is the reproach of the
Deity. Plutarch saith well to that purpose: Surely
(saith he) I had rather a great dealmen should
saythere was no such man at allas Plutarch
than that they should saythat there was one Plu-
tarchthat would eat his children as soon as they
were born; as the poets speak of Saturn. And as the
contumely is greater towards Godso the danger is
greater towards men. Atheism leaves a man to
senseto philosophyto natural pietyto lawsto
reputation; all which may be guides to an outward
moral virtuethough religion were not; but super-
stition dismounts all theseand erecteth an abso-
lute monarchyin the minds of men. Therefore
theism did never perturb states; for it makes men
wary of themselvesas looking no further: and we
see the times inclined to atheism (as the time of
Augustus Caesar) were civil times. But supersti-
tion hath been the confusion of many statesand
bringeth in a new primum mobilethat ravisheth
all the spheres of government.The master of super-
stitionis the people; and in all superstitionwise
men follow fools; and arguments are fitted to prac-
ticein a reversed order. It was gravely said by
some of the prelates in the Council of Trentwhere
the doctrine of the Schoolmen bare great sway
that the Schoolmen were like astronomerswhich
did feign eccentrics and epicyclesand such en-
gines of orbsto save the phenomena; though they
knew there were no such things; and in like man-
nerthat the Schoolmen had framed a number of
subtle and intricate axiomsand theoremsto save
the practice of the church. The causes of supersti-
tion are: pleasing and sensual rites and ceremonies;
excess of outward and pharisaical holiness; over-
great reverence of traditionswhich cannot but
load the church; the stratagems of prelatesfor
their own ambition and lucre; the favoring too
much of good intentionswhich openeth the gate
to conceits and novelties; the taking an aim at
divine mattersby humanwhich cannot but
breed mixture of imaginations: andlastlybar-
barous timesespecially joined with calamities
and disasters. Superstitionwithout a veilis a de-
formed thing; foras it addeth deformity to an
apeto be so like a manso the similitude of super-
stition to religionmakes it the more deformed.
And as wholesome meat corrupteth to little worms
so good forms and orders corruptinto a number of
petty observances. There is a superstition in avoid-
ing superstitionwhen men think to do bestif they
go furthest from the superstitionformerly re-
ceived; therefore care would be had that (as it
fareth in ill purgings) the good be not taken away
with the bad; which commonly is donewhen the
people is the reformer.
Of Travel
TRAVELin the younger sortis a part of edu-
cationin the eldera part of experience. He
that travelleth into a countrybefore he hath some
entrance into the languagegoeth to schooland
not to travel. That young men travel under some
tutoror grave servantI allow well; so that he be
such a one that hath the languageand hath been
in the country before; whereby he may be able
to tell them what things are worthy to be seenin
the country where they go; what acquaintances
they are to seek; what exercisesor disciplinethe
place yieldeth. For elseyoung men shall go
hoodedand look abroad little. It is a strange thing
that in sea voyageswhere there is nothing to be
seenbut sky and seamen should make diaries;
but in land-travelwherein so much is to be ob-
servedfor the most part they omit it; as if chance
were fitter to be registeredthan observation. Let
diariesthereforebe brought in use. The things to
be seen and observed are: the courts of princes
especially when they give audience to ambassa-
dors; the courts of justicewhile they sit and hear
causes; and so of consistories ecclesiastic; the
churches and monasterieswith the monuments
which are therein extant; the walls and fortifica-
tions of citiesand townsand so the heavens and
harbors; antiquities and ruins; libraries; colleges
disputationsand lectureswhere any are; ship-
ping and navies; houses and gardens of state and
pleasurenear great cities; armories; arsenals;
magazines; exchanges; burses; warehouses; exer-
cises of horsemanshipfencingtraining of sol-
diersand the like; comediessuch whereunto the
better sort of persons do resort; treasuries of jewels
and robes; cabinets and rarities; andto conclude
whatsoever is memorablein the places where
they go. After all whichthe tutorsor servants
ought to make diligent inquiry. As for triumphs
masksfeastsweddingsfuneralscapital execu-
tionsand such showsmen need not to be put in
mind of them; yet are they not to be neglected. If
you will have a young man to put his travel into a
little roomand in short time to gather muchthis
you must do. Firstas was saidhe must have some
entrance into the language before he goeth. Then
he must have such a servantor tutoras knoweth
the countryas was likewise said. Let him carry
with him alsosome card or bookdescribing the
country where he travelleth; which will be a good
key to his inquiry. Let him keep also a diary. Let
him not stay longin one city or town; more or less
as the place deservethbut not long; naywhen he
stayeth in one city or townlet him change his
lodging from one end and part of the townto an-
other; which is a great adamant of acquaintance.
Let him sequester himselffrom the company of
his countrymenand diet in such placeswhere
there is good company of the nation where he
travelleth. Let himupon his removes from one
place to anotherprocure recommendation to some
person of qualityresiding in the place whither he
removeth; that he may use his favorin those
things he desireth to see or know. Thus he may
abridge his travelwith much profit. As for the
acquaintancewhich is to be sought in travel; that
which is most of all profitableis acquaintance
with the secretaries and employed men of ambas-
sadors: for so in travelling in one countryhe shall
suck the experience of many. Let him also seeand
visiteminent persons in all kindswhich are of
great name abroad; that he may be able to tell
how the life agreeth with the fame. For quarrels
they are with care and discretion to be avoided.
They are commonly for mistresseshealthsplace
and words. And let a man bewarehow he keepeth
company with choleric and quarrelsome persons;
for they will engage him into their own quarrels.
When a traveller returneth homelet him not
leave the countrieswhere he hath travelledalto-
gether behind him; but maintain a correspond-
ence by letterswith those of his acquaintance
which are of most worth. And let his travel appear
rather in his discoursethan his apparel or gesture;
and in his discourselet him be rather advised in
his answersthan forward to tell stories; and let it
appear that he doth not change his country man-
nersfor those of foreign parts; but only prick in
some flowersof that he hath learned abroadinto
the customs of his own country.
Of Empire
IT IS a miserable state of mindto have few
things to desireand many things to fear; and
yet that commonly is the case of kings; whobeing
at the highestwant matter of desirewhich makes
their minds more languishing; and have many rep-
resentations of perils and shadowswhich makes
their minds the less clear. And this is one reason
alsoof that effect which the Scripture speaketh of
That the king's heart is inscrutable. For multitude
of jealousiesand lack of some predominant de-
sirethat should marshal and put in order all the
restmaketh any man's hearthard to find or
sound. Hence it comes likewisethat princes many
times make themselves desiresand set their hearts
upon toys; sometimes upon a building; sometimes
upon erecting of an order; sometimes upon the ad-
vancing of a person; sometimes upon obtaining
excellency in some artor feat of the hand; as Nero
for playing on the harpDomitian for certainty
of the hand with the arrowCommodus for play-
ing at fenceCaracalla for driving chariotsand
the like. This seemeth incredibleunto those that
know not the principlethat the mind of manis
more cheered and refreshed by profiting in small
thingsthan by standing at a stayin great. We see
also that kings that have been fortunate conquer-
orsin their first yearsit being not possible for
them to go forward infinitelybut that they must
have some checkor arrest in their fortunesturn
in their latter years to be superstitiousand melan-
choly; as did Alexander the Great; Diocletian; and
in our memoryCharles the Fifth; and others: for
he that is used to go forwardand findeth a stop
falleth out of his own favorand is not the thing
he was.
To speak now of the true temper of empireit is
a thing rare and hard to keep; for both temperand
distemperconsist of contraries. But it is one thing
to mingle contrariesanother to interchange them.
The answer of Apollonius to Vespasianis full of
excellent instruction. Vespasian asked himWhat
was Nero's overthrow? He answeredNero could
touch and tune the harp well; but in government
sometimes he used to wind the pins too highsome-
times to let them down too low. And certain it is
that nothing destroyeth authority so muchas the
unequal and untimely interchange of power
pressed too farand relaxed too much.
This is truethat the wisdom of all these latter
timesin princes' affairsis rather fine deliveries
and shiftings of dangers and mischiefswhen they
are nearthan solid and grounded courses to keep
them aloof. But this is but to try masteries with
fortune. And let men bewarehow they neglect
and suffer matter of trouble to be prepared; for no
man can forbid the sparknor tell whence it may
come. The difficulties in princes' business are many
and great; but the greatest difficultyis often in
their own mind. For it is common with princes
(saith Tacitus) to will contradictoriesSunt pler-
umque regum voluntates vehementeset inter se
contrariae. For it is the solecism of powerto think
to command the endand yet not to endure the
Kings have to deal with their neighborstheir
wivestheir childrentheir prelates or clergytheir
noblestheir second-nobles or gentlementheir
merchantstheir commonsand their men of war;
and from all these arise dangersif care and cir-
cumspection be not used.
First for their neighbors; there can no general
rule be given (for occasions are so variable)save
onewhich ever holdethwhich isthat princes do
keep due sentinelthat none of their neighbors do
ever grow so (by increase of territoryby embrac-
ing of tradeby approachesor the like)as they
become more able to annoy themthan they were.
And this is generally the work of standing coun-
selsto foresee and to hinder it. During that trium-
virate of kingsKing Henry the Eighth of England
Francis the First King of Franceand Charles the
Fifth Emperorthere was such a watch keptthat
none of the three could win a palm of groundbut
the other two would straightways balance it
either by confederationorif need wereby a war;
and would not in any wise take up peace at inter-
est. And the like was done by that league (which
Guicciardini saith was the security of Italy) made
between Ferdinando King of NaplesLorenzius
Mediciand Ludovicus Sforzapotentatesthe one
of Florencethe other of Milan. Neither is the opin-
ion of some of the Schoolmento be receivedthat a
war cannot justly be madebut upon a precedent
injury or provocation. For there is no questionbut
a just fear of an imminent dangerthough there be
no blow givenis a lawful cause of a war.
For their wives; there are cruel examples of
them. Livia is infamedfor the poisoning of her
husband; RoxalanaSolyman's wifewas the
destruction of that renowned princeSultan Mus-
taphaand otherwise troubled his house and suc-
cession; Edward the Second of Englandhis queen
had the principal hand in the deposing and mur-
der of her husband. This kind of dangeris then to
be feared chieflywhen the wives have plotsfor
the raising of their own children; or else that they
be advoutresses.
For their children; the tragedies likewise of
dangers from themhave been many. And gen-
erallythe entering of fathers into suspicion of
their childrenhath been ever unfortunate. The
destruction of Mustapha (that we named before)
was so fatal to Solyman's lineas the succession of
the Turksfrom Solyman until this dayis sus-
pected to be untrueand of strange blood; for that
Selymus the Secondwas thought to be supposi-
tious. The destruction of Crispusa young prince of
rare towardnessby Constantinus the Greathis
fatherwas in like manner fatal to his house; for
both Constantinus and Constancehis sonsdied
violent deaths; and Constantiushis other sondid
little better; who died indeed of sicknessbut after
that Julianus had taken arms against him. The de-
struction of Demetriusson to Philip the Second of
Macedonturned upon the fatherwho died of
repentance. And many like examples there are;
but few or nonewhere the fathers had good by
such distrust; except it werewhere the sons were
up in open arms against them; as was Selymus the
First against Bajazet; and the three sons of Henry
the SecondKing of England.
For their prelates; when they are proud and
greatthere is also danger from them; as it was in
the times of Anselmusand Thomas BecketArch-
bishops of Canterbury; whowith their croziers
did almost try it with the king's sword; and yet
they had to deal with stout and haughty kings
William RufusHenry the Firstand Henry the
Second. The danger is not from that statebut
where it hath a dependence of foreign authority;
or where the churchmen come in and are elected
not by the collation of the kingor particular
patronsbut by the people.
For their nobles; to keep them at a distanceit is
not amiss; but to depress themmay make a king
more absolutebut less safe; and less able to per-
formany thing that he desires. I have noted itin
my History of King Henry the Seventh of Eng-
landwho depressed bis nobility; whereupon it
came to passthat his times were full of difficulties
and troubles; for the nobilitythough they con-
tinued loyal unto himyet did they not co-operate
with him in his business. So that in effecthe was
fain to do all things himself.
For their second-nobles; there is not much dan-
ger from thembeing a body dispersed. They may
sometimes discourse highbut that doth little hurt;
besidesthey are a counterpoise to the higher no-
bilitythat they grow not too potent; andlastly
being the most immediate in authoritywith the
common peoplethey do best temper popular com-
For their merchants; they are vena porta; and
if they flourish nota kingdom may have good
limbsbut will have empty veinsand nourish
little. Taxes and imposts upon themdo seldom
good to the king's revenue; for that that he wins in
the hundredhe leeseth in the shire; the particular
rates being increasedbut the total bulk of trading
rather decreased.
For their commons; there is little danger from
themexcept it bewhere they have great and po-
tent heads; or where you meddle with the point of
religionor their customsor means of life.
For their men of war; it is a dangerous state
where they live and remain in a bodyand are
used to donatives; whereof we see examples in the
janizariesand pretorian bands of Rome; but train-
ings of menand arming them in several places
and under several commandersand without
donativesare things of defenceand no danger.
Princes are like to heavenly bodieswhich cause
good or evil times; and which have much venera-
tionbut no rest. All precepts concerning kings
are in effect comprehended in those two remem-
brances: memento quod es homo; and memento
quod es Deusor vice Dei; the one bridleth their
powerand the other their will.
Of Counsel
THE greatest trustbetween man and manis
the trust of giving counsel. For in other con-
fidencesmen commit the parts of life; their lands
their goodstheir childrentheir creditsome par-
ticular affair; but to such as they make their coun-
sellorsthey commit the whole: by how much the
morethey are obliged to all faith and integrity.
The wisest princes need not think it any diminu-
tion to their greatnessor derogation to their suf-
ficiencyto rely upon counsel. God himself is not
withoutbut hath made it one of the great names
of his blessed Son: The Counsellor. Solomon hath
pronouncedthat in counsel is stability. Things
will have their firstor second agitation: if they be
not tossed upon the arguments of counselthey
will be tossed upon the waves of fortune; and be
full of inconstancydoing and undoinglike the
reeling of a drunken man. Solomon's son found
the force of counselas his father saw the necessity
of it. For the beloved kingdom of Godwas first
rentand brokenby ill counsel; upon which coun-
selthere are set for our instructionthe two marks
whereby bad counsel is for ever best discerned;
that it was young counselfor the person; and
violent counselfor the matter.
The ancient timesdo set forth in figureboth
the incorporationand inseparable conjunctionof
counsel with kingsand the wise and politic use of
counsel by kings: the onein that they say Jupi-
ter did marry Metiswhich signifieth counsel;
whereby they intend that Sovereigntyis married
to Counsel: the other in that which followeth
which was thus: They sayafter Jupiter was mar-
ried to Metisshe conceived by himand was with
childbut Jupiter suffered her not to staytill she
brought forthbut eat her up; whereby he became
himself with childand was delivered of Pallas
armedout of his head. Which monstrous fable
containeth a secret of empire; how kings are to
make use of their counsel of state. That firstthey
ought to refer matters unto themwhich is the first
begettingor impregnation; but when they are
elaboratemouldedand shaped in the womb of
their counseland grow ripeand ready to be
brought forththat then they suffer not their coun-
sel to go through with the resolution and direc-
tionas if it depended on them; but take the matter
back into their own handsand make it appear to
the worldthat the decrees and final directions
(whichbecause they come forthwith prudence
and powerare resembled to Pallas armed) pro-
ceeded from themselves; and not only from their
authoritybut (the more to add reputation to them-
selves) from their head and device.
Let us now speak of the inconveniences of coun-
seland of the remedies. The inconveniences that
have been notedin calling and using counselare
three. Firstthe revealing of affairswhereby they
become less secret. Secondlythe weakening of the
authority of princesas if they were less of them-
selves. Thirdlythe danger of being unfaithfully
counselledand more for the good of them that
counselthan of him that is counselled. For which
inconveniencesthe doctrine of Italyand practice
of Francein some kings' timeshath introduced
cabinet counsels; a remedy worse than the disease.
As to secrecy; princes are not bound to commu-
nicate all matterswith all counsellors; but may
extract and select. Neither is it necessarythat he
that consulteth what he should doshould declare
what he will do. But let princes bewarethat the
unsecreting of their affairscomes not from them-
selves. And as for cabinet counselsit may be their
mottoplenus rimarum sum: one futile person
that maketh it his glory to tellwill do more hurt
than manythat know it their duty to conceal. It is
true there be some affairswhich require extreme
secrecywhich will hardly go beyond one or two
personsbesides the king: neither are those coun-
sels unprosperous; forbesides the secrecythey
conunonly go on constantlyin one spirit of direc-
tionwithout distraction. But then it must be a
prudent kingsuch as is able to grind with a hand-
mill; and those inward counsellors had need also
be wise menand especially true and trusty to the
king's ends; as it was with King Henry the Seventh
of Englandwhoin his great businessimparted
himself to noneexcept it were to Morton and Fox.
For weakening of authority; the fable showeth
the remedy. Naythe majesty of kingsis rather
exalted than diminishedwhen they are in the
chair of counsel; neither was there ever princebe-
reaved of his dependencesby his counselexcept
where there hath beeneither an over-greatness
in one counselloror an over-strict combination in
divers; which are things soon foundand holpen.
For the last inconveniencethat men will coun-
selwith an eye to themselves; certainlynon
inveniet fidem super terram is meantof the na-
ture of timesand not of all particular persons.
There bethat are in nature faithfuland sincere
and plainand direct; not crafty and involved; let
princesabove alldraw to themselves such na-
tures. Besidescounsellors are not commonly so
unitedbut that one counsellorkeepeth sentinel
over another; so that if any do counsel out of fac-
tion or private endsit commonly comes to the
king's ear. But the best remedy isif princes know
their counsellorsas well as their counsellors
know them:
Principis est virtus maxima nosse suos.
And on the other sidecounsellors should not be
too speculative into their sovereign's person. The
true composition of a counselloris rather to be
skilful in their master's businessthan in his na-
ture; for then he is like to advise himand not feed
his humor. It is of singular use to princesif they
take the opinions of their counselboth separately
and together. For private opinion is more free;
but opinion before othersis more reverent. In
privatemen are more bold in their own humors;
and in consortmen are more obnoxious to others'
humors; therefore it is good to take both; and of
the inferior sortrather in privateto preserve free-
dom; of the greaterrather in consortto preserve
respect. It is in vain for princesto take counsel
concerning mattersif they take no counsel like-
wise concerning persons; for all matters are as
dead images; and the life of the execution of af-
fairsresteth in the good choice of persons. Neither
is it enoughto consult concerning persons secun-
dum generaas in an ideaor mathematical de-
scriptionwhat the kind and character of the
person should be; for the greatest errors are com-
mittedand the most judgment is shownin the
choice of individuals. It was truly saidoptimi con-
siliarii mortui: books will speak plainwhen coun-
sellors blanch.Therefore it is good to be conversant
in themspecially the books of such as themselves
have been actors upon the stage.
The counsels at this dayin most placesare but
familiar meetingswhere matters are rather talked
onthan debated. And they run too swiftto the
orderor actof counsel. It were better that in
causes of weightthe matter were propounded one
dayand not spoken to till the next day; in nocte
consilium. So was it done in the Commission of
Unionbetween England and Scotland; which
was a grave and orderly assembly. I commend set
days for petitions; for both it gives the sudtors more
certainty for their attendanceand it frees the
meetings for matters of estatethat they may hoc
agere. In choice of committees; for ripening busi-
ness for the counselit is better to choose indifferent
personsthan to make an indifferencyby putting
in thosethat are strong on both sides. I commend
also standing commissions; as for tradefor treas-
urefor warfor suitsfor some provinces; for
where there be divers particular counselsand but
one counsel of estate (as it is in Spain)they arein
effectno more than standing commissions: save
that they have greater authority. Let such as are
to inform counselsout of their particular profes-
sions (as lawyersseamenmintmenand the like)
be first heard before committees; and thenas oc-
casion servesbefore the counsel. And let them not
come in multitudesor in a tribunitious manner;
for that is to clamor counselsnot to inform them.
A long table and a square tableor seats about the
wallsseem things of formbut are things of sub-
stance; for at a long table a few at the upper endin
effectsway all the business; but in the other form
there is more use of the counsellors' opinionsthat
sit lower. A kingwhen he presides in counsellet
him beware how he opens his own inclination too
muchin that which he propoundeth; for else
counsellors will but take the wind of himand in-
stead of giving free counselsing him a song of
Of Delays
FORTUNE is like the market; where many
times if you can stay a littlethe price will fall.
Againit is sometimes like Sibylla's offer; which at
firstoffereth the commodity at fullthen con-
sumeth part and partand still holdeth up the
price. For occasion (as it is in the common verse)
turneth a bald noddleafter she hath presented her
locks in frontand no hold taken; or at least turneth
the handle of the bottlefirst to be receivedand
after the bellywhich is hard to clasp. There is
surely no greater wisdomthan well to time the
beginningsand onsetsof things. Dangers are no
more lightif they once seem light; and more dan-
gers have deceived menthan forced them. Nay
it were betterto meet some dangers half way
though they come nothing nearthan to keep too
long a watch upon their approaches; for if a man
watch too longit is odds he will fall asleep. On the
other sideto be deceived with too long shadows
(as some have beenwhen the moon was lowand
shone on their enemies' back)and so to shoot off
before the time; or to teach dangers to come onby
over early buckling towards them; is another ex-
treme. The ripenessor unripenessof the occasion
(as we said) must ever be well weighed; and gener-
ally it is goodto commit the beginnings of all
great actions to Arguswith his hundred eyesand
the ends to Briareuswith his hundred hands; first
to watchand then to speed. For the helmet of
Plutowhich maketh the politic man go invisible
is secrecy in the counseland celerity in the execu-
tion. For when things are once come to the execu-
tionthere is no secrecycomparable to celerity;
like the motion of a bullet in the airwhich flieth
so swiftas it outruns the eye.
Of Cunning
WE TAKE cunning for a sinister or crooked
wisdom. And certainly there is a great dif-
ferencebetween a cunning manand a wise man;
not only in point of honestybut in point of ability.
