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Bram Stoker
1897 edition
3 May. Bistritz.-- Left Munich at 8:35 P.M.on 1st Mayarriving at Viennaearly nextmorning; should have arrived at 6:46but train was an hour late.Buda-Pesthseems a wonderful placefrom the glimpse which I got of itfrom thetrain and the little I could walk through the streets.I fearedto go very far from the stationas we had arrived late and wouldstart asnear the correct time as possible.
Theimpression I had was that we were leaving the West and entering theEast;the mostwestern of splendid bridges over the Danubewhich is here of noblewidth anddepthtook us among the traditions of Turkish rule.
We left inpretty good timeand came after nightfall to Klausenburgh.Here Istopped for the night at the Hotel Royale. I had for dinneror rathersuppera chicken done up some way with red pepperwhich wasvery good but thirsty. (Mem. get recipe for Mina.)I askedthe waiterand he said it was called "paprika hendl"and thatas it was a national dishI should be able to get itanywherealong the Carpathians.
I found mysmattering of German very useful hereindeedI don'tknow how Ishould be able to get on without it.
Having hadsome time at my disposal when in LondonI hadvisited the British Museumand made search amongthe booksand maps in the library regarding Transylvania;it hadstruck me that some foreknowledge of the country couldhardlyfail to have some importance in dealing with a noblemanof thatcountry.
I findthat the district he named is in the extreme east of the countryjust onthe borders of three statesTransylvaniaMoldaviaand Bukovinain themidst of the Carpathian mountains; one of the wildest and least knownportionsof Europe.
I was notable to light on any map or work giving the exact localityof theCastle Draculaas there are no maps of this country as yetto comparewith our own Ordance Survey Maps; but I found that Bistritzthe posttown named by Count Draculais a fairly well-known place.I shallenter here some of my notesas they may refresh my memory when Italk overmy travels with Mina.
In thepopulation of Transylvania there are four distinct nationalities:Saxons inthe Southand mixed with them the Wallachswho are the descendantsof theDacians; Magyars in the Westand Szekelys in the East and North. I amgoingamong the latterwho claim to be descended from Attila and the Huns.This maybe sofor when the Magyars conquered the country in the eleventhcenturythey found the Huns settled in it.
I readthat every known superstition in the world is gathered intothehorseshoe of the Carpathiansas if it were the centre of some sortofimaginative whirlpool; if so my stay may be very interesting.(Mem.Imust ask the Count all about them.)
I did notsleep wellthough my bed was comfortable enoughfor I had allsorts ofqueer dreams. There was a dog howling all night under mywindowwhich mayhave had something to do with it; or it may have been the paprikafor I hadto drink up all the water in my carafeand was still thirsty.Towardsmorning I slept and was wakened by the continuous knocking at mydoorso I guessI must have been sleeping soundly then.
I had forbreakfast more paprikaand a sort of porridge of maize flourwhich theysaid was "mamaliga"and egg-plant stuffed with forcemeata veryexcellent dishwhich they call "impletata". (Mem.getrecipefor thisalso.)
I had tohurry breakfastfor the train started a little before eightor ratherit ought to have done sofor after rushing to the stationat 7:30 Ihad to sit in the carriage for more than an hour before webegan tomove.
It seemsto me that the further east you go the more unpunctualare thetrains. What ought they to be in China?
All daylong we seemed to dawdle through a country which wasfull ofbeauty of every kind. Sometimes we saw little townsor castleson the top of steep hills such as we see in old missals;sometimeswe ran by rivers and streams which seemed from the widestonymargin on each side of them to be subject ot great floods.It takes alot of waterand running strongto sweep the outsideedge of ariver clear.
At everystation there were groups of peoplesometimes crowdsand in allsorts of attire. Some of them were just like the peasantsat home orthose I saw coming through France and Germanywith shortjacketsand round hatsand home-made trousers;but otherswere very picturesque.
The womenlooked prettyexcept when you got near thembut theywere veryclumsy about the waist. They had all full white sleevesof somekind or otherand most of them had big belts with a lot ofstrips ofsomething fluttering from them like the dresses in a balletbut ofcourse there were petticoats under them.
Thestrangest figures we saw were the Slovakswho were morebarbarianthan the restwith their big cow-boy hatsgreat baggydirty-whitetrouserswhite linen shirtsand enormous heavyleatherbeltsnearly a foot wideall studded over with brass nails.They worehigh bootswith their trousers tucked into themand hadlong black hair and heavy black moustaches.They arevery picturesquebut do not look prepossessing.On thestage they would be set down at once as some oldOrientalband of brigands. They arehoweverI am toldveryharmless and rather wanting in natural self-assertion.
It was onthe dark side of twilight when we got to Bistritzwhich is avery interesting old place. Being practically onthefrontier--for the Borgo Pass leads from it into Bukovina--it has hada very stormy existenceand it certainly shows marksof it. Fifty years ago a series of great fires took placewhich madeterrible havoc on five separate occasions.At thevery beginning of the seventeenth century it underwenta siege ofthree weeks and lost 13000 peoplethe casualtiesof warproper being assisted by famine and disease.
CountDracula had directed me to go to the Golden Krone Hotelwhich Ifoundto mygreat delightto be thoroughly old-fashionedfor of course I wantedto see allI could of the ways of the country.
I wasevidently expectedfor when I got near the door I facedacheery-looking elderly woman in the usual peasant dress--whiteundergarment with a long double apronfrontand backofcoloured stuff fitting almost too tight for modesty.When Icame close she bowed and said"The Herr Englishman?"
"Yes"I said"Jonathan Harker."
Shesmiledand gave some message to an elderly man in whiteshirtsleeveswho hadfollowed her to the door.
He wentbut immediately returned with a letter:
"Myfriend.--Welcome to the Carpathians. I am anxiously expectingyou.Sleep welltonight. At three tomorrow the diligence will start forBukovina;a place onit is kept for you. At the Borgo Pass my carriage will awaityou andwill bring you to me. I trust that your journey from London hasbeen ahappy oneand that you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land.--YourfriendDracula."
4 May--Ifound that my landlord had got a letter from the Countdirectinghim to secure the best place on the coach for me;but onmaking inquiries as to details he seemed somewhat reticentandpretended that he could not understand my German.
This couldnot be truebecause up to then he had understood it perfectly;at leasthe answered my questions exactly as if he did.
He and hiswifethe old lady who had received melooked ateach otherin a frightened sort of way. He mumbled out thatthe moneyhad been sent in a letterand that was all he knew.When Iasked him if he knew Count Draculaand could tell me anythingof hiscastleboth he and his wife crossed themselvesandsayingthat theyknew nothing at allsimply refused to speak further.It was sonear the time of starting that I had no time to ask anyone elsefor it wasall very mysterious and not by any means comforting.
Justbefore I was leavingthe old lady came up to my roomand saidin a hysterical way: "Must you go? Oh! YoungHerrmust yougo?" She was in such an excited state that she seemedto havelost her grip of what German she knewand mixed itall upwith some other language which I did not know at all.I was justable to follow her by asking many questions.When Itold her that I must go at onceand that I was engagedonimportant businessshe asked again:
"Doyou know what day it is?" I answered that it was thefourth of May.She shookher head as she said again:
"Ohyes! I know that! I know thatbut do you know what dayit is?"
On mysaying that I did not understandshe went on:
"Itis the eve of St. George's Day. Do you not know that tonightwhen theclock strikes midnightall the evil things in the world will havefullsway? Do you know where you are goingand what you are goingto?"She was insuch evident distress that I tried to comfort herbutwithout effect. Finallyshe went down on her knees andimploredme not togo; at least to wait a day or two before starting.
It was allvery ridiculous but I did not feel comfortable.Howeverthere was business to be doneand I could allownothing tointerfere with it.
I tried toraise her upand saidas gravely as I couldthat I thanked herbut myduty was imperativeand that I must go.
She thenrose and dried her eyesand taking a crucifix from her neckoffered itto me.
I did notknow what to doforas an English ChurchmanI havebeentaught to regard such things as in some measure idolatrousand yet itseemed so ungracious to refuse an old lady meaningso welland in such a state of mind.
She sawIsupposethe doubt in my facefor she putthe rosaryround my neck and said"For your mother's sake"and wentout of the room.
I amwriting up this part of the diary whilst I am waiting for the coachwhich isof courselate; and the crucifix is still round my neck.
Whether itis the old lady's fearor the many ghostlytraditionsof this placeor the crucifix itselfI do not knowbut I amnot feeling nearly as easy in my mind as usual.
If thisbook should ever reach Mina before I dolet it bring my goodbye.Here comesthe coach!
5 May. The Castle.--The gray of the morning has passedand thesun is high over the distant horizonwhich seems jaggedwhetherwith trees or hills I know notfor it is so far offthat bigthings and little are mixed.
I am notsleepyandas I am not to be called till I awakenaturallyI write till sleep comes.
There aremany odd things to put downandlest who readsthem mayfancy that I dined too well before I left Bistritzlet me putdown my dinner exactly.
I dined onwhat they called "robber steak"--bits of bacononionandbeefseasonedwith red pepperand strung on sticksand roasted over the firein simplestyle of the London cat's meat!
The winewas Golden Mediaschwhich produces a queer sting on the tonguewhich ishowevernot disagreeable.
I had onlya couple of glasses of thisand nothing else.
When I goton the coachthe driver had not taken his seatand I sawhim talking to the landlady.
They wereevidently talking of mefor every now and then they looked at meand someof the people who were sitting on the bench outside the door--came andlistenedand then looked at memost of them pityingly.I couldhear a lot of words often repeatedqueer wordsfor there weremanynationalities in the crowdso I quietly got my polyglot dictionaryfrom mybag and looked them out.
I must saythey were not cheering to mefor amongst them were"Ordog"--Satan"Pokol"--hell"stregoica"--witch"vrolok"and"vlkoslak"--bothmean the same thingone being Slovak and theotherServian for something that is either werewolf or vampire.(Mem.Imust ask the Count about these superstitions.)
When westartedthe crowd round the inn doorwhich had by thistimeswelled to a considerable sizeall made the sign of the crossandpointed two fingers towards me.
With somedifficultyI got a fellow passenger to tell me what they meant.He wouldnot answer at firstbut on learning that I was Englishheexplained that it was a charm or guard against the evil eye.
This wasnot very pleasant for mejust starting for an unknown place to meetan unknownman. But everyone seemed so kind-heartedand so sorrowfuland sosympathetic that I could not but be touched.
I shallnever forget the last glimpse which I had of the inn yardand itscrowd of picturesque figuresall crossing themselvesas theystood round the wide archwaywith its backgroundof richfoliage of oleander and orange trees in green tubsclusteredin the centre of the yard.
Then ourdriverwhose wide linen drawers covered the wholefront ofthe boxseat--"gotza" they call them--cracked hisbig whipover his four small horseswhich ran abreastand we setoff on our journey.
I soonlost sight and recollection of ghostly fears in the beautyof thescene as we drove alongalthough had I known the languageor ratherlanguageswhich my fellow-passengers were speakingI mightnot have been able to throw them off so easily.Before uslay a green sloping land full of forests and woodswith hereand there steep hillscrowned with clumps of treesor withfarmhousesthe blank gable end to the road.There waseverywhere a bewildering mass of fruit blossom--appleplumpearcherry. And as we drove by I could seethe greengrass under the trees spangled with the fallen petals.In and outamongst these green hills of what they call herethe"Mittel Land" ran the roadlosing itself as it sweptround thegrassy curveor was shut out by the stragglingends ofpine woodswhich here and there ran downthehillsides like tongues of flame. The road was ruggedbut stillwe seemed to fly over it with a feverish haste.I couldnot understand then what the haste meantbut the driverwasevidently bent on losing no time in reaching Borgo Prund.I was toldthat this road is in summertime excellentbut thatit had not yet been put in order after the winter snows.In thisrespect it is different from the general run of roadsin theCarpathiansfor it is an old tradition that theyare not tobe kept in too good order. Of old the Hospadarswould notrepair themlest the Turk should think that theywerepreparing to bring in foreign troopsand so hastenthe warwhich was always really at loading point.
Beyond thegreen swelling hills of the Mittel Land rose mighty slopesof forestup to the lofty steeps of the Carpathians themselves.Right andleft of us they toweredwith the afternoon sun fallingfull uponthem and bringing out all the glorious colours of thisbeautifulrangedeep blue and purple in the shadows of the peaksgreen andbrown where grass and rock mingledand an endlessperspectiveof jagged rock and pointed cragstill these werethemselveslost in the distancewhere the snowy peaks rose grandly.Here andthere seemed mighty rifts in the mountainsthrough whichas the sunbegan to sinkwe saw now and again the white gleamof fallingwater. One of my companions touched my arm as we sweptround thebase of a hill and opened up the loftysnow-covered peakof amountainwhich seemedas we wound on our serpentine wayto beright before us.
"Look! Isten szek!"--"God's seat!"--and he crossed himselfreverently.
As wewound on our endless wayand the sun sank lower and lowerbehind usthe shadows of the evening began to creep round us.This wasemphasized by the fact that the snowy mountain-top stillheld thesunsetand seemed to glow out with a delicate cool pink.Here andthere we passed Cszeks and slovaksall in picturesque attirebut Inoticed that goitre was painfully prevalent. By the roadsideweremanycrossesand as we swept bymy companions all crossed themselves.Here andthere was a peasant man or woman kneeling before a shrinewho didnot eventurn round as we approachedbut seemed in the self-surrenderofdevotion to have neither eyes nor ears for the outer world.There weremany things new to me. For instancehay-ricks in the treesand hereand there very beautiful masses of weeping birchtheir whitestemsshining like silver through the delicate green of the leaves.
Now andagain we passed a leiter-wagon--the ordinary peasants's cart--withitslongsnakelike vertebracalculated to suit the inequalities of the road.On thiswere sure to be seated quite a group of homecoming peasantsthe Cszekswith their whiteand the Slovaks with their coloured sheepskinsthe lattercarrying lance-fashion their long staveswith axe at end.As theevening fell it began to get very coldand the growing twilightseemedto mergeinto one dark mistiness the gloom of the treesoakbeechand pinethough inthe valleys which ran deep between the spurs of the hillsas weascended through the Passthe dark firs stood out here and thereagainstthe background of late-lying snow. Sometimesas the road wascutthrough the pine woods that seemed in the darkness to be closingdown uponusgreat masses of greyness which here and there bestrewedthe treesproduced a peculiarly weird and solemn effectwhich carriedon thethoughts and grim fancies engendered earlier in the eveningwhen thefalling sunset threw into strange relief the ghost-like cloudswhichamongst the Carpathians seem to wind ceaselessly through the valleys.Sometimesthe hills were so steep thatdespite our driver's hastethe horsescould only go slowly. I wished to get down and walkup themas we do at homebut the driver would not hear of it."Nono" he said. "You must not walk here. The dogsare too fierce."And thenhe addedwith what he evidently meant for grim pleasantry--for helooked round to catch the approving smile of the rest--"Andyou mayhave enough of such matters before you go to sleep."The onlystop he would make was a moment's pause to light his lamps.
When itgrew dark there seemed to be some excitementamongstthe passengersand they kept speaking to himone afterthe otheras though urging him to further speed.He lashedthe horses unmercifully with his long whipand with wildcries ofencouragement urged them on to further exertions.Thenthrough the darkness I could see a sort of patch of greylightahead of usas though there were a cleft in the hills.Theexcitement of the passengers grew greater.The crazycoach rocked on its great leather springsand swayedlike aboat tossed on a stormy sea. I had to hold on.The roadgrew more leveland we appeared to fly along.Then themountains seemed to come nearer to us on each sideand tofrown down upon us. We were entering on the Borgo Pass.One by oneseveral of the passengers offered me giftswhich theypressed upon me with an earnestness which would takenodenial. These were certainly of an odd and varied kindbut eachwas given in simple good faithwith a kindly wordand ablessingand that same strange mixture of fear-meaningmovementswhich I had seen outside the hotel at Bistritz--the signof the cross and the guard against the evil eye.Thenaswe flew alongthe driver leaned forwardand oneach sidethe passengerscraning over the edge of the coachpeeredeagerly into the darkness. It was evident that somethingveryexciting was either happening or expectedbut though I askedeachpassengerno one would give me the slightest explanation.This stateof excitement kept on for some little time.And atlast we saw before us the Pass opening out ontheeastern side. There were darkrolling clouds overheadand in theair the heavyoppressive sense of thunder.It seemedas though the mountain range had separatedtwoatmospheresand that now we had got into the thunderous one.I was nowmyself looking out for the conveyance which wasto take meto the Count. Each moment I expected to seethe glareof lamps through the blacknessbut all was dark.The onlylight was the flickering rays of our own lampsin whichthe steamfrom our hard-driven horses rose in a white cloud.We couldsee now the sandy road lying white before usbut therewas on itno sign of a vehicle. The passengers drew back with asigh ofgladnesswhich seemed to mock my own disappointment.I wasalready thinking what I had best dowhen the driverlooking athis watchsaid to the others something which Icouldhardly hearit was spoken so quietly and in so lowa toneIthought it was "An hour less than the time."Thenturning to mehe spoke in German worse than my own.
"Thereis no carriage here. The Herr is not expected after all.He willnow come on to Bukovinaand return tomorrow or the next daybetter thenext day." Whilst he was speaking the horses beganto neighand snort and plunge wildlyso that the driver had to holdthem up. Thenamongst a chorus of screams from the peasantsand auniversal crossing of themselvesa calechewith four horsesdrove upbehind usovertook usand drew up beside the coach.I couldsee from the flash of our lamps as the rays fell on themthat thehorses were coal-black and splendid animals. They weredriven bya tall manwith a long brown beard and a great black hatwhichseemed to hide his face from us. I could only see the gleamof a pairof very bright eyeswhich seemed red in the lamplightas heturned to us.
He said tothe driver"You are early tonightmy friend."
The manstammered in reply"The English Herr was in a hurry."
To whichthe stranger replied"That is whyI supposeyou wishedhim to goon to Bukovina. You cannot deceive memy friend.I know toomuchand my horses are swift."
As hespoke he smiledand the lamplight fell on a hard-looking mouthwith veryred lips and sharp-looking teethas white as ivory.One of mycompanions whispered to another the line from Burger's "Lenore".
"Denndie Todten reiten Schnell." ("For the dead travelfast.")
Thestrange driver evidently heard the wordsfor he looked upwith agleaming smile. The passenger turned his face awayat thesame time putting out his two fingers and crossing himself."Giveme the Herr's luggage" said the driverand with exceedingalacritymy bags were handed out and put in the caleche.Then Idescended from the side of the coachas the calechewas closealongsidethe driver helping me with a handwhichcaught my arm in a grip of steel. His strength musthave beenprodigious.
Without aword he shook his reinsthe horses turnedand we sweptinto thedarkness of the pass. As I looked back I saw the steamfrom thehorses of the coach by the light of the lampsand projectedagainst itthe figures of my late companions crossing themselves.Then thedriver cracked his whip and called to his horsesand offthey swepton their way to Bukovina. As they sank into the darknessI felt astrange chilland a lonely feeling come over me.But acloak was thrown over my shouldersand a rug across my kneesand thedriver said in excellent German--"The night is chillmein Herrand my master the Count bade me take all care of you.There is aflask of slivovitz (the plum brandy of the country)underneaththe seatif you should require it."
I did nottake anybut it was a comfort to know it was there all the same.I felt alittle strangelyand not a little frightened. I think hadtherebeen anyalternative I should have taken itinstead of prosecuting thatunknownnight journey. The carriage went at a hard pace straight alongthen wemade a complete turn and went along another straight road.It seemedto me that we were simply going over and over the same ground againand so Itook note of some salient pointand found that this was so.I wouldhave liked to have asked the driver what this all meantbut Ireallyfeared to do sofor I thought thatplaced as I wasany protestwould havehad no effect in case there had been an intention to delay.
By-and-byhoweveras I was curious to know how time was passingI struck amatchand by its flame looked at my watch.It waswithin a few minutes of midnight. This gave mea sort ofshockfor I suppose the general superstitionaboutmidnight was increased by my recent experiences.I waitedwith a sick feeling of suspense.
Then a dogbegan to howl somewhere in a farmhouse fardown theroada longagonized wailingas if from fear.The soundwas taken up by another dogand then anotherandanothertillborne on the wind which now sighed softlythroughthe Passa wild howling beganwhich seemed to comefrom allover the countryas far as the imagination couldgrasp itthrough the gloom of the night.
At thefirst howl the horses began to strain and rearbut the driverspoke tothem soothinglyand they quieted downbut shiveredandsweated as though after a runaway from sudden fright.Thenfaroff in the distancefrom the mountains on each sideof usbegan a louder and a sharper howlingthat of wolveswhichaffected both the horses and myself in the same way.For I wasminded to jump from the caleche and runwhilstthey reared again and plunged madlyso that the driverhad to useall his great strength to keep them from bolting.In a fewminuteshowevermy own ears got accustomed to the soundand thehorses so far became quiet that the driver was ableto descendand to stand before them.
He pettedand soothed themand whispered something in their earsas I haveheard of horse-tamers doingand with extraordinary effectfor underhis caresses they became quite manageable againthoughthey still trembled. The driver again took his seatandshaking his reinsstarted off at a great pace.This timeafter going to the far side or the Passhe suddenlyturneddown a narrow roadway which ran sharply to the right.
Soon wewere hemmed in with treeswhich in places archedright overthe roadway till we passed as through a tunnel.And againgreat frowning rocks guarded us boldly on either side.Though wewere in shelterwe could hear the rising windfor itmoaned and whistled through the rocksand thebranchesof the trees crashed together as we swept along.It grewcolder and colder stilland finepowdery snow beganto fallso that soon we and all around us were coveredwith awhite blanket. The keen wind still carried the howlingof thedogsthough this grew fainter as we went on our way.The bayingof the wolves sounded nearer and neareras thoughthey were closing round on us from every side.I grewdreadfully afraidand the horses shared my fear.Thedriverhoweverwas not in the least disturbed.He keptturning his head to left and rightbut I could not seeanythingthrough the darkness.
Suddenlyaway on our left I saw a fain flickeringblueflame. The driver saw it at the same moment.He at oncechecked the horsesandjumping to the grounddisappearedinto the darkness. I did not know what to dothe lessas the howling of the wolves grew closer.But whileI wonderedthe driver suddenly appeared againandwithout a word took his seatand we resumed our journey.I think Imust have fallen asleep and kept dreamingof theincidentfor it seemed to be repeated endlesslyand nowlooking backit is like a sort of awful nightmare.Once theflame appeared so near the roadthat even inthedarkness around us I could watch the driver's motions.He wentrapidly to where the blue flame aroseit must havebeen veryfaintfor it did not seem to illumine the placearound itat alland gathering a few stonesformed theminto somedevice.
Once thereappeared a strange optical effect.When hestood between me and the flame he did not obstruct itfor Icould see its ghostly flicker all the same.Thisstartled mebut as the effect was only momentaryI tookit that myeyes deceived me straining through the darkness.Then for atime there were no blue flamesand we sped onwardsthroughthe gloomwith the howling of the wolves around usas thoughthey were following in a moving circle.
At lastthere came a time when the driver went further afield thanhe had yetgoneand during his absencethe horses began to trembleworse thanever and to snort and scream with fright. I could not seeany causefor itfor the howling of the wolves had ceased altogether.But justthen the moonsailing through the black cloudsappeared behindthe jaggedcrest of a beetlingpine-clad rockand by its light I sawaround usa ring of wolveswith white teeth and lolling red tongueswith longsinewy limbs and shaggy hair. They were a hundred times moreterriblein the grim silence which held them than even when they howled.FormyselfI felt a sort of paralysis of fear. It is only when amanfeelshimself face to face with such horrors that he can understandtheir trueimport.
All atonce the wolves began to howl as though the moonlighthad hadsome peculiar effect on them. The horses jumped aboutandrearedand looked helplessly round with eyes that rolledin a waypainful to see. But the living ring of terror encompassedthem onevery sideand they had perforce to remain within it.I calledto the coachman to comefor it seemed to me that ouronlychance was to try to break out through the ring and to aidhisapproachI shouted and beat the side of the calechehoping bythe noise to scare the wolves from the sideso as to givehim achance of reaching the trap. How he came thereI know notbut Iheard his voice raised in a tone of imperious commandandlooking towards the soundsaw him stand in the roadway.As heswept his long armsas though brushing aside someimpalpableobstaclethe wolves fell back and back further still.Just thena heavy cloud passed across the face of the moonso that wewere again in darkness.
When Icould see again the driver was climbing into the calecheand thewolves disappeared. This was all so strange and uncannythat adreadful fear came upon meand I was afraid to speak or move.The timeseemed interminable as we swept on our waynow in almostcompletedarknessfor the rolling clouds obscured the moon.
We kept onascendingwith occasional periods of quick descentbut in themain always ascending. SuddenlyI became consciousof thefact that the driver was in the act of pulling up the horsesin thecourtyard of a vast ruined castlefrom whose tall blackwindowscame no ray of lightand whose broken battlements showeda jaggedline against the sky.
5 May.--Imust have been asleepfor certainly if I had been fullyawake Imust have noticed the approach of such a remarkable place.In thegloom the courtyard looked of considerable sizeand asseveral dark ways led from it under great round archesit perhapsseemed bigger than it really is. I have not yet beenable tosee it by daylight.
When thecaleche stoppedthe driver jumped down and held out his hand toassist meto alight. Again I could not but notice his prodigiousstrength.His handactually seemed like a steel vice that could have crushedmine if hehad chosen. Then he took my trapsand placed them onthe groundbeside me as I stood close to a great doorold and studdedwith largeiron nailsand set in a projecting doorway of massive stone.I couldsee even in th e dim light that the stone was massively carvedbut thatthe carving had been much worn by time and weather.As Istoodthe driver jumped again into his seat and shook the reins.The horsesstarted forwardand trap and all disappeared down one ofthe darkopenings.
I stood insilence where I wasfor I did not know what to do.Of bell orknocker there was no sign. Through these frowningwalls anddark window openings it was not likely that myvoicecould penetrate. The time I waited seemed endlessand I feltdoubts and fears crowding upon me. What sortof placehad I come toand among what kind of people?What sortof grim adventure was it on which I had embarked?Was this acustomary incident in the life of a solicitor'sclerk sentout to explain the purchase of a London estateto aforeigner? Solicitor's clerk! Mina would not like that.Solicitorfor just before leaving London I got word that myexaminationwas successfuland I am now a full-blown solicitor!I began torub my eyes and pinch myself to see if I were awake.It allseemed like a horrible nightmare to meand I expectedthat Ishould suddenly awakeand find myself at homewith thedawn struggling in through the windowsas I hadnow andagain felt in the morning after a day of overwork.But myflesh answered the pinching testand my eyes were notto bedeceived. I was indeed awake and among the Carpathians.All Icould do now was to be patientand to wait thecoming ofmorning.
Just as Ihad come to this conclusion I heard a heavy step approaching behindthe greatdoorand saw through the chinks the gleam of a coming light.Then therewas the sound of rattling chains and the clanking of massive boltsdrawnback. A key was turned with the loud grating noise of longdisuseand thegreat door swung back.
Withinstood a tall old manclean shaven save for a long white moustacheand cladin black from head to footwithout a single speck of colourabout himanywhere. He held in his hand an antique silver lampin whichthe flameburned without a chimney or globe of any kindthrowing longquiveringshadows as it flickered in the draught of the open door.The oldman motioned me in with his right hand with a courtly gesturesaying inexcellent Englishbut with a strange intonation.
"Welcometo my house! Enter freely and of your own free will!"He made nomotion of stepping to meet mebut stood like astatueasthough his gesture of welcome had fixed him into stone.Theinstanthoweverthat I had stepped over the thresholdhe movedimpulsively forwardand holding out his handgraspedmine with a strength which made me wincean effectwhich wasnot lessened by the fact that it seemed coldas icemore like the hand of a dead than a living man.Again hesaid.
"Welcometo my house! Enter freely. Go safelyand leavesomethingof the happiness you bring!" The strength ofthehandshake was so much akin to that which I had noticedin thedriverwhose face I had not seenthat for a moment Idoubted ifit were not the same person to whom I was speaking.So to makesureI said interrogatively"Count Dracula?"
He bowedin a courtly was as he replied"I am Draculaand I bidyouwelcomeMr. Harkerto my house. Come inthe night airis chilland you must need to eat and rest."As he was speakinghe put thelamp on a bracket on the walland stepping outtook myluggage. He had carried it in before I could forestall him.Iprotestedbut he insisted.
"Naysiryou are my guest. It is lateand my people are notavailable.Let me seeto your comfort myself."He insisted on carrying my trapsalong thepassageand then up a great winding stairand alonganothergreat passageon whose stone floor our steps rang heavily.At the endof this he threw open a heavy doorand I rejoiced to seewithin awell-lit room in which a table was spread for supperand onwhose mighty hearth a great fire of logsfreshly replenishedflamed andflared.
The Counthaltedputting down my bagsclosed the doorand crossingthe roomopened another doorwhich led into a small octagonal roomlit by asingle lampand seemingly without a window of any sort.Passingthrough thishe opened another doorand motioned me to enter.It was awelcome sight. For here was a great bedroom well lightedand warmedwith another log firealso added to but latelyfor the toplogs werefreshwhich sent a hollow roar up the wide chimney.The Counthimself left my luggage inside and withdrewsayingbefore heclosed thedoor.
"Youwill needafter your journeyto refresh yourselfby makingyour toilet. I trust you will find all you wish.When youare readycome into the other roomwhere you willfind yoursupper prepared."
The lightand warmth and the Count's courteous welcome seemedto havedissipated all my doubts and fears. Having then reachedmy normalstateI discovered that I was half famished with hunger.So makinga hasty toiletI went into the other room.
I foundsupper already laid out. My hostwho stood on oneside ofthe great fireplaceleaning against the stoneworkmade agraceful wave of his hand to the tableand said
"Ipray yoube seated and sup how you please. You will I trustexcuse methat I do not join youbut I have dined alreadyand I donot sup."
I handedto him the sealed letter which Mr. Hawkins had entrusted to me.He openedit and read it gravely. Thenwith a charming smilehe handeditto me toread. One passage of itat leastgave me a thrill ofpleasure.
"Imust regret that an attack of goutfrom which malady I am a constantsuffererforbids absolutely any travelling on my part for some time to come.But I amhappy to say I can send a sufficient substituteone in whomI haveevery possible confidence. He is a young manfull of energyand talentin his own wayand of a very faithful disposition.He isdiscreet and silentand has grown into manhood in my service.He shallbe ready to attend on you when you will during his stayand shalltake your instructions in all matters."
The counthimself came forward and took off the cover of a dishand I fellto at once on an excellent roast chicken.Thiswithsome cheese and a salad and a bottle of old tokayof which Ihad two glasseswas my supper. During the time Iwas eatingit the Count asked me many question as to my journeyand I toldhim by degrees all I had experienced.
By thistime I had finished my supperand by my host's desire had drawnup a chairby the fire and begun to smoke a cigar which he offered meat thesame time excusing himself that he did not smoke.I had nowan opportunity of observing himand found him of averymarked physiognomy.
His facewas a stronga very strongaquilinewith high bridge ofthe thinnose and peculiarly arched nostrilswith lofty domed foreheadand hairgrowing scantily round the temples but profusely elsewhere.Hiseyebrows were very massivealmost meeting over the noseand withbushy hair that seemed to curl in its own profusion.The mouthso far as I could see it under the heavy moustachewas fixedand rather cruel-lookingwith peculiarly sharpwhiteteeth. These protruded over the lipswhose remarkableruddinessshowed astonishing vitality in a man of his years.For theresthis ears were paleand at the tops extremely pointed.The chinwas broad and strongand the cheeks firm though thin.Thegeneral effect was one of extraordinary pallor.
Hitherto Ihad noticed the backs of his hands as they lay on hisknees inthe firelightand they had seemed rather white and fine.But seeingthem now close to meI could not but noticethat theywere rather coarsebroadwith squat fingers.Strange tosaythere were hairs in the centre of the palm.The nailswere long and fineand cut to a sharp point.As theCount leaned over me and his hands touched meI couldnotrepress a shudder. It may have been that his breath was rankbut ahorrible feeling of nausea came over mewhichdo whatI wouldIcould not conceal.
The Countevidently noticing itdrew back. And with a grim sortof smilewhich showed more than he had yet done his protruberant teethsathimself down again on his own side of the fireplace.We wereboth silent for a whileand as I looked towardsthe windowI saw the first dim streak of the coming dawn.Thereseemed a strange stillness over everything. But as I listenedI heard asif from down below in the valley the howling of many wolves.TheCount's eyes gleamedand he said.
"Listento themthe children of the night. What music they make!"SeeingIsupposesome expression in my face strange to himhe added"Ahsiryou dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelingsof thehunter." Then he rose and said.
"Butyou must be tired. Your bedroom is all readyandtomorrow you shall sleep as late as you will. I haveto be awaytill the afternoonso sleep well and dream well!"With acourteous bowhe opened for me himself the doorto theoctagonal roomand I entered my bedroom.
I am allin a sea of wonders. I doubt. I fear.I thinkstrange thingswhich I dare not confess to my own soul.God keepmeif only for the sake of those dear to me!
7 May.--Itis again early morningbut I have rested and enjoyedthe lasttwenty-four hours. I slept till late in the dayand awokeof my own accord. When I had dressed myself Iwent intothe room where we had suppedand found a coldbreakfastlaid outwith coffee kept hot by the pot beingplaced onthe hearth. There was a card on the tableon whichwas written--"I have to be absent for a while.Do notwait for me. D." I set to and enjoyed a hearty meal.When I haddoneI looked for a bellso that I might lettheservants know I had finishedbut I could not find one.There arecertainly odd deficiencies in the houseconsideringtheextraordinary evidences of wealth which are round me.The tableservice is of goldand so beautifully wroughtthat itmust be of immense value. The curtains and upholsteryof thechairs and sofas and the hangings of my bed areof thecostliest and most beautiful fabricsand must havebeen offabulous value when they were madefor they arecenturiesoldthough in excellent order. I saw somethinglike themin Hampton Courtbut they were worn and frayed andmoth-eaten.But still in none of the rooms is there a mirror.There isnot even a toilet glass on my tableand I had to getthe littleshaving glass from my bag before I could either shaveor brushmy hair. I have not yet seen a servant anywhereor heard asound near the castle except the howling of wolves.Some timeafter I had finished my mealI do not know whetherto call itbreakfast of dinnerfor it was between five and sixo'clockwhen I had itI looked about for something to readfor I didnot like to go about the castle until I had askedtheCount's permission. There was absolutely nothing inthe roombooknewspaperor even writing materialsso Iopenedanother door in the room and found a sort of library.The dooropposite mine I triedbut found locked.
In thelibrary I foundto my great delighta vast number of English bookswholeshelves full of themand bound volumes of magazines and newspapers.A table inthe center was littered with English magazines and newspapersthoughnone of them were of very recent date. The books were of themostvariedkindhistorygeographypoliticspolitical economybotanygeologylawallrelating to England and English life and customs and manners.There wereeven such books of reference as the London Directorythe "Red"and "Blue"booksWhitaker's Almanacthe Army and Navy Listsand it somehowgladdenedmy heart to see itthe Law List.
Whilst Iwas looking at the booksthe door openedand the Count entered.He salutedme in a hearty wayand hoped that I had had a good night's rest.Then hewent on.
"I amglad you found your way in herefor I am sure thereis muchthat will interest you. These companions" and he laidhis handon some of the books"have been good friends to meand forsome years pastever since I had the idea of going to Londonhave givenme manymany hours of pleasure. Through them I havecome toknow your great Englandand to know her is to love her.I long togo through the crowded streets of your mighty Londonto be inthe midst of the whirl and rush of humanityto shareits lifeits changeits deathand all that makes it what it is.But alas! As yet I only know your tongue through books.To youmyfriendI look that I know it to speak."
"ButCount" I said"You know and speak English thoroughly!"He bowedgravely.
"Ithank youmy friendfor your all too-flattering estimatebut yet Ifear that I am but a little way on the road I would travel.TrueIknow the grammar and the wordsbut yet I know not howto speakthem.
"Indeed"I said"You speak excellently."
"Notso" he answered. "WellI know thatdid I move andspeak inyour Londonnone there are who would not know mefor astranger. That is not enough for me. Here I am noble.I am aBoyar. The common people know meand I am master.But astranger in a strange landhe is no one. Men know him notand toknow not is to care not for. I am content if I amlike therestso that no man stops if he sees meor pausesin hisspeaking if he hears my words`Haha! A stranger!'I havebeen so long master that I would be master stillor atleast that none other should be master of me.You cometo me not alone as agent of my friend Peter Hawkinsof Exeterto tell me all about my new estate in London.You shallI trustrest here with me a whileso that by ourtalking Imay learn the English intonation. And I would that youtell mewhen I make erroreven of the smallestin my speaking.I am sorrythat I had to be away so long todaybut you willI knowforgive one who has so many important affairs in hand."
Of courseI said all I could about being willingand askedif I might come into that room when I chose.Heanswered"Yescertainly" and added.
"Youmay go anywhere you wish in the castleexcept where the doorsarelockedwhere of course you will not wish to go. There isreasonthat allthings are as they areand did you see with my eyesand knowwith my knowledgeyou would perhaps better understand."I said Iwas sure of thisand then he went on.
"Weare in Transylvaniaand Transylvania is not England.Our waysare not your waysand there shall be to you manystrangethings. Nayfrom what you have told me of yourexperiencesalreadyyou know something of what strange thingsthere maybe."
This ledto much conversationand as it was evident that he wantedto talkif only for talking's sakeI asked him many questions regardingthingsthat had already happened to me or come within my notice.Sometimeshe sheered off the subjector turned the conversation by pretendingnot tounderstandbut generally he answered all I asked most frankly.Then astime went onand I had got somewhat bolderI asked himof some ofthe strange things of the preceding nightas for instancewhy thecoachman went to the places where he had seen the blue flames.He thenexplained to me that it was commonly believed that on a certainnight ofthe yearlast nightin factwhen all evil spirits are supposedto haveunchecked swaya blue flame is seen over any place where treasurehas beenconcealed.
"Thattreasure has been hidden" he went on"in the regionthroughwhich you came last nightthere can be but little doubt.For it wasthe ground fought over for centuries by the Wallachianthe Saxonand the Turk. Whythere is hardly a foot of soilin allthis region that has not been enriched by the blood of menpatriotsor invaders. In the old days there were stirring timeswhen theAustrian and the Hungarian came up in hordesand the patriotswent outto meet themmen and womenthe aged and the children tooand waitedtheir coming on the rocks above the passesthat theymightsweep destruction on them with their artificial avalanches.When theinvader was triumphant he found but littlefor whateverthere washad been sheltered in the friendly soil."
"Buthow" said I"can it have remained so long undiscoveredwhen thereis a sure index to it if men will but take the trouble to look?"TheCount smiledand as his lips ran back over his gumsthe longsharpcanine teeth showed out strangely. He answered.
"Becauseyour peasant is at heart a coward and a fool!Thoseflames only appear on one nightand on that night no manof thisland willif he can help itstir without his doors.Anddearsireven if he did he would not know what to do.Whyeventhe peasant that you tell me of who marked the placeof theflame would not know where to look in daylight evenfor hisown work. Even you would notI dare be swornbe able tofind these places again?"
"Thereyou are right" I said. "I know no more than the deadwhere evento lookfor them." Then we drifted into other matters.
"Come"he said at last"tell me of London and of the housewhich youhave procured for me." With an apology for my remissnessI wentinto my own room to get the papers from my bag.Whilst Iwas placing them in order I heard a rattling of chinaand silverin the next roomand as I passed throughnoticed thatthe tablehad been cleared and the lamp litfor it was by thistime deepinto the dark. The lamps were also lit in the studyorlibraryand I found the Count lying on the sofareadingof allthings in the worldand English Bradshaw's Guide.When Icame in he cleared the books and papers from the tableand withhim I went into plans and deeds and figures of all sorts.He wasinterested in everythingand asked me a myriad questionsabout theplace and its surroundings. He clearly had studiedbeforehandall he could get on the subject of the neighborhoodfor heevidently at the end knew very much more than I did.When Iremarked thishe answered.
"Wellbutmy friendis it not needful that I should? When I gothereI shall beall aloneand my friend Harker Jonathannaypardon me.I fallinto my country's habit of putting your patronymic firstmy friendJonathan Harker will not be by my side to correct and aid me.He will bein Exetermiles awayprobably working at papers of the lawwith myother friendPeter Hawkins. So!"
We wentthoroughly into the business of the purchaseof theestate at Purfleet. When I had told him the factsand gothis signature to the necessary papersand hadwritten aletter with them ready to post to Mr. Hawkinshe beganto ask me how I had come across so suitable a place.I read tohim the notes which I had made at the timeand whichI inscribe here.
"AtPurfleeton a byroadI came across just such a place as seemedto berequiredand where was displayed a dilapidated notice that the placewas forsale. It was surrounded by a high wallof ancient structurebuilt ofheavy stonesand has not been repaired for a large number of years.The closedgates are of heavy old oak and ironall eaten with rust.
"Theestate is called Carfaxno doubt a corruption of the old QuatreFaceas thehouse is four sidedagreeing with the cardinal points of thecompass.Itcontains in all some twenty acresquite surrounded by the solidstone wallabove mentioned. There are many trees on itwhich make itin placesgloomyand there is a deepdark-looking pond or small lakeevidentlyfed by some springsas the water is clear and flows awayin afair-sized stream. The house is very large and of all periodsbackI shouldsayto mediaeval timesfor one part is of stone immensely thickwith onlya few windows high up and heavily barred with iron.It lookslike part of a keepand is close to an old chapel or church.I couldnot enter itas I had not the key of the door leading to it fromthe housebut I have taken with my Kodak views of it from various points.The househad been added tobut in a very straggling wayand I canonly guessat the amount of ground it coverswhich must be very great.There arebut few houses close at handone being a very large houseonlyrecently added to and formed into a private lunatic asylum.It is nothowevervisible from the grounds."
When I hadfinishedhe said"I am glad that it is old and big.I myselfam of an old familyand to live in a new housewould killme. A house cannot be made habitable in a dayand afterallhow few days go to make up a century.I rejoicealso that there is a chapel of old times.WeTransylvanian nobles love not to think that our bones maylieamongst the common dead. I seek not gaiety nor mirthnot thebright voluptuousness of much sunshine and sparklingwaterswhich please the young and gay. I am no longer youngand myheartthrough weary years of mourning over the deadis attunedto mirth. Moreoverthe walls of my castle are broken.Theshadows are manyand the wind breathes cold throughthe brokenbattlements and casements. I love the shade andtheshadowand would be alone with my thoughts when I may."Somehowhis words and his look did not seem to accordor else itwas that his cast of face made his smile lookmalignantand saturnine.
