Versione ebook di powered by The Tragedie of Anthonieand Cleopatra
Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
Enter Demetrius and Philo.
Philo. Naybut this dotage of our Generals
Ore-flowes the measure: those his goodly eyes
That o're the Files and Musters of the Warre
Haue glow'd like plated Mars:
Now bendnow turne
The Office and Deuotion of their view
Vpon a Tawny Front. His Captaines heart
Which in the scuffles of great Fights hath burst
The Buckles on his brestreneages all temper
And is become the Bellowes and the Fan
To coole a Gypsies Lust.
Flourish. Enter AnthonyCleopatraher Ladiesthe Trainewith
fanning her.
Looke where they come:
Take but good noteand you shall see in him
(The triple Pillar of the world) transform'd
Into a Strumpets Foole. Behold and see
Cleo. If it be Loue indeedtell me how much
Ant. There's beggery in the loue that can be reckon'd
Cleo. Ile set a bourne how farre to be belou'd
Ant. Then must thou needes finde out new Heauen
new Earth.
Enter a Messenger.
Mes. Newes (my good Lord) from Rome
Ant. Grates methe summe
Cleo. Nay heare them Anthony.
Fuluia perchance is angry: Or who knowes
If the scarse-bearded Caesar haue not sent
His powrefull Mandate to you. Do thisor this;
Take in that Kingdomeand Infranchise that:
Perform'tor else we damne thee
Ant. Howmy Loue?
Cleo. Perchance? Nayand most like:
You must not stay heere longeryour dismission
Is come from Caesartherefore heare it Anthony
Where's Fuluias Processe? (Caesars I would say) both?
Call in the Messengers: As I am Egypts Queene
Thou blushest Anthonyand that blood of thine
Is Caesars homager: else so thy cheeke payes shame
When shrill-tongu'd Fuluia scolds. The Messengers
Ant. Let Rome in Tyber meltand the wide Arch
Of the raing'd Empire fall: Heere is my space
Kingdomes are clay: Our dungie earth alike
Feeds Beast as Man; the Noblenesse of life
Is to do thus: when such a mutuall paire
And such a twaine can doo'tin which I binde
One paine of punishmentthe world to weete
We stand vp Peerelesse
Cleo. Excellent falshood:
Why did he marry Fuluiaand not loue her?
Ile seeme the Foole I am not. Anthony will be himselfe
Ant. But stirr'd by Cleopatra.
Now for the loue of Loueand her soft houres
Let's not confound the time with Conference harsh;
There's not a minute of our liues should stretch
Without some pleasure now. What sport to night?
Cleo. Heare the Ambassadors
Ant. Fye wrangling Queene:
Whom euery thing becomesto chideto laugh
To weepe: who euery passion fully striues
To make it selfe (in Thee) faireand admir'd.
No Messenger but thineand all aloneto night
Wee'l wander through the streetsand note
The qualities of people. Come my Queene
Last night you did desire it. Speake not to vs.
Exeunt. with the Traine.
Dem. Is Caesar with Anthonius priz'd so slight?
Philo. Sirsometimes when he is not Anthony
He comes too short of that great Property
Which still should go with Anthony
Dem. I am full sorrythat hee approues the common
Lyarwho thus speakes of him at Rome; but I will hope
of better deeds to morrow. Rest you happy.
Enter EnobarbusLampriusa SouthsayerRanniusLucillius
IrasMardian the Eunuchand Alexas.
Char. L[ord]. Alexassweet Alexasmost any thing Alexas
almost most absolute Alexaswhere's the Soothsayer
that you prais'd so to'th' Queene? Oh that I knewe this
Husbandwhich you saymust change his Hornes with
Alex. Soothsayer
Sooth. Your will?
Char. Is this the Man? Is't you sir that know things?
Sooth. In Natures infinite booke of Secreciea little I
can read
Alex. Shew him your hand
Enob. Bring in the Banket quickly: Wine enough
Cleopatra's health to drinke
Char. Good sirgiue me good Fortune
Sooth. I make notbut foresee
Char. Pray thenforesee me one
Sooth. You shall be yet farre fairer then you are
Char. He meanes in flesh
Iras. Noyou shall paint when you are old
Char. Wrinkles forbid
Alex. Vex not his presciencebe attentiue
Char. Hush
Sooth. You shall be more belouingthen beloued
Char. I had rather heate my Liuer with drinking
Alex. Nayheare him
Char. Good now some excellent Fortune: Let mee
be married to three Kings in a forenooneand Widdow
them all: Let me haue a Childe at fiftyto whom Herode
of Iewry may do Homage. Finde me to marrie me with
Octauius Caesarand companion me with my Mistris
Sooth. You shall out-liue the Lady whom you serue
Char. Oh excellentI loue long life better then Figs
Sooth. You haue seene and proued a fairer former fortune
then that which is to approach
Char. Then belike my Children shall haue no names:
Prythee how many Boyes and Wenches must I haue
Sooth. If euery of your wishes had a wombe& foretell
euery wisha Million
Char. Out FooleI forgiue thee for a Witch
Alex. You thinke none but your sheets are priuie to
your wishes
Char. Nay cometell Iras hers
Alex. Wee'l know all our Fortunes
Enob. Mineand most of our Fortunes to nightshall
be drunke to bed
Iras. There's a Palme presages Chastityif nothing els
Char. E'ne as the o're-flowing Nylus presageth Famine
Iras. Go you wilde Bedfellowyou cannot Soothsay
Char. Nayif an oyly Palme bee not a fruitfull Prognostication
I cannot scratch mine eare. Prythee tel her
but a worky day Fortune
Sooth. Your Fortunes are alike
Iras. But howbut howgiue me particulars
Sooth. I haue said
Iras. Am I not an inch of Fortune better then she?
Char. Wellif you were but an inch of fortune better
then I: where would you choose it
Iras. Not in my Husbands nose
Char. Our worser thoughts Heauens mend
Alexas. Comehis Fortunehis Fortune. Oh let him
mary a woman that cannot gosweet IsisI beseech thee
and let her dye tooand giue him a worseand let worse
follow worsetill the worst of all follow him laughing to
his grauefifty-fold a Cuckold. Good Isis heare me this
Prayerthough thou denie me a matter of more waight:
good Isis I beseech thee
Iras. Amendeere Goddesseheare that prayer of the
people. Foras it is a heart-breaking to see a handsome
man loose-Wiu'dso it is a deadly sorrowto beholde a
foule Knaue vncuckolded: Therefore deere Isis keep decorum
and Fortune him accordingly
Char. Amen
Alex. Lo nowif it lay in their hands to make mee a
Cuckoldthey would make themselues Whoresbut
they'ld doo't.
Enter Cleopatra.
Enob. Hushheere comes Anthony
Char. Not hethe Queene
Cleo. Saue youmy Lord
Enob. No Lady
Cleo. Was he not heere?
Char. No Madam
Cleo. He was dispos'd to mirthbut on the sodaine
A Romane thought hath strooke him.
Enob. Madam
Cleo. Seeke himand bring him hither: wher's Alexias?
Alex. Heere at your seruice.
My Lord approaches.
Enter Anthonywith a Messenger.
Cleo. We will not looke vpon him:
Go with vs.
Messen. Fuluia thy Wife
First came into the Field
Ant. Against my Brother Lucius?
Messen. I: but soone that Warre had end
And the times state
Made friends of themioynting their force 'gainst Caesar
Whose better issue in the warre from Italy
Vpon the first encounter draue them
Ant. Wellwhat worst
Mess. The Nature of bad newes infects the Teller
Ant. When it concernes the Foole or Coward: On.
Things that are pastare donewith me. 'Tis thus
Who tels me truethough in his Tale lye death
I heare him as he flatter'd
Mes. Labienus (this is stiffe-newes)
Hath with his Parthian Force
Extended Asia: from Euphrates his conquering
Banner shookefrom Syria to Lydia
And to Ioniawhil'st
Ant. Anthony thou would'st say
Mes. Oh my Lord
Ant. Speake to me home
Mince not the generall tonguename
Cleopatra as she is call'd in Rome:
Raile thou in Fuluia's phraseand taunt my faults
With such full Licenseas both Truth and Malice
Haue power to vtter. Oh then we bring forth weeds
When our quicke windes lye stilland our illes told vs
Is as our earing: fare thee well awhile
Mes. At your Noble pleasure.
Exit Messenger
Enter another Messenger.
Ant. From Scicion how the newes? Speake there
1.Mes. The man from Scicion
Is there such an one?
2.Mes. He stayes vpon your will
Ant. Let him appeare:
These strong Egyptian Fetters I must breake
Or loose my selfe in dotage.
Enter another Messenger with a Letter.
What are you?
3.Mes. Fuluia thy wife is dead
Ant. Where dyed she
Mes. In Scicionher length of sicknesse
With what else more serious
Importeth thee to knowthis beares
Antho. Forbeare me
There's a great Spirit gonethus did I desire it:
What our contempts doth often hurle from vs
We wish it ours againe. The present pleasure
By reuolution lowringdoes become
The opposite of it selfe: she's good being gon
The hand could plucke her backethat shou'd her on.
I must from this enchanting Queene breake off
Ten thousand harmesmore then the illes I know
My idlenesse doth hatch.
Enter Enobarbus.
How now Enobarbus
Eno. What's your pleasureSir?
Anth. I must with haste from hence
Eno. Why then we kill all our Women. We see how
mortall an vnkindnesse is to themif they suffer our departure
death's the word
Ant. I must be gone
Eno. Vnder a compelling an occasionlet women die.
It were pitty to cast them away for nothingthough betweene
them and a great causethey should be esteemed
nothing. Cleopatra catching but the least noyse of this
dies instantly: I haue seene her dye twenty times vppon
farre poorer moment: I do think there is mettle in death
which commits some louing acte vpon hershe hath such
a celerity in dying
Ant. She is cunning past mans thought
Eno. Alacke Sir noher passions are made of nothing
but the finest part of pure Loue. We cannot cal her winds
and waterssighes and teares: They are greater stormes
and Tempests then Almanackes can report. This cannot
be cunning in her; if it beshe makes a showre of Raine
as well as Ioue
Ant. Would I had neuer seene her
Eno. Oh siryou had then left vnseene a wonderfull
peece of workewhich not to haue beene blest withall
would haue discredited your Trauaile
Ant. Fuluia is dead
Eno. Sir
Ant. Fuluia is dead
Eno. Fuluia?
Ant. Dead
Eno. Why sirgiue the Gods a thankefull Sacrifice:
when it pleaseth their Deities to take the wife of a man
from himit shewes to man the Tailors of the earth: comforting
thereinthat when olde Robes are worne out
there are members to make new. If there were no more
Women but Fuluiathen had you indeede a cutand the
case to be lamented: This greefe is crown'd with Consolation
your old Smocke brings foorth a new Petticoate
and indeed the teares liue in an Onionthat should water
this sorrow
Ant. The businesse she hath broached in the State
Cannot endure my absence
Eno. And the businesse you haue broach'd heere cannot
be without youespecially that of Cleopatra'swhich
wholly depends on your abode
Ant. No more light Answeres:
Let our Officers
Haue notice what we purpose. I shall breake
The cause of our Expedience to the Queene
And get her loue to part. For not alone
The death of Fuluiawith more vrgent touches
Do strongly speake to vs: but the Letters too
Of many our contriuing Friends in Rome
Petition vs at home. Sextus Pompeius
Haue giuen the dare to Caesarand commands
The Empire of the Sea. Our slippery people
Whose Loue is neuer link'd to the deseruer
Till his deserts are pastbegin to throw
Pompey the greatand all his Dignities
Vpon his Sonnewho high in Name and Power
Higher then both in Blood and Lifestands vp
For the maine Souldier. Whose quality going on
The sides o'th' world may danger. Much is breeding
Which like the Coursers heirehath yet but life
And not a Serpents poyson. Say our pleasure
To such whose places vnder vsrequire
Our quicke remoue from hence
Enob. I shall doo't.
Enter CleopatraCharmianAlexasand Iras.
Cleo. Where is he?
Char. I did not see him since
Cleo. See where he is
Whose with himwhat he does:
I did not send you. If you finde him sad
Say I am dauncing: if in Myrthreport
That I am sodaine sicke. Quickeand returne
Char. Madamme thinkes if you did loue him deerly
You do not hold the methodto enforce
The like from him
Cleo. What should I doI do not?
Ch. In each thing giue him waycrosse him in nothing
Cleo. Thou teachest like a foole: the way to lose him
Char. Tempt him not so too farre. I wish forbeare
In time we hate that which we often feare.
Enter Anthony.
But heere comes Anthony
Cleo. I am sickeand sullen
An. I am sorry to giue breathing to my purpose
Cleo. Helpe me away deere CharmianI shall fall
It cannot be thus longthe sides of Nature
Will not sustaine it
Ant. Now my deerest Queene
Cleo. Pray you stand farther from mee
Ant. What's the matter?
Cleo. I know by that same eye ther's some good news.
What sayes the married woman you may goe?
Would she had neuer giuen you leaue to come.
Let her not say 'tis I that keepe you heere
I haue no power vpon you: Hers you are
Ant. The Gods best know
Cleo. Oh neuer was there Queene
So mightily betrayed: yet at the first
I saw the Treasons planted
Ant. Cleopatra
Cleo. Why should I thinke you can be mine& true
(Though you in swearing shake the Throaned Gods)
Who haue beene false to Fuluia?
Riotous madnesse
To be entangled with those mouth-made vowes
Which breake themselues in swearing
Ant. Most sweet Queene
Cleo. Nay pray you seeke no colour for your going
But bid farewelland goe:
When you sued staying
Then was the time for words: No going then
Eternity was in our Lippesand Eyes
Blisse in our browes bent: none our parts so poore
But was a race of Heauen. They are so still
Or thou the greatest Souldier of the world
Art turn'd the greatest Lyar
Ant. How now Lady?
Cleo. I would I had thy inchesthou should'st know
There were a heart in Egypt
Ant. Heare me Queene:
The strong necessity of Timecommands
Our Seruices a-while: but my full heart
Remaines in vse with you. Our Italy
Shines o're with ciuill Swords; Sextus Pompeius
Makes his approaches to the Port of Rome
Equality of two Domesticke powers
Breed scrupulous faction: The hated growne to strength
Are newly growne to Loue: The condemn'd Pompey
Rich in his Fathers Honorcreepes apace
Into the hearts of suchas haue not thriued
Vpon the present statewhose Numbers threaten
And quietnesse growne sicke of restwould purge
By any desperate change: My more particular
And that which most with you should safe my going
Is Fuluias death
Cleo. Though age from folly could not giue me freedom
It does from childishnesse. Can Fuluia dye?
Ant. She's dead my Queene.
Looke heereand at thy Soueraigne leysure read
The Garboyles she awak'd: at the lastbest
See whenand where shee died
Cleo. O most false Loue!
Where be the Sacred Violles thou should'st fill
With sorrowfull water? Now I seeI see
In Fuluias deathhow mine receiu'd shall be
Ant. Quarrell no morebut bee prepar'd to know
The purposes I beare: which areor cease
As you shall giue th' aduice. By the fire
That quickens Nylus slimeI go from hence
Thy SouldierSeruantmaking Peace or Warre
As thou affects
Cleo. Cut my LaceCharmian come
But let it beI am quickly illand well
So Anthony loues
Ant. My precious Queene forbeare
And giue true euidence to his Louewhich stands
An honourable Triall
Cleo. So Fuluia told me.
I prythee turne asideand weepe for her
Then bid adiew to meand say the teares
Belong to Egypt. Good nowplay one Scene
Of excellent dissemblingand let it looke
Like perfect Honor
Ant. You'l heat my blood no more?
Cleo. You can do better yet: but this is meetly
Ant. Now by Sword
Cleo. And Target. Still he mends.
But this is not the best. Looke prythee Charmian
How this Herculean Roman do's become
The carriage of his chafe
Ant. Ile leaue you Lady
Cleo. Courteous Lordone word:
Siryou and I must partbut that's not it:
Siryou and I haue lou'dbut there's not it:
That you know wellsomething it is I would:
Ohmy Obliuion is a very Anthony
And I am all forgotten
Ant. But that your Royalty
Holds Idlenesse your subiectI should take you
For Idlenesse it selfe
Cleo. 'Tis sweating Labour
To beare such Idlenesse so neere the heart
As Cleopatra this. But Sirforgiue me
Since my becommings kill mewhen they do not
Eye well to you. Your Honor calles you hence
Therefore be deafe to my vnpittied Folly
And all the Gods go with you. Vpon your Sword
Sit Lawrell victoryand smooth successe
Be strew'd before your feete
Ant. Let vs go.
Come: Our separation so abides and flies
That thou reciding heeregoes yet with mee;
And I hence fleetingheere remaine with thee.
Enter Octauius reading a LetterLepidusand their Traine.
Caes You may see Lepidusand henceforth know
It is not Caesars Naturall viceto hate
One great Competitor. From Alexandria
This is the newes: He fishesdrinkesand wastes
The Lampes of night in reuell: Is not more manlike
Then Cleopatra: nor the Queene of Ptolomy
More Womanly then he. Hardly gaue audience
Or vouchsafe to thinke he had Partners. You
Shall finde there a manwho is th' abstracts of all faults
That all men follow
Lep. I must not thinke
There areeuils enow to darken all his goodnesse:
His faults in himseeme as the Spots of Heauen
More fierie by nights Blacknesse; Hereditarie
Rather then purchaste: what he cannot change
Then what he chooses
Caes You are too indulgent. Let's graunt it is not
Amisse to tumble on the bed of Ptolomy
To giue a Kingdome for a Mirthto sit
And keepe the turne of Tipling with a Slaue
To reele the streets at nooneand stand the Buffet
With knaues that smels of sweate: Say this becoms him
(As his composure must be rare indeed
Whom these things cannot blemish) yet must Anthony
No way excuse his foyleswhen we do beare
So great waight in his lightnesse. If he fill'd
His vacancie with his Voluptuousnesse
Full surfetsand the drinesse of his bones
Call on him for't. But to confound such time
That drummes him from his sportand speakes as lowd
As his owne Stateand ours'tis to be chid:
As we rate Boyeswho being mature in knowledge
Pawne their experience to their present pleasure
And so rebell to iudgement.