There bethat can pack the cardsand yet cannot
play well; so there are some that are good in can-
vasses and factionsthat are otherwise weak men.
Againit is one thing to understand personsand
another thing to understand matters; for many
are perfect in men's humorsthat are not greatly
capable of the real part of business; which is the
constitution of one that hath studied menmore
than books. Such men are fitter for practicethan
for counsel; and they are goodbut in their own
alley: turn them to new menand they have lost
their aim; so as the old ruleto know a fool from a
wise manMitte ambos nudos ad ignotoset vide-
bisdoth scarce hold for them. And because these
cunning menare like haberdashers of small
waresit is not amiss to set forth their shop.
It is a point of cunningto wait upon him with
whom you speakwith your eye; as the Jesuits give
it in precept: for there be many wise menthat
have secret heartsand transparent countenances.
Yet this would be done with a demure abasing of
your eyesometimesas the Jesuits also do use.
Another isthat when you have anything to
obtainof present despatchyou entertain and
amuse the partywith whom you dealwith some
other discourse; that he be not too much awake to
make objections. I knew a counsellor and secre-
tarythat never came to Queen Elizabeth of Eng-
landwith bills to signbut he would always first
put her into some discourse of estatethat she
mought the less mind the bills.
The like surprise may be made by moving
thingswhen the party is in hasteand cannot stay
to consider advisedly of that is moved.
If a man would cross a businessthat he doubts
some other would handsomely and effectually
movelet him pretend to wish it welland move it
himself in such sort as may foil it.
The breaking offin the midst of that one was
about to sayas if he took himself upbreeds a
greater appetite in him with whom you conferto
know more.
And because it works betterwhen anything
seemeth to be gotten from you by questionthan
if you offer it of yourselfyou may lay a bait for a
questionby showing another visageand counte-
nancethan you are wont; to the end to give occa-
sionfor the party to askwhat the matter is of the
change? As Nehemias did; And I had not before
that timebeen sad before the king.
In things that are tender and unpleasingit is
good to break the iceby some whose words are of
less weightand to reserve the more weighty voice
to come in as by chanceso that he may be asked
the question upon the other's speech: as Narcissus
didrelating to Claudius the marriage of Messa-
lina and Silius.
In things that a man would not be seen in him-
selfit is a point of cunningto borrow the name of
the world; as to sayThe world saysor There is a
speech abroad.
I knew one thatwhen he wrote a letterhe
would put thatwhich was most materialin the
postscriptas if it had been a by-matter.
I knew another thatwhen he came to have
speechhe would pass over thatthat he intended
most; and go forthand come back againand
speak of it as of a thingthat he had almost forgot.
Some procure themselvesto be surprisedat
such times as it is like the party that they work
uponwill suddenly come upon them; and to be
found with a letter in their handor doing some-
what which they are not accustomed; to the end
they may be apposed of those thingswhich of
themselves they are desirous to utter.
It is a point of cunningto let fall those words in
a man's own namewhich he would have another
man learnand useand thereupon take advan-
tage. I knew twothat were competitors for the
secretary's place in Queen Elizabeth's timeand
yet kept good quarter between themselves; and
would conferone with anotherupon the busi-
ness; and the one of them saidThat to be a secre-
taryin the declination of a monarchywas a
ticklish thingand that he did not affect it: the
other straight caught up those wordsand dis-
coursed with divers of his friendsthat he had no
reason to desire to be secretaryin the declination
of a monarchy. The first man took hold of itand
found means it was told the Queen; whohearing
of a declination of a monarchytook it so illas she
would never after hear of the other's suit.
There is a cunningwhich we in England call
the turning of the cat in the pan; which iswhen
that which a man says to anotherhe lays it as if
another had said it to him. And to say truthit is
not easywhen such a matter passed between two
to make it appear from which of them it first
moved and began.
It is a way that some men haveto glance and
dart at othersby justifying themselves by nega-
tives; as to sayThis I do not; as Tigellinus did
towards BurrhusSe non diversas spessed incolu-
mitatem imperatoris simpliciter spectare.
Some have in readiness so many tales and
storiesas there is nothing they would insinuate
but they can wrap it into a tale; which serveth both
to keep themselves more in guardand to make
others carry it with more pleasure. It is a good
point of cunningfor a man to shape the answer
he would havein his own words and propositions;
for it makes the other party stick the less.
It is strange how long some men will lie in wait
to speak somewhat they desire to say; and how far
about they will fetch; and how many other mat-
ters they will beat overto come near it. It is a thing
of great patiencebut yet of much use.
A suddenboldand unexpected question doth
many times surprise a manand lay him open.
Like to him thathaving changed his nameand
walking in Paul'sanother suddenly came behind
himand called him by his true namewhereat
straightways he looked back.
But these small waresand petty pointsof cun-
ningare infinite; and it were a good deed to make
a list of them; for that nothing doth more hurt in
a statethan that cunning men pass for wise.
But certainly some there are that know the re-
sorts and falls of businessthat cannot sink into
the main of it; like a house that hath convenient
stairs and entriesbut never a fair room. Therefore
you shall see them find out pretty looses in the con-
clusionbut are no ways able to examine or debate
matters. And yet commonly they take advantage
of their inabilityand would be thought wits of
direction. Some build rather upon the abusing of
othersand (as we now say) putting tricks upon
themthan upon soundness of their own proceed-
ings. But Solomon saithPrudens advertit ad gres-
sus suos; stultus divertit ad dolos.
Of Wisdom
AN ANT is a wise creature for itselfbut it is a
shrewd thingin an orchard or garden. And
certainlymen that are great lovers of themselves
waste the public. Divide with reason; between self-
love and society; and be so true to thyselfas thou
be not false to others; specially to thy king and
country. It is a poor centre of a man's actionshim-
self. It is right earth. For that only stands fast upon
his own centre; whereas all thingsthat have af-
finity with the heavensmove upon the centre of
anotherwhich they benefit. The referring of all
to a man's selfis more tolerable in a sovereign
prince; because themselves are not only them-
selvesbut their good and evil is at the peril of the
public fortune. But it is a desperate evilin a ser-
vant to a princeor a citizen in a republic. For
whatsoever affairs pass such a man's handshe
crooketh them to his own ends; which must needs
be often eccentric to the ends of his masteror state.
Thereforelet princesor stateschoose such ser-
vantsas have not this mark; except they mean
their service should be made but the accessory.
That which maketh the effect more perniciousis
that all proportion is lost. It were disproportion
enoughfor the servant's good to be preferred be-
fore the master's; but yet it is a greater extreme
when a little good of the servantshall carry things
against a great good of the master's. And yet that
is the case of bad officerstreasurersambassadors
generalsand other false and corrupt servants;
which set a bias upon their bowlof their own
petty ends and enviesto the overthrow of their
master's great and important affairs. And for the
most partthe good such servants receiveis after
the model of their own fortune; but the hurt they
sell for that goodis after the model of their
master's fortune. And certainly it is the nature of
extreme self-loversas they will set an house on fire
and it were but to roast their eggs; and yet these
men many times hold credit with their masters
because their study is but to please themand profit
themselves; and for either respectthey will aban-
don the good of their affairs.
Wisdom for a man's self isin many branches
thereofa depraved thing. It is the wisdom of rats
that will be sure to leave a housesomewhat before
it fall. It is the wisdom of the foxthat thrusts out
the badgerwho digged and made room for him.
It is the wisdom of crocodilesthat shed tears when
they would devour. But that which is specially to
be noted isthat those which (as Cicero says of
Pompey) are sui amantessine rivaliare many
times unfortunate. And whereas they haveall
their timessacrificed to themselvesthey become
in the endthemselves sacrifices to the inconstancy
of fortunewhose wings they thoughtby their
self-wisdomto have pinioned.
Of Innovations
AS THE births of living creaturesat first are ill-
shapenso are all innovationswhich are the
births of time. Yet notwithstandingas those that
first bring honor into their familyare commonly
more worthy than most that succeedso the first
precedent (if it be good) is seldom attained by
imitation. For illto man's natureas it stands
pervertedhath a natural motionstrongest in con-
tinuance; but goodas a forced motionstrongest
at first. Surely every medicine is an innovation;
and he that will not apply new remediesmust
expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator;
and if time of course alter things to the worseand
wisdom and counsel shall not alter them to the
betterwhat shall be the end? It is truethat what
is settled by customthough it be not goodyet at
least it is fit; and those things which have long
gone togetherareas it wereconfederate within
themselves; whereas new things piece not so well;
but though they help by their utilityyet they
trouble by their inconformity. Besidesthey are
like strangers; more admiredand less favored. All
this is trueif time stood still; which contrariwise
moveth so roundthat a froward retention of cus-
tomis as turbulent a thing as an innovation; and
they that reverence too much old timesare but a
scorn to the new. It were goodthereforethat men
in their innovations would follow the example of
time itself; which indeed innovateth greatlybut
quietlyby degrees scarce to be perceived. For
otherwisewhatsoever is new is unlooked for; and
ever it mends someand pairs others; and he that
is holpentakes it for a fortuneand thanks the
time; and he that is hurtfor a wrongand imput-
eth it to the author. It is good alsonot to try experi-
ments in statesexcept the necessity be urgentor
the utility evident; and well to bewarethat it be
the reformationthat draweth on the changeand
not the desire of changethat pretendeth the refor-
mation. And lastlythat the noveltythough it be
not rejectedyet be held for a suspect; andas the
Scripture saiththat we make a stand upon the
ancient wayand then look about usand discover
what is the straight and right wayand so to walk
in it.
Of Dispatch
AFFECTED dispatch is one of the most danger-
ous things to business that can be. It is like
thatwhich the physicians call predigestionor
hasty digestion; which is sure to fill the body full of
cruditiesand secret seeds of diseases. Therefore
measure not dispatchby the times of sittingbut
by the advancement of the business. And as in
races it is not the large stride or high lift that makes
the speed; so in businessthe keeping close to the
matterand not taking of it too much at oncepro-
cureth dispatch. It is the care of someonly to come
off speedily for the time; or to contrive some false
periods of businessbecause they may seem men
of dispatch. But it is one thingto abbreviate by
contractinganother by cutting off . And business
so handledat several sittings or meetingsgoeth
commonly backward and forward in an unsteady
manner. I knew a wise man that had it for a by-
wordwhen he saw men hasten to a conclusion
Stay a littlethat we may make an end the sooner.
On the other sidetrue dispatch is a rich thing.
For time is the measure of businessas money is
of wares; and business is bought at a dear hand
where there is small dispatch. The Spartans and
Spaniards have been noted to be of small dispatch;
Mi venga la muerte de Spagna; Let my death come
from Spain; for then it will be sure to be long in
Give good hearing to thosethat give the first
information in business; and rather direct them
in the beginningthan interrupt them in the con-
tinuance of their speeches; for he that is put out of
his own orderwill go forward and backwardand
be more tediouswhile he waits upon his memory
than he could have beenif he had gone on in his
own course. But sometimes it is seenthat the
moderator is more troublesomethan the actor.
Iterations are commonly loss of time. But there
is no such gain of timeas to iterate often the state
of the question; for it chaseth away many a frivo-
lous speechas it is coming forth. Long and curious
speechesare as fit for dispatchas a robe or mantle
with a long trainis for race. Prefaces and pas-
sagesand excusationsand other speeches of refer-
ence to the personare great wastes of time; and
though they seem to proceed of modestythey are
bravery. Yet beware of being too materialwhen
there is any impediment or obstruction in men's
wills; for pre-occupation of mind ever requireth
preface of speech; like a fomentation to make the
unguent enter.
Above all thingsorderand distributionand
singling out of partsis the life of dispatch; so as the
distribution be not too subtle: for he that doth not
dividewill never enter well into business; and he
that divideth too muchwill never come out of it
clearly. To choose timeis to save time; and an un-
seasonable motionis but beating the air. There be
three parts of business; the preparationthe debate
or examinationand the perfection. Whereofif
you look for dispatchlet the middle only be the
work of manyand the first and last the work of
few. The proceeding upon somewhat conceived in
writingdoth for the most part facilitate dispatch:
for though it should be wholly rejectedyet that
negative is more pregnant of directionthan an
indefinite; as ashes are more generative than dust.
Of Seeming Wise
IT HATH been an opinionthat the French are
wiser than they seemand the Spaniards seem
wiser than they are. But howsoever it be between
nationscertainly it is so between man and man.
For as the Apostle saith of godlinessHaving a
show of godlinessbut denying the power thereof;
so certainly there arein point of wisdom and suf-
ficientlythat do nothing or little very solemnly:
magno conatu nugas. It is a ridiculous thingand
fit for a satire to persons of judgmentto see what
shifts these formalists haveand what prospectives
to make superficies to seem bodythat hath depth
and bulk. Some are so close and reservedas they
will not show their waresbut by a dark light; and
seem always to keep back somewhat; and when
they know within themselvesthey speak of that
they do not well knowwould nevertheless seem
to othersto know of that which they may not well
speak. Some help themselves with countenance
and gestureand are wise by signs; as Cicero saith
of Pisothat when he answered himhe fetched
one of his brows up to his foreheadand bent the
other down to his chin; Respondesaltero ad fron-
tem sublatoaltero ad mentum depresso super-
ciliocrudelitatem tibi non placere. Some think
to bear it by speaking a great wordand being per-
emptory; and go onand take by admittancethat
which they cannot make good. Somewhatsoever
is beyond their reachwill seem to despiseor make
light of itas impertinent or curious; and so would
have their ignorance seem judgment. Some are
never without a differenceand commonly by
amusing men with a subtiltyblanch the matter;
of whom A. Gellius saithHominem delirumqui
verborum minutiis rerum frangit pondera. Of
which kind alsoPlatoin his Protagorasbringeth
in Prodius in scornand maketh him make a
speechthat consisteth of distinction from the be-
ginning to the end. Generallysuch men in all
deliberations find ease to be of the negative side
and affect a credit to object and foretell difficul-
ties; for when propositions are deniedthere is an
end of them; but if they be allowedit requireth a
new work; which false point of wisdom is the bane
of business. To concludethere is no decaying mer-
chantor inward beggarhath so many tricks to
uphold the credit of their wealthas these empty
persons haveto maintain the credit of their suf-
ficiency. Seeming wise men may make shift to get
opinion; but let no man choose them for employ-
ment; for certainly you were better take for busi-
nessa man somewhat absurdthan over-formal.
Of Friendship
IT HAD been hard for him that spake it to have
put more truth and untruth together in few
wordsthan in that speechWhatsoever is delighted
in solitudeis either a wild beast or a god. For it is
most truethat a natural and secret hatredand
aversation towards societyin any manhath
somewhat of the savage beast; but it is most un-
truethat it should have any character at allof the
divine nature; except it proceednot out of a pleas-
ure in solitudebut out of a love and desire to
sequester a man's selffor a higher conversation:
such as is found to have been falsely and feignedly
in some of the heathen; as Epimenides the Can-
dianNuma the RomanEmpedocles the Sicilian
and Apollonius of Tyana; and truly and reallyin
divers of the ancient hermits and holy fathers of
the church. But little do men perceive what soli-
tude isand how far it extendeth. For a crowd is
not company; and faces are but a gallery of pic-
tures; and talk but a tinkling cymbalwhere
there is no love. The Latin adage meeteth with it a
little: Magna civitasmagna solitudo; because in
a great town friends are scattered; so that there is
not that fellowshipfor the most partwhich is in
less neighborhoods. But we may go furtherand
affirm most trulythat it is a mere and miserable
solitude to want true friends; without which the
world is but a wilderness; and even in this sense
also of solitudewhosoever in the frame of his
nature and affectionsis unfit for friendshiphe
taketh it of the beastand not from humanity.
A principal fruit of friendshipis the ease and
discharge of the fulness and swellings of the heart
which passions of all kinds do cause and induce.
We know diseases of stoppingsand suffocations
are the most dangerous in the body; and it is not
much otherwise in the mind; you may take sarza
to open the liversteel to open the spleenflowers
of sulphur for the lungscastoreum for the brain;
but no receipt openeth the heartbut a true friend;
to whom you may impart griefsjoysfearshopes
suspicionscounselsand whatsoever lieth upon
the heart to oppress itin a kind of civil shrift or
It is a strange thing to observehow high a rate
great kings and monarchs do set upon this fruit of
friendshipwhereof we speak: so greatas they
purchase itmany timesat the hazard of their
own safety and greatness. For princesin regard
of the distance of their fortune from that of their
subjects and servantscannot gather this fruitex-
cept (to make themselves capable thereof) they
raise some persons to beas it werecompanions
and almost equals to themselveswhich many
times sorteth to inconvenience. The modern lan-
guages give unto such persons the name of favor-
itesor privadoes; as if it were matter of graceor
conversation. But the Roman name attaineth the
true use and cause thereofnaming them parti-
cipes curarum; for it is that which tieth the knot.
And we see plainly that this hath been donenot
by weak and passionate princes onlybut by the
wisest and most politic that ever reigned; who
have oftentimes joined to themselves some of
their servants; whom both themselves have called
friendsand allowed other likewise to call them in
the same manner; using the word which is re-
ceived between private men.
L. Syllawhen he commanded Romeraised
Pompey (after surnamed the Great) to that height
that Pompey vaunted himself for Sylla's over-
match. For when he had carried the consulship for
a friend of hisagainst the pursuit of Syllaand
that Sylla did a little resent thereatand began to
speak greatPompey turned upon him againand
in effect bade him be quiet; for that more men
adored the sun risingthan the sun setting. With
Julius CaesarDecimus Brutus had obtained that
interest as he set him down in his testamentfor
heir in remainderafter his nephew. And this was
the man that had power with himto draw him
forth to his death. For when Caesar would have
discharged the senatein regard of some ill pres-
agesand specially a dream of Calpurnia; this
man lifted him gently by the arm out of his chair
telling him he hoped he would not dismiss the
senatetill his wife had dreamt a better dream.
And it seemeth his favor was so greatas Antonius
in a letter which is recited verbatim in one of
Cicero's Philippicscalleth him veneficawitch;
as if he had enchanted Caesar. Augustus raised
Agrippa (though of mean birth) to that heightas
when he consulted with Maecenasabout the mar-
riage of his daughter JuliaMaecenas took the
liberty to tell himthat he must either marry his
daughter to Agrippaor take away his life; there
was no third wayhe had made him so great. With
Tiberius CaesarSejanus had ascended to that
heightas they two were termedand reckonedas
a pair of friends. Tiberius in a letter to him saith
Haec pro amicitia nostra non occultavi; and the
whole senate dedicated an altar to Friendshipas
to a goddessin respect of the great dearness of
friendshipbetween them two. The likeor more
was between Septimius Severus and Plautianus.
For he forced his eldest son to marry the daughter
of Plautianus; and would often maintain Plau-
tianusin doing affronts to his son; and did write
also in a letter to the senateby these words: I love
the man so wellas I wish he may over-live me.
Now if these princes had been as a Trajanor a
Marcus Aureliusa man might have thought that
this had proceeded of an abundant goodness of
nature; but being men so wiseof such strength
and severity of mindand so extreme lovers of
themselvesas all these wereit proveth most
plainly that they found their own felicity (though
as great as ever happened to mortal men) but as
an half pieceexcept they mought have a friend
to make it entire; and yetwhich is morethey
were princes that had wivessonsnephews; and
yet all these could not supply the comfort of friend-
It is not to be forgottenwhat Comineus observ-
eth of his first masterDuke Charles the Hardy
namelythat he would communicate his secrets
with none; and least of allthose secrets which
troubled him most. Whereupon he goeth onand
saith that towards his latter timethat closeness
did impairand a little perish his understanding.
Surely Comineus mought have made the same
judgment alsoif it had pleased himof his second
masterLewis the Eleventhwhose closeness was
indeed his tormentor. The parable of Pythagoras
is darkbut true; Cor ne edito; Eat not the heart.
Certainlyif a man would give it a hard phrase
those that want friendsto open themselves unto
are carnnibals of their own hearts. But one thing
is most admirable (wherewith I will conclude this
first fruit of friendship)which isthat this com-
municating of a man's self to his friendworks
two contrary effects; for it redoubleth joysand
cutteth griefs in halves. For there is no manthat
imparteth his joys to his friendbut he joyeth the
more; and no man that imparteth his griefs to his
friendbut he grieveth the less. So that it is in truth
of operation upon a man's mindof like virtue as
the alchemists use to attribute to their stonefor
man's body; that it worketh all contrary effects
but still to the good and benefit of nature. But yet
without praying in aid of alchemiststhere is a
manifest image of thisin the ordinary course of
nature. For in bodiesunion strengtheneth and
cherisheth any natural action; and on the other
sideweakeneth and dulleth any violent impres-
sion: and even so it is of minds.
The second fruit of friendshipis healthful and
sovereign for the understandingas the first is for
the affections. For friendship maketh indeed a fair
day in the affectionsfrom storm and tempests; but
it maketh daylight in the understandingout of
darknessand confusion of thoughts. Neither is
this to be understood only of faithful counsel
which a man receiveth from his friend; but before
you come to thatcertain it isthat whosoever hath
his mind fraught with many thoughtshis wits
and understanding do clarify and break upin the
communicating and discoursing with another; he
tosseth his thoughts more easily; he marshalleth
them more orderlyhe seeth how they look when
they are turned into words: finallyhe waxeth
wiser than himself; and that more by an hour's
discoursethan by a day's meditation. It was well
said by Themistoclesto the king of PersiaThat
speech was like cloth of Arrasopened and put
abroad; whereby the imagery doth appear in
figure; whereas in thoughts they lie but as in
packs. Neither is this second fruit of friendshipin
opening the understandingrestrained only to
such friends as are able to give a man counsel;
(they indeed are best;) but even without thata
man learneth of himselfand bringeth his own
thoughts to lightand whetteth his wits as against
a stonewhich itself cuts not. In a worda man
were better relate himself to a statuaor picture
than to suffer his thoughts to pass in smother.
Add nowto make this second fruit of friendship
completethat other pointwhich lieth more open
and falleth within vulgar observation; which is
faithful counsel from a friend. Heraclitus saith
well in one of his enigmasDry light is ever the
best. And certain it isthat the light that a man
receiveth by counsel from anotheris drier and
purerthan that which cometh from his own
understanding and judgment; which is ever in-
fusedand drenchedin his affections and customs.