Presentlywith an excusehe left measking me to pull my papers together.He wassome little time awayand I began to look at some of the booksaroundme. One was an atlaswhich I found opened naturally toEnglandas if thatmap had been much used. On looking at it I found in certainplaceslittle rings markedand on examining these I noticed that one wasnearLondon on the east sidemanifestly where his new estate wassituated.The othertwo were Exeterand Whitby on the Yorkshire coast.
It was thebetter part of an hour when the Count returned."Aha!"he said. "Still at your books? Good! But youmust notworkalways. Come! I am informed that your supper is ready."He took myarmand we went into the next roomwhere I foundanexcellent supper ready on the table. The Count againexcusedhimselfas he had dined out on his being away from home.But he satas on the previous nightand chatted whilst I ate.Aftersupper I smokedas on the last eveningand the Countstayedwith mechatting and asking questions on everyconceivablesubjecthour after hour. I felt that it wasgettingvery late indeedbut I did not say anythingfor Ifelt underobligation to meet my host's wishes in every way.I was notsleepyas the long sleep yesterday had fortified mebut Icould not help experiencing that chill which comesover oneat the coming of the dawnwhich is likein its waythe turnof the tide. They say that people who are near deathdiegenerally at the change to dawn or at the turn of the tide.Anyone whohas when tiredand tied as it were to his postexperiencedthis change in the atmosphere can well believe it.All atonce we heard the crow of the cock coming up withpreternaturalshrillness through the clear morning air.
CountDraculajumping to his feetsaid"Why there is the morningagain!How remissI am to let you stay up so long. You must make yourconversationregarding my dear new country of England less interestingso that Imay not forget how time flies by us" and with a courtly bowhe quicklyleft me.
I wentinto my room and drew the curtainsbut there was little to notice.My windowopened into the courtyardall I could see was the warm greyofquickening sky. So I pulled the curtains againand havewrittenof thisday.
8 May.--Ibegan to fear as I wrote in this book that Iwasgetting too diffuse. But now I am glad that I wentintodetail from the firstfor there is something so strangeabout thisplace and all in it that I cannot but feel uneasy.I wish Iwere safe out of itor that I had never come.It may bethat this strange night existence is telling on mebut wouldthat that were all! If there were any one to talkto I couldbear itbut there is no one. I have only the Countto speakwithand he--I fear I am myself the only living soulwithin theplace. Let me be prosaiac so far as facts can be.It willhelp me to bear upand imagination must not run riotwith me. If it does I am lost. Let me say at once how I standor seemto.
I onlyslept a few hours when I went to bedand feeling that Icould notsleep any moregot up. I had hung my shaving glassby thewindowand was just beginning to shave. Suddenly I felta hand onmy shoulderand heard the Count's voice saying to me"Goodmorning." I startedfor it amazed me that I had not seenhimsince thereflection of the glass covered the whole room behind me.Instarting I had cut myself slightlybut did not noticeit at themoment. Having answered the Count's salutationI turnedto the glass again to see how I had been mistaken.This timethere could be no errorfor the man was close to meand Icould see him over my shoulder. But there was no reflectionof him inthe mirror! The whole room behind me was displayedbut therewas no sign of a man in itexcept myself.
This wasstartlingand coming on the top of so manystrangethingswas beginning to increase that vague feelingofuneasiness which I always have when the Count is near.But at theinstant I saw the the cut had bled a littleand theblood was trickling over my chin. I laid down the razorturning asI did so half round to look for some sticking plaster.When theCount saw my facehis eyes blazed with a sortofdemoniac furyand he suddenly made a grab at my throat.I drewaway and his hand touched the string of beadswhich heldthe crucifix. It made an instant change in himfor thefury passed so quickly that I could hardly believethat itwas ever there.
"Takecare" he said"take care how you cut yourself.It is moredangerous that you think in this country."Thenseizing the shaving glasshe went on"And this isthewretched thing that has done the mischief. It is a foulbauble ofman's vanity. Away with it!" And opening the windowwith onewrench of his terrible handhe flung out the glasswhich wasshattered into a thousand pieces on the stonesof thecourtyard far below. Then he withdrew without a word.It is veryannoyingfor I do not see how I am to shaveunless inmy watch-case or the bottom of the shaving potwhich isfortunately of metal.
When Iwent into the dining roombreakfast was preparedbut Icould not find the Count anywhere. So I breakfasted alone.It isstrange that as yet I have not seen the Count eat or drink.He must bea very peculiar man! After breakfast I dida littleexploring in the castle. I went out on the stairsand founda room looking towards the South.
The viewwas magnificentand from where I stood there was everyopportunityof seeing it. The castle is on the very edgeof aterrific precipice. A stone falling from the windowwould falla thousand feet without touching anything!As far asthe eye can reach is a sea of green tree topswithoccasionally a deep rift where there is a chasm.Here andthere are silver threads where the rivers wind in deepgorgesthrough the forests.
But I amnot in heart to describe beautyfor when I had seenthe view Iexplored further. Doorsdoorsdoors everywhereand alllocked and bolted. In no place save from thewindows inthe castle walls is there an available exit.The castleis a veritable prisonand I am a prisoner!
When Ifound that I was a prisoner a sort of wild feeling cameover me. I rushed up and down the stairstrying every doorandpeering out of every window I could findbut after a littletheconviction of my helplessness overpowered all other feelings.When Ilook back after a few hours I think I must have beenmad forthe timefor I behaved much as a rat does in a trap.Whenhoweverthe conviction had come to me that I was helplessI sat downquietlyas quietly as I have ever done anythingin mylifeand began to think over what was best to be done.I amthinking stilland as yet have come to no definite conclusion.Of onething only am I certain. That it is no use making my ideasknown tothe Count. He knows well that I am imprisonedand ashe hasdone it himselfand has doubtless his own motives for ithe wouldonly deceive me if I trusted him fully with the facts.So far asI can seemy only plan will be to keep my knowledge and myfears tomyselfand my eyes open. I amI knoweither being deceivedlike ababyby my own fearsor else I am in desperate straitsand if thelatter be soI needand shall needall my brainsto getthrough.
I hadhardly come to this conclusion when I heard the great doorbelowshutand knew that the Count had returned. He did not comeat onceinto the libraryso I went cautiously to my own room andfound himmaking the bed. This was oddbut only confirmed what Ihad allalong thoughtthat there are no servants in the house.When laterI saw him through the chink of the hinges of the doorlaying thetable in the dining roomI was assured of it.For if hedoes himself all these menial officessurely it is proofthat thereis no one else in the castleit must have been the Counthimselfwho was the driver of the coach that brought me here.This is aterrible thoughtfor if sowhat does it mean that he couldcontrolthe wolvesas he didby only holding up his hand for silence?How was itthat all the people at Bistritz and on the coach hadsometerrible fear for me? What meant the giving of the crucifixof thegarlicof the wild roseof the mountain ash?
Bless thatgoodgood woman who hung the crucifix round my neck!For it isa comfort and a strength to me whenever I touch it.It is oddthat a thing which I have been taught to regard with disfavourand asidolatrous should in a time of loneliness and trouble be of help.Is it thatthere is something in the essence of the thing itselfor that itis a mediuma tangible helpin conveying memories of sympathyandcomfort? Some timeif it may beI must examine this matterand try tomake up my mind about it. In the meantime I must findout all Ican about Count Draculaas it may help me to understand.Tonight hemay talk of himselfif I turn the conversation that way.I must bevery carefulhowevernot to awake his suspicion.
Midnight.--Ihave had a long talk with the Count.I askedhim a few questions on Transylvania historyand hewarmed up to the subject wonderfully. In his speakingof thingsand peopleand especially of battleshe spokeas if hehad been present at them all. This he afterwardsexplainedby saying that to a Boyar the pride of his houseand nameis his own pridethat their glory is his glorythat theirfate is his fate. Whenever he spoke of hishouse healways said "we"and spoke almost in the plurallike aking speaking. I wish I could put down all he saidexactly ashe said itfor to me it was most fascinating.It seemedto have in it a whole history of the country.He grewexcited as he spokeand walked about the room pullinghis greatwhite moustache and grasping anything on which he laidhis handsas though he would crush it by main strength.One thinghe said which I shall put down as nearly as I canfor ittells in its way the story of his race.
"WeSzekelys have a right to be proudfor in our veins flows the bloodof manybrave races who fought as the lion fightsfor lordship.Hereinthe whirlpool of European racesthe Ugric tribe bore downfromIceland the fighting spirit which Thor and Wodin game themwhichtheir Berserkers displayed to such fell intent on the seaboardsof Europeayeand of Asia and Africa tootill the peoples thoughtthat thewerewolves themselves had come. Heretoowhen they camethey foundthe Hunswhose warlike fury had swept the earth like alivingflametill the dying peoples held that in their veins ranthe bloodof those old witcheswhoexpelled from Scythia had matedwith thedevils in the desert. Foolsfools! What devil or whatwitch wasever so great as Attilawhose blood is in these veins?"He held uphis arms. "Is it a wonder that we were a conquering racethat wewere proudthat when the Magyarthe Lombardthe Avarthe Bulgaror theTurk poured his thousands on our frontierswe drove them back?Is itstrange that when Arpad and his legions swept through the Hungarianfatherlandhe found us here when he reached the frontierthat the Honfoglalaswascompleted there? And when the Hungarian flood swept eastwardtheSzekelys were claimed as kindred by the victorious Magyarsand to usforcenturies was trusted the guarding of the frontier of Turkeyland.Ayeandmore than thatendless duty of the frontier guardfor asthe Turkssay`water sleepsand the enemy is sleepless.' Who moregladlythan we throughout the Four Nations received the `bloody sword'or at itswarlike call flocked quicker to the standard of the King?When wasredeemed that great shame of my nationthe shame of Cassovawhen theflags of the Wallach and the Magyar went down beneath the Crescent?Who was itbut one of my own race who as Voivode crossed the Danubeand beatthe Turk on his own ground? This was a Dracula indeed!Woe was itthat his own unworthy brotherwhen he had fallensold hispeople to the Turk and brought the shame of slavery on them!Was it notthis Draculaindeedwho inspired that other of his racewho in alater age again and again brought his forces over the great riverintoTurkeylandwhowhen he was beaten backcame againand againthough hehad to come alone from the bloody field where his troops werebeingslaughteredsince he knew that he alone could ultimately triumph!They saidthat he thought only of himself. Bah! What good arepeasantswithout aleader? Where ends the war without a brain and heartto conductit? Againwhenafter the battle of Mohacswe threw offtheHungarian yokewe of the Dracula blood were amongst their leadersfor ourspirit would not brook that we were not free. Ahyoung sirtheSzekelysand the Dracula as their heart's bloodtheir brainsand theirswordscan boast a record that mushroom growths like theHapsburgsand the Romanoffs can never reach. The warlike days are over.Blood istoo precious a thing in these days of dishonourable peaceand theglories of the great races are as a tale that is told."
It was bythis time close on morningand we went to bed.(Mem.this diary seems horribly like the beginning of the"ArabianNights" for everything has to break off at cockcrowor likethe ghost of Hamlet's father.)
12May.--Let me begin with factsbaremeager factsverifiedby books and figuresand of which there can be no doubt.I must notconfuse them with experiences which will haveto rest onmy own observationor my memory of them.Lastevening when the Count came from his room he beganby askingme questions on legal matters and on the doingof certainkinds of business. I had spent the day wearilyoverbooksandsimply to keep my mind occupiedwent oversome ofthe matters I had been examined in at Lincoln's Inn.There wasa certain method in the Count's inquiriesso I shalltry to putthem down in sequence. The knowledge may somehowor sometime be useful to me.
Firstheasked if a man in England might have two solicitors or more.I told himhe might have a dozen if he wishedbut that it would notbe wise tohave more than one solicitor engaged in one transactionas onlyone could act at a timeand that to change would be certaintomilitate against his interest. He seemed thoroughly tounderstandand wenton to ask if there would be any practical difficulty in having oneman toattendsayto bankingand another to look after shippingin caselocal helpwere needed in a place far from the home of the banking solicitor.I asked toexplain more fullyso that I might not by any chance mislead himso hesaid
"Ishall illustrate. Your friend and mineMr. Peter Hawkinsfrom underthe shadow of your beautiful cathedral at Exeterwhich isfar from Londonbuys for me through your good selfmy placeat London. Good! Now here let me say franklylest youshouldthink it strange that I have sought the services of one so faroff fromLondon instead of some one resident therethat my motivewas thatno local interest might be served save my wish onlyand as oneof London residence mightperhapshave some purposeof himselfor friend to serveI went thus afield to seek my agentwhoselabours should be only to my interest. Nowsuppose Iwho havemuch of affairswish to ship goodssayto Newcastleor Durhamor Harwichor Dovermight it not be that it couldwith moreease be done by consigning to one in these ports?"
I answeredthat certainly it would be most easybut that wesolicitorshad a system of agency one for the otherso that localwork couldbe done locally on instruction from any solicitorso thatthe clientsimply placing himself in the hands of one mancould havehis wishes carried out by him without further trouble.
"But"said he"I could be at liberty to direct myself.Is it notso?"
"Ofcourse" I repliedand "Such is often done by men ofbusinesswho do notlike the whole of their affairs to be known by any one person."
"Good!"he saidand then went on to ask about the means of makingconsignmentsand theforms to be gone throughand of all sorts of difficultieswhichmight arisebut by forethought could be guarded against.Iexplained all these things to him to the best of my abilityand hecertainlyleft me under the impression that he would have made a wonderfulsolicitorfor there was nothing that he did not think of or foresee.For a manwho was never in the countryand who did not evidently domuch inthe way of businesshis knowledge and acumen were wonderful.When hehad satisfied himself on these points of which he had spokenand I hadverified all as well as I could by the books availablehesuddenly stood up and said"Have you written since your firstletterto ourfriend Mr. Peter Hawkinsor to any other?"
It waswith some bitterness in my heart that I answered that I had notthat asyet I had not seen any opportunity of sending letters to anybody.
"Thenwrite nowmy young friend" he saidlaying a heavyhand on myshoulder"write to our friend and to any otherand sayif it will please youthat you shall stay with meuntil amonth from now."
"Doyou wish me to stay so long?" I askedfor my heart grewcoldat thethought.
"Idesire it muchnay I will take no refusal. When your masteremployerwhat you willengaged that someone should come on his behalfit wasunderstood that my needs only were to be consulted.I have notstinted. Is it not so?"
What couldI do but bow acceptance? It was Mr. Hawkins'interestnot mineand I had to think of himnot myselfandbesideswhile Count Dracula was speakingthere was thatin hiseyes and in his bearing which made me remember that Iwas aprisonerand that if I wished it I could have no choice.The Countsaw his victory in my bowand his mastery inthetrouble of my facefor he began at once to use thembut in hisown smoothresistless way.
"Ipray youmy good young friendthat you will notdiscourseof things other than business in your letters.It willdoubtless please your friends to know that you are welland thatyou look forward to getting home to them. Is it not so?"As hespoke he handed me three sheets of note paper andthreeenvelopes. They were all of the thinnest foreign postandlooking at themthen at himand noticing his quiet smilewith thesharpcanine teeth lying over the red underlipIunderstood as well as if he had spoken that I should bemorecareful what I wrotefor he would be able to read it.So Idetermined to write only formal notes nowbut to write fullyto Mr.Hawkins in secretand also to Minafor to her I couldwriteshorthandwhich would puzzle the Countif he did see it.When I hadwritten my two letters I sat quietreading a bookwhilst theCount wrote several notesreferring as he wrote themto somebooks on his table. Then he took up my two and placedthem withhis ownand put by his writing materialsafter whichtheinstant the door had closed behind himI leaned overand lookedat the letterswhich were face down on the table.I felt nocompunction in doing so for under the circumstancesI feltthat I should protect myself in every way I could.
One of theletters was directed to Samuel F. BillingtonNo. 7TheCrescentWhitbyanother to Herr LeutnerVarna. The thirdwas toCoutts & Co.Londonand the fourth to Herren Klopstock&BillreuthbankersBuda Pesth. The second and fourth wereunsealed.I was justabout to look at them when I saw the door handle move.I sankback in my seathaving just had time to resume my book beforethe Countholding still another letter in his handentered the room.He took upthe letters on the table and stamped them carefullyand thenturning to mesaid
"Itrust you will forgive mebut I have much work to do in privatethisevening. You willI hopefind all things as you wish."At thedoor he turnedand after a moment's pause said"Let me adviseyoumy dearyoung friend. Naylet me warn you with all seriousnessthatshould you leave these rooms you will not by any chance go to sleepin anyother part of the castle. It is oldand has many memoriesand thereare bad dreams for those who sleep unwisely. Be warned!Shouldsleep now or ever overcome youor be like to dothen hasteto yourown chamber or to these roomsfor your rest will then be safe.But if yoube not careful in this respectthen" He finished his speechin agruesome wayfor he motioned with his hands as if he were washingthem.I quiteunderstood. My only doubt was as to whether any dream couldbe moreterrible than the unnaturalhorrible net of gloom and mysterywhichseemed closing around me.
Later.--Iendorse the last words writtenbut this time there is no doubtinquestion. I shall not fear to sleep in any place where he isnot.I haveplaced the crucifix over the head of my bedI imagine that myrest isthus freer from dreamsand there it shall remain.
When heleft me I went to my room. After a little whilenothearing any soundI came out and went up the stone stairto where Icould look out towards the South. There was somesense offreedom in the vast expanseinaccessible though itwas tomeas compared with the narrow darkness of the courtyard.Lookingout on thisI felt that I was indeed in prisonand Iseemed towant a breath of fresh airthough it were of the night.I ambeginning to feel this nocturnal existence tell on me.It isdestroying my nerve. I start at my own shadowand amfull ofall sorts of horrible imaginings. God knows that thereis groundfor my terrible fear in this accursed place!I lookedout over the beautiful expansebathed in softyellowmoonlight till it was almost as light as day.In thesoft light the distant hills became meltedand theshadows in the valleys and gorges of velvety blackness.The merebeauty seemed to cheer me. There was peace and comfortin everybreath I drew. As I leaned from the window my eyewas caughtby something moving a storey below meand somewhatto myleftwhere I imaginedfrom the order of the roomsthat thewindows of the Count's own room would look out.The windowat which I stood was tall and deepstone-mullionedand though weatherwornwas still complete.But it wasevidently many a day since the case had been there.I drewback behind the stoneworkand looked carefully out.
What I sawwas the Count's head coming out from the window.I did notsee the facebut I knew the man by the neck and themovementof his back and arms. In any case I could not mistakethe handswhich I had had some many opportunities of studying.I was atfirst interested and somewhat amusedfor it is wonderfulhow smalla matter will interest and amuse a man when he is a prisoner.But myvery feelings changed to repulsion and terror when I saw the wholeman slowlyemerge from the window and begin to crawl down the castlewall overthe dreadful abyssface down with his cloak spreading outaround himlike great wings. At first I could not believe my eyes.I thoughtit was some trick of the moonlightsome weird effectof shadowbut I kept lookingand it could be no delusion.I saw thefingers and toes grasp the corners of the stonesworn clearof the mortar by the stress of yearsand by thus usingeveryprojection and inequality move downwards with considerable speedjust as alizard moves along a wall.
Whatmanner of man is thisor what manner of creatureis it in thesemblanceof man? I feel the dread of this horrible place overpowering me.I am infearin awful fearand there is no escape for me.I amencompassed about with terrors that I dare not think of.
15May.--Once more I have seen the count go out in his lizard fashion.He moveddownwards in a sidelong waysome hundred feet downand a gooddeal to the left. He vanished into some hole or window.When hishead had disappearedI leaned out to try and see morebutwithout avail. The distance was too great to allow a properangleof sight. I knew he had left the castle nowand thought to usetheopportunity to explore more than I had dared to do as yet.I wentback to the roomand taking a lamptried all the doors.They wereall lockedas I had expectedand the locks werecomparativelynew. But I went down the stone stairs to the hallwhere Ihad entered originally. I found I could pull back the boltseasilyenough and unhook the great chains. But the door was lockedand thekey was gone! That key must be in the Count's room.I mustwatch should his door be unlockedso that I may get it and escape.I went onto make a thorough examination of the various stairsandpassagesand to try the doors that opened from them.One or twosmall rooms near the hall were openbut there was nothingto see inthem except old furnituredusty with age and moth-eaten.At lasthoweverI found one door at the top of the stairway whichthough itseemed lockedgave a little under pressure.I tried itharderand found that it was not really lockedbut thatthe resistance came from the fact that the hingeshad fallensomewhatand the heavy door rested on the floor.Here wasan opportunity which I might not have againso I exertedmyselfandwith many efforts forced it back so that I could enter.I was nowin a wing of the castle further to the right than the roomsI knew anda storey lower down. From the windows I could seethat thesuite of rooms lay along to the south of the castlethewindows of the end room looking out both west and south.On thelatter sideas well as to the formerthere was a great precipice.The castlewas built on the corner of a great rockso that onthreesides it was quite impregnableand great windows wereplacedhere where slingor bowor culverin could not reachandconsequently light and comfortimpossible to a position whichhad to beguardedwere secured. To the west was a great valleyand thenrising far awaygreat jagged mountain fastnessesrisingpeak on peakthe sheer rock studded with mountain ash and thornwhoseroots clung in cracks and crevices and crannies of the stone.This wasevidently the portion of the castle occupied by the ladiesin bygonedaysfor the furniture had more an air of comfort thanany I hadseen.
Thewindows were curtainlessand the yellow moonlightfloodingin through the diamond panesenabled one to seeevencolourswhilst it softened the wealth of dust which lay overall anddisguised in some measure the ravages of time and moth.My lampseemed to be of little effect in the brilliant moonlightbut I wasglad to have it with mefor there was a dread lonelinessin theplace which chilled my heart and made my nerves tremble.Stillitwas better than living alone in the rooms which I hadcome tohate from the presence of the Countand after tryinga littleto school my nervesI found a soft quietude come over me.Here I amsitting at a little oak table where in old timespossiblysome fair lady sat to penwith much thought andmanyblushesher ill-spelt love letterand writing in my diaryinshorthand all that has happened since I closed it last.It is thenineteenth century up-to-date with a vengeance.And yetunless my senses deceive methe old centuries hadand havepowers of their own which mere "modernity" cannot kill.
Later: The morning of 16 May.--God preserve my sanityfor to this Iamreduced. Safety and the assurance of safety are things of thepast.Whilst Ilive on here there is but one thing to hope forthat I maynot go madifindeedI be not mad already.If I besanethen surely it is maddening to think that of allthe foulthings that lurk in this hateful place the Count isthe leastdreadful to methat to him alone I can look for safetyeventhough this be only whilst I can serve his purpose. Great God!MercifulGodlet me be calmfor out of that way lies madness indeed.I begin toget new lights on certain things which have puzzled me.Up to nowI never quite knew what Shakespeare meant when he madeHamletsay"My tablets! Quickmy tablets! `tis meet that Iput itdown" etc.For nowfeeling as though my own brain wereunhingedor as if the shock had come which must end in its undoingI turn tomy diary for repose. The habit of entering accuratelymust helpto soothe me.
TheCount's mysterious warning frightened me at the time. Itfrightens memore notwhen I think of itfor in the future he has a fearful hold upon me.I shallfear to doubt what he may say!
When I hadwritten in my diary and had fortunately replacedthe bookand pen in my pocket I felt sleepy. The Count's warningcame intomy mindbut I took pleasure in disobeying it.The senseof sleep was upon meand with it the obstinacy which sleepbrings asoutrider. The soft moonlight soothedand the wideexpansewithout gave a sense of freedom which refreshed me.Idetermined not to return tonight to the gloom-haunted roomsbut tosleep herewhereof oldladies had sat and sungand livedsweet lives whilst their gentle breasts were sadfor theirmenfolk away in the midst of remorseless wars.I drew agreat couch out of its place near the cornerso thatas I layI could look at the lovely view to east and southandunthinkingof and uncaring for the dustcomposed myself for sleep.I supposeI must have fallen asleep. I hope sobut I fearfor allthat followed was startlingly realso real that nowsittinghere in the broadfull sunlight of the morningI cannotin the least believe that it was all sleep.
I was notalone. The room was the sameunchanged in anyway sinceI came into it. I could see along the floorin thebrilliant moonlightmy own footsteps marked where I haddisturbedthe long accumulation of dust. In the moonlight oppositeme werethree young womenladies by their dress and manner.I thoughtat the time that I must be dreaming when I saw themthey threwno shadow on the floor. They came close to meand lookedat me for some timeand then whispered together.Two weredarkand had high aquiline noseslike the Countand greatdarkpiercing eyesthat seemed to be almost redwhencontrasted with the pale yellow moon. The other wasfairasfair as can bewith great masses of golden hairand eyeslike pale sapphires. I seemed somehow to knowher faceand to know it in connection with some dreamy fearbut Icould not recollect at the moment how or where.All threehad brilliant white teeth that shone like pearlsagainstthe ruby of their voluptuous lips. There wassomethingabout them that made me uneasysome longing and atthe sametime some deadly fear. I felt in my heart a wickedburningdesire that they would kiss me with those red lips.It is notgood to note this downlest some day it shouldmeetMina's eyes and cause her painbut it is the truth.Theywhispered togetherand then they all three laughedsuch asilverymusical laughbut as hard as though the soundnevercould have come through the softness of human lips.It waslike the intolerabletingling sweetness of waterglasseswhenplayed on by a cunning hand. The fair girl shook herheadcoquettishlyand the other two urged her on.
One said"Go on! You are firstand we shall follow.Yours' isthe right to begin."
The otheradded"He is young and strong. There are kisses for usall."
I layquietlooking out from under my eyelashes in an agonyofdelightful anticipation. The fair girl advanced and bentover metill I could feel the movement of her breath upon me.Sweet itwas in one sensehoney-sweetand sent the same tinglingthroughthe nerves as her voicebut with a bitter underlyingthe sweeta bitter offensivenessas one smells in blood.
I wasafraid to raise my eyelidsbut looked out and saw perfectly underthelashes. The girl went on her kneesand bent over mesimplygloating.There wasa deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsiveand as shearched her neck she actually licked her lips like an animaltill Icould see in the moonlight the moisture shining on the scarletlips andon the red tongue as it lapped the white sharp teeth.Lower andlower went her head as the lips went below the range of mymouth andchin and seemed to fasten on my throat. Then she pausedand Icould hear the churning sound of her tongue as it lickedher teethand lipsand I could feel the hot breath on my neck.Then theskin of my throat began to tingle as one's flesh does when the handthat is totickle it approaches nearernearer. I could feel the softshiveringtouch of the lips on the super sensitive skin of my throatand thehard dents of two sharp teethjust touching and pausing there.I closedmy eyes in languorous ecstasy and waitedwaited with beating heart.
But atthat instantanother sensation swept through me as quickaslightning. I was conscious of the presence of the Countand of hisbeing as if lapped in a storm of fury. As my eyesopenedinvoluntarily I saw his strong hand grasp the slenderneck ofthe fair woman and with giant's power draw it backthe blueeyes transformed with furythe white teeth champingwith rageand the fair cheeks blazing red with passion.But theCount! Never did I imagine such wrath and furyeven tothe demons of the pit. His eyes were positively blazing.The redlight in them was luridas if the flames of hell fireblazedbehind them. His face was deathly paleand the linesof it werehard like drawn wires. The thick eyebrows that metover thenose now seemed like a heaving bar of whitehot metal.With afierce sweep of his armhe hurled the woman from himand thenmotioned to the othersas though he were beating them back.It was thesame imperious gesture that I had seen used to the wolves.In a voicewhichthough low and almost in a whisper seemedto cutthrough the air and then ring in the room he said
"Howdare you touch himany of you? How dare you cast eyeson himwhen I had forbidden it? BackI tell you all!This manbelongs to me! Beware how you meddle with himor you'llhave to deal with me."
The fairgirlwith a laugh of ribald coquetryturned to answer him."Youyourself never loved. You never love!" On this theotherwomenjoinedand such a mirthlesshardsoulless laughterrangthrough the room that it almost made me faint to hear.It seemedlike the pleasure of fiends.
Then theCount turnedafter looking at my face attentivelyand saidin a soft whisper"YesI too can love.Youyourselves can tell it from the past. Is it not so?WellnowI promise you that when I am done with him you shallkiss himat your will. Now go! Go! I must awaken himfor thereis work to be done."
"Arewe to have nothing tonight?" said one of themwith a low laughas shepointed to the bag which he had thrown upon the floorand whichmoved as though there were some living thing within it.For answerhe nodded his head. One of the women jumpedforwardand opened it. If my ears did not deceive me therewas a gaspand a low wailas of a half smothered child.The womenclosed roundwhilst I was aghast with horror.But as Ilookedthey disappearedand with them the dreadful bag.There wasno door near themand they could not have passedme withoutmy noticing. They simply seemed to fade intothe raysof the moonlight and pass out through the windowfor Icould see outside the dimshadowy forms for a momentbeforethey entirely faded away.
Then thehorror overcame meand I sank down unconscious.
I awoke inmy own bed. If it be that I had not dreamtthe Countmust have carried me here. I tried to satisfy myselfon thesubjectbut could not arrive at any unquestionable result.To besurethere were certain small evidencessuch as that myclotheswere folded and laid by in a manner which was not my habit.My watchwas still unwoundand I am rigorously accustomed to windit thelast thing before going to bedand many such details.But thesethings are no prooffor they may have been evidences that mymind wasnot as usualandfor some cause or anotherI had certainlybeen muchupset. I must watch for proof. Of one thing I am glad.If it wasthat the Count carried me here and undressed mehe musthave been hurried in his taskfor my pockets are intact.I am surethis diary would have been a mystery to him whichhe wouldnot have brooked. He would have taken or destroyed it.As I lookround this roomalthough it has been to me so full of fearit is nowa sort of sanctuaryfor nothing can be more dreadfulthan thoseawful womenwho werewho arewaiting to suck my blood.
18 May.--Ihave been down to look at that room again in daylightfor I mustknow the truth. When I got to the doorway at the topof thestairs I found it closed. It had been so forcibly drivenagainstthe jamb that part of the woodwork was splintered.I couldsee that the bolt of the lock had not been shotbut thedoor is fastened from the inside. I fear it was no dreamand mustact on this surmise.
19 May.--Iam surely in the toils. Last night the Countasked mein the sauvest tones to write three lettersone sayingthat my work here was nearly doneand that Ishouldstart for home within a few daysanother that I wasstartingon the next morning from the time of the letterand thethird that I had left the castle and arrived at Bistritz.I wouldfain have rebelledbut felt that in the present stateof thingsit would be madness to quarrel openly with the Countwhilst Iam so absolutely in his power. And to refusewould beto excite his suspicion and to arouse his anger.He knowsthat I know too muchand that I must not livelest I bedangerousto him. My only chance is to prolong my opportunities.Somethingmay occur which will give ma a chance to escape.I saw inhis eyes something of that gathering wrath whichwasmanifest when he hurled that fair woman from him.Heexplained to me that posts were few and uncertainand thatmy writing now would ensure ease of mind to my friends.And heassured me with so much impressiveness that he wouldcountermandthe later letterswhich would be held over at Bistritzuntil duetime in case chance would admit of my prolonging my staythat tooppose him would have been to create new suspicion.Itherefore pretended to fall in with his viewsand askedhim whatdates I should put on the letters.
Hecalculated a minuteand then said"The first should be June12the secondJune 19and the third June 29."
I know nowthe span of my life. God help me!
28May.--There is a chance of escapeor at any rate of being ableto sendword home. A band of Szgany have come to the castleand areencamped in the courtyard. These are gipsies.I havenotes of them in my book. They are peculiar to this part ofthe worldthough allied to the ordinary gipsies all the world over.There arethousands of them in Hungary and Transylvaniawho arealmost outside all law. They attach themselves as a ruleto somegreat noble or boyarand call themselves by his name.They arefearless and without religionsave superstitionand theytalk only their own varieties of the Romany tongue.
I shallwrite some letters homeand shall try to get themto havethem posted. I have already spoken to them throughmy windowto begin acquaintanceship. They took their hatsoff andmade obeisance and many signswhich howeverI couldnotunderstand any more than I could their spoken language.. .
I havewritten the letters. Mina's is in shorthandand I simplyask Mr.Hawkins to communicate with her. To her I have explainedmysituationbut without the horrors which I may only surmise.It wouldshock and frighten her to death were I to expose my heart to her.Should theletters not carrythen the Count shall not yet knowmy secretor the extent of my knowledge. . .
I havegiven the letters. I threw them through the bars of my windowwith agoldpieceand made what signs I could to have them posted. The manwho tookthempressed them to his heart and bowedand then put them in his cap.I could dono more. I stole back to the studyand began to read.As theCount did not come inI have written here. . .
The Counthas come. He sat down beside meand said in hissmoothestvoice as he opened two letters"The Szgany hasgiven metheseof whichthough I know not whence they comeI shallof coursetake care. See!"--He must have lookedatit.--"One is from youand to my friend Peter Hawkins.Theother"--here he caught sight of the strange symbolsas heopened the envelopeand the dark look came intohis faceand his eyes blazed wickedly--"The other isa vilethingan outrage upon friendship and hospitality!It is notsigned. Well! So it cannot matter to us."Andhe calmlyheld letter and envelope in the flame of the lamptill theywere consumed.
Then hewent on"The letter to Hawkinsthat I shallof coursesend onsince it is yours. Your letters are sacred to me.Yourpardonmy friendthat unknowingly I did break the seal.Will younot cover it again?" He held out the letter to meand with acourteous bow handed me a clean envelope.
I couldonly redirect it and hand it to him in silence.When hewent out of the room I could hear the key turn softly.A minutelater I went over and tried itand the door was locked.
Whenanhour or two afterthe Count came quietly into the roomhis comingawakened mefor I had gone to sleep on the sofa.He wasvery courteous and very cheery in his mannerand seeingthat I had been sleepinghe said"Somy friendyou aretired? Get to bed. There is the surest rest.I may nothave the pleasure of talk tonightsince there aremanylabours to mebut you will sleepI pray."
I passedto my room and went to bedandstrange to saysleptwithout dreaming. Despair has its own calms.
31May.--This morning when I woke I thought I would provide myselfwith somepapers and envelopes from my bag and keep them in my pocketso that Imight write in case I should get an opportunitybut againasurpriseagain a shock!
Everyscrap of paper was goneand with it all my notesmy memorandarelatingto railways and travelmy letter of creditin factall thatmight be useful to me were I once outside the castle.I sat andpondered awhileand then some thought occurred to meand I madesearch of my portmanteau and in the wardrobe where Ihad placedmy clothes.
The suitin which I had travelled was goneand also my overcoat and rug.I couldfind no trace of them anywhere. This looked like some newschemeofvillainy. . .
17June.--This morningas I was sitting on the edge of my bedcudgellingmy brainsI heard without a crackling of whipsandpounding and scraping of horses' feet up the rocky pathbeyond thecourtyard. With joy I hurried to the windowand sawdrive into the yard two great leiter-wagonseach drawnby eightsturdy horsesand at the head of each pair a Slovakwith hiswide hatgreat nail-studded beltdirty sheepskinand highboots. They had also their long staves in hand.I ran tothe doorintending to descend and try and join them throughthe mainhallas I thought that way might be opened for them.Again ashockmy door was fastened on the outside.
Then I ranto the window and cried to them. They looked up at mestupidlyand pointedbut just then the "hetman" of the Szganycame outand seeing them pointing to my windowsaid somethingat whichthey laughed.
Henceforthno effort of mineno piteous cry or agonized entreatywould makethem even look at me. They resolutely turned away.Theleiter-wagons contained greatsquare boxeswith handles of thickrope.These wereevidently empty by the ease with which the Slovaks handled themand bytheir resonance as they were roughly moved.
When theywere all unloaded and packed in a great heap in one cornerof theyardthe Slovaks were given some money by the Szganyandspitting on it for lucklazily went each to his horse's head.ShortlyafterwardsI heard the crackling of their whips die awayin thedistance.
24June.--Last night the Count left me earlyand locked himselfinto hisown room. As soon as I dared I ran up the winding stairand lookedout of the windowwhich opened South. I thought Iwouldwatch for the Countfor there is something going on.The Szganyare quartered somewhere in the castle and are doingwork ofsome kind. I know itfor now and thenI hear a far-awaymuffledsound as of mattock and spadeandwhatever it isit must bethe end of some ruthless villainy.
I had beenat the window somewhat less than half an hourwhen I sawsomething coming out of the Count's window.I drewback and watched carefullyand saw the whole man emerge.It was anew shock to me to find that he had on the suit of clotheswhich Ihad worn whilst travelling hereand slung over hisshoulderthe terrible bag which I had seen the women take away.Therecould be no doubt as to his questand in my garbtoo!Thisthenis his new scheme of evilthat he will allowothers tosee meas they thinkso that he may both leaveevidencethat I have been seen in the towns or villages postingmy ownlettersand that any wickedness which he may do shallby thelocal people be attributed to me.
It makesme rage to think that this can go onand whilst I am shut up hereaveritable prisonerbut without that protection of the law which isevenacriminal's right and consolation.
I thoughtI would watch for the Count's returnand for a long timesatdoggedly at the window. Then I began to notice that there weresomequaint little specks floating in the rays of the moonlight.They werelike the tiniest grains of dustand they whirled roundandgathered in clusters in a nebulous sort of way. I watchedthem witha sense of soothingand a sort of calm stole over me.I leanedback in the embrasure in a more comfortable positionso that Icould enjoy more fully the aerial gambolling.
Somethingmade me start upa lowpiteous howling of dogssomewherefar below in the valleywhich was hidden from my sight.Louder itseemed to ring in my earsand the floating moats of dustto takenew shapes to the sound as they danced in the moonlight.I feltmyself struggling to awake to some call of my instincts.Naymyvery soul was strugglingand my half-remembered sensibilitieswerestriving to answer the call. I was becoming hypnotised!
Quickerand quicker danced the dust. The moonbeams seemedto quiveras they went by me into the mass of gloom beyond.More andmore they gathered till they seemed to take dim phantom shapes.And then Istartedbroad awake and in full possession of my sensesand ranscreaming from the place.
Thephantom shapeswhich were becoming gradually materialisedfrom themoonbeamswere those three ghostly women to whomI wasdoomed.
I fledand felt somewhat safer in my own roomwhere there was no moonlightand wherethe lamp was burning brightly.
When acouple of hours had passed I heard something stirring intheCount's roomsomething like a sharp wail quickly suppressed.And thenthere was silencedeepawful silencewhich chilled me.With abeating heartI tried the doorbut I was locked in my prisonand coulddo nothing. I sat down and simply cried.
As I sat Iheard a sound in the courtyard withoutthe agonisedcry of awoman. I rushed to the windowand throwing it uppeeredbetween the bars.
Thereindeedwas a woman with dishevelled hairholding herhands overher heart as one distressed with running.She wasleaning against the corner of the gateway.When shesaw my face at the window she threw herself forwardandshouted in a voice laden with menace"Monstergiveme mychild!"
She threwherself on her kneesand raising up her handscried thesame words in tones which wrung my heart.Then shetore her hair and beat her breastand abandonedherself toall the violences of extravagant emotion.Finallyshe threw herself forwardand though I could not see herI couldhear the beating of her naked hands against the door.
Somewherehigh overheadprobably on the towerI heard the voiceof theCount calling in his harshmetallic whisper. His callseemed tobe answered from far and wide by the howling of wolves.Beforemany minutes had passed a pack of them pouredlike a pent-updam whenliberatedthrough the wide entrance into the courtyard.
There wasno cry from the womanand the howling of the wolves was but short.Beforelong they streamed away singlylicking their lips.
I couldnot pity herfor I knew now what had become of her childand shewas better dead.
What shallI do? What can I do? How can I escape from thisdreadfulthing of nightgloomand fear?
25June.--No man knows till he has suffered from the nighthow sweetand dear to his heart and eye the morning can be.When thesun grew so high this morning that it struck the topof thegreat gateway opposite my windowthe high spot which ittouchedseemed to me as if the dove from the ark had lighted there.My fearfell from me as if it had been a vaporous garmentwhichdissolved in the warmth.
I musttake action of some sort whilst the courage of the day is upon me.Last nightone of my post-dated letters went to postthe first of that fatalserieswhich is to blot out the very traces of my existence from the earth.
Let me notthink of it. Action!
It hasalways been at night-time that I have been molestedorthreatenedor in some way in danger or in fear.I have notyet seen the Count in the daylight. Can it be thathe sleepswhen others wakethat he may be awake whilst they sleep?If I couldonly get into his room! But there is no possible way.The dooris always lockedno way for me.
Yesthereis a wayif one dares to take it. Where his body hasgone whymay not another body go? I have seen him myself crawl fromhiswindow. Why should not I imitate himand go in by his window?Thechances are desperatebut my need is more desperate still.I shallrisk it. At the worst it can only be deathand a man's deathis not acalf'sand the dreaded Hereafter may still be open to me.God helpme in my task! GoodbyeMinaif I fail. Goodbyemyfaithfulfriend andsecond father. Goodbyealland last of all Mina!
Same daylater.--I have made the effortand God helping mehave comesafelyback to this room. I must put down every detail in order.I wentwhilst my courage was fresh straight to the window on the south sideand atonce got outside on this side. The stones are big and roughlycutand themortar has by process of time been washed away between them.I took offmy bootsand ventured out on the desperate way.I lookeddown onceso as to make sure that a sudden glimpse of the awfuldepthwould not overcome mebut after that kept my eyes away from it.I knowpretty well the direction and distance of the Count's windowandmadefor it aswell as I couldhaving regard to the opportunities available.I did notfeel dizzyI suppose I was too excitedand the time seemedridiculouslyshort till I found myself standing on the window sill andtrying toraise up the sash. I was filled with agitationhoweverwhen Ibent downand slid feet foremost in through the window. Then I lookedaround forthe Countbut with surprise and gladnessmade a discovery.The roomwas empty! It was barely furnished with odd thingswhichseemedto havenever been used.
Thefurniture was something the same style as that in thesouthroomsand was covered with dust. I looked for the keybut it wasnot in the lockand I could not find it anywhere.The onlything I found was a great heap of gold in one cornergold ofall kindsRomanand Britishand AustrianandHungarianandGreek and Turkish moneycovered with a filmof dustas though it had lain long in the ground.None of itthat I noticed was less than three hundred years old.There werealso chains and ornamentssome jewelledbut allof themold and stained.
