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Ann Radcliffe








Poems from The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne(1789)

Poems from A Sicilian Romance (1790)

Poems fromThe Romance of the Forest (1791)

Poems from The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794)









Castlesof Athlin and Dunbaye (London: T. Hookham1789): "As he wasone day standing at the grate which looked upon the castleobservingthe progress of these birdshis ear caught the sound of that sweetlute whose notes had once saved him from destruction; it wasaccompanied by the same melodious voice he had formerly heardandwhich now sung with impassioned tenderness the following air:


When firstthe vernal morn of life

 Beam'd on my infant eye

Fond Isurvey'd the smiling scene

  Norsaw the tempest nigh


Hope'sbright illusions touch'd my soul

  Myyound ideas led;

AndFancy's vivid tints combine'd

  Andfairy prospects spread.


Myguileless heart expanded wide

 With filial fondness fraught;

Paternallove that heart supplied

 With all its fondness sought.


But O! thecruelquick reverse!

 Fate all I lov'd involv'd;

Pale GriefHope's trembling rays dispers'd

  AndFancy's dreams dissolv'd."




Castlesof Athlin and Dunbaye (London: T. Hookham1789): "Theparting sun trembled on the tops of the mountainsand a softer shadefell upon the distant landscape. The sweet tranquility of the eveningthrew an air of tender melancholy over his mind; his sorrows for awhile were hushed; and under the enthusiasm of the hourhe composedthe following sonnetwhichhaving committed it to paperhe thenext evening dropped upon the terrace.




Hail! tothe hallow'd hillthe circling lawn.

  Thebreezy uplandand the mountain stream!

The lasttall pine that earliest meets the dawn

  Andglistens latest to the western gleam!


Hail!every distant hilland dowland plain!

 Your dew-hid beauties Fancy oft unveils;

What timeto Shepherd's reedor Poet's strain

 Sorrowing my heart its destin'd woe bewails.


Blest arethe fairy hourthe twilight shade

  OfEv'ning wand'ring thro her woodlands dear;

Sweet thestill sound that steals along the glade;

 'Tis Fancy wafts itand her vot'ries hear.



'Tis Fancywafts it!--and how sweet the sound!

  Ihear it now the distant hills uplong;

Whilefairy echoes from their dells around

  Andwoods and wildsthe feeble notes prolong!"




Castlesof Athlin and Dunbaye (London: T. Hookham1789): "In agallery on the North side of the castlewhich was filled withpictures of the familyhung a portrait of Mary. She was drawn in thedress which she wore on the day of the festivalwhen she was led bythe Earl into the hall and presented as the partner of Alleyn. Thelikeness was strikingand expressive of all the winning grace of theoriginal. As ofte as Alleyn could steal from observationhe retiredto this gallery to contemplate the portrait of her who was everpresent to his imagination: here he could breathe that sigh which herpresence restrainedand shed those tears which her presence forbadeto show. As he stood one day in this placewrapt in melancholymusinghis ear was struck with the notes of sweet music; they seemedto issue from the bottom of the gallery. The instrument was touchedwith an exquisite expressionand in a voice whose tones floated onthe air in soft undulations; he distinguished the following wordswhich he [PAGE 229] remembered to be an ode composed by the Earlandpresented to Marywho had set it to music the day before.




Darkness!thro thy chilling glooms

 Weakly trembles twilight grey;

Twilightfades--and Morning comes

  Andmelts thy shadows swift away!


She comesin her Aetherial car

 Involv'd in many a varying hue;

And thro'the azure shoots afar

 Spirit--light--and life anew!


Her breathrevives the drooping flowers

  Herray dissolves the dews of night;

Recallsthe sprightly-moving hours

  Andthe green scene unveils in light!


Her's thefresh gale that wanders wild

 O'er mountain topand woodland glade;

And fondlysteals the breathbeguil'd

  Ofev'ry flow'r in ev'ry shade.



Mother ofRoses!--bright Aurora!--hail!

 Thee shall the chorus of the hours salute

And songof early birds from ev'ry vale

  Andblithsome hornand fragrant zephyr mute!


And oft asrising o'er the plain

 Thou and thy roseate Nymphs appear

Thissimple song in choral strain

 From rapturing Bards shall meet thine ear.




Dance yelightly--lightly on!

 'Tis the bold lark thro' the air

Hails yourbeauties with his song;

 Lightly--lightly fleeting air!"






2 VOLS.(4TH ED.; LONDON1809)


TheSicilian Romance 2 Vols. (4th Ed.; London1809) : "When theball broke upshe retired to her apartmentbut not to sleep. Joy isas retless as anxiety or sorrow. She seemed to have entered upon anew state of existence;--those fine springs of affection which hadhitherto lain concealedwere now touchedand yielded to her ahappiness more exalted than any her imagination ever painted. Shereflected on the tranquility of her past lifeand comparing it withthe emotions of the present hourexulted in the difference. All herformer pleasures now appeared insipid; she wondered that they everhad power to affect herand that she had endured with content thedull uniformity to which she had been condemned. It was now only thatshe appeared to live. Absorbed in the single idea of being belovedher imagination soared into the regions of romantic blissand boreher high above the possibility of evil. Since she was beloved byHippolitusshe could only be happy. From this state of entranceddelight she was awakened by the sound of music immediately under herwindow. It was a lute touched by a masterly hand. After a wild andmelancholy symphonya voice of more than magic expression swelledinto an air so pathetic and tenderthat it seemed to breathe thevery soul of love. The chords of the lute were struck in low andsweet accompaniment. Julie listenedand distinguished the followingwords:




Still isthe night breeze!--not a lonely sound

 Steals through the silence of this dreary hour;

O'er thesehigh battlements Sleep reigns profound

  Andsheds on all his sweet oblivious power.


On all butme--I vainly ask his dews

  Tosteep in short forgetfulness my cares:

Th'affrighted god still flies when Love pursues

 Still--still denies the wretched lover's prayers."




TheSicilian Romance 2 Vols. (4th Ed.; London1809): "Theinterest which these mysterious circumstances excited in the mind ofJuliahad withdrawn her attention from a subject more dangerous toits peace. The image of Verezanotwithstandingwould frequentlyintrude upon her fancy; and awakening the recollection of happyemotionswould call forth a sigh which all her efforts could notsuppress. She loved to indulge the melancholy of her heart in thesolitude of the woods. One evening she took her lute to a favoritespot on the sea shoreand resigning herself to a pleasing sadnesstouched some sweet and plaintive airs. The purple fluh of evening wasdiffused over the heavens. The suninvolved in clouds of splendidand innumerable hueswas setting o'er the distant waterswhoseclear bosom glowed with rich reflection. The beauty of the scenethesoothing murmur of the high treeswaved by the light air whichovershadowed her[PAGE 87] and the soft shelling of the waves thatflowed gently in upon the shoresinsensibly sunk her mind into astate of repose. She touched the chords of her lute in sweet and wildmelodyand sung the following ode:




EVENINGveil'd in dewy shades

 Slowly sinks upon the main;

See th'empurpled glory fades

 Beneath her soberchasten'd reign.


Around herear the pensive Hours

  Insweet illapses meet the sight

Crown'dtheir brows with closing flow'rs

 Rich with chystal dews of night.


Her handsthe dusky hues arrange

 O'er the fine tints of parting day;

Insensiblythe colours change

  Andlanguish into soft decay.


Wide o'erthe waves her shadowy veil she draws

  Asfaint they die along the distant shores;

Throughthe still air I mark each solemn pause

 Each rising murmur which the wild wave pours.



A brownershadow spreads upon the air

  Ando'er the scene a pensive grandeur throws;

Therocks--the woods a wilder beauty wear

  Andthe deep wave in softer music flows.


And nowthe distant view where vision fails

 Twilight and grey obscurity pervade;

Tintfollowing tint each dark'ning object veils

 Till all the landscape sinks into the shade.


Oft fromthe airy steep of some lone hill

 While sleeps the scene beneath the purple glow;

Andevening lives o'er all serene and still

 Wrapt let me view the magic world below!


And catchthe dying gale that swells remote

 That steals the sweetness from the shepherd's flute;

Thedistant torrent's melancholy note

  Andthe soft warblings of the lover's lute.


Stillthrough the deep'ning gloom of bow'ry shades

  ToFancy's eye fantastic forms appear;

Lowwhisp'ring echoes steal along the glades

  Andthrill the ear with wildly-pleasing fear.


Parent ofshades!--of silence!--dewy airs!

  Ofsolemn musingand of vision wild!

To thee mysould her pensive tribute bears

  Andhails thy gradual stepthy influence mild."




TheSicilian Romance 2 Vols. (4th Ed.; London1809): "As theyproceeded with silent cautionthey perceived a light break fromamong the rocks at some distance. The Duke hesitated whether toapproachsince it might probably proceed from a party of thebanditti with which these mountains were said to be infested. Whilehe hesitatedit disappeared; but he had not advance many steps whenit returned. He now perceived it to issue from the mouth of a cavernand cast a bright reflection upon the overhanging rocks and shrubs.He dismountedand followed by two of his peopleleaving the rest atsome distancemoved with slow and silent steps towards the cave. Ashe drew nearhe heard the sound of many voicesin high carousal.Suddenly the uproar ceasedand the following words were sung by aclear and manly voice:




Pur therich libation high;

  Thesparkling cup to Bacchus fill;

His joysshall dance in ev'ry eye

  Andchase the forms of future ill!