So as there is as much difference between the coun-
selthat a friend givethand that a man giveth
himselfas there is between the counsel of a friend
and of a flatterer. For there is no such flatterer as
is a man's self; and there is no such remedy against
flattery of a man's selfas the liberty of a friend.
Counsel is of two sorts: the one concerning man-
nersthe other concerning business. For the first
the best preservative to keep the mind in healthis
the faithful admonition of a friend. The calling of
a man's self to a strict accountis a medicinesome-
time too piercing and corrosive. Reading good
books of moralityis a little flat and dead. Observ-
ing our faults in othersis sometimes improper for
our case. But the best receipt (bestI sayto work
and best to take) is the admonition of a friend.
It is a strange thing to beholdwhat gross errors
and extreme absurdities many (especially of the
greater sort) do commitfor want of a friend to tell
them of them; to the great damage both of their
fame and fortune: foras St. James saiththey are
as men that look sometimes into a glassand pres-
ently forget their own shape and favor. As for
businessa man may thinkif he winthat two
eyes see no more than one; or that a gamester seeth
always more than a looker-on; or that a man in
angeris as wise as he that hath said over the four
and twenty letters; or that a musket may be shot
off as well upon the armas upon a rest; and such
other fond and high imaginationsto think him-
self all in all. But when all is donethe help of good
counselis that which setteth business straight.
And if any man think that he will take counsel
but it shall be by pieces; asking counsel in one
businessof one manand in another businessof
another man; it is well (that is to saybetterper-
hapsthan if he asked none at all); but he runneth
two dangers: onethat he shall not be faithfully
counselled; for it is a rare thingexcept it be from
a perfect and entire friendto have counsel given
but such as shall be bowed and crooked to some
endswhich he haththat giveth it. The otherthat
he shall have counsel givenhurtful and unsafe
(though with good meaning)and mixed partly of
mischief and partly of remedy; even as if you
would call a physicianthat is thought good for
the cure of the disease you complain ofbut is unac-
quainted with your body; and therefore may put
you in way for a present curebut overthroweth
your health in some other kind; and so cure the
diseaseand kill the patient. But a friend that is
wholly acquainted with a man's estatewill be-
wareby furthering any present businesshow he
dasheth upon other inconvenience. And therefore
rest not upon scattered counsels; they will rather
distract and misleadthan settle and direct.
After these two noble fruits of friendship (peace
in the affectionsand support of the judgment)
followeth the last fruit; which is like the pome-
granatefull of many kernels; I mean aidand
bearing a partin all actions and occasions. Here
the best way to represent to life the manifold use
of friendshipis to cast and see how many things
there arewhich a man cannot do himself; and
then it will appearthat it was a sparing speech of
the ancientsto saythat a friend is another him-
self; for that a friend is far more than himself.
Men have their timeand die many timesin de-
sire of some things which they principally take to
heart; the bestowing of a childthe finishing of a
workor the like. If a man have a true friendhe
may rest almost secure that the care of those things
will continue after him. So that a man hathas it
weretwo lives in his desires. A man hath a body
and that body is confined to a place; but where
friendship isall offices of life are as it were granted
to himand his deputy. For he may exercise them
by his friend. How many things are there which
a man cannotwith any face or comelinesssay or
do himself? A man can scarce allege his own
merits with modestymuch less extol them; a man
cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg; and
a number of the like. But all these things are grace-
fulin a friend's mouthwhich are blushing in a
man's own. So againa man's person hath many
proper relationswhich he cannot put off. A man
cannot speak to his son but as a father; to his wife
but as a husband; to his enemy but upon terms:
whereas a friend may speak as the case requires
and not as it sorteth with the person. But to enu-
merate these things were endless; I have given the
rulewhere a man cannot fitly play his own part;
if he have not a friendhe may quit the stage.
Of Expense
RICHES are for spendingand spending for
honor and good actions. Therefore extra-
ordinary expense must be limited by the worth of
the occasion; for voluntary undoingmay be as
well for a man's countryas for the kingdom of
heaven. But ordinary expenseought to be limited
by a man's estate; and governed with such regard
as it be within his compass; and not subject to de-
ceit and abuse of servants; and ordered to the best
showthat the bills may be less than the estima-
tion abroad. Certainlyif a man will keep but of
even handhis ordinary expenses ought to be but
to the half of his receipts; and if he think to wax
richbut to the third part. It is no basenessfor the
greatest to descend and look into their own estate.
Some forbear itnot upon negligence alonebut
doubting to bring themselves into melancholyin
respect they shall find it broken. But wounds can-
not be cured without searching. He that cannot
look into his own estate at allhad need both choose
well those whom he employethand change them
often; for new are more timorous and less subtle.
He that can look into his estate but seldomit be-
hooveth him to turn all to certainties. A man had
needif he be plentiful in some kind of expenseto
be as saving again in some other. As if he be plenti-
ful in dietto be saving in apparel; if he be plenti-
ful in the hallto be saving in the stable; and the
like. For he that is plentiful in expenses of all kinds
will hardly be preserved from decay. In clearing
of a man's estatehe may as well hurt himself in
being too suddenas in letting it run on too long.
For hasty sellingis commonly as disadvantage-
able as interest. Besideshe that clears at once will
relapse; for finding himself out of straitshe will
revert to his custom: but he that cleareth by de-
greesinduceth a habit of frugalityand gaineth
as well upon his mindas upon his estate. Cer-
tainlywho hath a state to repairmay not despise
small things; and commonly it is less dishonor-
ableto abridge petty chargesthan to stoop to
petty gettings. A man ought warily to begin
charges which once begun will continue; but in
matters that return nothe may be more magni-
Of the True
THE speech of Themistocles the Athenian
which was haughty and arrogantin taking
so much to himselfhad been a grave and wise
observation and censureapplied at large to others.
Desired at a feast to touch a lutehe saidHe could
not fiddlebut yet he could make a small towna
great city. These words (holpen a little with a
metaphor) may express two differing abilitiesin
those that deal in business of estate. For if a true
survey be taken of counsellors and statesmen
there may be found (though rarely) those which
can make a small state greatand yet cannot fid-
dle; as on the other sidethere will be found a great
manythat can fiddle very cunninglybut yet are
so far from being able to make a small state great
as their gift lieth the other way; to bring a great
and flourishing estateto ruin and decay. And cer-
tainly whose degenerate arts and shiftswhereby
many counsellors and governors gain both favor
with their mastersand estimation with the vulgar
deserve no better name than fiddling; being things
rather pleasing for the timeand graceful to them-
selves onlythan tending to the weal and advance-
ment of the state which they serve. There are also
(no doubt) counsellors and governors which may
be held sufficient (negotiis pares)able to manage
affairsand to keep them from precipices and
manifest inconveniences; which nevertheless are
far from the ability to raise and amplify an estate
in powermeansand fortune. But be the workmen
what they may belet us speak of the work; that
isthe true greatness of kingdoms and estatesand
the means thereof. An argument fit for great and
mighty princes to have in their hand; to the end
that neither by over-measuring their forcesthey
leese themselves in vain enterprises; nor on the
other sideby undervaluing themthey descend to
fearful and pusillanimous counsels.
The greatness of an estatein bulk and territory
doth fall under measure; and the greatness of
finances and revenuedoth fall under computa-
tion. The population may appear by musters; and
the number and greatness of cities and towns by
cards and maps. But yet there is not any thing
amongst civil affairs more subject to errorthan
the right valuation and true judgment concerning
the power and forces of an estate. The kingdom of
heaven is comparednot to any great kernel or nut
but to a grain of mustard-seed: which is one of the
least grainsbut hath in it a property and spirit
hastily to get up and spread. So are there states
great in territoryand yet not apt to enlarge or
command; and some that have but a small dimen-
sion of stemand yet apt to be the foundations of
great monarchies.
Walled townsstored arsenals and armories
goodly races of horsechariots of warelephants
ordnanceartilleryand the like; all this is but a
sheep in a lion's skinexcept the breed and disposi-
tion of the peoplebe stout and warlike. Naynum-
ber (itself) in armies importeth not muchwhere
the people is of weak courage; for (as Virgil saith)
It never troubles a wolfhow many the sheep be.
The army of the Persiansin the plains of Arbela
was such a vast sea of peopleas it did somewhat
astonish the commanders in Alexander's army;
who came to him thereforeand wished him to set
upon them by night; and he answeredHe would
not pilfer the victory. And the defeat was easy.
When Tigranes the Armenianbeing encamped
upon a hill with four hundred thousand mendis-
covered the army of the Romansbeing not above
fourteen thousandmarching towards himhe
made himself merry with itand saidYonder men
are too many for an embassageand too few for a
fight. But before the sun sethe found them enow
to give him the chase with infinite slaughter.
Many are the examples of the great oddsbetween
number and courage; so that a man may truly
make a judgmentthat the principal point of great-
ness in any stateis to have a race of military men.
Neither is money the sinews of war (as it is trivially
said)where the sinews of men's armsin base and
effeminate peopleare failing. For Solon said well
to Croesus (when in ostentation he showed him his
gold)Sirif any other comethat hath better iron
than youhe will be master of all this gold. There-
fore let any prince or state think solely of his forces
except his militia of natives be of good and valiant
soldiers. And let princeson the other sidethat
have subjects of martial dispositionknow their
own strength; unless they be otherwise wanting
unto themselves. As for mercenary forces (which
is the help in this case)all examples showthat
whatsoever estate or prince doth rest upon them
he may spread his feathers for a timebut he will
mew them soon after.
The blessing of Judah and Issachar will never
meet; that the same peopleor nationshould be
both the lion's whelp and the ass between bur-
thens; neither will it bethat a people overlaid
with taxesshould ever become valiant and mar-
tial. It is true that taxes levied by consent of the
estatedo abate men's courage less: as it hath been
seen notablyin the excises of the Low Countries;
andin some degreein the subsidies of England.
For you must notethat we speak now of the heart
and not of the purse. So that although the same
tribute and taxlaid by consent or by imposingbe
all one to the purseyet it works diversely upon the
courage. So that you may concludethat no people
overcharged with tributeis fit for empire.
Let states that aim at greatnesstake heed how
their nobility and gentlemen do multiply too fast.
For that maketh the common subjectgrow to be a
peasant and base swaindriven out of heartand in
effect but the gentleman's laborer. Even as you
may see in coppice woods; if you leave your stad-
dles too thickyou shall never have clean under-
woodbut shrubs and bushes. So in countriesif the
gentlemen be too manythe commons will be base;
and you will bring it to thatthat not the hundred
pollwill be fit for an helmet; especially as to the
infantrywhich is the nerve of an army; and so
there will be great populationand little strength.
This which I speak ofhath been nowhere better
seenthan by comparing of England and France;
whereof Englandthough far less in territory and
populationhath been (nevertheless) an over-
match; in regard the middle people of England
make good soldierswhich the peasants of France
do not. And herein the device of king Henry the
Seventh (whereof I have spoken largely in the
History of his Life) was profound and admirable;
in making farms and houses of husbandry of a
standard; that ismaintained with such a propor-
tion of land unto themas may breed a subject to
live in convenient plenty and no servile condition;
and to keep the plough in the hands of the owners
and not mere hirelings. And thus indeed you shall
attain to Virgil's character which he gives to an-
cient Italy:
Terra potens armis atque ubere glebae.
Neither is that state (whichfor any thing I know
is almost peculiar to Englandand hardly to be
found anywhere elseexcept it be perhaps in
Poland) to be passed over; I mean the state of free
servantsand attendants upon noblemen and
gentlemen; which are no ways inferior unto the
yeomanry for arms. And therefore out of all ques-
tionsthe splendor and magnificenceand great
retinues and hospitalityof noblemen and gentle-
menreceived into customdoth much conduce
unto martial greatness. Whereascontrariwisethe
close and reserved living of noblemen and gentle-
mencauseth a penury of military forces.
By all means it is to be procuredthat the trunk
of Nebuchadnezzar's tree of monarchybe great
enough to bear the branches and the boughs; that
isthat the natural subjects of the crown or state
bear a sufficient proportion to the stranger sub-
jectsthat they govern.Therefore all states that are
liberal of naturalization towards strangersare fit
for empire. For to think that an handful of people
canwith the greatest courage and policy in the
worldembrace too large extent of dominionit
may hold for a timebut it will fail suddenly. The
Spartans were a nice people in point of naturaliza-
tion; wherebywhile they kept their compass
they stood firm; but when they did spreadand
their boughs were becomen too great for their
stemthey became a windfallupon the sudden.
Never any state was in this point so open to receive
strangers into their bodyas were the Romans.
Therefore it sorted with them accordingly; for
they grew to the greatest monarchy. Their manner
was to grant naturalization (which they called jus
civitatis)and to grant it in the highest degree; that
isnot only jus commerciijus connubiijus haere-
ditatis; but also jus suffragiiand jus honorum.
And this not to singular persons alonebut likewise
to whole families; yea to citiesand sometimes to
nations. Add to this their custom of plantation of
colonies; whereby the Roman plant was removed
into the soil of other nations. And putting both
constitutions togetheryou will say that it was not
the Romans that spread upon the worldbut it was
the world that spread upon the Romans; and that
was the sure way of greatness. I have marvelled
sometimesat Spainhow they clasp and contain
so large dominionswith so few natural Spaniards;
but sure the whole compass of Spainis a very great
body of a tree; far above Rome and Sparta at the
first. And besidesthough they have not had that
usageto naturalize liberallyyet they have that
which is next to it; that isto employalmost indif-
ferentlyall nations in their militia of ordinary
soldiers; yeaand sometimes in their highest com-
mands. Nayit seemeth at this instant they are
sensibleof this want of natives; as by the Prag-
matical Sanctionnow publishedappeareth.
It is certain that sedentaryand within-door
artsand delicate manufactures (that require
rather the finger than the arm)havein their na-
turea contrariety to a military disposition. And
generallyall warlike people are a little idleand
love danger better than travail. Neither must they
be too much broken of itif they shall be preserved
in vigor. Therefore it was great advantagein the
ancient states of SpartaAthensRomeand others
that they had the use of slaveswhich commonly
did rid those manufactures. But that is abolished
in greatest partby the Christian law. That which
cometh nearest to itis to leave those arts chiefly to
strangers (whichfor that purposeare the more
easily to be received)and to contain the principal
bulk of the vulgar nativeswithin those three
kinds- tillers of the ground; free servants; and
handicraftsmen of strong and manly artsas
smithsmasonscarpentersetc.; not reckoning
professed soldiers.
But above allfor empire and greatnessit im-
porteth mostthat a nation do profess armsas their
principal honorstudyand occupation. For the
things which we formerly have spoken ofare but
habilitations towards arms; and what is habilita-
tion without intention and act? Romulusafter his
death (as they report or feign)sent a present to the
Romansthat above allthey should intend arms;
and then they should prove the greatest empire of
the world. The fabric of the state of Sparta was
wholly (though not wisely) framed and composed
to that scope and end. The Persians and Macedo-
nians had it for a flash. The GaulsGermans
GothsSaxonsNormansand othershad it for a
time. The Turks have it at this daythough in great
declination. Of Christian Europethey that have it
arein effectonly the Spaniards. But it is so
plainthat every man profiteth in thathe most
intendeththat it needeth not to be stood upon. It
is enough to point at it; that no nation which doth
not directly profess armsmay look to have great-
ness fall into their mouths. And on the other side
it is a most certain oracle of timethat those states
that continue long in that profession (as the Ro-
mans and Turks principally have done) do won-
ders. And those that have professed arms but for
an agehavenotwithstandingcommonly at-
tained that greatnessin that agewhich main-
tained them long afterwhen their profession and
exercise of arms hath grown to decay.
Incident to this point isfor a state to have those
laws or customswhich may reach forth unto them
just occasions (as may be pretended) of war. For
there is that justiceimprinted in the nature of
menthat they enter not upon wars (whereof so
many calamities do ensue) but upon someat the
least speciousgrounds and quarrels. The Turk
hath at handfor cause of warthe propagation of
his law or sect; a quarrel that he may always com-
mand. The Romansthough they esteemed the
extending the limits of their empireto be great
honor to their generalswhen it was doneyet they
never rested upon that aloneto begin a war. First
thereforelet nations that pretend to greatness
have this; that they be sensible of wrongseither
upon borderersmerchantsor politic ministers;
and that they sit not too long upon a provocation.
Secondlylet them be prestand ready to give aids
and succorsto their confederates; as it ever was
with the Romans; insomuchas if the confederate
had leagues defensivewith divers other states
andupon invasion offereddid implore their aids
severallyyet the Romans would ever be the fore-
mostand leave it to none other to have the honor.
As for the wars which were anciently madeon
the behalf of a kind of partyor tacit conformity of
estateI do not see how they may be well justified:
as when the Romans made a warfor the liberty of
Grecia; or when the Lacedaemonians and Athe-
niansmade wars to set up or pull down democ-
racies and oligarchies; or when wars were made
by foreignersunder the pretence of justice or pro-
tectionto deliver the subjects of othersfrom
tyranny and oppression; and the like. Let it suf-
ficethat no estate expect to be greatthat is not
awake upon any just occasion of arming.
No body can be healthful without exercise
neither natural body nor politic; and certainly to
a kingdom or estatea just and honorable waris
the true exercise. A civil warindeedis like the
heat of a fever; but a foreign war is like the heat of
exerciseand serveth to keep the body in health;
for in a slothful peaceboth courages will effemi-
nateand manners corrupt. But howsoever it be
for happinesswithout all questionfor greatness
it maketh to be still for the most part in arms; and
the strength of a veteran army (though it be a
chargeable business) always on footis that which
commonly giveth the lawor at least the reputa-
tionamongst all neighbor states; as may well be
seen in Spainwhich hath hadin one part or other
a veteran army almost continuallynow by the
space of six score years.
To be master of the seais an abridgment of a
monarchy. Cicerowriting to Atticus of Pompey
his preparation against CaesarsaithConsilium
Pompeii plane Themistocleum est; putat enim
qui mari potitureum rerum potiri. Andwithout
doubtPompey had tired out Caesarif upon vain
confidencehe had not left that way. We see the
great effects of battles bv sea. The battle of Actium
decided the empire of the world. The battle of Le-
pantoarrested the greatness of the Turk. There be
many exampleswhere sea-fights have been final
to the war; but this is when princes or states have
set up their restupon the battles. But thus much
is certainthat he that commands the seais at
great libertyand may take as muchand as little
of the war as he will. Whereas those that be strong-
est by landare many times nevertheless in great
straits. Surelyat this daywith us of Europethe
vantage of strength at sea (which is one of the prin-
cipal dowries of this kingdom of Great Britain) is
great; both because most of the kingdoms of Eu-
ropeare not merely inlandbut girt with the sea
most part of their compass; and because the wealth
of both Indies seems in great partbut an accessory
to the command of the seas.
The wars of latter ages seem to be made in the
darkin respect of the gloryand honorwhich
reflected upon men from the warsin ancient time.
There be nowfor martial encouragementsome
degrees and orders of chivalry; which nevertheless
are conferred promiscuouslyupon soldiers and
no soldiers; and some remembrance perhapsupon
the scutcheon; and some hospitals for maimed sol-
diers; and such like things. But in ancient times
the trophies erected upon the place of the victory;
the funeral laudatives and monuments for those
that died in the wars; the crowns and garlands per-
sonal; the style of emperorwhich the great kings
of the world after borrowed; the triumphs of the
generalsupon their return; the great donatives
and largessesupon the disbanding of the armies;
were things able to inflame all men's courages.
But above allthat of the triumphamongst the
Romanswas not pageants or gauderybut one of
the wisest and noblest institutionsthat ever was.
For it contained three things: honor to the general;
riches to the treasury out of the spoils; and dona-
tives to the army. But that honorperhaps were not
fit for monarchies; except it be in the person of the
monarch himselfor his sons; as it came to pass in
the times of the Roman emperorswho did impro-
priate the actual triumphs to themselvesand their
sonsfor such wars as they did achieve in person;
and left onlyfor wars achieved by subjectssome
triumphal garments and ensigns to the general.
To conclude: no man can by care taking (as the
Scripture saith) add a cubit to his staturein this
little model of a man's body; but in the great frame
of kingdoms and commonwealthsit is in the
power of princes or estatesto add amplitude and
greatness to their kingdoms; for by introducing
such ordinancesconstitutionsand customsas we
have now touchedthey may sow greatness to
their posterity and succession. But these things are
commonly not observedbut left to take their
Of Regiment
THERE is a wisdom in this; beyond the rules of
physic: a man's own observationwhat he
finds good ofand what he finds hurt ofis the best
physic to preserve health. But it is a safer conclu-
sion to sayThis agreeth not well with methere-
foreI will not continue it; than thisI find no
offence of thistherefore I may use it. For strength
of nature in youthpasseth over many excesses
which are owing a man till his age. Discern of the
coming on of yearsand think not to do the same
things still; for age will not be defied. Beware of
sudden changein any great point of dietandif
necessity enforce itfit the rest to it. For it is a secret
both in nature and statethat it is safer to change
many thingsthan one. Examine thy customs of
dietsleepexerciseappareland the like; and try
in any thing thou shalt judge hurtfulto discon-
tinue itby little and little; but soas if thou dost
find any inconvenience by the changethou come
back to it again: for it is hard to distinguish that
which is generally held good and wholesome
from that which is good particularlyand fit for
thine own body. To be free-minded and cheerfully
disposedat hours of meatand of sleepand of
exerciseis one of the best precepts of long lasting.
As for the passionsand studies of the mind; avoid
envyanxious fears; anger fretting inwards;
subtle and knotty inquisitions; joys and exhilara-
tions in excess; sadness not communicated. Enter-
tain hopes; mirth rather than joy; variety of
delightsrather than surfeit of them; wonder and
admirationand therefore novelties; studies that
fill the mind with splendid and illustrious objects
as historiesfablesand contemplations of nature.
If you fly physic in health altogetherit will be too
strange for your bodywhen you shall need it. If
you make it too familiarit will work no extra-
ordinary effectwhen sickness cometh. I commend
rather some diet for certain seasonsthan frequent
use of physicexcept it be grown into a custom. For
those diets alter the body moreand trouble it less.