At onecorner of the room was a heavy door. I tried itforsince Icould notfind the key of the room or the key of the outer doorwhich wasthe main object of my searchI must make further examinationor all myefforts would be in vain. It was openand led through a stonepassage toa circular stairwaywhich went steeply down.
Idescendedminding carefully where I went for the stairswere darkbeing only lit by loopholes in the heavy masonry.At thebottom there was a darktunnel-like passagethrough whichcame adeathlysickly odourthe odour of old earth newly turned.As I wentthrough the passage the smell grew closer and heavier.At last Ipulled open a heavy door which stood ajarand found myselfin an oldruined chapelwhich had evidently been used as a graveyard.The roofwas brokenand in two places were steps leading to vaultsbut theground had recently been dug overand the earth placedin greatwooden boxesmanifestly those which had been broughtby theSlovaks.
There wasnobody aboutand I made a search over every inchof thegroundso as not to lose a chance. I went down eveninto thevaultswhere the dim light struggledalthough to doso was adread to my very soul. Into two of these I wentbut sawnothing except fragments of old coffins and piles of dust.In thethirdhoweverI made a discovery.
Thereinone of the great boxesof which there were fiftyin allona pile of newly dug earthlay the Count!He waseither dead or asleep. I could not say whichfor eyeswere openand stonybut without the glassiness of deathandthe cheekshad the warmth of life through all their pallor.The lipswere as red as ever. But there was no sign of movementno pulseno breathno beating of the heart.
I bentover himand tried to find any sign of lifebut in vain.He couldnot have lain there longfor the earthy smell would have passed awayin a fewhours. By the side of the box was its coverpierced with holeshere andthere. I thought he might have the keys on himbut when I wentto searchI saw the dead eyesand in them dead though they weresuch a lookof hatethough unconscious of me or my presencethat I fled from the placeandleaving the Count's room by the windowcrawled again up the castlewall.Regainingmy roomI threw myself panting upon the bed and tried to think.
29June.--Today is the date of my last letterand the Count has takensteps toprove that it was genuinefor again I saw him leave the castle bythe samewindowand in my clothes. As he went down the walllizardfashionI wished Ihad a gun or some lethal weaponthat I might destroy him. ButIfear thatno weapon wrought along by man's hand would have any effect on him.I darednot wait to see him returnfor I feared to see those weird sisters.I cameback to the libraryand read there till I fell asleep.
I wasawakened by the Countwho looked at me as grimly as a man could lookas hesaid"Tomorrowmy friendwe must part. You return toyour beautifulEnglandIto some work which may have such an end that we may never meet.Yourletter home has been despatched. Tomorrow I shall not be herebut allshall be ready for your journey. In the morning come theSzganywho havesome labours of their own hereand also come some Slovaks.When theyhave gonemy carriage shall come for youand shall bear youto theBorgo Pass to meet the diligence from Bukovina to Bistritz.But I amin hopes that I shall see more of you at Castle Dracula."
Isuspected himand determined to test his sincerity. Sincerity! It seemslike aprofanation of the word to write it in connection with such amonsterso I askedhim point-blank"Why may I not go tonight?"
"Becausedear sirmy coachman and horses are away on a mission."
"ButI would walk with pleasure. I want to get away at once."
He smiledsuch a softsmoothdiabolical smile that Iknew therewas some trick behind his smoothness. He said"Andyour baggage?"
"I donot care about it. I can send for it some other time."
The Countstood upand saidwith a sweet courtesy which mademe rub myeyesit seemed so real"You English have a sayingwhich isclose to my heartfor its spirit is that which rulesourboyars`Welcome the comingspeed the parting guest.'Come withmemy dear young friend. Not an hour shall you waitin myhouse against your willthough sad am I at your goingandthat youso suddenly desire it. Come!" With a statelygravityhewiththe lamppreceded me down the stairs and along the hall.Suddenlyhe stopped. "Hark!"
Close athand came the howling of many wolves. It was almost as ifthe soundsprang up at the rising of his handjust as the musicof a greatorchestra seems to leap under the baton of the conductor.After apause of a momenthe proceededin his stately wayto thedoordrew back the ponderous boltsunhooked the heavy chainsand beganto draw it open.
To myintense astonishment I saw that it was unlocked.SuspiciouslyI looked all roundbut could see no keyof anykind.
As thedoor began to openthe howling of the wolves without grewlouder andangrier. Their red jawswith champing teethand theirblunt-clawedfeet as they leapedcame in through the opening door.I knewthan that to struggle at the moment against the Count was useless.With suchallies as these at his commandI could do nothing.
But stillthe door continued slowly to openand onlytheCount's body stood in the gap. Suddenly it struckme thatthis might be the moment and means of my doom.I was tobe given to the wolvesand at my own instigation.There wasa diabolical wickedness in the idea great enough forthe Countand as the last chance I cried out"Shut the door!I shallwait till morning." And I covered my face with my handsto hide mytears of bitter disappointment.
With onesweep of his powerful armthe Count threw the door shutand thegreat bolts clanged and echoed through the hall as theyshot backinto their places.
In silencewe returned to the libraryand after a minute or two I went to myown room. The last I saw of Count Dracula was his kissing his hand to mewith a redlight of triumph in his eyesand with a smile that Judas in hellmight beproud of.
When I wasin my room and about to lie downI thought I heardawhispering at my door. I went to it softly and listened.Unless myears deceived meI heard the voice of the Count.
"Back! Back to your own place! Your time is notyet come. Wait! Have patience! Tonight is mine.Tomorrownight is yours!"
There wasa lowsweet ripple of laughterand in a rage I threw openthe doorand saw without the three terrible women licking their lips.As Iappearedthey all joined in a horrible laughand ran away.
I cameback to my room and threw myself on my knees.It is thenso near the end? Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Lordhelp meand thoseto whom I am dear!
30June.--These may be the last words I ever write in this diary.I slepttill just before the dawnand when I woke threw myself on my kneesfor Idetermined that if Death came he should find me ready.
At last Ifelt that subtle change in the airand knew that the morninghad come. Then came the welcome cockcrowand I felt that I was safe.With aglad heartI opened the door and ran down the hall.I had seenthat the door was unlockedand now escape was before me.With handsthat trembled with eagernessI unhooked the chains and threwback themassive bolts.
But thedoor would not move. Despair seized me. I pulledand pulledat the doorand shook it tillmassive as it wasit rattledin its casement. I could see the bolt shot.It hadbeen locked after I left the Count.
Then awild desire took me to obtain the key at any riskandIdetermined then and there to scale the wall againand gaintheCount's room. He might kill mebut death now seemedthehappier choice of evils. Without a pause I rushed upto theeast windowand scrambled down the wallas beforeinto theCount's room. It was emptybut that was as I expected.I couldnot see a key anywherebut the heap of gold remained.I wentthrough the door in the corner and down the windingstair andalong the dark passage to the old chapel.I knew nowwell enough where to find the monster I sought.
The greatbox was in the same placeclose against the wallbut thelid was laid on itnot fastened downbut with the nailsready intheir places to be hammered home.
I knew Imust reach the body for the keyso I raised the lidand laidit back against the wall. And then I saw somethingwhichfilled my very soul with horror. There lay the Countbutlooking as if his youth had been half restored.For thewhite hair and moustache were changed to darkiron-grey.The cheeks were fullerand the white skin seemedruby-redunderneath. The mouth was redder than everfor on thelips were gouts of fresh bloodwhich trickled fromthecorners of the mouth and ran down over the chin and neck.Even thedeepburning eyes seemed set amongst swollen fleshfor thelids and pouches underneath were bloated. It seemedas if thewhole awful creature were simply gorged with blood.He laylike a filthy leechexhausted with his repletion.
Ishuddered as I bent over to touch himand every sense in merevoltedat the contactbut I had to searchor I was lost.The comingnight might see my own body a banquet in a similar warto thosehorrid three. I felt all over the bodybut no signcould Ifind of the key. Then I stopped and looked at the Count.There wasa mocking smile on the bloated face which seemedto driveme mad. This was the being I was helping to transferto Londonwhereperhapsfor centuries to come he mightamongstits teeming millionssatiate his lust for bloodand createa new and ever-widening circle of semi-demonsto battenon the helpless.
The verythought drove me mad. A terrible desirecame uponme to rid the world of such a monster.There wasno lethal weapon at handbut I seized a shovelwhich theworkmen had been using to fill the casesand liftingit highstruckwith the edge downwardat the hateful face.But as Idid so the head turnedand the eyes fell upon mewith alltheir blaze of basilisk horror. The sight seemedtoparalyze meand the shovel turned in my hand and glancedfrom thefacemerely making a deep gash above the forehead.The shovelfell from my hand across the boxand as I pulledit awaythe flange of the blade caught the edge of the lidwhich fellover againand hid the horrid thing from my sight.The lastglimpse I had was of the bloated faceblood-stained andfixed witha grin of malice which would have held its ownin thenethermost hell.
I thoughtand thought what should be my next movebut my brainseemed onfireand I waited with a despairing feeling growingover me. As I waited I heard in the distance a gipsy songsung bymerry voices coming closerand through their songtherolling of heavy wheels and the cracking of whips.The Szganyand the Slovaks of whom the Count had spoken were coming.With alast look around and at the box which containedthe vilebodyI ran from the place and gained the Count's roomdeterminedto rush out at the moment the door should be opened.Withstrained earsI listenedand heard downstairs the grindingof the keyin the great lock and the falling back of the heavy door.There musthave been some other means of entryor some onehad a keyfor one of the locked doors.
Then therecame the sound of many feet tramping and dyingaway insome passage which sent up a clanging echo.I turnedto run down again towards the vaultwhere I mightfind thenew entrancebut at the moment there seemed to comea violentpuff of windand the door to the winding stair blewto with ashock that set the dust from the lintels flying.When I ranto push it openI found that it was hopelessly fast.I wasagain a prisonerand the net of doom was closing roundme moreclosely.
As I writethere is in the passage below a sound of manytrampingfeet and the crash of weights being set down heavilydoubtlessthe boxeswith their freight of earth.There wasa sound of hammering. It is the box being nailed down.Now I canhear the heavy feet tramping again along the hallwith withmany other idle feet coming behind them.
The dooris shutthe chains rattle. There is a grinding of the key inthe lock. I can hear the key withdrawnthen another door opens and shuts.I hear thecreaking of lock and bolt.
Hark! In the courtyard and down the rocky way the roll of heavy wheelsthe crackof whipsand the chorus of the Szgany as they passinto thedistance.
I am alonein the castle with those horrible women. Faugh! Mina is awomanand thereis nought in common. They are devils of the Pit!
I shallnot remain alone with them. I shall try to scalethe castlewall farther than I have yet attempted.I shalltake some of the gold with melest I want it later.I may finda way from this dreadful place.
And thenaway for home! Away to the quickest and nearest train!Away fromthe cursed spotfrom this cursed landwhere the deviland hischildren still walk with earthly feet!
At leastGod's mercy is better than that of those monstersand theprecipice is steep and high. At its foot a man may sleepas a man. Goodbyeall. Mina!
9 May.
My dearestLucy
Forgive mylong delay in writingbut I have been simply overwhelmedwithwork. The life of an assistant schoolmistress is sometimestrying.I amlonging to be with youand by the seawhere we can talktogetherfreely and build our castles in the air. I have been workingvery hardlatelybecause I want to keep up with Jonathan's studiesand I havebeen practicing shorthand very assiduously.When weare married I shall be able to be useful to Jonathanand if Ican stenograph well enough I can take down what he wantsto say inthis way and write it out for him on the typewriterat whichalso I am practicing very hard.
He and Isometimes write letters in shorthandand he is keepingastenographic journal of his travels abroad. When I am with youI shallkeep a diary in the same way. I don't mean one of thosetwo-pages-to-the-week-with-Sunday-squeezed-in-a-cornerdiariesbut a sortof journal which I can write in whenever I feel inclined.
I do notsuppose there will be much of interest to other peoplebut itis notintended for them. I may show it to Jonathan some day if thereis in itanything worth sharingbut it is really an exercise book.I shalltry to do what I see lady journalists dointerviewing and writingdescriptionsand trying to remember conversations. I am told thatwith alittle practiceone can remember all that goes on or that onehears saidduring a day.
Howeverwe shall see. I will tell you of my little plans when we meet.I havejust had a few hurried lines from Jonathan from Transylvania.He iswelland will be returning in about a week. I am longingto hearall his news. It must be nice to see strange countries.I wonderif weI mean Jonathan and Ishall ever see them together.There isthe ten o'clock bell ringing. Goodbye.
Tell meall the news when you write. You have not told meanythingfor a long time. I hear rumoursand especiallyof a tallhandsomecurly-haired man.???
17Chatham Street
My dearestMina
I must sayyou tax me very unfairly with being a bad correspondent.I wroteyou twice since we partedand your last letterwas onlyyour second. BesidesI have nothing to tell you.There isreally nothing to interest you.
Town isvery pleasant just nowand we go a great dealtopicture-galleries and for walks and rides in the park.As to thetallcurly-haired manI suppose it was the onewho waswith me at the last Pop. Someone has evidentlybeentelling tales.
That wasMr. Holmwood. He often comes to see usand he and Mamma geton verywell togetherthey have so many things to talk about in common.
We metsome time ago a man that would just do for youif youwere notalready engaged to Jonathan. He is an excellant partibeinghandsomewell offand of good birth. He is a doctorand reallyclever. Just fancy! He is only nine-and twentyand he hasan immense lunatic asylum all under his own care.Mr.Holmwood introduced him to meand he called here to see usand oftencomes now. I think he is one of the most resolute men Iever sawand yet the most calm. He seems absolutely imperturbable.I canfancy what a wonderful power he must have over his patients.He has acurious habit of looking one straight in the faceas iftrying to read one's thoughts. He tries this on very muchwith mebut I flatter myself he has got a tough nut to crack.I knowthat from my glass.
Do youever try to read your own face? I doand I can tellyou it isnot a bad studyand gives you more trouble than youcan wellfancy if you have never tried it.
He saythat I afford him a curious psychological studyand Ihumbly think I do. I do notas you knowtake sufficientinterestin dress to be able to describe the new fashions.Dress is abore. That is slang againbut never mind.Arthursays that every day.
Thereitis all outMinawe have told all our secrets to each othersince wewere children. We have slept together and eaten togetherandlaughed and cried togetherand nowthough I have spokenI wouldlike to speak more. OhMinacouldn't you guess? I lovehim.I amblushing as I writefor although I think he loves mehe has nottold me so in words. ButohMinaI love him.I lovehim! Therethat does me good.
I wish Iwere with youdearsitting by the fire undressingas we usedto sitand I would try to tell you what I feel.I do notknow how I am writing this even to you.I amafraid to stopor I should tear up the letterand Idon't want to stopfor I do so want to tell you all.Let mehear from you at onceand tell me all that you thinkabout it. Minapray for my happiness.
P.S.--Ineed not tell you this is a secret. Goodnight again. L.
24 May
My dearestMina
Thanksand thanksand thanks again for your sweet letter.It was sonice to be able to tell you and to have your sympathy.
My dearit never rains but it pours. How true the old proverbs are.Here am Iwho shall be twenty in Septemberand yet I never hada proposaltill todaynot a real proposaland today I had three.Justfancy! Three proposals in one day! Isn't it awful!I feelsorryreally and truly sorryfor two of the poor fellows.OhMinaI am so happy that I don't know what to do with myself.And threeproposals! Butfor goodness' sakedon't tell any ofthe girlsor they would be getting all sorts of extravagant ideasandimagining themselves injured and slighted if in their very firstday athome they did not get six at least. Some girls are so vain!You and IMina dearwho are engaged and are going to settledown soonsoberly into old married womencan despise vanity.WellImust tell you about the threebut you must keep ita secretdearfrom every one exceptof courseJonathan.You willtell himbecause I wouldif I were in your placecertainlytell Arthur. A woman ought to tell her husband everything.Don't youthink sodear? And I must be fair. Men like womencertainlytheir wivesto be quite as fair as they are. And womenI amafraidare not always quite as fair as they should be.
Wellmydearnumber One came just before lunch.I told youof himDr. John Sewardthe lunaticasylummanwith the strong jaw and the good forehead.He wasvery cool outwardlybut was nervous all the same.He hadevidently been schooling himself as to all sorts oflittlethingsand remembered thembut he almost managed to sitdown onhis silk hatwhich men don't generally do when theyare cooland then when he wanted to appear at ease he keptplayingwith a lancet in a way that made me nearly scream.He spoketo meMinavery straightfordwardly. He told mehow dear Iwas to himthough he had known me so littleand whathis life would be with me to help and cheer him.He wasgoing to tell me how unhappy he would be if Idid notcare for himbut when he saw me cry he saidhe was abrute and would not add to my present trouble.Then hebroke off and asked if I could love him in timeand when Ishook my head his hands trembledand then with somehesitationhe asked me if I cared already for any one else.He put itvery nicelysaying that he did not want to wringmyconfidence from mebut only to knowbecause if a woman'sheart wasfree a man might have hope. And thenMinaI felta sort ofduty to tell him that there was some one.I onlytold him that muchand then he stood upand he lookedverystrong and very grave as he took both my hands in hisand saidhe hoped I would be happyand that If I ever wanteda friend Imust count him one of my best.
OhMinadearI can't help cryingand you must excuse this letter beingallblotted. Being proposed to is all very nice and all that sortof thingbut itisn't at all a happy thing when you have to see a poor fellowwhom youknow loves you honestlygoing away and looking all broken heartedand toknow thatno matter what he may say at the momentyou are passingout of hislife. My dearI must stop here at presentI feel somiserablethough Iam so happy.
Arthur hasjust goneand I feel in better spirits than when I left offso I cango on telling you about the day.
Wellmydearnumber Two came after lunch. He is such a nice fellowandAmericanfrom Texasand he looks so young and so fresh that it seems almostimpossiblethat he has been to so many places and has such adventures.Isympathize with poor Desdemona when she had such a stream pouredin hereareven by a black man. I suppose that we women are suchcowardsthat we think a man will save us from fearsand we marry him.I know nowwhat I would do if I were a man and wanted to make a girllove me. NoI don'tfor there was Mr. Morris telling us his storiesand Arthurnever told anyand yet. . .
My dearIam somewhat previous. Mr. Quincy P. Morris foundme alone. It seems that a man always does find a girl alone.Nohedoesn'tfor Arthur tried twice to make a chanceand Ihelping him all I couldI am not ashamed to say it now.I musttell you beforehand that Mr. Morris doesn't alwaysspeakslangthat is to sayhe never does so to strangersor beforethemfor he is really well educated and hasexquisitemannersbut he found out that it amused meto hearhim talk American slangand whenever I was presentand therewas no one to be shockedhe said such funny things.I amafraidmy dearhe has to invent it allfor it fits exactlyintowhatever else he has to say. But this is a way slang has.I do notknow myself if I shall ever speak slang.I do notknow if Arthur likes itas I have never heard himuse any asyet.
WellMr.Morris sat down beside me and looked as happy and jollyas hecouldbut I could see all the same that he was very nervous.He took myhand in hisand said ever so sweetly. . .
"MissLucyI know I ain't good enough to regulate the fixin's of yourlittleshoesbut I guess if you wait till you find a man that is youwill gojoin them seven young women with the lamps when you quit.Won't youjust hitch up alongside of me and let us go down the longroadtogetherdriving in double harness?"
Wellhedid look so hood humoured and so jolly that it didn'tseem halfso hard to refuse him as it did poor Dr. Seward.So I saidas lightly as I couldthat I did not know anythingofhitchingand that I wasn't broken to harness at all yet.Then hesaid that he had spoken in a light mannerand he hopedthat if hehad made a mistake in doing so on so gravesomomentousand occasion for himI would forgive him.He reallydid look serious when he was saying itand I couldn't helpfeeling asort of exultation that he was number Two in one day.And thenmy dearbefore I could say a word he began pouringout aperfect torrent of love-makinglaying his very heartand soulat my feet. He looked so earnest over it that Ishallnever again think that a man must be playful alwaysand neverearnestbecause he is merry at times.I supposehe saw something in my face which checked himfor hesuddenly stoppedand said with a sort of manly fervourthat Icould have loved him for if I had been free. . .
"Lucyyou are an honest hearted girlI know. I should not be herespeakingto you as I am now if I did not believe you clean gritrightthrough to the very depths of your soul. Tell melike onegoodfellow to anotheris there any one else that you care for?And ifthere is I'll never trouble you a hair's breadth againbut willbeif you will let mea very faithful friend."
My dearMinawhy are men so noble when we women are so little worthyof them? Here was I almost making fun of this great heartedtrue gentleman.I burstinto tearsI am afraidmy dearyou will think this a very sloppyletter inmore ways than oneand I really felt very badly.
Why can'tthey let a girl marry three menor as many as want herand saveall this trouble? But this is heresyand I must not say it.I am gladto say thatthough I was cryingI was able to look intoMr.Morris' brave eyesand I told him out straight. . .
"Yesthere is some one I lovethough he has not told meyet thathe even loves me." I was right to speak to himsofranklyfor quite a light came into his faceand he putout bothhis hands and took mineI think I put them into hisand saidin a hearty way. . .
"That'smy brave girl. It's better worth being late fora chanceof winning you than being in time for any othergirl inthe world. Don't crymy dear. If it's for meI'm a hardnut to crackand I take it standing up.If thatother fellow doesn't know his happinesswellhe'dbetter look for it soonor he'll have to deal with me.Littlegirlyour honesty and pluck have made me a friendand that'srarer than a loverit's more selfish anyhow.My dearI'm going to have a pretty lonely walk betweenthis andKingdom Come. Won't you give me one kiss?It'll besomething to keep off the darkness now and then.You canyou knowif you likefor that other good fellowor youcould not love himhasn't spoken yet."
That quitewon meMinafor it was brave and sweet of himand noble tooto arivalwasn't it? And he so sadso I leant over and kissedhim.
He stoodup with my two hands in hisand as he lookeddown intomy faceI am afraid I was blushing very muchhe said"Little girlI hold your handand you've kissed meand ifthese things don't make us friends nothing ever will.Thank youfor your sweet honesty to meand goodbye."
He wrungmy handand taking up his hatwent straight out of the roomwithoutlooking backwithout a tear or a quiver or a pauseand I amcryinglike a baby.
Ohwhymust a man like that be made unhappy when there are lotsof girlsabout who would worship the very ground he trod on?I know Iwould if I were freeonly I don't want to be freeMy dearthis quite upset meand I feel I cannot writeofhappiness just at onceafter telling you of itand I don'twish totell of the number Three until it can be all happy.Ever yourloving. . .
P.S.--Ohabout number ThreeI needn't tell you of number Threeneed I?Besidesit was all so confused. It seemed only a moment from his cominginto theroom till both his arms were round meand he was kissing me.I am veryvery happyand I don't know what I have done to deserve it.I mustonly try in the future to show that I am not ungrateful to Godfor allHis goodness to me in sending to me such a loversuch a husbandand such afriend.
DR. SEWARD'S DIARY (Kept in phonograph)
25May.--Ebb tide in appetite today. Cannot eatcannot restsodiaryinstead. since my rebuff of yesterday I have a sort of emptyfeeling.Nothing inthe world seems of sufficient importance to be worth the doing.As I knewthat the only cure for this sort of thing was workI went amongstthepatients. I picked out one who has afforded me a study of muchinterest.He is soquaint that I am determined to understand him as well as I can.Today Iseemed to get nearer than ever before to the heart of his mystery.
Iquestioned him more fully than I had ever donewith a viewto makingmyself master of the facts of his hallucination.In mymanner of doing it there wasI now seesomething of cruelty.I seemedto wish to keep him to the point of his madnessa thingwhich Iavoid with the patients as I would the mouth of hell.
(Mem.Under what circumstances would I not avoid the pitof hell?)Omnia Romae venalia sunt. Hell has its price!If therebe anything behind this instinct it will be valuableto traceit afterwards accuratelyso I had better commenceto do sotherefore. . .
R. MRenfieldage 59. Sanguine temperamentgreat physicalstrengthmorbidlyexcitableperiods of gloomending in some fixed idea which Icannotmake out. I presume that the sanguine temperament itselfand thedisturbing influence end in a mentally-accomplished finisha possiblydangerous manprobably dangerous if unselfish. In selfishmencaution is as secure an armour for their foes as for themselves.What Ithink of on this point iswhen self is the fixed pointthecentripetal force is balanced with the centrifugal. When dutya causeetc.is the fixed pointthe latter force is paramountand onlyaccident of a series of accidents can balance it.
25 May.
My dearArt
We've toldyarns by the campfire in the prairiesand dressedoneanother's wounds after trying a landing at the Marquesasand drunkhealths on the shore of Titicaca. There are more yarnsto betoldand other wounds to be healedand another healthto bedrunk. Won't you let this be at my campfire tomorrow night?I have nohesitation in asking youas I know a certain ladyis engagedto a certain dinner partyand that you are free.There willonly be one otherour old pal at the KoreaJack Seward.He'scomingtooand we both want to mingle our weeps over the wine cupand todrink a health with all our hearts to the happiest manin all thewide worldwho has won the noblest heart that God hasmade andbest worth winning. We promise you a hearty welcomeand aloving greetingand a health as true as your own right hand.We shallboth swear to leave you at home if you drink too deepto acertain pair of eyes. Come!
Yoursasever and always
Quincey P.Morris
26 May
Count mein every time. I bear messages which will makeboth yourears tingle.
24 July. Whitby.--Lucy met me at the stationlooking sweeterandlovlier than everand we drove up to the house at the Crescentin whichthey have rooms. This is a lovely place. The littleriverthe Eskruns through a deep valleywhich broadens out as it comesnear theharbour. A great viaduct runs acrosswith high piersthroughwhich the view seems somehow further away than it really is.The valleyis beautifully greenand it is so steep that when youare on thehigh land on either side you look right across itunless youare near enough to see down. The houses of the old town--the sideaway from usare all red-roofedand seem piled up oneover theother anyhowlike the pictures we see of Nuremberg.Right overthe town is the ruin of Whitby Abbeywhich was sackedby theDanesand which is the scene of part of "Marmion"where thegirl was built up in the wall. It is a most noble ruinof immensesizeand full of beautiful and romantic bits.There is alegend that a white lady is seen in one of the windows.Between itand the town there is another churchthe parish oneroundwhich is a big graveyardall full of tombstones.This is tomy mind the nicest spot in Whitbyfor it lies right overthe townand has a full view of the harbour and all up the bayto wherethe headland called Kettleness stretches out into the sea.Itdescends so steeply over the harbour that part of the bank hasfallenawayand some of the graves have been destroyed.
In oneplace part of the stonework of the graves stretches out overthe sandypathway far below. There are walkswith seats beside themthroughthe churchyardand people go and sit there all day long lookingat thebeautiful view and enjoying the breeze.
I shallcome and sit here often myself and work.IndeedIam writing nowwith my book on my kneeand listeningto thetalk of three old men who are sitting beside me.They seemto do nothing all day but sit here and talk.
Theharbour lies below mewithon the far sideone longgranitewall stretching out into the seawith a curve outwardsat the endof itin the middle of which is a lighthouse.A heavyseawall runs along outside of it. On the near sidethe seawallmakes anelbow crooked inverselyand its end too has a lighthouse.Betweenthe two piers there is a narrow opening into the harbourwhich thensuddenly widens.
It is niceat high waterbut when the tide is out it shoalsaway tonothingand there is merely the stream of the Eskrunningbetween banks of sandwith rocks here and there.Outsidethe harbour on this side there rises for about half a milea greatreefthe sharp of which runs straight out from behindthe southlighthouse. At the end of it is a buoy with a bellwhichswings in bad weatherand sends in a mournful soundon thewind.
They havea legend here that when a ship is lost bells are heard out at sea.I must askthe old man about this. He is coming this way. . .
He is afunny old man. He must be awfully oldfor hisface isgnarled and twisted like the bark of a tree.He tellsme that he is nearly a hundredand that he was a sailorin theGreenland fishing fleet when Waterloo was fought.He isIam afraida very sceptical personfor when I askedhim aboutthe bells at sea and the White Lady at the abbeyhe saidvery brusquely
"Iwouldn't fash masel' about themmiss. Them things be allwore out. MindI don't say that they never wasbut I do saythat theywasn't in my time. They be all very well for comersandtrippersan' the likebut not for a nice young lady like you.Themfeet-folks from York and Leeds that be always eatin'cured herrin'sanddrinkin' tea an' lookin' out to buy cheap jet would creed aught.I wondermasel' who'd be bothered tellin' lies to themeven thenewspaperswhich is full of fool-talk."
I thoughthe would be a good person to learn interestingthingsfromso I asked him if he would mind tellingmesomething about the whale fishing in the old days.He wasjust settling himself to begin when the clock struck sixwhereuponhe laboured to get upand said
"Imust gang ageeanwards home nowmiss. My grand-daughter doesn'tlike to bekept waitin' when the tea is readyfor it takes me timeto crammleaboon the greesfor there be a many of `emand missI lackbelly-timber sairly by the clock."
He hobbledawayand I could see him hurryingas well as he coulddown thesteps. The steps are a great feature on the place.They leadfrom the town to the churchthere are hundreds of themI do notknow how manyand they wind up in a delicate curve.The slopeis so gentle that a horse could easily walk up and down them.
I thinkthey must originally have had something to do with the abbey.I shall gohome too. Lucy went outvisiting with her motherand asthey were only duty callsI did not go.
1August.--I came up here an hour ago with Lucyand we had a mostinterestingtalk withmy old friend and the two others who always come and join him.He isevidently the Sir Oracle of themand I should think must have beenin histime a most dictatorial person.
He willnot admit anythingand down faces everybody.If hecan't out-argue them he bullies themand then takestheirsilence for agreement with his views.
Lucy waslooking sweetly pretty in her white lawn frock.She hasgot a beautiful colour since she has been here.
I noticedthat the old men did not lose any time in comingandsitting near her when we sat down. She is so sweet witholdpeopleI think they all fell in love with her on the spot.Even myold man succumbed and did not contradict herbut gaveme double share instead. I got him on the subjectof thelegendsand he went off at once into a sort of sermon.I must tryto remember it and put it down.
"Itbe all fool-talklockstockand barrelthat's what itbe andnowt else. These bans an' wafts an' boh-ghosts an'bar-guestsan' bogles an' all anent them is only fit to set bairns an'dizzywomen a'belderin'. They be nowt but air-blebs. Theyan'all grimsan' signs an' warnin'sbe all invented by parsons an'illsomeberk-bodies an' railway touters to skeer an' scunner hafflin'san'to getfolks to do somethin' that they don't other incline to.It makesme ireful to think o' them. Whyit's them thatnot contentwithprintin' lies on paper an' preachin' them ou t of pulpitsdoes wantto be cuttin' them on the tombstones. Look here all aroundyou inwhat airt ye will. All them steansholdin' up their headsas well asthey can out of their prideis acantsimply tumblin'down withthe weight o' the lies wrote on them`Here lies the body'or `Sacredto the memory' wrote on all of theman' yet in nighhalf ofthem there bean't no bodies at allan' the memoriesof thembean't cared a pinch of snuff aboutmuch less sacred.Lies allof themnothin' but lies of one kind or another!My gogbut it'll be a quare scowderment at the Day of Judgmentwhen theycome tumblin' up in their death-sarksall joupedtogetheran' trying' to drag their tombsteans with them to provehow goodthey wassome of them trimmlin' an' ditheringwith theirhands thatdozzened an' slippery from lyin' in the sea that theycan't evenkeep their gurp o' them."
I couldsee from the old fellow's self-satisfied air and the way in whichhe lookedround for the approval of his cronies that he was "showing off"so I putin a word to keep him going.
"OhMr. Swalesyou can't be serious. Surely these tombstonesare notall wrong?"
"Yabblins! There may be a poorish few not wrongsavin' where theymake outthe people too goodfor there be folk that do thinkabalm-bowl be like the seaif only it be their own.The wholething be only lies. Now look you here.You comehere a strangeran' you see this kirkgarth."
I noddedfor I thought it better to assentthough I did not quite understandhisdialect. I knew it had something to do with the church.
He wenton"And you consate that all these steans be aboonfolk thatbe haped heresnod an' snog?" I assented again."Thenthat be just where the lie comes in. Whythere bescores ofthese laybeds that be toom as old Dun's `baccaboxon Fridaynight."
He nudgedone of his companionsand they all laughed."Andmy gog! How could they be otherwise? Look at that onethe aftestabaft the bier-bankread it!"
I wentover and read"Edward Spencelaghmaster marinermurderedby pirates off the coast of AndresApril1854age 30."When Icame back Mr. Swales went on
"Whobrought him homeI wonderto hap him here? Murdered offthe coastof Andres! An' you consated his body lay under!WhyIcould name ye a dozen whose bones lie in the Greenland seas above"he pointednorthwards"or where the currants may have drifted them.There bethe steans around ye. Ye canwith your young eyesread thesmall print of the lies from here. This Braithwaite LoweryI knew hisfatherlost in the Lively off Greenland in `20orAndrewWoodhousedrowned in the same seas in 1777or John Paxtondrownedoff Cape Farewell a year lateror old John Rawlingswhosegrandfather sailed with medrowned in the Gulf of Finlandin `50. Doye think that all these men will have to make a rushto Whitbywhen the trumpet sounds? I have me antherums aboot it!I tell yethat when they got here they'd be jommlin' and jostlin'oneanother that way that it `ud be like a fight up on the icein the olddayswhen we'd be at one another from daylightto darkan' tryin' to tie up our cuts by the aurora borealis."This wasevidently local pleasantryfor the old man cackled over itand hiscronies joined in with gusto.
"But"I said"surely you are not quite correctfor you starton theassumption that all the poor peopleor their spiritswill haveto take their tombstones with them on the Day of Judgment.Do youthink that will be really necessary?"
"Wellwhat else be they tombstones for? Answer me thatmiss!"
"Toplease their relativesI suppose."
"Toplease their relativesyou suppose!" This he said withintense scorn."Howwill it pleasure their relatives to know that lies is wrote overthemand thateverybody in the place knows that they be lies?"
He pointedto a stone at our feet which had been laid down as a slabon whichthe seat was restedclose to the edge of the cliff."Readthe lies on that thruff-stone" he said.
Theletters were upside down to me from where I satbut Lucy was moreoppositeto themso she leant over and read"Sacred to the memoryof GeorgeCanonwho diedin the hope of a glorious resurrectionon July291873falling from the rocks at Kettleness.This tombwas erected by his sorrowing mother to her dearly belovedson.`Hewas the only son of his motherand she was a widow.'ReallyMr. SwalesI don't see anything very funny in that!"She spokeher comment very gravely and somewhat severely.
"Yedon't see aught funny! Ha-ha! But that's because yedon't gawmthe sorrowin'mother was a hell-cat that hated himbecause hewas acrewk'da regular lamiter he wasan' he hatedher sothat he committed suicide in order that she mightn'tget aninsurance she put on his life. He blew nigh the topof hishead off with an old musket that they had for scarin'crowswith. `twarn't for crows thenfor it brought the clegsand thedowps to him. That's the way he fell off the rocks.Andas tohopes of a glorious resurrectionI've often heardhim saymasel' that he hoped he'd go to hellfor his motherwas sopious that she'd be sure to go to heavenan' he didn'twant toaddle where she was. Now isn't that stean at any rate"hehammered it with his stick as he spoke"a pack of lies?And won'tit make Gabriel keckle when Geordie comes pantin'ut thegrees with the tompstean balanced on his humpand asksto be took as evidence!"
I did notknow what to saybut Lucy turned the conversationas shesaidrising up"Ohwhy did you tell us of this?It is myfavorite seatand I cannot leave itand now I findI must goon sitting over the grave of a suicide."
"Thatwon't harm yemy prettyan' it may make poor Geordiegladsometo have so trim a lass sittin' on his lap.That won'thurt ye. WhyI've sat here off an' on fornightwenty years pastan' it hasn't done me no harm.Don't yefash about them as lies under yeor that doesn'lie thereeither! It'll be time for ye to be getting scartwhen yesee the tombsteans all run away withand the placeas bare asa stubble-field. There's the clockand'I must gang.My serviceto yeladies!" And off he hobbled.
Lucy and Isat awhileand it was all so beautifulbefore usthat we took hands as we satand she told meall overagain about Arthur and their coming marriage.That mademe just a little heart-sickfor I haven't heardfromJonathan for a whole month.
The sameday. I came up here alonefor I am very sad. There wasnoletter forme. I hope there cannot be anything the matter with Jonathan.The clockhas just struck nine. I see the lights scattered all overthe townsometimes in rows where the streets areand sometimes singly.They runright up the Esk and die away in the curve of the valley.To my leftthe view is cut off by a black line of roof of the old housenext tothe abbey. The sheep and lambs are bleating in the fields awaybehind meand there is a clatter of donkeys' hoofs up the paved road below.The bandon the pier is playing a harsh waltz in good timeand furtheralong thequay there is a Salvation Army meeting in a back street.Neither ofthe bands hears the otherbut up here I hear and seethemboth. I wonder where Jonathan is and if he is thinking of me!I wish hewere here.
5June.--The case of Renfield grows more interesting the moreI get tounderstand the man. He has certain qualities verylargelydevelopedselfishnesssecrecyand purpose.
I wish Icould get at what is the object of the latter. He seemsto havesome settled scheme of his ownbut what it is I do not know.Hisredeeming quality is a love of animalsthoughindeedhe has suchcuriousturns in it that I sometimes imagine he is only abnormally cruel.His petsare of odd sorts.
Just nowhis hobby is catching flies. He has at presentsuch aquantity that I have had myself to expostulate.To myastonishmenthe did not break out into a furyas Iexpectedbut took the matter in simple seriousness.He thoughtfor a momentand then said"May I have three days?I shallclear them away." Of courseI said that would do.I mustwatch him.
18June.--He has turned his mind now to spidersand has got severalvery bigfellows in a box. He keeps feeding them his fliesand thenumber of the latter is becoming sensibly diminishedalthoughhe has used half his food in attracting more fliesfromoutside to his room.
1July.--His spiders are now becoming as great a nuisance as his fliesand todayI told him that he must get rid of them.
He lookedvery sad at thisso I said that he must some of themat allevents. He cheerfully acquiesced in thisand I gave himthe sametime as before for reduction.
Hedisgusted me much while with himfor when a horrid blowflybloatedwith some carrion foodbuzzed into the roomhe caught itheld itexultantly for a few moments between his finger and thumband beforeI knew what he was going to doput it in his mouthand ateit.
I scoldedhim for itbut he argued quietly that it was very good andverywholesomethat it was lifestrong lifeand gave life to him.This gaveme an ideaor the rudiment of one. I must watch how he getsrid of hisspiders.
He hasevidently some deep problem in his mindfor he keepsa littlenotebook in which he is always jotting down something.wholepages of it are filled with masses of figuresgenerallysingle numbers added up in batchesand then the totalsadded inbatches againas though he were focussing some accountas theauditors put it.
8July.--There is a method in his madnessand the rudimentaryidea in mymind is growing. It will be a whole idea soonand thenohunconscious cerebrationyou will have to givethe wallto your conscious brother.
I keptaway from my friend for a few daysso that I might notice if therewere anychange. Things remain as they were except that he has partedwith someof his pets and got a new one.
He hasmanaged to get a sparrowand has already partially tamed it.His meansof taming is simplefor already the spiders have diminshed.Those thatdo remainhoweverare well fedfor he still bringsin theflies by tempting them with his food.
19July--We are progressing. My friend has now a whole colony ofsparrowsand hisflies and spiders are almost obliterated. When I came in he ranto meand saidhe wanted to ask me a great favoura veryvery great favour.And as hespokehe fawned on me like a dog.
I askedhim what it wasand he saidwith a sort of rapture in hisvoice andbearing"A kittena nicelittlesleek playful kittenthat I canplay withand teachand feedand feedand feed!"
I was notunprepared for this requestfor I had noticedhow hispets went on increasing in size and vivacitybut Idid notcare that his pretty family of tame sparrows shouldbe wipedout in the same manner as the flies and spiders.So I saidI would see about itand asked him if he wouldnot ratherhave a cat than a kitten.
Hiseagerness betrayed him as he answered"OhyesI would like acat!I onlyasked for a kitten lest you should refuse me a cat.No onewould refuse me a kittenwould they?"
I shook myheadand said that at present I feared itwould notbe possiblebut that I would see about it.His facefelland I could see a warning of danger in itfor therewas a sudden fiercesidelong look which meant killing.The man isan undeveloped homicidal maniac. I shall testhim withhis present craving and see how it will work outthen Ishall know more.
10 pm.--Ihave visited him again and found him sitting in a corner brooding.When Icame in he threw himself on his knees before me and implored me tolethim have acatthat his salvation depended upon it.
I wasfirmhoweverand told him that he could nothave itwhereupon he went without a wordand sat downgnawinghis fingersin the corner where I had found him.I shallsee him in the morning early.
20July.--Visited Renfield very earlybefore attendant went his rounds.Found himup and humming a tune. He was spreading out his sugarwhich hehad savedin the windowand was manifestly beginning his flycatchingagainand beginning it cheerfully and with a good grace.
I lookedaround for his birdsand not seeing themasked him where they were.Herepliedwithout turning roundthat they had all flown away.There werea few feathers about the room and on his pillow a drop of blood.I saidnothingbut went and told the keeper to report to me if therewereanything odd about him during the day.
11am.--The attendant has just been to see me to say that Renfieldhas beenvery sick and has disgorged a whole lot of feathers."Mybelief isdoctor" he said"that he has eaten his birdsand thathe just took and ate them raw!"
11 pm.--Igave Renfield a strong opiate tonightenough to makeeven himsleepand took away his pocketbook to look at it.Thethought that has been buzzing about my brain lately is completeand thetheory proved.
Myhomicidal maniac is of a peculiar kind. I shall have to inventa newclassificationfor himand call him a zoophagous (life-eating) maniac.What hedesires is to absorb as many lives as he canand he has laid himselfout toachieve it in a cumulative way. He gave many flies to onespiderand manyspiders to one birdand then wanted a cat to eat the many birds.What wouldhave been his later steps?
It wouldalmost be worth while to complete the experiment.It mightbe done if there were only a sufficient cause.Mensneered at vivisectionand yet look at its results today!Why notadvance science in its most difficult and vital aspecttheknowledge of the brain?