Quick themagic raptures steal

 O'er the fancy kindling brain

Warm theheart with social zeal

  Andsong and laughter reign.


Thenvisions of pleasure shall float on our sight

 While light bounding our spirits shall flow;

And thegod shall impart a fine sense of delight

 Which in vain sober mortals would know."




TheSicilian Romance 2 Vols. (4th Ed.; London1809) : "At theabbeysolitude and stillness conspired with the solemn aspect of thepileto impress the mind with religious awe. The dim glass of thehigh arched windowsstained with the colouring of monkish fictionsand shaded by the thick trees that environed the edificespreadaround a sacred gloomwhich inspired the beholder with congenialfeelings. As Julie mused through the walksand surveyed this vastmonument of barbarous superstitionit brought to her recollection anode which she often repeated with melancholy pleasureas thecomposition of Hippolitus.





HIGH midAlverna's awful steeps

 Eternal shadesand silence dwell

Savewhenthe gale resounding sweeps

  Sadstraings are faintly heard to swell:


Enthron'damid the wild impending rocks

 Involv'd in cloudsand brooding future woe

The demonSuperstition Nature shocks

  Andwaves her Sceptre o'er the world below.


Around herthroneamid the mingling glooms

 Wild--hideous forms are slowly seen to glide;

She bidsthem fly to shade earth's brightest blooms

  Andspread the blast of Desolation wide.


See! inthe darkened air their fiery course!

  Thesweeping ruin settles o'er the land

Terrorleads on their steps with madd'ning force

  AndDeath and Vengeance close the ghastly band!


Mark thepurple streams that flow!

Mark thedeep empassioned woe!

FranticFury's dying groan!

Virtue'ssighand Sorrow's moan!



Wide--widethe phantoms swell the loaded air

Withshrieks of anguish--madness and despair!

 Cease your ruin! spectrs dire!

   Cease your wild terrific sway!

 Turn your steps--and check your ire

   Yield to peace and mourning day!"




TheSicilian Romance 2 Vols. (4th Ed.; London1809) : "Thetempest came onand the captain vainly sounded for anchorage: it wasdeep seaand the vessel drove furiously before the wind. Thedarkness was interrupted only at intervals by the broad expanse ofvivid lightningswhich quivered upon the watersand disclosing thehorrible gaspings of the wavesserved to render the succeedingdarkness more awful. The thunder which burst in tremendous crashesabovethe loud roar of the waves belowthe noise of the sailorsand the sudden cracks and groanings of the vesselconspired toheighten the tremendous sublimity of the scene.




Far on therocky shores the surges sound

Thelashing whirlwinds cleave the vast profound;

While highin airamid the rising storm

Drivingthe blastsits Danger's black'ning form.


Julie layfainting with terror and sickness in the cabinand Ferdinandthoughalmost hopeless himselfwas endeavouring to support herwhen a loudand dreadful crash was heard from above. It seemed as if the wholevessel had parted. The voices of the sailors now rose togetherandall was confusion and uproar. Ferdinand ran up to the deckandlearned the part of the main mastborne away by the windhad fallenupon the deckwhence it had rolled overboard."






3 VOLS.(LONDON1791).


Note: thisnovel is still anonymousthough "By the authoress of 'ASicilian Romance' &c." Alsothis is the first novel tohave epigramsand they arelike in the later romancesby WalpoleGrayShakespeareetc.

TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791)1:85-7: "Shewas a sensible and highly accomplished womanand it became her chiefdelight to form the rising graces of Adelinewho hadas has beenalready showna sweetness of dispositionwhich made her quick torepay instruction with improvementand indulgence with love. Neverwas Adeline so pleased as when she anticipated her wishesand neverso diligent as when she was employed in her business. The littleaffairs of the household she overlooded and managed with suchadmirable exactnessthat Madame La Motte had neither anxietynorcareconcerning them. And Adeline formed for herself in this barrensituationmany amusementsthat occasionally banished theremembrance of her misfortunes. La Motte's books were her chiefconsolation. With one of these she would frequently ramble in theforest[PAGE 86] where the riverwinding through a gladediffusedcoolnessand with its murmuring accentsinvited repose: there shewould seat herselfandresigned to the illusions of the pagepassmany hours in oblivion of sorrow. Her toowhen her mind wastranquilized by the surrounding sceneryshe wooed the gentle museand indulged in ideal happiness. The delight of these moments shecommemorated in the following address




Dearwildillusions of creative mind!

 Whose varying hues arise to Fancy's art

And by hermagic force are swift combin'd

  Informs that pleaseand scenes that touch the heart:

Oh!whether at her voice ye soft assume

  Thepensive grace of sorrow drooping low;

Or risesublime on terror's lofty plume

  Andshake the soul with wildly thrilling woe;

Orsweetly brightyour gayer tints ye spread

  Bidscenes of pleasure steal upon my view

Love wavehis purple pinions o'er my head

  Andwake the tender thought to passion true;

O!still--ye shadowy forms! attend my lonely hours

Stillchase my real cares with your illusive powers!"




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791)1:188-9: "Shewandered on without noticing the distanceandfollowing thewindings of the rivercame to a dewy gladewhose woodssweepingdown to the very edge of the waterformed a scene so sweetlyromanticthat she seated herself at the foot of a treetocontemplate its beauty. These images insensibly soothed her sorrowand inspired her with that soft and pleasing melancholyso dear tothe feeling mind. For some time she sat lost in a reveriewhile theflowers that grew on the banks beside her seemed to smile in newlifeand drew from her a comparison with her own condition. Shemused and sighedand thenin a voicewhose charming melody wasmodulated by the tenderness of her heartshe sung the followingwords:






Softsilken flow'r! that in the dewy vale

  Unfolds thy modest beauties to the morn

Andbreath'st thy fragrance on her wand'ring gale

  O'er earth's green hills and shadowy vallies born;


When dayhas closed his dazzling eye

  And dying gales sink soft away;

When Evesteals down the western sky

  And mountainswoodsand vales decay;


Thy tendercupsthat graceful swell

  Droop sad beneath her chilly dews;

Thy odoursseek their silken cell

  And twilight veils thy languid hues.


But soonfair flow'r! the morn shall rise

  And rear again thy pensive head;

Againunveil thy snowy dyes

  Again thy velvet foliage spread.


Sweetchild of Spring! like thee in sorrow's shade

  Full oft I mourn in tearsand droop forlorn:

And O!like thinemay light my gloom pervade

  And Sorrow fly before Joy's living morn!"




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791)1:206-208: "Atthe decline of dayshe quitted her chamber to enjoy the sweetevening hourbut strayed no farther than an avenue near the abbeywhich fronted the west. She read a littlebutfinding it impossibleany longer to abstract her attention from the scene aroundsheclosed the bookand yielded to the sweet complacent melancholy whichthe hour inspired. The air was stillthe sunsinking below thedistant hillspread a purple glow over the landscapeand touchedthe forest glades with softer light. A dewy freshness was diffusedupon the air. As the sun descendedthe dusk came silently onandthe scene assumed a solemn grandeur. As she musedshe recollectedand repeated the following stanzas:




NowEv'ning fades! her pensive step retires

  And Night leads on the dewsand shadowy hours:

Her awfulpomp of planetary fires

  And all her train of visionary powers.


Thesepaint with fleeting shapes the dream of sleep

  These swell the waking soul with pleasing dread;

Thesethrough the glooms in forms terrific sweep

  And rouse the thrilling horrors of the dead!


Queen ofthe solemn thought---mysterious Night!

  Whose step is darknessand whose voice is fear!

Thy shadesI welcome with severe delight

  And hail thy hollow galesthat sigh so drear!


Whenwrapt in cloudsand riding in the blast

  Thou roll'st the storm along the sounding shore

I love towatch the whelming billowscast

  On rocks belowand listen to the roar.


Thy milderterrorsNightI frequent woo

  Thy silent lightningsand thy meteor's glare

Thynorthern firesbright with ensanguine hue

  That light in heaven's high vault the fervid air.


But chiefI love theewhen thy lucid car

  Sheds through the fleecy clouds a trembling gleam

And shewsthe misty mountain from afar

  The nearer forestand the valley's stream:


Andnameless objects in the vale below

  That floating dimly to the musing eye

AssumeatFancy's touchfantastic shew

  And raise her sweet romantic visions high.


Then letme stand amidst thy glooms profound

  On some wild woody steepand hear the breeze

Thatswells in mournful melody around

  And faintly dies upon the distant trees.


Whatmelancholy charm steals o'er the mind!

  What hallow'd tears the rising rapture greet!

While manya viewless spirit in the wind

  Sighs to the lonely hour in accents sweet!


Ah! whothe dear illusions pleas'd would yield

  Which Fancy wakes from silence and from shades

For allthe sober forms of Truth reveal'd

  For all the scenes that Day's bright eye pervades!"




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791): "Again themusic sounded--'music such as charmeth sleep'--and again shegradually yielded to its sweet magic. A female voiceaccompanied bya lutea hautboyand a few other instrumentsnow gradually swelledinto a tone so exquisiteas raised attention into ecstacy. It sunkby degreesand touched a few simple notes with pathetic softnesswhen the measure was suddenly changedand in a gay and airy melodyAdeline distinguished the following words:






Life's avariedbright illusion

  Joy and sorrow---light and shade;

Turn fromsorrow's dark suffusion

  Catch the pleasures ere they fade.