Despise no new accident in your bodybut ask
opinion of it. In sicknessrespect health prin-
cipally; and in healthaction. For those that put
their bodies to endure in healthmay in most sick-
nesseswhich are not very sharpbe cured only
with dietand tendering. Celsus could never have
spoken it as a physicianhad he not been a wise
man withalwhen he giveth it for one of the great
precepts of health and lastingthat a man do vary
and interchange contrariesbut with an inclina-
tion to the more benign extreme: use fasting and
full eatingbut rather full eating; watching and
sleepbut rather sleep; sitting and exercisebut
rather exercise; and the like. So shall nature be
cherishedand yet taught masteries. Physicians
aresome of themso pleasing and conformable to
the humor of the patientas they press not the true
cure of the disease; and some other are so regular
in proceeding according to art for the diseaseas
they respect not sufficiently the condition of the
patient. Take one of a middle temper; or if it may
not be found in one mancombine two of either
sort; and forget not to call as wellthe best ac-
quainted with your bodyas the best reputed of
for his faculty.
Of Suspicion
SUSPICIONS amongst thoughtsare like bats
amongst birdsthey ever fly by twilight. Cer-
tainly they are to be repressedor at least well
guarded: for they cloud the mind; they leese
friends; and they check with businesswhereby
business cannot go on currently and constantly.
They dispose kings to tyrannyhusbands to jeal-
ousywise men to irresolution and melancholy.
They are defectsnot in the heartbut in the brain;
for they take place in the stoutest natures; as in the
example of Henry the Seventh of England. There
was not a more suspicious mannor a more stout.
And in such a composition they do small hurt. For
commonly they are not admittedbut with exami-
nationwhether they be likely or no. But in fearful
natures they gain ground too fast. There is nothing
makes a man suspect muchmore than to know
little; and therefore men should remedy suspicion
by procuring to know moreand not to keep their
suspicions in smother. What would men have? Do
they thinkthose they employ and deal withare
saints? Do they not thinkthey will have their own
endsand be truer to themselvesthan to them?
Therefore there is no better wayto moderate sus-
picionsthan to account upon such suspicions as
trueand yet to bridle them as false. For so far a
man ought to make use of suspicionsas to provide
as if that should be truethat he suspectsyet it
may do him no hurt. Suspicions that the mind of
itself gathersare but buzzes; but suspicions that
are artificially nourishedand put into men's
headsby the tales and whisperings of othershave
stings. Certainlythe best meanto clear the way
in this same wood of suspicionsis frankly to com-
municate them with the partythat he suspects;
for thereby he shall be sure to know more of the
truth of themthan he did before; and withal shall
make that party more circumspectnot to give
further cause of suspicion. But this would not be
done to men of base natures; for theyif they find
themselves once suspectedwill never be true. The
Italian saysSospetto licentia fede; as if suspicion
did give a passport to faith; but it oughtratherto
kindle it to discharge itself.
Of Discourse
SOMEin their discoursedesire rather com-
mendation of witin being able to hold all
argumentsthan of judgmentin discerning what
is true; as if it were a praiseto know what might
be saidand notwhat should be thought. Some
have certain common placesand themeswherein
they are good and want variety; which kind of
poverty is for the most part tediousand when it is
once perceivedridiculous. The honorablest part of
talkis to give the occasion; and again to moderate
and pass to somewhat else; for then a man leads the
dance. It is goodin discourse and speech of con-
versationto vary and intermingle speech of the
present occasionwith argumentstales with rea-
sonsasking of questionswith telling of opinions
and jest with earnest: for it is a dull thing to tire
andas we say nowto jadeany thing too far. As
for jestthere be certain thingswhich ought to be
privileged from it; namelyreligionmatters of
stategreat personsany man's present business of
importanceand any case that deserveth pity. Yet
there be somethat think their wits have been
asleepexcept they dart out somewhat that is
piquantand to the quick. That is a vein which
would be bridled:
Parcepuerstimuliset fortius utere loris.
And generallymen ought to find the difference
between saltness and bitterness. Certainlyhe that
hath a satirical veinas he maketh others afraid of
his witso he had need be afraid of others' memory.
He that questioneth muchshall learn muchand
content much; but especiallyif he apply his ques-
tions to the skill of the persons whom he asketh; for
he shall give them occasionto please themselves
in speakingand himself shall continually gather
knowledge. But let his questions not be trouble-
some; for that is fit for a poser. And let him be sure
to leave other mentheir turns to speak. Nayif
there be anythat would reign and take up all
the timelet him find means to take them off
and to bring others on; as musicians use to dowith
those that dance too long galliards. If you dis-
semblesometimesyour knowledge of that you
are thought to knowyou shall be thoughtanother
timeto know that you know not. Speech of a
man's self ought to be seldomand well chosen. I
knew onewas wont to say in scornHe must needs
be a wise manhe speaks so much of himself: and
there is but one casewherein a man may com-
mend himself with good grace; and that is in
commending virtue in another; especially if it be
such a virtuewhereunto himself pretendeth.
Speech of touch towards othersshould be spar-
ingly used; for discourse ought to be as a field
without coming home to any man. I knew two
noblemenof the west part of Englandwhereof
the one was given to scoffbut kept ever royal cheer
in his house; the other would askof those that had
been at the other's tableTell trulywas there never
a flout or dry blow given? To which the guest
would answerSuch and such a thing passed.
The lord would sayI thoughthe would mar a
good dinner. Discretion of speechis more than
eloquence; and to speak agreeably to himwith
whom we dealis more than to speak in good
wordsor in good order. A good continued speech
without a good speech of interlocutionshows
slowness: and a good reply or second speechwith-
out a good settled speechshoweth shallowness
and weakness. As we see in beaststhat those that
are weakest in the courseare yet nimblest in the
turn; as it is betwixt the greyhound and the hare.
To use too many circumstancesere one come to
the matteris wearisome; to use none at allis
Of Plantations
PLANTATIONS are amongst ancientprimi-
tiveand heroical works. When the world was
youngit begat more children; but now it is oldit
begets fewer: for I may justly account new plan-
tationsto be the children of former kingdoms. I
like a plantation in a pure soil; that iswhere
people are not displantedto the endto plant in
others. For else it is rather an extirpationthan a
plantation. Planting of countriesis like planting
of woods; for you must make account to leese al-
most twenty years' profitand expect your recom-
pense in the end. For the principal thingthat hath
been the destruction of most plantationshath
been the base and hasty drawing of profitin the
first years. It is truespeedy profit is not to be neg-
lectedas far as may stand with the good of the
plantationbut no further. It is a shameful and
unblessed thingto take the scum of peopleand
wicked condemned mento be the people with
whom you plant; and not only sobut it spoileth
the plantation; for they will ever live like rogues
and not fall to workbut be lazyand do mischief
and spend victualsand be quickly wearyand
then certify over to their countryto the discredit
of the plantation. The people wherewith you
plant ought to be gardenersploughmenlaborers
with some few apothecariessurgeonscooksand
bakers. In a country of plantationfirst look about
what kind of victual the country yields of itself to
hand; as chestnutswalnutspineapplesolives
datesplumscherrieswild honeyand the like;
and make use of them. Then consider what victual
or esculent things there arewhich grow speedily
and within the year; as parsnipscarrotsturnips
onionsradishartichokes of Hierusalemmaize
and the like. For wheatbarleyand oatsthey ask
too much labor; but with pease and beans you may
beginboth because they ask less laborand be-
cause they serve for meatas well as for bread. And
of ricelikewise cometh a great increaseand it is
a kind of meat. Above allthere ought to be brought
store of biscuitoat-mealflourmealand the like
in the beginningtill bread may be had. For beasts
or birdstake chiefly such as are least subject to
diseasesand multiply fastest; as swinegoats
cockshensturkeysgeesehouse-dovesand the
like. The victual in plantationsought to be ex-
pended almost as in a besieged town; that iswith
certain allowance. And let the main part of the
groundemployed to gardens or cornbe to a com-
mon stock; and to be laid inand stored upand
then delivered out in proportion; besides some
spots of groundthat any particular person will
manure for his own private. Consider likewise
what commoditiesthe soil where the plantation
isdoth naturally yieldthat they may some way
help to defray the charge of the plantation (so it be
notas was saidto the untimely prejudice of the
main business)as it hath fared with tobacco in
Virginia. Wood commonly aboundeth but too
much; and therefore timber is fit to be one. If there
be iron oreand streams whereupon to set the mills
iron is a brave commodity where wood aboundeth.
Making of bay-saltif the climate be proper for it
would be put in experience. Growing silk likewise
if any beis a likely commodity. Pitch and tar
where store of firs and pines arewill not fail. So
drugs and sweet woodswhere they arecannot
but yield great profit. Soap-ashes likewiseand
other things that may be thought of. But moil not
too much under ground; for the hope of mines is
very uncertainand useth to make the planters
lazyin other things. For government; let it be in
the hands of oneassisted with some counsel; and
let them have commission to exercise martial laws
with some limitation. And above alllet men make
that profitof being in the wildernessas they have
God alwaysand his servicebefore their eyes. Let
not the government of the plantationdepend
upon too many counsellorsand undertakersin
the country that plantethbut upon a temperate
number; and let those be rather noblemen and
gentlementhan merchants; for they look ever to
the present gain. Let there be freedom from cus-
tomtill the plantation be of strength; and not
only freedom from custombut freedom to carry
their commoditieswhere they may make their
best of themexcept there be some special cause of
caution. Cram not in peopleby sending too fast
company after company; but rather harken how
they wasteand send supplies proportionably; but
soas the number may live well in the plantation
and not by surcharge be in penury. It hath been a
great endangering to the health of some planta-
tionsthat they have built along the sea and rivers
in marish and unwholesome grounds. Therefore
though you begin thereto avoid carriage and
like discommoditiesyet build still rather upwards
from the streamsthan along. It concerneth like-
wise the health of the plantationthat they have
good store of salt with themthat they may use it
in their victualswhen it shall be necessary. If you
plant where savages aredo not only entertain
themwith trifles and ginglesbut use them justly
and graciouslywith sufficient guard nevertheless;
and do not win their favorby helping them to in-
vade their enemiesbut for their defence it is not
amiss; and send oft of themover to the country
that plantsthat they may see a better condition
than their ownand commend it when they re-
turn. When the plantation grows to strengththen
it is time to plant with womenas well as with
men; that the plantation may spread into genera-
tionsand not be ever pieced from without. It is the
sinfullest thing in the worldto forsake or destitute
a plantation once in forwardness; for besides the
dishonorit is the guiltiness of blood of many com-
miserable persons.
Of Riches
I CANNOT call riches better than the baggage
of virtue. The Roman word is betterimpedi-
menta. For as the baggage is to an armyso is riches
to virtue. It cannot be sparednor left behindbut
it hindereth the march; yeaand the care of it
sometimes loseth or disturbeth the victory. Of
great riches there is no real useexcept it be in the
distribution; the rest is but conceit. So saith Solo-
monWhere much isthere are many to consume
it; and what hath the ownerbut the sight of it
with his eyes? The personal fruition in any man
cannot reach to feel great riches: there is a custody
of them; or a power of doleand donative of them;
or a fame of them; but no solid use to the owner.
Do you not see what feigned pricesare set upon
little stones and rarities? and what works of osten-
tation are undertakenbecause there might seem
to be some use of great riches? But then you will
saythey may be of useto buy men out of dangers
or troubles. As Solomon saithRiches are as a
strong holdin the imagination of the rich man.
But this is excellently expressedthat it is in imagi-
nationand not always in fact. For certainly great
richeshave sold more menthan they have bought
out. Seek not proud richesbut such as thou mayest
get justlyuse soberlydistribute cheerfullyand
leave contentedly. Yet have no abstract nor friarly
contempt of them. But distinguishas Cicero saith
well of Rabirius PosthumusIn studio rei ampli-
ficandae apparebatnon avaritiae praedamsed
instrumentum bonitati quaeri. Harken also to
Solomonand beware of hasty gathering of riches;
Qui festinat ad divitiasnon erit insons. The poets
feignthat when Plutus (which is Riches) is sent
from Jupiterhe limps and goes slowly; but when
he is sent from Plutohe runsand is swift of foot.
Meaning that riches gotten by good meansand
just laborpace slowly; but when they come by
the death of others (as by the course of inheritance
testamentsand the like)they come tumbling
upon a man. But it mought be applied likewise to
Plutotaking him for the devil. For when riches
come from the devil (as by fraud and oppression
and unjust means)they come upon speed. The
ways to enrich are manyand most of them foul.
Parsimony is one of the bestand yet is not inno-
cent; for it withholdeth men from works of liberal-
ity and charity. The improvement of the ground
is the most natural obtaining of riches; for it is our
great mother's blessingthe earth's; but it is slow.
And yet where men of great wealth do stoop to
husbandryit multiplieth riches exceedingly. I
knew a nobleman in Englandthat had the great-
est audits of any man in my time; a great grazier
a great sheep-mastera great timber mana great
colliera great corn-mastera great lead-manand
so of ironand a number of the like points of hus-
bandry. So as the earth seemed a sea to himin
respect of the perpetual importation. It was truly
observed by onethat himself came very hardly
to a little richesand very easilyto great riches.
For when a man's stock is come to thatthat he can
expect the prime of marketsand overcome those
bargainswhich for their greatness are few men's
moneyand be partner in the industries of younger
menhe cannot but increase mainly. The gains of
ordinary trades and vocations are honest; and
furthered by two things chiefly: by diligenceand
by a good namefor good and fair dealing. But the
gains of bargainsare of a more doubtful nature;
when men shall wait upon others' necessitybroke
by servants and instruments to draw them onput
off others cunninglythat would be better chap-
menand the like practiceswhich are crafty and
naught. As for the chopping of bargainswhen a
man buys not to hold but to sell over againthat
commonly grindeth doubleboth upon the seller
and upon the buyer. Sharings do greatly enrich
if the hands be well chosenthat are trusted. Usury
is the certainest means of gainthough one of the
worst; as that whereby a man doth eat his bread
in sudore vultus alieni; and besidesdoth plough
upon Sundays. But yet certain though it beit hath
flaws; for that the scriveners and brokers do value
unsound mento serve their own turn. The fortune
in being the firstin an invention or in a privilege
doth cause sometimes a wonderful overgrowth in
riches; as it was with the first sugar manin the
Canaries. Therefore if a man can play the true
logicianto have as well judgmentas invention
he may do great matters; especially if the times be
fit. He that resteth upon gains certainshall hardly
grow to great riches; and he that puts all upon
adventuresdoth oftentimes break and come to
poverty: it is goodthereforeto guard adventures
with certaintiesthat may uphold losses. Monopo-
liesand coemption of wares for re-salewhere
they are not restrainedare great means to enrich;
especially if the party have intelligencewhat
things are like to come into requestand so store
himself beforehand. Riches gotten by service
though it be of the best riseyet when they are
gotten by flatteryfeeding humorsand other serv-
ile conditionsthey may be placed amongst the
worst. As for fishing for testaments and executor-
ships (as Tacitus saith of Senecatestamenta et
orbos tamquam indagine capi)it is yet worse; by
how much men submit themselves to meaner per-
sonsthan in service. Believe not muchthem that
seem to despise riches; for they despise themthat
despair of them; and none worsewhen they come
to them. Be not penny-wise; riches have wings
and sometimes they fly away of themselvessome-
times they must be set flyingto bring in more.
Men leave their richeseither to their kindredor
to the public; and moderate portionsprosper best
in both. A great state left to an heiris as a lure to
all the birds of prey round aboutto seize on himif
he be not the better stablished in years and judg-
ment. Likewise glorious gifts and foundationsare
like sacrifices without salt; and but the painted
sepulchres of almswhich soon will putrefyand
corrupt inwardly. Therefore measure not thine
advancementsby quantitybut frame them by
measure: and defer not charities till death; for
certainlyif a man weigh it rightlyhe that doth
sois rather liberal of another man'sthan of his
Of Prophecies
I MEAN not to speak of divine prophecies; nor
of heathen oracles; nor of natural predictions;
but only of prophecies that have been of cer-
tain memoryand from hidden causes. Saith the
Pythonissa to SaulTo-morrow thou and thy son
shall be with me. Homer hath these verses:
At domus AEneae cunctis dominabitur oris
Et nati natorumet qui nascentur ab illis.
A prophecyas it seemsof the Roman empire.
Seneca the tragedian hath these verses:
--Venient annis
Saecula serisquibus Oceanus
Vincula rerum laxetet ingens
Pateat TellusTiphysque novos
Detegat orbes; nec sit terris
Ultima Thule:
a prophecy of the discovery of America. The daugh-
ter of Polycratesdreamed that Jupiter bathed her
fatherand Apollo anointed him; and it came to
passthat he was crucified in an open placewhere
the sun made his body run with sweatand the
rain washed it. Philip of Macedon dreamedhe
sealed up bis wife's belly; whereby he did expound
itthat his wife should be barren; but Aristander
the soothsayertold him his wife was with child
because men do not use to seal vesselsthat are
empty. A phantasm that appeared to M. Brutusin
his tentsaid to himPhilippis iterum me videbis.
Tiberius said to GalbaTu quoqueGalbadegusta-
bis imperium. In Vespasian's timethere went a
prophecy in the Eastthat those that should come
forth of Judeashould reign over the world:
which though it may be was meant of our Savior;
yet Tacitus expounds it of Vespasian. Domitian
dreamedthe night before he was slainthat a
golden head was growingout of the nape of his
neck: and indeedthe succession that followed him
for many yearsmade golden times. Henry the
Sixth of Englandsaid of Henry the Seventhwhen
he was a ladand gave him waterThis is the lad
that shall enjoy the crownfor which we strive.
When I was in FranceI heard from one Dr. Pena
that the Queen Motherwho was given to curious
artscaused the King her husband's nativity to be
calculatedunder a false name; and the astrologer
gave a judgmentthat he should be killed in a duel;
at which the Queen laughedthinking her hus-
band to be above challenges and duels: but he was
slain upon a course at tiltthe splinters of the staff
of Montgomery going in at his beaver. The trivial
prophecywhich I heard when I was a childand
Queen Elizabeth was in the flower of her years
When hempe is spun
England's done:
whereby it was generally conceivedthat after the
princes had reignedwhich had the principal
letters of that word hempe (which were Henry
EdwardMaryPhilipand Elizabeth)England
should come to utter confusion; whichthanks be
to Godis verified only in the change of the name;
for that the King's styleis now no more of Eng-
land but of Britain. There was also another proph-
ecybefore the year of '88which I do not well
There shall be seen upon a day
Between the Baugh and the May
The black fleet of Norway.
When that that is come and gone
England build houses of lime and stone
For after wars shall you have none.
It was generally conceived to be meantof the
Spanish fleet that came in '88: for that the king of
Spain's surnameas they sayis Norway. The pre-
diction of Regiomontanus
Octogesimus octavus mirabilis annus
was thought likewise accomplished in the sending
of that great fleetbeing the greatest in strength
though not in numberof all that ever swam upon
the sea. As for Cleon's dreamI think it was a jest.
It wasthat he was devoured of a long dragon; and
it was expounded of a maker of sausagesthat
troubled him exceedingly. There are numbers of
the like kind; especially if you include dreamsand
predictions of astrology. But I have set down these
few onlyof certain creditfor example. My judg-
ment isthat they ought all to be despised; and
ought to serve but for winter talk by the fireside.
Though when I say despisedI mean it as for be-
lief; for otherwisethe spreadingor publishing
of themis in no sort to be despised. For they have
done much mischief; and I see many severe laws
madeto suppress them. That that hath given them
graceand some creditconsisteth in three things.
Firstthat men mark when they hitand never
mark when they miss; as they do generally also of
dreams. The second isthat probable conjectures
or obscure traditionsmany times turn themselves
into prophecies; while the nature of manwhich
coveteth divinationthinks it no peril to foretell
that which indeed they do but collect. As that of
Seneca's verse. For so much was then subject to
demonstrationthat the globe of the earth had
great parts beyond the Atlanticwhich mought
be probably conceived not to be all sea: and adding
thereto the tradition in Plato's Timaeusand his
Atlanticusit mought encourage one to turn it to
a prediction. The third and last (which is the great
one) isthat almost all of thembeing infinite in
numberhave been imposturesand by idle and
crafty brains merely contrived and feignedafter
the event past.
Of Ambition
AMBITION is like choler; which is an humor
that maketh men activeearnestfull of alac-
rityand stirringif it be not stopped. But if it be
stoppedand cannot have his wayit becometh
adustand thereby malign and venomous. So am-
bitious menif they find the way open for their
risingand still get forwardthey are rather busy
than dangerous; but if they be checked in their
desiresthey become secretly discontentand look
upon men and matters with an evil eyeand are
best pleasedwhen things go backward; which is
the worst property in a servant of a princeor state.
Therefore it is good for princesif they use ambi-
tious mento handle itso as they be still progres-
sive and not retrograde; whichbecause it cannot
be without inconvenienceit is good not to use such
natures at all. For if they rise not with their service
they will take orderto make their service fall with
them. But since we have saidit were good not to
use men of ambitious naturesexcept it be upon
necessityit is fit we speakin what cases they are
of necessity. Good commanders in the wars must
be takenbe they never so ambitious; for the use
of their servicedispenseth with the rest; and to
take a soldier without ambitionis to pull off his
spurs. There is also great use of ambitious menin
being screens to princes in matters of danger and
envy; for no man will take that partexcept he be
like a seeled dovethat mounts and mountsbe-
cause he cannot see about him. There is use also of
ambitious menin pulling down the greatness of
any subject that overtops; as Tiberius used Marco
in the pulling down of Sejanus. Sincetherefore
they must be used in such casesthere resteth to
speakhow they are to be bridledthat they may be
less dangerous. There is less danger of themif they
be of mean birththan if they be noble; and if they
be rather harsh of naturethan gracious and popu-
lar: and if they be rather new raisedthan grown
cunningand fortifiedin their greatness. It is
counted by somea weakness in princesto have
favorites; but it isof all othersthe best remedy
against ambitious great-ones. For when the way
of pleasuringand displeasuringlieth by the
favoriteit is impossible any other should be over-
great. Another means to curb themis to balance
them by othersas proud as they. But then there
must be some middle counsellorsto keep things
steady; for without that ballastthe ship will roll
too much. At the leasta prince may animate
and inure some meaner personsto be as it were
scourgesto ambitions men. As for the having of
them obnoxious to ruin; if they be of fearful
naturesit may do well; but if they be stout and
daringit may precipitate their designsand prove
dangerous. As for the pulling of them downif the
affairs require itand that it may not be done with
safety suddenlythe only way is the interchange
continuallyof favors and disgraces; whereby
they may not know what to expectand beas it
werein a wood. Of ambitionsit is less harmful
the ambition to prevail in great thingsthan that
otherto appear in every thing; for that breeds
confusionand mars business. But yet it is less dan-
gerto have an ambitious man stirring in business
than great in dependences. He that seeketh to be
eminent amongst able menhath a great task; but
that is ever good for the public. But hethat plots
to be the only figure amongst ciphersis the decay
of a whole age. Honor hath three things in it: the
vantage ground to do good; the approach to kings
and principal persons; and the raising of a man's
own fortunes. He that hath the best of these inten-
tionswhen he aspirethis an honest man; and that
princethat can discern of these intentions in an-
other that aspirethis a wise prince. Generallylet
princes and states choose such ministersas are
more sensible of duty than of using; and such as
love business rather upon consciencethan upon
braveryand let them discern a busy naturefrom
a willing mind.