Had I eventhe secret of one such minddid I holdthe key tothe fancy of even one lunaticI might advancemy ownbranch of science to a pitch compared with whichBurdon-Sanderson'sphysiology or Ferrier's brain knowledgewould beas nothing. If only there were a sufficient cause!I must notthink too much of thisor I may be tempted.A goodcause might turn the scale with mefor may not I toobe of anexceptional braincongenitally?
How wellthe man reasoned. Lunatics always do within their own scope.I wonderat how many lives he values a manor if at only one.He hasclosed the account most accuratelyand today begun a new record.How manyof us begin a new record with each day of our lives?
To me itseems only yesterday that my whole life endedwith mynew hopeand that truly I began a new record.So itshall be until the Great Recorder sums me up and closesmy ledgeraccount with a balance to profit or loss.
OhLucyLucyI cannot be angry with younor can I be angrywith myfriend whose happiness is yoursbut I must only waitonhopeless and work. Work! Work!
If I couldhave as strong a cause as my poor mad friend therea goodunselfishcause to make me workthat would be indeed happiness.
26July.--I am anxiousand it soothes me to express myself here.It is likewhispering to one's self and listening at the same time.And thereis also something about the shorthand symbols that makes itdifferentfrom writing. I am unhappy about Lucy and about Jonathan.I had notheard from Jonathan for some timeand was very concernedbutyesterday dear Mr. Hawkinswho is always so kindsent me a letterfrom him. I had written asking him if he had heardand he said the enclosedhad justbeen received. It is only a line dated from Castle Draculaand saysthat he is just starting for home. That is not like Jonathan.I do notunderstand itand it makes me uneasy.
ThentooLucyalthough she is so wellhas lately taken to her oldhabit ofwalking in her sleep. Her mother has spoken to me about itand wehave decided that I am to lock the door of our room every night.
Mrs.Westenra has got an idea that sleep-walkers always go out on roofsof housesand along the edges of cliffs and then get suddenly wakenedand fallover with a despairing cry that echoes all over the place.
Poor dearshe is naturally anxious about Lucyand she tellsme thather husbandLucy's fatherhad the same habitthat hewould get up in the night and dress himself and go outif he werenot stopped.
Lucy is tobe married in the autumnand she is alreadyplanningout her dresses and how her house is to be arranged.Isympathise with herfor I do the sameonly Jonathan and Iwill startin life in a very simple wayand shall have to tryto makeboth ends meet.
Mr.Holmwoodhe is the Hon. Arthur Holmwoodonly son of Lord Godalmingis comingup here very shortlyas soon as he can leave townfor his fatheris notvery welland I think dear Lucy is counting the moments till hecomes.
She wantsto take him up in the seat on the churchyard cliff and show himthe beautyof Whitby. I daresay it is the waiting which disturbs her.She willbe all right when he arrives.
27July.--No news from Jonathan. I am getting quite uneasy abouthimthough whyI should I do not knowbut I do wish that he would writeif it wereonly a single line.
Lucy walksmore than everand each night I am awakened by her moving aboutthe room. Fortunatelythe weather is so hot that she cannot get cold.But stillthe anxiety and the perpetually being awakened is beginningto tell onmeand I am getting nervous and wakeful myself.Thank GodLucy's health keeps up. Mr. Holmwood has been suddenlycalled toRing to see his fatherwho has been taken seriously ill.Lucy fretsat the postponement of seeing himbut it does nottouch herlooks. She is a trifle stouterand her cheeks area lovelyrose-pink. She has lost the anemic look which she had.I pray itwill all last.
3August.--Another week gone byand no news from Jonathannot evento Mr. Hawkinsfrom whom I have heard. OhI dohope he isnot ill. He surely would have written. I look atthat lastletter of hisbut somehow it does not satisfy me.It doesnot read like himand yet it is his writing.There isno mistake of that.
Lucy hasnot walked much in her sleep the last weekbut thereis an odd concentration about her which I donotunderstandeven in her sleep she seems to be watching me.She triesthe doorand finding it lockedgoes about the roomsearchingfor the key.
6August.--Another three daysand no news.Thissuspense is getting dreadful. If I only knew whereto writeto or where to go toI should feel easier.But no onehas heard a word of Jonathan since that last letter.I mustonly pray to God for patience.
Lucy ismore excitable than everbut is otherwise well. Last nightwas verythreateningand the fishermen say that we are in for a storm.I must tryto watch it and learn the weather signs.
Today is agray dayand the sun as I write is hidden in thick cloudshigh overKettleness. Everything is gray except the green grasswhichseems like emerald amongst itgray earthy rockgray cloudstingedwith the sunburst at the far edgehang over the gray seainto whichthe sandpoints stretch like gray figures. The sea is tumblingin overthe shallows and the sandy flats with a roarmuffled inthesea-mists drifting inland. The horizon is lost in a gray mist.Allvastnessthe clouds are piled up like giant rocksand thereis a`brool' over the sea that sounds like some passage of doom.Darkfigures are on the beach here and theresometimes half shroudedin themistand seem `men like trees walking'. The fishing boats areracing forhomeand rise and dip in the ground swell as they sweepinto theharbourbending to the scuppers. Here comes old Mr. Swales.He ismaking straight for meand I can seeby the way he lifts his hatthat hewants to talk.
I havebeen quite touched by the change in the poor old man.When hesat down beside mehe said in a very gentle way"Iwant to say something to youmiss."
I couldsee he was not at easeso I took his poor old wrinkled hand in mineand askedhim to speak fully.
So hesaidleaving his hand in mine"I'm afraidmy dearythat Imust have shocked you by all the wicked things I've been sayin'about thedeadand such likefor weeks pastbut I didn't mean themand I wantye to remember that when I'm gone. We aud folks that bedaffledand withone foot abaft the krok-hooaldon't altogether like to thinkof itandwe don't want to feel scart of itand that's why I'vetook tomakin' light of itso that I'd cheer up my own heart a bit.ButLordlove yemissI ain't afraid of dyin'not a bitonly Idon't wantto die if I can help it. My time must be nigh at hand nowfor I beaudand a hundred years is too much for any man to expect.And I'm sonigh it that the Aud Man is already whettin' his scythe.Ye seeIcan't get out o' the habit of caffin' about it all at once.The chaftswill wag as they be used to. Some day soon the Angel of Deathwill soundhis trumpet for me. But don't ye dooal an' greetmy deary!"--for he sawthat I was crying--"if he should come this very night I'dnot refuseto answer his call. For life beafter allonly a waitin'forsomethin' else than what we're doin'and death be all that we canrightlydepend on. But I'm contentfor it's comin' to memy dearyand comin'quick. It may be comin' while we be lookin' and wonderin'.Maybeit's inthat wind out over the sea that's bringin' with it loss and wreckand soredistressand sad hearts. Look! Look!" he criedsuddenly."There'ssomething in that wind and in the hoast beyont that soundsand looksand tastesand smells like death. It's in the air.I feel itcomin'. Lordmake me answer cheerfulwhen my call comes!"He held uphis arms devoutlyand raised his hat. His mouth movedas thoughhe were praying. After a few minutes' silencehe got upshookhands with meand blessed meand said goodbyeand hobbled off.It alltouched meand upset me very much.
I was gladwhen the coastguard came alongwith his spyglass under his arm.He stoppedto talk with meas he always doesbut all the time kept lookingat astrange ship.
"Ican't make her out" he said. "She's a Russianbythe look of her.But she'sknocking about in the queerest way. She doesn't knowher mind abit. She seems to see the storm comingbut can'tdecidewhether to run up north in the openor to put in here.Look thereagain! She is steered mighty strangelyfor she doesn'tmind thehand on the wheelchanges about with every puff of wind.We'll hearmore of her before this time tomorrow."
From acorrespondent.
One of thegreatest and suddenest storms on record has justbeenexperienced herewith results both strange and unique.Theweather had been somewhat sultrybut not to any degreeuncommonin the month of August. Saturday evening was as fineas wasever knownand the great body of holiday-makers laidoutyesterday for visits to Mulgrave WoodsRobin Hood's BayRig MillRunswickStaithesand the various tripsin theneighborhood of Whitby. The steamers Emma andScarboroughmade trips up and down the coastand there wasan unusualamount of `tripping' both to and from Whitby.The daywas unusually fine till the afternoonwhen someof thegossips who frequent the East Cliff churchyardand fromthe commanding eminence watch the wide sweep of seavisible tothe north and eastcalled attention to a suddenshow of`mares tails' high in the sky to the northwest.The windwas then blowing from the south-west in the mild degreewhich inbarometrical language is ranked `No. 2light breeze.'
Thecoastguard on duty at once made reportand one old fishermanwho formore than half a century has kept watch on weather signs fromthe EastCliffforetold in an emphatic manner the coming of a sudden storm.Theapproach of sunset was so very beautifulso grand in its massesofsplendidly coloured cloudsthat there was quite an assemblage onthe walkalong the cliff in the old churchyard to enjoy the beauty.Before thesun dipped below the black mass of Kettlenessstanding boldlyathwartthe western skyits downward was was marked by myriad clouds ofeverysunsetcolourflamepurplepinkgreenvioletand all the tints ofgoldwith hereand there masses not largebut of seemingly absolute blacknessin allsorts of shapesas well outlined as colossal silhouettes.Theexperience was not lost on the paintersand doubtless some ofthesketches of the `Prelude to the Great Storm' will grace the R. Aand R. I.walls in May next.
More thanone captain made up his mind then and there that his`cobble'or his `mule'as they term the different classesof boatswould remain in the harbour till the storm had passed.The windfell away entirely during the eveningand at midnight therewas a deadcalma sultry heatand that prevailing intensity whichon theapproach of thunderaffects persons of a sensitive nature.
There werebut few lights in sight at seafor even thecoastingsteamerswhich usually hug the shore so closelykept wellto seawardand but few fishing boats were in sight.The onlysail noticeable was a foreign schooner withall sailssetwhich was seemingly going westwards.Thefoolhardiness or ignorance of her officers was a prolifictheme forcomment whilst she remained in sightand efforts weremade tosignal her to reduce sail in the face of her danger.Before thenight shut down she was seen with sails idly flappingas shegently rolled on the undulating swell of the sea.
"Asidle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."
Shortlybefore ten o'clock the stillness of the air grew quiteoppressiveandthe silence was so marked that the bleating of a sheepinland orthe barking of a dog in the town was distinctly heardand theband on the pierwith its lively French airwas like adischord in the great harmony of nature's silence.A littleafter midnight came a strange sound from over the seaand highoverheadthe air began to carry a strangefainthollow booming.
Thenwithout warning the tempest broke. With a rapidity whichat thetimeseemed incredibleand even afterwards is impossibletorealizethe whole aspect of nature at once became convulsed.The wavesrose in growing furyeach over-topping its fellowtill in avery few minutes the lately glassy sea was likea roaringand devouring monster. White-crested waves beatmadly onthe level sands and rushed up the shelving cliffs.Othersbroke over the piersand with their spume sweptthelanthorns of the lighthouses which rise from the endof eitherpier of Whitby Harbour.
The windroared like thunderand blew with such force that itwas withdifficulty that even strong men kept their feetor clungwith grim clasp to the iron stanchions. It was foundnecessaryto clear the entire pier from the mass of onlookersor elsethe fatalities of the night would have increased manifold.To add tothe difficulties and dangers of the timemasses ofsea-fog came drifting inland. Whitewet cloudswhichswept by in ghostly fashionso dank and damp and coldthat itneeded but little effort of imagination to think thatthespirits of those lost at sea were touching their livingbrethrenwith the clammy hands of deathand many a one shudderedat thewreaths of sea-mist swept by.
At timesthe mist clearedand the sea for some distance couldbe seen inthe glare of the lightningwhich came thick and fastfollowedby such peals of thunder that the whole sky overhead seemedtremblingunder the shock of the footsteps of the storm.
Some ofthe scenes thus revealed were of immeasurable grandeurand ofabsorbing interest. The searunning mountains highthrewskywards with each wave mighty masses of white foamwhich thetempest seemed to snatch at and whirl away into space.Here andthere a fishing boatwith a rag of sailrunning madlyforshelter before the blastnow and again the white wings of astorm-tossedseabird. On the summit of the East Cliff the newsearchlightwas ready for experimentbut had not yet been tried.Theofficers in charge of it got it into working orderand inthe pausesof onrushing mist swept with it the surface of the sea.Once ortwice its service was most effectiveas when a fishing boatwithgunwale under waterrushed into the harbourableby the guidanceof thesheltering lightto avoid the danger of dashing against the piers.As eachboat achieved the safety of the port there was a shout of joyfrom themass of people on the shorea shout which for a momentseemed tocleave the gale and was then swept away in its rush.
Beforelong the searchlight discovered some distance away a schoonerwith allsails setapparently the same vessel which had been noticedearlier inthe evening. The wind had by this time backed to the eastand therewas a shudder amongst the watchers on the cliff as they realizedtheterrible danger in which she now was.
Betweenher and the port lay the great flat reef on which so many goodships havefrom time to time sufferedandwith the wind blowing fromitspresent quarterit would be quite impossible that she should fetchtheentrance of the harbour.
It was nownearly the hour of high tidebut the waves were so greatthat intheir troughs the shallows of the shore were almost visibleand theschoonerwith all sails setwas rushing with such speed thatin thewords of one old salt"she must fetch up somewhereif it wasonlyin hell".Then came another rush of sea-foggreater than any hithertoa mass ofdank mistwhich seemed to close on all things like a gray palland leftavailable to men only the organ of hearingfor the roar ofthetempestand the crash of the thunderand the booming of the mightybillowscame through the damp oblivion even louder than before.The raysof the searchlight were kept fixed on the harbour mouth acrossthe EastPierwhere the shock was expectedand men waited breathless.
The windsuddenly shifted to the northeastand the remnantof the seafog melted in the blast. And thenmirabile dictubetweenthe piersleaping from wave to wave as it rushed atheadlongspeedswept the strange schooner before the blastwith allsail setand gained the safety of the harbour.Thesearchlight followed herand a shudder ran through all whosaw herfor lashed to the helm was a corpsewith drooping headwhichswung horribly to and fro at each motion of the ship.No otherform could be seen on the deck at all.
A greatawe came on all as they realised that the shipas if by a miraclehad foundthe harbourunsteered save by the hand of a dead man!Howeverall took place more quickly than it takes to write these words.Theschooner paused notbut rushing across the harbourpitched herselfon thataccumulation of sand and gravel washed by many tides and manystormsinto the southeast corner of the pier jutting under the East Cliffknownlocally as Tate Hill Pier.
There wasof course a considerable concussion as the vesseldrove upon the sand heap. Every sparropeand stay wasstrainedandsome of the `top-hammer' came crashing down.Butstrangest of allthe very instant the shore was touchedan immensedog sprang up on deck from belowas if shot upby theconcussionand running forwardjumped from the bowon thesand.
Makingstraight for the steep cliffwhere the churchyard hangs overthelaneway to the East Pier so steeply that some of the flat tombstonesthruffsteansor through-stonesas they call them in Whitby vernacularactuallyproject over where the sustaining cliff has fallen awayitdisappeared in the darknesswhich seemed intensified just beyondthe focusof the searchlight.
It sohappened that there was no one at the moment on TateHill Pieras all those whose houses are in close proximitywereeither in bed or were out on the heights above.Thus thecoastguard on duty on the eastern side of the harbourwho atonce ran down to the little pierwas the first toclimbaboard. The men working the searchlightafter scouringtheentrance of the harbour without seeing anythingthenturned the light on the derelict and kept it there.Thecoastguard ran aftand when he came beside the wheelbent overto examine itand recoiled at once as though undersomesudden emotion. This seemed to pique general curiosityand quitea number of people began to run.
It is agood way round from the West Cliff by the Draw-bridge to TateHill Pierbut your correspondent is a fairly good runnerand came well aheadof thecrowd. When I arrivedhoweverI found already assembled onthe piera crowdwhom the coastguard and police refused to allow to come on board.By thecourtesy of the chief boatmanI wasas your correspondentpermittedto climb on deckand was one of a small group who saw the deadseamanwhilst actually lashed to the wheel.
It was nowonder that the coastguard was surprisedor evenawedfor not often can such a sight have been seen.The manwas simply fastened by his handstied one over the otherto a spokeof the wheel. Between the inner hand and the wood wasacrucifixthe set of beads on which it was fastened being aroundbothwrists and wheeland all kept fast by the binding cords.The poorfellow may have been seated at one timebut the flappingandbuffeting of the sails had worked through the rudderof thewheel and had dragged him to and froso that the cordswith whichhe was tied had cut the flesh to the bone.
Accuratenote was made of the state of thingsand a doctorSurgeon J.M. Caffynof 33East Elliot Placewho cameimmediatelyafter medeclaredafter making examinationthat theman must have been dead for quite two days.
In hispocket was a bottlecarefully corkedempty save for a littleroll ofpaperwhich proved to be the addendum to the log.
Thecoastguard said the man must have tied up his own handsfasteningthe knots with his teeth. The fact that a coastguardwas thefirst on board may save some complications later onin theAdmiralty Courtfor coastguards cannot claim the salvagewhich isthe right of the first civilian entering on a derelict.Alreadyhoweverthe legal tongues are waggingand one younglawstudent is loudly asserting that the rights of the ownerarealready completely sacrificedhis property being heldincontravention of the statues of mortmainsince the tillerasemblemshipif not proofof delegated possessionis heldin a deadhand.
It isneedless to say that the dead steersman has been reverently removedfrom theplace where he held his honourable watch and ward till deathasteadfastness as noble as that of the young Casabiancaand placedin themortuary to await inquest.
Alreadythe sudden storm is passingand its fierceness is abating.Crowds arescattering backwardand the sky is beginning to reddenover theYorkshire wolds.
I shallsendin time for your next issuefurther details of the derelictship whichfound her way so miraculously into harbour in the storm.
9August.--The sequel to the strange arrival of the derelict inthe stormlast night is almost more startling than the thing itself.It turnsout that the schooner is Russian from Varnaand is calledtheDemeter. She is almost entirely in ballast of silver sandwith onlya small amount of cargoa number of great wooden boxesfilledwith mould.
This cargowas consigned to a Whitby solicitorMr. S.F. Billingtonof 7TheCrescentwho this morning went aboard and took formalpossessionof the goods consigned to him.
TheRussian consultooacting for the charter-partytook formalpossessionof the shipand paid all harbour duesetc.
Nothing istalked about here today except the strange coincidence.Theofficials of the Board of Trade have been most exacting in seeingthat everycompliance has been made with existing regulations.As thematter is to be a `nine days wonder'they are evidentlydeterminedthat there shall be no cause of other complaint.
A gooddeal of interest was abroad concerning the dog which landedwhen theship struckand more than a few of the members of the S.P.C.A.which isvery strong in Whitbyhave tried to befriend the animal.To thegeneral disappointmenthoweverit was not to be found.It seemsto have disappeared entirely from the town.It may bethat it was frightened and made its way on to the moorswhere itis still hiding in terror.
There aresome who look with dread on such a possibilitylest lateron it should in itself become a dangerfor itisevidently a fierce brute. Early this morning a large dogahalf-bred mastiff belonging to a coal merchant close to TateHill Pierwas found dead in the roadway opposite its master's yard.It hadbeen fightingand manifestly had had a savage opponentfor itsthroat was torn awayand its belly was slit openas if witha savage claw.
Later.--Bythe kindness of the Board of Trade inspectorI havebeen permitted to look over the log book of the Demeterwhich wasin order up to within three daysbut containednothing ofspecial interest except as to facts of missing men.Thegreatest interesthoweveris with regard to the paperfound inthe bottlewhich was today produced at the inquest.And a morestrange narrative than the two between them unfoldit has notbeen my lot to come across.
As thereis no motive for concealmentI am permittedto usethemand accordingly send you a transcriptsimplyomitting technical details of seamanship and supercargo.It almostseems as though the captain had been seized withsome kindof mania before he had got well into blue waterand thatthis had developed persistently throughout the voyage.Of coursemy statement must be taken cum granosince I amwritingfrom the dictation of a clerk of the Russian consulwho kindlytranslated for metime being short.
LOG OF THE"DEMETER" Varna to Whitby
Written 18Julythings so strange happeningthat I shall keepaccuratenote henceforth till we land.
On 6 Julywe finished taking in cargosilver sand and boxes of earth.At noonset sail. East windfresh. Crewfive hands.. .twomatescookand myself(captain).
On 11 Julyat dawn entered Bosphorus. Boarded by TurkishCustomsofficers. Backsheesh. All correct. Under way at4 p. m.
On 12 Julythrough Dardanelles. More Customs officersandflagboat of guarding squadron. Backsheesh again.Work ofofficers thoroughbut quick. Want us off soon.At darkpassed into Archipelago.
On 13 Julypassed Cape Matapan. Crew dissatisfied about something.Seemedscaredbut would not speak out.
On 14 Julywas somewhat anxious about crew. Men all steady fellowswho sailedwith me before. Mate could not make out what was wrong.They onlytold him there was SOMETHINGand crossed themselves.Mate losttemper with one of them that day and struck him.Expectedfierce quarrelbut all was quiet.
On 16 Julymate reported in the morning that one of the crewPetrofskywasmissing. Could not account for it. Took larboard watcheightbells lastnightwas relieved by Amramoffbut did not go to bunk.Men moredowncast than ever. All said they expected somethingof thekindbut would not say more than there was SOMETHING aboard.Mategetting very impatient with them. Feared some trouble ahead.
On 17Julyyesterdayone of the menOlgarencame to my cabinand in anawestruck way confided to me that he thought there was a strangeman aboardthe ship. He said that in his watch he had been shelteringbehind thedeckhouseas there was a rain stormwhen he saw a tallthin manwho was not like any of the crewcome up the companionwayand goalong the deck forward and disappear. He followed cautiouslybut whenhe got to bows found no oneand the hatchways were all closed.He was ina panic of superstitious fearand I am afraid the panicmayspread. To allay itI shall today search the entire shipcarefullyfrom stemto stern.
Later inthe day I got together the whole crewand told themas theyevidently thought there was some one in the shipwe wouldsearchfrom stem to stern. First mate angrysaid it was follyand toyield to such foolish ideas would demoralise the mensaid hewould engage to keep them out of trouble with the handspike.I let himtake the helmwhile the rest began a thorough searchallkeeping abreastwith lanterns. We left no corner unsearched.As therewere only the big wooden boxesthere were no odd cornerswhere aman could hide. Men much relieved when search overand wentback towork cheerfully. First mate scowledbut said nothing.
22July.--Rough weather last three daysand all hands busy with sailsno time tobe frightened. Men seem to have forgotten their dread.Matecheerful againand all on good terms. Praised men for workin badweather. Passed Gibraltar and out through Straits. Allwell.
24July.--There seems some doom over this ship.Already ahand shortand entering the Bay of Biscay with wildweatheraheadand yet last night another man lostdisappeared.Like thefirsthe came off his watch and was not seen again.Men all ina panic of fearsent a round robinasking tohavedouble watchas they fear to be alone. Mate angry.Fear therewill be some troubleas either he or the menwill dosome violence.
28July.--Four days in hellknocking about in a sort of malestromand thewind a tempest. No sleep for any one. Men all worn out.Hardlyknow how to set a watchsince no one fit to go on.Secondmate volunteered to steer and watchand let men snatch a fewhourssleep. Wind abatingseas still terrificbut feel them lessas ship issteadier.
29July.--Another tragedy. Had single watch tonightas crewtoo tired to double. When morning watch came ondeck couldfind no one except steersman. Raised outcryand allcame on deck. Thorough searchbut no one found.Are nowwithout second mateand crew in a panic.Mate and Iagreed to go armed henceforth and wait for anysign ofcause.
30July.--Last night. Rejoiced we are nearing England.Weatherfineall sails set. Retired worn outslept soundlyawakenedby mate telling me that both man of watch and steersman missing.Only selfand mate and two hands left to work ship.
1August.--Two days of fogand not a sail sighted. Had hopedwhen intheEnglish Channel to be able to signal for help or get in somewhere.Not havingpower to work sailshave to run before wind.Dare notloweras could not raise them again. We seem to be driftingto someterrible doom. Mate now more demoralised than either of men.Hisstronger nature seems to have worked inwardly against himself.Men arebeyond fearworking stolidly and patientlywith minds made upto worst. They are Russianhe Roumanian.
2 Augustmidnight.--Woke up from few minutes sleep by hearinga cryseemingly outside my port. Could see nothing in fog.Rushed ondeckand ran against mate. Tells me he heard cry and ranbut nosign of man on watch. One more gone. Lordhelp us!Mate sayswe must be past Straits of Doveras in a moment of foglifting hesaw North Forelandjust as he heard the man cry out.If so weare now off in the North Seaand only God can guideus in thefogwhich seems to move with usand God seems tohavedeserted us.
3August.--At midnight I went to relieve the man atthe wheeland when I got to it found no one there.The windwas steadyand as we ran before it there wasnoyawing. I dared not leave itso shouted for the mate.After afew secondshe rushed up on deck in his flannels.He lookedwild-eyed and haggardand I greatly fear his reasonhas givenway. He came close to me and whispered hoarselywith hismouth to my earas though fearing the very air might hear."Itis here. I know it now. On the watch last night Isaw Itlike a mantall and thinand ghastly pale.It was inthe bowsand looking out. I crept behind Itand gaveit myknifebut the knife went through Itempty as the air."And as hespoke he took the knife and drove it savagely into space.Then hewent on"But It is hereand I'll find It.It is inthe holdperhaps in one of those boxes.I'llunscrew them one by one and see. You work the helm."And with awarning look and his finger on his liphe went below.There wasspringing up a choppy windand I could not leavethe helm. I saw him come out on deck again with a toolchest andlanternand go down the forward hatchway.He is madstarkraving madand it's no use my trying to stop him.He can'thurt those big boxesthey are invoiced as clayand topull them about is as harmless a thing as he can do.So here Istay and mind the helmand write these notes.I can onlytrust in God and wait till the fog clears.Thenif Ican't steer to any harbour with the wind that isI shallcut down sailsand lie byand signal for help. . .
It isnearly all over now. Just as I was beginning to hopethat themate would come out calmerfor I heard him knocking awayatsomething in the holdand work is good for himthere came upthehatchway a suddenstartled screamwhich made my blood run coldand up onthe deck he came as if shot from a guna raging madmanwith hiseyes rolling and his face convulsed with fear. "Save me!Save me!"he criedand then looked round on the blanket of fog.His horrorturned to despairand in a steady voice he said"Youhad better come toocaptainbefore it is too late. He isthere!I know thesecret now. The sea will save me from Himand it is allthat isleft!" Before I could say a wordor move forward to seizehimhe sprangon the bulwark and deliberately threw himself into the sea.I supposeI know the secret toonow. It was this madman who had gotrid of themen one by oneand now he has followed them himself.God helpme! How am I to account for all these horrors when I getto port? When I get to port! Will that ever be?
4August.--Still fogwhich the sunrise cannot pierceI knowthere issunrise because I am a sailorwhy else I know not.I darednot go belowI dared not leave the helmso here allnight Istayedand in the dimness of the night I saw itHim!Godforgive mebut the mate was right to jump overboard.It wasbetter to die like a man. To die like a sailor in blue waterno man canobject. But I am captainand I must not leave my ship.But Ishall baffle this fiend or monsterfor I shall tie myhands tothe wheel when my strength begins to failand alongwith themI shall tie that which HeItdare not touch.And thencome good wind or foulI shall save my souland my honouras acaptain. I am growing weakerand the night is coming on.If He canlook me in the face againI may not have time to act.. . If weare wreckedmayhap this bottle may be foundand thosewho find it may understand. If not. . .wellthen allmen shall know that I have been true to my trust.God andthe Blessed Virgin and the Saints help a poor ignorantsoultrying to do his duty. . .
Of coursethe verdict was an open one. There is no evidence to adduceandwhether or not the man himself committed the murders thereis nownone to say. The folk here hold almost universally thatthecaptain is simply a heroand he is to be given a public funeral.Already itis arranged that his body is to be taken with a train of boatsup the Eskfor a piece and then brought back to Tate Hill Pier and upthe abbeystepsfor he is to be buried in the churchyard on the cliff.The ownersof more than a hundred boats have already given in their namesas wishingto follow him to the grave.
No tracehas ever been found of the great dogat whichthere ismuch mourningforwith public opinion in itspresentstatehe wouldI believebe adopted by the town.Tomorrowwill see the funeraland so will end this one more`mysteryof the sea'.
8August.--Lucy was very restless all nightand I toocould notsleep. The storm was fearfuland as it boomedloudlyamong the chimney potsit made me shudder.When asharp puff came it seemed to be like a distant gun.StrangelyenoughLucy did not wakebut she got up twice anddressedherself. Fortunatelyeach time I awoke in time and managedto undressher without waking herand got her back to bed.It is avery strange thingthis sleep-walkingfor as soonas herwill is thwarted in any physical wayher intentionif therebe anydisappearsand she yields herself almostexactly tothe routine of her life.
Early inthe morning we both got up and went down totheharbour to see if anything had happened in the night.There werevery few people aboutand though the sun was brightand theair clear and freshthe biggrim-looking wavesthatseemed dark themselves because the foam that toppedthem waslike snowforced themselves in through the mouthof theharbourlike a bullying man going through a crowd.Somehow Ifelt glad that Jonathan was not on the sealastnightbut on land. Butohis he on land or sea?Where isheand how? I am getting fearfully anxious about him.If I onlyknew what to doand could do anything!
10August.--The funeral of the poor sea captain today was most touching.Every boatin the harbour seemed to be thereand the coffin was carriedbycaptains all the way from Tate Hill Pier up to the churchyard.Lucy camewith meand we went early to our old seatwhilst the cortegeof boatswent up the river to the Viaduct and came down again.We had alovely viewand saw the procession nearly all the way.The poorfellow was laid to rest near our seat so that we stood on itwhen thetime came and saw everything.
Poor Lucyseemed much upset. She was restless and uneasy all the timeand Icannot but think that her dreaming at night is telling on her.She isquite odd in one thing. She will not admit to me that there isanycause forrestlessnessor if there beshe does not understand it herself.
There isan additional cause in that poor Mr. Swales wasfound deadthis morning on our seathis neck being broken.He hadevidentlyas the doctor saidfallen back in the seatin somesort of frightfor there was a look of fear andhorror onhis face that the men said made them shudder.Poor dearold man!
Lucy is sosweet and sensitive that she feels influences more acutelythan otherpeople do. Just now she was quite upset by a little thingwhich Idid not much heedthough I am myself very fond of animals.
One of themen who came up here often to look for the boats wasfollowedby his dog. The dog is always with him. They are bothquietpersonsand I never saw the man angrynor heard the dog bark.During theservice the dog would not come to its masterwho was onthe seatwith usbut kept a few yards offbarking and howling.Its masterspoke to it gentlyand then harshlyand then angrily.But itwould neither come nor cease to make a noise. It was in a furywith itseyes savageand all its hair bristling out like a cat'stail whenpuss is on the war path.
Finallythe man too got angryand jumped down and kicked the dogand thentook it by the scruff of the neck and half draggedand halfthrew it on the tombstone on which the seat is fixed.The momentit touched the stone the poor thing began to tremble.It did nottry to get awaybut crouched downquivering and coweringand was insuch a pitiable state of terror that I triedthoughwithout effectto comfort it.
Lucy wasfull of pitytoobut she did not attempt to touch the dogbut lookedat it in an agonised sort of way. I greatly fear that she isof toosuper sensitive a nature to go through the world without trouble.She willbe dreaming of this tonightI am sure. The whole agglomerationof thingsthe ship steered into port by a dead manhis attitudetied tothe wheel with a crucifix and beadsthe touching funeralthe dognowfurious and now in terrorwill all afford material for her dreams.
I think itwill be best for her to go to bed tired out physicallyso Ishall takeher for a long walk by the cliffs to Robin Hood's Bay and back.She oughtnot to have much inclination for sleep-walking then.
Same day11 o'clock P.M.--Ohbut I am tired! If it were notthat I hadmade my diary a duty I should not open it tonight.We had alovely walk. Lucyafter a whilewas in gay spiritsowingIthinkto some dear cows who came nosing towards us in afieldclose to the lighthouseand frightened the wits out of us.I believewe forgot everythingexcept of coursepersonal fearand itseemed to wipe the slate clean and give us a fresh start.We had acapital `severe tea' at Robin Hood's Bay in a sweet littleold-fashionedinnwith a bow window right over the seaweed-coveredrocks ofthe strand. I believe we should have shocked the `New Woman'with ourappetites. Men are more tolerantbless them!Then wewalked home with someor rather manystoppages to restand withour hearts full of a constant dread of wild bulls.
Lucy wasreally tiredand we intended to creep offto bed assoon as we could. The young curate came inhoweverand Mrs. Westenra asked him to stay for supper.Lucy and Ihad both a fight for it with the dusty miller.I know itwas a hard fight on my partand I am quite heroic.I thinkthat some day the bishops must get together and seeaboutbreeding up a new class of curateswho don't take supperno matterhow hard they may be pressed toand who will knowwhen girlsare tired.
Lucy isasleep and breathing softly. She has more colorin hercheeks than usualand looksoh so sweet.If Mr.Holmwood fell in love with her seeing her only in thedrawingroomI wonder what he would say if he saw her now.Some ofthe `New Women' writers will some day start an ideathat menand women should be allowed to see each other asleepbeforeproposing or accepting. But I suppose the `New Woman'won'tcondescend in future to accept. She will do theproposingherself. And a nice job she will make of it too!There'ssome consolation in that. I am so happy tonightbecausedear Lucy seems better. I really believe she has turnedthecornerand that we are over her troubles with dreaming.I shouldbe quite happy if I only knew if Jonathan.. .Godbless and keep him.
11August.--Diary again. No sleep nowso I may as well write.I am tooagitated to sleep. We have had such an adventuresuch anagonizing experience. I fell asleep as soon as I had closedmy diary. . . Suddenly I became broad awakeand sat upwith ahorriblesense of fear upon meand of some feeling of emptinessaroundme. The room was darkso I could not see Lucy's bed.I stoleacross and felt for her. The bed was empty.I lit amatch and found that she was not in the room.The doorwas shutbut not lockedas I had left it.I fearedto wake her motherwho has been more than usuallyilllatelyso threw on some clothes and got ready to look for her.As I wasleaving the room it struck me that the clothes shewore mightgive me some clue to her dreaming intention.Dressing-gownwould mean housedress outside.Dressing-gownand dress were both in their places."ThankGod" I said to myself"she cannot be faras sheis only inher nightdress."
I randownstairs and looked in the sitting room.Notthere! Then I looked in all the other rooms ofthe housewith an ever-growing fear chilling my heart.FinallyIcame to the hall door and found it open.It was notwide openbut the catch of the lock had not caught.The peopleof the house are careful to lock the door every nightso Ifeared that Lucy must have gone out as she was.There wasno time to think of what might happen.A vagueover-mastering fear obscured all details.
I took abigheavy shawl and ran out. The clock was strikingone as Iwas in the Crescentand there was not a soul in sight.I ranalong the North Terracebut could see no sign of the whitefigurewhich I expected. At the edge of the West Cliff above the pierI lookedacross the harbour to the East Cliffin the hope or fearI don'tknow whichof seeing Lucy in our favorite seat.
There wasa bright full moonwith heavy blackdriving cloudswhichthrew the whole scene into a fleeting diorama of light and shadeas theysailed across. For a moment or two I could see nothingas theshadow of a cloud obscured St. Mary's Church and all around it.Then asthe cloud passed I could see the ruins of the abbey coming into viewand as theedge of a narrow band of light as sharp as a sword-cut moved alongthe churchand churchyard became gradually visible. Whatever myexpectationwasit was not disappointedfor thereon our favorite seatthe silverlight of the moon struck a half-reclining figuresnowy white.The comingof the cloud was too quick for me to see muchfor shadow shutdown onlight almost immediatelybut it seemed to me as though somethingdark stoodbehind the seat where the white figure shoneand bent over it.What itwaswhether man or beastI could not tell.
I did notwait to catch another glancebut flew down the steep steps tothe pierand along by the fish-market to the bridgewhich was the only wayto reachthe East Cliff. The town seemed as deadfor not a soul did Isee.I rejoicedthat it was sofor I wanted no witness of poor Lucy's condition.The timeand distance seemed endlessand my knees trembled and my breathcamelaboured as I toiled up the endless steps to the abbey. I musthavegone fastand yet it seemed to me as if my feet were weighted with leadand asthough every joint in my body were rusty.
When I gotalmost to the top I could see the seat and thewhitefigurefor I was now close enough to distinguish it eventhroughthe spells of shadow. There was undoubtedly somethinglong andblackbending over the half-reclining white figure.I calledin fright"Lucy! Lucy!" and something raised a headand fromwhere I was I could see a white face and redgleaming eyes.
Lucy didnot answerand I ran on to the entrance of the churchyard.As Ienteredthe church was between me and the seatand for a minuteor so Ilost sight of her. When I came in view again the cloudhadpassedand the moonlight struck so brilliantly that I could seeLucy halfreclining with her head lying over the back of the seat.She wasquite aloneand there was not a sign of any living thing about.
When Ibent over her I could see that she was still asleep.Her lipswere partedand she was breathingnot softly asusual withherbut in longheavy gaspsas though strivingto get herlungs full at every breath. As I came closeshe put upher hand in her sleep and pulled the collar of hernightdressclose around heras though she felt the cold.I flungthe warm shawl over herand drew the edges tight aroundher neckfor I dreaded lest she should get some deadly chillfrom thenight airunclad as she was. I feared to wake herall atoncesoin order to have my hands free to help herI fastenedthe shawl at her throat with a big safety pin.But I musthave been clumsy in my anxiety and pinchedor prickedher with itfor by-and-bywhen her breathingbecamequietershe put her hand to her throat again and moaned.When I hadher carefully wrapped up I put my shoes on her feetand thenbegan very gently to wake her.
At firstshe did not respondbut gradually she became moreand moreuneasy in her sleepmoaning and sighing occasionally.At lastas time was passing fastand for many other reasonsI wishedto get her home at onceI shook her forciblytillfinally she opened her eyes and awoke. She did not seemsurprisedto see measof courseshe did not realize allat oncewhere she was.
Lucyalways wakes prettilyand even at such a timewhen her bodymust havebeen chilled with coldand her mind somewhat appalled atwakingunclad in a churchyard at nightshe did not lose her grace.Shetrembled a littleand clung to me. When I told her to come atoncewith mehomeshe rose without a wordwith the obedience of a child.As wepassed alongthe gravel hurt my feetand Lucy noticed me wince.Shestopped and wanted to insist upon my taking my shoesbut I wouldnot.Howeverwhen we got to the pathway outside the chruchyardwhere therewas apuddle of waterremaining from the stormI daubed my feet with mudusing eachfoot in turn on the otherso that as we went homeno onein case weshould meet any oneshould notice my bare feet.
Fortunefavoured usand we got home without meeting a soul. Once wesawa manwhoseemed not quite soberpassing along a street in front of us.But we hidin a door till he had disappeared up an opening such as thereare heresteep little closesor `wynds'as they call them in Scotland.My heartbeat so loud all the time sometimes I thought I should faint.I wasfilled with anxiety about Lucynot only for her healthlest sheshould suffer from the exposurebut for her reputation in casethe storyshould get wind. When we got inand had washed our feetand hadsaid a prayer of thankfulness togetherI tucked her into bed.Beforefalling asleep she askedeven imploredme not to say a wordto anyoneeven her motherabout her sleep-walking adventure.
Ihesitated at firstto promisebut on thinking of the state of hermother'shealthand how the knowledge of such a thing would fret herand thinktooof how such a story might become distortednayinfalliblywouldin case it should leak outI thought it wiser to do so.I hope Idid right. I have locked the doorand the key is tied to mywristso perhapsI shall not be again disturbed. Lucy is sleeping soundly.The reflexof the dawn is high and far over the sea. . .
Same daynoon.--All goes well. Lucy slept till I woke her and seemednot tohave even changed her side. The adventure of the night doesnot seemto have harmed heron the contraryit has benefited herfor shelooks better this morning than she has done for weeks.I wassorry to notice that my clumsiness with the safety-pin hurt her.Indeeditmight have been seriousfor the skin of her throat was pierced.I musthave pinched up a piece of loose skin and have transfixed itfor thereare two little red points like pin-pricksand on the bandof hernightdress was a drop of blood. When I apologised and wasconcernedabout itshe laughed and petted meand said she did not even feel it.Fortunatelyit cannot leave a scaras it is so tiny.
Same daynight.--We passed a happy day. The air was clearand thesun brightand there was a cool breeze. We took our lunchtoMulgrave WoodsMrs. Westenra driving by the road and Lucyand Iwalking by the cliff-path and joining her at the gate.I felt alittle sad myselffor I could not but feel howabsolutelyhappy it would have been had Jonathan been with me.Butthere! I must only be patient. In the evening we strolledin theCasino Terraceand heard some good music by SpohrandMackenzieand went to bed early. Lucy seems more restfulthan shehas been for some timeand fell asleep at once.I shalllock the door and secure the key the same as beforethough Ido not expect any trouble tonight.
12August.--My expectations were wrongfor twice during the night Iwaswakened by Lucy trying to get out. She seemedeven in hersleepto be alittle impatient at finding the door shutand went backto bedunder a sort of protest. I woke with the dawnand heardthe birdschirping outside of the window. Lucy woketooand Iwas gladto seewas even better than on the previous morning.All herold gaiety of manner seemed to have come backand shecame andsnuggled in beside me and told me all about Arthur.I told herhow anxious I was about Jonathanand then she triedto comfortme. Wellshe succeeded somewhatforthough sympathycan'talter factsit can make them more bearable.
13August.--Another quiet dayand to bed with the key on mywrist asbefore. Again I awoke in the nightand found Lucysitting upin bedstill asleeppointing to the window.I got upquietlyand pulling aside the blindlooked out.It wasbrilliant moonlightand the soft effect of the lightover thesea and skymerged together in one great silent mysterywasbeautiful beyond words. Between me and the moonlight flitteda greatbatcoming and going in great whirling circles.Once ortwice it came quite closebut wasI supposefrightenedat seeing meand flitted away across the harbourtowardsthe abbey. When I came back from the windowLucy hadlain down againand was sleeping peacefully.She didnot stir again all night.
14August.--On the East Cliffreading and writing all day.Lucy seemsto have become as much in love with the spot as I amand it ishard to get her away from it when it is time to come homefor lunchor tea or dinner. This afternoon she made a funny remark.We werecoming home for dinnerand had come to the top of the steps upfrom theWest Pier and stopped to look at the viewas we generally do.Thesetting sunlow down in the skywas just dropping behindKettleness.The redlight was thrown over on the East Cliff and the old abbeyand seemedto bathe everything in a beautiful rosy glow. We were silentfor awhileand suddenly Lucy murmured as if to herself. . .