Fancypaints with hues unreal

  Smile of blissand sorrow's mood;

If theyboth are but ideal

  Why reject the seeming good?


Hence! nomore! 'tis Wisdom calls ye

  Bids ye court Time's present aid;

The futuretrust not---Hope enthrals ye

  'Catch the pleasures ere they fade.'"




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791): "And now theMarquiswho interpreted her silence into a secret compliance withhis proposalresumed all his gaiety and spiritwhile the long andardent regards he bestowed on Adelineovercame her with confusionand indignation. In the midst of the banquetsoft music againsounded the most tender and impassioned airs; but its effect [PAGE129] on Adeline was now losther mind being too much embarrassed anddistressed by the presence of the Marquisto admit even thesoothings of harmony. A song was now heardwritten with that sort ofimpotent artby which some voluptuous poets believe they can at onceconceal and recommend the principles of vice. Adeline received itwith contempt and displeasureand the Marquisperceiving itseffectpresently made a sign for another compositionwhichaddingthe force of poetry to the charms of musicmight withdraw her mindfrom the present sceneand enchant it in sweet delirium.




In thesightless air I dwell

  On the sloping sun-beams play;

Delve thecavern's inmost cell

  Where never yet did day-light stray.


Divebeneath the green-sea waves

  And gambol in the briny deeps;

Skim everyshore that Neptune laves

  From Lapland's plains to India's steeps.


Oft Imount with rapid force

  Above the wide earth's shadowy zone;

Follow theday-star's flaming course

  Through realms of space to thought unknown;


And listento celestial sounds

  That swell the airunheard of men

As I watchmy nightly rounds

  O'er woody steepand silent glen.


Under theshade of waving trees.

  On the green bank of fountain clear

At pensiveeve I sit at ease

  While dying music murmurs near.


And ofton point of airy clift

  That hangs upon the western main

I watchthe gay tints passing swift

  And twilight veil the liquid plain.


Thenwhenthe breeze has sunk away

  And ocean scarce is heard to lave

For me thesea-nymphs softly play

  Their dulcet shells beneath the wave.


Theirdulcet shells! I hear them now;

  Slow swells the strain upon mine ear;

Nowfaintly falls---now warbles low

  'Till rapture melts into a tear.


The raythat silvers o'er the dew

  And trembles through the leafy shade

And tintsthe scene with softer hue

  Calls me to rove the lonely glade;


Or hie meto some ruin'd tow'r

  Faintly shewn by moon-light gleam

Where thelone wand'rer owns my pow'r

  In shadows dire that substance seem;


Inthrilling sounds that murmur woe

  And pausing silence makes more dread;

In musicbreathing from below

  Sadsolemn Strainsthat wake the dead.


Unseen Imove---unknown am fear'd!

  Fancy's wildest dreams I weave;

And oft bybards my voice is heard

  To die along the gales of eve."




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791): "She awokewith the dawnand her [PAGE 33] mind being too much disturbed tosleep againshe rose and watched the gradual approach of day. As shemusedshe expressed the feelings of the moment in the following




Morn'sbeaming eyes at length unclose

And wakethe blushes of the rose

That allnight long oppress'd with dews

And veil'din chilly shade its hues

Reclin'dforlornthe languid head

And sadlysought its parent bed;

Warmthfrom her ray the trembling flow'r derives

Andsweetly blushingthrough its tears revives.


"Morn'sbeaming eyes at length unclose"

And meltthe tears that bend the rose;

But cantheir charms suppress the sigh

Or chacethe tear from Sorrow's eye?

Can alltheir lustrous light impart

One ray ofpeace to sorrow's heart?

Ah! no;their fires her fainting soul oppress---

Eve'spensive shades more soothe her meek distress!"




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791)3:97-98: "Asshe listened to the mellow and enchanting tones of the hornwhichgradually sunk away in distancethe scene appeared more lovely thanbeforeand finding it impossible to forbear attempting to paint inlanguage what was so beautiful in realityshe composed the following




How smooththat lake expands its ample breast!

  Where smiles in soften'd glow the summer sky:

How vastthe rocks that o'er its surface rest!

  How wild the scenes its winding shores supply!


Now downthe western steep slow sinks the sun

  And paints with yellow gleam the tufted woods:

While herethe mountain-shadowsbroad and dun

  Sweep o'er the crystal mirror of the floods.


Mark howhis splendour tips with partial light

  Those shatter'd battlements! that on the brow

Of yonbold promontory burst to sight

  From o'er the woods that darkly spread below.


In thesoft blush of light's reflected power

  The ridgy rockthe woods that crown its steep

Th'illumin'd battlementand darker tower

  On the smooth wave in trembling beauty sleep.


But lo!the sun recalls his fervid ray

  And cold and dimthe wat'ry visions fail;

While o'eryon cliffwhose pointed craggs decay

  Mild Evening draws her thin empurpled veil!


How sweetthat strain of melancholy horn!

  That floats along the slowly ebbing wave;

And up thefar-receding mountains borne

  Returns a dying close from Echo's cave!


Hail!shadowy forms of stillexpressive Eve!

  Your pensive graces stealing on my heart

Bid allthe fine-attun'd emotions live

  And fancy all her loveliest dreams impart."




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791)3:144-6: "Theysat down on a point of rockovershadowed by lofty palm-treestocontemplate at leisure the magnificent scene. The sun was justemerged from the seaover which his rays shed a flood of lightanddarted a thousand brilliant tints on the vapours that ascended thehorizonand floated there in light cloudsleaving the bosom of thewaters below clear as chrystalexcept where the white surges [PAGE145] were seen to bear upon the rocks; and discovering the distantsails of the fishing boatsand the far distant highlands of Corsicatinted with aetherial blue. Claraafter some timedrew forth herpencilbut threw it aside in despair. Adelineas they returned homethrough a romantic glenwhen her senses were no longer absorbed inthe contemplation of this grand sceneryand when its images floatedon her memoryonlyin softened coloursrepeated the followinglines:




Oft let mewanderat the break of day

  Thro' the cool vale o'erhung with waving woods

Drink therich fragrance of the budding May

  And catch the murmur of the distant floods;

Or rest onthe fresh bank of limpid rill

  Where sleeps the vi'let in the dewy shade

Whereop'ning lilies balmy sweets distil

  And the wild musk-rose weeps along the glade:


Or climbthe eastern cliffwhose airy head

  Hangs rudely o'er the blue and misty main;

Watch thefine hues of morn through ¾ther spead

  And paint with roseate glow the crystal plain.

Oh! whocan speak the rapture of the soul

  When o'er the waves the sun first steals to sight


And allthe world of watersas they roll

  And Heaven's vast vault unveils in living light!

So life'syoung hour to man enchanting smiles

Withsparkling healthand joyand fancy's fairy wiles!"




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791): "One eveningAdeline having excused herself from accompanying La Luc and Clara ina visit to a neighbouring familyshe retired to the terrace of thegardenwhich overlooked the seaand as she viewed the tranquilsplendour of the setting sunand his glories reflected on thepolished surface of the wavesshe touched the strings of the lute insoftest harmonyher voice accompanying it with words which she hadone day written after having read that rich effusion of Shakespeare'sgenius'A Midsummer Night's Dream.'




O! flywith me through distant air

  To isles that gem the western deep!

Forlaughing Summer revels there

  And hangs her wreath on every steep.


As throughthe green transparent sea

  Light floating on the waves we go

The nymphsshall gaily welcome me

  Far in their coral caves below.


For oftupon their margin sands

  When twilight leads the fresh'ning hours

I comewith all my jocund bands

  To charm them from their sea-green bow'rs.


And wellthey love our sports to view

  And on the Ocean's breast to lave;

And oft aswe the dance renew

  They call up music from the wave.


Swift hiewe to that splendid clime

  Where gay Jamaica spreads her scene

Lifts theblue mountain---wild---sublime!

  And smooths her vales of vivid green.


Wherethroned highin pomp of shade

  The Power of Vegetation reigns

Expandingwideo'er hill and glade

  Shrubs of all growth---fruit of all stains:


She stealsthe sun-beam's fervid glow

  To paint her flow'rs of mingling hue;

And o'erthe grape the purple throw

  Breaking from verdant leaves to view.


Theremyrtle bow'rsand citron grove

  O'ercanopy our airy dance;

And therethe sea-breeze loves to rove

  When trembles day's departing glance.


And whenthe false moon steals away

  Or o'er the chasing morn doth rise

Oftfearlesswe our gambols play

  By the fire-worm's radiant eyes.


And suckthe honey'd reeds that swell

  In tufted plumes of silver white;

Or piercethe cocoa's milky cell

  To sip the nectar of delight!


And whenthe shaking thunders roll

  And light'nings strike athwart the gloom

We shelterin the cedar's bole

  And revel 'mid the rich perfume!


But chiefwe love beneath the palm

  Or verdant plantain's spreading leaf

To hearupon the midnight calm

  Sweet Philomela pour her grief.


To mortalsprite such dulcet sound

  Such blissful hourswere never known!

O fly withme my airy round

  And I will make them all thine own!