Enter a Messenger.
Lep. Heere's more newes
Mes. Thy biddings haue beene done& euerie houre
Most Noble Caesarshalt thou haue report
How 'tis abroad. Pompey is strong at Sea
And it appeareshe is belou'd of those
That only haue feard Caesar: to the Ports
The discontents repaireand mens reports
Giue him much wrong'd
Caes I should haue knowne no lesse
It hath bin taught vs from the primall state
That he which is was wishtvntill he were:
And the ebb'd man
Ne're lou'dtill ne're worth loue
Comes fear'dby being lack'd. This common bodie
Like to a Vagabond Flagge vpon the Streame
Goes tooand backelacking the varrying tyde
To rot it selfe with motion
Mes. Caesar I bring thee word
Menacrates and Menas famous Pyrates
Makes the Sea serue themwhich they eare and wound
With keeles of euery kinde. Many hot inrodes
They make in Italythe Borders Maritime
Lacke blood to thinke on'tand flush youth reuolt
No Vessell can peepe forth: but 'tis as soone
Taken as seene: for Pompeyes name strikes more
Then could his Warre resisted
Caesar. Anthony
Leaue thy lasciuious Vassailes. When thou once
Was beaten from Medenawhere thou slew'st
Hirsiusand Pansa Consulsat thy heele
Did Famine followwhom thou fought'st against
(Though daintily brought vp) with patience more
Then Sauages could suffer. Thou did'st drinke
The stale of Horsesand the gilded Puddle
Which Beasts would cough at. Thy pallat the[n] did daine
The roughest Berryon the rudest Hedge.
Yealike the Staggewhen Snow the Pasture sheets
The barkes of Trees thou brows'd. On the Alpes
It is reported thou did'st eate strange flesh
Which some did dye to looke on: And all this
(It wounds thine Honor that I speake it now)
Was borne so like a Soldiourthat thy cheeke
So much as lank'd not
Lep. 'Tis pitty of him
Caes Let his shames quickely
Driue him to Rome'tis time we twaine
Did shew our selues i'th' Fieldand to that end
Assemble me immediate counsellPompey
Thriues in our Idlenesse
Lep. To morrow Caesar
I shall be furnisht to informe you rightly
Both what by Sea and Land I can be able
To front this present time
Caes Til which encounterit is my busines too. Farwell
Lep. Farwell my Lordwhat you shal know mean time
Of stirres abroadI shall beseech you Sir
To let me be partaker
Caesar. Doubt not sirI knew it for my Bond.
Enter CleopatraCharmianIras& Mardian.
Cleo. Charmian
Char. Madam
Cleo. Hahagiue me to drinke Mandragora
Char. Why Madam?
Cleo. That I might sleepe out this great gap of time:
My Anthony is away
Char. You thinke of him too much
Cleo. O 'tis Treason
Char. MadamI trust not so
Cleo. ThouEunuch Mardian?
Mar. What's your Highnesse pleasure?
Cleo. Not now to heare thee sing. I take no pleasure
In ought an Eunuch ha's: Tis well for thee
That being vnseminar'dthy freer thoughts
May not flye forth of Egypt. Hast thou Affections?
Mar. Yes gracious Madam
Cleo. Indeed?
Mar. Not in deed Madamfor I can do nothing
But what in deede is honest to be done:
Yet haue I fierce Affectionsand thinke
What Venus did with Mars
Cleo. Oh Charmion:
Where think'st thou he is now? Stands heor sits he?
Or does he walke? Or is he on his Horse?
Oh happy horse to beare the weight of Anthony!
Do brauely Horsefor wot'st thou whom thou moou'st
The demy Atlas of this Earththe Arme
And Burganet of men. Hee's speaking now
Or murmuringwhere's my Serpent of old Nyle
(For so he cals me:) Now I feede my selfe
With most delicious poyson. Thinke on me
That am with Phoebus amorous pinches blacke
And wrinkled deepe in time. Broad-fronted Caesar
When thou was't heere aboue the groundI was
A morsell for a Monarke: and great Pompey
Would stand and make his eyes grow in my brow
There would he anchor his Aspectand dye
With looking on his life.
Enter Alexas from Caesar.
Alex. Soueraigne of Egypthaile
Cleo. How much vnlike art thou Marke Anthony?
Yet comming from himthat great Med'cine hath
With his Tinct gilded thee.
How goes it with my braue Marke Anthonie?
Alex. Last thing he did (deere Queene)
He kist the last of many doubled kisses
This Orient Pearle. His speech stickes in my heart
Cleo. Mine eare must plucke it thence
Alex. Good Friendquoth he:
Say the firme Roman to great Egypt sends
This treasure of an Oyster: at whose foote
To mend the petty presentI will peece
Her opulent Thronewith Kingdomes. All the East
(Say thou) shall call her Mistris. So he nodded
And soberly did mount an Arme-gaunt Steede
Who neigh'd so hyethat what I would haue spoke
Was beastly dumbe by him
Cleo. What was he sador merry?
Alex. Like to the time o'th' yearebetween y extremes
Of hot and coldhe was nor sad nor merrie
Cleo. Oh well diuided disposition: Note him
Note him good Charmian'tis the man; but note him.
He was not sadfor he would shine on those
That make their lookes by his. He was not merrie
Which seem'd to tell themhis remembrance lay
In Egypt with his ioybut betweene both.
Oh heauenly mingle! Bee'st thou sador merrie
The violence of either thee becomes
So do's it no mans else. Met'st thou my Posts?
Alex. I Madamtwenty seuerall Messengers.
Why do you send so thicke?
Cleo. Who's borne that daywhen I forget to send
to Anthonieshall dye a Begger. Inke and paper Charmian.
Welcome my good Alexas. Did I Charmianeuer
loue Caesar so?
Char. Oh that braue Caesar!
Cleo. Be choak'd with such another Emphasis
Say the braue Anthony
Char. The valiant Caesar
Cleo. By IsisI will giue thee bloody teeth
If thou with Caesar Paragon againe:
My man of men
Char. By your most gracious pardon
I sing but after you
Cleo. My Sallad dayes
When I was greene in iudgementcold in blood
To sayas I saide then. But comeaway
Get me Inke and Paper
he shall haue euery day a seuerall greetingor Ile vnpeople
Enter PompeyMenecratesand Menasin warlike manner.
Pom. If the great Gods be iustthey shall assist
The deeds of iustest men
Mene. Know worthy Pompeythat what they do delay
they not deny
Pom. Whiles we are sutors to their Thronedecayes
the thing we sue for
Mene. We ignorant of our selues
Begge often our owne harmeswhich the wise Powres
Deny vs for our good: so finde we profit
By loosing of our Prayers
Pom. I shall do well:
The people loue meand the Sea is mine;
My powers are Cressentand my Auguring hope
Sayes it will come to'th' full. Marke Anthony
In Egypt sits at dinnerand will make
No warres without doores. Caesar gets money where
He looses hearts: Lepidus flatters both
Of both is flatter'd: but he neither loues
Nor either cares for him
Mene. Caesar and Lepidus are in the field
A mighty strength they carry
Pom. Where haue you this? 'Tis false
Mene. From SiluiusSir
Pom. He dreames: I know they are in Rome together
Looking for Anthony: but all the charmes of Loue
Salt Cleopatra soften thy wand lip
Let Witchcraft ioyne with BeautyLust with both
Tye vp the Libertine in a field of Feasts
Keepe his Braine fuming. Epicurean Cookes
Sharpen with cloylesse sawce his Appetite
That sleepe and feeding may prorogue his Honour
Euen till a Lethied dulnesse-
Enter Varrius.
How now Varrius?
Var. This is most certainethat I shall deliuer:
Marke Anthony is euery houre in Rome
Expected. Since he went from Egypt'tis
A space for farther Trauaile
Pom. I could haue giuen lesse matter
A better eare. MenasI did not thinke
This amorous Surfetter would haue donn'd his Helme
For such a petty Warre: His Souldiership
Is twice the other twaine: But let vs reare
The higher our Opinionthat our stirring
Can from the lap of Egypts Widdowplucke
The neere Lust-wearied Anthony
Mene. I cannot hope
Caesar and Anthony shall well greet together;
His Wife that's deaddid trespasses to Caesar
His Brother wan'd vpon himalthough I thinke
Not mou'd by Anthony
Pom. I know not Menas
How lesser Enmities may giue way to greater
Were't not that we stand vp against them all:
'Twer pregnant they should square between themselues
For they haue entertained cause enough
To draw their swords: but how the feare of vs
May Ciment their diuisionsand binde vp
The petty differencewe yet not know:
Bee't as our Gods will haue't; it onely stands
Our liues vponto vse our strongest hands
Come Menas.
Enter Enobarbus and Lepidus.
Lep. Good Enobarbus'tis a worthy deed
And shall become you wellto intreat your Captaine
To soft and gentle speech
Enob. I shall intreat him
To answer like himselfe: if Caesar moue him
Let Anthony looke ouer Caesars head
And speake as lowd as Mars. By Iupiter
Were I the wearer of Anthonio's Beard
I would not shaue't to day
Lep. 'Tis not a time for priuate stomacking
Eno. Euery time serues for the matter that is then
borne in't
Lep. But small to greater matters must giue way
Eno. Not if the small come first
Lep. Your speech is passion: but pray you stirre
No Embers vp. Heere comes the Noble Anthony.
Enter Anthony and Ventidius.
Eno. And yonder Caesar.
Enter CaesarMecenasand Agrippa.
Ant. If we compose well heereto Parthia:
Hearke Ventidius
Caesar. I do not know Mecenasaske Agrippa
Lep. Noble Friends:
That which combin'd vs was most greatand let not
A leaner action rend vs. What's amisse
May it be gently heard. When we debate
Our triuiall difference loudwe do commit
Murther in healing wounds. Then Noble Partners
The rather for I earnestly beseech
Touch you the sowrest points with sweetest tearmes
Nor curstnesse grow to'th' matter
Ant. 'Tis spoken well:
Were we before our Armiesand to fight
I should do thus.
Caes Welcome to Rome
Ant. Thanke you
Caes Sit
Ant. Sit sir
Caes Nay then
Ant. I learneyou take things illwhich are not so:
Or beingconcerne you not
Caes I must be laught atif or for nothingor a littleI
Should say my selfe offendedand with you
Chiefely i'th' world. More laught atthat I should
Once name you derogately: when to sound your name
It not concern'd me
Ant. My being in Egypt Caesarwhat was't to you?
Caes No more then my reciding heere at Rome
Might be to you in Egypt: yet if you there
Did practise on my Stateyour being in Egypt
Might be my question
Ant. How intend youpractis'd?
Caes You may be pleas'd to catch at mine intent
By what did heere befall me. Your Wife and Brother
Made warres vpon meand their contestation
Was Theame for youyou were the word of warre
Ant. You do mistake your businesmy Brother neuer
Did vrge me in his Act: I did inquire it.
And haue my Learning from some true reports
That drew their swords with youdid he not rather
Discredit my authority with yours
And make the warres alike against my stomacke
Hauing alike your cause. Of thismy Letters
Before did satisfie you. If you'l patch a quarrell
As matter whole you haue to make it with
It must not be with this
Caes You praise your selfeby laying defects of iudgement
to me: but you patcht vp your excuses
Anth. Not sonot so:
I know you could not lackeI am certaine on't
Very necessity of this thoughtthat I
Your Partner in the cause 'gainst which he fought
Could not with gracefull eyes attend those Warres
Which fronted mine owne peace. As for my wife
I would you had her spiritin such another
The third oth' world is yourswhich with a Snaffle
You may pace easiebut not such a wife
Enobar. Would we had all such wiuesthat the men
might go to Warres with the women
Anth. So much vncurbableher Garboiles (Caesar)
Made out of her impatience: which not wanted
Shrodenesse of policie to: I greeuing grant
Did you too much disquietfor that you must
But say I could not helpe it
Caesar. I wrote to youwhen rioting in Alexandria you
Did pocket vp my Letters: and with taunts
Did gibe my Misiue out of audience
Ant. Sirhe fell vpon meere admittedthen:
Three Kings I had newly feastedand did want
Of what I was i'th' morning: but next day
I told him of my selfewhich was as much
As to haue askt him pardon. Let this Fellow
Be nothing of our strife: if we contend
Out of our question wipe him
Caesar. You haue broken the Article of your oath
which you shall neuer haue tongue to charge me with
Lep. Soft Caesar
Ant. No Lepiduslet him speake
The Honour is Sacred which he talks on now
Supposing that I lackt it: but on Caesar
The Article of my oath
Caesar. To lend me Armesand aide when I requir'd
themthe which you both denied
Anth. Neglected rather:
And then when poysoned houres had bound me vp
From mine owne knowledgeas neerely as I may
Ile play the penitent to you. But mine honesty
Shall not make poore my greatnessenor my power
Worke without it. Truth isthat Fuluia
To haue me out of Egyptmade Warres heere
For which my selfethe ignorant motiuedo
So farre aske pardonas befits mine Honour
To stoope in such a case
Lep. 'Tis Noble spoken
Mece. If it might please youto enforce no further
The griefes betweene ye: to forget them quite
Were to remember: that the present neede
Speakes to attone you
Lep. Worthily spoken Mecenas
Enobar. Or if you borrow one anothers Loue for the
instantyou may when you heare no more words of
Pompey returne it againe: you shall haue time to wrangle
inwhen you haue nothing else to do
Anth. Thou art a Souldieronely speake no more
Enob. That trueth should be silentI had almost forgot
Anth. You wrong this presencetherefore speake no
Enob. Go too then: your Considerate stone
Caesar. I do not much dislike the matterbut
The manner of his speech: for't cannot be
We shall remaine in friendshipour conditions
So diffring in their acts. Yet if I knew
What Hoope should hold vs staunch from edge to edge
Ath' world: I would persue it
Agri. Giue me leaue Caesar
Caesar. Speake Agrippa
Agri. Thou hast a Sister by the Mothers sideadmir'd
Octauia: Great Mark Anthony is now a widdower
Caesar. Say notsay Agrippa; if Cleopater heard youyour
proofe were well deserued of rashnesse
Anth. I am not marryed Caesar: let me heere Agrippa
further speake
Agri. To hold you in perpetuall amitie
To make you Brothersand to knit your hearts
With an vn-slipping knottake Anthony
Octauia to his wife: whose beauty claimes
No worse a husband then the best of men: whose
Vertueand whose generall gracesspeake
That which none else can vtter. By this marriage
All little Ielousies which now seeme great
And all great feareswhich now import their dangers
Would then be nothing. Truth's would be tales
Where now halfe tales be truth's: her loue to both
Would each to otherand all loues to both
Draw after her. Pardon what I haue spoke
For 'tis a studied not a present thought
By duty ruminated
Anth. Will Caesar speake?
Caesar. Not till he heares how Anthony is toucht
With what is spoke already
Anth. What power is in Agrippa
If I would say Agrippabe it so
To make this good?
Caesar. The power of Caesar
And his powervnto Octauia
Anth. May I neuer
(To this good purposethat so fairely shewes)
Dreame of impediment: let me haue thy hand
Further this act of Grace: and from this houre
The heart of Brothers gouerne in our Loues
And sway our great Designes
Caesar. There's my hand:
A Sister I bequeath youwhom no Brother
Did euer loue so deerely. Let her liue
To ioyne our kingdomesand our heartsand neuer
Flie off our Loues againe
Lepi. HappilyAmen
Ant. I did not think to draw my Sword 'gainst Pompey
For he hath laid strange courtesiesand great
Of late vpon me. I must thanke him onely
Least my remembrancesuffer ill report:
At heele of thatdefie him
Lepi. Time cals vpon's
Of vs must Pompey presently be sought
Or else he seekes out vs
Anth. Where lies he?
Caesar. About the Mount-Mesena
Anth. What is his strength by land?
Caesar. Greatand encreasing:
But by Sea he is an absolute Master
Anth. So is the Fame.
Would we had spoke together. Hast we for it
Yet ere we put our selues in Armesdispatch we
The businesse we haue talkt of
Caesar. With most gladnesse
And do inuite you to my Sisters view
Whether straight Ile lead you
Anth. Let vs Lepidus not lacke your companie
Lep. Noble Anthonynot sickenesse should detaine
Flourish. Exit omnes. Manet EnobarbusAgrippaMecenas.
Mec. Welcome from aegypt Sir
Eno. Halfe the heart of Caesarworthy Mecenas. My
honourable Friend Agrippa
Agri. Good Enobarbus
Mece. We haue cause to be gladthat matters are so
well disgested: you staid well by't in Egypt
Enob. I Sirwe did sleepe day out of countenaunce:
and made the night light with drinking
Mece. Eight Wilde-Boares rosted whole at a breakfast:
and but twelue persons there. Is this true?
Eno. This was but as a Flye by an Eagle: we had much
more monstrous matter of Feastwhich worthily deserued
Mecenas. She's a most triumphant Ladyif report be
square to her
Enob. When she first met Marke Anthonyshe purst
vp his heart vpon the Riuer of Sidnis
Agri. There she appear'd indeed: or my reporter deuis'd
well for her
Eno. I will tell you
The Barge she sat inlike a burnisht Throne
Burnt on the water: the Poope was beaten Gold
Purple the Sailes: and so perfumed that
The Windes were Loue-sicke.