"Hisred eyes again! They are just the same." It was suchanoddexpressioncoming apropos of nothingthat it quite startled me.I slewedround a littleso as to see Lucy well without seemingto stareat herand saw that she was in a half dreamy statewith anodd look on her face that I could not quite make outso I saidnothingbut followed her eyes. She appeared to be lookingover atour own seatwhereon was a dark figure seated alone.I wasquite a little startled myselffor it seemed for aninstant asif the stranger had great eyes like burning flamesbut asecond look dispelled the illusion. The red sunlightwasshining on the windows of St. Mary's Church behind our seatand as thesun dipped there was just sufficient change in therefractionand reflection to make it appear as if the light moved.I calledLucy's attention to the peculiar effectand shebecameherself with a startbut she looked sad all the same.It mayhave been that she was thinking of that terrible night up there.We neverrefer to itso I said nothingand we went home to dinner.Lucy had aheadache and went early to bed. I saw her asleepand wentout for a little stroll myself.
I walkedalong the cliffs to the westwardand was full ofsweetsadnessfor I was thinking of Jonathan. When coming homeit wasthen bright moonlightso bright thatthough the frontof ourpart of the Crescent was in shadoweverything couldbe wellseenI threw a glance up at our windowand saw Lucy'sheadleaning out. I opened my handkerchief and waved it.She didnot notice or make any movement whatever. Just thenthemoonlight crept round an angle of the buildingand the lightfell onthe window. There distinctly was Lucy with her headlying upagainst the side of the window sill and her eyes shut.She wasfast asleepand by herseated on the window sillwassomething that looked like a good-sized bird.I wasafraid she might get a chillso I ran upstairsbut as Icame intothe room she was moving back to her bedfast asleepandbreathing heavily. She was holding her hand to her throatas thoughto protect if from the cold.
I did notwake herbut tucked her up warmly. I have taken carethat thedoor is locked and the window securely fastened.
She looksso sweet as she sleepsbut she is paler than is her wontand thereis a drawnhaggard look under her eyes which I do not like.I fear sheis fretting about something. I wish I could find out what itis.
15August.--Rose later than usual. Lucy was languid and tiredandslepton afterwe had been called. We had a happy surprise at breakfast.Arthur'sfather is betterand wants the marriage to come off soon.Lucy isfull of quiet joyand her mother is glad and sorry at once.Later onin the day she told me the cause. She is grieved to lose Lucyas hervery ownbut she is rejoiced that she is soon to have some one toprotecther. Poor dearsweet lady! She confided to me that shehas gother deathwarrant. She has not told Lucyand made me promise secrecy.Her doctortold her that within a few monthsat mostshe must diefor herheart is weakening. At any timeeven nowa sudden shock wouldbe almostsure to kill her. Ahwe were wise to keep from her the affairof thedreadful night of Lucy's sleep-walking.
17August.--No diary for two whole days. I have not had the heartto write.Some sortof shadowy pall seems to be coming over our happiness.No newsfrom Jonathanand Lucy seems to be growing weakerwhilst hermother's hours are numbering to a close. I do not understandLucy'sfading away as she is doing. She eats well and sleeps welland enjoysthe fresh airbut all the time the roses in her cheeksarefadingand she gets weaker and more languid day by day.At night Ihear her gasping as if for air.
I keep thekey of our door always fastened to my wrist at nightbut shegets up and walks about the roomand sits at the open window.Last nightI found her leaning out when I woke upand when I triedto wakeher I could not.
She was ina faint. When I managed to restore hershe was weak as waterand criedsilently between longpainful struggles for breath.When Iasked her how she came to be at the window she shook her headand turnedaway.
I trusther feeling ill may not be from that unlucky prickof thesafety-pin. I looked at her throat just now as shelayasleepand the tiny wounds seem not to have healed.They arestill openandif anythinglarger than beforeand theedges of them are faintly white. They are like littlewhite dotswith red centres. Unless they heal within a dayor twoIshall insist on the doctor seeing about them.
17 August
"DearSirs--"Herewith please receive invoice of goods sentby GreatNorthern Railway. Same are to be delivered at CarfaxnearPurfleetimmediately on receipt at goods station King's Cross.The houseis at present emptybut enclosed please find keysall ofwhich are labelled.
"Youwill please deposit the boxesfifty in numberwhich formtheconsignmentin the partially ruined building formingpart ofthe house and marked `A' on rough diagrams enclosed.Your agentwill easily recognize the localityas it is the ancientchapel ofthe mansion. The goods leave by the train at 9:30 tonightand willbe due at King's Cross at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.As ourclient wishes the delivery made as soon as possiblewe shallbe obliged by your having teams ready at King's Cross atthe timenamed and forthwith conveying the goods to destination.In orderto obviate any delays possible through any routinerequirementsas to payment in your departmentswe enclose chequeherewithfor ten poundsreceipt of which please acknowledge.Should thecharge be less than this amountyou can return balanceifgreaterwe shall at once send cheque for difference on hearingfrom you. You are to leave the keys on coming away in the main hallof thehousewhere the proprietor may get them on his enteringthe houseby means of his duplicate key.
"Praydo not take us as exceeding the bounds of business courtesyinpressing you in all ways to use the utmost expedition.
"Wearedear Sirs"Faithfully yours"SAMUEL F. BILLINGTON &SON"
21 August.
"DearSirs--"We beg to acknowledge 10 pounds received and to returncheque of1 pound17s9damount of overplusas shown in receipted account herewith.Goods aredelivered in exact accordance with instructionsand keys leftin parcelin main hallas directed.
"Wearedear Sirs"Yours respectfully"Pro CARTERPATERSON& CO."
18August.--I am happy todayand write sitting on the seatin thechurchyard. Lucy is ever so much better. Last nightshe sleptwell all nightand did not disturb me once.
The rosesseem coming back already to her cheeksthough sheis still sadly pale and wan-looking. If she werein any wayanemic I could understand itbut she is not.She is ingay spirits and full of life and cheerfulness.All themorbid reticence seems to have passed from herand shehas just reminded meas if I needed any remindingof thatnightand that it was hereon this very seatI foundher asleep.
As shetold me she tapped playfully with the heel of her booton thestone slab and said
"Mypoor little feet didn't make much noise then!I daresaypoor old Mr. Swales would have told me that it wasbecause Ididn't want to wake up Geordie."
As she wasin such a communicative humourI asked her if shehaddreamed at all that night.
Before sheansweredthat sweetpuckered look came intoherforeheadwhich ArthurI call him Arthur from her habitsays helovesand indeedI don't wonder that he does.Then shewent on in a half-dreaming kind of wayas if tryingto recallit to herself.
"Ididn't quite dreambut it all seemed to be real.I onlywanted to be here in this spot. I don't know whyfor I wasafraid ofsomethingI don't know what. I rememberthough I supposeI wasasleeppassing through the streets and over the bridge.A fishleaped as I went byand I leaned over to look at itand Iheard a lot of dogs howling. The whole town seemed as if itmust befull of dogs all howling at onceas I went up the steps.Then I hada vague memory of something long and dark with red eyesjust as wesaw in the sunsetand something very sweet and very bitterall aroundme at once. And then I seemed sinking into deep green waterand therewas a singing in my earsas I have heard there is todrowningmenand then everything seemed passing away from me.My soulseemed to go out from my body and float about the air.I seem toremember that once the West Lighthouse was right under meand thenthere was a sort of agonizing feelingas if I werein anearthquakeand I came back and found you shaking my body.I saw youdo it before I felt you."
Then shebegan to laugh. It seemed a little uncanny to meand Ilistened to her breathlessly. I did not quite like itandthought it better not to keep her mind on the subjectso wedrifted onto another subjectand Lucy was like her old self again.When wegot home the fresh breeze had braced her upand her palecheekswere really more rosy. Her mother rejoiced when she saw herand we allspent a very happy evening together.
19August.--Joyjoyjoy! Although not all joy. At lastnews of Jonathan.The dearfellow has been illthat is why he did not write.I am notafraid to think it or to say itnow that I know.Mr.Hawkins sent me on the letterand wrote himselfoh so kindly.I am toleave in the morning and go over to Jonathanand to helpto nursehim if necessaryand to bring him home. Mr. Hawkins saysit wouldnot be a bad thing if we were to be married out there.I havecried over the good Sister's letter till I can feel it wet againstmy bosomwhere it lies. It is of Jonathanand must be near my heartfor he isin my heart. My journey is all mapped outand my luggageready.I am onlytaking one change of dress. Lucy will bring my trunkto Londonand keep it till I send for itfor it may be that.. .I mustwrite no more. I must keep it to say to Jonathanmy husband.The letterthat he has seen and touched must comfort me till we meet.
12 August
"Iwrite by desire of Mr. Jonathan Harkerwho is himself notstrongenough to writethough progressing wellthanks to Godand St.Joseph and Ste. Mary. He has been under our carefor nearlysix weekssuffering from a violent brain fever.He wishesme to convey his loveand to say that by this postI writefor him to Mr. Peter HawkinsExeterto saywith hisdutifulrespectsthat he is sorry for his delayand that allof hiswork is completed. He will require some few weeks'rest inour sanatorium in the hillsbut will then return.He wishesme to say that he has not sufficient money with himand thathe would like to pay for his staying hereso thatothers whoneed shall not be wanting for belp.
Yourswith sympathy
and allblessings. Sister Agatha"
"P.S.--Mypatient being asleepI open this to let you know something more.He hastold me all about youand that you are shortly to be his wife.Allblessings to you both! He has had some fearful shockso saysour doctorand in hisdelirium his ravings have been dreadfulof wolves and poisonand bloodof ghosts and demonsand I fear to say of what. Be careful ofhimalwaysthat there may be nothing to excite him of this kind for a long timeto come. The traces of such an illness as his do not lightly die away.We shouldhave written long agobut we knew nothing of his friendsand therewas nothing on himnothing that anyone could understand.He came inthe train from Klausenburgand the guard was told by the stationmasterthere that he rushed into the station shouting for a ticket for home.Seeingfrom his violent demeanor that he was Englishthey gave him a ticketfor thefurthest station on the way thither that the train reached.
"Beassured that he is well cared for. He has won all heartsby hissweetness and gentleness. He is truly getting on welland I haveno doubt will in a few weeks be all himself.But becareful of him for safety's sake. There areI prayGod andSt. Joseph and Ste. Marymanymanyhappy yearsfor youboth."
19Agust.--Strange and sudden change in Renfield last night.Abouteight o'clock he began to get excited and sniff about as adog doeswhen setting. The attendant was struck by his mannerandknowing my interest in himencouraged him to talk.He isusually respectful to the attendant and at times servilebuttonightthe man tells mehe was quite haughty.Would notcondescend to talk with him at all.
All hewould say was"I don't want to talk to you. You don'tcount now.The masteris at hand."
Theattendant thinks it is some sudden form of religious mania whichhas seizedhim. If sowe must look out for squallsfor a strongman withhomicidal and religious mania at once might be dangerous.Thecombination is a dreadful one.
At Nineo'clock I visited him myself. His attitude to me was the sameas thatto theattendant. In his sublime self-feeling the difference betweenmyselfand theattendant seemed to him as nothing. It looks like religiousmaniaand hewill soon think that he himself is God.
Theseinfinitesimal distinctions between man and man are too paltryfor anOmnipotent Being. How these madmen give themselves away!The realGod taketh heed lest a sparrow fall. But the God createdfrom humanvanity sees no difference between an eagle and a sparrow.Ohif menonly knew!
For halfan hour or more Renfield kept getting excited in greater andgreaterdegree. I did not pretend to be watching himbut I kept strictobservationall the same. All at once that shifty look came into his eyeswhich wealways see when a madman has seized an ideaand with it the shiftymovementof the head and back which asylum attendants come to know so well.He becamequite quietand went and sat on the edge of his bed resignedlyand lookedinto space with lack-luster eyes.
I thoughtI would find out if his apathy were real or only assumedand triedto lead him to talk of his petsa theme which had never failedto excitehis attention.
At firsthe made no replybut at length said testily"Bother them all!I don'tcare a pin about them."
"What"I said. "You don't mean to tell me you don't care aboutspiders?"(Spidersat present are his hobby and the notebook is filling up with columnsof smallfigures.)
To this heanswered enigmatically"The Bride maidens rejoice the eyesthat waitthe coming of the bride. But when the bride draweth nighthen themaidens shine not to the eyes that are filled."
He wouldnot explain himselfbut remained obstinately seatedon his bedall the time I remained with him.
I am wearytonight and low in spirits. I cannot but thinkof Lucyand how different things might have been.If I don'tsleep at oncechloralthe modern Morpheus!I must becareful not to let it grow into a habit.NoIshall take none tonight! I have thought of Lucyand Ishall not dishonour her by mixing the two. If need bytonightshall be sleepless.
Later.--GladI made the resolutiongladder that I kept to it.I had laintossing aboutand had heard the clock strike only twicewhen thenight watchman came to mesent up from the wardto saythatRenfield had escaped. I threw on my clothes and ran down atonce.My patientis too dangerous a person to be roaming about.Thoseideas of his might work out dangerously with strangers.
Theattendant was waiting for me. He said he had seen him nottenminutes beforeseemingly asleep in his bedwhen he hadlookedthrough the observation trap in the door. His attentionwas calledby the sound of the window being wrenched out.He ranback and saw his feet disappear through the windowand had atonce sent up for me. He was only in his night gearand cannotbe far off.
Theattendant thought it would be more useful to watchwhere heshould go than to follow himas he might lose sightof himwhilst getting out of the building by the door.He is abulky manand couldn't get through the window.
I am thinsowith his aidI got outbut feet foremostand as wewere only a few feet above ground landed unhurt.
Theattendant told me the patient had gone to the leftand hadtaken a straight lineso I ran as quickly as I could.As I gotthrough the belt of trees I saw a white figure scalethe highwall which separates our grounds from those ofthedeserted house.
I ran backat oncetold the watchman to get three or four men immediately andfollow meinto the grounds of Carfaxin case our friend might be dangerous.I got aladder myselfand crossing the walldropped down on the other side.I couldsee Renfield's figure just disappearing behind the angle of thehouseso I ranafter him. On the far side of the house I found him pressedcloseagainstthe old iron-bound oak door of the chapel.
He wastalkingapparently to some onebut I was afraid to go nearenough tohear what he was sayingles t I might frighten himand heshould run off.
Chasing anerrant swarm of bees is nothing to followinga nakedlunaticwhen the fit of escaping is upon him!After afew minuteshoweverI could see that he did not take noteofanything around himand so ventured to draw nearer to himthe moreso as my men had now crossed the wall and were closing him in.I heardhim say. . .
"I amhere to do your biddingMaster. I am your slaveand you willreward mefor I shall be faithful. I have worshipped you long and afaroff.Now thatyou are nearI await your commandsand you will not pass me bywill youdear Masterin your distribution of good things?"
He is aselfish old beggar anyhow. He thinks of the loavesand fisheseven when he believes his is in a real Presence.His maniasmake a startling combination. When we closedin on himhe fought like a tiger. He is immensely strongfor he wasmore like a wild beast than a man.
I neversaw a lunatic in such a paroxysm of rage beforeand I hopeI shall not again. It is a mercy that wehave foundout his strength and his danger in good time.Withstrength and determination like hishe might have donewild workbefore he was caged.
He is safenowat any rate. Jack Sheppard himself couldn'tget freefrom the strait waistcoat that keeps him restrainedand he'schained to the wall in the padded room.
His criesare at times awfulbut the silences that follow are moredeadlystillfor he means murder in every turn and movement.
Just nowhe spoke coherent words for the first time."Ishall be patientMaster. It is comingcomingcoming!"
So I tookthe hintand came too. I was too excited to sleepbut thisdiary hasquieted meand I feel I shall get some sleep tonight.
Buda-Pesth24 August.
"Mydearest Lucy
"Iknow you will be anxious to hear all that has happened since weparted atthe railway station at Whitby.
"Wellmy dearI got to Hull all rightand caught the boattoHamburgand then the train on here. I feel that I canhardlyrecall anything of the journeyexcept that I knewI wascoming to Jonathanand that as I should have to dosomenursingI had better get all the sleep I could.I found mydear oneohso thin and pale and weak-looking. Alltheresolution has gone out of his dear eyesand that quietdignitywhich I told you was in his face has vanished.He is onlya wreck of himselfand he does not rememberanythingthat has happened to him for a long time past.At leasthe wants me to believe soand I shall never ask.
"Hehas had some terrible shockand I fear it mighttax hispoor brain if he were to try to recall it.SisterAgathawho is a good creature and a born nursetells methat he wanted her to tell me what they werebut shewould only cross herselfand say she would never tell.That theravings of the sick were the secrets of Godand thatif a nurse through her vocation should hear themshe shouldrespect her trust..
"Sheis a sweetgood souland the next daywhen she sawI wastroubledshe opened up the subject my poor dearravedaboutadded`I can tell you this muchmy dear.That itwas not about anything which he has done wrong himselfand youas his wife to behave no cause to be concerned.He has notforgotten you or what he owes to you.His fearwas of great and terrible thingswhich no mortalcan treatof.'
"I dobelieve the dear soul thought I might be jealous lestmy poordear should have fallen in love with any other girl.The ideaof my being jealous about Jonathan! And yetmy dearlet mewhisperI felt a thrill of joy through me when I knewthat noother woman was a cause for trouble. I am now sittingby hisbedsidewhere I can see his face while he sleeps.He iswaking!
"Whenhe woke he asked me for his coatas he wanted to get somethingfrom thepocket. I asked Sister Agathaand she brought all his things.I sawamongst them was his notebookand was was going to ask him to letme look atitfor I knew that I might find some clue to his troublebut Isuppose he must have seen my wish in my eyesfor he sent meover tothe windowsaying he wanted to be quite alone for a moment.
"Thenhe called me backand he said to me very solemnly`Wilhelmina'I knew then that he was in deadly earnestfor he hasnevercalled me by that name since he asked me to marry him`You knowdearmy ideas of the trust between husband and wife.Thereshould be no secretno concealment. I have had a great shockand when Itry to think of what it is I feel my head spin roundand I donot know if it was real of the dreaming of a madman.You know Ihad brain feverand that is to be mad.The secretis hereand I do not want to know it.I want totake up my life herewith our marriage.' Formy dearwe haddecided to be married as soon as the formalities are complete.`Are youwillingWilhelminato share my ignorance?Here isthe book. Take it and keep itread it if you willbut neverlet me know unlessindeedsome solemn duty shouldcome uponme to go back to the bitter hoursasleep or awakesane ormadrecorded here.' He fell back exhaustedand I putthe book under his pillowand kissed him.have askedSister Agatha to beg the Superior to let our weddingbe thisafternoonand am waiting her reply. . ."
"Shehas come and told me that the Chaplain of the English missionchurch hasbeen sent for. We are to be married in an houror as soonafter as Jonathan awakes."
"Lucythe time has come and gone. I feel very solemnbut veryvery happy. Jonathan woke a little after the hourand allwas readyand he sat up in bedpropped up with pillows.Heanswered his `I will' firmly and strong. I could hardly speak.My heartwas so full that even those words seemed to choke me.
"Thedear sisters were so kind. PleaseGodI shall neverneverforget themnor the grave and sweet responsibilities Ihave takenupon me. I must tell you of my wedding present.When thechaplain and the sisters had left me alone with my husband--ohLucyit is the first time I have written the words `my husband'--left mealone with my husbandI took the book from under his pillowandwrapped it up in white paperand tied it with a little bitof paleblue ribbon which was round my neckand sealed it overthe knotwith sealing waxand for my seal I used my wedding ring.Then Ikissed it and showed it to my husbandand told himthat Iwould keep it soand then it would be an outward andvisiblesign for us all our lives that we trusted each otherthat Iwould never open it unless it were for his own dear sakeor for thesake of some stern duty. Then he took my hand in hisand ohLucyit was the first time he took his wifes' handand saidthat itwas the dearest thing in all the wide worldand thathe wouldgo through all the past again to win itif need be.The poordear meant to have said a part of the pastbut he cannotthink oftime yetand I shall not wonder if at first he mixes upnot onlythe monthbut the year.
"Wellmy dearcould I say? I could only tell him that I wasthehappiest woman in all the wide worldand that I had nothingto givehim except myselfmy lifeand my trustand that with thesewent mylove and duty for all the days of my life. Andmy dearwhen hekissed meand drew me to him with his poor weak handsit waslike a solemn pledge between us.
"Lucydeardo you know why I tell you all this? It is not onlybecause itis allsweet to mebut because you have beenand arevery dear to me.It was myprivilege to be your friend and guide when you came fromtheschoolroom to prepare for the world of life. I want you to seenowand withthe eyes of a very happy wifewhither duty has led meso that inyour own married life you too may be all happyas I am.My dearplease Almighty Godyour life may be all it promisesa longday ofsunshinewith no harsh windno forgetting dutyno distrust.I must notwish you no painfor that can never bebut I do hopeyou willbe always as happy as I am now. Goodbyemy dear.I shallpost this at onceand perhapswrite you very soon again.I muststopfor Jonathan is waking. I must attend my husband!
"Yourever-loving "Mina Harker."
"Mydearest Mina
"Oceansof love and millions of kissesand may you soon bein yourown home with your husband. I wish you were coming homesoonenough to stay with us here. The strong air would soonrestoreJonathan. It has quite restored me. I have an appetitelike acormorantam full of lifeand sleep well. You will beglad toknow that I have quite given up walking in my sleep.I think Ihave not stirred out of my bed for a weekthat iswhen Ionce got into it at night. Arthur says I am getting fat.By thewayI forgot to tell you that Arthur is here.We havesuch walks and drivesand ridesand rowingand tennisandfishing togetherand I love him more than ever.He tellsme that he loves me morebut I doubt thatfor at firsthe told methat he couldn't love me more than he did then.But thisis nonsense. There he iscalling to me.So no morejust at present from your loving
"P.S.--Mothersends her love. She seems betterpoor dear.
"P.P.S.--Weare to be married on 28 September."
20August.--The case of Renfield grows even more interesting.He has nowso far quieted that there are spells of cessationfrom hispassion. For the first week after his attack he wasperpetuallyviolent. Then one nightjust as the moon rosehe grewquietand kept murmuring to himself. "Now I can wait.Now I canwait."
Theattendant came to tell meso I ran down at once to have a look athim.He wasstill in the strait waistcoat and in the padded roombut thesuffused look had gone from his faceand his eyes had somethingof theirold pleading. I might almost saycringingsoftness. Iwassatisfiedwith his present conditionand directed him to be relieved.Theattendants hesitatedbut finally carried out my wishes withoutprotest.
It was astrange thing that the patient had humour enough to seetheirdistrustforcoming close to mehe said in a whisperall thewhile looking furtively at them"They think I could hurt you!Fancy mehurting you! The fools!"
It wassoothingsomehowto the feelings to find myselfdisassociatedeven in the mind of this poor madman fromtheothersbut all the same I do not follow his thought.Am I totake it that I have anything in common with himso thatwe areasit wereto stand together. Or has he to gain from mesome goodso stupendous that my well being is needful to Him?I mustfind out later on. Tonight he will not speak.Even theoffer of a kitten or even a full-grown cat willnot tempthim.
He willonly say"I don't take any stock in cats.I havemore to think of nowand I can wait. I can wait."
After awhile I left him. The attendant tells me that he was quietuntiljustbefore dawnand that then he began to get uneasyand at lengthviolentuntil atlast he fell into a paroxysm which exhausted him so that he swoonedinto asort of coma.
. . .Three nights has the same thing happenedviolent all day then quietfrommoonrise to sunrise. I wish I could get some clue to the cause.It wouldalmost seem as if there was some influence which came and went.Happythought! We shall tonight play sane wits against mad ones.He escapedbefore without our help. Tonight he shall escape with it.We shallgive him a chanceand have the men ready to follow in casethey arerequired.
23August.--"The expected always happens." How wellDisraeli knew life.Our birdwhen he found the cage open would not flyso all oursubtlearrangements were for nought. At any ratewe have provedone thingthat the spells of quietness last a reasonable time.We shallin future be able to ease his bonds for a few hours each day.I havegiven orders to the night attendant merely to shut him inthe paddedroomwhen once he is quietuntil the hour before sunrise.The poorsoul's body will enjoy the relief even if his mind cannotappreciateit. Hark! The unexpected again! I am called.Thepatient has once more escaped.
Later.--Anothernight adventure. Renfield artfully waiteduntil theattendant was entering the room to inspect.Then hedashed out past him and flew down the passage.I sentword for the attendants to follow. Again he wentinto thegrounds of the deserted houseand we found himin thesame placepressed against the old chapel door.When hesaw me he became furiousand had not the attendantsseized himin timehe would have tried to kill me.As we sereholding him a strange thing happened.Hesuddenly redoubled his effortsand then as suddenly grew calm.I lookedround instinctivelybut could see nothing.Then Icaught the patient's eye and followed itbut could tracenothing asit looked into the moonlight skyexcept a big batwhich wasflapping its silent and ghostly way to the west.Batsusually wheel aboutbut this one seemed to go straight onas if itknew where it was bound for or had some intentionof itsown.
Thepatient grew calmer every instantand presently said"Youneedn't tie me. I shall go quietly!" Withouttroublewe cameback to the house. I feel there is something ominousin hiscalmand shall not forget this night.
Hillingham24 August.--I must imitate Minaand keep writing things down.Then wecan have long talks when we do meet. I wonder when itwill be. I wish she were with me againfor I feel so unhappy.Last nightI seemed to be dreaming again just as I was at Whitby.Perhaps itis the change of airor getting home again.It is alldark and horrid to mefor I can remember nothing.But I amfull of vague fearand I feel so weak and worn out.WhenArthur came to lunch he looked quite grieved when he saw meand Ihadn't the spirit to try to be cheerful. I wonder if I couldsleep inmother's room tonight. I shall make an excuse to try.
25August.--Another bad night. Mother did not seem to take to myproposal.She seemsnot too well herselfand doubtless she fears to worry me.I tried tokeep awakeand succeeded for a whilebut when the clock strucktwelve itwaked me from a dozeso I must have been falling asleep.There wasa sort of scratching or flapping at the windowbut I did notmind itand as I remember no moreI suppose I must have fallen asleep.More baddreams. I wish I could remember them. This morning I amhorriblyweak. My face is ghastly paleand my throat pains me.It must besomething wrong with my lungsfor I don't seem to be gettingairenough. I shall try to cheer up when Arthur comesor else Iknowhe will bemiserable to see me so.
"AlbemarleHotel31 August "My dear Jack
"Iwant you to do me a favour. Lucy is illthat is she hasno specialdiseasebut she looks awfuland is getting worseeveryday. I have asked her if there is any causeI not dareto ask hermotherfor to disturb the poor lady's mind aboutherdaughter in her present state of health would be fatal.Mrs.Westenra has confided to me that her doom is spokendisease ofthe heartthough poor Lucy does not know it yet.I am surethat there is something preying on my dear girl's mind.I amalmost distracted when I think of her. To look at her givesme apang. I told her I should ask you to see herand though shedemurredat firstI know whyold fellowshe finally consented.It will bea painful task for youI knowold friendbut itis for hersakeand I must not hesitate to askor you to act.You are tocome to lunch at Hillingham tomorrowtwo o'clockso as notto arouse any suspicion in Mrs. Westenraand afterlunch Lucywill take an opportunity of being alone with you.I amfilled with anxietyand want to consult with you aloneas soon asI can after you have seen her. Do not fail!
"Amsummoned to see my fatherwho is worse. Am writing.Write mefully by tonight's post to Ring. Wire me if necessary."
"Mydear old fellow
"Withregard to Miss Westenra's health I hasten to let youknow atonce that in my opinion there is not any functaldisturbanceor any malady that I know of. At the same timeI am notby any means satisfied with her appearance.She iswoefully different from what she was when I saw her last.Of courseyou must bear in mind that I did not have full opportunityofexamination such as I should wish. Our very friendship makesa littledifficulty which not even medical science or customcan bridgeover. I had better tell you exactly what happenedleavingyou to drawin a measureyour own conclusions.I shallthen say what I have done and propose doing.
"Ifound Miss Westenra in seemingly gay spirits. Her mother waspresentand in afew seconds I made up my mind that she was trying all sheknew tomislead her mother and prevent her from being anxious.I have nodoubt she guessesif she does not knowwhat needof cautionthere is.
"Welunched aloneand as we all exerted ourselves to be cheerfulwegotas somekind of reward for our labourssome real cheerfulness amongst us.Then Mrs.Westenra went to lie downand Lucy was left with me.We wentinto her boudoirand till we got there her gaiety remainedfor theservants were coming and going.
"Assoon as the door was closedhoweverthe mask fell from her faceand shesank downinto a chair with a great sighand hid her eyes with her hand.When I sawthat her high spirits had failedI at once took advantage of herreactionto make a diagnosis.
"Shesaid to me very sweetly`I cannot tell you how I loathetalkingabout myself.' I reminded her that a doctor's confidencewassacredbut that you were grievously anxious about her.She caughton to my meaning at onceand settled that matter in a word.`TellArthur everything you choose. I do not care for myselfbut forhim!' So I am quite free.
"Icould easily see that she was somewhat bloodlessbut I could notsee theusual anemic signsand by the chanceI was able to testthe actualquality of her bloodfor in opening a window which was stiffa cordgave wayand she cut her hand slightly with broken glass.It was aslight matter in itselfbut it gave me an evident chanceand Isecured a few drops of the blood and have analysed them.
"Thequalitative analysis give a quite normal conditionand showsI should inferin itself a vigorous state of health.In otherphysical matters I was quite satisfied that thereis no needfor anxietybut as there must be a cause somewhereI havecome to the conclusion that it must be something mental.
"Shecomplains of difficulty breathing satisfactorily at timesand ofheavylethargicsleepwith dreams that frighten herbut regarding which she canremembernothing. She says that as a childshe used to walk in hersleepand thatwhen in Whitby the habit came backand that once she walkedout in thenight and went to East Cliffwhere Miss Murray found her.But sheassures me that of late the habit has not returned.
"I amin doubtand so have done the best thing I know of.I havewritten to my old friend and masterProfessor Van HelsingofAmsterdamwho knows as much about obscure diseases as any onein theworld. I have asked him to come overand as you toldme thatall things were to be at your chargeI have mentionedto him whoyou are and your relations to Miss Westenra.Thismydear fellowis in obedience to your wishesfor Iam onlytoo proud and happy to do anything I can for her.
"VanHelsing wouldI knowdo anything for me for a personal reasonso nomatter on what ground he comeswe must accept his wishes.He is aseemingly arbitrary manthis is because he knows what he is talkingaboutbetter than any one else. He is a philosopher and ametaphysicianand one ofthe most advanced scientists of his dayand he hasI believeanabsolutely open mind. Thiswith an iron nervea temper of theice-brookandindomitable resolutionself-commandand toleration exalted fromvirtuestoblessingsand the kindliest and truest heart that beatsthese formhisequipmentfor the noble work that he is doing for mankindwork both in theoryandpracticefor his views are as wide as his all-embracing sympathy.I tell youthese facts that you may know why I have such confidence in him.I haveasked him to come at once. I shall see Miss Westenra tomorrowagain.She is tomeet me at the Storesso that I may not alarm her mother by tooearly arepetition of my call.
"Mygood Friend
"WhenI received your letter I am already coming to you. By goodfortune Ican leavejust at oncewithout wrong to any of those who have trusted me.Werefortune otherthen it were bad for those who have trustedfor I cometo my friend when he call me to aid those he holds dear.Tell yourfriend that when that time you suck from my wound so swiftlythe poisonof the gangrene from that knife that our other friendtoonervouslet slipyou did more for him when he wants my aids and youcall forthem than all his great fortune could do. But it is pleasureaddedto do forhimyour friendit is to you that I come. Have near at handand pleaseit so arrange that we may see the young lady not too lateontomorrowfor it is likely that I may have to return here that night.But ifneed be I shall come again in three daysand stay longer if it must.Till thengoodbyemy friend John.
"Mydear Art
"VanHelsing has come and gone. He came on with me to Hillinghamand foundthatby Lucy's discretionher mother was lunching outso that wewere alone with her.
"VanHelsing made a very careful examination of the patient.He is toreport to meand I shall advise youfor of course I wasnotpresent all the time. He isI fearmuch concernedbut sayshe mustthink. When I told him of our friendship and how you trustto me inthe matterhe said`You must tell him all you think.Tell himhim what I thinkif you can guess itif you will. NayI amnotjesting. This is no jestbut life and deathperhaps more.'I askedwhat he meant by thatfor he was very serious.This waswhen we had come back to townand he was having a cup of teabeforestarting on his return to Amsterdam. He would not give meanyfurther clue. You must not be angry with meArtbecause hisveryreticence means that all his brains are working for her good.He willspeak plainly enough when the time comesbe sure.So I toldhim I would simply write an account of our visitjust as if Iwere doinga descriptive special article for THE DAILY TELEGRAPH.He seemednot to noticebut remarked that the smuts of London werenot quiteso bad as they used to be when he was a student here.I am toget his report tomorrow if he can possibly make it.In anycase I am to have a letter.
"Wellas to the visitLucy was more cheerful than onthe day Ifirst saw herand certainly looked better.She hadlost something of the ghastly look that so upset youand herbreathing was normal. She was very sweet to the Professor(as shealways is)and tried to make him feel at easethough Icould seethe poor girl was making a hard struggle for it.
"Ibelieve Van Helsing saw ittoofor I saw the quick look under hisbushybrows that I knew of old. Then he began to chat of all thingsexceptourselves and diseases and with such an infinite genialitythat Icould see poor Lucy's pretense of animation merge into reality.Thenwithout any seeming changehe brought the conversation gentlyround tohis visitand sauvely said
"`Mydear young missI have the so great pleasure because you areso muchbeloved. That is muchmy deareven were there that which Ido notsee. They told me you were down in the spiritand that youwereof aghastly pale. To them I say "Pouf!" ' And he snappedhis fingersat me andwent on. `But you and I shall show them how wrong they are.How canhe'and he pointed at me with the same look and gestureas thatwith which he pointed me out in his classonor rather afteraparticular occasion which he never fails to remind me of`knowanything of a young ladies? He has his madmen to play withand tobring them back to happinessand to those that love them.It is muchto doandohbut there are rewards in that we can bestowsuchhappiness. But the young ladies! He has no wife nordaughterand theyoung do not tell themselves to the youngbut to the oldlike mewho have known so many sorrows and the causes of them.Somydearwe will send him away to smoke the cigarette inthegardenwhiles you and I have little talk all to ourselves.'I took thehintand strolled aboutand presently the professorcame tothe window and called me in. He looked gravebut said` I havemade careful examinationbut there is no functional cause.With you Iagree that there has been much blood lostit has beenbut isnot. But the conditions of her are in no way anemic.I haveasked her to send me her maidthat I may ask just oneor twoquestionsthat so I may not chance to miss nothing.I knowwell what she will say. And yet there is cause.There isalways cause for everything. I must go back home and think.You mustsend me the telegram every dayand if there be cause Ishall comeagain. The diseasefor not to be well is a diseaseinterestmeand the sweetyoung dearshe interest me too.She charmmeand for herif not for you or diseaseI come.'
"As Itell youhe would not say a word moreeven when we were alone.And sonowArtyou know all I know. I shall keep stern watch.I trustyour poor father is rallying. It must be a terriblething toyoumy dear old fellowto be placed in such a positionbetweentwo people who are both so dear to you. I know youridea ofduty to your fatherand you are right to stick to it.But ifneed beI shall send you word to come at once to Lucyso do notbe over-anxious unless you hear from me."
4September.--Zoophagous patient still keeps up our interest in him.He hadonly one outburst and that was yesterday at an unusual time.Justbefore the stroke of noon he began to grow restless.Theattendant knew the symptomsand at once summoned aid.Fortunatelythe men came at a runand were just in timefor at the strokeof noon hebecame so violent that it took all their strength to hold him.In aboutfive minuteshoweverhe began to get more quietandfinally sank into a sort of melancholyin which state he hasremainedup to now. The attendant tells me that his screams whilstin theparoxysm were really appalling. I found my hands fullwhen I gotinattending to some of the other patients who werefrightenedby him. IndeedI can quite understand the effectfor thesounds disturbed even methough I was some distance away.It is nowafter the dinner hour of the asylumand as yet my patient sitsin acorner broodingwith a dullsullenwoe-begone look in his facewhichseems rather to indicate than to show something directly.I cannotquite understand it.
Later.--Anotherchange in my patient. At five o'clock I looked in on himand foundhim seemingly as happy and contented as he used to be.He wascatching flies and eating themand was keeping note of his captureby makingnailmarks on the edge of the door between the ridges of padding.When hesaw mehe came over and apologized for his bad conductand askedme in a very humblecringing way to be led back to his own roomand tohave his notebook again. I thought it well to humour himso he isback in his room with the window open. He has the sugar of histeaspread outon the window silland is reaping quite a harvest of flies.He is notnow eating thembut putting them into a boxas of oldand isalready examining the corners of his room to find a spider.I tried toget him to talk about the past few daysfor any clueto histhoughts would be of immense help to mebut he would not rise.For amoment or two he looked very sadand said in a sort of far awayvoiceas thoughsaying it rather to himself than to me.
"Allover! All over! He has deserted me. No hope for menow unless Ido itmyself!" Then suddenly turning to me in a resolute wayhesaid"Doctorwon't you be very good to me and let me have a little more sugar?I think itwould be very good for me."
"Andthe flies?" I said.
"Yes! The flies like ittooand I like the fliestherefore I likeit."Andthere arepeople who know so little as to think that madmen do not argue.I procuredhim a double supplyand left him as happy a man asI supposeany in theworld. I wish I could fathom his mind.
Midnight.--Anotherchange in him. I had been to see Miss Westenrawhom Ifound much betterand had just returnedand was standing at ourown gatelooking at the sunsetwhen once more I heard him yelling.As hisroom is on this side of the houseI could hear it betterthan inthe morning. It was a shock to me to turn from the wonderfulsmokybeauty of a sunset over Londonwith its lurid lightsand inkyshadows and all the marvellous tints that come on foulcloudseven as on foul waterand to realize all the grim sternnessof my owncold stone buildingwith its wealth of breathing miseryand my owndesolate heart to endure it all. I reached him just asthe sunwas going downand from his window saw the red disc sink.As it sankhe became less and less frenziedand just as it dippedhe slidfrom the hands that held himan inert masson the floor.It iswonderfulhoweverwhat intellectual recuperative powerlunaticshavefor within a few minutes he stood up quitecalmly andlooked around him. I signalled to the attendantsnot tohold himfor I was anxious to see what he would do.He wentstraight over to the window and brushed out the crumbs of sugar.Then hetook his fly boxand emptied it outsideand threw away the box.Then heshut the windowand crossing oversat down on his bed.All thissurprised meso I asked him"Are you going to keepflies anymore?"
"No"said he. "I am sick of all that rubbish!"Hecertainly is a wonderfully interesting study.I wish Icould get some glimpse of his mind or of the cause of hissuddenpassion. Stop. There may be a clue after allif we canfind whytoday his paroxysms came on at high noon and at sunset.Can it bethat there is a malign influence of the sun at periodswhichaffects certain naturesas at times the moon does others?We shallsee.
"4September.--Patient still better today."
"5September.--Patient greatly improved. Good appetitesleepsnaturallygoodspiritscolor coming back."
"6September.--Terrible change for the worse. Come at once.Do notlose an hour. I hold over telegram to Holmwood tillhave seenyou."
"Mydear Art
"Mynews today is not so good. Lucy this morning had gone back abit.There ishoweverone good thing which has arisen from it.Mrs.Westenra was naturally anxious concerning Lucyand has consultedmeprofessionally about her. I took advantage of the opportunityand toldher that my old masterVan Helsingthe great specialistwas comingto stay with meand that I would put her in his chargeconjointlywith myself. So now we can come and go withoutalarmingher undulyfor a shock to her would mean sudden deathand thisin Lucy's weak conditionmight be disastrous to her.We arehedged in with difficultiesall of usmy poor fellowbutplease Godwe shall come through them all right.If anyneed I shall writeso thatif you do not hear from metake itfor granted that I am simply waiting for newsIn haste
7September.--The first thing Van Helsing said to me when we metatLiverpool Street was"Have you said anything to our youngfriendto loverof her?"
"No"I said. "I waited till I had seen youas I said in mytelegram.I wrotehim a letter simply telling him that you were comingas MissWestenrawas not so welland that I should let him know if need be."
"Rightmy friend" he said. "Quite right! Better henot know as yet.Perhaps hewill never know. I pray sobut if it be neededthen heshall know all. Andmy good friend Johnlet me caution you.You dealwith the madmen. All men are mad in some way orthe otherand inasmuch as you deal discreetly with your madmenso dealwith God's madmen toothe rest of the world.You tellnot your madmen what you do nor why you do it. You tellthem notwhat you think. So you shall keep knowledge in its placewhere itmay restwhere it may gather its kind around it and breed.You and Ishall keep as yet what we know hereand here."He touchedme on the heart and on the foreheadand then touchedhimselfthe same way. "I have for myself thoughts at the present.Later Ishall unfold to you."
"Whynot now?" I asked. "It may do some good.We mayarrive at some decision."He looked at me and said"Myfriend Johnwhen the corn is growneven before ithasripenedwhile the milk of its mother earth is in himand thesunshine has not yet begun to paint him with his goldthehusbandman he pull the ear and rub him between his rough handsand blowaway the green chaffand say to you'Look!He's goodcornhe will make a good crop when the time comes.'"
I did notsee the application and told him so. For reply he reachedover andtook my ear in his hand and pulled it playfullyas he usedlong ago to do at lecturesand said"The goodhusbandmantell you so then because he knowsbut not till then.But you donot find the good husbandman dig up his planted cornto see ifhe grow. That is for the children who play at husbandryand notfor those who take it as of the work of their life.See younowfriend John? I have sown my cornand Naturehas herwork to do in making it sproutif he sprout at allthere'ssome promiseand I wait till the ear begins to swell."He brokeofffor he evidently saw that I understood.Then hewent on gravely"You were always a careful studentand yourcase book was ever more full than the rest.And Itrust that good habit have not fail. Remembermy friendthatknowledge is stronger than memoryand we should not trusttheweaker. Even if you have not kept the good practicelet metell you that this case of our dear miss is one that may bemindIsay may beof such interest to us and others that allthe restmay not make him kick the beamas your people say.Take thengood note of it. Nothing is too small.I counselyouput down in record even your doubts and surmises.Hereafterit may be of interest to you to see how true you guess.We learnfrom failurenot from success!"