Adelineceased to sing--when she immediately heard repeated in a low voice


           'To mortal sprite such dulcet sound

           'Such blissful hourswere never known!'


andturning her eyes whence it cameshe saw M. Amand. She blushed andlaid down the lutewhich he instantly took upand with a tremuloushand drew forth tones


           'That might create a soul under the ribs of Death.'


In amelodious voicethat trembled with sensibilityhe sang thefollowing




How-sweetis Love's first gentle sway

  When crown'd with flow'rs he softly smiles!

  His blue eyes fraught with tearful wiles

Wherebeams of tender transport play:

Hope leadshim on his airy way

  And Faith and Fancy still beguiles---

  Faith quickly tangled in her toils---

Fancywhose magic forms so gay

  The fair Deceiver's self deceive---

'How sweetis Love's first gentle sway!'

  Ne'er would that heart he bids to grieve

FromSorrow's soft enchantments stray---

Ne'er---tillthe God exulting in his art

Relentlessfrowns and wings th' envenom'd dart."




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791): "She usuallyrose earlyand walked down to the shore to enjoyin the cool andsilent hours of the morningthe cheering beauty of natureandinhale the pure sea-breeze. Every object then smiled in fresh andlively colours. The blue eathe brilliant skythe distant fishingboatswith their white sailsand the voices of the fishermen borneat intervals on the airwere circumstances which re-animated herspiritsand in one of her ramblesyielding to that taste for poetrywhich had seldom forsaken hershe repeated the following lines:





     What print of fairy feet is here

OnNeptune's smooth and yellow sands?

  What midnight revel's airy dance

  Beneath the moon-beam's trembling glance

Has blestthese shores?---What sprightly bands

     Have chac'd the waves uncheck'd by fear?

Whoe'erthey were they fled from morn

For nowall silent and forlorn

Thesetide-forsaken sands appear---

Returnsweet sprites! the scene to cheer!


In vainthe call!---'Till moonlight's hour

Againdiffuse its softer pow'r

Titanianor her fairy loves

Emergefrom India's spicy groves.

  Thenwhen the shad'wy hour returns

Whensilence reigns o'er air and earth

  And ev'ry star in ¾ther burns

They cometo celebrate their mirth;

  In frolic ring light trip the ground

BidMusic's voice on Silence win

  'Till magic echoes answer round---

Thus dotheir festive rites begin.


O fairyforms so coy to mortal ken

  Your mystic steps to poets only shewn;

O! lead meto the brookor hollow'd glen

  Retiring farwith winding woods o'ergrown!

     Where'er ye best delight to rule;

  If in some forest's lone retreat

  Thither conduct my willing feet

     To the light brink of fountain cool

  Wheresleeping in the midnight dew

  Lie Spring's young buds of ev'ry hue

     Yielding their sweet breath to the air;

  To fold their silken leaves from harm

  And their chill heads in moonshine warm

     Is bright Titania's tender care.


Theretothe night-birds's plaintive chaunt

  Your carols sweet ye love to raise

  With oaten reed and past'ral lays;

And guardwith forceful spell her haunt

  Whowhen your antic sports are done

Oft lullsye in the lily's cell

Sweetflow'r! that suits your slumbers well

  And shields ye from the rising sun.

When notto India's steeps ye fly

  After twilight and the moon

In honeybuds ye love to lie

  While reigns supreme Light's fervid noon;

Nor quitthe cell where peace pervades.

'Tillnight leads on the dews and shades.


E'en nowyour scenes enchanted meet my sight!

  I see the earth unclosethe palace rise

The highdome swelland long arcades of light

  Glitter among the deep embow'ring woods

  And glance reflecting from the trembling floods!

While tosoft lutes the portals wide unfold

  And fairy formsof fine ¾therial dyes

  Advance with frolic step and laughing eyes

Their hairwith pearltheir garments deck'd with gold;

Pearlsthat in Neptune's briny waves they sought

And goldfrom India's deepest caverns brought.

Thus yourlight visions to my eyes unveil

Yesportive pleasuressweet illusionhail!

  But ah! at morn's first blush again ye fade!

So fromyouth's ardent gaze life's landscape gay

  And forms in Fancy's summer hues array'd

Dissolveat once in air at Truth's resplendent day!




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791): "The sunatlengthsunk below the oceanand twilight stole over the sceneleaving the shadowy shores yet visibleand touching with a solemntint the waters that stretched wide around. She sketched the picturebut it was with a faint pencil.




  O'er the dim breast of Ocean's wave

     Night spreads afar her gloomy wings

     And pensive thoughtand silence brings

  Save when the distant waters lave.

        Or when the mariner's lone voice

     Swells faintly in the passing gale

        Or when the screaming sea-gulls poise

     O'er the tall mast and swelling sail

        Bounding the grey gleam of the deep

     Where fancy'd forms arouse the mind

        Dark sweep the shoreson whose rude steep

     Sighs the sad spirit of the wind.

  Sweet is its voice upon the air

        At ev'ning's melancholy close

        When the smooth wave in silence flows!

  Sweetsweet the peace its stealing accents bear!

Blest bethy shadesO Night! and blest the song

Thy lowwinds breathe the distant shores along!"




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791): "When shereached the summitand looked down over the dark tops of the woodson the wide and various prospectshe was seized with a kind of stillrapture impossible to be expressedand stood unconscious of theflight of timetill the sun had left the sceneand twilight threwits solemn shade upon the mountains. The sea alone reflected thefading splendor of the West; its tranquil surface was partiallydisturbed by the low wind that creap in tremulous lines along thewaterswhen rising to the woodsit shivered their light leavesanddied away. Adelineresigning herself to the luxury of sweet andtender emotionsrepeated the following lines:






Soft o'erthe mountain's purple brow

  Meek Twilight draws her shadows grey:

Fromtufted woods and vallies low

  Light's magic colours steal away.

Yet stillamid the spreading gloom

  Resplendent glow the western waves

  That roll o'er Neptune's coral caves

A zone oflight on Ev'ning's dome.

  On this lone summit let me rest

And viewthe forms to Fancy dear

  'Till on the Ocean's darken'd breast

The starsof Ev'ning tremble clear;

Or themoon's pale orb appear

  Throwing her line of radiance wide

  Far o'er the lightly-curling tide

  That seems the yellow sands to chide.

  No sounds o'er silence now prevail

     Save of the dying wave below

  Or sailor's song borne on the gale

     Or oar at distance striking slow.

So sweet!so tranquil! may my ev'ning ray

Set tothis world---and rise in future day!




Adelinequitted the heightsand followed a narrow path that wound to thebeach below: her mind was now particularly sensible of fineimpressionsand the sweet notes of the nightingale amid thestillness of the woods again awakened her enthusiasm.




     Child of the melancholy song!

     O yet that tender strain prolong!


Herlengthen'd shade when Ev'ning flings

  From mountain-cliffsand forests green

Andsailing slow on silent wings

  Along the glimm'ring West is seen;

I loveo'er pathless hills to stray

  Or trace the winding vale remote

And pausesweet Bird! to hear thy lay

  While moon-beams on the thin clouds float;

'Till o'erthe Mountain's dewy head

PaleMidnight steals to wake the dead.


Farthrough the Heav'ns' aetherial blue

  Wafted on Spring's light airs you come

Withbloomsand flow'rsand genial dew

  From climes where Summer joys to roam

  O! welcome to your long lost home!


     'Child of the melancholy song!'

     Who lov'st the lonely woodland-glade

  To mournunseenthe boughs among

     When Twilight spreads her pensive shade

  Again thy dulcet voice I hail!

     O! pour again the liquid note

  That dies upon the ev'ning gale!

     For Fancy loves the kindred tone;

     Her griefs the plaintive accents own.

        She loves to hear thy music float

  At solemn midnight's stillest hour

     And think on friends for ever lost

     On joys by disappointment crost

  And weep anew Love's charmful pow'r!


  Then Memory wakes the magic smile

     Th' impassion'd voicethe melting eye

  That won't the trusting heart beguile

     And wakes again the hopeless sigh!

  Her skill the glowing tints revive

     Of scenes that Time had bade decay:

  She bids the soften'd Passions live---

     The Passions urge again their sway.

  Yet o'er the long-regretted scene

     Thy song the grace of sorrow throws;

  A melancholy charm serene

     More rare than all that mirth bestows.

Then hailsweet Bird! and hail thy pensive tear!

To Tasteto Fancyand to Virtue dear!"




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791)3:328-9: "Thecontrast which memory drew of the past with the presentfrequentlydrew tears of tenderness and gratitude to their eyesand the sweetsmile which seemed struggling to dispel from the countenance ofAdeline those gems of sorrowpenetrated the heart of Theodoreandbrought to his recollection a little song which in othercircumstances he had formerly sung to her. He took up a lute that layon the tableand [PAGE 329] touching the dulcet chordsaccompaniedit with the following words:




The rosethat weeps with morning dew

  And glitters in the sunny ray

In tearsof smiles resembles you

  When Love breaks Sorrow's cloud away.


The dewsthat bend the blushing flow'r

  Enrich the scent---renew the glow;

So Love'ssweet tears exalt his pow'r

  So bliss more brightly shines by woe!