Of Masques
THESE things are but toysto come amongst
such serious observations. But yetsince
princes will have such thingsit is better they
should be graced with elegancythan daubed with
cost. Dancing to songis a thing of great state and
pleasure. I understand itthat the song be in quire
placed aloftand accompanied with some broken
music; and the ditty fitted to the device. Acting in
songespecially in dialogueshath an extreme
good grace; I say actingnot dancing (for that is a
mean and vulgar thing); and the voices of the dia-
logue would be strong and manly (a base and a
tenor; no treble); and the ditty high and tragical;
not nice or dainty. Several quiresplaced one over
against anotherand taking the voice by catches
anthem-wisegive great pleasure. Turning dances
into figureis a childish curiosity. And generally
let it be notedthat those things which I here set
downare such as do naturally take the senseand
not respect petty wonderments. It is truethe al-
terations of scenesso it be quietly and without
noiseare things of great beauty and pleasure; for
they feed and relieve the eyebefore it be full of
the same object. Let the scenes abound with light
specially colored and varied; and let the masquers
or any otherthat are to come down from the
scenehave some motions upon the scene itself
before their coming down; for it draws the eye
strangelyand makes itwith great pleasureto
desire to seethat it cannot perfectly discern. Let
the songs be loud and cheerfuland not chirpings
or pulings. Let the music likewise be sharp and
loudand well placed. The colors that show best by
candle-light are whitecarnationand a kind of
sea-water-green; and oesor spangsas they are of
no great costso they are of most glory. As for rich
embroideryit is lost and not discerned. Let the
suits of the masquers be gracefuland such as be-
come the personwhen the vizors are off; not after
examples of known attires; Turkesoldiersmari-
ners'and the like. Let anti-masques not be long;
they have been commonly of foolssatyrsbaboons
movingand the like. As for angelsit is not comi-
cal enoughto put them in anti-masques; and
anything that is hideousas devilsgiantsis on
the other side as unfit. But chieflylet the music
of them be recreativeand with some strange
changes. Some sweet odors suddenly coming forth
without any drops fallingarein such a company
as there is steam and heatthings of great pleasure
and refreshment. Double masquesone of men
another of ladiesaddeth state and variety. But all
is nothing except the room be kept clear and neat.
For justsand tourneysand barriers; the glories
of them are chiefly in the chariotswherein the
challengers make their entry; especially if they
be drawn with strange beasts: as lionsbears
camelsand the like; or in the devices of their en-
trance; or in the bravery of their liveries; or in the
goodly furniture of their horses and armor. But
enough of these toys.
Of Nature
NATURE is often hidden; sometimes over-
come; seldom extinguished. Forcemaketh
nature more violent in the return; doctrine and dis-
coursemaketh nature less importune; but custom
only doth alter and subdue nature. He that seeketh
victory over his naturelet him not set himself too
greatnor too small tasks; for the first will make
him dejected by often failings; and the second will
make him a small proceederthough by often pre-
vailings. And at the first let him practise with
helpsas swimmers do with bladders or rushes;
but after a time let him practise with disadvan-
tagesas dancers do with thick shoes. For it breeds
great perfectionif the practice be harder than the
use. Where nature is mightyand therefore the
victory hardthe degrees had need befirst to stay
and arrest nature in time; like to him that would
say over the four and twenty letters when he was
angry; then to go less in quantity; as if one should
in forbearing winecome from drinking healths
to a draught at a meal; and lastlyto discontinue
altogether. But if a man have the fortitudeand
resolutionto enfranchise himself at oncethat is
the best:
Optimus ille animi vindex laedentia pectus
Vincula qui rupitdedoluitque semel.
Neither is the ancient rule amissto bend nature
as a wandto a contrary extremewhereby to set it
rightunderstanding itwhere the contrary ex-
treme is no vice. Let not a man force a habit upon
himselfwith a perpetual continuancebut with
some intermission. For both the pause reinforceth
the new onset; and if a man that is not perfectbe
ever in practicehe shall as well practise his errors
as his abilitiesand induce one habit of both; and
there is no means to help thisbut by seasonable
intermissions. But let not a man trust his victory
over his naturetoo far; for nature will lay buried
a great timeand yet reviveupon the occasion or
temptation. Like as it was with AEsop's damsel
turned from a cat to a womanwho sat very de-
mutely at the board's endtill a mouse ran before
her. Thereforelet a man either avoid the occasion
altogether; or put himself often to itthat he may
be little moved with it. A man's nature is best per-
ceived in privatenessfor there is no affectation;
in passionfor that putteth a man out of his pre-
cepts; and in a new case or experimentfor there
custom leaveth him. They are happy menwhose
natures sort with their vocations; otherwise they
may saymultum incola fuit anima mea; when
they converse in those thingsthey do not affect.
In studieswhatsoever a man commandeth upon
himselflet him set hours for it; but whatsoever is
agreeable to his naturelet him take no care for
any set times; for his thoughts will fly to itof
themselves; so as the spaces of other businessor
studieswill suffice. A man's natureruns either to
herbs or weeds; therefore let him seasonably water
the oneand destroy the other.
Of Custom
MEN'S thoughtsare much according to their
inclination; their discourse and speeches
according to their learning and infused opinions;
but their deedsare after as they have been accus-
tomed. And thereforeas Machiavel well noteth
(though in an evil-favored instance)there is no
trusting to the force of naturenor to the bravery
of wordsexcept it be corroborate by custom. His
instance isthat for the achieving of a desperate
conspiracya man should not rest upon the fierce-
ness of any man's natureor his resolute under-
takings; but take such an oneas hath had his
hands formerly in blood. But Machiavel knew not
of a Friar Clementnor a Ravillacnor a Jaureguy
nor a Baltazar Gerard; yet his rule holdeth still
that naturenor the engagement of wordsare not
so forcibleas custom. Only superstition is now so
well advancedthat men of the first bloodare as
firm as butchers by occupation; and votary reso-
lutionis made equipollent to customeven in mat-
ter of blood. In other thingsthe predominancy of
custom is everywhere visible; insomuch as a man
would wonderto hear men professprotesten-
gagegive great wordsand then dojust as they
have done before; as if they were dead images
and engines moved only by the wheels of custom.
We see also the reign or tyranny of customwhat
it is. The Indians (I mean the sect of their wise men)
lay themselves quietly upon a stock of woodand
so sacrifice themselves by fire. Naythe wives
strive to be burnedwith the corpses of their hus-
bands. The lads of Spartaof ancient timewere
wont to be scourged upon the altar of Dianawith-
out so much as queching. I rememberin the be-
ginning of Queen Elizabeth's time of Englandan
Irish rebel condemnedput up a petition to the
deputythat he might be hanged in a witheand
not in an halter; because it had been so usedwith
former rebels. There be monks in Russiafor pen-
ancethat will sit a whole night in a vessel of water
till they be engaged with hard ice. Many examples
may be put of the force of customboth upon mind
and body. Thereforesince custom is the principal
magistrate of man's lifelet men by all means en-
deavorto obtain good customs. Certainly custom
is most perfectwhen it beginneth in young years:
this we call education; which isin effectbut an
early custom. So we seein languagesthe tongue
is more pliant to all expressions and soundsthe
joints are more suppleto all feats of activity and
motionsin youth than afterwards. For it is true
that late learners cannot so well take the ply; ex-
cept it be in some mindsthat have not suffered
themselves to fixbut have kept themselves open
and prepared to receive continual amendment
which is exceeding rare. But if the force of cus-
tom simple and separatebe greatthe force of
custom copulate and conjoined and collegiateis
far greater. For there example teachethcompany
comfortethemulation quickenethglory raiseth:
so as in such places the force of custom is in his
exaltation. Certainly the great multiplication of
virtues upon human natureresteth upon socie-
ties well ordained and disciplined. For common-
wealthsand good governmentsdo nourish virtue
grown but do not much mend the deeds. But the
misery isthat the most effectual meansare now
applied to the endsleast to be desired.
Of Fortune
IT CANNOT be deniedbut outward accidents
conduce much to fortune; favoropportunity
death of othersoccasion fitting virtue. But chiefly
the mould of a man's fortune is in his own hands.
Faber quisque fortunae suaesaith the poet. And
the most frequent of external causes isthat the
folly of one manis the fortune of another. For no
man prospers so suddenlyas by others' errors.
Serpens nisi serpentem comederit non fit draco.
Overt and apparent virtuesbring forth praise; but
there be secret and hidden virtuesthat bring forth
fortune; certain deliveries of a man's selfwhich
have no name. The Spanish namedesemboltura
partly expresseth them; when there be not stonds
nor restiveness in a man's nature; but that the
wheels of his mindkeep way with the wheels of
his fortune. For so Livy (after he had described
Cato Major in these wordsIn illo viro tantum ro-
bur corporis et animi fuitut quocunque loco natus
essetfortunam sibi facturus videretur) falleth
upon thatthat he had versatile ingenium. There-
fore if a man look sharply and attentivelyhe shall
see Fortune: for though she be blindyet she is not
invisible. The way of fortuneis like the Milken
Way in the sky; which is a meeting or knot of a
number of small stars; not seen asunderbut giv-
ing light together. So are there a number of
littleand scarce discerned virtuesor rather facul-
ties and customsthat make men fortunate. The
Italians note some of themsuch as a man would
little think. When they speak of one that cannot do
amissthey will throw ininto his other conditions
that he hath Poco di matto. And certainly there be
not two more fortunate propertiesthan to have a
little of the fooland not too much of the honest.
Therefore extreme lovers of their country or
masterswere never fortunateneither can they
be. For when a man placeth his thoughts without
himselfhe goeth not his own way. An hasty for-
tune maketh an enterpriser and remover (the
French hath it betterentreprenantor remuant);
but the exercised fortune maketh the able man.
Fortune is to be honored and respectedand it be
but for her daughtersConfidence and Reputation.
For those twoFelicity breedeth; the first within
a man's selfthe latter in others towards him. All
wise mento decline the envy of their own virtues
use to ascribe them to Providence and Fortune; for
so they may the better assume them: andbesides
it is greatness in a manto be the care of the higher
powers. So Caesar said to the pilot in the tempest
Caesarem portaset fortunam ejus. So Sylla chose
the name of Felixand not of Magnus. And it hath
been notedthat those who ascribe openly too
much to their own wisdom and policyend infor-
tunate. It is written that Timotheus the Athenian
after he hadin the account he gave to the state of
his governmentoften interlaced this speechand
in thisFortune had no partnever prospered in
anythinghe undertook afterwards. Certainly
there bewhose fortunes are like Homer's verses
that have a slide and easiness more than the verses
of other poets; as Plutarch saith of Timoleon's for-
tunein respect of that of Agesilaus or Epaminon-
das. And that this shoulld beno doubt it is much
in a man's self.
Of Usury
MANY have made witty invectives against
usury. They say that it is a pitythe devil
should have God's partwhich is the tithe. That the
usurer is the greatest Sabbath-breakerbecause his
plough goeth every Sunday. That the usurer is the
dronethat Virgil speaketh of;
Ignavum fucos pecus a praesepibus arcent.
That the usurer breaketh the first lawthat was
made for mankind after the fallwhich wasin
sudore vultus tui comedes panem tuum; notin
sudore vultus alieni. That usurers should have
orange-tawny bonnetsbecause they do judaize.
That it is against nature for money to beget money;
and the like. I say this onlythat usury is a conces-
sum propter duritiem cordis; for since there must
be borrowing and lendingand men are so hard
of heartas they will not lend freelyusury must
be permitted. Some othershave made suspicious
and cunning propositions of banksdiscovery of
men's estatesand other inventions. But few have
spoken of usury usefully. It is good to set before us
the incommodities and commodities of usurythat
the goodmay be either weighed out or culled out;
and warily to providethat while we make forth
to that which is betterwe meet not with that
which is worse.
The discommodities of usury areFirstthat it
makes fewer merchants. For were it not for this
lazy trade of usurymoney would not he stillbut
would in great part be employed upon merchan-
dizing; which is the vena porta of wealth in a state.
The secondthat it makes poor merchants. Foras
a farmer cannot husband his ground so wellif he
sit at a great rent; so the merchant cannot drive
his trade so wellif he sit at great usury. The third
is incident to the other two; and that is the decay of
customs of kings or stateswhich ebb or flowwith
merchandizing. The fourththat it bringeth the
treasure of a realmor stateinto a few hands. For
the usurer being at certaintiesand others at uncer-
taintiesat the end of the gamemost of the money
will be in the box; and ever a state flourisheth
when wealth is more equally spread. The fifth
that it beats down the price of land; for the em-
ployment of moneyis chiefly either merchandiz-
ing or purchasing; and usury waylays both. The
sixththat it doth dull and damp all industriesim-
provementsand new inventionswherein money
would be stirringif it were not for this slug. The
lastthat it is the canker and ruin of many men's
estates; whichin process of timebreeds a public
On the other sidethe commodities of usury are
firstthat howsoever usury in some respect hinder-
eth merchandizingyet in some other it advanceth
it; for it is certain that the greatest part of trade is
driven by young merchantsupon borrowing at
interest; so as if the usurer either call inor keep
backhis moneythere will ensuepresentlya
great stand of trade. The second isthat were it not
for this easy borrowing upon interestmen's neces-
sities would draw upon them a most sudden un-
doing; in that they would be forced to sell their
means (be it lands or goods) far under foot; and so
whereas usury doth but gnaw upon thembad
markets would swallow them quite up. As for
mortgaging or pawningit will little mend the
matter: for either men will not take pawns with-
out use; or if they dothey will look precisely for
the forfeiture. I remember a cruel moneyed man
in the countrythat would sayThe devil take this
usuryit keeps us from forfeituresof mortgages
and bonds. The third and last isthat it is a vanity
to conceivethat there would be ordinary borrow-
ing without profit; and it is impossible to conceive
the number of inconveniences that will ensueif
borrowing be cramped. Therefore to speak of the
abolishing of usury is idle. All states have ever had
itin one kind or rateor other. So as that opinion
must be sent to Utopia.
To speak now of the reformationand reigle-
mentof usury; how the discommodities of it may
be best avoidedand the commodities retained. It
appearsby the balance of commodities and dis-
commodities of usurytwo things are to be recon-
ciled. The onethat the tooth of usury be grinded
that it bite not too much; the otherthat there be
left open a meansto invite moneyed men to lend
to the merchantsfor the continuing and quicken-
ing of trade. This cannot be doneexcept you intro-
duce two several sorts of usurya less and a greater.
For if you reduce usury to one low rateit will ease
the common borrowerbut the merchant will be
to seek for money. And it is to be notedthat the
trade of merchandizebeing the most lucrative
may bear usury at a good rate; other contracts
not so.
To serve both intentionsthe way would be
briefly thus. That there be two rates of usury:
the one freeand general for all; the other under
license onlyto certain personsand in certain
places of merchandizing. Firstthereforelet usury
in generalbe reduced to five in the hundred; and
let that rate be proclaimedto be free and current;
and let the state shut itself outto take any penalty
for the same. This will preserve borrowingfrom
any general stop or dryness. This will ease infinite
borrowers in the country. This willin good part
raise the price of landbecause land purchased
at sixteen years' purchase will yield six in the
hundredand somewhat more; whereas this rate
of interestyields but five. This by like reason
will encourageand edgeindustrious and profit-
able improvements; because many will rather
venture in that kindthan take five in the hun-
dredespecially having been used to greater profit.
Secondlylet there be certain persons licensed
to lend to known merchantsupon usury at a
higher rate; and let it be with the cautions fol-
lowing. Let the rate beeven with the merchant
himselfsomewhat more easy than that he used
formerly to pay; for by that meansall bor-
rowersshall have some ease by this reformation
be he merchantor whosoever. Let it be no
bank or common stockbut every man be master
of his own money. Not that I altogether mis-
like banksbut they will hardly be brookedin
regard of certain suspicions. Let the state be
answered some small matter for the licenseand
the rest left to the lender; for if the abatement be
but smallit will no whit discourage the lender.
For hefor examplethat took before ten or nine in
the hundredwill sooner descend to eight in the
hundred than give over his trade of usuryand go
from certain gainsto gains of hazard. Let these
licensed lenders be in number indefinitebut re-
strained to certain principal cities and towns of
merchandizing; for then they will be hardly able
to color other men's moneys in the country: so as
the license of nine will not suck away the current
rate of five; for no man will send his moneys far
offnor put them into unknown hands.
If it be objected that this doth in a sort authorize
usurywhich beforewas in some places but per-
missive; the answer isthat it is better to mitigate
usuryby declarationthan to suffer it to rageby
Of Youth
A MAN that is young in yearsmay be old in
hoursif he have lost no time. But that hap-
peneth rarely. Generallyyouth is like the first
cogitationsnot so wise as the second. For there is
a youth in thoughtsas well as in ages. And yet the
invention of young menis more lively than that
of old; and imaginations stream into their minds
betterandas it weremore divinely. Natures that
have much heatand great and violent desires and
perturbationsare not ripe for actiontill they have
passed the meridian of their years; as it was with
Julius Caesar and Septimius Severus. Of the latter
of whom it is saidJuventutem egit erroribusimo
furoribusplenam. And yet he was the ablest em-
peroralmostof all the list. But reposed natures
may do well in youth. As it is seen in Augustus
CaesarCosmus Duke of FlorenceGaston de Foix
and others. On the other sideheat and vivacity in
ageis an excellent composition for business.
Young men are fitter to inventthan to judge; fitter
for executionthan for counsel; and fitter for new
projectsthan for settled business. For the experi-
ence of agein things that fall within the compass
of itdirecteth them; but in new thingsabuseth
The errors of young menare the ruin of busi-
ness; but the errors of aged menamount but to
thisthat more might have been doneor sooner.
Young menin the conduct and manage of actions
embrace more than they can hold; stir more than
they can quiet; fly to the endwithout considera-
tion of the means and degrees; pursue some
few principleswhich they have chanced upon
absurdly; care not to innovatewhich draws un-
known inconveniences; use extreme remedies at
first; andthat which doubleth all errorswill not
acknowledge or retract them; like an unready
horsethat will neither stop nor turn. Men of age
object too muchconsult too longadventure too
littlerepent too soonand seldom drive business
home to the full periodbut content themselves
with a mediocrity of success. Certainly it is good to
compound employments of both; for that will be
good for the presentbecause the virtues of either
agemay correct the defects of both; and good for
successionthat young men may be learnerswhile
men in age are actors; andlastlygood for extern
accidentsbecause authority followeth old men
and favor and popularityyouth. But for the moral
partperhaps youth will have the pre-eminenceas
age hath for the politic. A certain rabbinupon the
textYour young men shall see visionsand your
old men shall dream dreamsinferreth that young
menare admitted nearer to God than oldbecause
visionis a clearer revelationthan a dream. And
certainlythe more a man drinketh of the world
the more it intoxicateth; and age doth profit rather
in the powers of understandingthan in the virtues
of the will and affections. There be somehave an
over-early ripeness in their yearswhich fadeth
betimes. These arefirstsuch as have brittle wits
the edge whereof is soon turned; such as was Her-
mogenes the rhetoricianwhose books are exceed-
ing subtle; who afterwards waxed stupid. A second
sortis of those that have some natural dispositions
which have better grace in youththan in age;
such as is a fluent and luxuriant speech; which
becomes youth wellbut not age: so Tully saith of
HortensiusIdem manebatneque idem decebat.
The third is of suchas take too high a strain at the
firstand are magnanimousmore than tract of
years can uphold. As was Scipio Africanusof
whom Livy saith in effectUltima primis cedebant.
Of Beauty
VIRTUE is like a rich stonebest plain set; and
surely virtue is bestin a body that is comely
though not of delicate features; and that hath
rather dignity of presencethan beauty of aspect.
Neither is it almost seenthat very beautiful per-
sons are otherwise of great virtue; as if nature were
rather busynot to errthan in labor to produce
excellency. And therefore they prove accom-
plishedbut not of great spirit; and study rather
behaviorthan virtue. But this holds not always:
for Augustus CaesarTitus VespasianusPhilip le
Belle of FranceEdward the Fourth of England
Alcibiades of AthensIsmael the Sophy of Persia
were all high and great spirits; and yet the most
beautiful men of their times. In beautythat of
favoris more than that of color; and that of decent
and gracious motionmore than that of favor. That
is the best part of beautywhich a picture cannot
express; nonor the first sight of the life. There is no
excellent beautythat hath not some strangeness
in the proportion. A man cannot tell whether
Apellesor Albert Durerwere the more trifler;
whereof the onewould make a personage by geo-
metrical proportions; the otherby taking the best
parts out of divers facesto make one excellent.