When Idescribed Lucy's symptomsthe same as beforebutinfinitely more markedhe looked very gravebut said nothing.He tookwith him a bag in which were many instruments and drugs"theghastly paraphernalia of our beneficial trade"as he oncecalledin one of his lecturesthe equipmentof aprofessor of the healing craft.
When wewere shown inMrs. Westenra met us. She was alarmedbut notnearly so much as I expected to find her. Nature in oneof herbeneficient moods has ordained that even death has someantidoteto its own terrors. Herein a case where any shockmay provefatalmatters are so ordered thatfrom some causeor otherthe things not personaleven the terrible change in herdaughterto whom she is so attacheddo not seem to reach her.It issomething like the way dame Nature gathers round a foreignbody anenvelope of some insensitive tissue which can protectfrom evilthat which it would otherwise harm by contact.If this bean ordered selfishnessthen we should pausebefore wecondemn any one for the vice of egoismfor theremay bedeeper root for its causes than we have knowledge of.
I used myknowledge of this phase of spiritual pathologyand setdown a rule that she should not be present with Lucyor thinkof her illness more than was absolutely required.Sheassented readilyso readily that I saw again the handof Naturefighting for life. Van Helsing and I were shown upto Lucy'sroom. If I was shocked when I saw her yesterdayI washorrified when I saw her today.
She wasghastlychalkily pale. The red seemed to have gone even fromher lipsand gumsand the bones of her face stood out prominently.Herbreathing was painful to see or hear. Van Helsing's face grewsetas marbleand his eyebrows converged till they almost touched over his nose.Lucy laymotionlessand did not seem to have strength to speakso for awhile we were all silent. Then Van Helsing beckoned to meand wewent gently out of the room. The instant we had closed the doorhe steppedquickly along the passage to the next doorwhich was open.Then hepulled me quickly in with him and closed the door."Mygod!" he said. "This is dreadful. There is nottime to be lost.She willdie for sheer want of blood to keep the heart's actionas itshould be. There must be a transfusion of blood at once.Is it youor me?"
"I amyounger and strongerProfessor. It must be me."
"Thenget ready at once. I will bring up my bag.I amprepared."
I wentdownstairs with himand as we were going there wasa knock atthe hall door. When we reached the hallthe maidhad justopened the doorand Arthur was stepping quickly in.He rushedup to mesaying in an eager whisper
"JackI was so anxious. I read between the lines of your letterand havebeen in an agony. The dad was betterso I ran downhere tosee for myself. Is not that gentleman Dr. Van Helsing?I am sothankful to yousirfor coming."
When firstthe Professor's eye had lit upon himhe had beenangry athis interruption at such a timebut nowas he tookin hisstalwart proportions and recognized the strong youngmanhoodwhich seemed to emanate from himhis eyes gleamed.Without apause he said to him as he held out his hand
"Siryou have come in time. You are the lover of our dear miss.She isbadveryvery bad. Naymy childdo not go like that."Forhesuddenly grew pale and sat down in a chair almost fainting."Youare to help her. You can do more than any that liveand yourcourage is your best help."
"Whatcan I do?" asked Arthur hoarsely. "Tell meand Ishall do it.My life ishers' and I would give the last drop of blood in my body for her."
TheProfessor has a strongly humorous sideand I could from oldknowledgedetect a trace of its origin in his answer.
"Myyoung sirI do not ask so much as thatnot the last!"
"Whatshall I do?" There was fire in his eyesand his opennostrilsquiveredwith intent. Van Helsing slapped him on the shoulder.
"Come!"he said. "You are a manand it is a man we want.You arebetter than mebetter than my friend John."Arthurlooked bewilderedand the Professor went on by explainingin akindly way.
"Youngmiss is badvery bad. She wants bloodand blood shemust haveor die. My friend John and I have consultedand weare aboutto perform what we call transfusion of bloodto transferfrom fullveins of one to the empty veins which pine for him.John wasto give his bloodas he is the more young and strongthanme."--Here Arthur took my hand and wrung it hard insilence.--"Butnow you are hereyou are more good than usold oryoungwho toil much in the world of thought.Our nervesare not so calm and our blood so bright than yours!"
Arthurturned to him and said"If you only knew how gladlyI woulddie for her you would understand. . ." He stoppedwith asort of choke in his voice.
"Goodboy!" said Van Helsing. "In the not-so-far-off youwill behappy that you have done all for her you love.Come nowand be silent. You shall kiss her once before itis donebut then you must goand you must leave at my sign.Say noword to Madame. You know how it is with her.There mustbe no shockany knowledge of this would be one. Come!"
We allwent up to Lucy's room. Arthur by direction remained outside.Lucyturned her head and looked at usbut said nothing.She wasnot asleepbut she was simply too weak to make the effort.Her eyesspoke to usthat was all.
VanHelsing took some things from his bag and laid them on a littletable outof sight. Then he mixed a narcoticand coming over tothe bedsaid cheerily"Nowlittle misshere is your medicine.Drink itofflike a good child. SeeI lift you so that to swallowis easy. Yes." She had made the effort with success.
Itastonished me how long the drug took to act.Thisinfactmarked the extent of her weakness. The timeseemedendless until sleep began to flicker in her eyelids.At lasthoweverthe narcotic began to manifest its potencyand shefell into a deep sleep. When the Professor was satisfiedhe calledArthur into the roomand bade him strip off his coat.Then headded"You may take that one little kiss whilesI bringover the table. Friend Johnhelp to me!"So neitherof us looked whilst he bent over her.
VanHelsingturning to mesaid"He is so young and strongand ofblood so pure that we need not defibrinate it."
Then withswiftnessbut with absolute methodVan Helsing performedtheoperation. As the transfusion went onsomething like lifeseemed tocome back to poor Lucy's cheeksand through Arthur'sgrowingpallor the joy of his face seemed absolutely to shine.After abit I began to grow anxiousfor the loss of blood was tellingon Arthurstrong man as he was. It gave me an idea of what a terriblestrainLucy's system must have undergone that what weakened Arthuronlypartially restored her.
But theProfessor's face was setand he stood watch in handand withhis eyes fixed now on the patient and now on Arthur.I couldhear my own heart beat. Presentlyhe said in a soft voice"Donot stir an instant. It is enough. You attend him.I willlook to her."
When allwas overI could see how much Arthur was weakened.I dressedthe wound and took his arm to bring him awaywhen VanHelsing spoke without turning roundthe man seemsto haveeyes in the back of his head"The brave loverI thinkdeserve another kisswhich he shall have presently."And as hehad now finished his operationhe adjusted the pillowto thepatient's head. As he did so the narrow black velvetband whichshe seems always to wear round her throatbuckledwith an old diamond buckle which her lover had given herwasdragged a little upand showed a red mark on her throat.
Arthur didnot notice itbut I could hear the deep hiss of indrawnbreathwhich is one of Van Helsing's ways of betraying emotion.He saidnothing at the momentbut turned to mesaying"Now take downourbraveyoung lovergive him of the port wineand let him lie down a while.He mustthen go home and restsleep much and eat muchthat he may berecruitedof what he has so given to his love. He must not stay here.Hold amoment! I may take itsirthat you are anxious of result.Then bringit with youthat in all ways the operation is successful.You havesaved her life this timeand you can go home and rest easyin mindthat all that can be is. I shall tell her all when she is well.She shalllove you none the less for what you have done. Goodbye."
WhenArthur had gone I went back to the room.Lucy wassleeping gentlybut her breathing was stronger.I couldsee the counterpane move as her breast heaved.By thebedside sat Van Helsinglooking at her intently.The velvetband again covered the red mark. I asked the Professorin awhisper"What do you make of that mark on her throat?"
"Whatdo you make of it?"
"Ihave not examined it yet" I answeredand then and thereproceededto loose the band. Just over the external jugular veinthere weretwo puncturesnot largebut not wholesome looking.There wasno sign of diseasebut the edges were white and worn lookingas if bysome trituration. It at once occurred to me that that thiswoundorwhatever it wasmight be the means of that manifest loss of blood.But Iabandoned the idea as soon as it formedfor such a thing could notbe.The wholebed would have been drenched to a scarlet with the bloodwhich thegirl must have lost to leave such a pallor as she hadbefore thetransfusion.
"Well?"said Van Helsing.
"Well"said I. "I can make nothing of it."
TheProfessor stood up. "I must go back to Amsterdam tonight"he said"There are books and things there which I want.You mustremain here all nightand you must not let your sightpass fromher."
"ShallI have a nurse?" I asked.
"Weare the best nursesyou and I. You keep watch all night.See thatshe is well fedand that nothing disturbs her.You mustnot sleep all the night. Later on we can sleepyou and I.I shall be back as soon as possible.And thenwe may begin."
"Maybegin?" I said. "What on earth do you mean?"
"Weshall see!" he answeredas he hurried out. He came back amoment laterand puthis head inside the door and said with a warning finger held up"Remembershe is your charge. If you leave herand harm befallyou shallnot sleep easy hereafter!"
8September.--I sat up all night with Lucy. The opiate workeditself offtowards duskand she waked naturally. She lookedadifferent being from what she had been before the operation.Herspirits even were goodand she was full of a happy vivacitybut Icould seeevidences of the absolute prostration which she had undergone.When Itold Mrs. Westenra that Dr. Van Helsing had directedthat Ishould sit up with hershe almost pooh-poohed the ideapointingout her daughter's renewed strength and excellent spirits.I wasfirmhoweverand made preparations for my long vigil.When hermaid had prepared her for the night I came inhaving inthemeantime had supperand took a seat by the bedside.
She didnot in any way make objectionbut looked at me gratefully wheneverI caughther eye. After a long spell she seemed sinking off to sleepbut withan effort seemed to pull herself together and shook it off.It wasapparent that she did not want to sleepso I tackled thesubject atonce.
"Youdo not want to sleep?"
"No.I am afraid."
"Afraidto go to sleep! Why so? It is the boon we all crave for."
"Ahnot if you were like meif sleep was to you a presage of horror!"
"Apresage of horror! What on earth do you mean?"
"Idon't know. OhI don't know. And that is what is soterrible.All thisweakness comes to me in sleepuntil I dread the very thought."
"Butmy dear girlyou may sleep tonight. I am here watching youand I canpromise that nothing will happen."
"AhI can trust you!" she said.
I seizedthe opportunityand said"I promise that if I seeanyevidence of bad dreams I will wake you at once."
"Youwill? Ohwill you really? How good you are to me.Then Iwill sleep!" And almost at the word she gave a deepsigh ofreliefand sank backasleep.
All nightlong I watched by her. She never stirredbut slepton and onin a deeptranquillife-givinghealth-giving sleep.Her lipswere slightly partedand her breast rose and fellwith theregularity of a pendulum. There was a smile on her faceand it wasevident that no bad dreams had come to disturbher peaceof mind.
In theearly morning her maid cameand I left her in her care and tookmyselfback homefor I was anxious about many things. I sent a short wire to VanHelsingand to Arthurtelling them of the excellent result of the operation.My ownworkwith its manifold arrearstook me all day to clear off.It wasdark when I was able to inquire about my zoophagous patient.The reportwas good. He had been quite quiet for the past day and night.A telegramcame from Van Helsing at Amsterdam whilst I was at dinnersuggestingthat I should be at Hillingham tonightas it might be well to beat handand stating that he was leaving by the night mail and would join meearly inthe morning.
9September.--I was pretty tired and worn out when I got to Hillingham.For twonights I had hardly had a wink of sleepand my brain wasbeginningto feel that numbness which marks cerebral exhaustion.Lucy wasup and in cheerful spirits. When she shook hands with meshe lookedsharply in my face and said
"Nositting up tonight for you. You are worn out.I am quitewell again. IndeedI amand if there is to beanysitting upit is I who will sit up with you."
I wouldnot argue the pointbut went and had my supper.Lucy camewith meandenlivened by her charming presenceI made anexcellent mealand had a couple of glasses of the morethanexcellent port. Then Lucy took me upstairsand showedme a roomnext her ownwhere a cozy fire was burning.
"Now"she said. "You must stay here. I shall leave thisdoor open and mydoor too. You can lie on the sofa for I know that nothing would induce anyof youdoctors to go to bed whilst there is a patient above the horizon.If I wantanything I shall call outand you can come to me at once."
I couldnot but acquiescefor I was dog tiredand couldnot havesat up had I tried. Soon her renewing her promiseto call meif she should want anythingI lay on the sofaand forgotall about everything.
9September.--I feel so happy tonight. I have been so miserablyweakthat to beable to think and move about is like feelingsunshineafter a long spell of east wind out of a steel sky.SomehowArthur feels veryvery close to me. I seem to feelhispresence warm about me. I suppose it is that sicknessandweakness are selfish things and turn our inner eyes andsympathyon ourselveswhilst health and strength give love reinand inthought and feeling he can wander where he wills.I knowwhere my thoughts are. If only Arthur knew!My dearmy dearyour ears must tingle as you sleepas mine dowaking. Ohthe blissful rest of last night!How Isleptwith that deargood Dr. Seward watching me.Andtonight I shall not fear to sleepsince he is close at handand withincall. Thank everybody for being so good to me.ThankGod! Goodnight Arthur.
10September.--I was conscious of the Professor's hand on my headandstartedawake allin a second. That is one of the things that we learn in anasylumat anyrate.
"Andhow is our patient?"
"Wellwhen I left heror rather when she left me" I answered.
"Comelet us see" he said. And together we went into the room.
The blindwas downand I went over to raise it gentlywhilst VanHelsing steppedwith his softcat-like treadover tothe bed.
As Iraised the blindand the morning sunlight floodedthe roomI heard the Professor's low hiss of inspirationandknowing its raritya deadly fear shot through my heart.As Ipassed over he moved backand his exclamation of horror"Gottin Himmel!" needed no enforcement from his agonized face.He raisedhis hand and pointed to the bedand his iron facewas drawnand ashen white. I felt my knees begin to tremble.
There onthe bedseemingly in a swoonlay poor Lucymore horriblywhite andwan-looking than ever. Even the lips were whiteand thegums seemed to have shrunken back from the teethas wesometimes see in a corpse after a prolonged illness.
VanHelsing raised his foot to stamp in angerbut the instinctof hislife and all the long years of habit stood to himand he putit down again softly.
"Quick!"he said. "Bring the brandy."
I flew tothe dining roomand returned with the decanter.He wettedthe poor white lips with itand together we rubbedpalm andwrist and heart. He felt her heartand after a fewmoments ofagonizing suspense said
"Itis not too late. It beatsthough but feebly. All ourworkisundone. We must begin again. There is no young Arthurhere now.I have tocall on you yourself this timefriend John." As he spokehe wasdipping into his bagand producing the instruments of transfusion.I hadtaken off my coat and rolled up my shirt sleeve. There wasnopossibility of an opiate just at presentand no need of one.and sowithout a moment's delaywe began the operation.
After atimeit did not seem a short time eitherfor the drainingaway ofone's bloodno matter how willingly it be givenis aterrible feelingVan Helsing held up a warning finger."Donot stir" he said. "But I fear that with growingstrengthshe maywakeand that would make dangerohso much danger.But Ishall precaution take. I shall give hypodermicinjectionof morphia." He proceeded thenswiftly and deftlyto carryout his intent.
The effecton Lucy was not badfor the faint seemed to merge subtly intothenarcotic sleep. It was with a feeling of personal pride that Icouldsee afaint tinge of color steal back into the pallid cheeks and lips.No manknowstill he experiences itwhat it is to feel his own lifeblooddrawn awayinto the veins of the woman he loves.
TheProfessor watched me critically. "That will do"he said. "Already?" I remonstrated. "You tooka great dealmore fromArt." To which he smiled a sad sort of smileas hereplied
"Heis her loverher fiance. You have workmuch work to do forherand forothersand the present will suffice.
When westopped the operationhe attended to Lucywhilst Iapplied digital pressure to my own incision.I laiddownwhile I waited his leisure to attend to mefor Ifelt faintand a little sick. By and by he bound up my woundand sentme downstairs to get a glass of wine for myself.As I wasleaving the roomhe came after meand half whispered.
"Mindnothing must be said of this. If our young lovershouldturn up unexpectedas beforeno word to him.It wouldat once frighten him and enjealous himtoo.There mustbe none. So!"
When Icame back he looked at me carefullyand then said"Youare not much the worse. Go into the roomand lie on your sofaand restawhilethen have much breakfast and come here to me."
I followedout his ordersfor I knew how right and wise they were.I had donemy partand now my next duty was to keep up my strength.I feltvery weakand in the weakness lost something of the amazement atwhat hadoccurred. I fell asleep on the sofahoweverwondering overandover againhow Lucy had made such a retrograde movementand how she couldhave beendrained of so much blood with no sign any where to show for it.I think Imust have continued my wonder in my dreamsforsleeping andwaking mythoughts always came back to the little punctures in her throatand theraggedexhausted appearance of their edgestiny though they were.
Lucy sleptwell into the dayand when she woke she was fairlywell andstrongthough not nearly so much so as the day before.When VanHelsing had seen herhe went out for a walkleaving mein chargewith strict injunctions that I was notto leaveher for a moment. I could hear his voice in the hallasking theway to the nearest telegraph office.
Lucychatted with me freelyand seemed quite unconscious thatanythinghad happened. I tried to keep her amused and interested.When hermother came up to see hershe did not seem to noticeany changewhateverbut said to me gratefully
"Weowe you so muchDr. Sewardfor all you have donebut you reallymustnow takecare not to overwork yourself. You are looking pale yourself.You want awife to nurse and look after you a bitthat you do!"As shespokeLucy turned crimsonthough it was only momentarilyfor herpoorwasted veins could not stand for long an unwonted drain to the head.Thereaction came in excessive pallor as she turned imploring eyes on me.I smiledand noddedand laid my finger on my lips. With a sighshe sankback amid her pillows.
VanHelsing returned in a couple of hoursand presently said to me."Nowyou go homeand eat much and drink enough. Make yourselfstrong.I stayhere tonightand I shall sit up with little miss myself.You and Imust watch the caseand we must have none other to know.I havegrave reasons. Nodo not ask the. Think what you will.Do notfear to think even the most not-improbable. Goodnight."
In thehall two of the maids came to meand asked if theyor eitherof them might not sit up with Miss Lucy.Theyimplored me to let themand when I said it was Dr. VanHelsing'swish that either he or I should sit upthey askedme quitepiteously to intercede with the`foreign gentleman'. Iwas muchtouched by their kindness. Perhaps it is because I amweak atpresentand perhaps because it was on Lucy's accountthat theirdevotion was manifested. For over and overagain haveI seen similar instances of woman's kindness.I got backhere in time for a late dinnerwent my roundsall welland set this down whilst waiting for sleep.It iscoming.
11September.--This afternoon I went over to Hillingham.Found VanHelsing in excellent spiritsand Lucy much better.Shortlyafter I had arriveda big parcel from abroad camefor theProfessor. He opened it with much impressmentassumedof courseand showed a great bundle of white flowers.
"Theseare for youMiss Lucy" he said.
"Forme? OhDr. Van Helsing!"
"Yesmy dearbut not for you to play with. These are medicines."Here Lucymade a wry face. "Naybut they are not to take in adecoctionor innauseous formso you need not snub that so charming noseor I shallpoint out to my friend Arthur what woes he may have toendure inseeing so much beauty that he so loves so much distort.Ahamypretty missthat bring the so nice nose all straight again.This ismedicinalbut you do not know how. I put him in your windowI makepretty wreathand hang him round your neckso you sleep well.Ohyes! Theylike the lotus flowermake your trouble forgotten.It smellso like the waters of Letheand of that fountain of youththat theConquistadores sought for in the Floridasand find himall toolate."
Whilst hewas speakingLucy had been examining the flowers andsmellingthem. Now she threw them down sayingwith half laughterand halfdisgust
"OhProfessorI believe you are only putting up a joke on me.Whytheseflowers are only common garlic."
To mysurpriseVan Helsing rose up and said with all his sternnesshis ironjaw set and his bushy eyebrows meeting
"Notrifling with me! I never jest! There is grim purposein what Idoand I warn you that you do not thwart me.Take carefor the sake of others if not for your own."Thenseeing poor Lucy scaredas she might well behe wenton moregently"Ohlittle missmy deardo not fear me.I only dofor your goodbut there is much virtue to you in thoseso commonflowers. SeeI place them myself in your room.I makemyself the wreath that you are to wear. But hush!No tellingto others that make so inquisitive questions.We mustobeyand silence is a part of obedienceand obedienceis tobring you strong and well into loving arms that wait for you.Now sitstill a while. Come with mefriend Johnand you shallhelp medeck the room with my garlicwhich is all the warfromHaarlemwhere my friend Vanderpool raise herb in hisglasshouses all the year. I had to telegraph yesterdayor theywould not have been here."
We wentinto the roomtaking the flowers with us.TheProfessor's actions were certainly odd and notto befound in any pharmacopeia that I ever heard of.First hefastened up the windows and latched them securely.Nexttaking a handful of the flowershe rubbed them allover thesashesas though to ensure that every whiff of airthat mightget in would be laden with the garlic smell.Then withthe wisp he rubbed all over the jamb of the doorabovebelowand at each sideand round the fireplacein thesame way. It all seemed grotesque to meandpresently I said"WellProfessorI know you alwayshave areason for what you dobut this certainly puzzles me.It is wellwe have no sceptic hereor he would say that youwereworking some spell to keep out an evil spirit."
"PerhapsI am!" He answered quietly as he began to make the wreathwhich Lucywas to wear round her neck.
We thenwaited whilst Lucy made her toilet for the nightand when shewas in bedhe came and himself fixed the wreath of garlic round her neck.The lastwords he said to her were
"Takecare you do not disturb itand even if the room feel closedo nottonight open the window or the door."
"Ipromise" said Lucy. "And thank you both a thousandtimes for all yourkindnessto me! Ohwhat have I done to be blessed with such friends?"
As we leftthe house in my flywhich was waitingVan Helsing said"TonightI can sleep in peaceand sleep I wanttwo nights of travelmuchreading in the day betweenand much anxiety on the day to followand anight to sit upwithout to wink. Tomorrow in the morningearly youcall for meand we come together to see our pretty missso muchmore strong for my `spell' which I have work. Hoho!"
He seemedso confident that Iremembering my own confidence two nightsbefore andwith the baneful resultfelt awe and vague terror.It musthave been my weakness that made me hesitate to tell it to my friendbut I feltit all the morelike unshed tears.
12September.--How good they all are to me. I quite love that dearDr. VanHelsing. I wonder why he was so anxious about these flowers.Hepositively frightened mehe was so fierce. And yet he musthave beenrightfor I feel comfort from them already. SomehowI donot dreadbeing alone tonightand I can go to sleep without fear.I shallnot mind any flapping outside the window. Ohthe terriblestrugglethat I have had against sleep so often of latethe painofsleeplessnessor the pain of the fear of sleepand with suchunknownhorrors as it has for me! How blessed are some peoplewhoselives have no fearsno dreadsto whom sleep is a blessingthat comesnightlyand brings nothing but sweet dreams. Wellhere Iamtonighthoping for sleepand lying like Ophelia in the playwith`virgincrants and maiden strewments.' I never liked garlic beforebuttonight it is delightful! There is peace in its smell.I feelsleep coming already. Goodnighteverybody.
13September.--Called at the Berkeley and found Van Helsingas usualup totime. The carriage ordered from the hotel was waiting.TheProfessor took his bagwhich he always brings with him now.
Let all beput down exactly. Van Helsing and I arrivedatHillingham at eight o'clock. It was a lovely morning.The brightsunshine and all the fresh feeling of earlyautumnseemed like the completion of nature's annual work.The leaveswere turning to all kinds of beautiful colorsbut hadnot yet begun to drop from the trees. When weentered wemet Mrs. Westenra coming out of the morning room.She isalways an early riser. She greeted us warmly and said
"Youwill be glad to know that Lucy is better. The dear childis stillasleep. I looked into her room and saw herbut didnot go inlest I should disturb her." The Professor smiledand lookedquite jubilant. He rubbed his hands togetherand said"Aha! I thought I had diagnosed the case.Mytreatment is working."
To whichshe replied"You must not take all the credit to yourselfdoctor.Lucy'sstate this morning is due in part to me."
"Howdo you meanma'am?" asked the Professor.
"WellI was anxious about the dear child in the nightand wentinto herroom. She was sleeping soundlyso soundly that evenmy comingdid not wake her. But the room was awfully stuffy.There werea lot of those horriblestrong-smelling flowersabouteverywhereand she had actually a bunch of them roundher neck. I feared that the heavy odor would be too muchfor thedear child in her weak stateso I took them all awayand openeda bit of the window to let in a little fresh air.You willbe pleased with herI am sure."
She movedoff into her boudoirwhere she usually breakfasted early. AsshehadspokenI watched the Professor's faceand saw it turn ashen gray.He hadbeen able to retain his self-command whilst the poor lady waspresentfor heknew her state and how mischievous a shock would be. Heactuallysmiled onher as he held open the door for her to pass into her room.But theinstant she had disappeared he pulled mesuddenly and forciblyinto thedining room and closed the door.
Thenforthe first time in my lifeI saw Van Helsing break down.He raisedhis hands over his head in a sort of mute despairand thenbeat his palms together in a helpless way.Finally hesat down on a chairand putting his hands beforehis facebegan to sobwith louddry sobs that seemed to comefrom thevery racking of his heart.
Then heraised his arms againas though appealing to thewholeuniverse. "God! God! God!" he said. "What have we donewhat hasthis poor thing donethat we are so sore beset?Is therefate amongst us stillsend down from the paganworld ofoldthat such things must beand in such way?This poormotherall unknowingand all for the best as she thinkdoes suchthing as lose her daughter body and souland wemust nottell herwe must not even warn heror she diethen bothdie. Ohhow we are beset! How are all the powersof thedevils against us!"
Suddenlyhe jumped to his feet. "Come" he said."comewemust see and act.Devils orno devilsor all the devils at onceit matters not.We mustfight him all the same." He went to the hall door for hisbagandtogether we went up to Lucy's room.
Once againI drew up the blindwhilst Van Helsing went towards the bed.This timehe did not start as he looked on the poor face with the same awfulwaxenpallor as before. He wore a look of stern sadness and infinitepity.
"As Iexpected" he murmuredwith that hissing inspirationof hiswhich meant so much. Without a word he went and lockedthe doorand then began to set out on the little table theinstrumentsfor yet another operation of transfusion of blood.I had longago recognized the necessityand begun to takeoff mycoatbut he stopped me with a warning hand."No!"he said. "Today you must operate. I shall provide.You areweakened already." As he spoke he took off his coatand rolledup his shirtsleeve.
Again theoperation. Again the narcotic. Again some return of colorto theashy cheeksand the regular breathing of healthy sleep.This timeI watched whilst Van Helsing recruited himself and rested.
Presentlyhe took an opportunity of telling Mrs. Westenra that shemust notremove anything from Lucy's room without consulting him.That theflowers were of medicinal valueand that the breathingof theirodor was a part of the system of cure. Then he tookover thecare of the case himselfsaying that he would watch thisnight andthe nextand would send me word when to come.
Afteranother hour Lucy waked from her sleepfresh and bright andseeminglynot muchthe worse for her terrible ordeal.
What doesit all mean? I am beginning to wonder if my long habitof lifeamongst the insane is beginning to tell upon my own brain.
17September.--Four days and nights of peace. I am getting sostrongagain thatI hardly know myself. It is as if I had passed through somelongnightmareand had just awakened to see the beautiful sunshine andfeelthe freshair of the morning around me. I have a dim half remembranceof longanxious times of waiting and fearingdarkness in which therewas noteven the pain of hope to make present distress more poignant.And thenlong spells of oblivionand the rising back to life as a divercoming upthrough a great press of water. SincehoweverDr. Van Helsinghas beenwith meall this bad dreaming seems to have passed away.The noisesthat used to frighten me out of my witsthe flapping againstthewindowsthe distant voices which seemed so close to methe harshsoundsthat came from I know not where and commanded me to do I knownot whathave all ceased. I go to bed now without any fear of sleep.I do noteven try to keep awake. I have grown quite fond of the garlicand aboxful arrives for me every day from Haarlem. Tonight Dr. VanHelsing isgoing awayas he has to be for a day in Amsterdam.But I neednot be watched. I am well enough to be left alone.
Thank Godfor Mother's sakeand dear Arthur'sand for all ourfriendswho have been so kind! I shall not even feel the changefor lastnight Dr. Van Helsing slept in his chair a lot of the time.I foundhim asleep twice when I awoke. But I did not fear to goto sleepagainalthough the boughs or bats or something flappedalmostangrily against the window panes.
After manyinquiries and almost as many refusalsand perpetuallyusing thewords `PALL MALL GAZETTE ' as a sort of talismanI managedto find the keeper of the section of the Zoological Gardensin whichthe wold department is included. Thomas Bilder livesin one ofthe cottages in the enclosure behind the elephant houseand wasjust sitting down to his tea when I found him.Thomas andhis wife are hospitable folkelderlyand withoutchildrenand if the specimen I enjoyed of their hospitalitybe of theaverage kindtheir lives must be pretty comfortable.The keeperwould not enter on what he called businessuntil thesupper was overand we were all satisfied.Then whenthe table was clearedand he had lit his pipehe said
"NowSiryou can go on and arsk me what you want. You'll excoosemerefoosin' to talk of perfeshunal subjucts afore meals.I givesthe wolves and the jackals and the hyenas in all our sectiontheir teaafore I begins to arsk them questions."
"Howdo you meanask them questions?" I queriedwishful togethim into atalkative humor.
"`Ittin' of them over the `ead with a pole is one way.Scratchin'of their ears in anotherwhen gents as is flushwants abit of a show-orf to their gals. I don't so muchmind thefustthe `ittin of the pole part afore I chucksin theirdinnerbut I waits till they've `ad their sherryandkawffeeso to speakafore I tries on with the earscratchin'.Mind you" he added philosophically"there's adeal ofthe same nature in us as in them theer animiles.Here's youa-comin' and arskin' of me questions aboutmybusinessand I that grump-like that only for your bloomin'`arf-quidI'd `a' seen you blowed fust `fore I'd answer.Not evenwhen you arsked me sarcastic like if I'd like youto arskthe Superintendent if you might arsk me questions.Withoutoffence did I tell yer to go to `ell?"
"An'when you said you'd report me for usin' obscene language that was`ittin'me overthe `ead. But the `arf-quid made that all right. I weren'ta-goin'to fightso I waited for the foodand did with my `owl as the wolvesand lionsand tigers does. Butlor' love yer `artnow that the old`oomanhas stucka chunk of her tea-cake in mean' rinsed me out with her bloomin'oldteapotand I've lit hupyou may scratch my ears for all you'reworthand won'teven get a growl out of me. Drive along with your questions.I knowwhat yer a-comin' atthat `ere escaped wolf."
"Exactly. I want you to give me your view of it.Just tellme how it happenedand when I know the factsI'll getyou to say what you consider was the cause of itand howyou think the whole affair will end."
"Allrightguv'nor. This `ere is about the `ole story.That`erewolf what we called Bersicker was one of three gray ones thatcame fromNorway to Jamrach'swhich we bought off him four years ago.He was anice well-behaved wolfthat never gave no trouble to talk of.I'm moresurprised at `im for wantin' to get out nor any other animilein theplace. Butthereyou can't trust wolves no more nor women."
"Don'tyou mind himSir!" broke in Mrs. Tomwith a cheery laugh."`E's got mindin' the animiles so long that blest if he ain'tlike a oldwolf `isself! But there ain't no `arm in `im."
"WellSirit was about two hours after feedin'yesterdaywhen I first hear my disturbance. I was makin'up alitter in the monkey house for a young puma which is ill.But when Iheard the yelpin' and `owlin' I kem away straight.There wasBersicker a-tearin' like a mad thing at the bars as ifhe wantedto get out. There wasn't much people about that dayand closeat hand was only one mana tallthin chapwith a `ooknose and apointed beardwith a few white hairs runnin' through it.He had a`ardcold look and red eyesand I took a sort of misliketo himfor it seemed as if it was `im as they was hirritated at.He `adwhite kid gloves on `is `andsand he pointed out the animilesto me andsays`Keeperthese wolves seem upset at something.'
"`Maybeit's you' says Ifor I did not like the airs as he give`isself.He didn't get angryas I `oped he wouldbut he smileda kind ofinsolent smilewith a mouth full of whitesharp teeth.`Oh nothey wouldn't like me' `e says.
" `Owyesthey would' says Ia-imitatin'of him.`They alwayslike abone or two to clean their teeth on about tea timewhich you`as a bagful.'
"Wellit was a odd thingbut when the animiles see us a-talkin'they laydownand when I went over to Bersicker he let mestroke hisears same as ever. That there man kem overandblessed but if he didn't put in his hand and stroke the oldwolf'sears too!
"`Tyke care' says I. `Bersicker is quick.'
"`Never mind' he says. I'm used to `em!'
"`Are you in the business yourself?" I saystyking off my`atfor a manwhattrades in wolvesancetereris a good friend to keepers.
"`Nom' says he`not exactly in the businessbut I `ave madepets ofseveral.' and with that he lifts his `at as perliteas a lordand walks away. Old Bersicker kep' a-lookin'arter `imtill `e was out of sightand then went and laydown in acorner and wouldn't come hout the `ole hevening.Welllarst nightso soon as the moon was hupthe wolves hereall begana-`owling. There warn't nothing for them to `owl at.Therewarn't no one nearexcept some one that was evidently a-callin'a dogsomewheres out back of the gardings in the Park road.Once ortwice I went out to see that all was rightand it wasand thenthe `owling stopped. Just before twelve o'clockI justtook a look round afore turnin' inan'bust mebut when Ikem opposite to old Bersicker's cage I seethe railsbroken and twisted about and the cage empty.And that'sall I know for certing."
"Didany one else see anything?"
"Oneof our gard`ners was a-comin' `ome about that time from a `armonywhen hesees a big gray dog comin' out through the garding `edges. At leastso hesaysbut I don't give much for it myselffor if he did `e neversaid aword about it to his missis when `e got `omeand it was only afterthe escapeof the wolf was made knownand we had been up all night a-huntin'of thePark for Bersickerthat he remembered seein' anything. My ownbeliefwas thatthe `armony `ad got into his `ead."
"NowMr. Bildercan you account in any way for the escape of the wolf?"
"WellSir" he saidwith a suspicious sort of modesty"I thinkI canbut Idon't know as `ow you'd be satisfied with the theory."
"CertainlyI shall. If a man like youwho knows the animals fromexperiencecan'thazard a good guess at any ratewho is even to try?"
"wellthenSirI accounts for it this way. It seems to me that `erewolfescaped--simply because he wanted to get out."
From thehearty way that both Thomas and his wife laughedat thejoke I could see that it had done service beforeand thatthe whole explanation was simply an elaborate sell.I couldn'tcope in badinage with the worthy Thomasbut I thoughtI knew asurer way to his heartso I said"NowMr. Bilderwe'llconsider that first half-sovereign worked offand thisbrother ofhis is waiting to be claimed when you've told mewhat youthink will happen."
"Righty`areSir" he said briskly. "Ye`ll excoose meIknowfora-chaffin' of yebut the old woman her winked at mewhich wasas much as telling me to go on."
"WellI never!" said the old lady.
"Myopinion is this. That `ere wolf is a`idin' ofsomewheres.Thegard`ner wot didn't remember said he was a-gallopin'northwardfaster than a horse could gobut I don't believe himforyerseeSirwolves don't gallop no more nor dogs doesthey notbein' built that way. Wolves is fine things inastorybookand I dessay when they gets in packs and doesbechivyin' somethin' that's more afeared than they is theycan make adevil of a noise and chop it upwhatever it is.ButLor'bless youin real life a wolf is only a low creaturenot halfso clever or bold as a good dogand not half a quarterso muchfight in `im. This one ain't been used to fightin'or even toprovidin' for hisselfand more like he's somewhereround thePark a'hidin' an' a'shiverin' ofand if he thinksat allwonderin' where he is to get his breakfast from.Or maybehe's got down some area and is in a coal cellar.My eyewon't some cook get a rum start when she seeshis greeneyes a-shinin' at her out of the dark!If hecan't get food he's bound to look for itand mayhaphe maychance to light on a butcher's shop in time.If hedoesn'tand some nursemaid goes out walkin' or orfwith asoldierleavin' of the hinfant in the perambulator--wellthenI shouldn't be surprised if the census is one babbythe less. That's all."
I washanding him the half-sovereignwhen something came bobbingup againstthe windowand Mr. Bilder's face doubled its naturallengthwith surprise.
"Godbless me!" he said. "If there ain't old Bersickercomeback by`isself!"
He went tothe door and opened ita most unnecessary proceeding itseemed tome. I have always thought that a wild animal never looksso well aswhen some obstacle of pronounced durability is between us.A personalexperience has intensified rather than diminished that idea.
After allhoweverthere is nothing like customfor neither Bildernor hiswife thought any more of the wolf than I should of a dog.The animalitself was a peaceful and well-behaved as that fatherof allpicture-wolvesRed Riding Hood's quondam friendwhilst movingherconfidence in masquerade.
The wholescene was a unutterable mixture of comedy and pathos.The wickedwolf that for a half a day had paralyzed Londonand setall the children in town shivering in their shoeswas therein a sort of penitent moodand was receivedand pettedlike a sort of vulpine prodigal son.Old Bilderexamined him all over with most tender solicitudeand whenhe had finished with his penitent said
"ThereI knew the poor old chap would get into some kind of trouble.Didn't Isay it all along? Here's his head all cut and full of brokenglass.`E's beena-gettin' over some bloomin' wall or other. It's a shymethatpeople are allowed to top their walls with broken bottles.This`ere's what comes of it. Come alongBersicker."
He tookthe wolf and locked him up in a cagewith a piece of meatthatsatisfiedin quantity at any ratethe elementary conditionsof thefatted calfand went off to report.
I came offtooto report the only exclusive information that is giventodayregarding the strange escapade at the Zoo.
17September.--I was engaged after dinner in my study posting upmy bookswhichthrough press of other work and the many visits to Lucyhad fallensadly into arrear. Suddenly the door was burst openand inrushed my patientwith his face distorted with passion.I wasthunderstruckfor such a thing as a patient getting of hisown accordinto the Superintendent's study is almost unknown.
Without aninstant's notice he made straight at me.He had adinner knife in his handand as I saw he was dangerousI tried tokeep the table between us. He was too quick andtoo strongfor mehoweverfor before I could get my balancehe hadstruck at me and cut my left wrist rather severely.
Before hecould strike againhoweverI got in my righthand andhe was sprawling on his back on the floor.My wristbled freelyand quite a little pool trickledon to thecarpet. I saw that my friend was not intenton furthereffortand occupied myself binding up my wristkeeping awary eye on the prostrate figure all the time.When theattendants rushed inand we turned our attentionto himhis employment positively sickened me. He was lyingon hisbelly on the floor licking uplike a dogthe bloodwhich hadfallen from my wounded wrist. He was easily securedand to mysurprisewent with the attendants quite placidlysimplyrepeating over and over again"The blood is the life!The bloodis the life!"
I cannotafford to lose blood just at present. I have lost toomuch oflate for my physical goodand then the prolonged strainof Lucy'sillness and its horrible phases is telling on me.I am overexcited and wearyand I need restrestrest.HappilyVan Helsing has not summoned meso I need not forego my sleep.Tonight Icould not well do without it.
(Sent toCarfaxSussexas no county givendelivered latebytwenty-two hours.)
17September.--Do not fail to be at Hilllingham tonight.If notwatching all the timefrequently visit and seethatflowers are as placedvery importantdo not fail.Shall bewith you as soon as possible after arrival.
18September.--Just off train to London. The arrival of VanHelsing'stelegram filled me with dismay. A whole night lostand I knowby bitter experience what may happen in a night.Of courseit is possible that all may be wellbut what mayhavehappened? Surely there is some horrible doom hanging over usthat everypossible accident should thwart us in all we try to do.I shalltake this cylinder with meand then I can completemy entryon Lucy's phonograph.
17SeptemberNight.--I write this and leave it to be seenso that noone may by any chance get into trouble through me.This is anexact record of what took place tonight.I feel Iam dying of weaknessand have barely strength to writebut itmust be done if I die in the doing.
I went tobed as usualtaking care that the flowers were placed as Dr. VanHelsingdirectedand soon fell asleep.
I waswaked by the flapping at the windowwhich had begunafter thatsleep-walking on the cliff at Whitby when Minasaved meand which now I know so well. I was not afraidbut I didwish that Dr. Seward was in the next roomas Dr. VanHelsingsaid he would beso that I might have called him.I tried tosleepbut I could not. Then there came to methe oldfear of sleepand I determined to keep awake.Perverselysleep would try to come then when I did not want it.Soas Ifeared to be aloneI opened my door and called out."Isthere anybody there?" There was no answer.I wasafraid to wake motherand so closed my door again.Thenoutside in the shrubbery I heard a sort of howl likea dog'sbut more fierce and deeper. I went to the windowand lookedoutbut could see nothingexcept a big batwhich hadevidently been buffeting its wings against the window.So I wentback to bed againbut determined not to go to sleep.Presentlythe door openedand mother looked in. Seeing by mymovingthat I was not asleepshe came in and sat by me.She saidto me even more sweetly and softly than her wont
"Iwas uneasy about youdarlingand came in to see that youwere allright."
I fearedshe might catch cold sitting thereand asked her to comein andsleep with meso she came into bedand lay down beside me.She didnot take off her dressing gownfor she said she would only staya whileand then go back to her own bed. As she lay there in my armsand I inhers the flapping and buffeting came to the window again.She wasstartled and a little frightenedand cried out"What is that?"
I tried topacify herand at last succeededand she lay quiet.But Icould hear her poor dear heart still beating terribly.After awhile there was the howl again out in the shrubberyandshortly after there was a crash at the windowand a lotof broken glass was hurled on the floor.The windowblind blew back with the wind that rushed inand in theaperture of the broken panes there was the headof agreatgaunt gray wolf.
Mothercried out in a frightand struggled up into a sittingpostureand clutched wildly at anything that would help her.Amongstother thingsshe clutched the wreath of flowers that Dr. VanHelsinginsisted on my wearing round my neckand tore it awayfrom me. For a second or two she sat uppointing at the wolfand therewas a strange and horrible gurgling in her throat.Then shefell overas if struck with lightningand her head hitmyforehead and made me dizzy for a moment or two.