TheRomance of the Forest3 vols. (London1791): "Peter flewand while chair and tables were placingClara ran for her favouritelutethe lute which had formerly afforded her such delightandwhich Adeline had often touched with a malancholy expression. Clara'slight hand now ran over the chordsand drew forth tones of tendersweetnessher voice acoompanying the following






NowatMoonlight's fairy hour

  When faintly gleams each dewy steep

And valeand Mountainlake and bow'r

  In solitary grandeur sleep;


Whenslowly sinks the evening breeze

  That lulls the mind in pensive care

And Fancyloftier visions sees

  Bid Music wake the silent air.


Bid themerrymerry tabor sound

  And with the Fays of lawn or glade

Intripping circlet beat the ground

  Under the high trees' trembling shade.


"Nowat Moonlight's fairy hour"

  Shall Music breathe her dulcet voice

And o'erthe waveswith magic pow'r

  Call on Echo to rejoice.








TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794):  "Thistoowas a favourite retreat of St. Aubertto which he freqently withdrew from the fervour of the noonwith hiswifehis daughterand his books; or came at the sweet evening hourto welcome the silent duskor to listen for the music of thenightingale. Sometimestoohe brought music of his ownandawakened every fairy echo with the tender accents of his oboe; andoften have the tones of Emily's voice drawn sweetness from the wavesover which they trembled. It was in one of her excursions to thisspotthat she observed the following lines written with a pencil ona part of the wainscot:




Gopencil! faithful to thy master's sights!

Go--tellthe Goddess of this fairy scene

When nexther light steps wind these wood-walks green

When allhis tearshis tender sorrowsrise:

Ah! painther formher soul-illumin'd eyes

The sweetexpression of her pensive face

Thelight'ning smilethe animated grace--

Theportrait well the lover's voice supplies;

Speaks allhis heart must feelhis tongue would say:

Yet ah!not all his heart must sadly feel!

How oftthe flow'ret's silken leaves conceal

The drugthat steals the vital spark away!

And whothat gazes on that angel smile

Would fearits charmor think it could beguile!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "'Are you such an admirer of nature' said St. Aubert'and so little acquainted with her appearances as not to know thatfor a glow-worm? But come' added he gaily'step a little furtherand we shall see fairiesperhaps; they are often companions. Theglow-work lends his lightand they in return charm him with musicand the dance. Do you see nothing tripping yonder?' Emily laughed.'Wellmy dear sir' said she'since you allow of this allianceImay vanture to own I have anticipated you; and almost dare venture torepeat some verses I made one evening in these very woods.' 'Nay'replied St. Aubert'dismiss the almostand venture quite; let ushear what vagaries fancy has been playing in your mind. If she hasgiven you one of her spellsyou need not envy those of the fairies.''If it is strong enough to enchant your judgmentsir' said Emily'while I disclose her imagesI need not envy them. The lines go in asort of tripping measurewhich I thought might suit the subject wellenoughbut I fear they are too irregular.




Howpleasant is the green-wood's deep-matted shade

On amidsummer's evewhen the fresh rain is o'er;

When theyellow beams slopeand sparkle thro' the glade

Andswiftly in the thin air the light swallows soar!


Butsweetersweeter stillwhen the sun sinks to rest

Andtwilight comes onwith the fairies so gay

Trippingthrough the forest-walkwhere flow'rsunprest

Bow nottheir tall heads beneath their frolic play.


To music'ssoftest sounds they dance away the hour

'Tillmoon-light steals down among the trembling leaves

Andchecquers all the groundand guides them to the bow'r

The longhaunted bow'rwhere the nightingale grieves.


Then nomore they dance'till her sad song is done

Butsilent as the nightto her mourning attend;

And oftenas her dying notes their pity have won

They vowall her sacred haunts from mortals to defend.


Whendownamong the mountainssinks the ev'ning star

And thechanging moon forsakes this shadowy sphere

Howcheerless would they betho' they fairies are

If Iwithmy pale lightcame not near!


Yetcheerless tho' they'd bethey're ungrateful to my love!

Foroftenwhen the traveller is benighted on his way

And Iglimmer in his pathand would guide him thro' the grove

They bindme in their magic spells to lead him far astray;


And in themire to leave himtill the stars are all burnt out

Whileinstrange-looking shapesthey frisk about the ground

Andafarin the woodsthey raise a dismal shout

'Till Ishrink into my cell again for terror of the sound!


Butseewhere all the tiny elves come dancing in a ring

With themerrymerry pipeand the laborand the horn

And thetimbrel so clearand the lute with dulcet string;

Then roundabout the oak they go 'till peeping of the morn.


Downyonder glade two lovers stealto shun the fairy-queen

Who frownsupon their plighted vowsand jealous is of me

Thatyester-eve I lighted themalong the dewy green

To seekthe purple flow'rwhose juice from all her spells can free.


And nowto punish meshe keeps afar her jocund band

With themerrymerry pipeand the taborand the lute;

If I creepnear yonder oak she will wave her fairy wand

And to methe dance will ceaseand the music all be mute.


O! had Ibut that purple flow'r whose leaves her charms can foil

And knewlike fays to draw the juiceand throw it on the wind

I'd be herslave no longernor the traveller beguile

And helpall faithful loversnor fear the fairy kind!


But soonthe vapour of the woods will wander afar

And thefickle moon will fadeand the stars disappear

Thencheerless will they betho' they fairies are

If Iwithmy pale lightcome not near!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "Emilycalled as she had requestedat an early hourawokelittle refreshed by sleepfor uneasy dreams had pursued herand marred the kindest blessing of the unhappy. Butwhen she openedher casementlooked out upon the woodsbright with the morning sunand inspired the pure airher mind was soothed. The scene was filledwith that cheering freshnesswhich seems to breathe the very spirithealthand she heard only sweet and picturesque soundsif such an[PAGE 196] expression may be allowed--the matinbell of a distantconventthe faint murmur of the sea-wavesthe song of birdsandthe far-off low of cattlewhich she saw coming slowly on between thetrunks of the trees. Struck with the circumstances of imagery aroundhershe indulged the pensive tranquility which they inspired; andwhile she leaned on her windowwaiting still St. Aubert shoulddescend to breakfasther ideas arranged themselves in the followinglines:




How sweetto wind the forest's tangled shade

  When early twilightfrom the eastern bound

Dawns onthe sleeping landscape in the glade

  And fades as morning spreads her blush around!


When ev'ryinfant flowerthat wept in night

  Lifts its chill head soft glowing with a tear

Expandsits tender blossom to the light

  And gives its incense to the genial air.


How freshthe breeze that wafts the rich perfume;

  And swells the melody of waking birds;

The hum ofbeesbeneath the verdant gloom

  And woodman's songand low of distant herds!


Thendoubtful gleams the mountain's hoary head

  Seen through the parting foliage from afar;

Andfarther stillthe ocean's misty bed

  With flitting sailsthat partial sun-beams share.


Butvainthe sylvan shade---the breath of May

  The voice of music floating on the gale

And formsthat beam through morning's dewy veil

  If health no longer bid the heart be gay!

O balmyhour! 'tis thine her wealth to give

Herespread her blushand bid the parent live!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "The sun was now set; butunder the dark branches of thealmond treeswas seen the saffron glow of the westspreading beyondthe twilight of middle air. The bat flitted silently by; andnow andthenthe mourning note of the nightingale was heard. Thecircumstances of the hour brought to her recollection some lineswhich she had once heard St. Aubert recite on this very spotand shehad now a melancholy pleasure in repeating them.




Now thebat circles on the breeze of eve

Thatcreepsin shudd'ring sitsalong the wave

Andtrembles 'mid the woodsand through the cave

Whoselonely sighs the wanderer deceive;

For oftwhen melancholy charms his mind

He thinksthe Spirit of the rock he hears

Norlistensbut with sweetly-thrilling fears

To thelowmystic murmurs of the wind!

Now thebat circlesand the twilight dew

Fallssilent roundando'er the mountain-cliff

Thegleaming wave and far-discover'd skiff

Spreadsthe grey veil of softharmonious hue.

So fallso'er Grief the dew of pity's tear

Dimmingher lonely visions of despair."




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "As she descended on the Italian sidethe precipicesbecame still more tremendousand the prospects still more wild andmajesticover which the shifting lights threw all the pomp ofcolouring. Emily delighted to observe the snowy tops of the mountainsunder the passing influence of the dayblushing with morningglowing with the brightness of noonor just tinted with the purpleevening. The haunt of man could now only be discovered by the simplehut of the shepherd and the hunteror by the rough pine bridgethrown across the torrentto assist the latter in his chase of thechamois over crags wherebut for this bestige of manit would havebeen believed only the chamois and the wolf dared to venture. Asemily gazed upon one of these perilous bridgessome images came toher mindwhich she afterwards combined in the following




The wearytravellerwhoall night long

Hasclimb'd among the Alps' tremendous steeps

Skirtingthe pathless precipicewhere throng

Wild formsof danger; as he onward creeps

Ifchancehis anxious eye at distance sees

Themountain-shepherd's solitary home

Peepingfrom forth the moon-illumin'd trees

Whatsudden transports to his bosom come!

Butifbetween some hideous chasm yawn

Where thecleft pine a doubtful bridge displays

Indreadful silenceon the brinkforlorn

He standsand views in luna's dubious rays

Farfarbelowthe torrent's rising surge

Andlistens to the wild impetuous roar;

Still eyesthe depthstill shudders on the verge

Fears toreturnnor dares to venture o'er.