Such personagesI thinkwould please nobody
but the painter that made them. Not but I think a
painter may make a better face than ever was; but
he must do it by a kind of felicity (as a musician
that maketh an excellent air in music)and not by
rule. A man shall see facesthat if you examine
them part by partyou shall find never a good;
and yet altogether do well. If it be true that the
principal part of beauty is in decent motioncer-
tainly it is no marvelthough persons in years
seem many times more amiable; pulchrorum
autumnus pulcher; for no youth can be comely
but by pardonand considering the youthas to
make up the comeliness. Beauty is as summer
fruits) which are easy to corruptand cannot last;
and for the most part it makes a dissolute youth
and an age a little out of countenance; but yet cer-
tainly againif it light wellit maketh virtue shine
and vices blush.
Of Deformity
DEFORMED persons are commonly even with
nature; for as nature hath done ill by them
so do they by nature; being for the most part (as
the Scripture saith) void of natural affection; and
so they have their revenge of nature. Certainly
there is a consentbetween the body and the mind;
and where nature erreth in the oneshe ventureth
in the other. Ubi peccat in unopericlitatur in al-
tero. But because there isin manan election
touching the frame of his mindand a necessity in
the frame of his bodythe stars of natural inclina-
tion are sometimes obscuredby the sun of disci-
pline and virtue. Therefore it is good to consider of
deformitynot as a signwhich is more deceivable;
but as a causewhich seldom faileth of the effect.
Whosoever hath anything fixed in his personthat
doth induce contempthath also a perpetual spur
in himselfto rescue and deliver himself from
scorn. Therefore all deformed personsare extreme
bold. Firstas in their own defenceas being ex-
posed to scorn; but in process of timeby a general
habit. Also it stirreth in them industryand espe-
cially of this kindto watch and observe the weak-
ness of othersthat they may have somewhat to
repay. Againin their superiorsit quencheth
jealousy towards themas persons that they think
they mayat pleasuredespise: and it layeth their
competitors and emulators asleep; as never believ-
ing they should be in possibility of advancement
till they see them in possession. So that upon the
matterin a great witdeformity is an advantage
to rising. Kings in ancient times (and at this pres-
ent in some countries) were wont to put great trust
in eunuchs; because they that are envious towards
all are more obnoxious and officioustowards one.
But yet their trust towards themhath rather
been as to good spialsand good wbisperersthan
good magistrates and officers. And much like is
the reason of deformed persons. Still the ground
isthey willif they be of spiritseek to free them-
selves from scorn; which must be either by virtue
or malice; and therefore let it not be marvelledif
sometimes they prove excellent persons; as was
AgesilausZanger the son of SolymanAEsop
GascaPresident of Peru; and Socrates may go
likewise amongst them; with others.
Of Building
HOUSES are built to live inand not to look on;
therefore let use be preferred before uni-
formityexcept where both may be had. Leave
the goodly fabrics of housesfor beauty onlyto
the enchanted palaces of the poets; who build them
with small cost. He that builds a fair houseupon
an ill seatcommitteth himself to prison. Neither
do I reckon it an ill seatonly where the air is un-
wholesome; but likewise where the air is unequal;
as you shall see many fine seats set upon a knap of
groundenvironed with higher hills round about
it; whereby the heat of the sun is pent inand the
wind gathereth as in troughs; so as you shall have
and that suddenlyas great diversity of heat and
cold as if you dwelt in several places. Neither is it
ill air only that maketh an ill seatbut ill waysill
markets; andif you will consult with Momusill
neighbors. I speak not of many more; want of
water; want of woodshadeand shelter; want of
fruitfulnessand mixture of grounds of several
natures; want of prospect; want of level grounds;
want of places at some near distance for sports of
huntinghawkingand races; too near the seatoo
remote; having the commodity of navigable rivers
or the discommodity of their overflowing; too far
off from great citieswhich may hinder business
or too near themwhich lurcheth all provisions
and maketh everything dear; where a man hath
a great living laid togetherand where he is
scanted: all whichas it is impossible perhaps to
find togetherso it is good to know themand think
of themthat a man may take as many as he can;
and if he have several dwellingsthat he sort them
so that what he wanteth in the onehe may find in
the other. Lucullus answered Pompey well; who
when he saw his stately galleriesand rooms so
large and lightsomein one of his housessaid
Surely an excellent place for summerbut how do
you in winter? Lucullus answeredWhydo you
not think me as wise as some fowl arethat ever
change their abode towards the winter?
To pass from the seatto the house itself; we will
do as Cicero doth in the orator's art; who writes
books De Oratoreand a book he entitles Orator;
whereof the formerdelivers the precepts of the
artand the latterthe perfection. We will there-
fore describe a princely palacemaking a brief
model thereof. For it is strange to seenow in
Europesuch huge buildings as the Vatican and
Escurial and some others beand yet scarce a very
fair room in them.
FirstthereforeI say you cannot have a perfect
palace except you have two several sides; a side for
the banquetas it is spoken of in the book of Hester
and a side for the household; the one for feasts and
triumphsand the other for dwelling. I understand
both these sides to be not only returnsbut parts
of the front; and to be uniform withoutthough
severally partitioned within; and to be on both
sides of a great and stately towerin the midst of
the frontthatas it werejoineth them together
on either hand. I would have on the side of the ban-
quetin frontone only goodly room above stairs
of some forty foot high; and under it a room for a
dressingor preparing placeat times of triumphs.
On the other sidewhich is the household sideI
wish it divided at the firstinto a hall and a chapel
(with a partition between); both of good state and
bigness; and those not to go all the lengthbut to
have at the further enda winter and a summer
parlorboth fair. And under these roomsa fair
and large cellarsunk under ground; and likewise
some privy kitchenswith butteries and pantries
and the like. As for the towerI would have it two
storiesof eighteen foot high apieceabove the two
wings; and a goodly leads upon the toprailed with
statuas interposed; and the same tower to be di-
vided into roomsas shall be thought fit. The stairs
likewise to the upper roomslet them be upon a
fair open neweland finely railed inwith images
of woodcast into a brass color; and a very fair
landing-place at the top. But this to beif you do
not point any of the lower roomsfor a dining place
of servants. For otherwiseyou shall have the ser-
vants' dinner after your own: for the steam of it
will come up as in a tunnel. And so much for the
front. Only I understand the height of the first
stairs to be sixteen footwhich is the height of the
lower room.
Beyond this frontis there to be a fair courtbut
three sides of itof a far lower building than the
front. And in all the four corners of that courtfair
staircasescast into turretson the outsideand not
within the row of buildings themselves. But those
towersare not to be of the height of the frontbut
rather proportionable to the lower building. Let
the court not be pavedfor that striketh up a great
heat in summerand much cold in winter. But
only some side alleyswith a crossand the quar-
ters to grazebeing kept shornbut not too near
shorn. The row of return on the banquet sidelet it
be all stately galleries: in which galleries let there
be threeor fivefine cupolas in the length of it
placed at equal distance; and fine colored windows
of several works. On the household sidechambers
of presence and ordinary entertainmentswith
some bed-chambers; and let all three sides be a
double housewithout thorough lights on the sides
that you may have rooms from the sunboth for
forenoon and afternoon. Cast it alsothat you may
have roomsboth for summer and winter; shady
for summerand warm for winter. You shall have
sometimes fair houses so full of glassthat one can-
not tell where to becometo be out of the sun or
cold. For inbowed windowsI hold them of good
use (in citiesindeedupright do betterin respect
of the uniformity towards the street); for they be
pretty retiring places for conference; and besides
they keep both the wind and sun off; for that
which would strike almost through the roomdoth
scarce pass the window. But let them be but few
four in the courton the sides only.
Beyond this courtlet there be an inward court
of the same square and height; which is to be en-
vironed with the garden on all sides; and in the
insidecloistered on all sidesupon decent and
beautiful archesas high as the first story. On the
under storytowards the gardenlet it be turned
to a grottoor a place of shadeor estivation. And
only have opening and windows towards the gar-
den; and be level upon the floorno whit sunken
under groundto avoid all dampishness. And let
there be a fountainor some fair work of statuasin
the midst of this court; and to be paved as the other
court was. These buildings to be for privy lodgings
on both sides; and the end for privy galleries.
Whereof you must foresee that one of them be for
an infirmaryif the prince or any special person
should be sickwith chambersbed-chamberante-
cameraand recamera joining to it. This upon the
second story. Upon the ground storya fair gallery
openupon pillars; and upon the third story like-
wisean open galleryupon pillarsto take the
prospect and freshness of the garden. At both cor-
ners of the further sideby way of returnlet there
be two delicate or rich cabinetsdaintily paved
richly hangedglazed with crystalline glassand
a rich cupola in the midst; and all other elegancy
that may be thought upon. In the upper gallery
tooI wish that there may beif the place will yield
itsome fountains running in divers places from
the wallwith some fine avoidances. And thus
much for the model of the palace; save that you
must havebefore you come to the frontthree
courts. A green court plainwith a wall about it;
a second court of the samebut more garnished
with little turretsor rather embellishmentsupon
the wall; and a third courtto make a square with
the frontbut not to be builtnor yet enclosed with
a naked wallbut enclosed with terracesleaded
aloftand fairly garnishedon the three sides; and
cloistered on the insidewith pillarsand not with
arches below. As for officeslet them stand at dis-
tancewith some low galleriesto pass from them
to the palace itself.
Of Gardens
G0D Almighty first planted a garden. And
indeed it is the purest of human pleasures.
It is the greatest refreshment to the spirits of man;
without whichbuildings and palaces are but
gross handiworks; and a man shall ever seethat
when ages grow to civility and elegancymen
come to build stately sooner than to garden finely;
as if gardening were the greater perfection. I do
hold itin the royal ordering of gardensthere
ought to be gardensfor all the months in the year;
in which severally things of beauty may be then
in season. For Decemberand Januaryand the
latter part of Novemberyou must take such things
as are green all winter: holly; ivy; bays; juniper;
cypress-trees; yew; pine-apple-trees; fir-trees;
rosemary; lavender; periwinklethe whitethe
purpleand the blue; germander; flags; orange-
trees; lemon-trees; and myrtlesif they be stoved;
and sweet marjoramwarm set. There followeth
for the latter part of January and Februarythe
mezereon-treewhich then blossoms; crocus ver-
nusboth the yellow and the grey; primroses
anemones; the early tulippa; hyacinthus orien-
talis; chamairis; fritellaria. For Marchthere
come violetsspecially the single bluewhich are
the earliest; the yellow daffodil; the daisy; the
almond-tree in blossom; the peach-tree in blos-
som; the cornelian-tree in blossom; sweet-briar.
In April follow the double white violet; the wall-
flower; the stock-gilliflower; the cowslip; flower-
delicesand lilies of all natures; rosemary-flowers;
the tulippa; the double peony; the pale daffodil;
the French honeysuckle; the cherry-tree in blos-
som; the damson and plum-trees in blossom; the
white thorn in leaf; the lilac-tree. In May and
June come pinks of all sortsspecially the blush-
pink; roses of all kindsexcept the muskwhich
comes later; honeysuckles; strawberries; bugloss;
columbine; the French marigoldflos Africanus;
cherry-tree in fruit; ribes; figs in fruit; rasps; vine-
flowers; lavender in flowers; the sweet satyrian
with the white flower; herba muscaria; lilium
convallium; the apple-tree in blossom. In July
come gilliflowers of all varieties; musk-roses; the
lime-tree in blossom; early pears and plums in
fruit; jennetingscodlins. In August come plums
of all sorts in fruit; pears; apricocks; berberries;
filberds; musk-melons; monks-hoodsof all colors.
In September come grapes; apples; poppies of
all colors; peaches; melocotones; nectarines; cor-
nelians; wardens; quinces. In October and the
beginning of November come services; medlars;
bullaces; roses cut or removed to come late; holly-
hocks; and such like. These particulars are for the
climate of London; but my meaning is perceived
that you may have ver perpetuumas the place
And because the breath of flowers is far sweeter
in the air (where it comes and goes like the warb-
ling of music) than in the handtherefore nothing
is more fit for that delightthan to know what be
the flowers and plants that do best perfume the air.
Rosesdamask and redare fast flowers of their
smells; so that you may walk by a whole row of
themand find nothing of their sweetness; yea
though it be in a morning's dew. Bays likewise
yield no smell as they grow. Rosemary little; nor
sweet marjoram. That which above all others
yields the sweetest smell in the air is the violet
specially the white double violetwhich comes
twice a year; about the middle of Apriland about
Bartholomew-tide. Next to that is the musk-rose.
Then the strawberry-leaves dyingwhich yield a
most excellent cordial smell. Then the flower of
vines; it is a little dustlike the dust of a bentwhich
grows upon the cluster in the first coming forth.
Then sweet-briar. Then wall-flowerswhich are
very delightful to be set under a parlor or lower
chamber window. Then pinks and gilliflowers
especially the matted pink and clove gilliflower.
Then the flowers of the lime-tree. Then the honey-
sucklesso they be somewhat afar off. Of bean-
flowers I speak notbecause they are field flowers.
But those which perfume the air most delightfully
not passed by as the restbut being trodden upon
and crushedare three; that isburnetwild-
thymeand watermints. Therefore you are to set
whole alleys of themto have the pleasure when
you walk or tread.
For gardens (speaking of those which are indeed
princelikeas we have done of buildings)the con-
tents ought not well to be under thirty acres of
ground; and to be divided into three parts; a green
in the entrance; a heath or desert in the going
forth; and the main garden in the midst; besides
alleys on both sides. And I like well that four acres
of ground be assigned to the green; six to the
heath; four and four to either side; and twelve to
the main garden. The green hath two pleasures:
the onebecause nothing is more pleasant to the
eye than green grass kept finely shorn; the other
because it will give you a fair alley in the midstby
which you may go in front upon a stately hedge
which is to enclose the garden. But because the
alley will be longandin great heat of the year or
dayyou ought not to buy the shade in the garden
by going in the sun through the greentherefore
you areof either side the greento plant a covert
alley upon carpenter's workabout twelve foot in
heightby which you may go in shade into the
garden. As for the making of knots or figureswith
divers colored earthsthat they may lie under the
windows of the house on that side which the gar-
den standsthey be but toys; you may see as good
sightsmany timesin tarts. The garden is best to
be squareencompassed on all the four sides with
a stately arched hedge. The arches to be upon pil-
lars of carpenter's workof some ten foot highand
six foot broad; and the spaces between of the same
dimension with the breadth of the arch. Over the
arches let there be an entire hedge of some four
foot highframed also upon carpenter's work; and
upon the upper hedgeover every archa little tur-
retwith a bellyenough to receive a cage of birds:
and over every space between the arches some
other little figurewith broad plates of round col-
ored glass giltfor the sun to play upon. But this
hedge I intend to be raised upon a banknot steep
but gently slopeof some six footset all with
flowers. Also I understandthat this square of the
gardenshould not be the whole breadth of the
groundbut to leave on either sideground enough
for diversity of side alleys; unto which the two
covert alleys of the greenmay deliver you. But
there must be no alleys with hedgesat either end
of this great enclosure; not at the hither endfor
letting your prospect upon this fair hedge from
the green; nor at the further endfor letting your
prospect from the hedgethrough the arches upon
the heath.
For the ordering of the groundwithin the great
hedgeI leave it to variety of device; advising
neverthelessthat whatsoever form you cast it into
firstit be not too busyor full of work. Wherein I
for my partdo not like images cut out in juniper
or other garden stuff; they be for children. Little
low hedgesroundlike weltswith some pretty
pyramidsI like well; and in some placesfair
columns upon frames of carpenter's work. I would
also have the alleysspacious and fair. You may
have closer alleysupon the side groundsbut none
in the main garden. I wish alsoin the very middle
a fair mountwith three ascentsand alleys
enough for four to walk abreast; which I would
have to be perfect circleswithout any bulwarks
or embossments; and the whole mount to be thirty
foot high; and some fine banqueting-housewith
some chimneys neatly castand without too much
For fountainsthey are a great beauty and re-
freshment; but pools mar alland make the garden
unwholesomeand full of flies and frogs. Foun-
tains I intend to be of two natures: the one that
sprinkleth or spouteth water; the other a fair re-
ceipt of waterof some thirty or forty foot square
but without fishor slimeor mud. For the first
the ornaments of images giltor of marblewhich
are in usedo well: but the main matter is so to
convey the wateras it never stayeither in the
bowls or in the cistern; that the water be never by
rest discoloredgreen or red or the like; or gather
any mossiness or putrefaction. Besides thatit is to
be cleansed every day by the hand. Also some
steps up to itand some fine pavement about it
doth well. As for the other kind of fountainwhich
we may call a bathing poolit may admit much
curiosity and beauty; wherewith we will not
trouble ourselves: asthat the bottom be finely
pavedand with images; the sides likewise; and
withal embellished with colored glassand such
things of lustre; encompassed also with fine rails
of low statuas. But the main point is the same
which we mentioned in the former kind of foun-
tain; which isthat the water be in perpetual
motionfed by a water higher than the pooland
delivered into it by fair spoutsand then dis-
charged away under groundby some equality of
boresthat it stay little. And for fine devicesof
arching water without spillingand making it rise
in several forms (of feathersdrinking glasses
canopiesand the like)they be pretty things to
look onbut nothing to health and sweetness.
For the heathwhich was the third part of our
plotI wish it to be framedas much as may beto
a natural wildness. Trees I would have none in it
but some thickets made only of sweet-briar and
honeysuckleand some wild vine amongst; and
the ground set with violetsstrawberriesand
primroses. For these are sweetand prosper in the
shade. And these to be in the heathhere and there
not in any order. I like also little heapsin the na-
ture of mole-hills (such as are in wild heaths)to
be setsome with wild thyme; some with pinks;
some with germanderthat gives a good flower to
the eye; some with periwinkle; some with violets;
some with strawberries; some with cowslips; some
with daisies; some with red roses; some with lilium
convallium; some with sweet-williams red; some
with bear's-foot: and the like low flowersbeing
withal sweet and sightly. Part of which heapsare
to be with standards of little bushes pricked upon
their topand part without. The standards to be
roses; juniper; holly; berberries (but here and
therebecause of the smell of their blossoms); red
currants; gooseberries; rosemary; bays; sweet-
briar; and such like. But these standards to be kept
with cuttingthat they grow not out of course.
For the side groundsyou are to fill them with
variety of alleysprivateto give a full shadesome
of themwheresoever the sun be. You are to frame
some of themlikewisefor shelterthat when the
wind blows sharp you may walk as in a gallery.
And those alleys must be likewise hedged at both
endsto keep out the wind; and these closer alleys
must be ever finely gravelledand no grassbe-
cause of going wet. In many of these alleyslike-
wiseyou are to set fruit-trees of all sorts; as well
upon the wallsas in ranges. And this would be
generally observedthat the borders wherein you
plant your fruit-treesbe fair and largeand low
and not steep; and set with fine flowersbut thin
and sparinglylest they deceive the trees. At the
end of both the side groundsI would have a mount
of some pretty heightleaving the wall of the en-
closure breast highto look abroad into the fields.
For the main gardenI do not denybut there
should be some fair alleys ranged on both sides
with fruit-trees; and some pretty tufts of fruit-
treesand arbors with seatsset in some decent
order; but these to be by no means set too thick; but
to leave the main garden so as it be not closebut
the air open and free. For as for shadeI would
have you rest upon the alleys of the side grounds
there to walkif you be disposedin the heat of the
year or day; but to make accountthat the main
garden is for the more temperate parts of the year;
and in the heat of summerfor the morning and
the eveningor overcast days.
For aviariesI like them notexcept they be of
that largeness as they may be turfedand have
living plants and bushes set in them; that the birds
may have more scopeand natural nestingand
that no foulness appear in the floor of the aviary.
So I have made a platform of a princely garden
partly by preceptpartly by drawingnot a model
but some general lines of it; and in this I have
spared for no cost. But it is nothing for great
princesthat for the most part taking advice with
workmenwith no less cost set their things to-
gether; and sometimes add statuas and such things
for state and magnificencebut nothing to the true
pleasure of a garden.
Of Negotiating
IT IS generally better to deal by speech than by
letter; and by the mediation of a third than by
a man's self. Letters are goodwhen a man would
draw an answer by letter back again; or when it
may serve for a man's justification afterwards to
produce his own letter; or where it may be danger
to be interruptedor heard by pieces. To deal in
person is goodwhen a man's face breedeth regard
as commonly with inferiors; or in tender cases
where a man's eyeupon the countenance of him
with whom he speakethmay give him a direction
how far to go; and generallywhere a man will
reserve to himself libertyeither to disavow or to
expound. In choice of instrumentsit is better to
choose men of a plainer sortthat are like to do
thatthat is committed to themand to report back
again faithfully the successthan those that are
cunningto contriveout of other men's business
somewhat to grace themselvesand will help the
matter in report for satisfaction's sake. Use also
such persons as affect the businesswherein they
are employed; for that quickeneth much; and
suchas are fit for the matter; as bold men for ex-
postulationfair-spoken men for persuasioncrafty
men for inquiry and observationfrowardand
absurd menfor business that doth not well bear
out itself. Use also such as have been luckyand
prevailed beforein things wherein you have em-
ployed them; for that breeds confidenceand they
will strive to maintain their prescription. It is bet-
ter to sound a personwith whom one deals afar
offthan to fall upon the point at first; except you
mean to surprise him by some short question. It is
better dealing with men in appetitethan with
those that are where they would be. If a man deal
with another upon conditionsthe start or first per-
formance is all; which a man cannot reasonably
demandexcept either the nature of the thing be
suchwhich must go before; or else a man can
persuade the other partythat he shall still need
him in some other thing; or else that he be counted
the honester man. All practice is to discoveror to
work. Men discover themselves in trustin passion
at unawaresand of necessitywhen they would
have somewhat doneand cannot find an apt pre-
text. If you would work any manyou must either
know his nature and fashionsand so lead him; or
his endsand so persuade him; or his weakness and
disadvantagesand so awe him; or those that have
interest in himand so govern him. In dealing with
cunning personswe must ever consider their ends
to interpret their speeches; and it is good to say
little to themand that which they least look for.
In all negotiations of difficultya man may not
look to sow and reap at once; but must prepare
businessand so ripen it by degrees.