The roomand all round seemed to spin round. I kept my eyes fixedon thewindowbut the wolf drew his head backand a whole myriadof littlespecks seems to come blowing in through the broken windowandwheeling and circling round like the pillar of dust that travellersdescribewhen there is a simoon in the desert. I tried to stirbut therewas some spell upon meand dear Mother's poor bodywhichseemed to grow cold alreadyfor her dear heart had ceasedto beatweighed me downand I remembered no more for a while.
The timedid not seem longbut veryvery awfultill I recoveredconsciousnessagain. Somewhere neara passing bell was tolling.The dogsall round the neighborhood were howlingand inourshrubberyseemingly just outsidea nightingale was singing.I wasdazed and stupid with pain and terror and weaknessbut thesound of the nightingale seemed like the voiceof my deadmother come back to comfort me. The sounds seemedto haveawakened the maidstoofor I could hear their barefeetpattering outside my door. I called to themand theycame inand when they saw what had happenedand what itwas thatlay over me on the bedthey screamed out. The windrushed inthrough the broken windowand the door slammed to.Theylifted off the body of my dear motherand laid hercovered upwith a sheeton the bed after I had got up.They wereall so frightened and nervous that I directed themto go tothe dining room and each have a glass of wine.The doorflew open for an instant and closed again.The maidsshriekedand then went in a body to the dining roomand I laidwhat flowers I had on my dear mother's breast.When theywere there I remembered what Dr. Van Helsinghad toldmebut I didn't like to remove themand besidesI wouldhave some of the servants to sit up with me now.I wassurprised that the maids did not come back.I calledthembut got no answerso I went to the dining roomto lookfor them.
My heartsank when I saw what had happened. They all fourlayhelpless on the floorbreathing heavily. The decanterof sherrywas on the table half fullbut there was a queeracridsmell about. I was suspiciousand examined the decanter.It smeltof laudanumand looking on the sideboardI foundthat the bottle which Mother's doctor uses for her--oh! diduse--was empty. What am I to do? What am I to do?I am backin the room with Mother. I cannot leave herand Iam alonesave for the sleeping servantswhom some one has drugged.Alone withthe dead! I dare not go outfor I can hear the lowhowl ofthe wolf through the broken window.
The airseems full of specksfloating and circling in thedraughtfrom the windowand the lights burn blue and dim.What am Ito do? God shield me from harm this night!I shallhide this paper in my breastwhere they shall findit whenthey come to lay me out. My dear mother gone!It is timethat I go too. Goodbyedear Arthurif I shouldnotsurvive this night. God keep youdearand God help me!
18September.--I drove at once to Hillingham and arrived early.Keeping mycab at the gateI went up the avenue alone.I knockedgently and rang as quietly as possiblefor Ifeared todisturb Lucy or her motherand hoped to only bringa servantto the door. After a whilefinding no responseI knockedand rang againstill no answer. I cursed the lazinessof theservants that they should lie abed at such an hourfor it wasnow ten o'clockand so rang and knocked againbut moreimpatientlybut still without response.Hitherto Ihad blamed only the servantsbut now a terriblefear beganto assail me. Was this desolation but another linkin thechain of doom which seemed drawing tight round us?Was itindeed a house of death to which I had cometoo late?I knowthat minuteseven seconds of delaymight mean hours of dangerto Lucyif she had had again one of those frightful relapsesand I wentround the house to try if I could find by chancean entryanywhere.
I couldfind no means of ingress. Every window and door wasfastenedand lockedand I returned baffled to the porch.As I didsoI heard the rapid pit-pat of a swiftly driven horse's feet.Theystopped at the gateand a few seconds later I met VanHelsingrunning up the avenue. When he saw mehe gasped out"Thenit was youand just arrived. How is she? Are we toolate?Did younot get my telegram?"
I answeredas quickly and coherently as I could that I had only gothistelegram early in the morningand had not a minute in coming hereand that Icould not make any one in the house hear me. He pausedand raisedhis hat as he said solemnly"Then I fear we are too late.God's willbe done!"
With hisusual recuperative energyhe went on"Come.If therebe no way open to get inwe must make one.Time isall in all to us now."
We wentround to the back of the housewhere there was a kitchen window.TheProfessor took a small surgical saw from his caseand handingit to mepointed to the iron bars which guarded the window.I attackedthem at once and had very soon cut through three of them.Then witha longthin knife we pushed back the fastening of the sashesand openedthe window. I helped the Professor inand followed him.There wasno one in the kitchen or in the servants' roomswhich were closeat hand. We tried all the rooms as we went alongand in the dining roomdimly litby rays of light through the shuttersfound four servantwomenlying on the floor. There was no need to think them deadfor theirstertorous breathing and the acrid smell of laudanum in the roomleft nodoubt as to their condition.
VanHelsing and I looked at each otherand as we moved away he said"Wecan attend to them later."Then we ascended to Lucy's room.For aninstant or two we paused at the door to listenbut there wasno soundthat we could hear. With white faces and trembling handswe openedthe door gentlyand entered the room.
How shallI describe what we saw? On the bed lay two womenLucy andher mother. The latter lay farthest inand shewascovered with a white sheetthe edge of which had beenblown backby the drought through the broken windowshowingthe drawnwhitefacewith a look of terror fixed upon it.By herside lay Lucywith face white and still more drawn.Theflowers which had been round her neck we found uponhermother's bosomand her throat was bareshowing the twolittlewounds which we had noticed beforebut lookinghorriblywhite and mangled. Without a word the Professor bentover thebedhis head almost touching poor Lucy's breast.Then hegave a quick turn of his headas of one who listensandleaping to his feethe cried out to me"It is not yettoo late! Quick! Quick! Bring the brandy!"
I flewdownstairs and returned with ittaking care to smell andtaste itlest ittoowere drugged like the decanter of sherrywhich Ifound on the table. The maids were still breathingbut morerestlesslyand I fancied that the narcotic was wearing off.I did notstay to make surebut returned to Van Helsing.He rubbedthe brandyas on another occasionon her lipsand gumsand on her wrists and the palms of her hands.He said tome"I can do thisall that can be at the present.You gowake those maids. Flick them in the face with a wet toweland flickthem hard. Make them get heat and fire and a warm bath.This poorsoul is nearly as cold as that beside her.She willneed be heated before we can do anything more."
I went atonceand found little difficulty in waking three of the women.The fourthwas only a young girland the drug had evidently affectedher morestrongly so I lifted her on the sofa and let her sleep.
The otherswere dazed at firstbut as remembrance cameback tothem they cried and sobbed in a hysterical manner.I wasstern with themhoweverand would not let them talk.I toldthem that one life was bad enough to loseand if theydelayedthey would sacrifice Miss Lucy. Sosobbing andcryingthey went about their wayhalf clad as they wereandprepared fire and water. Fortunatelythe kitchen and boilerfires werestill aliveand there was no lack of hot water.We got abath and carried Lucy out as she was and placed her in it.Whilst wewere busy chafing her limbs there was a knock at the hall door.One of themaids ran offhurried on some more clothesand opened it.Then shereturned and whispered to us that there was a gentlemanwho hadcome with a message from Mr. Holmwood. I bade her simplytell himthat he must waitfor we could see no one now.She wentaway with the messageandengrossed with our workI cleanforgot all about him.
I neversaw in all my experience the Professor work in such deadly earnest.I knewashe knewthat it was a stand-up fight with deathand in apause toldhim so. He answered me in a way that I did not understandbut withthe sternest look that his face could wear.
"Ifthat were allI would stop here where we are nowand let herfade awayinto peacefor I see no light in life over her horizon."He went onwith his work withif possiblerenewed and more frenzied vigour.
Presentlywe both began to be conscious that the heat was beginningto be ofsome effect. Lucy's heart beat a trifle more audiblyto thestethoscopeand her lungs had a perceptible movement.VanHelsing's face almost beamedand as we lifted her fromthe bathand rolled her in a hot sheet to dry her he said to me"Thefirst gain is ours! Check to the King!"
We tookLucy into another roomwhich had by now been preparedand laidher in bed and forced a few drops of brandy down her throat.I noticedthat Van Helsing tied a soft silk handkerchief round her throat.She wasstill unconsciousand was quite as bad asif not worse thanwe hadever seen her.
VanHelsing called in one of the womenand told her to staywith herand not to take her eyes off her till we returnedand thenbeckoned me out of the room.
"Wemust consult as to what is to be done" he said as wedescendedthe stairs. In the hall he opened the dining room doorand wepassed inhe closing the door carefully behind him.Theshutters had been openedbut the blinds were already downwith thatobedience to the etiquette of death which the Britishwoman ofthe lower classes always rigidly observes. The room wasthereforedimly dark. It washoweverlight enough for our purposes.VanHelsing's sternness was somewhat relieved by a look of perplexity.He wasevidently torturing his mind about somethingso I waitedfor aninstantand he spoke.
"Whatare we to do now? Where are we to turn for help?We musthave another transfusion of bloodand that soonor thatpoor girl's life won't be worth an hour's purchase.You areexhausted already. I am exhausted too. I fear to trustthosewomeneven if they would have courage to submit.What arewe to do for some one who will open his veins for her?"
"What'sthe matter with meanyhow?"
The voicecame from the sofa across the roomand its tones brought reliefand joy tomy heartfor they were those of Quincey Morris.
VanHelsing started angrily at the first soundbut his face softenedand a gladlook came into his eyes as I cried out"Quincey Morris!"and rushedtowards him with outstretched hands.
"Whatbrought you her?" I cried as our hands met.
"Iguess Art is the cause."
He handedme a telegram.--`Have not heard from Sewardfor threedaysand am terribly anxious. Cannot leave.Fatherstill in same condition. Send me word how Lucy is.Do notdelay.--Holmwood.'
"Ithink I came just in the nick of time. You know you have onlyto tell mewhat todo."
VanHelsing strode forwardand took his handlooking himstraightin the eyes as he said"A brave man's blood isthe bestthing on this earth when a woman is in trouble.You're aman and no mistake. Wellthe devil may work against usfor allhe's worthbut God sends us men when we want them."
Once againwe went through that ghastly operation.I have notthe heart to go through with the details.Lucy hadgot a terrible shock and it told on her more than beforefor thoughplenty of blood went into her veinsher body didnotrespond to the treatment as well as on the other occasions.Herstruggle back into life was something frightful to see and hear.Howeverthe action of both heart and lungs improvedand VanHelsingmade a sub-cutaneous injection of morphiaas beforeand withgood effect. Her faint became a profound slumber.TheProfessor watched whilst I went downstairs with Quincey Morrisand sentone of the maids to pay off one of the cabmenwho werewaiting.
I leftQuincey lying down after having a glass of wineand toldthe cook to get ready a good breakfast. Then a thoughtstruck meand I went back to the room where Lucy now was.When Icame softly inI found Van Helsing with a sheetor two ofnote paper in his hand. He had evidently read itand wasthinking it over as he sat with his hand to his brow.There wasa look of grim satisfaction in his faceas of onewho hashad a doubt solved. He handed me the paper saying only"Itdropped from Lucy's breast when we carried her to the bath."
When I hadread itI stook looking at the Professorand aftera pauseasked him"In God's namewhat does it all mean?Was sheor is shemador what sort of horrible danger is it?"I was sobewildered that I did not know what to say more.VanHelsing put out his hand and took the papersaying
"Donot trouble about it now. Forget if for the present.You shallknow and understand it all in good timebut it willbe later. And now what is it that you came to me to say?"Thisbrought me back to factand I was all myself again.
"Icame to speak about the certificate of death. If we do not actproperlyand wiselythere may be an inquestand that paper wouldhave to beproduced. I am in hopes that we need have no inquestfor if wehad it would surely kill poor Lucyif nothing else did.I knowand you knowand the other doctor who attended her knowsthat Mrs.Westenra had disease of the heartand we can certifythat shedied of it. Let us fill up the certificate at onceand Ishall takeit myself to the registrar and go on to the undertaker."
"Goodoh my friend John! Well thought of! Truly Miss Lucyifshebe sad inthe foes that beset heris at least happy in the friendsthatloveher. Onetwothreeall open their veins for herbesidesone old man. AhyesI knowfriend John. I am notblind!I love youall the more for it! Now go."
In thehall I met Quincey Morriswith a telegram for Arthur tellinghim thatMrs. Westenra was deadthat Lucy also had been illbut wasnow going on betterand that Van Helsing and I were with her.I told himwhere I was goingand he hurried me outbut as Iwas goingsaid
"Whenyou come backJackmay I have two words with you all to ourselves?"I noddedin reply and went out. I found no difficulty about theregistrationandarranged with the local undertaker to come up in the evening tomeasurefor thecoffin and to make arrangements.
When I gotback Quincey was waiting for me. I told him I wouldsee him assoon as I knew about Lucyand went up to her room.She wasstill sleepingand the Professor seemingly had not movedfrom hisseat at her side. From his putting his finger to his lipsI gatheredthat he expected her to wake before long and was afraidoffore-stalling nature. So I went down to Quincey and took himinto thebreakfast roomwhere the blinds were not drawn downand whichwas a little more cheerfulor rather less cheerlessthan theother rooms.
When wewere alonehe said to me"Jack SewardI don't want to shovemyself inanywhere where I've no right to bebut this is no ordinary case.You know Iloved that girl and wanted to marry herbut although that'sall pastand goneI can't help feeling anxious about her all the same.What is itthat's wrong with her? The Dutchmanand a fine old fellow isisI can seethatsaid that time you two came into the roomthat you musthaveanother transfusion of bloodand that both you and he wereexhausted.Now I knowwell that you medical men speak in cameraand that aman mustnot expect to know what they consult about in private.But thisis no common matterand whatever it isI have done my part.Is notthat so?"
"That'sso" I saidand he went on.
"Itake it that both you and Van Helsing had done already what I didtoday.Is notthat so?"
"AndI guess Art was in it too. When I saw him four daysago downat his own place he looked queer. I have not seenanythingpulled down so quick since I was on the Pampasand had amare that I was fond of go to grass all in a night.One ofthose big bats that they call vampires had got at herin thenightand what with his gorge and the vein left opentherewasn't enough blood in her to let her stand upand Ihad to puta bullet through her as she lay. Jackif you maytell mewithout betraying confidenceArthur was the firstis notthat so?"
As hespoke the poor fellow looked terribly anxious. He was in atortureofsuspense regarding the woman he lovedand his utter ignorance oftheterrible mystery which seemed to surround her intensified his pain.His veryheart was bleedingand it took all the manhood of himand therewas a royal lot of ittooto keep him from breaking down.I pausedbefore answeringfor I felt that I must not betray anythingwhich theProfessor wished kept secretbut already he knew so muchandguessed so muchthat there could be no reason for not answeringso Ianswered in the same phrase.
"Andhow long has this been going on?"
"Aboutten days."
"Tendays! Then I guessJack Sewardthat that poor pretty creaturethat weall love has had put into her veins within that time the bloodof fourstrong men. Man aliveher whole body wouldn't hold it."Thencoming close to mehe spoke in a fierce half-whisper. "Whattook itout?"
I shook myhead. "That" I said"is the crux. VanHelsing is simplyfranticabout itand I am at my wits' end. I can't even hazard aguess.There hasbeen a series of little circumstances which have thrownout allour calculations as to Lucy being properly watched.But theseshall not occur again. Here we stay until all be wellor ill."
Quinceyheld out his hand. "Count me in" he said."Youand the Dutchman will tell me what to doand I'll do it."
When shewoke late in the afternoonLucy's first movement was to feelin herbreastand to my surpriseproduced the paper which VanHelsinghad given me to read. The careful Professor had replacedit whereit had come fromlest on waking she should be alarmed.Her eyesthen lit on Van Helsing and on me tooand gladdened.Then shelooked round the roomand seeing where she wasshuddered.She gave aloud cryand put her poor thin hands before her pale face.
We bothunderstood what was meantthat she had realized to the fullhermother's death. So we tried what we could to comfort her.Doubtlesssympathy eased her somewhatbut she was very low inthoughtand spiritand wept silently and weakly for a long time.We toldher that either or both of us would now remainwith herall the timeand that seemed to comfort her.Towardsdusk she fell into a doze. Here a very odd thing occurred.Whilststill asleep she took the paper from her breast and tore itin two. Van Helsing stepped over and took the pieces from her.All thesamehowevershe went on with the action of tearingas thoughthe material were still in her hands. Finally she liftedher handsand opened them as though scattering the fragments.VanHelsing seemed surprisedand his brows gathered as if in thoughtbut hesaid nothing.
19September.--All last night she slept fitfullybeing alwaysafraid tosleepand something weaker when she woke from it.TheProfessor and I took in turns to watchand we never lefther for amoment unattended. Quincey Morris said nothingabout hisintentionbut I knew that all night long he patrolledround andround the house.
When theday cameits searching light showed the ravages in poorLucy'sstrength. She was hardly able to turn her headand the littlenourishmentwhich she could take seemed to do her no good.At timesshe sleptand both Van Helsing and I noticed the differencein herbetween sleeping and waking. Whilst asleep she lookedstrongeralthough more haggardand her breathing was softer.Her openmouth showed the pale gums drawn back from the teethwhichlooked positively longer and sharper than usual.When shewoke the softness of her eyes evidently changedtheexpressionfor she looked her own selfalthough a dying one.In theafternoon she asked for Arthurand we telegraphed for him.Quinceywent off to meet him at the station.
When hearrived it was nearly six o'clockand the sun was settingfull andwarmand the red light streamed in through the windowand gavemore color to the pale cheeks. When he saw herArthur wassimply choking with emotionand none of us could speak.In thehours that had passedthe fits of sleepor the comatoseconditionthat passed for ithad grown more frequentso thatthe pauses when conversation was possible were shortened.Arthur'spresencehoweverseemed to act as a stimulant.Sherallied a littleand spoke to him more brightly than shehad donesince we arrived. He too pulled himself togetherand spokeas cheerily as he couldso that the best wasmade ofeverything.
It is nownearly one o'clockand he and Van Helsing are sitting with her.I am torelieve them in a quarter of an hourand I am entering thison Lucy'sphonograph. Until six o'clock they are to try to rest.I fearthat tomorrow will end our watchingfor the shock has been toogreat.The poorchild cannot rally. God help us all.
(Unopenedby her)
My dearestLucy
"Itseems an age since I heard from youor indeed since I wrote.You willpardon meI knowfor all my faults when you have readall mybudget of news. WellI got my husband back all right.When wearrived at Exeter there was a carriage waiting for usand in itthough he had an attack of goutMr. Hawkins.He took usto his housewhere there were rooms for usall niceand comfortableand we dined together.Afterdinner Mr. Hawkins said
" `MydearsI want to drink your health and prosperityand may everyblessingattend you both. I know you both from childrenand havewith loveand prideseen you grow up. Now I want you to makeyour homehere with me. I have left to me neither chick nor child.All aregoneand in my will I have left you everything.'I criedLucy dearas Jonathan and the old man clasped hands.Ourevening was a veryvery happy one.
"Sohere we areinstalled in this beautiful old houseand fromboth mybedroom and the drawing room I can see the great elmsof thecathedral closewith their great black stems standingoutagainst the old yellow stone of the cathedraland I can hearthe rooksoverhead cawing and cawing and chattering and chatteringandgossiping all dayafter the manner of rooks--and humans.I am busyI need not tell youarranging things and housekeeping.Jonathanand Mr. Hawkins are busy all dayfor now that Jonathanis apartnerMr. Hawkins wants to tell him all about the clients.
"Howis your dear mother getting on? I wish I could run upto townfor a day or two to see youdearbut Idare not go yetwith somuch on my shouldersand Jonathan wants looking after still.He isbeginning to put some flesh on his bones againbut he wasterribly weakened by the long illness. Even nowhesometimes starts out of his sleep in a sudden way and awakesalltrembling until I can coax him back to his usual placidity.Howeverthank Godthese occasions grow less frequent as the daysgo onandthey will in time pass away altogetherI trust.And now Ihave told you my newslet me ask yours. When are youto bemarriedand whereand who is to perform the ceremonyand whatare you to wearand is it to be a public or private wedding?Tell meall about itdeartell me all about everythingfor thereis nothingwhich interests you which will not be dear to me.Jonathanasks me to send his `respectful duty'but I do not thinkthat isgood enough from the junior partner of the importantfirmHawkins & Harker. And soas you love meand he loves meand I loveyou with all the moods and tenses of the verbI send yousimply his `love' instead. Goodbyemy dearest Lucyandblessings on you." YoursMina Harker
My dearSir:
"Inaccordance with your wishesI enclose reportof theconditions of everything left in my charge.Withregard to patientRenfieldthere is more to say.He has hadanother outbreakwhich might have had a dreadful endingbut whichas it fortunately happenedwas unattended with anyunhappyresults. This afternoon a carrier's cart with two menmade acall at the empty house whose grounds abut on oursthe houseto whichyou will rememberthe patient twice ran away.The menstopped at our gate to ask the porter their wayas theywere strangers.
"Iwas myself looking out of the study windowhaving a smokeafterdinnerand saw one of them come up to the house.As hepassed the window of Renfield's roomthe patientbegan torate him from withinand called him all the foulnames hecould lay his tongue to. The manwho seemeda decentfellow enoughcontented himself by telling himto `shutup for a foul-mouthed beggar'whereon our manaccusedhim of robbing him and wanting to murder him and saidthat hewould hinder him if he were to swing for it.I openedthe window and signed to the man not to noticeso hecontented himself after looking the place over and makingup hismind as to what kind of place he had got to by saying`Lor'bless yersirI wouldn't mind what was said to mein abloomin' madhouse. I pity ye and the guv'nor for havin'to live inthe house with a wild beast like that.'
"Thenhe asked his way civilly enoughand I told himwhere thegate of the empty house was. He went awayfollowedby threats and curses and revilings from our man.I wentdown to see if I could make out any cause for his angersince heis usually such a well-behaved manand excepthisviolent fits nothing of the kind had ever occurred.I foundhimto my astonishmentquite composed and most genialin hismanner. I tried to get him to talk of the incidentbut heblandly asked me questions as to what I meantand ledme tobelieve that he was completely oblivious of the affair.It wasIam sorry to sayhoweveronly another instanceof hiscunningfor within half an hour I heard of him again.This timehe had broken out through the window of his roomand wasrunning down the avenue. I called to the attendantsto followmeand ran after himfor I feared he was intenton somemischief. My fear was justified when I saw the samecart whichhad passed before coming down the roadhaving on itsome greatwooden boxes. The men were wiping their foreheadsand wereflushed in the faceas if with violent exercise.Before Icould get up to himthe patient rushed at themandpulling one of them off the cartbegan to knock his headagainstthe ground. If I had not seized him just at the momentI believehe would have killed the man there and then.The otherfellow jumped down and struck him over the headwith thebutt end of his heavy whip. It was a horrible blowbut he didnot seem to mind itbut seized him alsoand struggledwith thethree of uspulling us to and fro as if we were kittens.You know Iam no lightweightand the others were both burly men.At firsthe was silent in his fightingbut as we began to master himand theattendants were putting a strait waistcoat on himhe beganto shout`I'll frustrate them! They shan't rob me!Theyshan't murder me by inches! I'll fight for my LordandMaster!'and all sorts of similar incoherent ravings.It waswith very considerable difficulty that they gothim backto the house and put him in the padded room.One of theattendantsHardyhad a finger broken.HoweverIset it all rightand he is going on well.
"Thetwo carriers were at first loud in their threats of actionsfordamagesand promised to rain all the penalties of the law on us.Theirthreats werehowevermingled with some sort of indirectapologyfor the defeat of the two of them by a feeble madman.They saidthat if it had not been for the way their strengthhad beenspent in carrying and raising the heavy boxesto thecart they would have made short work of him.They gaveas another reason for their defeat the extraordinarystate ofdrouth to which they had been reduced by the dustynature oftheir occupation and the reprehensible distance fromthe sceneof their labors of any place of public entertainment.I quiteunderstood their driftand after a stiff glassof stronggrogor rather more of the sameand with eachasovereign in handthey made light of the attackand sworethat theywould encounter a worse madman any day for the pleasureof meetingso `bloomin' good a bloke' as your correspondent.I tooktheir names and addressesin case they might be needed.They areas follows: Jack Smolletof Dudding's RentsKingGeorge's RoadGreat Walworthand Thomas SnellingPeterFarley's RowGuide CourtBethnal Green. They are bothin theemployment of Harris & SonsMoving and Shipment CompanyOrangeMaster's YardSoho.
"Ishall report to you any matter of interest occurring hereand shallwire you at once if there is anything of importance.
"Believemedear Sir
"Mydearest Lucy
"Sucha sad blow has befallen us. Mr. Hawkins has died very suddenly.Some maynot think it so sad for usbut we had both come to solove himthat it really seems as though we had lost a father.I neverknew either father or motherso that the dear old man'sdeath is areal blow to me. Jonathan is greatly distressed.It is notonly that he feels sorrowdeep sorrowfor the deargood manwho has befriended him all his lifeand now atthe endhas treated him like his own son and left him a fortunewhich topeople of our modest bringing up is wealth beyondthe dreamof avaricebut Jonathan feels it on another account.He saysthe amount of responsibility which it puts upon him makeshimnervous. He begins to doubt himself. I try to cheer himupand mybelief in him helps him to have a belief in himself.But it ishere that the grave shock that he experienced tells uponhim themost. Ohit is too hard that a sweetsimplenoblestrongnature such as hisa nature which enabled him by our deargoodfriend's aid to rise from clerk to master in a few yearsshould beso injured that the very essence of its strength is gone.Forgivemedearif I worry you with my troubles in the midst of yourownhappinessbut Lucy dearI must tell someonefor the strainof keepingup a brave and cheerful appearance to Jonathan tries meand I haveno one here that I can confide in. I dread coming up to Londonas we mustdo that day after tomorrowfor poor Mr. Hawkins leftin hiswill that he was to be buried in the grave with his father.As thereare no relations at allJonathan will have to be chief mourner.I shalltry to run over to see youdearestif only for a few minutes.Forgive mefor troubling you. With all blessings
20September.--Only resolution and habit can let me make an entrytonight.I am toomiserabletoo low spiritedtoo sick of the worldand all initincluding life itselfthat I would not care if Iheard thismoment the flapping of the wings of the angel of death.And he hasbeen flapping those grim wings to some purpose of lateLucy'smother and Arthur's fatherand now. . . Let me get onwith mywork.
I dulyrelieved Van Helsing in his watch over Lucy.We wantedArthur to go to rest alsobut he refused at first.It wasonly when I told him that we should want him to help usduring thedayand that we must not all break down for wantof restlest Lucy should sufferthat he agreed to go.
VanHelsing was very kind to him. "Comemy child" hesaid."Comewith me. You are sick and weakand have had much sorrow andmuchmentalpainas well as that tax on your strength that we know of.You mustnot be alonefor to be alone is to be full of fears and alarms.Come tothe drawing roomwhere there is a big fireand there are two sofas.You shalllie on oneand I on the otherand our sympathy will be comfortto eachothereven though we do not speakand even if we sleep."
Arthurwent off with himcasting back a longing look on Lucy's facewhich layin her pillowalmost whiter than the lawn.She layquite stilland I looked around the room to see that allwas as itshould be. I could see that the Professor had carriedout inthis roomas in the otherhis purpose of using the garlic.The wholeof the window sashes reeked with itand round Lucy's neckover thesilk handkerchief which Van Helsing made her keep onwas arough chaplet of the same odorous flowers.
Lucy wasbreathing somewhat stertorouslyand her face was at its worstfor theopen mouth showed the pale gums. Her teethin the dimuncertainlightseemed longer and sharper than they had been in the morning.Inparticularby some trick of the lightthe canine teeth lookedlongerandsharper than the rest.
I sat downbeside herand presently she moved uneasily. At the samemomentthere came a sort of dull flapping or buffeting at the window.I wentover to it softlyand peeped out by the corner of the blind.There wasa full moonlightand I could see that the noise was madeby a greatbatwhich wheeled arounddoubtless attracted by the lightalthoughso dimand every now and again struck the window with its wings.When Icame back to my seatI found that Lucy had moved slightlyand hadtorn away the garlic flowers from her throat. I replaced themas well asI couldand sat watching her.
Presentlyshe wokeand I gave her foodas Van Helsinghadprescribed. She took but a littleand that languidly.There didnot seem to be with her now the unconscious strugglefor lifeand strength that had hitherto so marked her illness.It struckme as curious that the moment she becameconsciousshe pressed the garlic flowers close to her.It wascertainly odd that whenever she got into that lethargic statewith thestertorous breathingshe put the flowers from herbut thatwhen she waked she clutched them closeThere was nopossibilityof making amy mistake about thisfor in the longhours thatfollowedshe had many spells of sleeping and wakingandrepeated both actions many times.
At sixo'clock Van Helsing came to relieve me. Arthur hadthenfallen into a dozeand he mercifully let him sleep on.When hesaw Lucy's face I could hear the sissing indraw of breathand hesaid to me in a sharp whisper."Draw up the blind.I wantlight!" Then he bent downandwith his facealmosttouching Lucy'sexamined her carefully. He removedtheflowers and lifted the silk handkerchief from her throat.As he didso he started back and I could hear his ejaculation"MeinGott!" as it was smothered in his throat. I bent overandlookedtooand as I noticed some queer chill came over me.The woundson the throat had absolutely disappeared.
For fullyfive minutes Van Helsing stood looking at herwith hisface atits sternest. Then he turned to me and said calmly"Sheis dying. It will not be long now. It will be muchdifferencemark mewhether she dies conscious or in her sleep.Wake thatpoor boyand let him come and see the last.He trustsusand we have promised him."
I went tothe dining room and waked him. He was dazed for a momentbut whenhe saw the sunlight streaming in through the edgesof theshutters he thought he was lateand expressed his fear.I assuredhim that Lucy was still asleepbut told him as gently as icould thatboth Van Helsing and I feared that the end was near.He coveredhis face with his handsand slid down on hisknees bythe sofawhere he remainedperhaps a minutewith hishead buriedprayingwhilst his shoulders shookwithgrief. I took him by the hand and raised him up."Come"I said"my dear old fellowsummon all your fortitude.It will bebest and easiest for her."
When wecame into Lucy's room I could see that Van Helsing hadwith hisusual forethoughtbeen putting matters straight and makingeverythinglook as pleasing as possible. He had even brushedLucy'shairso that it lay on the pillow in its usual sunny ripples.When wecame into the room she opened her eyesand seeing himwhisperedsoftly"Arthur! Ohmy loveI am so glad you have come!"
He wasstooping to kiss herwhen Van Helsing motioned him back."No"he whispered"not yet! Hold her handit will comfort hermore."
So Arthurtook her hand and knelt beside herand she looked her bestwith allthe soft lines matching the angelic beauty of her eyes.Thengradually her eyes closedand she sank to sleep.For alittle bit her breast heaved softlyand her breath cameand wentlike a tired child's.
And theninsensibly there came the strange change which I had noticedin thenight. Her breathing grew stertorousthe mouth openedand thepale gumsdrawn backmade the teeth look longer and sharper than ever.In a sortof sleep-wakingvagueunconscious way she opened her eyeswhich werenow dull and hard at onceand said in a softvoluptuous voicesuch as Ihad never heard from her lips"Arthur! Ohmy loveI am soglad you have come! Kiss me!"
Arthurbent eagerly over to kiss herbut at that instantVanHelsingwholike mehad been startled by her voiceswoopedupon himand catching him by the neck with both handsdraggedhim back with a fury of strength which I never thoughthe couldhave possessedand actually hurled him almostacross theroom.
"Noton your life!" he said"not for your living soul andhers!"And hestood between them like a lion at bay.
Arthur wasso taken aback that he did not for a moment know what to do or sayand beforeany impulse of violence could seize him he realized the placeand theoccasionand stood silentwaiting.
I kept myeyes fixed on Lucyas did Van Helsingand wesaw aspasm as of rage flit like a shadow over her face.The sharpteeth clamped together. Then her eyes closedand shebreathed heavily.
Veryshortly after she opened her eyes in all their softnessandputting out her poorpalethin handtook Van Helsing'sgreatbrown onedrawing it close to hershe kissed it."Mytrue friend" she saidin a faint voicebut withuntellablepathos"My true friendand his! Ohguard himand giveme peace!"
"Iswear it!" he said solemnlykneeling beside her and holding uphis handas one whoregisters an oath. Then he turned to Arthurand said to him"Comemy childtake her hand in yoursand kiss her on the foreheadand onlyonce."
Their eyesmet instead of their lipsand so they parted.Lucy'seyes closedand Van Helsingwho had been watching closelytookArthur's armand drew him away.
And thenLucy's breathing became stertorous againand all at once it ceased.
"Itis all over" said Van Helsing. "She is dead!"
I tookArthur by the armand led him away to the drawing roomwhere hesat downand covered his face with his handssobbing ina way that nearly broke me down to see.
I wentback to the roomand found Van Helsing looking at poor Lucyand hisface was sterner than eve. Some change had come over her body.Death hadgiven back part of her beautyfor her brow and cheeks had recoveredsome oftheir flowing lines. Even the lips had lost their deadlypallor.It was asif the bloodno longer needed for the working of the hearthad goneto make the harshness of death as little rude as might be.
"Wethought her dying whilst she sleptAnd sleeping when she died."
I stoodbeside Van Helsingand said"Ah wellpoor girlthere ispeace for her at last. It is the end!"
He turnedto meand said with grave solemnity"Not soalas! Notso.It is onlythe beginning!"
When Iasked him what he meanthe only shook his head and answered"Wecan do nothing as yet. Wait and see."
Thefuneral was arranged for the next succeeding dayso thatLucy and her mother might be buried together.I attendedto all the ghastly formalitiesand the urbaneundertakerproved that his staff was afflictedor blessedwithsomething of his own obsequious suavity. Even the womanwhoperformed the last offices for the dead remarked to mein aconfidentialbrother-professional waywhen she had comeout fromthe death chamber
"Shemakes a very beautiful corpsesir. It's quite a privilegeto attendon her. It's not too much to say that she will do creditto ourestablishment!"
I noticedthat Van Helsing never kept far away. This waspossiblefrom the disordered state of things in the household.There wereno relatives at handand as Arthur had to be backthe nextday to attend at his father's funeralwe were unable tonotify anyone who should have been bidden. Under the circumstancesVanHelsing and I took it upon ourselves to examine papersetc.Heinsisted upon looking over Lucy's papers himself.I askedhim whyfor I feared that hebeing a foreignermight notbe quite aware of English legal requirementsand somight in ignorance make some unnecessary trouble.
Heanswered me"I knowI know. You forget that I ama lawyeras well as a doctor. But this is not altogetherfor thelaw. You knew thatwhen you avoided the coroner.I havemore than him to avoid. There may be papers moresuch asthis."
As hespoke he took from his pocket book the memorandum which had beenin Lucy'sbreastand which she had torn in her sleep.
"Whenyou find anything of the solicitor who is for the late Mrs. Westenraseal allher papersand write him tonight. For meI watch here in theroomand inMiss Lucy's old room all nightand I myself search for what may be.It is notwell that her very thoughts go into the hands of strangers."
I went onwith my part of the workand in another half hourhad foundthe name and address of Mrs. Westenra's solicitor andhadwritten to him. All the poor lady's papers were in order.Explicitdirections regarding the place of burial were given.I hadhardly sealed the letterwhento my surpriseVanHelsing walked into the roomsaying
"CanI help you friend John? I am freeand if I maymy serviceis to you."
"Haveyou got what you looked for?" I asked.
To whichhe replied"I did not look for any specific thing.I onlyhoped to findand find I haveall that there wasonly someletters and a few memorandaand a diary new begun.But I havethem hereand we shall for the present say nothing of them.I shallsee that poor lad tomorrow eveningandwith his sanctionI shalluse some."
When wehad finished the work in handhe said to me"And nowfriendJohnI think we may to bed. We want sleepboth you and Iand restto recuperate. Tomorrow we shall have much to dobut forthe tonight there is no need of us. Alas!"
Beforeturning in we went to look at poor Lucy. The undertakerhadcertainly done his work wellfor the room was turned intoa smallchapelle ardente. There was a wilderness of beautifulwhiteflowersand death was made as little repulsive as might be.The end ofthe winding sheet was laid over the face.When theProfessor bent over and turned it gently backwe bothstarted at the beauty before us. The tall waxcandlesshowing a sufficient light to note it well.All Lucy'sloveliness had come back to her in deathand thehours that had passedinstead of leaving traces of`decay'seffacing fingers'had but restored the beauty of lifetillpositively I could not believe my eyes that I was lookingat acorpse.
TheProfessor looked sternly grave. He had not loved heras I hadand there was no need for tears in his eyes.He said tome"Remain till I return" and left the room.He cameback with a handful of wild garlic from the boxwaiting inthe hallbut which had not been openedand placedthe flowers amongst the others on and aroundthe bed. Then he took from his neckinside his collara littlegold crucifixand placed it over the mouth.Herestored the sheet to its placeand we came away.
I wasundressing in my own roomwhenwith a premonitory tap at the doorheenteredand at once began to speak.
"TomorrowI want you to bring mebefore nighta set of post-mortem knives."
"Mustwe make an autopsy?" I asked.
"Yesand no. I want to operatebut not what you think.Let metell you nowbut not a word to another. I want to cutoff herhead and take out her heart. Ah! You a surgeonand soshocked! Youwhom I have seen with no trembleof hand orheartdo operations of life and death that makethe restshudder. Ohbut I must not forgetmy dearfriendJohnthat you loved herand I have not forgottenit for isI that shall operateand you must not help.I wouldlike to do it tonightbut for Arthur I must not.He will befree after his father's funeral tomorrowand he willwant tosee herto see it. Thenwhen she is coffined readyfor thenext dayyou and I shall come when all sleep.We shallunscrew the coffin lidand shall do our operationand thenreplace allso that none knowsave we alone."
"Butwhy do it at all? The girl is dead. Why mutilate her poorbodywithoutneed? And if there is no necessity for a post-mortem andnothing togain byitno good to herto usto scienceto human knowledgewhy do it?Withoutsuch it is monstrous."
For answerhe put his hand on my shoulderand saidwithinfinite tenderness"Friend JohnI pity your poorbleedingheartand I love you the more because it does so bleed.If IcouldI would take on myself the burden that you do bear.But thereare things that you know notbut that you shall knowand blessme for knowingthough they are not pleasant things.Johnmychildyou have been my friend now many yearsand yetdid you ever know me to do any without good cause?I may errI am but manbut I believe in all I do.Was it notfor these causes that you send for me when the greattroublecame? Yes! Were you not amazednay horrifiedwhen Iwould not let Arthur kiss his lovethough she was dyingandsnatched him away by all my strength? Yes! And yet yousaw howshe thanked mewith her so beautiful dying eyesher voicetooso weakand she kiss my rough old hand andbless me? Yes! And did you not hear me swear promise to herthat soshe closed her eyes grateful? Yes!
"WellI have good reason now for all I want to do.You havefor many years trust me. You have believe me weeks pastwhen therebe things so strange that you might have well doubt.Believe meyet a littlefriend John. If you trust me notthen Imust tell what I thinkand that is not perhaps well.And if Iworkas work I shallno matter trust or no trustwithout myfriend trust in meI work with heavy heart and feeloh solonely when I want all help and courage that may be!"He pauseda moment and went on solemnly"Friend Johnthere arestrange and terrible days before us.Let us notbe twobut onethat so we work to a good end.Will younot have faith in me?"
I took hishandand promised him. I held my door open ashe wentawayand watched him go to his room and close the door.As I stoodwithout movingI saw one of the maids pass silentlyalong thepassageshe had her back to meso did not see meand gointo the room where Lucy lay. The sight touched me.Devotionis so rareand we are so grateful to those who show itunasked tothose we love. Here was a poor girl putting asidetheterrors which she naturally had of death to go watch aloneby thebier of the mistress whom she lovedso that the poorclay mightnot be lonely till laid to eternal rest.
I musthave slept long and soundlyfor it was broad daylightwhen VanHelsing waked me by coming into my room. He came overto mybedside and said"You need not trouble about the knives.We shallnot do it."
"Whynot?" I asked. For his solemnity of the night beforehadgreatly impressed me.
"Because"he said sternly"it is too lateor too early. See!" Here heheld upthe little golden crucifix.
"Thiswas stolen in the night."
"Howstolen"I asked in wonder"since you have it now?"
"BecauseI get it back from the worthless wretch who stole itfrom thewoman who robbed the dead and the living.Herpunishment will surely comebut not through me.She knewnot altogether what she didand thus unknowingshe onlystole. Now we must wait." He went away on the wordleaving mewith a new mystery to think ofa new puzzleto grapplewith.
Theforenoon was a dreary timebut at noon the solicitor cameMr.Marquandof WholemanSonsMarquand & Lidderdale.He wasvery genial and very appreciative of what we had doneand tookoff our hands all cares as to details. During lunchhe told usthat Mrs. Westenra had for some time expected suddendeath fromher heartand had put her affairs in absolute order.Heinformed us thatwith the exception of a certain entailedpropertyof Lucy's father which nowin default of direct issuewent backto a distant branch of the familythe whole estatereal andpersonalwas left absolutely to Arthur Holmwood.When hehad told us so much he went on
"Franklywe did our best to prevent such a testamentary dispositionandpointed out certain contingencies that might leave herdaughtereither penniless or not so free as she should be to actregardinga matrimonial alliance. Indeedwe pressed the matterso farthat we almost came into collisionfor she asked usif we wereor were not prepared to carry out her wishes.Of coursewe had then no alternative but to accept.We wereright in principleand ninety-nine times out ofa hundredwe should have provedby the logic of eventstheaccuracy of our judgment.
"FranklyhoweverI must admit that in this case any other form ofdispositionwould have rendered impossible the carrying out of her wishes.For by herpredeceasing her daughter the latter would have come intopossessionof the propertyandeven had she only survived her motherby fiveminutesher property wouldin case there were no willand a willwas a practical impossibility in such a casehave beentreated ather decease as under intestacy. In which case Lord Godalmingthough sodear a friendwould have had no claim in the world.And theinheritorsbeing remotewould not be likely to abandon theirjustrightsfor sentimental reasons regarding an entire stranger.I assureyoumy dear sirsI am rejoiced at the resultperfectly rejoiced."
He was agood fellowbut his rejoicing at the one little partin whichhe was officially interestedof so great a tragedywas anobject-lesson in the limitations of sympathetic understanding.