Desperateat length the tottering plank he tries

His weaksteps slidehe shriekshe sinks---he dies!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "When she was aloneunable to sleepthe landscapes ofher native homewith Valancourtand the circumstances of herdeparturehaunted her fancy; she drew pictures of social happinessamidst the grand simplicity of naturesuch as she feared she hadbade farewell to for ever; and thenthe idea of this youngPiedmontesethus ignorantly sporting with his happinessreturned toher thoughtsandglad to espcape awhile from the pressure of nearerinterestsshe indulged her fancy in composing the following lines.




Ahmerryswainwho laugh'd along the vales

And withyour gay pipe made the mountains ring

Why leaveyour cotyour woodsand thymy gales

Andfriends belov'dfor aught that wealth can bring?

He goes towake o'er moon-light seas the string

Venetiangold his untaught fancy hails!

Yet oft ofhome his simple carols sing

And hissteps pauseas the last Alp he scales.

Once morehe turns to view his native scene---

Farfarbelowas roll the clouds away

He spieshis cabin 'mid the pine-tops green

Thewell-known woodsclear brookand pastures gay;

And thinksof friends and parents left behind

Of sylvanrevelsdanceand festive song;

And hearsthe faint reed swelling in the wind;

And hissad sighs the distant notes prolong!

Thus wentthe swaintill mountain shadows fell

And dimm'dthe landscape to his aching sight;

And musthe leave the vales he loves so well?

Canforeign wealthand showshis heart delight?

Nohappyvales! your wild rocks still shall hear

His pipelight sounding on the morning breeze;

Stillshall he lead the flocks to streamlet clear

And watchat eve beneath the western trees.

AwayVenetian gold---your charm is o'er!

And nowhis swift step seeks the lowland bow'rs

Wherethrough the leaveshis cottage light once more

Guides himto happy friendsand jocund hours.

Ahmerryswain! that laughs along the vales

And withyour gay pipe make the mountains ring

Your cotyour woodsyour thymy-scented gales---

Andfriends belov'd---more joy than wealth can bring!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "She looked roundwith anxious enquiry; the deeptwilightthat had fallen over the sceneadmitted only imperfectimages to the eyebutat some distance on the seashe tought sheperceived a gondola: a chorus of voices and instruments now swelledon the air--so sweetso solemn! It seemed like the hymn of angelsdescending through the silence of night! Now it died awayand fancyalmost beheld the holy choir reascending towards heaven; then againit swelled with the breezetrembled awhileand again died intosilence. It brought to Emily's recollection some lines of her latefatherand she repeated in a low voice


                --Oft I hear

Upon thesilence of the midnight air

Celestialvoices swell in holy chorus

That bearsthe soul to heaven!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "After supperher aunt sat latebut Montoni did notreturnand she at length retired to rest. If Emily had admired themagnificence of the saloonshe was not less surprisedon observingthe half-furnished and forlorn appearance of the apartments shepassed in the way to her chamberwhither she went through longsuites of noble roomsthat seemedfrom their dreary aspectto havebeen unoccupied for many years. On the walls of some were the fadedremains of tapestry; from otherspainted in frescothe damps hadalmost withdrawn both colours and design. At length she reached herown chamberspaciousdesolateand loftylike the restwith highlattices and opened towards the Adriatic. It brought gloomy images toher mindbut the view of the Adriatic soon gave her others moreairyamong which was that of the sea-nymphwhose delights she hadbefore amused herself with picturing; andanxious to escape fromserious reflectionsshe now endeavoured to throw her fanciful ideasinto a trainand concluded the hour with composing the followinglines:




Downdowna thousand fathom deep

Among thesounding seas I go;

Play roundthe foot of every steep

Whosecliffs above the ocean grow.


Therewithin their secret caves

I hear themighty rivers roar;

And guidetheir streams through Neptune's waves

To blessthe green earth's inmost shore:


And bidthe freshen'd waters glide

Forfern-crown'd nymphs of lakeor brook

Throughwinding woods and pastures wide

And many awildromantic nook.


For thisthe nymphsat fall of eve

Oft danceupon the flow'ry banks

And singmy nameand garlands weave

To bearbeneath the wave their thanks.


In coralbow'rs I love to lie

And hearthe surges roll above

Andthrough the watersview on high

The proudships sailand gay clouds move.


And oft atmidnight's stillest hour

Whensummer seas the vessel lave

I love toprove my charmful pow'r

Whilefloating on the moon-light wave.


And whendeep sleep the crew has bound

And thesad lover musing leans

O'er theship's sideI breathe around

Suchstrains as speak no mortal means!


O'er thedim waves his searching eye

Sees butthe vessel's lengthen'd shade;

Above---themoon and azure sky;

Entranc'dhe hearsand half afraid!


Sometimesa single note I swell

Thatsoftly sweetat distance dies;

Then wakethe magic of my shell

And choralvoices round me rise!


Thetrembling youthcharm'd by my strain

Calls upthe crewwhosilentbend

O'er thehigh deckbut list in vain;

My song ishush'dmy wonders end!


Within themountain's woody bay

Where thetall bark at anchor rides

Attwilight hourwith tritons gay

I danceupon the lapsing tides.


And withmy sister-nymphs I sport

'Till thebroad sun looks o'er the floods;

Thenswift we seek our crystal court

Deep inthe wave'mid Neptune's woods.


In coolarcades and glassy halls

We passthe sultry hours of noon

Beyondwherever sun-beam falls

Weavingsea-flowers in gay festoon.


The whilewe chant our ditties sweet

To somesoft shell that warbles near;

Join'd bythe murmuring currentsfleet

That glidealong our halls so clear.


Therethepale pearl and sapphire blue

And rubyredand em'rald green

Dart fromthe domes a changing hue

And sparrycolumns deck the scene.


When thedark storm scowls o'er the deep

And longlong peals of thunder sound

On somehigh cliff my watch I keep

O'er allthe restless seas around:


'Till onthe ridgy waveafar

Comes thelone vessellabouring slow

Spreadingthe white foam in the air

With sailand topmast bending low.


Thenplunge I 'mid the ocean's roar

My way byquiv'ring lightnings shewn

To guidethe bark to peaceful shore

And hushthe sailor's fearful groan.


And if toolate I reach its side

To save itfrom the 'whelming surge

I call mydolphins o'er the tide

To bearthe crew where isles emerge.


Theirmournful spirits soon I cheer

Whileround the desert coast I go

Withwarbled songs they faintly hear

Oft as thestormy gust sinks low.


My musicleads to lofty groves

That wildupon the sea-bank wave;

Wheresweet fruits bloomand fresh spring roves

Andclosing boughs the tempest brave.


Thespirits of the air obey

My potentvoice they love so well;

Andonthe cloudspaint visions gay

Whilestrains more sweet at distance swell.


And thusthe lonely hours I cheat

Soothingthe ship-wreck'd sailor's heart

'Till fromthe waves the storms retreat

And o'erthe east the day-beams dart.


Neptunefor this oft binds me fast

To rocksbelowwith coral chain

'Till allthe tempest's over-past

Anddrowning seamen cry in vain.


Whoe'er yeare that love my lay

Comewhenred sun-set tints the wave

To thestill sandswhere fairies play;

Thereincool seasI love to lave."




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "With such powers of expression the Count sung thefollowing:




Soft asyon silver raythat sleeps

Upon theocean's trembling tide;

Soft asthe airthat lightly sweeps

Yon sailthat swells in stately pride:


Soft asthe surge's stealing note

That diesalong the distant shores

Or warbledstrainthat sinks remote---

So softthe sigh my bosom pours!


True asthe wave to Cynthia's ray

True asthe vessel to the breeze

True asthe soul to music's sway

Or musicto Venetian seas:


Soft asyon silver beamsthat sleep

Upon theocean's trembling breast:

So softso truefond Love shall weep

So softso truewith thee shall rest."




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "As her imagination painted with melancholy touchesthedeserted plains of Troysuch as they appeared in this after-dayshereanimated the landscape with the following little story.





O'erIlion's plainswhere once the warrior bled

And oncethe poet rais'd his deathless strain

O'erIlion's plains a weary driver led

Hisstately camels: For the ruin'd fane


Wide roundthe lonely scene his glance he threw

For nowthe red cloud faded in the west

Andtwilight o'er the silent landscape drew

Herdeep'ning veil; eastward his course he prest:


Thereonthe grey horizon's glimm'ring bound

Rose theproud columns of deserted Troy

Andwand'ring shepherds now a shelter found

Withinthose wallsthat rang with princes joy!


Beneath alofty porch the driver pass'd

Thenfromhis camels heav'd the heavy load;

Partookwith them the simplecoolrepast

Andinshort vespergave himself to God.


Fromdistant lands with merchandise he came

His all ofwealth his patient servants bore;

Oftdeep-drawn sighs his anxious wish proclaim

To reachagainhis happy cottage door;


For therehis wifehis little childrendwell;

Theirsmiles shall pay the toil of many an hour.

Ev'n nowwarm tears to expectation swell

As fancyo'er his mind extends her pow'r.


Adeath-like stillness reign'dwhere once the song

The songof heroeswak'd the midnight air

Savewhena solemn murmur roll'd along

Thatseem'd to say---"For future worlds prepare."


For Time'simperious voice was frequent heard

Shakingthe marble temple to its fall

(By handshe long had conquer'dvainly rear'd)

Anddistant ruins answer'd to his call.