With them the Owers were Siluer
Which to the tune of Flutes kept strokeand made
The water which they beateto follow faster;
As amorous of their strokes. For her owne person
It beggerd all discriptionshe did lye
In her Pauillioncloth of Goldof Tissue
O're-picturing that Venuswhere we see
The fancie out-worke Nature. On each side her
Stood pretty Dimpled Boyeslike smiling Cupids
With diuers coulour'd Fannes whose winde did seeme
To gloue the delicate cheekes which they did coole
And what they vndid did
Agrip. Oh rare for Anthony
Eno. Her Gentlewomanlike the Nereides
So many Mer-maides tended her i'th' eyes
And made their bends adornings. At the Helme
A seeming Mer-maide steeres: The Silken Tackle
Swell with the touches of those Flower-soft hands
That yarely frame the office. From the Barge
A strange inuisible perfume hits the sense
Of the adiacent Wharfes. The Citty cast
Her people out vpon her: and Anthony
Enthron'd i'th' Market-placedid sit alone
Whisling to'th' ayre: which but for vacancie
Had gone to gaze on Cleopater too
And made a gap in Nature
Agri. Rare Egiptian
Eno. Vpon her landingAnthony sent to her
Inuited her to Supper: she replyed
It should be betterhe became her guest:
Which she entreatedour Courteous Anthony
Whom nere the word of no woman hard speake
Being barber'd ten times o'regoes to the Feast;
And for his ordinarypaies his heart
For what his eyes eate onely
Agri. Royall Wench:
She made great Caesar lay his Sword to bed
He ploughed herand she cropt
Eno. I saw her once
Hop forty Paces through the publicke streete
And hauing lost her breathshe spokeand panted
That she did make defectperfection
And breathlesse powre breath forth
Mece. Now Anthonymust leaue her vtterly
Eno. Neuer he will not:
Age cannot wither hernor custome stale
Her infinite variety: other women cloy
The appetites they feedebut she makes hungry
Where most she satisfies. For vildest things
Become themselues in herthat the holy Priests
Blesse herwhen she is Riggish
Mece. If BeautyWisedomeModestycan settle
The heart of Anthony: Octauia is
A blessed Lottery to him
Agrip. Let vs go. Good Enobarbusmake your selfe
my guestwhilst you abide heere
Eno. Humbly Sir I thanke you.
Enter AnthonyCaesarOctauia betweene them.
Anth. The worldand my great officewill
Sometimes deuide me from your bosome
Octa. All which timebefore the Gods my knee shall
bowe my prayers to them for you
Anth. Goodnight Sir. My Octauia
Read not my blemishes in the worlds report:
I haue not kept my squarebut that to come
Shall all be done byth' Rule: good night deere Lady:
Good night Sir
Caesar. Goodnight.
Enter Soothsaier.
Anth. Now sirrah: you do wish your selfe in Egypt?
Sooth. Would I had neuer come from thencenor you
Ant. If you canyour reason?
Sooth. I see it in my motion: haue it not in my tongue
But yet hie you to Egypt againe
Antho. Say to mewhose Fortunes shall rise higher
Caesars or mine?
Sooth. Caesars. Therefore (oh Anthony) stay not by his side
Thy Daemon that thy spirit which keepes theeis
NobleCouragioushigh vnmatchable
Where Caesars is not. But neere himthy Angell
Becomes a feare: as being o're-powr'dtherefore
Make space enough betweene you
Anth. Speake this no more
Sooth. To none but thee no more but: when to thee
If thou dost play with him at any game
Thou art sure to loose: And of that Naturall lucke
He beats thee 'gainst the oddes. Thy Luster thickens
When he shines by: I say againethy spirit
Is all affraid to gouerne thee neere him:
But he alway 'tis Noble
Anth. Get thee gone:
Say to Ventigius I would speake with him.
He shall to Parthiabe it Art or hap
He hath spoken true. The very Dice obey him
And in our sports my better cunning faints
Vnder his chanceif we draw lots he speeds
His Cocks do winne the Battailestill of mine
When it is all to naught: and his Quailes euer
Beate mine (in hoopt) at odd's. I will to Egypte:
And though I make this marriage for my peace
I'th' East my pleasure lies. Oh come Ventigius.
Enter Ventigius.
You must to Parthiayour Commissions ready:
Follow meand reciue't.
Enter LepidusMecenas and Agrippa.
Lepidus. Trouble your selues no further: pray you
hasten your Generals after
Agr. SirMarke Anthonywill e'ne but kisse Octauia
and weele follow
Lepi. Till I shall see you in your Souldiers dresse
Which will become you both: Farewell
Mece. We shall: as I conceiue the iourneybe at
Mount before you Lepidus
Lepi. Your way is shortermy purposes do draw me
much aboutyou'le win two dayes vpon me
Both. Sir good successe
Lepi. Farewell.
Enter CleopaterCharmianIrasand Alexas.
Cleo. Giue me some Musicke: Musickemoody foode
of vs that trade in Loue
Omnes. The Musickehoa.
Enter Mardian the Eunuch.
Cleo. Let it alonelet's to Billiards: come Charmian
Char. My arme is sorebest play with Mardian
Cleopa. As well a woman with an Eunuch plaideas
with a woman. Come you'le play with me Sir?
Mardi. As well as I can Madam
Cleo. And when good will is shewed
Though't come to short
The Actor may pleade pardon. Ile none now
Giue me mine Angleweele to'th' Riuer there
My Musicke playing farre off. I will betray
Tawny fine fishesmy bended hooke shall pierce
Their slimy iawes: and as I draw them vp
Ile thinke them euery one an Anthony
And sayah ha; y'are caught
Char. 'Twas merry when you wager'd on your Angling
when your diuer did hang a salt fish on his hooke
which he with feruencie drew vp
Cleo. That time? Oh times:
I laught him out of patience: and that night
I laught him into patienceand next morne
Ere the ninth houreI drunke him to his bed:
Then put my Tires and Mantles on himwhilst
I wore his Sword Phillippan. Oh from Italie
Enter a Messenger.
Ramme thou thy fruitefull tidings in mine eares
That long time haue bin barren
Mes. MadamMadam
Cleo. Anthonyo's dead.
If thou say so Villainethou kil'st thy Mistris:
But well and freeif thou so yeild him.
There is Goldand heere
My blewest vaines to kisse: a hand that Kings
Haue liptand trembled kissing
Mes. First Madamhe is well
Cleo. Why there's more Gold.
But sirrah markewe vse
To saythe dead are well: bring it to that
The Gold I giue theewill I melt and powr
Downe thy ill vttering throate
Mes. Good Madam heare me
Cleo. Wellgo too I will:
But there's no goodnesse in thy face if Anthony
Be free and healthfull; so tart a fauour
To trumpet such good tidings. If not well
Thou shouldst come like a Furie crown'd with Snakes
Not like a formall man
Mes. Wilt please you heare me?
Cleo. I haue a mind to strike thee ere thou speak'st:
Yet if thou say Anthony liues'tis well
Or friends with Caesaror not Captiue to him
Ile set thee in a shower of Goldand haile
Rich Pearles vpon thee
Mes. Madamhe's well
Cleo. Well said
Mes. And Friends with Caesar
Cleo. Th'art an honest man
Mes. Caesarand heare greater Friends then euer
Cleo. Make thee a Fortune from me
Mes. But yet Madam
Cleo. I do not like but yetit does alay
The good precedencefie vpon but yet
But yet is as a Iaylor to bring foorth
Some monstrous Malefactor. Prythee Friend
Powre out the packe of matter to mine eare
The good and bad together: he's friends with Caesar
In state of health thou saistand thou saistfree
Mes. Free Madamno: I made no such report
He's bound vnto Octauia
Cleo. For what good turne?
Mes. For the best turne i'th' bed
Cleo. I am pale Charmian
Mes. Madamhe's married to Octauia
Cleo. The most infectious Pestilence vpon thee.
Strikes him downe.
Mes. Good Madam patience
Cleo. What say you?
Strikes him.
Hence horrible Villaineor Ile spurne thine eyes
Like balls before me: Ile vnhaire thy head
She hales him vp and downe.
Thou shalt be whipt with Wyerand stew'd in brine
Smarting in lingring pickle
Mes. Gratious Madam
I that do bring the newesmade not the match
Cleo. Say 'tis not soa Prouince I will giue thee
And make thy Fortunes proud: the blow thou had'st
Shall make thy peacefor mouing me to rage
And I will boot thee with what guift beside
Thy modestie can begge
Mes. He's married Madam
Cleo. Roguethou hast liu'd too long.
Draw a knife.
Mes. Nay then Ile runne:
What meane you MadamI haue made no fault.
Char. Good Madam keepe your selfe within your selfe
The man is innocent
Cleo. Some Innocents scape not the thunderbolt:
Melt Egypt into Nyle: and kindly creatures
Turne all to Serpents. Call the slaue againe
Though I am madI will not byte him: Call?
Char. He is afeard to come
Cleo. I will not hurt him
These hands do lacke Nobilitythat they strike
A meaner then my selfe: since I my selfe
Haue giuen my selfe the cause. Come hither Sir.
Enter the Messenger againe.
Though it be honestit is neuer good
To bring bad newes: giue to a gratious Message
An host of tonguesbut let ill tydings tell
Themselueswhen they be felt
Mes. I haue done my duty
Cleo. Is he married?
I cannot hate thee worser then I do
If thou againe say yes
Mes. He's married Madam
Cleo. The Gods confound thee
Dost thou hold there still?
Mes. Should I lye Madame?
Cleo. OhI would thou didst:
So halfe my Egypt were submerg'd and made
A Cesterne for scal'd Snakes. Go get thee hence
Had'st thou Narcissus in thy face to me
Thou would'st appeere most vgly: He is married?
Mes. I craue your Highnesse pardon
Cleo. He is married?
Mes. Take no offencethat I would not offend you
To punnish me for what you make me do
Seemes much vnequallhe's married to Octauia
Cleo. Oh that his fault should make a knaue of thee
That art not what th'art sure of. Get thee hence
The Marchandize which thou hast brought from Rome
Are all too deere for me:
Lye they vpon thy handand be vndone by em
Char. Good your Highnesse patience
Cleo. In praysing AnthonyI haue disprais'd Caesar
Char. Many times Madam
Cleo. I am paid for't now: lead me from hence
I faintoh IrasCharmian: 'tis no matter.
Go to the Fellowgood Alexas bid him
Report the feature of Octauia: her yeares
Her inclinationlet him not leaue out
The colour of her haire. Bring me word quickly
Let him for euer golet him not Charmian
Though he be painted one way like a Gorgon
The other wayes a Mars. Bid you Alexas
Bring me wordhow tall she is: pitty me Charmian
But do not speake to me. Lead me to my Chamber.
Flourish. Enter Pompeyat one doore with Drum and Trumpet: at
with Souldiers
Pom. Your Hostages I haueso haue you mine:
And we shall talke before we fight
Caesar. Most meete that first we come to words
And therefore haue we
Our written purposes before vs sent
Which if thou hast consideredlet vs know
If 'twill tye vp thy discontented Sword
And carry backe to Cicelie much tall youth
That else must perish heere
Pom. To you all three
The Senators alone of this great world
Chiefe Factors for the Gods. I do not know
Wherefore my Father should reuengers want
Hauing a Sonne and Friendssince Iulius Caesar
Who at Phillippi the good Brutus ghosted
There saw you labouring for him. What was't
That mou'd pale Cassius to conspire? And what
Made all-honor'dhonestRomaine Brutus
With the arm'd restCourtiers of beautious freedome
To drench the Capitollbut that they would
Haue one man but a manand that his it
Hath made me rigge my Nauie. At whose burthen
The anger'd Ocean fomeswith which I meant
To scourge th' ingratitudethat despightfull Rome
Cast on my Noble Father
Caesar. Take your time
Ant. Thou can'st not feare vs Pompey with thy sailes.
Weele speake with thee at Sea. At land thou know'st
How much we do o're-count thee
Pom. At Land indeed
Thou dost orecount me of my Fathers house:
But since the Cuckoo buildes not for himselfe
Remaine in't as thou maist
Lepi. Be pleas'd to tell vs
(For this is from the present how you take)
The offers we haue sent you
Caesar. There's the point
Ant. Which do not be entreated too
But waigh what it is worth imbrac'd
Caesar. And what may follow to try a larger Fortune
Pom. You haue made me offer
Of CicelieSardinia: and I must
Rid all the Sea of Pirats. Thento send
Measures of Wheate to Rome: this greed vpon
To part with vnhackt edgesand beare backe
Our Targes vndinted
Omnes. That's our offer
Pom. Know then I came before you heere
A man prepar'd
To take this offer. But Marke Anthony
Put me to some impatience: though I loose
The praise of it by telling. You must know
When Caesar and your Brother were at blowes
Your Mother came to Cicelieand did finde
Her welcome Friendly
Ant. I haue heard it Pompey
And am well studied for a liberall thanks
Which I do owe you
Pom. Let me haue your hand:
I did not thinke Sirto haue met you heere
Ant. The beds i'th' East are softand thanks to you
That cal'd me timelier then my purpose hither:
For I haue gained by't
Caesar. Since I saw you lastther's a change vpon you
Pom. WellI know not
What counts harsh Fortune cast's vpon my face
But in my bosome shall she neuer come
To make my heart her vassaile
Lep. Well met heere
Pom. I hope so Lepidusthus we are agreed:
I craue our composion may be written
And seal'd betweene vs
Caesar. That's the next to do
Pom. Weele feast each otherere we partand lett's
Draw lots who shall begin
Ant. That will I Pompey
Pompey. No Anthony take the lot: but first or last
your fine Egyptian cookerie shall haue the fameI haue
heard that Iulius Caesargrew fat with feasting there
Anth. You haue heard much
Pom. I haue faire meaning Sir
Ant. And faire words to them
Pom. Then so much haue I heard
And I haue heard Appolodorus carriedEno.
No more that: he did so
Pom. What I pray you?
Eno. A certaine Queene to Caesar in a Matris
Pom. I know thee nowhow far'st thou Souldier?
Eno. Welland well am like to dofor I perceiue
Foure Feasts are toward
Pom. Let me shake thy hand
I neuer hated thee: I haue seene thee fight
When I haue enuied thy behauiour
Enob. SirI neuer lou'd you muchbut I ha' prais'd ye
When you haue well deseru'd ten times as much
As I haue said you did
Pom. Inioy thy plainnesse
It nothing ill becomes thee:
Aboord my GallyI inuite you all.
Will you leade Lords?
All. Shew's the waysir
Pom. Come.
Exeunt. Manet Enob. & Menas]
Men. Thy Father Pompey would ne're haue made this
Treaty. Youand I haue knowne sir
Enob. At SeaI thinke
Men. We haue Sir
Enob. You haue done well by water
Men. And you by Land
Enob. I will praise any man that will praise methogh
it cannot be denied what I haue done by Land
Men. Nor what I haue done by water
Enob. Yes some-thing you can deny for your owne
safety: you haue bin a great Theefe by Sea
Men. And you by Land
Enob. There I deny my Land seruice: but giue mee
your hand Menasif our eyes had authorityheere they
might take two Theeues kissing
Men. All mens faces are truewhatsomere their hands
Enob. But there is neuer a fayre Womanha's a true
Men. No slanderthey steale hearts
Enob. We came hither to fight with you
Men. For my partI am sorry it is turn'd to a Drinking.
Pompey doth this day laugh away his Fortune
Enob. If he dosure he cannot weep't backe againe
Men. Y'haue said Sirwe look'd not for Marke Anthony
heerepray youis he married to Cleopatra?
Enob. Caesars Sister is call'd Octauia
Men. True Sirshe was the wife of Caius Marcellus
Enob. But she is now the wife of Marcus Anthonius
Men. Pray'ye sir
Enob. 'Tis true
Men. Then is Caesar and hefor euer knit together
Enob. If I were bound to Diuine of this vnityI wold
not Prophesie so
Men. I thinke the policy of that purposemade more
in the Marriagethen the loue of the parties
Enob. I thinke so too. But you shall finde the band
that seemes to tye their friendship togetherwill bee the
very strangler of their Amity: Octauia is of a holycold
and still conuersation
Men. Who would not haue his wife so?
Eno. Not he that himselfe is not so: which is Marke
Anthony: he will to his Egyptian dish againe: then shall
the sighes of Octauia blow the fire vp in Caesarand (as I
said before) that which is the strength of their Amity
shall proue the immediate Author of their variance. Anthony
will vse his affection where it is. Hee married but
his occasion heere
Men. And thus it may be. Come Sirwill you aboord?
I haue a health for you
Enob. I shall take it sir: we haue vs'd our Throats in
Men. Comelet's away.
Musicke playes. Enter two or three Seruants with a Banket.
1 Heere they'l be man: some o' their Plants are ill
rooted alreadythe least winde i'th' world wil blow them
2 Lepidus is high Coulord
1 They haue made him drinke Almes drinke
2 As they pinch one another by the dispositionhee
cries outno more; reconciles them to his entreatieand
himselfe to'th' drinke
1 But it raises the greater warre betweene him & his
2 Why this it is to haue a name in great mens Fellowship:
I had as liue haue a Reede that will doe me no
seruiceas a Partizan I could not heaue
1 To be call'd into a huge Sphereand not to be seene
to moue in'tare the holes where eyes should beewhich
pittifully disaster the cheekes.
A Sennet sounded. Enter CaesarAnthonyPompeyLepidus
MecenasEnobarbusMeneswith other Captaines.
Ant. Thus do they Sir: they take the flow o'th' Nyle
By certaine scales i'th' Pyramid: they know
By'th' heightthe lownesseor the meane: If dearth
Or Foizon follow. The higher Nilus swels
The more it promises: as it ebbesthe Seedsman
Vpon the slime and Ooze scatters his graine
And shortly comes to Haruest
Lep. Y'haue strange Serpents there?
Anth. I Lepidus
Lep. Your Serpent of Egyptis bred now of your mud
by the operation of your Sun: so is your Crocodile
Ant. They are so
Pom. Sitand some Wine: A health to Lepidus
Lep. I am not so well as I should be:
But Ile ne're out
Enob. Not till you haue slept: I feare me you'l bee in
till then
Lep. Nay certainlyI haue heard the Ptolomies Pyramisis
are very goodly things: without contradiction I
haue heard that
Menas. Pompeya word
Pomp. Say in mine earewhat is't
Men. Forsake thy seate I do beseech thee Captaine
And heare me speake a word
Pom. Forbeare me till anon.