0f Followers
COSTLY followers are not to be liked; lest
while a man maketh his train longerhe
make his wings shorter. I reckon to be costlynot
them alone which charge the pursebut which are
wearisomeand importune in suits. Ordinary fol-
lowers ought to challenge no higher conditions
than countenancerecommendationand protec-
tion from wrongs. Factious followers are worse to
be likedwhich follow not upon affection to him
with whom they range themselvesbut upon
discontentment conceived against some other;
whereupon commonly ensueth that ill intelli-
gencethat we many times see between great per-
sonages. Likewise glorious followerswho make
themselves as trumpets of the commendation of
those they followare full of inconvenience; for
they taint business through want of secrecy; and
they export honor from a manand make him a
return in envy. There is a kind of followers like-
wisewhich are dangerousbeing indeed espials;
which inquire the secrets of the houseand bear
tales of themto others. Yet such menmany times
are in great favor; for they are officiousand com-
monly exchange tales. The following by certain
estates of menanswerable to thatwhich a great
person himself professeth (as of soldiersto him
that hath been employed in the warsand the like)
hath ever been a thing civiland well takeneven
in monarchies; so it be without too much pomp
or popularity. But the most honorable kind of fol-
lowingis to be followed as onethat apprehendeth
to advance virtueand desertin all sorts of per-
sons. And yetwhere there is no eminent odds in
sufficiencyit is better to take with the more pass-
ablethan with the more able. And besidesto
speak truthin base timesactive men are of more
use than virtuous. It is true that in governmentit
is good to use men of one rank equally: for to coun-
tenance some extraordinarilyis to make them
insolentand the rest discontent; because they
may claim a due. But contrariwisein favorto
use men with much difference and election is
good; for it maketh the persons preferred more
thankfuland the rest more officious: because all is
of favor. It is good discretionnot to make too much
of any man at the first; because one cannot hold
out that proportion. To be governed (as we call it)
by one is not safe; for it shows softnessand gives
a freedomto scandal and disreputation; for those
that would not censure or speak ill of a man imme-
diatelywill talk more boldly of those that are so
great with themand thereby wound their honor.
Yet to be distracted with many is worse; for it
makes men to be of the last impressionand full of
change. To take advice of some few friendsis ever
honorable; for lookers-on many times see more
than gamesters; and the vale best discovereth the
hill. There is little friendship in the worldand least
of all between equalswhich was wont to be mag-
nified. That that isis between superior and in-
feriorwhose fortunes may comprehend the one
the other.
Of Suitors
MANY ill matters and projects are under-
taken; and private suits do putrefy the pub-
lic good. Many good mattersare undertaken with
bad minds; I mean not only corrupt mindsbut
crafty mindsthat intend not performance. Some
embrace suitswhich never mean to deal effectu-
ally in them; but if they see there may be life in
the matterby some other meanthey will be con-
tent to win a thankor take a second rewardor at
least to make usein the meantimeof the suitor's
hopes. Some take hold of suitsonly for an occa-
sion to cross some other; or to make an informa-
tionwhereof they could not otherwise have apt
pretext; without care what become of the suit
when that turn is served; orgenerallyto make
other men's business a kind of entertainmentto
bring in their own. Naysome undertake suits
with a full purpose to let them fall; to the end to
gratify the adverse partyor competitor. Surely
there is in some sort a right in every suit; either a
right of equityif it be a suit of controversy; or a
right of desertif it be a suit of petition. If affection
lead a man to favor the wrong side in justicelet
him rather use his countenance to compound the
matterthan to carry it. If affection lead a man
to favor the less worthy in desertlet him do it
without depraving or disabling the better deserver.
In suits which a man doth not well understandit
is good to refer them to some friend of trust and
judgmentthat may reportwhether he may deal
in them with honor: but let him choose well his
referendariesfor else he may be led by the nose.
Suitors are so distasted with delays and abuses
that plain dealingin denying to deal in suits at
firstand reporting the success barelyand in chal-
lenging no more thanks than one hath deserved
is grown not only honorablebut also gracious. In
suits of favorthe first coming ought to take little
place: so far forthconsideration may be had of
his trustthat if intelligence of the matter could
not otherwise have been hadbut by himadvan-
tage be not taken of the notebut the party left to
his other means; and in some sort recompensed
for his discovery. To be ignorant of the value of a
suitis simplicity; as well as to be ignorant of the
right thereofis want of conscience. Secrecy in
suitsis a great mean of obtaining; for voicing
them to be in forwardnessmay discourage some
kind of suitorsbut doth quicken and awake others.
But timing of the suit is the principal. TimingI
saynot only in respect of the person that should
grant itbut in respect of thosewhich are like to
cross it. Let a manin the choice of his meanrather
choose the fittest meanthan the greatest mean;
and rather them that deal in certain thingsthan
those that are general. The reparation of a denial
is sometimes equal to the first grant; if a man
show himself neither dejected nor discontented.
Iniquum petas ut aequum feras is a good rule
where a man hath strength of favor: but other-
wisea man were better rise in his suit; for
hethat would have ventured at first to have lost
the suitorwill not in the conclusion lose both the
suitorand his own former favor. Nothing is
thought so easy a request to a great personas his
letter; and yetif it be not in a good causeit is so
much out of his reputation. There are no worse
instrumentsthan these general contrivers of suits;
for they are but a kind of poisonand infectionto
public proceedings.
Of Studies
STUDIES serve for delightfor ornamentand
for ability. Their chief use for delightis in
privateness and retiring; for ornamentis in dis-
course; and for abilityis in the judgmentand
disposition of business. For expert men can exe-
cuteand perhaps judge of particularsone by one;
but the general counselsand the plots and mar-
shalling of affairscome bestfrom those that are
learned. To spend too much time in studies is sloth;
to use them too much for ornamentis affectation;
to make judgment wholly by their rulesis the
humor of a scholar. They perfect natureand are
perfected by experience: for natural abilities are
like natural plantsthat need proyningby study;
and studies themselvesdo give forth directions too
much at largeexcept they be bounded in by ex-
perience. Crafty men contemn studiessimple men
admire themand wise men use them; for they
teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom with-
out themand above themwon by observation.
Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe
and take for granted; nor to find talk and dis-
course; but to weigh and consider. Some books are
to be tastedothers to be swallowedand some few
to be chewed and digested; that issome books are
to be read only in parts; others to be readbut not
curiously; and some few to be read whollyand
with diligence and attention. Some books also may
be read by deputyand extracts made of them by
others; but that would be only in the less impor-
tant argumentsand the meaner sort of bookselse
distilled books are like common distilled waters
flashy things. Reading maketh a full man; confer-
ence a ready man; and writing an exact man. And
thereforeif a man write littlehe had need have
a great memory; if he confer littlehe had need
have a present wit: and if he read littlehe had
need have much cunningto seem to knowthat
he doth not. Histories make men wise; poets witty;
the mathematics subtile; natural philosophy deep;
moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.
Abeunt studia in mores. Naythere is no stond or
impediment in the witbut may be wrought out
by fit studies; like as diseases of the bodymay
have appropriate exercises. Bowling is good for
the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and
breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for
the head; and the like. So if a man's wit be wan-
deringlet him study the mathematics; for in
demonstrationsif his wit be called away never so
littlehe must begin again. If his wit be not apt to
distinguish or find differenceslet him study the
Schoolmen; for they are cymini sectores. If he be
not apt to beat over mattersand to call up one
thing to prove and illustrate anotherlet him study 197
the lawyers' cases. So every defect of the mind
may have a special receipt.
Of Faction
MANY have an opinion not wisethat for a
prince to govern his estateor for a great
person to govern his proceedingsaccording to the
respect of factionsis a principal part of policy;
whereas contrariwisethe chiefest wisdomis
either in ordering those things which are general
and wherein men of several factions do neverthe-
less agree; or in dealing with correspondence to
particular personsone by one. But I say not that
the considerations of factionsis to be neglected.
Mean menin their risingmust adhere; but
great menthat have strength in themselveswere
better to maintain themselves indifferentand
neutral. Yet even in beginnersto adhere so moder-
atelyas he be a man of the one factionwhich is
most passable with the othercommonly giveth
best way. The lower and weaker factionis the
firmer in conjunction; and it is often seenthat a
few that are stiffdo tire out a greater numberthat
are more moderate. When one of the factions is ex-
tinguishedthe remaining subdivideth; as the
faction between Lucullusand the rest of the
nobles of the senate (which they called Optimates)
held out awhileagainst the faction of Pompey
and Caesar; but when the senate's authority was
pulled downCaesar and Pompey soon after brake.
The faction or party of Antonius and Octavianus
Caesaragainst Brutus and Cassiusheld out like-
wise for a time; but when Brutus and Cassius were
overthrownthen soon afterAntonius and Octa-
vianus brake and subdivided. These examples are
of warsbut the same holdeth in private factions.
And thereforethose that are seconds in factions
do many timeswhen the faction subdivideth
prove principals; but many times alsothey prove
ciphers and cashiered; for many a man's strength
is in opposition; and when that failethhe groweth
out of use. It is commonly seenthat menonce
placedtake in with the contrary factionto that
by which they enter: thinking belikethat they
have the first sureand now are ready for a new
purchase. The traitor in factionlightly goeth
away with it; for when matters have stuck long in
balancingthe winning of some one man casteth
themand he getteth all the thanks. The even car-
riage between two factionsproceedeth not always
of moderationbut of a trueness to a man's self
with end to make use of both. Certainly in Italy
they hold it a little suspect in popeswhen they
have often in their mouth Padre commune: and
take it to be a sign of onethat meaneth to refer all
to the greatness of his own house. Kings had need
bewarehow they side themselvesand make
themselves as of a faction or party; for leagues
within the stateare ever pernicious to monarchies:
for they raise an obligationparamount to obliga-
tion of sovereigntyand make the king tanquam
unus ex nobis; as was to be seen in the League of
France. When factions are carried too high and too
violentlyit is a sign of weakness in princes; and
much to the prejudiceboth of their authority and
business. The motions of factions under kings
ought to belike the motions (as the astronomers
speak) of the inferior orbswhich may have their
proper motionsbut yet still are quietly carriedby
the higher motion of primum mobile.
Of Ceremonies
HE THAT is only realhad need have exceed-
ing great parts of virtue; as the stone had
need to be richthat is set without foil. But if a
man mark it wellit isin praise and commenda-
tion of menas it is in gettings and gains: for the
proverb is trueThat light gains make heavy
purses; for light gains come thickwhereas great
come but now and then. So it is truethat small
matters win great commendationbecause they
are continually in use and in note: whereas the
occasion of any great virtuecometh but on festi-
vals. Therefore it doth much add to a man's reputa-
tionand is (as Queen Isabella said) like perpetual
letters commendatoryto have good forms. To at-
tain themit almost sufficeth not to despise them;
for so shall a man observe them in others; and let
him trust himself with the rest. For if he labor too
much to express themhe shall lose their grace;
which is to be natural and unaffected. Some men's
behavior is like a versewherein every syllable is
measured; how can a man comprehend great mat-
tersthat breaketh his mind too muchto small
observations? Not to use ceremonies at allis to
teach others not to use them again; and so dimin-
isheth respect to himself; especially they be not to
be omittedto strangers and formal natures; but
the dwelling upon themand exalting them above
the moonis not only tediousbut doth diminish
the faith and credit of him that speaks. And cer-
tainlythere is a kind of conveyingof effectual
and imprinting passages amongst compliments
which is of singular useif a man can hit upon it.
Amongst a man's peersa man shall be sure of
familiarity; and therefore it is gooda little to keep
state. Amongst a man's inferiors one shall be sure
of reverence; and therefore it is gooda little to be
familiar. He that is too much in anythingso that
he giveth another occasion of satietymaketh him-
self cheap. To apply one's self to othersis good; so
it be with demonstrationthat a man doth it upon
regardand not upon facility. It is a good precept
generallyin seconding anotheryet to add some-
what of one's own: as if you will grant his opinion
let it be with some distinction; if you will follow
his motionlet it be with condition; if you allow
his counsellet it be with alleging further reason.
Men had need bewarehow they be too perfect in
compliments; for be they never so sufficient other-
wisetheir enviers will be sure to give them that
attributeto the disadvantage of their greater vir-
tues. It is loss also in businessto be too full of re-
spectsor to be curiousin observing times and
opportunities. Solomon saithHe that considereth
the windshall not sowand he that looketh to
the cloudsshall not reap. A wise man will make
more opportunitiesthan he finds. Men's behavior
should belike their apparelnot too strait or point
devicebut free for exercise or motion.
Of Praise
PRAISE is the reflection of virtue; but it is as
the glass or bodywhich giveth the reflec-
tion. If it be from the common peopleit is com-
monly false and naught; and rather followeth vain
personsthan virtuous. For the common people
understand not many excellent virtues. The lowest
virtues draw praise from them; the middle virtues
work in them astonishment or admiration; but of
the highest virtuesthey have no sense of perceiv-
ing at all. But showsand species virtutibus similes
serve best with them. Certainly fame is like a river
that beareth up things light and swolnand drowns
things weighty and solid. But if persons of quality
and judgment concurthen it is (as the Scripture
saith) nomen bonum instar unguenti fragrantis.
It fireth all round aboutand will not easily away.
For the odors of ointments are more durablethan
those of flowers. There be so many false points of
praisethat a man may justly hold it a suspect.
Some praises proceed merely of flattery; and if he
be an ordinary flattererhe will have certain com-
mon attributeswhich may serve every man; if he
be a cunning flattererhe will follow the arch-
flattererwhich is a man's self; and wherein a man
thinketh best of himselftherein the flatterer will
uphold him most: but if he be an impudent flat-
tererlook wherein a man is conscious to himself
that he is most defectiveand is most out of counte-
nance in himselfthat will the flatterer entitle him
to perforcespreta conscientia. Some praises come
of good wishes and respectswhich is a form duein
civilityto kings and great personslaudando
praeciperewhen by telling men what they are
they represent to themwhat they should be. Some
men are praised maliciouslyto their hurtthereby
to stir envy and jealousy towards them: pessimum
genus inimicorum laudantium; insomuch as it
was a proverbamongst the Greciansthat he that
was praised to his hurtshould have a push rise
upon his nose; as we saythat a blister will rise
upon one's tonguethat tells a lie. Certainly mod-
erate praiseused with opportunityand not vul-
garis that which doth the good. Solomon saith
He that praiseth his friend aloudrising earlyit
shall be to him no better than a curse. Too much
magnifying of man or matterdoth irritate con-
tradictionand procure envy and scorn. To praise
a man's selfcannot be decentexcept it be in rare
cases; but to praise a man's office or professionhe
may do it with good graceand with a kind of mag-
nanimity. The cardinals of Romewhich are theo-
loguesand friarsand Schoolmenhave a phrase
of notable contempt and scorn towards civil busi-
ness: for they call all temporal business of wars
embassagesjudicatureand other employments
sbirreriewhich is under-sheriffries; as if they
were but mattersfor under-sheriffs and catch-
poles: though many times those under-sheriffries
do more goodthan their high speculations. St.
Paulwhen he boasts of himselfhe doth oft inter-
laceI speak like a fool; but speaking of his calling
he saithmagnificabo apostolatum meum.
Of Vain-glory
IT WAS prettily devised of AEsopThe fly sat
upon the axle-tree of the chariot wheeland
saidWhat a dust do I raise! So are there some vain
personsthat whatsoever goeth aloneor moveth
upon greater meansif they have never so little
hand in itthey think it is they that carry it. They
that are gloriousmust needs be factious; for all
bravery stands upon comparisons. They must
needs be violentto make good their own vaunts.
Neither can they be secretand therefore not ef-
fectual; but according to the French proverb
Beaucoup de bruitpeu de fruit; Much bruit little
fruit. Yet certainlythere is use of this quality in
civil affairs. Where there is an opinion and fame to
be createdeither of virtue or greatnessthese men
are good trumpeters. Againas Titus Livius noteth
in the case of Antiochus and the AEtoliansThere
are sometimes great effectsof cross lies; as if a
manthat negotiates between two princesto draw
them to join in a war against the thirddoth extol
the forces of either of themabove measurethe
one to the other: and sometimes he that deals be-
tween man and manraiseth his own credit with
bothby pretending greater interest than he hath
in either. And in these and the like kindsit often
falls outthat somewhat is produced of nothing;
for lies are sufficient to breed opinionand opinion
brings on substance. In militar commanders and
soldiersvain-glory is an essential point; for as
iron sharpens ironso by gloryone courage sharp-
eneth another. In cases of great enterprise upon
charge and adventurea composition of glorious
naturesdoth put life into business; and those that
are of solid and sober natureshave more of the
ballastthan of the sail. In fame of learningthe
flight will be slow without some feathers of osten-
tation. Qui de contemnenda gloria libros scri-
buntnomensuum inscribunt. SocratesAristotle
Galenwere men full of ostentation. Certainly
vain-glory helpeth to perpetuate a man's memory;
and virtue was never so beholding to human na-
tureas it received his due at the second hand.
Neither had the fame of CiceroSenecaPlinius
Secundusborne her age so wellif it had not been
joined with some vanity in themselves; like unto
varnishthat makes ceilings not only shine but
last. But all this whilewhen I speak of vain-glory
I mean not of that propertythat Tacitus doth at-
tribute to Mucianus; Omnium quae dixerat fece-
ratque arte quadam ostentator: for that proceeds
not of vanitybut of natural magnanimity and
discretion; and in some personsis not only comely
but gracious. For excusationscessionsmodesty
itself well governedare but arts of ostentation.
And amongst those artsthere is none better than
that which Plinius Secundus speaketh ofwhich is
to be liberal of praise and commendation to others
in thatwherein a man's self hath any perfection.
For saith Plinyvery wittilyIn commending
anotheryou do yourself right; for he that you
commendis either superior to you in that you
commendor inferior. If he be inferiorif he be to
be commendedyou much more; if he be superior
if he be not to be commendedyou much less.
Glorious men are the scorn of wise menthe ad-
miration of foolsthe idols of parasitesand the
slaves of their own vaunts.
Of Honor
THE winning of honoris but the revealing of
a mans virtue and worthwithout disadvan-
tage. For some in their actionsdo woo and effect
honor and reputationwhich sort of menare
commonly much talked ofbut inwardly little
admired. And somecontrariwisedarken their
virtue in the show of it; so as they be undervalued
in opinion. If a man perform thatwhich hath not
been attempted before; or attempted and given
over; or hath been achievedbut not with so good
circumstance; he shall purchase more honorthan
by effecting a matter of greater difficulty or virtue
wherein he is but a follower. If a man so temper
his actionsas in some one of them he doth content
every factionor combination of peoplethe music
will be the fuller. A man is an ill husband of bis
honorthat entereth into any actionthe failing
wherein may disgrace himmore than the carry-
ing of it throughcan honor him. Honor that is
gained and broken upon anotherhath the quick-
est reflectionlike diamonds cut with facets. And
thereforelet a man contend to excel any competi-
tors of his in honorin outshooting themif he can
in their own bow. Discreet followers and servants
help much to reputation. Omnis fama a domesticis
emanat. Envywhich is the canker of honoris
best extinguished by declaring a man's self in
his endsrather to seek merit than fame; and by
attributing a man's successesrather to divine
Providence and felicitythan to his own virtue or
The true marshalling of the degrees of sovereign
honorare these: In the first place are conditores
imperiorumfounders of states and common-
wealths; such as were RomulusCyrusCaesar
OttomanIsmael. In the second place are legis-
latoreslawgivers; which are also called second
foundersor perpetui principesbecause they gov-
ern by their ordinances after they are gone; such
were LycurgusSolonJustinianEadgarAlphon-
sus of Castilethe Wisethat made the Siete Parti-
das. In the third place are liberatoresor salvatores
such as compound the long miseries of civil
warsor deliver their countries from servitude of
strangers or tyrants; as Augustus CaesarVespasi-
anusAurelianusTheodoricusKing Henry the
Seventh of EnglandKing Henry the Fourth of
France. In the fourth place are propagatores or
propugnatores imperii; such as in honorable wars
enlarge their territoriesor make noble defence
against invaders. And in the last place are patres
patriae; which reign justlyand make the times
good wherein they live. Both which last kinds need
no examplesthey are in such number. Degrees of
honorin subjectsarefirst participes curarum
those upon whomprinces do discharge the great-
est weight of their affairs; their right handsas
we call them. The next are duces belligreat leaders
in war; such as are princes' lieutenantsand do
them notable services in the wars. The third are
gratiosifavorites; such as exceed not this scant-
lingto be solace to the sovereignand harmless to
the people. And the fourthnegotiis pares; such as
have great places under princesand execute their
placeswith sufficiency. There is an honorlike-
wisewhich may be ranked amongst the greatest
which happeneth rarely; that isof such as sacri-
fice themselves to death or danger for the good of
their country; as was M. Regulusand the two
Of Judicature
JUDGES ought to rememberthat their office is
jus dicereand not jus dare; to interpret law
and not to make lawor give law. Else will it be
like the authorityclaimed by the Church of Rome
which under pretext of exposition of Scripture
doth not stick to add and alter; and to pronounce
that which they do not find; and by show of an-
tiquityto introduce novelty. Judges ought to be
more learnedthan wittymore reverendthan
plausibleand more advisedthan confident. Above
all thingsintegrity is their portion and proper
virtue. Cursed (saith the law) is he that removeth
the landmark. The mislayer of a mere-stone is to
blame. But it is the unjust judgethat is the capital
remover of landmarkswhen he defineth amissof
lands and property. One foul sentence doth more
hurtthan many foul examples. For these do but
corrupt the streamthe other corrupteth the foun-
tain. So with SolomonFons turbatuset vena
corruptaest justus cadens in causa sua coram
adversario. The office of judges may have reference
unto the parties that useunto the advocates that
pleadunto the clerks and ministers of justice
underneath themand to the sovereign or state
above them.
Firstfor the causes or parties that sue. There be
(saith the Scripture) that turn judgmentinto
wormwood; and surely there be alsothat turn it
into vinegar; for injustice maketh it bitterand
delays make it sour. The principal duty of a judge
is to suppress force and fraud; whereof force is the
more perniciouswhen it is openand fraudwhen
it is close and disguised. Add thereto contentious
suitswhich ought to be spewed outas the surfeit
of courts. A judge ought to prepare his way to a
just sentenceas God useth to prepare his wayby
raising valleys and taking down hills: so when
there appeareth on either side an high handvio-
lent prosecutioncunning advantages takencom-
binationpowergreat counselthen is the virtue
of a judge seento make inequality equal; that he
may plant his judgment as upon an even ground.