WhileHamet slepthis camels round him lay

Beneathhimall his store of wealth was pil'd;

And herehis cruise and empty wallet lay

And therethe flute that cheer'd him in the wild.


The robberTartar on his slumber stole

For o'erthe wasteat evehe watch'd his train;

Ah! whohis thirst of plunder shall control?

Who callson him for mercy---calls in vain!


A poison'dpoignard in his belt he wore

A crescentsword depended at his side

Thedeathful quiver at his back he bore

Andinfants---at his very look had died!


The moon'scold beam athwart the temple fell

And to hissleeping prey the Tartar led;

Butsoft!---a startled camel shook his bell

Thenstretch'd his limbsand rear'd his drowsy head.


Hametawoke! the poignard glitter'd high!

Swift fromhis couch he sprungand 'scap'd the blow;

When froman unknown hand the arrows fly

That laythe ruffianin his vengeancelow.


Hegroan'dhe died! from forth a column'd gate

A fearfulshepherdpale and silentcrept

Whoas hewatch'd his folded flock star-late

Had mark'dthe robber steal where Hamet slept.


He fear'dhis ownand sav'd a stranger's life!

Poor Hametclasp'd him to his grateful heart;

Thenrous'd his camels for the dusty strife

Andwiththe shepherdhasten'd to depart.


And nowAurora breathes her fresh'ning gale

Andfaintly trembles on the eastern cloud;

And nowthe sunfrom under twilight's veil

Looksgaily forthand melts her airy shroud.


Wide o'erthe level plainshis slanting beams

Dart theirlong lines on Ilion's tower'd scite;

Thedistant Hellespont with morning gleams

And oldScamander winds his waves in light.


All merrysound the camel bellsso gay

And merrybeats fond Hamet's heartfor he

E'er thedim ev'ning steals upon the day

Hischildrenwife and happy home shall see."








Slow o'erthe Apenninewith bleeding feet

A patientPilgrim wound his lonely way

To deckthe Lady of Loretto's seat

With allthe little wealth his zeal could pay.

Frommountain-tops cold died the ev'ning ray

Andstretch'd in twilightslept the vale below;

And nowthe lastlast purple streaks of day

Along themelancholy West fade slow.

High o'erhis headthe restless pines complain

As ontheir summit rolls the breeze of night;

Beneaththe hoarse stream chides the rocks in vain:

ThePilgrim pauses on the dizzy height.

Then tothe vale his cautious step he prest

For therea hermit's cross was dimly seen

Crestingthe rockand there his limbs might rest

Cheer'd inthe good man's caveby faggot's sheen

On leafybedsnor guile his sleep molest.

UnhappyLuke! he trusts a treacherous clue!

Behind thecliff the lurking robber stood;

Nofriendly moon his giant shadow threw

Athwartthe roadto save the Pilgrim's blood;

On as hewent a vesper-hymn he sang

The hymnthat nightly sooth'd him to repose.

Fierce onhis harmless prey the ruffian sprang!

ThePilgrim bleeds to deathhis eye-lids close

Yet hismeek spirit knew no vengeful care

Butdyingfor his murd'rer breath'd---a sainted pray'r!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "Emilylistening with surprise and attentiondistinguished the following invocation delivered in the pure andelegant tongue of Tuscany and accompanied by a few pastoralinstruments.




O nymph!who loves to float on the green wave

WhenNeptune sleeps beneath the moon-light hour

Lull'd bythy music's melancholy pow'r

O nympharise from out thy pearly cave!


For Hesperbeams amid the twilight shade

And soonshall Cynthia tremble o'er the tide

Gleam onthese cliffsthat bound the ocean's pride

And lonelysilence all the air pervade.


Thenletthy tender voice at distance swell

And stealalong this solitary shore

Sink onthe breezetill dying---heard no more---

Thouwak'st the sudden magic of thy shell.


While thelong coast in echo sweet replies

Thysoothing strains the pensive heart beguile

And bidthe visions of the future smile

O nymph!from out thy pearly cave---arise!






TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "He endeavoured to amuse her by shewing the environs ofthe townand they often walked together on the sea-shoreand on thebusy quayswhere Emily was frequently interested by the arrival anddeparture of vesselsparticipating in the joy of meeting friendsandsometimesshedding a sympathetic tear to the sorrow of thosethat were separating. It was after having witnessed a scene of thelatter kindthat she arranged the following stanzas:




Soft camethe breath of spring; smooth flow'd the tide;

And bluethe heaven in its mirror smil'd;

The whitesail trembledswell'dexpanded wide

The busysailors at the anchor toil'd.


Withanxious friendsthat shed the parting tear

The deckis throng'd---how swift the moments fly;

The vesselheavesthe farewel signs appear;

Mute iseach tongueand eloquent each eye!


The lastdread moment comes!---The sailor-youth

Hides thebig dropand smiles amid his pain

Sooths hissad brideand vows eternal truth

"Farewellmy love---we shall---shall meet again!"


Long onthe sternwith waving handhe stood;

Thecrowded shore sinkslesseningfrom his view

As gradualglides the bark along the flood;

His brideis seen no more---"Adieu!---adieu!"


The breezeof Eve moans lowher smile is o'er

Dim stealsher twilight down the crimson'd west

He climbsthe top-most mastto seek once more

Thefar-seen coastwhere all his wishes rest.


He viewsits dark line on the distant sky

And Fancyleads him to his little home

He seeshis weeping lovehe hears her sigh

He soothsher griefsand tells of joys to come.


Eve yieldsto nightthe breeze to wintry gales

In onevast shade the seas and shores repose;

He turnshis aching eyes---his spirit fails

The chilltear falls;---sad to the deck he goes!


The stormof midnight swellsthe sails are furl'd

Deepsounds the leadbut finds no friendly shore;

Fast o'erthe waves the wretched bark is hurl'd

"OEllenEllen! we must meet no more!"


Lightningsthat shew the vast and foamy deep

Therending thundersas they onward roll

The loudloud windsthat o'er the billows sweep---

Shake thefirm nerveappal the bravest soul!


Ah! whatavails the seamen's toiling care!

Thestraining cordage burststhe mast is riv'n;

The soundsof terror groan along the air

Then sinkafar;---the bark on rocks is driv'n;


Fierceo'er the wreck the whelming waters pass'd

Thehelpless crew sunk in the roaring main!

Henry'sfaint accents trembled in the blast---

Farewellmy love!---we ne'er shall meet again!"


Oftatthe calm and silent ev'ning hour

Whensummer-breezes linger on the wave

Amelancholy voice is heard to pour

Its lonelysweetness o'er poor Henry's grave!


And oftat midnightairy strains are heard

Around thegrovewhere Ellen's form is laid;

Nor is thedirge by village-maidens fear'd

Forlovers' spirits guard the holy shade!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "The hum of the bees alone broke the stillness aroundheraswith other insects of various huesthey sported gaily inthe shadeor sipped sweets from the fresh flowers; andwhileBlanche watched a butter-flyflitting from bud to budshe indulgedherself in imagining the pleasures of its short daytill she hadcomposed the following stanzas.




Whatbow'ry dellwith fragrant breath

Courtsthee to stay thy airy flight;

Nor seekagain the purple heath

So oft thescene of gay delight?


Longwatch'd I in the lily's bell

Whosewhiteness stole the morning's beam;

Nofluttering sounds thy coming tell

No wavingwingsat distancegleam.


Butfountain freshnor breathing grove

Nor sunnymeadnor blossom'd tree

So sweetas lily's cell shall prove---

The bowerof constant love and me.


When Aprilbuds begin to blow

Theprimroseand the hare-bell blue

That onthe verdant moss bank grow

Withviolet cupsthat weep in dew;


Whenwanton gales breathe through the shade

And shakethe bloomsand steal their sweets

And swellthe song of ev'ry glade

I rangethe forest's green retreats:


Therethrough the tangled wood-walks play

Where norude urchin paces near

Wherescarcely peeps the sultry day

And lightdews freshen all the air.


High on asun-beam oft I sport

O'er bowerand fountainvale and hill;

Oft ev'ryblushing flow'ret court

That hangsits head o'er winding rill.


But theseI'll leave to be thy guide

And shewtheewhere the jasmine spreads

Her snowyleafwhere may-flow'rs hide

Androse-buds rear their peeping heads.


With methe mountain's summit scale

And tastethe wild-thyme's honied bloom

Whosefragrancefloating on the gale

Oft leadsme to the cedar's gloom.


Yetyetno sound comes in the breeze!

What shadethus dares to tempt thy stay?

Oncemealone thou wish'd to please

And withme only thou wouldst stray.


Butwhilethy long delay I mourn

And chidethe sweet shades for their guile

Thoumay'st be trueand they forlorn

And fairyfavours court thy smile.


The tinyqueen of fairy-land

Who knowsthy speedhath sent thee far

To bringor ere the night-watch stand

Richessence for her shadowy car:


Perchanceher acorn-cups to fill

Withnectar from the Indian rose

Or gathernear some haunted rill

May-dewsthat lull to sleep Love's woes:


Or o'erthe mountainsbade thee fly

To tellher fairy love to speed

Whenev'ning steals upon the sky

To dancealong the twilight mead.


But now Isee thee sailing low

Gay as thebrightest flow'rs of spring

Thy coatof blue and jet I know

And wellthy gold and purple wing.


Borne onthe galethou com'st to me;

O!welcomewelcome to my home!