Whispers in's Eare.
This Wine for Lepidus
Lep. What manner o' thing is your Crocodile?
Ant. It is shap'd sir like it selfeand it is as broad as it
hath bredth; It is iust so high as it isand mooues with it
owne organs. It liues by that which nourisheth itand
the Elements once out of itit Transmigrates
Lep. What colour is it of?
Ant. Of it owne colour too
Lep. 'Tis a strange Serpent
Ant. 'Tis soand the teares of it are wet
Caes Will this description satisfie him?
Ant. With the Health that Pompey giues himelse he
is a very Epicure
Pomp. Go hang sirhang: tell me of that? Away:
Do as I bid you. Where's this Cup I call'd for?
Men. If for the sake of Merit thou wilt heare mee
Rise from thy stoole
Pom. I thinke th'art mad: the matter?
Men. I haue euer held my cap off to thy Fortunes
Pom. Thou hast seru'd me with much faith: what's
else to say? Be iolly Lords
Anth. These Quicke-sands Lepidus
Keepe offthem for you sinke
Men. Wilt thou be Lord of all the world?
Pom. What saist thou?
Men. Wilt thou be Lord of the whole world?
That's twice
Pom. How should that be?
Men. But entertaine itand though thou thinke me
pooreI am the man will giue thee all the world
Pom. Hast thou drunke well
Men. No PompeyI haue kept me from the cup
Thou art if thou dar'st bethe earthly Ioue:
What ere the Ocean palesor skie inclippes
Is thineif thou wilt ha't
Pom. Shew me which way?
Men. These three World-sharersthese Competitors
Are in thy vessell. Let me cut the Cable
And when we are put offfall to their throates:
All there is thine
Pom. Ahthis thou shouldst haue done
And not haue spoke on't. In me 'tis villanie
In thee't had bin good seruice: thou must know
'Tis not my profit that does lead mine Honour:
Mine Honour itRepent that ere thy tongue
Hath so betraide thine acte. Being done vnknowne
I should haue found it afterwards well done
But must condemne it now: desistand drinke
Men. For thisIle neuer follow
Thy paul'd Fortunes more
Who seekes and will not takewhen once 'tis offer'd
Shall neuer finde it more
Pom. This health to Lepidus
Ant. Beare him ashore
Ile pledge it for him Pompey
Eno. Heere's to thee Menas
Men. Enobarbuswelcome
Pom. Fill till the cup be hid
Eno. There's a strong Fellow Menas
Men. Why?
Eno. A beares the third part of the world man: seest
Men. The third partthen he is drunk: would it were
allthat it might go on wheeles
Eno. Drinke thou: encrease the Reeles
Men. Come
Pom. This is not yet an Alexandrian Feast
Ant. It ripen'stowards it: strike the Vessells hoa.
Heere's to Caesar
Caesar. I could well forbear'tit's monstrous labour
when I wash my braineand it grow fouler
Ant. Be a Child o'th' time
Caesar. Possesse itIle make answer: but I had rather
fast from allfoure dayesthen drinke so much in one
Enob. Ha my braue Emperourshall we daunce now
the Egyptian Backenalsand celebrate our drinke?
Pom. Let's ha't good Souldier
Ant. Comelet's all take hands
Till that the conquering Wine hath steep't our sense
In soft and delicate Lethe
Eno. All take hands:
Make battery to our eares with the loud Musicke
The whileIle place youthen the Boy shall sing.
The holding euery man shall beate as loud
As his strong sides can volly.
Musicke Playes. Enobarbus places them hand in hand.
The Song.
Come thou Monarch of the Vine
Plumpie Bacchuswith pinke eyne:
In thy Fattes our Cares be drown'd
With thy Grapes our haires be Crown'd.
Cup vs till the world go round
Cup vs till the world go round
Caesar. What would you more?
Pompey goodnight. Good Brother
Let me request you of our grauer businesse
Frownes at this leuitie. Gentle Lords let's part
You see we haue burnt our cheekes. Strong Enobarbe
Is weaker then the Wineand mine owne tongue
Spleet's what it speakes: the wilde disguise hath almost
Antickt vs all. What needs more words? goodnight.
Good Anthony your hand
Pom. Ile try you on the shore
Anth. And shall Sirgiues your hand
Pom. Oh Anthonyyou haue my Father house.
But whatwe are Friends?
Come downe into the Boate
Eno. Take heed you fall not Menas: Ile not on shore
No to my Cabin: these Drummes
These TrumpetsFlutes: what
Let Neptune hearewe bid aloud farewell
To these great Fellowes. Sound and be hang'dsound out.
Sound a Flourish with Drummes.
Enor. Hoo saies a there's my Cap
Men. HoaNoble Captainecome.
Enter Ventidius as it were in triumphthe dead body of Pacorus
before him.
Ven. Now darting Parthya art thou strokeand now
Pleas'd Fortune does of Marcus Crassus death
Make me reuenger. Beare the Kings Sonnes body
Before our Armythy Pacorus Orades
Paies this for Marcus Crassus
Romaine. Noble Ventidius
Whil'st yet with Parthian blood thy Sword is warme
The Fugitiue Parthians follow. Spurre through Media
Mesapotamiaand the shelterswhether
The routed flie. So thy grand Captaine Anthony
Shall set thee on triumphant Chariotsand
Put Garlands on thy head
Ven. Oh SilliusSillius
I haue done enough. A lower place note well
May make too great an act. For learne this Sillius
Better to leaue vndonethen by our deed
Acquire too high a Famewhen him we serues away.
Caesar and Anthonyhaue euer wonne
More in their officerthen person. Sossius
One of my place in Syriahis Lieutenant
For quicke accumulation of renowne
Which he atchiu'd by'th' minutelost his fauour.
Who does i'th' Warres more then his Captaine can
Becomes his Captaines Captaine: and Ambition
(The Souldiers vertue) rather makes choise of losse
Then gainewhich darkens him.
I could do more to do Anthonius good
But 'twould offend him. And in his offence
Should my performance perish
Rom. Thou hast Ventidius thatwithout the which a
Souldier and his Sword graunts scarce distinction: thou
wilt write to Anthony
Ven. Ile humbly signifie what in his name
That magicall word of Warre we haue effected
How with his Bannersand his well paid ranks
The nere-yet beaten Horse of Parthia
We haue iaded out o'th' Field
Rom. Where is he now?
Ven. He purposeth to Athenswhither with what hast
The waight we must conuay with'swill permit:
We shall appeare before him. On therepasse along.
Enter Agrippa at one dooreEnobarbus at another.
Agri. What are the Brothers parted?
Eno. They haue dispatcht with Pompeyhe is gone
The other three are Sealing. Octauia weepes
To part from Rome: Caesar is sadand Lepidus
Since Pompey's feastas Menas saiesis troubled
With the Greene-Sicknesse
Agri. 'Tis a Noble Lepidus
Eno. A very fine one: ohhow he loues Caesar
Agri. Nay but how deerely he adores Mark Anthony
Eno. Caesar? why he's the Iupiter of men
Ant. What's Anthonythe God of Iupiter?
Eno. Spake you of Caesar? Howthe non-pareill?
Agri. Oh Anthonyoh thou Arabian Bird!
Eno. Would you praise Caesarsay Caesar go no further
Agr. Indeed he plied them both with excellent praises
Eno. But he loues Caesar bestyet he loues Anthony:
Thinke speakecastwritesingnumber: hoo
His loue to Anthony. But as for Caesar
Kneele downekneele downeand wonder
Agri. Both he loues
Eno. They are his Shardsand he their Beetleso:
This is to horse: AdieuNoble Agrippa
Agri. Good Fortune worthy Souldierand farewell.
Enter CaesarAnthonyLepidusand Octauia.
Antho. No further Sir
Caesar. You take from me a great part of my selfe:
Vse me well in't. Sisterproue such a wife
As my thoughts make theeand as my farthest Band
Shall passe on thy approofe: most Noble Anthony
Let not the peece of Vertue which is set
Betwixt vsas the Cyment of our loue
To keepe it buildedbe the Ramme to batter
The Fortresse of it: for better might we
Haue lou'd without this meaneif on both parts
This be not cherisht
Ant. Make me not offendedin your distrust
Caesar. I haue said
Ant. You shall not finde
Though you be therein curiousthe lest cause
For what you seeme to feareso the Gods keepe you
And make the hearts of Romaines serue your ends:
We will heere part
Caesar. Farewell my deerest Sisterfare thee well
The Elements be kind to theeand make
Thy spirits all of comfort: fare thee well
Octa. My Noble Brother
Anth. The Aprill's in her eyesit is Loues spring
And these the showers to bring it on: be cheerfull
Octa. Sirlooke well to my Husbands house: and-
Caesar. What Octauia?
Octa. Ile tell you in your eare
Ant. Her tongue will not obey her heartnor can
Her heart informe her tongue.
The Swannes downe feather
That stands vpon the Swell at the full of Tide:
And neither way inclines
Eno. Will Caesar weepe?
Agr. He ha's a cloud in's face
Eno. He were the worse for that were he a Horseso is
he being a man
Agri. Why Enobarbus:
When Anthony found Iulius Caesar dead
He cried almost to roaring: And he wept
When at Phillippi he found Brutus slaine
Eno. That year indeedhe was trobled with a rheume
What willingly he did confoundhe wail'd
Beleeu't till I weepe too
Caesar. No sweet Octauia
You shall heare from me still: the time shall not
Out-go my thinking on you
Ant. Come Sircome
Ile wrastle with you in my strength of loue
Looke heere I haue youthus I let you go
And giue you to the Gods
Caesar. Adieube happy
Lep. Let all the number of the Starres giue light
To thy faire way
Caesar. Farewellfarewell.
Kisses Octauia.
Ant. Farewell.
Trumpets sound. Exeunt.
Enter CleopatraCharmianIrasand Alexas.
Cleo. Where is the Fellow?
Alex. Halfe afeard to come
Cleo. Go toogo too: Come hither Sir.
Enter the Messenger as before.
Alex. Good Maiestie: Herod of Iury dare not looke
vpon youbut when you are well pleas'd
Cleo. That Herods headIle haue: but how? When
Anthony is gonethrough whom I might commaund it:
Come thou neere
Mes. Most gratious Maiestie
Cleo. Did'st thou behold Octauia?
Mes. I dread Queene
Cleo. Where?
Mes. Madam in RomeI lookt her in the face: and
saw her led betweene her Brotherand Marke Anthony
Cleo. Is she as tall as me?
Mes. She is not Madam
Cleo. Didst heare her speake?
Is she shrill tongu'd or low?
Mes. MadamI heard her speakeshe is low voic'd
Cleo. That's not so good: he cannot like her long
Char. Like her? Oh Isis: 'tis impossible
Cleo. I thinke so Charmian: dull of tongue& dwarfish
What Maiestie is in her gateremember
If ere thou look'st on Maiestie
Mes. She creepes: her motion& her station are as one.
She shewes a bodyrather then a life
A Statuethen a Breather
Cleo. Is this certaine?
Mes. Or I haue no obseruance
Cha. Three in Egypt cannot make better note
Cleo. He's very knowingI do perceiu't
There's nothing in her yet.
The Fellow ha's good iudgement
Char. Excellent
Cleo. Guesse at her yearesI prythee
Mess. Madamshe was a widdow
Cleo. Widdow? Charmianhearke
Mes. And I do thinke she's thirtie
Cle. Bear'st thou her face in mind? is't long or round?
Mess. Roundeuen to faultinesse
Cleo. For the most part toothey are foolish that are
so. Her haire what colour?
Mess. Browne Madam: and her forehead
As low as she would wish it
Cleo. There's Gold for thee
Thou must not take my former sharpenesse ill
I will employ thee backe againe: I finde thee
Most fit for businesse. Gomake thee ready
Our Letters are prepar'd
Char. A proper man
Cleo. Indeed he is so: I repent me much
That so I harried him. Why me think's by him
This Creature's no such thing
Char. Nothing Madam
Cleo. The man hath seene some Maiestyand should
Char. Hath he seene Maiestie? Isis else defend: and
seruing you so long
Cleopa. I haue one thing more to aske him yet good
Charmian: but 'tis no matterthou shalt bring him to me
where I will write; all may be well enough
Char. I warrant you Madam.
Enter Anthony and Octauia.
Ant. Naynay Octauianot onely that
That were excusablethat and thousands more
Of semblable importbut he hath wag'd
New Warres 'gainst Pompey. Made his willand read it
To publicke earespoke scantly of me
When perforce he could not
But pay me tearmes of Honour: cold and sickly
He vented then most narrow measure: lent me
When the best hint was giuen him: he not took't
Or did it from his teeth
Octaui. Oh my good Lord
Beleeue not allor if you must beleeue
Stomacke not all. A more vnhappie Lady
If this deuision chancene're stood betweene
Praying for both parts:
The good Gods wil mocke me presently
When I shall pray: Oh blesse my Lordand Husband
Vndo that prayerby crying out as loud
Oh blesse my Brother. Husband winnewinne Brother
Prayesand distroyes the prayerno midway
'Twixt these extreames at all
Ant. Gentle Octauia
Let your best loue draw to that point which seeks
Best to preserue it: if I loose mine Honour
I loose my selfe: better I were not yours
Then your so branchlesse. But as you requested
Your selfe shall go between'sthe meane time Lady
Ile raise the preparation of a Warre
Shall staine your Brothermake your soonest hast
So your desires are yours
Oct. Thanks to my Lord
The Ioue of power make me most weakemost weake
Your reconciler: Warres 'twixt you twaine would be
As if the world should cleaueand that slaine men
Should soalder vp the Rift
Anth. When it appeeres to you where this begins
Turne your displeasure that wayfor our faults
Can neuer be so equallthat your loue
Can equally moue with them. Prouide your going
Choose your owne companyand command what cost
Your heart he's mind too.
Enter Enobarbusand Eros.
Eno. How now Friend Eros?
Eros. Ther's strange Newes come Sir
Eno. What man?
Ero. Caesar & Lepidus haue made warres vpon Pompey
Eno. This is oldwhat is the successe?
Eros. Caesar hauing made vse of him in the warres
'gainst Pompey: presently denied him riualitywould not
let him partake in the glory of the actionand not resting
hereaccuses him of Letters he had formerly wrote to
Pompey. Vpon his owne appeale seizes himso the poore
third is vptill death enlarge his Confine
Eno. Then would thou hadst a paire of chaps no more
and throw betweene them all the food thou hastthey'le
grinde the other. Where's Anthony?
Eros. He's walking in the garden thusand spurnes
The rush that lies before him. Cries Foole Lepidus
And threats the throate of that his Officer
That murdred Pompey
Eno. Our great Nauies rig'd
Eros. For Italy and Caesarmore Domitius
My Lord desires you presently: my Newes
I might haue told heareafter
Eno. 'Twillbe naughtbut let it be: bring me to Anthony
Eros. Come Sir
Enter AgrippaMecenasand Caesar.
Caes Contemning Rome he ha's done all this& more
In Alexandria: heere's the manner of't:
I'th' Market-place on a Tribunall siluer'd
Cleopatra and himselfe in Chaires of Gold
Were publikely enthron'd: at the feetsat
Caesarion whom they call my Fathers Sonne
And all the vnlawfull issuethat their Lust
Since then hath made betweene them. Vnto her
He gaue the stablishment of Egyptmade her
Of lower SyriaCyprusLydiaabsolute Queene
Mece. This in the publike eye?
Caesar. I'th' common shew placewhere they exercise
His Sonnes hither proclaimed the King of Kings
Great MediaParthiaand Armenia
He gaue to Alexander. To Ptolomy he assign'd
SyriaSiliciaand Phoenetia: she
In th' abiliments of the Goddesse Isis
That day appeer'dand oft before gaue audience
As 'tis reported so
Mece. Let Rome be thus inform'd
Agri. Who queazie with his insolence already
Will their good thoughts call from him
Caesar. The people knowes it
And haue now receiu'd his accusations
Agri. Who does he accuse?
Caesar. Caesarand that hauing in Cicilie
Sextus Pompeius spoil'dwe had not rated him
His part o'th' Isle. Then does he sayhe lent me
Some shipping vnrestor'd. Lastlyhe frets
That Lepidus of the Triumpherateshould be depos'd
And being thatwe detaine all his Reuenue
Agri. Sirthis should be answer'd
Caesar. 'Tis done alreadyand the Messenger gone:
I haue told him Lepidus was growne too cruell
That he his high Authority abus'd
And did deserue his change: for what I haue conquer'd
I grant him part: but then in his Armenia
And other of his conquer'd KingdomsI demand the like
Mec. Hee'l neuer yeeld to that
Caes Nor must not then be yeelded to in this.
Enter Octauia with her Traine.
Octa. Haile Caesarand my L[ord]. haile most deere Caesar
Caesar. That euer I should call thee Cast-away
Octa. You haue not call'd me sonor haue you cause
Caes Why haue you stoln vpon vs thus? you come not
Like Caesars SisterThe wife of Anthony
Should haue an Army for an Vsherand
The neighes of Horse to tell of her approach
Long ere she did appeare. The trees by'th' way
Should haue borne menand expectation fainted
Longing for what it had not. Naythe dust
Should haue ascended to the Roofe of Heauen
Rais'd by your populous Troopes: But you are come
A Market-maid to Romeand haue preuented
The ostentation of our loue; which left vnshewne
Is often left vnlou'd: we should haue met you
By Seaand Landsupplying euery Stage
With an augmented greeting
Octa. Good my Lord
To come thus was I not constrain'dbut did it
On my free-will. My Lord Marke Anthony
Hearing that you prepar'd for Warreacquainted
My greeued eare withall: whereon I begg'd
His pardon for returne
Caes Which soone he granted
Being an abstract 'tweene his Lustand him
Octa. Do not say somy Lord
Caes I haue eyes vpon him
And his affaires come to me on the wind: wher is he now?
