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by John Dryden
From Harmonyfrom heav'nly Harmony
This universal Frame began:
When Nature underneath a heap
Of jarring Atomes lay
And cou'd not heave her Head
The tuneful Voice was heard from high:
Ariseye more than dead.
Then cold and hot and moist and dry
In order to their Stations leap
And MUSICK'S pow'r obey.
From Harmonyfrom heavenly Harmony
This universal Frame began:
From Harmony to Harmony
Through all the Compass of the Notes it ran
The Diapason closing full in Man. -
What passion cannot MUSICK raise and quell?
When Jubal struck the corded Shell
His listening Brethren stood around
Andwond'ringon their Faces fell
To worship that Celestial Sound.
Less than a God they thought there could not dwell
Within the hollow of that Shell
That spoke so sweetlyand so well.
What passion cannot MUSICK raise and quell? -
The TRUMPETS loud Clangor
Excites us to Arms
With shrill Notes of Anger
And mortal Alarms.
The double double double beat
Of the thund'ring DRUM
Cryesheark the Foes come;
ChargeCharge'tis too late to retreat.
The soft complaining FLUTE
In dying Notes discovers
The Woes of hopeless Lovers
Whose Dirge is whispered by the warbling LUTE. -
Sharp VIOLINS proclaim
Their jealous Pangs and Desperation
Furyfrantick Indignation
Depth of Pains and height of Passion
For the fairdisdainful Dame. -
But O! what Art can teach
What human Voice can reach
The sacred ORGANS praise?
Notes inspiring holy Love
Notes that wing their heav'nly Ways
To mend the Choires above. -
Orpheus cou'd lead the savage race
And Trees unrooted left their place
Sequacious of the Lyre;
But bright CECILIA rais'd the wonder high'r:
When to her Organ vocal Breath was given
An Angel heardand straight appear'd
Mistaking Earth for Heav'n. -
As from the Pow'r of Sacred Lays
The spheres began to move
And sung the great Creator's Praise
To all the bless'd above;
Sowhen the last and dreadful Hour
This crumbling Pageant shall devour
The TRUMPET shall be heard on high
The dead shall livethe living die
And MUSICK shall untune the Sky. - -