In lily'scell we'll live in glee

Togethero'er the mountains roam!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "One eveningshe lingered here to a late hour. She hadsat on the steps of the buildingwatchingin tranquil melancholythe gradual effect of evening over the extensive prospecttill thegray waters of the Mediterranean and the massy woods were almost theonly features visible; whenas she gazed alternately on theseandon the mild blue of the heavenswhere the first pale star of eveningappearedshe personfied the hour in the following lines:--




Last ofthe Hoursthat track the fading Day

I movealong the realms of twilight air

And hearremotethe choral song decay

Ofsister-nymphswho dance around my car.


Thenas Ifollow through the azure void

Hispartial splendour from my straining eye

Sinks inthe depths of space; my only guide

His faintray dawning on the farthest sky;


Save thatsweet ling'ring strain of gayer Hours!

Whoseclose my voice prolongs in dying notes

Whilemortals on the green earth own its pow'rs

Asdownward on the ev'ning gale it floats.


When fadesalong the west the Sun's last beam

Aswearyto the nether world he goes

Andmountain-summits catch the purple gleam

Andslumb'ring ocean faint and fainter glows;


Silentupon the globe's broad shade I steal

And o'erits dry turf shed the cooling dews

And ev'ryfever'd herb and flow'ret heal

And alltheir fragrance on the air diffuse.


Where'er Imovea tranquil pleasure reigns;

O'er allthe scene the dusky tints I send

Thatforests wild and mountainsstretching plains

Andpeopled townsin soft confusion blend.


Wide o'erthe world I waft the fresh'ning wind

Lowbreathing through the woods and twilight vale

Inwhispers softthat woo the pensive mind

Of him wholoves my lonely steps to hail.


His tenderoaten reed I watch to hear

Stealingits sweetness o'er some plaining rill

Orsoothing ocean's wavewhen storms are near

Orswelling in the breeze from distant hill!


I wake thefairy elveswho shun the light:

Whenfromtheir blossom'd bedsthey slily peep

And spy mypale starleading on the night---

Forth totheir games and revelry they leap;


Send allthe prison'd sweets abroad in air

That withthem slumber'd in the flow'ret's cell;

Then tothe shores and moon-light brooks repair

'Till thehigh larks their matin carol swell.


Thewood-nymphs hail my airs and temper'd shade

Withditties soft and lightly sportive dance

On rivermargin of some bow'ry glade

And strewtheir fresh buds as my steps advance.---


But swiftI passand distant regions trace

Formoon-beams silver all the eastern cloud

And Day'slast crimson vestige fades apace;

Down thesteep west I fly from Midnight's shroud."




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "At lengthrecognizing the hand-writing of Valancourtshe readwith tremling anxietythe following linesentitled




'Tissolemn midnight! On this lonely steep

Beneaththis watch-tow'r's desolated wall

Wheremystic shapes the wanderer appal

I rest;and view below the desert deep.

As throughtempestuous clouds the moon's cold light

Gleams onthe wave. Viewlessthe winds of night

With loudmysterious force the billows sweep

And sullenroar the surges far below.

In thestill pauses of the gust I hear

The voiceof spiritsrising sweet and slow

And oftamong the clouds their forms appear.

But hark!what shriek of death comes in the gale

And in thedistant ray what glimmering sail

Bends tothe storm?---Now sinks the note of fear!

Ah!wretched mariners! no more shall day

Unclosehis cheering eye to light you on your way!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "Thistoowas his favourite season of the yearatwhich they had often together admired the rich and variegated tintsof these woods and the magical effect of autumnal lights upon themountains; and nowthe view of these circumstances made memoryeloquent. As she wandered pensively onshe fancied the followingaddress




SweetAutumn! how the melancholy grace

Steals onmy heartas through these shades I wind!

Sooth'd bythy breathing sighI fondly trace

Eachlonely image of the pensive mind!

Lov'dsceneslov'd friends---long lost! around me rise

And wakethe melting thoughtthe tender tear!

That tearthat thoughtwhich more than mirth I prize---

Sweet asthe gradual tint that paints thy year!

Thyfarewell smilewith fond regretI view

Thybeaming lightssoft gliding o'er the woods;

Thydistant landscapetouch'd with yellow hue

Whilefalls the lengthen'd gleam; thy winding floods

Now veil'din shadesave where the skiff's white sails

Swell tothe breezeand catch thy streaming ray.

But nowe'en now!---the partial vision fails

And thewave smilesas sweeps the cloud away!

Emblem oflife!---Thus checquer'd is its plan

Thus joysucceeds to grief---thus smiles the varied man!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "The bats aloneof all the animals inhabiting thisregionseemed awake; andwhile they flitted across the silent pathwhich Blanche was pursuingshe remembered the following lineswhichEmily had given her:




From hauntof manfrom day's obtrusive glare

Thoushroud'st thee in the ruin's ivy'd tow'r

Or in someshadowy glen's romantic bow'r

Wherewizard forms their mystic charms prepare

WhereHorror lurksand ever-boding Care!

Butatthe sweet and silent ev'ning hour

Whenclos'd in sleep is ev'ry languid flow'r

Thoulov'st to sport upon the twilight air

Mockingthe eyethat would thy course pursue

In many awanton roundelasticgay

Thouflitt'st athwart the pensive wand'rer's way

As hislone footsteps print the mountain-dew.

FromIndian isles thou com'stwith Summer's car

Twilightthy love---thy guide her beaming star!"




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "The wind was highand as she drew near the chateausheoften paused to listen to its awful soundas it swept over thebillowsthat beat belowor groaned along the surrounding woods;andwhile she rested on a cliff at a short distance from thechateauand looked upon the wide watersseen dimly beneath the lastshade of twilightshe thought of the following address




Viewlessthrough heavn's vast vaultyour course ye steer

Unknownfrom whence ye comeor whither go!

Mysteriouspow'rs! I hear ye murmur low

'Tillswells your loud gust on my startled ear

Andawful! seems to say---some God is near!

I love tolist' your midnight voices float

In thedread storm that o'er the ocean rolls

Andwhiletheir charm the angry wave controuls

Mix withits sullen roarand sink remote:

Thenrising in the pausea sweeter note---

The dirgeof spiritswho your deeds bewail---

A sweeternoteoft swellswhile sleeps the gale!

But soonye sightless pow'rs! your rest is o'er:

Solemn andslow ye rise upon the air

Speak inthe shroudsand bid the sea-boy fear;

And thefaint-warbled dirge---is heard no more!


Oh! then Ideprecate your awful reign!---

The loudlament yet bear not on your breath!

Bear notthe crash of bark far on the main;

Bear notthe cry of menwho cry in vain---

The crew'sdread chorus sinking into death!

Oh! givenot theseye pow'rs---I ask alone

As'raptI climb these dark romantic steeps---

Theelemental warthe billow's moan:

I ask thestillsweet tearthat list'ning Fancy weeps."




TheMysteries of Udolpho4 vols. (London: G. G. and J. Robinson1794): "The sun was now setting on that tract of the PyrenŽeswhich divides Languedoc from Rousillonandplacing herself oppositeto a small grated windowwhichlike the wood-tops beneathand thewaves lower stillgleamed with the red glow of the westshe touchedthe chords of her lute in solemn symphonyand then accompanied itwith airsto whichin happier daysValancourt had often listed inraptureand which she now adapted to the following lines.






Spirit oflove and sorrow---hail!

Thy solemnvoice from far I hear

Minglingwith ev'ning's dying gale:

Hailwiththis sadly-pleasing tear!


O! at thisstillthis lonely hour

Thine ownsweet hour of closing day

Awake thylutewhose charmful pow'r

Shall callup Fancy to obey.


To paintthe wild romantic dream

That meetsthe poet's musing eye

As on thebank of shadowy stream

Hebreathes to her the fervid sigh.


O lonelyspirit! let thy song

Lead methrough all thy sacred haunt;

Theminster's moon-light aisles along

Wherespectres raise the midnight chaunt.


I heartheir dirges faintly swell!

Thensinkat once in silence drear;

Whilefrom the pillar'd cloister's cell

Dimlytheir gliding forms appear!


Lead wherethe pine-woods wave on high

Whosepathless sod is darkly seen

As thecold moonwith trembling eye

Darts herlong beams the leaves between.


Lead tothe mountain's dusky head

Wherefarbelowin shade profound

Wideforestsplainsand hamletsspread

And sadthe chimes of vesper sound.


Or guideme where the dashing oar

Justbreaks the stillness of the vale;

As slow ittracks the winding shore

To meetthe ocean's distant sail:


To pebblybanksthat Neptune laves

Withmeasur'd surgesloud and deep;

Where thedark cliff bends o'er the waves

And wildthe winds of autumn sweep:


Therepause at midnight's spectred hour

And listthe long-resounding gale:

And catchthe fleeting moon-light's pow'r

O'erfoaming seas and distant sail."





*AnnRadcliffe's poems were collected into an edition in 1816under thetitle The Poems of Mrs. Ann Radcliffe (London: Printed by andfor J. Smith1816)118 pp..This edition seeks to collect togetherall of the poems featured in her novels; the groupingthereforecovers the 1816 edition and adds to it a few poems not featured inthat edition. As Radcliffe's poetical work in her heyday alwaysworked within her novelsthis collection also seeks to put each poemback into its fictional context.





