Octa. My Lordin Athens
Caesar. No my most wronged SisterCleopatra
Hath nodded him to her. He hath giuen his Empire
Vp to a Whorewho now are leuying
The Kings o'th' earth for Warre. He hath assembled
Bochus the King of LybiaArchilaus
Of CappadociaPhiladelphos King
Of Paphlagonia: the Thracian King Adullas
King Manchus of ArabiaKing of Pont
Herod of IewryMithridates King
Of ComageatPolemen and Amintas
The Kings of Medeand Licoania
With a more larger List of Scepters
Octa. Aye me most wretched
That haue my heart parted betwixt two Friends
That does afflict each other
Caes Welcom hither: your Letters did with-holde our breaking
Till we perceiu'd both how you were wrong led
And we in negligent danger: cheere your heart
Be you not troubled with the timewhich driues
O're your contentthese strong necessities
But let determin'd things to destinie
Hold vnbewayl'd their way. Welcome to Rome
Nothing more deere to me: You are abus'd
Beyond the marke of thought: and the high Gods
To do you Iusticemakes his Ministers
Of vsand those that loue you. Best of comfort
And euer welcom to vs
Agrip. Welcome Lady
Mec. Welcome deere Madam
Each heart in Rome does loue and pitty you
Onely th' adulterous Anthonymost large
In his abhominationsturnes you off
And giues his potent Regiment to a Trull
That noyses it against vs
Octa. Is it so sir?
Caes Most certaine: Sister welcome: pray you
Be euer knowne to patience. My deer'st Sister.
Enter Cleopatraand Enobarbus.
Cleo. I will be euen with theedoubt it not
Eno. But whywhywhy?
Cleo. Thou hast forespoke my being in these warres
And say'st it is not fit
Eno. Well: is itis it
Cleo. If notdenounc'd against vswhy should not
we be there in person
Enob. WellI could reply: if wee should serue with
Horse and Mares togetherthe Horse were meerly lost:
the Mares would beare a Soldiour and his Horse
Cleo. What is't you say?
Enob. Your presence needs must puzle Anthony
Take from his hearttake from his Brainefrom's time
What should not then be spar'd. He is already
Traduc'd for Leuityand 'tis said in Rome
That Photinus an Eunuchand your Maides
Mannage this warre
Cleo. Sinke Romeand their tongues rot
That speake against vs. A Charge we beare i'th' Warre
And as the president of my Kingdome will
Appeare there for a man. Speake not against it
I will not stay behinde.
Enter Anthony and Camidias.
Eno. Nay I haue donehere comes the Emperor
Ant. Is it not strange Camidius
That from Tarientumand Brandusium
He could so quickly cut the Ionian Sea
And take in Troine. You haue heard on't (Sweet?)
Cleo. Celerity is neuer more admir'd
Then by the negligent
Ant. A good rebuke
Which might haue well becom'd the best of men
To taunt at slacknesse. Camidiuswee
Will fight with him by Sea
Cleo. By Seawhat else?
Cam. Why will my Lorddo so?
Ant. For that he dares vs too't
Enob. So hath my Lorddar'd him to single fight
Cam. Iand to wage this Battell at Pharsalia
Where Caesar fought with Pompey. But these offers
Which serue not for his vantagehe shakes off
And so should you
Enob. Your Shippes are not well mann'd
Your Marriners are MilitersReaperspeople
Ingrost by swift Impresse. In Caesars Fleete
Are thosethat often haue 'gainst Pompey fought
Their shippes are yareyours heauy: no disgrace
Shall fall you for refusing him at Sea
Being prepar'd for Land
Ant. By Seaby Sea
Eno. Most worthy Siryou therein throw away
The absolute Soldiership you haue by Land
Distract your Armiewhich doth most consist
Of Warre-markt-footmenleaue vnexecuted
Your owne renowned knowledgequite forgoe
The way which promises assuranceand
Giue vp your selfe meerly to chance and hazard
From firme Securitie
Ant. Ile fight at Sea
Cleo. I haue sixty SailesCaesar none better
Ant. Our ouer-plus of shipping will we burne
And with the rest full mann'dfrom th' head of Action
Beate th' approaching Caesar. But if we faile
We then can doo't at Land.
Enter a Messenger.
Thy Businesse?
Mes. The Newes is truemy Lordhe is descried
Caesar ha's taken Toryne
Ant. Can he be there in person? 'Tis impossible
Strangethat his power should be. Camidius
Our nineteene Legions thou shalt hold by Land
And our twelue thousand Horse. Wee'l to our Ship
Away my Thetis.
Enter a Soldiour.
How now worthy Souldier?
Soul. Oh Noble Emperordo not fight by Sea
Trust not to rotten plankes: Do you misdoubt
This Swordand these my Wounds; let th' Egyptians
And the Phoenicians go a ducking: wee
Haue vs'd to conquer standing on the earth
And fighting foot to foot
Ant. Wellwellaway.
exit Ant. Cleo. & Enob
Soul. By Hercules I thinke I am i'th' right
Cam. Souldier thou art: but his whole action growes
Not in the power on't: so our Leaders leade
And we are Womens mens
Soul. You keepe by Land the Legions and the Horse
wholedo you not?
Ven. Marcus OctauiusMarcus Iusteus
Publicolaand Celiusare for Sea:
But we keepe whole by Land. This speede of Caesars
Carries beyond beleefe
Soul. While he was yet in Rome
His power went out in such distractions
As beguilde all Spies
Cam. Who's his Lieutenantheare you?
Soul. They sayone Towrus
Cam. WellI know the man.
Enter a Messenger.
Mes. The Emperor cals Camidius
Cam. With Newes the times with Labour
And throwes forth each minutesome.
Enter Caesar with his Armymarching.
Caes Towrus?
Tow. My Lord
Caes Strike not by Land
Keepe wholeprouoke not Battaile
Till we haue done at Sea. Do not exceede
The Prescript of this Scroule: Our fortune lyes
Vpon this iumpe.
Enter Anthonyand Enobarbus.
Ant. Set we our Squadrons on yond side o'th' Hill
In eye of Caesars battailefrom which place
We may the number of the Ships behold
And so proceed accordingly.
Camidius Marcheth with his Land Army one way ouer the stage
and Towrus
the Lieutenant of Caesar the other way: After their going inis
heard the
noise of a Sea fight. Alarum. Enter Enobarbus and Scarus.
Eno. Naughtnaughtal naughtI can behold no longer:
Thantoniadthe Egyptian Admirall
With all their sixty flyeand turne the Rudder:
To see'tmine eyes are blasted.
Enter Scarrus.
Scar. Gods& Goddessesall the whol synod of them!
Eno. What's thy passion
Scar. The greater Cantle of the worldis lost
With very ignorancewe haue kist away
Kingdomesand Prouinces
Eno. How appeares the Fight?
Scar. On our sidelike the Token'd Pestilence
Where death is sure. Yon ribaudred Nagge of Egypt
(Whom Leprosie o're-take) i'th' midst o'th' fight
When vantage like a payre of Twinnes appear'd
Both as the sameor rather ours the elder;
(The Breeze vpon her) like a Cow in Iune
Hoists Sailesand flyes
Eno. That I beheld:
Mine eyes did sicken at the sightand could not
Indure a further view
Scar. She once being looft
The Noble ruine of her MagickeAnthony
Claps on his Sea-wingand (like a doting Mallard)
Leauing the Fight in heighthflyes after her:
I neuer saw an Action of such shame;
ExperienceMan-hoodHonorne're before
Did violate so it selfe
Enob. Alackealacke.
Enter Camidius
Cam. Our Fortune on the Sea is out of breath
And sinkes most lamentably. Had our Generall
Bin what he knew himselfeit had gone well:
Oh his ha's giuen example for our flight
Most grossely by his owne
Enob. Iare you thereabouts? Why then goodnight
Cam. Toward Peloponnesus are they fled
Scar. 'Tis easie toot
And there I will attend what further comes
Camid. To Caesar will I render
My Legions and my Horsesixe Kings alreadie
Shew me the way of yeelding
Eno. Ile yet follow
The wounded chance of Anthonythough my reason
Sits in the winde against me.
Enter Anthony with Attendants.
Ant. Hearkethe Land bids me tread no more vpon't
It is asham'd to beare me. Friendscome hither
I am so lated in the worldthat I
Haue lost my way for euer. I haue a shippe
Laden with Goldtake thatdiuide it: flye
And make your peace with Caesar
Omnes. Fly? Not wee
Ant. I haue fled my selfeand haue instructed cowards
To runneand shew their shoulders. Friends be gone
I haue my selfe resolu'd vpon a course
Which has no neede of you. Be gone
My Treasure's in the Harbour. Take it: Oh
I follow'd that I blush to looke vpon
My very haires do mutiny: for the white
Reproue the browne for rashnesseand they them
For feareand doting. Friends be goneyou shall
Haue Letters from me to some Friendsthat will
Sweepe your way for you. Pray you looke not sad
Nor make replyes of loathnessetake the hint
Which my dispaire proclaimes. Let them be left
Which leaues it selfeto the Sea-side straight way;
I will possesse you of that ship and Treasure.
Leaue meI pray a little: pray you now
Nay do so: for indeede I haue lost command
Therefore I pray youIle see you by and by.
Sits downe
Enter Cleopatra led by Charmian and Eros.
Eros. Nay gentle Madamto himcomfort him
Iras. Do most deere Queene
Char. Dowhywhat else?
Cleo. Let me sit downe: Oh Iuno
Ant. Nonononono
Eros. See you heereSir?
Ant. Oh fiefiefie
Char. Madam
Iras. Madamoh good Empresse
Eros. Sirsir
Ant. Yes my Lordyes; he at Philippi kept
His sword e'ne like a dancerwhile I strooke
The leane and wrinkled Cassiusand 'twas I
That the mad Brutus ended: he alone
Dealt on Lieutenantryand no practise had
In the braue squares of Warre: yet now: no matter
Cleo. Ah stand by
Eros. The Queene my Lordthe Queene
Iras. Go to himMadamspeake to him
Hee's vnqualitied with very shame
Cleo. Well thensustaine me: Oh
Eros. Most Noble Sir arisethe Queene approaches
Her head's declin'dand death will cease herbut
Your comfort makes the rescue
Ant. I haue offended Reputation
A most vnnoble sweruing
Eros. Sirthe Queene
Ant. Oh whether hast thou lead me Egyptsee
How I conuey my shameout of thine eyes
By looking backe what I haue left behinde
Stroy'd in dishonor
Cleo. Oh my Lordmy Lord
Forgiue my fearfull saylesI little thought
You would haue followed
Ant. Egyptthou knew'st too well
My heart was to thy Rudder tyed by'th' strings
And thou should'st towe me after. O're my spirit
The full supremacie thou knew'stand that
Thy beckemight from the bidding of the Gods
Command mee
Cleo. Oh my pardon
Ant. Now I must
To the young man send humble Treatiesdodge
And palter in the shifts of lowneswho
With halfe the bulke o'th' world plaid as I pleas'd
Makingand marring Fortunes. You did know
How much you were my Conquerorand that
My Swordmade weake by my affectionwould
Obey it on all cause
Cleo. Pardonpardon
Ant. Fall not a teare I sayone of them rates
All that is wonne and lost: Giue me a kisse
Euen this repayes me.
We sent our Schoolemasteris a come backe?
Loue I am full of Lead: some Wine
Within thereand our Viands: Fortune knowes
We scorne her mostwhen most she offers blowes.
Enter CaesarAgrippaand Dollabellowith others.
Caes Let him appeare that's come from Anthony.
Know you him
Dolla. Caesar'tis his Schoolemaster
An argument that he is plucktwhen hither
He sends so poore a Pinnion of his Wing
Which had superfluous Kings for Messengers
Not many Moones gone by.
Enter Ambassador from Anthony.
Caesar. Approachand speake
Amb. Such as I amI come from Anthony:
I was of late as petty to his ends
As is the Morne-dew on the Mertle leafe
To his grand Sea
Caes Bee't sodeclare thine office
Amb. Lord of his Fortunes he salutes theeand
Requires to liue in Egyptwhich not granted
He Lessons his Requestsand to thee sues
To let him breath betweene the Heauens and Earth
A priuate man in Athens: this for him.
NextCleopatra does confesse thy Greatnesse
Submits her to thy mightand of thee craues
The Circle of the Ptolomies for her heyres
Now hazarded to thy Grace
Caes For Anthony
I haue no eares to his request. The Queene
Of Audiencenor Desire shall faileso shee
From Egypt driue her all-disgraced Friend
Or take his life there. This if shee performe
She shall not sue vnheard. So to them both
Amb. Fortune pursue thee
Caes Bring him through the Bands:
To try thy Eloquencenow 'tis timedispatch
From Anthony winne Cleopatrapromise
And in our Namewhat she requiresadde more
From thine inuentionoffers. Women are not
In their best Fortunes strong; but want will periure
The ne're touch'd Vestall. Try thy cunning Thidias
Make thine owne Edict for thy paineswhich we
Will answer as a Law
Thid. Caesar. I go
Caesar. Obserue how Anthony becomes his flaw
And what thou think'st his very action speakes
In euery power that mooues
Thid. CaesarI shall.
Enter CleopatraEnobarbusCharmian& Iras.
Cleo. What shall we doEnobarbus?
Eno. Thinkeand dye
Cleo. Is Anthonyor we in fault for this?
Eno. Anthony onelythat would make his will
Lord of his Reason. What though you fled
From that great face of Warrewhose seuerall ranges
Frighted each other? Why should he follow?
The itch of his Affection should not then
Haue nickt his Captain-shipat such a point
When halfe to halfe the world oppos'dhe being
The meered question? 'Twas a shame no lesse
Then was his losseto course your flying Flagges
And leaue his Nauy gazing
Cleo. Prythee peace.
Enter the Ambassadorwith Anthony.
Ant. Is that his answer?
Amb. I my Lord
Ant. The Queene shall then haue courtesie
So she will yeeld vs vp
Am. He sayes so
Antho. Let her know't. To the Boy Caesar send this
grizled headand he will fill thy wishes to the brimme
With Principalities
Cleo. That head my Lord?
Ant. To him againetell him he weares the Rose
Of youth vpon him: from whichthe world should note
Something particular: His CoineShipsLegions
May be a Cowardswhose Ministers would preuaile
Vnder the seruice of a Childeas soone
As i'th' Command of Caesar. I dare him therefore
To lay his gay Comparisons a-part
And answer me declin'dSword against Sword
Our selues alone: Ile write it: Follow me
Eno. Yes like enough: hye battel'd Caesar will
Vnstate his happinesseand be Stag'd to'th' shew
Against a Sworder. I see mens Iudgements are
A parcell of their Fortunesand things outward
Do draw the inward quality after them
To suffer all alikethat he should dreame
Knowing all measuresthe full Caesar will
Answer his emptinesse; Caesar thou hast subdu'de
His iudgement too.
Enter a Seruant.
Ser. A Messenger from Caesar
Cleo. What no more Ceremony? See my Women
Against the blowne Rose may they stop their nose
That kneel'd vnto the Buds. Admit him sir
Eno. Mine honestyand Ibeginne to square
The Loyalty well held to Foolesdoes make
Our Faith meere folly: yet he that can endure
To follow with Allegeance a falne Lord
Does conquer him that did his Master conquer
And earnes a place i'th' Story.
Enter Thidias.
Cleo. Caesars will
Thid. Heare it apart
Cleo. None but Friends: say boldly
Thid. So haply are they Friends to Anthony
Enob. He needs as many (Sir) as Caesar ha's
Or needs not vs. If Caesar pleaseour Master
Will leape to be his Friend: For vs you know
Whose he iswe areand that is Caesars
Thid. So. Thus then thou most renown'dCaesar intreats
Not to consider in what case thou stand'st
Further then he is Caesars
Cleo. Go onright Royall
Thid. He knowes that you embrace not Anthony
As you did louebut as you feared him
Cleo. Oh
Thid. The scarre's vpon your Honortherefore he
Does pittyas constrained blemishes
Not as deserued
Cleo. He is a God
And knowes what is most right. Mine Honour
Was not yeeldedbut conquer'd meerely
Eno. To be sure of thatI will aske Anthony.
Sirsirthou art so leakie
That we must leaue thee to thy sinkingfor
Thy deerest quit thee.
Exit Enob.
Thid. Shall I say to Caesar
What you require of him: for he partly begges
To be desir'd to giue. It much would please him
That of his Fortunes you should make a staffe
To leane vpon. But it would warme his spirits
To heare from me you had left Anthony
And put your selfe vnder his shrowdthe vniuersal Landlord
Cleo. What's your name?
Thid. My name is Thidias
Cleo. Most kinde Messenger
Say to great Caesar this in disputation
I kisse his conqu'ring hand: Tell himI am prompt
To lay my Crowne at's feeteand there to kneele.
Tell himfrom his all-obeying breathI heare
The doome of Egypt
Thid. 'Tis your Noblest course:
Wisedome and Fortune combatting together
If that the former dare but what it can
No chance may shake it. Giue me grace to lay
My dutie on your hand
Cleo. Your Caesars Father oft
(When he hath mus'd of taking kingdomes in)
Bestow'd his lips on that vnworthy place
As it rain'd kisses.
Enter Anthony and Enobarbus.
Ant. Fauours? By Ioue that thunders. What art thou Fellow?
Thid. One that but performes
The bidding of the fullest manand worthiest
To haue command obey'd
Eno. You will be whipt
Ant. Approch there: ah you Kite. Now Gods & diuels
Authority melts from me of late. When I cried hoa
Like Boyes vnto a musseKings would start forth
And cryyour will. Haue you no eares?
I am Anthony yet. Take hence this Iackand whip him.
Enter a Seruant.
Eno. 'Tis better playing with a Lions whelpe
Then with an old one dying
Ant. Moone and Starres
Whip him: wer't twenty of the greatest Tributaries
That do acknowledge Caesarshould I finde them
So sawcy with the hand of she heerewhat's her name
Since she was Cleopatra? Whip him Fellowes
Till like a Boy you see him crindge his face
And whine aloud for mercy. Take him hence
Thid. Marke Anthony
Ant. Tugge him away: being whipt
Bring him againethe Iacke of Caesars shall
Beare vs an arrant to him.