Qui fortiter emungitelicit sanguinem; and where
the wine-press is hard wroughtit yields a harsh
winethat tastes of the grape-stone. Judges must
beware of hard constructionsand strained infer-
ences; for there is no worse torturethan the tor-
ture of laws. Specially in case of laws penalthey
ought to have carethat that which was meant for
terrorbe not turned into rigor; and that they
bring not upon the peoplethat shower whereof
the Scripture speakethPluet super eos laqueos;
for penal laws pressedare a shower of snares upon
the people. Therefore let penal lawsif they have
been sleepers of longor if they be grown unfit for
the present timebe by wise judges confined in the
execution: Judicis officium estut resita tempora
rerumetc. In causes of life and deathjudges ought
(as far as the law permitteth) in justice to remem-
ber mercy; and to cast a severe eye upon the
examplebut a merciful eye upon the person.
Secondlyfor the advocates and counsel that
plead. Patience and gravity of hearingis an essen-
tial part of justice; and an overspeaking judge is no
well-tuned cymbal. It is no grace to a judgefirst
to find thatwhich he might have heard in due
time from the bar; or to show quickness of conceit
in cutting off evidence or counsel too short; or to
prevent information by questionsthough perti-
nent. The parts of a judge in hearingare four: to
direct the evidence; to moderate lengthrepetition
or impertinency of speech; to recapitulateselect
and collate the material pointsof that which hath
been said; and to give the rule or sentence. What-
soever is above these is too much; and proceedeth
either of gloryand willingness to speakor of im-
patience to hearor of shortness of memoryor of
want of a staid and equal attention. It is a strange
thing to seethat the boldness of advocates should
prevail with judges; whereas they should imitate
Godin whose seat they sit; who represseth the pre-
sumptuousand giveth grace to the modest. But it
is more strangethat judges should have noted
favorites; which cannot but cause multiplication
of feesand suspicion of by-ways. There is due from
the judge to the advocatesome commendation
and gracingwhere causes are well handled and
fair pleaded; especially towards the side which
obtaineth not; for that upholds in the clientthe
reputation of his counseland beats down in him
the conceit of his cause. There is likewise due to the
publica civil reprehension of advocateswhere
there appeareth cunning counselgross neglect
slight informationindiscreet pressingor an over-
bold defence. And let not the counsel at the bar
chop with the judgenor wind himself into the
handling of the cause anewafter the judge hath
declared his sentence; buton the other sidelet
not the judge meet the cause half waynor give
occasion to the partyto say his counsel or proofs
were not heard.
Thirdlyfor that that concerns clerks and minis-
ters. The place of justice is an hallowed place; and
therefore not only the benchbut the foot-place;
and precincts and purprise thereofought to be
preserved without scandal and corruption. For
certainly grapes (as the Scripture saith) will not
be gathered of thorns or thistles; either can justice
yield her fruit with sweetnessamongst the briars
and brambles of catching and polling clerksand
ministers. The attendance of courtsis subject to
four bad instruments. Firstcertain persons that
are sowers of suits; which make the court swell
and the country pine. The second sort is of those
that engage courts in quarrels of jurisdictionand
are not truly amici curiaebut parasiti curiaein
puffing a court up beyond her boundsfor their
own scraps and advantage. The third sortis of
those that may be accounted the left hands of
courts; persons that are full of nimble and sinister
tricks and shiftswhereby they pervert the plain
and direct courses of courtsand bring justice into
oblique lines and labyrinths. And the fourthis the
poller and exacter of fees; which justifies the com-
mon resemblance of the courts of justiceto the
bush whereuntowhile the sheep flies for defence
in weatherhe is sure to lose part of his fleece. On
the other sidean ancient clerkskilful in prece-
dentswary in proceedingand understanding in
the business of the courtis an excellent finger of
a court; and doth many times point the way to the
judge himself.
Fourthlyfor that which may concern the sov-
ereign and estate. Judges ought above all to re-
member the conclusion of the Roman Twelve
Tables; Salus populi suprema lex; and to know
that lawsexcept they be in order to that endare
but things captiousand oracles not well inspired.
Therefore it is an happy thing in a statewhen
kings and states do often consult with judges; and
againwhen judges do often consult with the king
and state: the onewhen there is matter of law
intervenient in business of state; the otherwhen
there is some consideration of stateintervenient
in matter of law. For many times the things de-
duced to judgment may be meum and tuumwhen
the reason and consequence thereof may trench to
point of estate: I call matter of estatenot only the
parts of sovereigntybut whatsoever introduceth
any great alterationor dangerous precedent; or
concerneth manifestly any great portion of peo-
ple. And let no man weakly conceivethat just
laws and true policy have any antipathy; for they
are like the spirits and sinewsthat one moves with
the other. Let judges also rememberthat Solo-
mon's throne was supported by lions on both sides:
let them be lionsbut yet lions under the throne;
being circumspect that they do not check or oppose
any points of sovereignty. Let not judges also be
ignorant of their own rightas to think there is not
left to themas a principal part of their officea
wise use and application of laws. For they may
rememberwhat the apostle saith of a greater law
than theirs; Nos scimus quia lex bona estmodo
quis ea utatur legitime.
Of Anger
TO SEEK to extinguish anger utterlyis but a
bravery of the Stoics. We have better oracles:
Be angrybut sin not. Let not the sun go down
upon your anger. Anger must be limited and con-
finedboth in race and in time. We will first speak
how the natural inclination and habit to be angry
may be attempted and calmed. Secondlyhow the
particular motions of anger may be repressedor
at least refrained from doing mischief. Thirdly
how to raise angeror appease anger in another.
For the first; there is no other way but to medi-
tateand ruminate well upon the effects of anger
how it troubles man's life. And the best time to do
thisis to look back upon angerwhen the fit is
thoroughly over. Seneca saith wellThat anger is
like ruinwhich breaks itself upon that it falls.
The Scripture exhorteth us to possess our souls in
patience. Whosoever is out of patienceis out of
possession of his soul. Men must not turn bees;
... animasque in vulnere ponunt.
Anger is certainly a kind of baseness; as it ap-
pears well in the weakness of those subjects in
whom it reigns; childrenwomenold folkssick
folks. Only men must bewarethat they carry
their anger rather with scornthan with fear; so
that they may seem rather to be above the injury
than below it; which is a thing easily doneif a
man will give law to himself in it.
For the second point; the causes and motives of
angerare chiefly three. Firstto be too sensible of
hurt; for no man is angrythat feels not himself
hurt; and therefore tender and delicate persons
must needs be oft angry; they have so many things
to trouble themwhich more robust natures have
little sense of. The next isthe apprehension and
construction of the injury offeredto bein the cir-
cumstances thereoffull of contempt: for contempt
is thatwhich putteth an edge upon angeras much
or more than the hurt itself. And thereforewhen
men are ingenious in picking out circumstances of
contemptthey do kindle their anger much. Lastly
opinion of the touch of a man's reputationdoth
multiply and sharpen anger. Wherein the remedy
isthat a man should haveas Consalvo was wont
to saytelam honoris crassiorem. But in all refrain-
ings of angerit is the best remedy to win time;
and to make a man's self believethat the oppor-
tunity of his revenge is not yet comebut that he
foresees a time for it; and so to still himself in the
meantimeand reserve it.
To contain anger from mischiefthough it take
hold of a manthere be two thingswhereof you
must have special caution. The oneof extreme bit-
terness of wordsespecially if they be aculeate and
proper; for cummunia maledicta are nothing so
much; and againthat in anger a man reveal no
secrets; for thatmakes him not fit for society. The
otherthat you do not peremptorily break offin
any businessin a fit of anger; but howsoever you
show bitternessdo not act anythingthat is not
For raising and appeasing anger in another; it
is done chiefly by choosing of timeswhen men
are frowardest and worst disposedto incense
them. Againby gathering (as was touched before)
all that you can find outto aggravate the con-
tempt. And the two remedies are by the contraries.
The former to take good timeswhen first to relate
to a man an angry business; for the first impres-
sion is much; and the other isto severas much as
may bethe construction of the injury from the
point of contempt; imputing it to misunderstand-
ingfearpassionor what you will.
Of Vicissitude
SOLOMON saithThere is no new thing upon
the earth. So that as Plato had an imagination
That all knowledge was but remembrance; so
Solomon giveth his sentenceThat all novelty is
but oblivion. Whereby you may seethat the river
of Lethe runneth as well above ground as below.
There is an abstruse astrologer that saithIf it were
not for two things that are constant (the one is
that the fixed stars ever stand a like distance one
from anotherand never come nearer togethernor
go further asunder; the otherthat the diurnal
motion perpetually keepeth time)no individual
would last one moment. Certain it isthat the mat-
ter is in a perpetual fluxand never at a stay. The
great winding-sheetsthat bury all things in ob-
livionare two; deluges and earthquakes. As for
conflagrations and great droughtsthey do not
merely dispeople and destroy. Phaeton's car went
but a day. And the three years' drought in the time
of Eliaswas but particularand left people alive.
As for the great burnings by lightningswhich are
often in the West Indiesthey are but narrow. But
in the other two destructionsby deluge and earth-
quakeit is further to be notedthat the remnant
of people which hap to be reservedare commonly
ignorant and mountainous peoplethat can give
no account of the time past; so that the oblivion is
all oneas if none had been left. If you consider
well of the people of the West Indiesit is very
probable that they are a newer or a younger peo-
plethan the people of the Old World. And it is
much more likelythat the destruction that hath
heretofore been therewas not by earthquakes (as
the Egyptian priest told Solon concerning the
island of Atlantisthat it was swallowed by an
earthquake)but rather that it was desolated by a
particular deluge. For earthquakes are seldom in
those parts. But on the other sidethey have such
pouring riversas the rivers of Asia and Africk and
Europeare but brooks to them. Their Andeslike-
wiseor mountainsare far higher than those with
us; whereby it seemsthat the remnants of gen-
eration of menwere in such a particular deluge
saved. As for the observation that Machiavel hath
that the jealousy of sectsdoth much extinguish
the memory of things; traducing Gregory the
Greatthat he did what in him layto extinguish
all heathen antiquities; I do not find that those
zeals do any great effectsnor last long; as it ap-
peared in the succession of Sabinianwho did
revive the former antiquities.
The vicissitude of mutations in the superior
globeare no fit matter for this present argument.
It may bePlato's great yearif the world should
last so longwould have some effect; not in renew-
ing the state of like individuals (for that is the fume
of thosethat conceive the celestial bodies have
more accurate influences upon these things below
than indeed they have)but in gross. Cometsout
of questionhave likewise power and effectover
the gross and mass of things; but they are rather
gazed uponand waited upon in their journey
than wisely observed in their effects; specially in
their respective effects; that iswhat kind of comet
for magnitudecolorversion of the beamsplac-
ing in the reign of heavenor lastingproduceth
what kind of effects.
There is a toy which I have heardand I would
not have it given overbut waited upon a little.
They say it is observed in the Low Countries (I
know not in what part) that every five and thirty
yearsthe same kind and suit of years and weath-
ers come about again; as great frostsgreat wet
great droughtswarm winterssummers with little
heatand the like; and they call it the Prime. It is
a thing I do the rather mentionbecausecomput-
ing backwardsI have found some concurrence.
But to leave these points of natureand to come
to men. The greatest vicissitude of things amongst
menis the vicissitude of sects and religions. For
those orbs rule in men's minds most. The true re-
ligion is built upon the rock; the rest are tossed
upon the waves of time. To speakthereforeof the
causes of new sects; and to give some counsel con-
cerning themas far as the weakness of human
judgment can give stayto so great revolutions.
When the religion formerly receivedis rent by
discords; and when the holiness of the professors
of religionis decayed and full of scandal; and
withal the times be stupidignorantand bar-
barous; you may doubt the springing up of a new
sect; if then alsothere should arise any extrava-
gant and strange spiritto make himself author
thereof. All which points heldwhen Mahomet
published his law. If a new sect have not two prop-
ertiesfear it not; for it will not spread. The one is
the supplantingor the opposingof authority es-
tablished; for nothing is more popular than that.
The other is the giving license to pleasuresand a
voluptuous life. For as for speculative heresies
(such as were in ancient times the Ariansand now
the Armenians)though they work mightily upon
men's witsyet they do not produce any great al-
terations in states; except it be by the help of civil
occasions. There be three manner of plantations of
new sects. By the power of signs and miracles; by
the eloquenceand wisdomof speech and persua-
sion; and by the sword. For martyrdomsI reckon
them amongst miracles; because they seem to ex-
ceed the strength of human nature: and I may do
the likeof superlative and admirable holiness of
life. Surely there is no better wayto stop the rising
of new sects and schismsthan to reform abuses; to
compound the smaller differences; to proceed
mildlyand not with sanguinary persecutions;
and rather to take off the principal authors by win-
ning and advancing themthan to enrage them
by violence and bitterness.
The changes and vicissitude in wars are many;
but chiefly in three things; in the seats or stages of
the war; in the weapons; and in the manner of the
conduct. Warsin ancient timeseemed more to
move from east to west; for the PersiansAssyrians
ArabiansTartars (which were the invaders) were
all eastern people. It is truethe Gauls were west-
ern; but we read but of two incursions of theirs:
the one to Gallo-Greciathe other to Rome. But east
and west have no certain points of heaven; and no
more have the warseither from the east or west
any certainty of observation. But north and south
are fixed; and it hath seldom or never been seen
that the far southern people have invaded the
northernbut contrariwise. Whereby it is manifest
that the northern tract of the worldis in nature
the more martial region: be it in respect of the stars
of that hemisphere; or of the great continents that
are upon the northwhereas the south partfor
aught that is knownis almost all sea; or (which is
most apparent) of the cold of the northern parts
which is that whichwithout aid of discipline
doth make the bodies hardestand the courages
Upon the breaking and shivering of a great state
and empireyou may be sure to have wars. For
great empireswhile they standdo enervate and
destroy the forces of the natives which they have
subduedresting upon their own protecting forces;
and then when they fail alsoall goes to ruinand
they become a prey. So was it in the decay of the
Roman empire; and likewise in the empire of
Almaigneafter Charles the Greatevery bird tak-
ing a feather; and were not unlike to befall to
Spainif it should break. The great accessions and
unions of kingdomsdo likewise stir up wars; for
when a state grows to an over-powerit is like a
great floodthat will be sure to overflow. As it hath
been seen in the states of RomeTurkeySpain
and others. Look when the world hath fewest bar-
barous peoplesbut such as commonly will not
marry or generateexcept they know means to live
(as it is almost everywhere at this dayexcept Tar-
tary)there is no danger of inundations of people;
but when there be great shoals of peoplewhich go
on to populatewithout foreseeing means of life
and sustentationit is of necessity that once in an
age or twothey discharge a portion of their people
upon other nations; which the ancient northern
people were wont to do by lot; casting lots what
part should stay at homeand what should seek
their fortunes. When a warlike state grows soft and
effeminatethey may be sure of a war. For com-
monly such states are grownm rich in the time of
their degenerating; and so the prey invitethand
their decay in valorencourageth a war.
As for the weaponsit hardly falleth under rule
and observation: yet we see even theyhave re-
turns and vicissitudes. For certain it isthat ord-
nance was known in the city of the Oxidrakes in
India; and was thatwhich the Macedonians
called thunder and lightningand magic. And it
is well known that the use of ordnancehath been
in China above two thousand years. The conditions
of weaponsand their improvementare; Firstthe
fetching afar off; for that outruns the danger; as
it is seen in ordnance and muskets. Secondlythe
strength of the percussion; wherein likewise ord-
nance do exceed all arietations and ancient inven-
tions. The third isthe commodious use of them; as
that they may serve in all weathers; that the car-
riage may be light and manageable; and the like.
For the conduct of the war: at the firstmen
rested extremely upon number: they did put the
wars likewise upon main force and valor; pointing
days for pitched fieldsand so trying it out upon
an even match and they were more ignorant in
ranging and arraying their battles. Afterthey
grew to rest upon number rather competentthan
vast; they grew to advantages of placecunning
diversionsand the like: and they grew more skil-
ful in the ordering of their battles.
In the youth of a statearms do flourish; in the
middle age of a statelearning; and then both of
them together for a time; in the declining age of a
statemechanical arts and merchandize. Learning
hath his infancywhen it is but beginning and
almost childish; then his youthwhen it is luxuri-
ant and juvenile; then his strength of yearswhen
it is solid and reduced; and lastlyhis old agewhen
it waxeth dry and exhaust. But it is not good to look
too long upon these turning wheels of vicissitude
lest we become giddy. As for the philology of
themthat is but a circle of talesand therefore not
fit for this writing.
Of Fame
THE poets make Fame a monster. They de-
scribe her in part finely and elegantlyand
in part gravely and sententiously. They saylook
how many feathers she hathso many eyes she
hath underneath; so many tongues; so many
voices; she pricks up so many ears.
This is a flourish. There follow excellent par-
ables; as thatshe gathereth strength in going;
that she goeth upon the groundand yet hideth her
head in the clouds; that in the daytime she sitteth
in a watch towerand flieth most by night; that
she mingleth things donewith things not done;
and that she is a terror to great cities. But that
which passeth all the rest is: They do recount that
the Earthmother of the giants that made war
against Jupiterand were by him destroyedthere-
upon in an anger brought forth Fame. For certain
it isthat rebelsfigured by the giantsand seditious
fames and libelsare but brothers and sistersmas-
culine and feminine. But nowif a man can tame
this monsterand bring her to feed at the hand
and govern herand with her fly other ravening
fowl and kill themit is somewhat worth. But we
are infected with the style of the poets. To speak
now in a sad and serious manner: There is notin
all the politicsa place less handled and more
worthy to be handledthan this of fame. We will
therefore speak of these points: What are false
fames; and what are true fames; and how they
may be best discerned; how fames may be sown
and raised; how they may be spreadand multi-
plied; and how they may be checkedand laid
dead. And other things concerning the nature of
fame. Fame is of that forceas there is scarcely any
great actionwherein it hath not a great part; es-
pecially in the war. Mucianus undid Vitelliusby
a fame that he scatteredthat Vitellius had in pur-
pose to remove the legions of Syria into Germany
and the legions of Germany into Syria; where-
upon the legions of Syria were infinitely inflamed.
Julius Caesar took Pompey unprovidedand laid
asleep his industry and preparationsby a fame
that he cunningly gave out: Caesar's own soldiers
loved him notand being wearied with the wars
and laden with the spoils of Gaulwould forsake
himas soon as he came into Italy. Livia settled
all things for the succession of her son Tiberiusby
continual giving outthat her husband Augustus
was upon recovery and amendmentand it is an
usual thing with the pashasto conceal the death
of the Great Turk from the janizaries and men of
warto save the sacking of Constantinople and
other townsas their manner is. Themistocles made
Xerxesking of Persiapost apace out of Greciaby
giving outthat the Grecians had a purpose to
break his bridge of shipswhich he had made ath-
wart Hellespont. There be a thousand such like
examples; and the more they arethe less they
need to be repeated; because a man meeteth with
them everywhere. Therefore let all wise governors
have as great a watch and care over famesas they
have of the actions and designs themselves.
[This essay was not finished]
A Glossary
Abridgment: miniature
Absurd: stupidunpolished
Abuse: cheatdeceive
Aculeate: stinging
Adamant: loadstone
Adust: scorched
Advoutress: adulteress
Affect: likedesire
Antic: clown
Appose: question
Arietation: battering-ram
Audit: revenue
Avoidance: secret outlet
Battle: battalion
Bestow: settle in life
Blanch: flatterevade
Brave: boastful
Bravery: boastostentation
Broke: deal in brokerage
Broken: shine by comparison
Broken music: part music
Cabinet: secret
Calendar: weather forecast
Card: chartmap
Care not to: are reckless
Cast: plan
Cat: catecake
Charge and adventure: cost and
Check with: interfere
Chop: bandy words
Civil: peaceful
Close: secretsecretive
Collect: infer
Compound: compromise
Consent: agreement
Curious: elaborate
Custom: import duties
Deceive: rob
Derive: divert
Difficileness: moroseness
Discover: reveal
Donative: money gift
Doubt: fear
Equipollent: equally powerful
Espial: spy
Estate: state
Facility: of easy persuasion
Fair: rather
Fame: rumor
Favor: feature
Flashy: insipid
Foot-pace: lobby
Foreseen: guarded against
Froward: stubborn
Futile: babbling
Globe: complete body
Glorious: showyboastful
Humorous: capricious
Hundred poll: hundredth head
Impertinent: irrelevant
Implicit: entangled
In a mean: in moderation
In smother: suppressed
Indifferent: impartial
Intend: attend to
Leese: lose
Let: hinder
Loose: shot
Lot: spell
Lurch: intercept
Make: profitget
Manage: train
Mate: conquer
Material: business-like
Mere-stone: boundary stone
Muniting: fortifying
Nerve: sinew
Obnoxious: subservientliable
Oes: round spangles
Pair: impair
Pardon: allowance
Passable: mediocre
Pine-apple-tree: pine
Plantation: colony
Platform: plan
Plausible: praiseworthy
Point device: excessively precise
Politic: politician
Poll: extort
Poser: examiner
Practice: plotting
Preoccupate: anticipate
Prest: prepared
Prick: plant
Proper: personal
Prospective: stereoscope
Proyne: prune
Purprise: enclosure
Push: pimple
Quarrel: pretext
Quech: flinch
Reason: principle
Recamera: retiring-room
Return: reaction
Return: wing running back
Rise: dignity
Round: straight
Save: account for
Scantling: measure
Seel: blind
Shrewd: mischievous
Sort: associate
Spial: spy
Staddle: sapling
Steal: do secretly
Stirp: family
Stond: stopstand
Stoved: hot-housed
Style: title
Success: outcome
Sumptuary law: law against
Superior globe: the heavens
Temper: proportion
Tendering: nursing
Tract: linetrait
Travel: travaillabor
Treaties: treatises
Trench to: touch
Trivial: common
Turquet: Turkish dwarf
Under foot: below value
Unready: untrained
Usury: interest
Value: certify
Virtuous: able
Votary: vowed
Wanton: spoiled
Wood: maze
Work: manageutilize