Exeunt. with Thidius.
You were halfe blasted ere I knew you: Ha?
Haue I my pillow left vnprest in Rome
Forborne the getting of a lawfull Race
And by a Iem of womento be abus'd
By one that lookes on Feeders?
Cleo. Good my Lord
Ant. You haue beene a boggeler euer
But when we in our viciousnesse grow hard
(Oh misery on't) the wise Gods seele our eyes
In our owne filthdrop our cleare iudgementsmake vs
Adore our errorslaugh at's while we strut
To our confusion
Cleo. Ohis't come to this?
Ant. I found you as a Morsellcold vpon
Dead Caesars Trencher: Nayyou were a Fragment
Of Gneius Pompeyesbesides what hotter houres
Vnregistred in vulgar Fameyou haue
Luxuriously pickt out. For I am sure
Though you can guesse what Temperance should be
You know not what it is
Cleo. Wherefore is this?
Ant. To let a Fellow that will take rewards
And sayGod quit yoube familiar with
My play-fellowyour hand; this Kingly Seale
And plighter of high hearts. O that I were
Vpon the hill of Basanto out-roare
The horned Heardfor I haue sauage cause
And to proclaime it ciuillywere like
A halter'd neckewhich do's the Hangman thanke
For being yare about him. Is he whipt?
Enter a Seruant with Thidias.
Ser. Soundlymy Lord
Ant. Cried he? and begg'd a Pardon?
Ser. He did aske fauour
Ant. If that thy Father liuelet him repent
Thou was't not made his daughterand be thou sorrie
To follow Caesar in his Triumphsince
Thou hast bin whipt. For following himhenceforth
The white hand of a Lady Feauer thee
Shake thou to looke on't. Get thee backe to Caesar
Tell him thy entertainment: looke thou say
He makes me angry with him. For he seemes
Proud and disdainfullharping on what I am
Not what he knew I was. He makes me angry
And at this time most easie 'tis to doo't:
When my good Starresthat were my former guides
Haue empty left their Orbesand shot their Fires
Into th' Abisme of hell. If he mislike
My speechand what is donetell him he has
Hiparchusmy enfranched Bondmanwhom
He may at pleasure whipor hangor torture
As he shall like to quit me. Vrge it thou:
Hence with thy stripesbe gone.
Exit Thid.
Cleo. Haue you done yet?
Ant. Alacke our Terrene Moone is now Eclipst
And it portends alone the fall of Anthony
Cleo. I must stay his time?
Ant. To flatter Caesarwould you mingle eyes
With one that tyes his points
Cleo. Not know me yet?
Ant. Cold-hearted toward me?
Cleo. Ah (Deere) if I be so
From my cold heart let Heauen ingender haile
And poyson it in the sourseand the first stone
Drop in my necke: as it determines so
Dissolue my lifethe next Caesarian smile
Till by degrees the memory of my wombe
Together with my braue Egyptians all
By the discandering of this pelleted storme
Lye grauelessetill the Flies and Gnats of Nyle
Haue buried them for prey
Ant. I am satisfied:
Caesar sets downe in Alexandriawhere
I will oppose his Fate. Our force by Land
Hath Nobly heldour seuer'd Nauie too
Haue knit againeand Fleetethreatning most Sea-like.
Where hast thou bin my heart? Dost thou heare Lady?
If from the Field I shall returne once more
To kisse these LipsI will appeare in Blood
Iand my Swordwill earne our Chronicle
There's hope in't yet
Cleo. That's my braue Lord
Ant. I will be trebble-sinewedheartedbreath'd
And fight maliciously: for when mine houres
Were nice and luckymen did ransome liues
Of me for iests: But nowIle set my teeth
And send to darkenesse all that stop me. Come
Let's haue one other gawdy night: Call to me
All my sad Captainesfill our Bowles once more:
Let's mocke the midnight Bell
Cleo. It is my Birth-day
I had thought t'haue held it poore. But since my Lord
Is Anthony againeI will be Cleopatra
Ant. We will yet do well
Cleo. Call all his Noble Captaines to my Lord
Ant. Do sowee'l speake to them
And to night Ile force
The Wine peepe through their scarres.
Come on (my Queene)
There's sap in't yet. The next time I do fight
Ile make death loue me: for I will contend
Euen with his pestilent Sythe.
Eno. Now hee'l out-stare the Lightningto be furious
Is to be frighted out of feareand in that moode
The Doue will pecke the Estridge; and I see still
A diminution in our Captaines braine
Restores his heart; when valour prayes in reason
It eates the Sword it fights with: I will seeke
Some way to leaue him.
Enter CaesarAgrippa& Mecenas with his ArmyCaesar reading
a Letter.
Caes He calles me Boyand chides as he had power
To beate me out of Egypt. My Messenger
He hath whipt with Rodsdares me to personal Combat.
Caesar to Anthony: let the old Ruffian know
I haue many other wayes to dye: meane time
Laugh at his Challenge
Mece. Caesar must thinke
When one so great begins to ragehee's hunted
Euen to falling. Giue him no breathbut now
Make boote of his distraction: Neuer anger
Made good guard for it selfe
Caes Let our best heads know
That to morrowthe last of many Battailes
We meane to fight. Within our Files there are
Of those that seru'd Marke Anthony but late
Enough to fetch him in. See it done
And Feast the Armywe haue store to doo't
And they haue earn'd the waste. Poore Anthony.
Enter AnthonyCleopatraEnobarbusCharmianIrasAlexas
with others.
Ant. He will not fight with meDomitian?
Eno. No?
Ant. Why should he not?
Eno. He thinksbeing twenty times of better fortune
He is twenty men to one
Ant. To morrow Soldier
By Sea and Land Ile fight: or I will liue
Or bathe my dying Honor in the blood
Shall make it liue againe. Woo't thou fight well
Eno. Ile strikeand cryTake all
Ant. Well saidcome on:
Call forth my Houshold Seruantslets to night
Enter 3 or 4 Seruitors.
Be bounteous at our Meale. Giue me thy hand
Thou hast bin rightly honestso hast thou
Thouand thouand thou: you haue seru'd me well
And Kings haue beene your fellowes
Cleo. What meanes this?
Eno. 'Tis one of those odde tricks which sorow shoots
Out of the minde
Ant. And thou art honest too:
I wish I could be made so many men
And all of you clapt vp togetherin
An Anthony: that I might do you seruice
So good as you haue done
Omnes. The Gods forbid
Ant. Wellmy good Felloweswait on me to night:
Scant not my Cupsand make as much of me
As when mine Empire was your Fellow too
And suffer'd my command
Cleo. What does he meane?
Eno. To make his Followers weepe
Ant. Tend me to night;
May beit is the period of your duty
Haply you shall not see me moreor if
A mangled shadow. Perchance to morrow
You'l serue another Master. I looke on you
As one that takes his leaue. Mine honest Friends
I turne you not awaybut like a Master
Married to your good seruicestay till death:
Tend me to night two houresI aske no more
And the Gods yeeld you for't
Eno. What meane you (Sir)
To giue them this discomfort? Looke they weepe
And I an Asseam Onyon-ey'd; for shame
Transforme vs not to women
Ant. Hohoho:
Now the Witch take meif I meant it thus.
Grace grow where those drops fall (my hearty Friends)
You take me in too dolorous a sense
For I spake to you for your comfortdid desire you
To burne this night with Torches: Know (my hearts)
I hope well of to morrowand will leade you
Where rather Ile expect victorious life
Then deathand Honor. Let's to Suppercome
And drowne consideration.
Enter a Company of Soldiours.
1.Sol. Brothergoodnight: to morrow is the day
2.Sol. It will determine one way: Fare you well.
Heard you of nothing strange about the streets
1 Nothing: what newes?
2 Belike 'tis but a Rumourgood night to you
1 Well sirgood night.
They meete other Soldiers.
2 Souldiershaue carefull Watch
1 And you: Goodnightgoodnight.
They place themselues in euery corner of the Stage.
2 Heere we: and if to morrow
Our Nauie thriueI haue an absolute hope
Our Landmen will stand vp
1 'Tis a braue Armyand full of purpose.
Musicke of the Hoboyes is vnder the Stage.
2 Peacewhat noise?
1 Listlist
2 Hearke
1 Musicke i'th' Ayre
3 Vnder the earth
4 It signes welldo's it not?
3 No
1 Peace I say: What should this meane?
2 'Tis the God Herculeswhom Anthony loued
Now leaues him
1 Walkelet's see if other Watchmen
Do heare what we do?
2 How now Maisters?
Speak together.
Omnes. How now? how now? do you heare this?
1 Iis't not strange?
3 Do you heare Masters? Do you heare?
1 Follow the noyse so farre as we haue quarter.
Let's see how it will giue off
Omnes. Content: 'Tis strange.
Enter Anthony and Cleopatrawith others.
Ant. Erosmine Armour Eros
Cleo. Sleepe a little
Ant. No my Chucke. Eroscome mine Armor Eros.
Enter Eros.
Come good Fellowput thine Iron on
If Fortune be not ours to dayit is
Because we braue her. Come
Cleo. NayIle helpe tooAnthony.
What's this for? Ah let belet bethou art
The Armourer of my heart: Falsefalse: Thisthis
Sooth-law Ile helpe: Thus it must bee
Ant. Wellwellwe shall thriue now.
Seest thou my good Fellow. Goput on thy defences
Eros. Briefely Sir
Cleo. Is not this buckled well?
Ant. Rarelyrarely:
He that vnbuckles thistill we do please
To daft for our Reposeshall heare a storme.
Thou fumblest Erosand my Queenes a Squire
More tight at thisthen thou: Dispatch. O Loue
That thou couldst see my Warres to dayand knew'st
The Royall Occupationthou should'st see
A Workeman in't.
Enter an Armed Soldier.
Good morrow to theewelcome
Thou look'st like him that knowes a warlike Charge:
To businesse that we louewe rise betime
And go too't with delight
Soul. A thousand Sirearly though't behaue on their
Riueted trimand at the Port expect you.
Showt. Trumpets Flourish. Enter Captainesand Souldiers.
Alex. The Morne is faire: Good morrow Generall
All. Good morrow Generall
Ant. 'Tis well blowne Lads.
This Morninglike the spirit of a youth
That meanes to be of notebegins betimes.
Soso: Come giue me thatthis waywell-sed.
Fare thee well Damewhat ere becomes of me
This is a Soldiers kisse: rebukeable
And worthy shamefull checke it wereto stand
On more Mechanicke ComplementIle leaue thee.
Now like a man of Steeleyou that will fight
Follow me closeIle bring you too't: Adieu.
Char. Please you retyre to your Chamber?
Cleo. Lead me:
He goes forth gallantly: That he and Caesar might
Determine this great Warre in single fight;
Then Anthony; but now. Well on.
Trumpets sound. Enter Anthonyand Eros.
Eros. The Gods make this a happy day to Anthony
Ant. Would thou& those thy scars had once preuaild
To make me fight at Land
Eros. Had'st thou done so
The Kings that haue reuoltedand the Soldier
That has this morning left theewould haue still
Followed thy heeles
Ant. Whose gone this morning?
Eros. Who? one euer neere theecall for Enobarbus
He shall not heare theeor from Caesars Campe
Say I am none of thine
Ant. What sayest thou?
Sold. Sir he is with Caesar
Eros. Sirhis Chests and Treasure he has not with him
Ant. Is he gone?
Sol. Most certaine
Ant. Go Erossend his Treasure afterdo it
Detaine no iot I charge thee: write to him
(I will subscribe) gentle adieu'sand greetings;
Saythat I wish he neuer finde more cause
To change a Master. Oh my Fortunes haue
Corrupted honest men. Dispatch Enobarbus.
Flourish. Enter AgrippaCaesarwith Enobarbusand Dollabella.
Caes Go forth Agrippaand begin the fight:
Our will is Anthony be tooke aliue:
Make it so knowne
Agrip. CaesarI shall
Caesar. The time of vniuersall peace is neere:
Proue this a prosp'rous daythe three nook'd world
Shall beare the Oliue freely.
Enter a Messenger.
Mes. Anthony is come into the Field
Caes Go charge Agrippa
Plant those that haue reuolted in the Vant
That Anthony may seeme to spend his Fury
Vpon himselfe.
Enob. Alexas did reuoltand went to Iewry on
Affaires of Anthonythere did disswade
Great Herod to incline himselfe to Caesar
And leaue his Master Anthony. For this paines
Caesar hath hang'd him: Camindius and the rest
That fell awayhaue entertainmentbut
No honourable trust: I haue done ill
Of which I do accuse my selfe so sorely
That I will ioy no more.
Enter a Soldier of Caesars.
Sol. EnobarbusAnthony
Hath after thee sent all thy Treasurewith
His Bounty ouer-plus. The Messenger
Came on my guardand at thy Tent is now
Vnloading of his Mules
Eno. I giue it you
Sol. Mocke not Enobarbus
I tell you true: Best you saf't the bringer
Out of the hoastI must attend mine Office
Or would haue done't my selfe. Your Emperor
Continues still a Ioue.
Enob. I am alone the Villaine of the earth
And feele I am so most. Oh Anthony
Thou Mine of Bountyhow would'st thou haue payed
My better seruicewhen my turpitude
Thou dost so Crowne with Gold. This blowes my hart
If swift thought breake it not: a swifter meane
Shall out-strike thoughtbut thought will doo't. I feele
I fight against thee: No I will go seeke
Some Ditchwherein to dye: the foul'st best fits
My latter part of life.
AlarumDrummes and Trumpets. Enter Agrippa.
Agrip. Retirewe haue engag'd our selues too farre:
Caesar himselfe ha's workeand our oppression
Exceeds what we expected.
Alarums. Enter Anthonyand Scarrus wounded.
Scar. O my braue Emperorthis is fought indeed
Had we done so at firstwe had drouen them home
With clowts about their heads.
Far off.
Ant. Thou bleed'st apace
Scar. I had a wound heere that was like a T
But now 'tis made an H
Ant. They do retyre
Scar. Wee'l beat 'em into Bench-holesI haue yet
Roome for six scotches more
Enter Eros.
Eros. They are beaten Sirand our aduantage serues
For a faire victory
Scar. Let vs score their backes
And snatch 'em vpas we take Hares behinde
'Tis sport to maul a Runner
Ant. I will reward thee
Once for thy sprightly comfortand ten-fold
For thy good valour. Come thee on
Scar. Ile halt after.
Alarum. Enter Anthony againe in a March. Scarruswith others.
Ant. We haue beate him to his Campe: Runne one
Before& let the Queen know of our guests: to morrow
Before the Sun shall see'swee'l spill the blood
That ha's to day escap'd. I thanke you all
For doughty handed are youand haue fought
Not as you seru'd the Causebut as't had beene
Each mans like mine: you haue shewne all Hectors.
Enter the Cittyclip your Wiuesyour Friends
Tell them your featswhil'st they with ioyfull teares
Wash the congealement from your woundsand kisse
The Honour'd-gashes whole.
Enter Cleopatra.
Giue me thy hand
To this great FaieryIle commend thy acts
Make her thankes blesse thee. Oh thou day o'th' world
Chaine mine arm'd neckeleape thouAttyre and all
Through proofe of Harnesse to my heartand there
Ride on the pants triumphing
Cleo. Lord of Lords.
Oh infinite Vertuecomm'st thou smiling from
The worlds great snare vncaught
Ant. Mine Nightingale
We haue beate them to their Beds.
What Gyrlethough gray
Do somthing mingle with our yonger brownyet ha we
A Braine that nourishes our Neruesand can
Get gole for gole of youth. Behold this man
Commend vnto his Lippes thy fauouring hand
Kisse it my Warriour: He hath fought to day
As if a God in hate of Mankindehad
Destroyed in such a shape
Cleo. Ile giue thee Friend
An Armour all of Gold: it was a Kings
Ant. He has deseru'd itwere it Carbunkled
Like holy Phoebus Carre. Giue me thy hand
Through Alexandria make a iolly March
Beare our hackt Targetslike the men that owe them.
Had our great Pallace the capacity
To Campe this hoastwe all would sup together
And drinke Carowses to the next dayes Fate
Which promises Royall perillTrumpetters
With brazen dinne blast you the Citties eare
Make mingle with our ratling Tabourines
That heauen and earth may strike their sounds together
Applauding our approach.
Enter a Centerieand his CompanyEnobarbus followes.
Cent. If we be not releeu'd within this houre
We must returne to'th' Court of Guard: the night
Is shinyand they saywe shall embattaile
By'th' second houre i'th' Morne
1.Watch. This last day was a shrew'd one too's
Enob. Oh beare me witnesse night
2 What man is this?
1 Stand closeand list him
Enob. Be witnesse to me (O thou blessed Moone)
When men reuolted shall vpon Record
Beare hatefull memory: poore Enobarbus did
Before thy face repent
Cent. Enobarbus?
2 Peace: Hearke further
Enob. Oh Soueraigne Mistris of true Melancholly
The poysonous dampe of night dispunge vpon me
That Lifea very Rebell to my will
May hang no longer on me. Throw my heart
Against the flint and hardnesse of my fault
Which being dried with greefewill breake to powder
And finish all foule thoughts. Oh Anthony
Nobler then my reuolt is Infamous
Forgiue me in thine owne particular
But let the world ranke me in Register
A Master leauerand a fugitiue:
Oh Anthony! Oh Anthony!
1 Let's speake to him
Cent. Let's heare himfor the things he speakes
May concerne Caesar
2 Let's do so; but he sleepes
Cent. Swoonds ratherfor so bad a Prayer as his
Was neuer yet for sleepe
1 Go we to him
2 Awake sirawakespeake to vs
1 Heare you sir?
Cent. The hand of death hath raught him.
Drummes afarre off.
Hearke the Drummes demurely wake the sleepers:
Let vs beare him to'th' Court of Guard: he is of note:
Our houre is fully out
2 Come on thenhe may recouer yet.
Enter Anthony and Scarruswith their Army.
Ant. Their preparation is to day by Sea
We please them not by Land
Scar. For bothmy Lord
Ant. I would they'ld fight i'th' Fireor i'th' Ayre
Wee'ld fight there too. But this it isour Foote
Vpon the hilles adioyning to the Citty
Shall stay with vs. Order for Sea is giuen
They haue put forth the Hauen:
Where their appointment we may best discouer
And looke on their endeuour.
Enter Caesarand his Army.
Caes But being charg'dwe will be still by Land
Which as I tak't we shallfor his best force
Is forth to Man his Gallies. To the Vales
And hold our best aduantage.
Alarum afarre offas at a Sea-fight. Enter Anthonyand Scarrus.
Ant. Yet they are not ioyn'd:
Where yon'd Pine does standI shall discouer all.
Ile bring thee word straighthow 'tis like to go.
Scar. Swallowes haue built
In Cleopatra's Sailes their nests. The Auguries
Saythey know notthey cannot telllooke grimly
And dare not speake their knowledge. Anthony
Is valiantand deiectedand by starts
His fretted Fortunes giue him hope and feare
Of what he hasand has not.
Enter Anthony.
Ant. All is lost:
This fowle Egyptian hath betrayed me:
My Fleete hath yeelded to the Foeand yonder
They cast their Caps vpand Carowse together
Like Friends long lost. Triple-turn'd Whore'tis thou
Hast sold me to this Nouiceand my heart
Makes onely Warres on thee. Bid them all flye:
For when I am reueng'd vpon my Charme
I haue done all. Bid them all flyebe gone.
Oh Sunnethy vprise shall I see no more
Fortuneand Anthony part heereeuen heere
Do we shake hands? All come to this? The hearts
That pannelled me at heelesto whom I gaue
Their wishesdo dis-Candiemelt their sweets
On blossoming Caesar: And this Pine is barkt
That ouer-top'd them all. Betray'd I am.
Oh this false Soule of Egypt! this graue Charme
Whose eye beck'd forth my Wars& cal'd them home:
Whose Bosome was my Crownetmy chiefe end
Like a right Gypsiehath at fast and loose
Beguil'd meto the very heart of losse.
What ErosEros?
Enter Cleopatra.
Ahthou Spell! Auaunt
Cleo. Why is my Lord enrag'd against his Loue?
Ant. Vanishor I shall giue thee thy deseruing
And blemish Caesars Triumph. Let him take thee
And hoist thee vp to the shouting Plebeians
Follow his Chariotlike the greatest spot
Of all thy Sex. Most Monster-like be shewne
For poor'st Diminitiuesfor Doltsand let
Patient Octauiaplough thy visage vp
With her prepared nailes.
exit Cleopatra.
'Tis well th'art gone
If it be well to liue. But better 'twere
Thou fell'st into my furiefor one death
Might haue preuented many. Eroshoa!
The shirt of Nessus is vpon meteach me
Alcidesthou mine Ancestorthy rage.
Let me lodge Licas on the hornes o'th' Moone
And with those hands that graspt the heauiest Club
Subdue my worthiest selfe: The Witch shall die
To the young Roman Boy she hath sold meand I fall
Vnder this plot: She dyes for't. Eros hoa?
Enter CleopatraCharmianIrasMardian.
Cleo. Helpe me my women: Oh hee's more mad
Then Telamon for his Shieldthe Boare of Thessaly
Was neuer so imbost
Char. To'th' Monumentthere locke your selfe
And send him word you are dead:
The Soule and Body riue not more in parting
Then greatnesse going off
Cleo. To'th' Monument:
Mardiango tell him I haue slaine my selfe:
Saythat the last I spoke was Anthony
And word it (prythee) pitteously. Hence Mardian
And bring me how he takes my death to'th' Monument.
Enter Anthonyand Eros.
Ant. Erosthou yet behold'st me?
Eros. I Noble Lord
Ant. Sometime we see a clowd that's Dragonish
A vapour sometimelike a Beareor Lyon
A toward Cittadella pendant Rocke
A forked Mountaineor blew Promontorie
With Trees vpon'tthat nodde vnto the world
And mocke our eyes with Ayre.
Thou hast seene these Signes
They are blacke Vespers Pageants
Eros. I my Lord
Ant. That which is now a Horseeuen with a thoght
the Racke dislimesand makes it indistinct
As water is in water
Eros. It does my Lord
Ant. My good Knaue Erosnow thy Captaine is
Euen such a body: Heere I am Anthony
Yet cannot hold this visible shape (my Knaue)
I made these warres for Egyptand the Queene
Whose heart I thought I hadfor she had mine:
Which whil'st it was minehad annext vntoo't
A Million moe(now lost:) shee Eros has
Packt Cards with Caesarsand false plaid my Glory
Vnto an Enemies triumph.
Nayweepe not gentle Erosthere is left vs
Our selues to end our selues.
Enter Mardian.
Oh thy vilde Ladyshe has rob'd me of my Sword
Mar. No Anthony
My Mistris lou'd theeand her Fortunes mingled
with thine intirely
Ant. Hence sawcy Eunuch peaceshe hath betraid me
And shall dye the death
Mar. Death of one personcan be paide but once
And that she ha's discharg'd. What thou would'st do
Is done vnto thy hand: the last she spake
Was Anthonymost Noble Anthony.
Then in the midd'st a tearing grone did breake
The name of Anthony: it was diuided
Betweene her heartand lips: she tendred life
Thy name so buried in her
Ant. Dead then?
Mar. Dead
Ant. Vnarme Erosthe long dayes taske is done
And we must sleepe: That thou depart'st hence safe
Does pay thy labour richly: Go.
exit Mardian.
Offplucke off
The seuen-fold shield of Aiax cannot keepe
The battery from my heart. Oh cleaue my sides.
Heartonce be stronger then thy Continent
Cracke thy fraile Case. Apace Erosapace;
No more a Soldier: bruised peeces go
You haue bin Nobly borne. From me awhile.
exit Eros
I will o're-take thee Cleopatraand
Weepe for my pardon. So it must befor now
All length is Torture: since the Torch is out
Lye downe and stray no farther. Now all labour
Marres what it does: yeavery force entangles
It selfe with strength: Seale then and all is done.
Eros? I come my Queene. Eros? Stay for me
Where Soules do couch on Flowerswee'l hand in hand
And with our sprightly Port make the Ghostes gaze:
Didoand her Aeneas shall want Troopes
And all the haunt be ours. Come ErosEros.
Enter Eros.
Eros. What would my Lord?
Ant. Since Cleopatra dyed
I haue liu'd in such dishonourthat the Gods
Detest my basenesse. Ithat with my Sword
Quarter'd the Worldand o're greene Neptunes backe
With Shipsmade Cities; condemne my selfeto lacke
The Courage of a Womanlesse Noble minde
Then she which by her deathour Caesar telles
I am Conqueror of my selfe. Thou art sworne Eros
That when the exigent should comewhich now
Is come indeed: When I should see behinde me
Th' ineuitable prosecution of disgrace and horror
That on my commandthou then would'st kill me.
Doo'tthe time is come: Thou strik'st not me
'Tis Caesar thou defeat'st. Put colour in thy Cheeke
Eros. The Gods with-hold me
Shall I do that which all the Parthian Darts
(Though Enemy) lost aymeand could not
Ant. Eros
Would'st thou be window'd in great Romeand see
Thy Master thus with pleacht Armesbending downe
His corrigible neckehis face subdu'de
To penetratiue shame; whil'st the wheel'd seate
Of Fortunate Caesar drawne before himbranded
His Basenesse that ensued
Eros. I would not see't
Ant. Come then: for with a wound I must be cur'd.
Draw that thy honest Swordwhich thou hast worne
Most vsefull for thy Country
Eros. Oh sirpardon me
Ant. When I did make thee freeswor'st y not then
To do this when I bad thee? Do it at once
Or thy precedent Seruices are all
But accidents vnpurpos'd. Drawand come
Eros. Turne from me then that Noble countenance
Wherein the worship of the whole world lyes
Ant. Loe thee
Eros. My sword is drawne
Ant. Then let it do at once
The thing why thou hast drawne it
Eros. My deere Master
My Captaineand my Emperor. Let me say
Before I strike this bloody strokeFarwell
Ant. 'Tis said manand farewell
Eros. Farewell great Chiefe. Shall I strike now?
Ant. Now Eros.
Killes himselfe.
Eros. Why there then:
Thus I do escape the sorrow of Anthonies death
Ant. Thrice-Nobler then my selfe
Thou teachest me: Oh valiant Eroswhat
I shouldand thou could'st notmy Queene and Eros
Haue by their braue instruction got vpon me
A Noblenesse in Record. But I will bee
A Bride-groome in my deathand run intoo't
As to a Louers bed. Come thenand Eros
Thy Master dies thy Scholler; to do thus
I learnt of thee. Hownot dead? Not dead?
The Guardhow? Oh dispatch me.
Enter a Guard.
1.Guard. What's the noise?
Ant. I haue done my worke ill Friends:
Oh make an end of what I haue begun
2 The Starre is falne
1 And time is at his Period
All. Alasand woe
Ant. Let him that loues mestrike me dead
1 Not I
2 Nor I
3 Nor any one.
Decretus. Thy death and fortunes bid thy folowers fly
This sword but shewne to Caesar with this tydings
Shall enter me with him.
Enter Diomedes.
Dio. Where's Anthony?
Decre. There Diomed there
Diom. Liues he: wilt thou not answer man?
Ant. Art thou there Diomed?
Draw thy swordand giue mee
Suffising strokes for death
Diom. Most absolute Lord:
My Mistris Cleopatra sent me to thee
Ant. When did shee send thee?
Diom. Now my Lord
Anth. Where is she?
Diom. Lockt in her Monument: she had a Prophesying feare
Of what hath come to passe: for when she saw
(Which neuer shall be found) you did suspect
She had dispos'd with Caesarand that your rage
Would not be purg'dshe sent you word she was dead:
But fearing since how it might workehath sent
Me to proclaime the truthand I am come
I dreadtoo late
Ant. Too late good Diomed: call my Guard I prythee
Dio. What hoa: the Emperors Guard
The Guardwhat hoa? Comeyour Lord calles.
Enter 4. or 5. of the Guard of Anthony.
Ant. Beare me good Friends where Cleopatra bides
'Tis the last seruice that I shall command you
1 Woewoe are we siryou may not liue to weare
All your true Followers out
All. Most heauy day
Ant. Nay good my Fellowesdo not please sharp fate
To grace it with your sorrowes. Bid that welcome
Which comes to punish vsand we punish it
Seeming to beare it lightly. Take me vp
I haue led you oftcarry me now good Friends
And haue my thankes for all.
Exit bearing Anthony
Enter Cleopatraand her Maides aloftwith Charmian & Iras.
Cleo. Oh CharmianI will neuer go from hence
Char. Be comforted deere Madam
Cleo. NoI will not:
All strange and terrible euents are welcome
But comforts we dispise; our size of sorrow
Proportion'd to our causemust be as great
As that which makes it.
Enter Diomed.
How now? is he dead?
Diom. His death's vpon himbut not dead.
Looke out o'th other side your Monument
His Guard haue brought him thither.
Enter Anthonyand the Guard.
Cleo. Oh Sunne
Burne the great Sphere thou mou'st indarkling stand
The varrying shore o'th' world. O AntonyAntonyAntony
Helpe Charmianhelpe Iras helpe: helpe Friends
Belowlet's draw him hither
Ant. Peace
Not Caesars Valour hath o'rethrowne Anthony
But Anthonie's hath Triumpht on it selfe
Cleo. So it should be
That none but Anthony should conquer Anthony
But woe 'tis so
Ant. I am dying Egyptdying; onely
I heere importune death a-whilevntill
Of many thousand kissesthe poore last
I lay vpon thy lippes
Cleo. I dare not Deere
Deere my Lord pardon: I dare not
Least I be taken: nor th' Imperious shew
Of the full-Fortun'd Caesareuer shall
Be brooch'd with meif KnifeDruggesSerpents haue
Edgestingor operation. I am safe:
Your Wife Octauiawith her modest eyes
And still Conclusionshall acquire no Honour
Demuring vpon me: but comecome Anthony
Helpe me my womenwe must draw thee vp:
Assist good Friends
Ant. Oh quickeor I am gone
Cleo. Heere's sport indeede:
How heauy weighes my Lord?
Our strength is all gone into heauinesse
That makes the waight. Had I great Iuno's power
The strong wing'd Mercury should fetch thee vp
And set thee by Ioues side. Yet come a little
Wishers were euer Fooles. Oh comecomecome
They heaue Anthony aloft to Cleopatra.
And welcomewelcome. Dye when thou hast liu'd
Quicken with kissing: had my lippes that power
Thus would I weare them out
All. A heauy sight
Ant. I am dying Egyptdying.
Giue me some Wineand let me speake a little
Cleo. Nolet me speakeand let me rayle so hye
That the false Huswife Fortunebreake her Wheele
Prouok'd by my offence
Ant. One word (sweet Queene)
Of Caesar seeke your Honourwith your safety. Oh
Cleo. They do not go together
Ant. Gentle heare me
None about Caesar trustbut Proculeius
Cleo. My Resolutionand my handsIle trust
None about Caesar
Ant. The miserable change now at my end
Lament nor sorrow at: but please your thoughts
In feeding them with those my former Fortunes
Wherein I liued. The greatest Prince o'th' world
The Noblest: and do now not basely dye
Not Cowardly put off my Helmet to
My Countreyman. A Romanby a Roman
Valiantly vanquish'd. Now my Spirit is going
I can no more
Cleo. Noblest of menwoo't dye?
Hast thou no care of meshall I abide
In this dull worldwhich in thy absence is
No better then a Stye? Oh see my women:
The Crowne o'th' earth doth melt. My Lord?
Oh wither'd is the Garland of the Warre
The Souldiers pole is falne: young Boyes and Gyrles
Are leuell now with men: The oddes is gone
And there is nothing left remarkeable
Beneath the visiting Moone
Char. Oh quietnesseLady
Iras. She's dead tooour Soueraigne
Char. Lady
Iras. Madam
Char. Oh MadamMadamMadam
Iras. Royall Egypt: Empresse
Char. PeacepeaceIras
Cleo. No more but in a Womanand commanded
By such poore passionas the Maid that Milkes
And doe's the meanest chares. It were for me
To throw my Scepter at the iniurious Gods
To tell them that this World did equall theyrs
Till they had stolne our Iewell. All's but naught:
Patience is sortishand impatience does
Become a Dogge that's mad: Then is it sinne
To rush into the secret house of death
Ere death dare come to vs. How do you Women?
Whatwhat good cheere? Why how now Charmian?
My Noble Gyrles? Ah Womenwomen! Looke
Our Lampe is spentit's out. Good sirstake heart
Wee'l bury him: And thenwhat's brauewhat's Noble
Let's doo't after the high Roman fashion
And make death proud to take vs. Comeaway
This case of that huge Spirit now is cold.
Ah WomenWomen! Comewe haue no Friend
But Resolutionand the breefest end.
Exeunt.bearing of Anthonies body.
Enter CaesarAgrippaDollabellaMenaswith his Counsell of
Caesar. Go to him Dollabellabid him yeeld
Being so frustratetell him
He mockes the pawses that he makes
Dol. CaesarI shall.
Enter Decretas with the sword of Anthony.
Caes Wherefore is that? And what art thou that dar'st
Appeare thus to vs?
Dec. I am call'd Decretas
Marke Anthony I seru'dwho best was worthie
Best to be seru'd: whil'st he stood vpand spoke
He was my Masterand I wore my life
To spend vpon his haters. If thou please
To take me to theeas I was to him
Ile be to Caesar: if y pleasest notI yeild thee vp my life
Caesar. What is't thou say'st?
Dec. I say (Oh Caesar) Anthony is dead
Caesar. The breaking of so great a thingshould make
A greater cracke. The round World
Should haue shooke Lyons into ciuill streets
And Cittizens to their dennes. The death of Anthony
Is not a single doomein the name lay
A moity of the world
Dec. He is dead Caesar
Not by a publike minister of Iustice
Nor by a hyred Knifebut that selfe-hand
Which writ his Honor in the Acts it did
Hath with the Courage which the heart did lend it
Splitted the heart. This is his Sword
I robb'd his wound of it: behold it stain'd
With his most Noble blood
Caes Looke you sad Friends
The Gods rebuke mebut it is Tydings
To wash the eyes of Kings
Dol. And strange it is
That Nature must compell vs to lament
Our most persisted deeds
Mec. His taints and Honourswag'd equal with him
Dola. A Rarer spirit neuer
Did steere humanity: but you Gods will giue vs
Some faults to make vs men. Caesar is touch'd
Mec. When such a spacious Mirror's set before him
He needes must see him selfe
Caesar. Oh Anthony
I haue followed thee to thisbut we do launch
Diseases in our Bodies. I must perforce
Haue shewne to thee such a declining day
Or looke on thine: we could not stall together
In the whole world. But yet let me lament
With teares as Soueraigne as the blood of hearts
That thou my Brothermy Competitor
In top of all designe; my Mate in Empire
Friend and Companion in the front of Warre
The Arme of mine owne Bodyand the Heart
Where mine his thoughts did kindle; that our Starres
Vnreconciliableshould diuide our equalnesse to this.
Heare me good Friends
But I will tell you at some meeter Season
The businesse of this man lookes out of him
Wee'l heare him what he sayes.
Enter an aegyptian.
Whence are you?
aegyp. A poore Egyptian yetthe Queen my mistris
Confin'd in allshe has her Monument
Of thy intentsdesiresinstruction
That she preparedly may frame her selfe
To'th' way shee's forc'd too
Caesar. Bid her haue good heart
She soone shall know of vsby some of ours
How honourableand how kindely Wee
Determine for her. For Caesar cannot leaue to be vngentle
aegypt. So the Gods preserue thee.
Caes Come hither Proculeius. Go and say
We purpose her no shame: giue her what comforts
The quality of her passion shall require;
Least in her greatnesseby some mortall stroke
She do defeate vs. For her life in Rome
Would be eternall in our Triumph: Go
And with your speediest bring vs what she sayes
And how you finde of her
Pro. Caesar I shall.
Exit Proculeius.
Caes Gallusgo you along: where's Dolabellato second
All. Dolabella
Caes Let him alone: for I remember now
How hee's imployd: he shall in time be ready.
Go with me to my Tentwhere you shall see
How hardly I was drawne into this Warre
How calme and gentle I proceeded still
In all my Writings. Go with meand see
What I can shew in this.
Enter CleopatraCharmianIrasand Mardian.
Cleo. My desolation does begin to make
A better life: Tis paltry to be Caesar:
Not being Fortunehee's but Fortunes knaue
A minister of her will: and it is great
To do that thing that ends all other deeds
Which shackles accedentsand bolts vp change;
Which sleepesand neuer pallates more the dung
The beggers Nurseand Caesars.
Enter Proculeius.
Pro. Caesar sends greeting to the Queene of Egypt
And bids thee study on what faire demands
Thou mean'st to haue him grant thee
Cleo. What's thy name?
Pro. My name is Proculeius
Cleo. Anthony
Did tell me of youbad me trust youbut
I do not greatly care to be deceiu'd
That haue no vse for trusting. If your Master
Would haue a Queene his beggeryou must tell him
That Maiesty to keepe decorummust
No lesse begge then a Kingdome: If he please
To giue me conquer'd Egypt for my Sonne
He giues me so much of mine owneas I
Will kneele to him with thankes
Pro. Be of good cheere:
Y'are falne into a Princely handfeare nothing
Make your full reference freely to my Lord
Who is so full of Gracethat it flowes ouer
On all that neede. Let me report to him
Your sweet dependancieand you shall finde
A Conqueror that will pray in ayde for kindnesse
Where he for grace is kneel'd too
Cleo. Pray you tell him
I am his Fortunes Vassalland I send him
The Greatnesse he has got. I hourely learne
A Doctrine of Obedienceand would gladly
Looke him i'th' Face
Pro. This Ile report (deere Lady)
Haue comfortfor I know your plight is pittied
Of him that caus'd it
Pro. You see how easily she may be surpriz'd:
Guard her till Caesar come
Iras. Royall Queene
Char. Oh Cleopatrathou art taken Queene
Cleo. Quickequickegood hands
Pro. Hold worthy Ladyhold:
Doe not your selfe such wrongwho are in this
Releeu'dbut not betraid
Cleo. What of death too that rids our dogs of languish
Pro. Cleopatrado not abuse my Masters bountyby
Th' vndoing of your selfe: Let the World see
His Noblenesse well actedwhich your death
Will neuer let come forth
Cleo. Where art thou Death?
Come hither come; Comecomeand take a Queene
Worth many Babes and Beggers
Pro. Oh temperance Lady
Cleo. SirI will eate no meateIle not drinke sir
If idle talke will once be necessary
Ile not sleepe neither. This mortall house Ile ruine
Do Caesar what he can. Know sirthat I
Will not waite pinnion'd at your Masters Court
Nor once be chastic'd with the sober eye
Of dull Octauia. Shall they hoyst me vp
And shew me to the showting Varlotarie
Of censuring Rome? Rather a ditch in Egypt.
Be gentle graue vnto merather on Nylus mudde
Lay me starke-nak'dand let the water-Flies
Blow me into abhorring; rather make
My Countries high pyramides my Gibbet
And hang me vp in Chaines
Pro. You do extend
These thoughts of horror further then you shall
Finde cause in Caesar.
Enter Dolabella.
Dol. Proculeius
What thou hast donethy Master Caesar knowes
And he hath sent for thee: for the Queene
Ile take her to my Guard
Pro. So Dolabella
It shall content me best: Be gentle to her
To Caesar I will speakewhat you shall please
If you'l imploy me to him.
Exit Proculeius
Cleo. SayI would dye
Dol. Most Noble Empresseyou haue heard of me
Cleo. I cannot tell
Dol. Assuredly you know me
Cleo. No matter sirwhat I haue heard or knowne:
You laugh when Boyes or Women tell their Dreames
Is't not your tricke?
Dol. I vnderstand notMadam
Cleo. I dreampt there was an Emperor Anthony.
Oh such another sleepethat I might see
But such another man
Dol. If it might please ye
Cleo. His face was as the Heau'nsand therein stucke
A Sunne and Moonewhich kept their course& lighted
The little o'th' earth
Dol. Most Soueraigne Creature
Cleo. His legges bestrid the Oceanhis rear'd arme
Crested the world: His voyce was propertied
As all the tuned Spheresand that to Friends:
But when he meant to quaileand shake the Orbe
He was as ratling Thunder. For his Bounty
There was no winter in't. An Anthony it was
That grew the more by reaping: His delights
Were Dolphin-likethey shew'd his backe aboue
The Element they liu'd in: In his Liuery
Walk'd Crownes and Crownets: Realms & Islands were
As plates dropt from his pocket
Dol. Cleopatra
Cleo. Thinke you there wasor might be such a man
As this I dreampt of?
Dol. Gentle Madamno
Cleo. You Lye vp to the hearing of the Gods:
But if there benot euer were one such
It's past the size of dreaming: Nature wants stuffe
To vie strange formes with fancieyet t' imagine
An Anthony were Natures peece'gainst Fancie
Condemning shadowes quite
Dol. Heare megood Madam:
Your losse is as your selfegreat; and you beare it
As answering to the waightwould I might neuer
Ore-take pursu'de successe: But I do feele
By the rebound of yoursa greefe that suites
My very heart at roote
Cleo. I thanke you sir:
Know you what Caesar meanes to do with me?
Dol. I am loath to tell you whatI would you knew
Cleo. Nay pray you sir
Dol. Though he be Honourable
Cleo. Hee'l leade me then in Triumph
Dol. Madam he willI know't.
Enter ProculeiusCaesarGallusMecenasand others of his
All. Make way there Caesar
Caes Which is the Queene of Egypt
Dol. It is the Emperor Madam.
Cleo. kneeles.
Caesar. Ariseyou shall not kneele:
I pray you riserise Egypt
Cleo. Sirthe Gods will haue it thus
My Master and my Lord I must obey
Caesar. Take to you no hard thoughts
The Record of what iniuries you did vs
Though written in our fleshwe shall remember
As things but done by chance
Cleo. Sole Sir o'th' World
I cannot proiect mine owne cause so well
To make it clearebut do confesse I haue
Bene laden with like frailtieswhich before
Haue often sham'd our Sex
Caesar. Cleopatra know
We will extenuate rather then inforce:
If you apply your selfe to our intents
Which towards you are most gentleyou shall finde
A benefit in this change: but if you seeke
To lay on me a Crueltyby taking
Anthonies courseyou shall bereaue your selfe
Of my good purposesand put your children
To that destruction which Ile guard them from
If thereon you relye. Ile take my leaue
Cleo. And may through all the world: tis yours& we
your Scutcheonsand your signes of Conquest shall
Hang in what place you please. Here my good Lord
Caesar. You shall aduise me in all for Cleopatra
Cleo. This is the breefe: of MoneyPlate& Iewels
I am possest of'tis exactly valewed
Not petty things admitted. Where's Seleucus?
Seleu. Heere Madam
Cleo. This is my Treasurerlet him speake (my Lord)
Vpon his perillthat I haue reseru'd
To my selfe nothing. Speake the truth Seleucus
Seleu. MadamI had rather seele my lippes
Then to my perill speake that which is not
Cleo. What haue I kept backe
Sel. Enough to purchase what you haue made known
Caesar. Nay blush not CleopatraI approue
Your Wisedome in the deede
Cleo. See Caesar: Oh behold
How pompe is followed: Mine will now be yours
And should we shift estatesyours would be mine.
The ingratitude of this Seleucusdoes
Euen make me wilde. Oh Slaueof no more trust
Then loue that's hyr'd? What goest thou backey shalt
Go backe I warrant thee: but Ile catch thine eyes
Though they had wings. SlaueSoule-lesseVillainDog.
O rarely base!
Caesar. Good Queenelet vs intreat you
Cleo. O Caesarwhat a wounding shame is this
That thou vouchsafing heere to visit me
Doing the Honour of thy Lordlinesse
To one so meekethat mine owne Seruant should
Parcell the summe of my disgracesby
Addition of his Enuy. Say (good Caesar)
That I some Lady trifles haue reseru'd
Immoment toyesthings of such Dignitie
As we greet moderne Friends withalland say
Some Nobler token I haue kept apart
For Liuia and Octauiato induce
Their mediationmust I be vnfolded
With one that I haue bred: The Gods! it smites me
Beneath the fall I haue. Prythee go hence
Or I shall shew the Cynders of my spirits
Through th' Ashes of my chance: Wer't thou a man
Thou would'st haue mercy on me
Caesar. Forbeare Seleucus
Cleo. Be it knownthat we the greatest are mis-thoght
For things that others do: and when we fall
We answer others meritsin our name
Are therefore to be pittied
Caesar. Cleopatra
Not what you haue reseru'dnor what acknowledg'd
Put we i'th' Roll of Conquest: still bee't yours
Bestow it at your pleasureand beleeue
Caesars no Merchantto make prize with you
Of things that Merchants sold. Therefore be cheer'd
Make not your thoughts your prisons: No deere Queen
For we intend so to dispose youas
Your selfe shall giue vs counsell: Feedeand sleepe:
Our care and pitty is so much vpon you
That we remaine your Friendand so adieu
Cleo. My Masterand my Lord
Caesar. Not so: Adieu.
Flourish. Exeunt Caesarand his Traine.
Cleo. He words me Gyrleshe words me
That I should not be Noble to my selfe.
But hearke thee Charmian
Iras. Finish good Ladythe bright day is done
And we are for the darke
Cleo. Hye thee againe
I haue spoke alreadyand it is prouided
Go put it to the haste
Char. MadamI will.
Enter Dolabella.
Dol. Where's the Queene?
Char. Behold sir
Cleo. Dolabella
Dol. Madamas thereto sworneby your command
(Which my loue makes Religion to obey)
I tell you this: Caesar through Syria
Intends his iourneyand within three dayes
You with your Children will he send before
Make your best vse of this. I haue perform'd
Your pleasureand my promise
Cleo. DolabellaI shall remaine your debter
Dol. I your Seruant:
Adieu good QueeneI must attend on Caesar.
Cleo. Farewelland thankes.
Now Iraswhat think'st thou?
Thouan Egyptian Puppet shall be shewne
In Rome aswell as I: Mechanicke Slaues
With greazie ApronsRulesand Hammers shall
Vplift vs to the view. In their thicke breathes
Ranke of grosse dyetshall we be enclowded
And forc'd to drinke their vapour
Iras. The Gods forbid
Cleo. Nay'tis most certaine Iras: sawcie Lictors
Will catch at vs like Strumpetsand scald Rimers
Ballads vs out a Tune. The quicke Comedians
Extemporally will stage vsand present
Our Alexandrian Reuels: Anthony
Shall be brought drunken forthand I shall see
Some squeaking Cleopatra Boy my greatnesse
I'th' posture of a Whore
Iras. O the good Gods!
Cleo. Nay that's certaine
Iras. Ile neuer see't? for I am sure mine Nailes
Are stronger then mine eyes
Cleo. Why that's the way to foole their preparation
And to conquer their most absurd intents.
Enter Charmian.
Now Charmian.
Shew me my Women like a Queene: Go fetch
My best Attyres. I am againe for Cidrus
To meete Marke Anthony. Sirra Irasgo
(Now Noble Charmianwee'l dispatch indeede)
And when thou hast done this chareIle giue thee leaue
To play till Doomesday: bring our Crowneand all.
A noise within.
Wherefore's this noise?
Enter a Guardsman.
Gards. Heere is a rurall Fellow
That will not be deny'de your Highnesse presence
He brings you Figges
Cleo. Let him come in.
Exit Guardsman.
What poore an Instrument
May do a Noble deede: he brings me liberty:
My Resolution's plac'dand I haue nothing
Of woman in me: Now from head to foote
I am Marble constant: now the fleeting Moone
No Planet is of mine.
Enter Guardsmanand Clowne.
Guards. This is the man
Cleo. Auoidand leaue him.
Exit Guardsman.
Hast thou the pretty worme of Nylus there
That killes and paines not?
Clow. Truly I haue him: but I would not be the partie
that should desire you to touch himfor his byting is
immortall: those that doe dye of itdoe seldome or neuer
Cleo. Remember'st thou any that haue dyed on't?
Clow. Very manymen and women too. I heard of
one of them no longer then yesterdaya very honest woman
but something giuen to lyeas a woman should not
dobut in the way of honestyhow she dyed of the byting
of itwhat paine she felt: Truelyshe makes a verie
good report o'th' worme: but he that wil beleeue all that
they sayshall neuer be saued by halfe that they do: but
this is most falliablethe Worme's an odde Worme
Cleo. Get thee hencefarewell
Clow. I wish you all ioy of the Worme
Cleo. Farewell
Clow. You must thinke this (looke you) that the
Worme will do his kinde
Cleo. IIfarewell
Clow. Looke youthe Worme is not to bee trusted
but in the keeping of wise people: for indeedethere is
no goodnesse in the Worme
Cleo. Take thou no careit shall be heeded
Clow. Very good: giue it nothing I pray youfor it
is not worth the feeding
Cleo. Will it eate me?
Clow. You must not think I am so simplebut I know
the diuell himselfe will not eate a woman: I knowthat
a woman is a dish for the Godsif the diuell dresse her
not. But trulythese same whorson diuels doe the Gods
great harme in their women: for in euery tenne that they
makethe diuels marre fiue
Cleo. Wellget thee gonefarewell
Clow. Yes forsooth: I wish you ioy o'th' worm.
Cleo. Giue me my Robeput on my CrowneI haue
Immortall longings in me. Now no more
The iuyce of Egypts Grape shall moyst this lip.
Yareyaregood Iras; quicke: Me thinkes I heare
Anthony call: I see him rowse himselfe
To praise my Noble Act. I heare him mock
The lucke of Caesarwhich the Gods giue men
To excuse their after wrath. HusbandI come:
Now to that namemy Courage proue my Title.
I am Fireand Ayre; my other Elements
I giue to baser life. Sohaue you done?
Come thenand take the last warmth of my Lippes.
Farewell kinde CharmianIraslong farewell.
Haue I the Aspicke in my lippes? Dost fall?
If thouand Nature can so gently part
The stroke of death is as a Louers pinch
Which hurtsand is desir'd. Dost thou lye still?
If thus thou vanishestthou tell'st the world
It is not worth leaue-taking
Char. Dissolue thicke clowd& Rainethat I may say
The Gods themselues do weepe
Cleo. This proues me base:
If she first meete the Curled Anthony
Hee'l make demand of herand spend that kisse
Which is my heauen to haue. Come thou mortal wretch
With thy sharpe teeth this knot intrinsicate
Of life at once vntye: Poore venomous Foole
Be angryand dispatch. Oh could'st thou speake
That I might heare thee call great Caesar Assevnpolicied
Char. Oh Easterne Starre
Cleo. Peacepeace:
Dost thou not see my Baby at my breast
That suckes the Nurse asleepe
Char. O breake! O breake!
Cleo. As sweet as Balmeas soft as Ayreas gentle.
O Anthony! Nay I will take thee too.
What should I stay-
Char. In this wilde World? So fare thee well:
Now boast thee Deathin thy possession lyes
A Lasse vnparalell'd. Downie Windowes cloze
And golden Phoebusneuer be beheld
Of eyes againe so Royall: your Crownes away
Ile mend itand then play-
Enter the Guard rustling in; and Dolabella.
1.Guard. Where's the Queene?
Char. Speake softlywake her not
1 Caesar hath sent
Char. Too slow a Messenger.
Oh come apacedispatchI partly feele thee
1 Approach hoa
All's not well: Caesar's beguild
2 There's Dolabella sent from Caesar: call him
1 What worke is heere Charmian?
Is this well done?
Char. It is well doneand fitting for a Princesse
Descended of so many Royall Kings.
Ah Souldier.
Charmian dyes.
Enter Dolabella.
Dol. How goes it heere?
2.Guard. All dead
Dol. Caesarthy thoughts
Touch their effects in this: Thy selfe art comming
To see perform'd the dreaded Act which thou
So sought'st to hinder.
Enter Caesar and all his Trainemarching.
All. A way therea way for Caesar
Dol. Oh siryou are too sure an Augurer:
That you did feareis done
Caesar. Brauest at the last
She leuell'd at our purposesand being Royall
Tooke her owne way: the manner of their deaths
I do not see them bleede
Dol. Who was last with them?
1.Guard. A simple Countrymanthat broght hir Figs:
This was his Basket
Caesar. Poyson'd then
1.Guard. Oh Caesar:
This Charmian liu'd but nowshe stood and spake:
I found her trimming vp the Diadem;
On her dead Mistris tremblingly she stood
And on the sodaine dropt
Caesar. Oh Noble weakenesse:
If they had swallow'd poyson'twould appeare
By externall swelling: but she lookes like sleepe
As she would catch another Anthony
In her strong toyle of Grace
Dol. Heere on her brest
There is a vent of Bloudand something blowne
The like is on her Arme
1.Guard. This is an Aspickes traile
And these Figge-leaues haue slime vpon themsuch
As th' Aspicke leaues vpon the Caues of Nyle
Caesar. Most probable
That so she dyed: for her Physitian tels mee
She hath pursu'de Conclusions infinite
Of easie wayes to dye. Take vp her bed
And beare her Women from the Monument
She shall be buried by her Anthony.
No Graue vpon the earth shall clip in it
A payre so famous: high euents as these
Strike those that make them: and their Story is
No lesse in pittythen his Glory which
Brought them to be lamented. Our Army shall
In solemne shewattend this Funerall
And then to Rome. Come Dolabellasee
High Orderin this great Solemnity.
Exeunt. omnes
FINIS. THE TRAGEDIE OF Anthonieand Cleopatra.