He did notremain longbut said he would look in later in the dayand seeLord Godalming. His cominghoweverhad been a certaincomfort toussince it assured us that we should not have to dreadhostilecriticism as to any of our acts. Arthur was expected at fiveo'clockso a little before that time we visited the death chamber.It was soin very truthfor now both mother and daughter lay in it.Theundertakertrue to his crafthad made the best display he couldof hisgoodsand there was a mortuary air about the place that loweredourspirits at once.
VanHelsing ordered the former arrangement to be adhered toexplainingthatas Lord Godalming was coming very soonit wouldbe less harrowing to his feelings to see all that wasleft ofhis fiancee quite alone.
Theundertaker seemed shocked at his own stupidity and exertedhimself torestore things to the condition in which we leftthem thenight beforeso that when Arthur came such shocksto hisfeelings as we could avoid were saved.
Poorfellow! He looked desperately sad and broken. Even hisstalwart manhoodseemed tohave shrunk somewhat under the strain of his much-tried emotions.He hadIknewbeen very genuinely and devotedly attached to his fatherand tolose himand at such a timewas a bitter blow to him.With me hewas warm as everand to Van Helsing he was sweetly courteous.But Icould not help seeing that there was some constraint with him.Theprofessor noticed it tooand motioned me to bring him upstairs.I did soand left him at the door of the roomas I felt he would like tobe quitealone with herbut he took my arm and led me insaying huskily
"Youloved her tooold fellow. She told me all about itand therewas no friend had a closer place in her heart than you.I don'tknow how to thank you for all you have done for her.I can'tthink yet. . ."
Here hesuddenly broke downand threw his arms round my shoulders and laidhis headon my breastcrying"OhJack! Jack! What shall Ido?The wholeof life seems gone from me all at onceand there is nothingin thewide world for me to live for."
Icomforted him as well as I could. In such cases men do not needmuchexpression. A grip of the handthe tightening of an armover theshouldera sob in unisonare expressions of sympathy dearto a man'sheart. I stood still and silent till his sobs died awayand then Isaid softly to him"Come and look at her."
Togetherwe moved over to the bedand I liftedthe lawnfrom her face. God! How beautiful she was.Every hourseemed to be enhancing her loveliness.Itfrightened and amazed me somewhat. And as for Arthurhe felltotremblingand finally was shaken with doubt as with an ague.At lastafter a long pausehe said to me in a faint whisper"Jackis she really dead?"
I assuredhim sadly that it was soand went on to suggestfor I feltthat sucha horrible doubt should not have life for a moment longer than Icouldhelpthat it often happened that after death faces become softenedand evenresolved into their youthful beautythat this was especiallyso whendeath had been preceded by any acute or prolonged suffering.I seemedto quite do away with any doubtand after kneeling beside the couchfor awhile and looking at her lovingly and longhe turned aside.I told himthat that must be goodbyeas the coffin had to be preparedso he wentback and took her dead hand in his and kissed itand bentover andkissed her forehead. He came awayfondly looking back overhisshoulder at her as he came.
I left himin the drawing roomand told Van Helsing that he had said goodbyeso thelatter went to the kitchen to tell the undertaker's men to proceedwiththepreperations and to screw up the coffin. When he came out ofthe roomagain Itold him of Arthur's questionand he replied"I am notsurprised.Just now Idoubted for a moment myself!"
We alldined togetherand I could see that poor Art was tryingto makethe best of things. Van Helsing had been silent alldinnertimebut when we had lit our cigars he said"Lord.. .butArthur interrupted him.
"Nononot thatfor God's sake! Not yet at any rate.Forgivemesir. I did not mean to speak offensively.It is onlybecause my loss is so recent."
TheProfessor answered very sweetly"I only used that namebecause Iwas in doubt. I must not call you `Mr.' and I havegrown tolove youyesmy dear boyto love youas Arthur."
Arthurheld out his handand took the old man's warmly."Callme what you will" he said. "I hope I may always havethe titleof a friend. And let me say that I am at a lossfor wordsto thank you for your goodness to my poor dear."He pauseda momentand went on"I know that she understoodyourgoodness even better than I do. And if I was rude or inany waywanting at that time you acted soyou remember"--theProfessor nodded--"You must forgive me."
Heanswered with a grave kindness"I know it was hard for you toquitetrust me thenfor to trust such violence needs to understandand I takeit that you do notthat you cannottrust me nowfor youdo not yetunderstand. And there may be more times when I shall wantyou totrust when you cannotand may notand must not yet understand.But thetime will come when your trust shall be whole and complete in meand whenyou shall understand as though the sunlight himself shone through.Then youshall bless me from first to last for your own sakeand forthe sakeof othersand for her dear sake to whom I swore to protect."
"Andindeedindeedsir" said Arthur warmly. "I shallin allways trust you. I know and believe you have a verynobleheartand you are Jack's friendand you were hers.You shalldo what you like."
TheProfessor cleared his throat a couple of timesas though about tospeakandfinally said"May I ask you something now?"
"Youknow that Mrs. Westenra left you all her property?"
"Nopoor dear. I never thought of it."
"Andas it is all yoursyou have a right to deal with it as you will.I want youto give me permission to read all Miss Lucy's papers and letters.Believemeit is no idle curiosity. I have a motive of whichbe sureshe wouldhave approved. I have them all here. I took them beforeweknew thatall was yoursso that no strange hand might touch themno strangeeye look through words into her soul. I shall keep themif I may. Even you may not see them yetbut I shall keep them safe.No wordshall be lostand in the good time I shall give them back to you.It is ahard thing that I askbut you will do itwill you notfor Lucy'ssake?"
Arthurspoke out heartilylike his old self"Dr. Van Helsingyou may dowhat you will. I feel that in saying this I am doingwhat mydear one would have approved. I shall not trouble youwithquestions till the time comes."
The oldProfessor stood up as he said solemnly"And you are right.There willbe pain for us allbut it will not be all painnor willthis painbe the last. We and you tooyou most of alldear boywill haveto pass through the bitter water before we reach the sweet.But wemust be brave of heart and unselfishand do our dutyand allwill be well!"
I slept ona sofa in Arthur's room that night. Van Helsing did notgo to bedat all. He went to and froas if patroling the houseand wasnever out of sight of the room where Lucy lay in her coffinstrewnwith the wild garlic flowerswhich sent through the odorof lilyand rosea heavyoverpowering smell into the night.
22September.--In the train to Exeter. Jonathan sleeping.It seemsonly yesterday that the last entry was madeand yethow muchbetween thenin Whitby and all the world before meJonathanaway and no news of himand nowmarried to JonathanJonathan asolicitora partnerrichmaster of his businessMr.Hawkins dead and buriedand Jonathan with another attackthat mayharm him. Some day he may ask me about it.Down itall goes. I am rusty in my shorthandsee what unexpectedprosperitydoes for usso it may be as well to freshen it upagain withan exercise anyhow.
Theservice was very simple and very solemn. There were onlyourselvesand the servants thereone or two old friends of hisfromExeterhis London agentand a gentleman representing SirJohnPaxtonthe President of the Incorporated Law Society.Jonathanand I stood hand in handand we felt that our bestanddearest friend was gone from us.
We cameback to town quietlytaking a bus to Hyde Park Corner.Jonathanthought it would interest me to go into the Row fora whileso we sat down. But there were very few people thereand it wassad-looking and desolate to see so many empty chairs.It made usthink of the empty chair at home. So we got upand walkeddown Piccadilly. Jonathan was holding me by the armthe way heused to in the old days before I went to school.I felt itvery improperfor you can't go on for some yearsteachingetiquette and decorum to other girls without the pedantryof itbiting into yourself a bit. But it was Jonathanand he wasmy husbandand we didn't know anybody who saw usand wedidn't care if they didso on we walked.I waslooking at a very beautiful girlin a big cart-wheel hatsitting ina victoria outside Guiliano'swhen I felt Jonathanclutch myarm so tight that he hurt meand he said underhisbreath"My God!"
I amalways anxious about Jonathanfor I fear that somenervousfit may upset him again. So I turned to him quicklyand askedhim what it was that disturbed him.
He wasvery paleand his eyes seemed bulging out ashalf interror andhalf in amazementhe gazed at a tallthin manwith abeaky nose and black moustache and pointed beardwho wasalsoobserving the pretty girl. He was looking at her so hardthat hedid not see either of usand so I had a good view of him.His facewas not a good face. It was hardand cruelandsensualand big white teeththat looked all the whiterbecausehis lips were so redwere pointed like an animal's.Jonathankept staring at himtill I was afraid he would notice.I fearedhe might take it illhe looked so fierce and nasty.I askedJonathan why he was disturbedand he answeredevidentlythinking that I knew as much about it as he did"Doyou see who it is?"
"Nodear" I said. "I don't know himwho is it?"His answerseemed to shock and thrill mefor it was said as ifhe did notknow that it was meMinato whom he was speaking."Itis the man himself!"
The poordear was evidently terrified at somethingvery greatly terrified.I dobelieve that if he had not had me to lean on and to support himhe wouldhave sunk down. He kept staring. A man came out of theshopwith asmall parceland gave it to the ladywho then drove off.Th e darkman kept his eyes fixed on herand when the carriage movedupPiccadilly he followed in the same directionand hailed a hansom.Jonathankept looking after himand saidas if to himself
"Ibelieve it is the Countbut he has grown young. My Godifthisbe so! Ohmy God! My God! If only I knew! If only Iknew!"He wasdistressing himself so much that I feared to keep his mindon thesubject by asking him any questionsso I remained silent.I drewaway quietlyand heholding my armcame easily.We walkeda little furtherand then went in and sat fora while inthe Green Park. It was a hot day for autumnand therewas a comfortable seat in a shady place.After afew minutes' staring at nothingJonathan's eyes closedand hewent quickly into a sleepwith his head on my shoulder.I thoughtit was the best thing for himso did not disturb him.In abouttwenty minutes he woke upand said to me quite cheerfully
"WhyMinahave I been asleep! Ohdo forgive me for being so rude.Comeandwe'll have a cup of tea somewhere."
He hadevidently forgotten all about the dark strangeras in hisillness he had forgotten all that this episode hadremindedhim of. I don't like this lapsing into forgetfulness.It maymake or continue some injury to the brain.I must notask himfor fear I shall do more harm than goodbut I mustsomehow learn the facts of his journey abroad.The timeis comeI fearwhen I must open the parceland knowwhat is written. OhJonathanyou willI knowforgive meif I do wrongbut it is for your own dear sake.
Later.--Asad homecoming in every waythe house emptyof thedear soul who was so good to us. Jonathan stillpale anddizzy under a slight relapse of his maladyand now atelegram from Van Helsingwhoever he may be."Youwill be grieved to hear that Mrs. Westenra died fivedays agoand that Lucy died the day before yesterday.They wereboth buried today."
Ohwhat awealth of sorrow in a few words! Poor Mrs. Westenra!PoorLucy! Gonegonenever to return to us! And poorpoorArthurto have lost such a sweetness out of his life!God helpus all to bear our troubles.
22September.--It is all over. Arthur has gone back to Ringand hastaken Quincey Morris with him. What a fine fellowisQuincey! I believe in my heart of hearts that he sufferedas muchabout Lucy's death as any of usbut he bore himselfthrough itlike a moral Viking. If America can go on breedingmen likethatshe will be a power in the world indeed.VanHelsing is lying downhaving a rest preparatory to his journey.He goes toAmsterdam tonightbut says he returns tomorrow nightthat heonly wants to make some arrangements which can onlybe madepersonally. He is to stop with me thenif he can.He says hehas work to do in London which may take him some time.Poor oldfellow! I fear that the strain of the past week hasbrokendown even his iron strength. All the time of the burialhe wasIcould seeputting some terrible restraint on himself.When itwas all overwe were standing beside Arthurwhopoorfellowwas speaking of his part in the operationwhere hisblood had been transfused to his Lucy's veins.I couldsee Van Helsing's face grow white and purple by turns.Arthur wassaying that he felt since then as if they two had beenreallymarriedand that she was his wife in the sight of God.None of ussaid a word of the other operationsand noneof us evershall. Arthur and Quincey went away togetherto thestationand Van Helsing and I came on here.The momentwe were alone in the carriage he gave way to aregularfit of hysterics. He has denied to me since that itwashystericsand insisted that it was only his senseof humorasserting itself under very terrible conditions.He laughedtill he criedand I had to draw down the blindslest anyone should see us and misjudge. And then he criedtill helaughed againand laughed and cried togetherjust as awoman does. I tried to be stern with himas oneis to awoman under the circumstancesbut it had no effect.Men andwomen are so different in manifestations of nervousstrengthor weakness! Then when his face grew grave and sternagain Iasked him why his mirthand why at such a time.His replywas in a way characteristic of himfor it was logicalandforceful and mysterious. He said
"Ahyou don't comprehendfriend John. Do not think that I amnot sadthough I laugh. SeeI have cried even when the laughdid chokeme. But no more think that I am all sorry when I cryfor thelaugh he come just the same. Keep it always with youthatlaughter who knock at your door and say`May I come in?'is nottrue laughter. No! He is a kingand he come when and howhe like. He ask no personhe choose no time of suitability.He say`Iam here.' Beholdin example I grieve my heartout forthat so sweet young girl. I give my blood for herthough Iam old and worn. I give my timemy skillmy sleep.I let myother sufferers want that she may have all.And yet Ican laugh at her very gravelaugh when the clay fromthe spadeof the sexton drop upon her coffin and say `Thudthud!'to myhearttill it send back the blood from my cheek.My heartbleed for that poor boythat dear boyso ofthe age ofmine own boy had I been so blessed that he liveand withhis hair and eyes the same.
"Thereyou know now why I love him so. And yet whenhe saythings that touch my husband-heart to the quickand makemy father-heart yearn to him as to no other mannot evenyoufriend Johnfor we are more level in experiencesthanfather and sonyet even at such a moment King Laughhe come tome and shout and bellow in my ear`Here I am!Here Iam!' till the blood come dance back and bringsome ofthe sunshine that he carry with him to my cheek.OhfriendJohnit is a strange worlda sad worlda worldfull ofmiseriesand woesand troubles. And yet when KingLaughcomehe make them all dance to the tune he play.Bleedingheartsand dry bones of the churchyardand tears thatburn asthey fallall dance together to the music that he makewith thatsmileless mouth of him. And believe mefriend Johnthat he isgood to comeand kind. Ahwe men and women arelike ropesdrawn tight with strain that pull us different ways.Then tearscomeand like the rain on the ropesthey brace us upuntilperhaps the strain become too greatand we break.But KingLaugh he come like the sunshineand he ease offthe strainagainand we bear to go on with our laborwhat itmay be."
I did notlike to wound him by pretending not to see his ideabut as Idid not yet understand the cause of his laughterI asked him.As heanswered me his face grew sternand he said in quiteadifferent tone
"Ohit was the grim irony of it allthis so lovely lady garlandedwithflowersthat looked so fair as lifetill one by one wewonderedif she were truly deadshe laid in that so fine marblehouse inthat lonely churchyardwhere rest so many of her kinlaid therewith the mother who loved herand whom she lovedand thatsacred bell going "Toll! Toll! Toll!' so sad andslowand thoseholy menwith the white garments of the angelpretendingto read booksand yet all the time their eyes never onthe pageand all of us with the bowed head. And all for what?She isdeadso! Is it not?"
"Wellfor the life of meProfessor" I said"I can't seeanythingto laugh at in all that. Whyyour expression makesit aharder puzzle than before. But even if the burialservicewas comicwhat about poor Art and his trouble?Why hisheart was simply breaking."
"Justso. Said he not that the transfusion of his blood to her veinshad madeher truly his bride?"
"Yesand it was a sweet and comforting idea for him."
"Quiteso. But there was a difficultyfriend John.If sothatthen what about the others? Hoho! Then this sosweetmaid is apolyandristand mewith my poor wife dead to mebut aliveby Church's lawthough no witsall goneeven Iwho amfaithful husband to this now-no-wifeam bigamist."
"Idon't see where the joke comes in there either!" I saidand Idid notfeel particularly pleased with him for saying such things.He laidhis hand on my armand said
"FriendJohnforgive me if I pain. I showed not my feeling to otherswhen itwould woundbut only to youmy old friendwhom I can trust.If youcould have looked into my heart then when I want to laughif youcould have done so when the laugh arrivedif you could do so nowwhen KingLaugh have pack up his crownand all that is to himfor he gofarfar away from meand for a longlong timemaybe youwouldperhaps pity me the most of all."
I wastouched by the tenderness of his toneand asked why.
"BecauseI know!"
And now weare all scatteredand for many a long day loneliness will sitover ourroofs with brooding wings. Lucy lies in the tomb of her kina lordlydeath house in a lonely churchyardaway from teeming Londonwhere theair is freshand the sun rises over Hampstead Hilland wherewild flowers grow of their own accord.
So I canfinish this diaryand God only knows if I shall ever begin another.If I door if I even open this againit will be to deal with differentpeople anddifferent themesfor here at the endwhere the romance of my lifeis toldere I go back to take up the thread of my life-workI say sadlyandwithout hope"FINIS".
Theneighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercisedwith aseries of events which seem to run on lines parallelto thoseof what was known to the writers of headlinesand "TheKensington Horror" or "The Stabbing Woman"or "TheWoman in Black." During the past two or three daysseveralcases have occurred of young children straying fromhome orneglecting to return from their playing on the Heath.In allthese cases the children were too young to give anyproperlyintelligible account of themselvesbut the consensusof theirexcuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady."It hasalways been late in the evening when they havebeenmissedand on two occasions the children havenot beenfound until early in the following morning.It isgenerally supposed in the neighborhood thatas thefirst child missed gave as his reason for being awaythat a"bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walkthe othershad picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served.This isthe more natural as the favorite game of the littleones atpresent is luring each other away by wiles.Acorrespondent writes us that to see some of the tiny totspretendingto be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny.Some ofour caricaturists mighthe saystake a lesson inthe ironyof grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture.It is onlyin accordance with general principles of humannaturethat the "bloofer lady" should be the popular roleat theseal fresco performances. Our correspondent naivelysays thateven Ellen Terry could not be so winningly attractiveas some ofthese grubby-faced little children pretendand evenimagine themselvesto be.
There ishoweverpossibly a serious side to the questionfor someof the childrenindeed all who have been missedat nighthave been slightly torn or wounded in the throat.The woundsseem such as might be made by a rat or a small dogandalthough of not much importance individuallywould tendto showthat whatever animal inflicts them has a systemor methodof its own. The police of the division have beeninstructedto keep a sharp lookout for straying childrenespeciallywhen very youngin and around Hampstead Heathand forany stray dog which may be about.
We havejust received intelligence that another childmissedlast nightwas only discovered late in the morningunder afurze bush at the Shooter's Hill side of Hampstead Heathwhich isperhapsless frequented than the other parts.It has thesame tiny wound in the throat as has been noticedin othercases. It was terribly weakand looked quite emaciated.It toowhen partially restoredhad the common story to tellof beinglured away by the "bloofer lady".
23September.--Jonathan is better after a bad night.I am soglad that he has plenty of work to dofor that keepshis mindoff the terrible thingsand ohI am rejoiced that he isnot nowweighed down with the responsibility of his new position.I knew hewould be true to himselfand now how proud I am to seemyJonathan rising to the height of his advancement and keepingpace inall ways with the duties that come upon him. He will beaway allday till latefor he said he could not lunch at home.Myhousehold work is doneso I shall take his foreign journaland lockmyself up in my room and read it.
24September.--I hadn't the heart to write last nightthatterrible record of Jonathan's upset me so. Poor dear!How hemust have sufferedwhether it be true or only imagination.I wonderif there is any truth in it at all. Did he gethis brainfeverand then write all those terrible thingsor had hesome cause for it all? I suppose I shall never knowfor I darenot open the subject to him. And yet that man wesawyesterday! He seemed quite certain of himpoor fellow!I supposeit was the funeral upset him and sent his mind backon sometrain of thought.
Hebelieves it all himself. I remember how on our weddingday hesaid "Unless some solemn duty come upon me to goback tothe bitter hoursasleep or awakemad or sane.. ."There seems to be through it all some thread of continuity.Thatfearful Count was coming to London. If it should beand hecame to Londonwith its teeming millions. . .There maybe asolemn dutyand if it come we must not shrink from it.I shall beprepared. I shall get my typewriter this very hourand begintranscribing. Then we shall be ready for other eyesifrequired. And if it be wantedthenperhapsif I am readypoorJonathan may not be upsetfor I can speak for himand neverlet him be troubled or worried with it at all.If everJonathan quite gets over the nervousness he may wantto tell meof it alland I can ask him questions and findoutthingsand see how I may comfort him.
"Ipray you to pardon my writingin that I am so far friendas that Isent to you sad news of Miss Lucy Westenra's death.By thekindness of Lord GodalmingI am empowered to read herlettersand papersfor I am deeply concerned about certainmattersvitally important. In them I find some letters from youwhich showhow great friends you were and how you love her.OhMadamMinaby that loveI implore youhelp me.It is forothers' good that I askto redress great wrongand tolift much and terrible troublesthat may be more greatthan youcan know. May it be that I see you? You can trust me.I amfriend of Dr. John Seward and of Lord Godalming(that wasArthur of Miss Lucy). I must keep it private forthepresent from all. I should come to Exeter to see you at onceif youtell me I am privilege to comeand where and when.I imploreyour pardonMadam. I have read your letters to poor Lucyand knowhow good you are and how your husband suffer.So I prayyouif it may beenlighten him notleast it may harm.Again yourpardonand forgive me.
25September.--Come today by quarter past ten train if you can catch it.Can seeyou any time you call. "WILHELMINA HARKER"
25September.--I cannot help feeling terribly excited as the timedraws nearfor the visit of Dr. Van Helsingfor somehow I expectthat itwill throw some light upon Jonathan's sad experienceand as heattended poor dear Lucy in her last illnesshe cantell meall about her. That is the reason of his coming.It isconcerning Lucy and her sleep-walkingand not about Jonathan.Then Ishall never know the real truth now! How silly I am.That awfuljournal gets hold of my imagination and tingeseverythingwith something of its own color. Of course itis aboutLucy. That habit came back to the poor dearand thatawful night on the cliff must have made her ill.I hadalmost forgotten in my own affairs how ill she was afterwards.She musthave told him of her sleep-walking adventure onthe cliffand that I knew all about itand now he wantsme to tellhim what I knowso that he may understand.I hope Idid right in not saying anything of it to Mrs. Westenra.I shouldnever forgive myself if any act of minewere iteven anegative onebrought harm on poor dear Lucy.I hopetooDr. Van Helsing will not blame me.I have hadso much trouble and anxiety of late that I feel Icannotbear more just at present.
I supposea cry does us all good at timesclears the air asother raindoes. Perhaps it was reading the journal yesterdaythat upsetmeand then Jonathan went away this morning to stayaway fromme a whole day and nightthe first time we have beenpartedsince our marriage. I do hope the dear fellow will takecare ofhimselfand that nothing will occur to upset him.It is twoo'clockand the doctor will be here soon now.I shallsay nothing of Jonathan's journal unless he asks me.I am soglad I have typewritten out my own journalso thatin case he asks about LucyI can hand it to him.It willsave much questioning.
Later.--Hehas come and gone. Ohwhat a strange meetingand how itall makes my head whirl round. I feel like onein adream. Can it be all possibleor even a part of it?If I hadnot read Jonathan's journal firstI should neverhaveaccepted even a possibility. Poorpoordear Jonathan!How hemust have suffered. Please the good Godall thismay notupset him again. I shall try to save him from it.But it maybe even a consolation and a help to himterriblethough it be and awful in its consequencesto knowfor certain that his eyes and ears and brain didnotdeceive himand that it is all true. It may be that itis thedoubt which haunts himthat when the doubt is removedno matterwhichwaking or dreamingmay prove the truthhe will bemore satisfied and better able to bear the shock.Dr. VanHelsing must be a good man as well as a clever oneif he isArthur's friend and Dr. Seward'sand if they broughthim allthe way from Holland to look after Lucy. I feel fromhavingseen him that he is good and kind and of a noble nature.When hecomes tomorrow I shall ask him about Jonathan. And thenpleaseGodall this sorrow and anxiety may lead to a good end.I used tothink I would like to practice interviewing.Jonathan'sfriend on "The Exeter News" told him that memoryiseverything in such workthat you must be able to putdownexactly almost every word spokeneven if you had torefinesome of it afterwards. Here was a rare interview.I shalltry to record it verbatim.
It washalf-past two o'clock when the knock came.I took mycourage a deux mains and waited. In a few minutesMaryopened the doorand announced "Dr. Van Helsing".
I rose andbowedand he came towards mea man of medium weightstronglybuiltwith his shoulders set back over a broaddeep chestand a neckwell balanced on the trunk as the head is on the neck.The poiseof the head strikes me at once as indicative of thought and power.The headis noblewell-sizedbroadand large behind the ears.The faceclean-shavenshows a hardsquare china large resolutemobilemoutha good-sized noserather straightbut with quicksensitivenostrilsthat seem to broaden as the big bushy brows come downand themouth tightens. The forehead is broad and finerising at firstalmoststraight and then sloping back above two bumps or ridges wide apartsuch aforehead that the reddish hair cannot possibly tumble over itbut fallsnaturally back and to the sides. Bigdark blue eyes are setwidelyapartand are quick and tender or stern with the man's moods.He said tome
"Mrs.Harkeris it not?" I bowed assent.
"Thatwas Miss Mina Murray?" Again I assented.
"Itis Mina Murray that I came to see that was friend of that poor dearchildLucyWestenra. Madam Minait is on account of the dead that Icome."
"Sir"I said"you could have no better claim on me than that youwere afriend and helper of Lucy Westenra."And I held out my hand.He took itand said tenderly
"OhMadam MinaI know that the friend of that poor little girl must begoodbut I hadyet to learn. . ." He finished his speech with a courtlybow.I askedhim what it was that he wanted to see me aboutso he at once began.
"Ihave read your letters to Miss Lucy. Forgive mebut Ihad tobegin to inquire somewhereand there was none to ask.I knowthat you were with her at Whitby. She sometimeskept adiaryyou need not look surprisedMadam Mina.It wasbegun after you had leftand was an imitation of youand inthat diary she traces by inference certain thingsto asleep-walking in which she puts down that you saved her.In greatperplexity then I come to youand ask you out of yourso muchkindness to tell me all of it that you can remember."
"Ican tell youI thinkDr. Van Helsingall about it."
"Ahthen you have good memory for factsfor details?It is notalways so with young ladies."
"Nodoctorbut I wrote it all down at the time.I can showit to you if you like."
"OhMadam MinaI well be grateful. You will do me much favor."
I couldnot resist the temptation of mystifying him a bitI supposeit is some taste of the original apple that remainsstill inour mouthsso I handed him the shorthand diary.He took itwith a grateful bowand said"May I read it?"
"Ifyou wish" I answered as demurely as I could.He openeditand for an instant his face fell.Then hestood up and bowed.
"Ohyou so clever woman!" he said. "I knew long that Mr.Jonathan wasa man ofmuch thankfulnessbut seehis wife have all the good things.And willyou not so much honor me and so help me as to read itfor me? Alas! I know not the shorthand."
By thistime my little joke was overand I was almost ashamed.So I tookthe typewritten copy from my work basket and handedit to him.
"Forgiveme" I said. "I could not help itbut I had beenthinkingthat it was of dear Lucy that you wished to askand sothat you might not have time to waitnot on my accountbutbecause I know your time must be preciousI have writtenit out onthe typewriter for you."
He took itand his eyes glistened. "You are so good" he said."Andmay I read it now? I may want to ask you some thingswhen Ihave read."
"Byall means" I said. "read it over whilst I orderlunchand thenyou can ask me questions whilst we eat."
He bowedand settled himself in a chair with his back to the lightand becameso absorbed in the paperswhilst I went to seeafterlunch chiefly in order that he might not be disturbed.When Icame backI found him walking hurriedly upand downthe roomhis face all ablaze with excitement.He rushedup to me and took me by both hands.
"OhMadam Mina" he said"how can I say what I owe to you? This paperis assunshine. It opens the gate to me. I am dazedI amdazzledwith somuch lightand yet clouds roll in behind the light every time.But thatyou do notcannot comprehend. Ohbut I am grateful to youyou soclever woman. Madame" he said this very solemnly"ifever AbrahamVanHelsing can do anything for you or yoursI trust you will let meknow.It will bepleasure and delight if I may serve you as a friendas a friendbut all Ihave ever learnedall I can ever doshall be for you andthose youlove. There are darknesses in lifeand there are lights.You areone of the lights. You will have a happy life and a good lifeand yourhusband will be blessed in you."
"Butdoctoryou praise me too muchand you do not know me."
"Notknow youIwho am oldand who have studied all mylife menand womenI who have made my specialty the brainand allthat belongs to him and all that follow from him!And I haveread your diary that you have so goodly written for meand whichbreathes out truth in every line. Iwho have readyour sosweet letter to poor Lucy of your marriage and your trustnot knowyou! OhMadam Minagood women tell all their livesand by dayand by hour and by minutesuch things that angelscan read. And we men who wish to know have in us somethingof angels'eyes. Your husband is noble natureand you are noble toofor youtrustand trust cannot be where there is mean nature.And yourhusbandtell me of him. Is he quite well?Is allthat fever goneand is he strong and hearty?"
I saw herean opening to ask him about Jonathanso I said"Hewas almost recoveredbut he has been greatly upsetby Mr.Hawkins death."
Heinterrupted"Ohyes. I know. I know. I havereadyour lasttwo letters."
I went on"I suppose this upset himfor when we were in town on Thursdaylast hehad a sort of shock."
"Ashockand after brain fever so soon! That is not good.What kindof shock was it?"
"Hethought he saw some one who recalled something terriblesomethingwhich led to his brain fever." And here the whole thingseemed tooverwhelm me in a rush. The pity for Jonathanthe horrorwhich heexperiencedthe whole fearful mystery of his diaryand the fearthat hasbeen brooding over me ever sinceall came in a tumult.I supposeI was hystericalfor I threw myself on my knees and heldup myhands to himand implored him to make my husband well again.He took myhands and raised me upand made me sit on the sofaand sat byme. He held my hand in hisand said to me withohsuchinfinite sweetness
"Mylife is a barren and lonely oneand so full of work that Ihave nothad much time for friendshipsbut since I have beensummonedto here by my friend John Seward I have known so manygoodpeople and seen such nobility that I feel more than everand it hasgrown with my advancing yearsthe loneliness of my life.Believemethenthat I come here full of respect for youand youhave given me hopehopenot in what I am seeking ofbut thatthere are good women still left to make life happygoodwomenwhose lives and whose truths may make good lessonfor thechildren that are to be. I am gladgladthat Imay herebe of some use to you. For if your husband sufferhe sufferwithin the range of my study and experience.I promiseyou that I will gladly do all for him that I canall tomake his life strong and manlyand your life a happy one.Now youmust eat. You are overwrought and perhaps over-anxious.HusbandJonathan would not like to see you so paleand whathe like not where he loveis not to his good.Thereforefor his sake you must eat and smile. You have told meaboutLucyand so now we shall not speak of itlest it distress.I shallstay in Exeter tonightfor I want to think muchover whatyou have told meand when I have thought I willask youquestionsif I may. And then tooyou will tell meof husbandJonathan's trouble so far as you canbut not yet.You musteat nowafterwards you shall tell me all."
Afterlunchwhen we went back to the drawing roomhe said to me"Andnow tell me all about him."
When itcame to speaking to this great learned manI beganto fearthat he would think me a weak fooland Jonathan a madmanthatjournal is all so strangeand I hesitated to go on.But he wasso sweet and kindand he had promised to helpand Itrusted himso I said
"Dr.Van Helsingwhat I have to tell you is so queerthat youmust not laugh at me or at my husband.I havebeen since yesterday in a sort of fever of doubt.You mustbe kind to meand not think me foolish that I haveeven halfbelieved some very strange things."
Hereassured me by his manner as well as his words when he said"Ohmy dearif you only know how strange is the matterregardingwhich I am hereit is you who would laugh.I havelearned not to think little of any one's beliefno matterhowstrange it may be. I have tried to keep an open mindand it isnot the ordinary things of life that could close itbut thestrange thingsthe extraordinary thingsthe thingsthat makeone doubt if they be mad or sane."
"Thankyouthank you a thousand times! You have taken a weight off mymind.If youwill let meI shall give you a paper to read. It is longbut I havetypewritten it out. It will tell you my trouble and Jonathan's.It is thecopy of his journal when abroadand all that happened.I dare notsay anything of it. You will read for yourself and judge.And thenwhen I see youperhapsyou will be very kind and tell mewhat youthink."
"Ipromise" he said as I gave him the papers. "I shallin the morningas soon asI cancome to see you and your husbandif I may."
"Jonathanwill be here at half-past elevenand you must cometo lunchwith us and see him then. You could catch the quick3:34trainwhich will leave you at Paddington before eight."He wassurprised at my knowledge of the trains offhandbut he doesnot knowthat I have made up all the trains to and from Exeterso that Imay help Jonathan in case he is in a hurry.
So he tookthe papers with him and went awayand I sit here thinkingthinking Idon't know what.
25September6 o'clock
"DearMadam Mina
"Ihave read your husband's so wonderful diary. You may sleepwithout doubt.Strangeand terrible as it isit is true! I will pledge my life on it.It may beworse for othersbut for him and you there is no dread.He is anoble fellowand let me tell you from experience of menthat onewho woulddo as he did in going down that wall and to that roomayeand goinga second timeis not one to be injured in permanence by a shock.His brainand his heart are all rightthis I swearbefore I have evenseen himso be at rest. I shall have much to ask him of other things.I amblessed that today I come to see youfor I have learn all at onceso muchthat again I am dazzleddazzled more than everand I must think.
"Yoursthe most faithful
"AbrahamVan Helsing."
25September6:30 P.M.
"Mydear Dr. Van Helsing
"Athousand thanks for your kind letterwhich has taken a greatweight offmy mind. And yetif it be truewhat terrible thingsthere arein the worldand what an awful thing if that manthatmonsterbe really in London! I fear to think.I havethis momentwhilst writinghad a wire from Jonathansayingthat he leaves by the 6:25 tonight from Launceston andwill behere at 10:18so that I shall have no fear tonight.Will youthereforeinstead of lunching with usplease cometobreakfast at eight o'clockif this be not too early for you?You canget awayif you are in a hurryby the 10:30 trainwhich willbring you to Paddington by 2:35. Do not answer thisas I shalltake it thatif I do not hearyou willcome tobreakfast.
"Yourfaithful and grateful friend
26September.--I thought never to write in this diary againbut thetime has come. When I got home last night Minahad supperreadyand when we had supped she told me of VanHelsing'svisitand of her having given him the two diariescopiedoutand of how anxious she has been about me.She showedme in the doctor's letter that all I wrote down was true.It seemsto have made a new man of me. It was the doubtas to thereality of the whole thing that knocked me over.I feltimpotentand in the darkand distrustful.Butnowthat I knowI am not afraideven of the Count.He hassucceeded after allthenin his design in gettingto Londonand it was he I saw. He has got youngerand how?VanHelsing is the man to unmask him and hunt him outif he isanythinglike what Mina says. We sat lateand talked it over.Mina isdressingand I shall call at the hotel in a fewminutesand bring him over.
He wasIthinksurprised to see me. When I came into the room whee hewasandintroduced myselfhe took me by the shoulderand turned my faceroundto thelightand saidafter a sharp scrutiny
"ButMadam Mina told me you were illthat you had had a shock."
It was sofunny to hear my wife called `Madam Mina' by this kindlystrong-facedold man. I smiledand said"I was illI have had ashockbut youhave cured me already."
"Byyour letter to Mina last night. I was in doubtand theneverythingtook a hueof unrealityand I did not know what to trusteven the evidenceof my ownsenses. Not knowing what to trustI did not know what to doand so hadonly to keep on working in what had hitherto been the grooveof mylife. The groove ceased to avail meand I mistrusted myself.Doctoryou don't know what it is to doubt everythingeven yourself.Noyoudon'tyou couldn't with eyebrows like yours."
He seemedpleasedand laughed as he said"So! You are aphysiognomist.I learnmore here with each hour. I am with so much pleasure comingto you tobreakfastandohsiryou will pardon praise from an old manbut youare blessed in your wife."
I wouldlisten to him go on praising Mina for a dayso I simplynodded andstood silent.
"Sheis one of God's womenfashioned by His own handto show usmen and other women that there is a heavenwhere wecan enterand that its light can be here on earth.So trueso sweetso nobleso little an egoistand thatlet metell youis much in this ageso sceptical and selfish.And yousir. . . I have read all the letters to poor Miss Lucyand someof them speak of youso I know you since some daysfrom theknowing of othersbut I have seen your true selfsince lastnight. You will give me your handwill you not?And let usbe friends for all our lives."
We shookhandsand he was so earnest and so kind that it mademe quitechoky.
"andnow" he said"may I ask you for some more help?I have agreat task to doand at the beginning it is to know.You canhelp me here. Can you tell me what went beforeyour goingto Transylvania? Later on I may ask more helpand of adifferent kindbut at first this will do."
"LookhereSir" I said"does what you have to do concern theCount?"
"Itdoes" he said solemnly."
"ThenI am with you heart and soul. As you go by the 10:30 trainyou willnot have time to read thembut I shall get the bundle of papers.You cantake them with you and read them in the train."
Afterbreakfast I saw him to the station. When we were parting hesaid"Perhapsyou will come to town if I send for youand take Madam Mina too."
"Weshall both come when you will" I said.
I had gothim the morning papers and the London papers of thepreviousnightand while we were talking at the carriage windowwaitingfor the train to starthe was turning them over.His eyessuddenly seemed to catch something in one of them"TheWestminster Gazette"I knew it by the colorand hegrew quite white. He read something intentlygroaningto himself"Mein Gott! Mein Gott! So soon!So soon!" I do not think he remembered me at the moment.Just thenthe whistle blewand the train moved off.Thisrecalled him to himselfand he leaned out of the windowand wavedhis handcalling out"Love to Madam Mina.I shallwrite so soon as ever I can."
26September.--Truly there is no such thing as finality.Not a weeksince I said "Finis" and yet here I amstartingfresh againor rather going on with the record.Until thisafternoon I had no cause to think of what is done.Renfieldhad becometo all intentsas sane as he ever was.He wasalready well ahead with his fly businessand he hadjuststarted in the spider line alsoso he had not been of anytrouble tome. I had a letter from Arthurwritten on Sundayand fromit I gather that he is bearing up wonderfully well.QuinceyMorris is with himand that is much of a helpfor hehimself is a bubbling well of good spirits.Quinceywrote me a line tooand from him I hear that Arthurisbeginning to recover something of his old buoyancyso asto themall my mind is at rest. As for myselfI was settlingdown to mywork with the enthusiasm which I used to have for itso that Imight fairly have said that the wound which poorLucy lefton me was becoming cicatrised.
Everythingishowevernow reopenedand what is to be the endGod onlyknows. I have an idea that Van Helsing thinks he knowstoobuthe will only let out enough at a time to whet curiosity.He went toExeter yesterdayand stayed there all night.Today hecame backand almost bounded into the room at abouthalf-pastfive o'clockand thrust last night's "Westminster Gazette"into myhand.
"Whatdo you think of that?" he asked as he stood back and folded hisarms.
I lookedover the paperfor I really did not know what he meantbut hetook it from me and pointed out a paragraph about children beingdecoyedaway at Hampstead. It did not convey much to meuntil Ireacheda passagewhere it described small puncture wounds on their throats.An ideastruck meand I looked up.
"Well?"he said.
"Itis like poor Lucy's."
"Andwhat do you make of it?"
"Simplythat there is some cause in common. Whatever it was thatinjuredher hasinjured them." I did not quite understand his answer.
"Thatis true indirectlybut not directly."
"Howdo you meanProfessor?" I asked. I was a littleinclinedto takehis seriousness lightlyforafter allfour daysof restand freedom from burningharrowinganxiety does helpto restoreone's spiritsbut when I saw his faceit sobered me.Nevereven in the midst of our despair about poor Lucyhad helooked more stern.
"Tellme!" I said. "I can hazard no opinion. Ido not know what to thinkand I haveno data on which to found a conjecture."
"Doyou mean to tell mefriend Johnthat you have no suspicionas to whatpoor Lucy died ofnot after all the hints givennot onlyby eventsbut by me?"
"Ofnervous prostration following a great loss or waste of blood."
"Andhow was the blood lost or wasted?" I shook my head.
He steppedover and sat down beside meand went on"You are a clever manfriendJohn. You reason welland your wit is boldbut you aretooprejudiced. You do not let your eyes see nor your ears hearand thatwhich is outside your daily life is not of account to you.Do you notthink that there are things which you cannot understandand yetwhich arethat some people see things that others cannot?But thereare things old and new which must not be contemplated by men's eyesbecausethey knowor think they knowsome things which other men havetoldthem. Ahit is the fault of our science that it wants toexplain alland if itexplain notthen it says there is nothing to explain.But yet wesee around us every day the growth of new beliefswhich thinkthemselvesnewand which are yet but the oldwhich pretend to be younglike thefine ladies at the opera. I suppose now you do not believeincorporeal transference. No? Nor in materialization. No? Nor inastralbodies. No? Nor in the reading of thought. No? Nor in hypnotism.. ."
"Yes"I said. "Charcot has proved that pretty well."
He smiledas he went on"Then you are satisfied as to it. Yes? And ofcoursethen you understand how it actand can follow the mindof thegreat Charcotalas that he is no moreinto the very soulof thepatient that he influence. No? Thenfriend Johnam I totake it that you simply accept factand are satisfiedto letfrom premise to conclusion be a blank? No? Then tell mefor I am astudent of the brainhow you accept hypnotismand rejectthe thought reading. Let me tell youmy friendthat thereare things done today in electrical science which wouldhave beendeemed unholy by the very man who discovered electricitywho wouldthemselves not so long before been burned as wizards.There arealways mysteries in life. Why was it that Methuselahlived ninehundred yearsand `Old Parr'one hundred and sixty-nineand yetthat poor Lucywith four men's blood in her poor veinscould notlive even one day? Forhad she live one more daywe couldsave her. Do you know all the mystery of life and death?Do youknow the altogether of comparative anatomy and can saywhereforethe qualities of brutes are in some menand not in others?Can youtell me whywhen other spiders die small and soonthat onegreat spider lived for centuries in the tower of the oldSpanishchurch and grew and grewtillon descendinghe could drinkthe oil ofall the church lamps? Can you tell me why in the Pampasay andelsewherethere are bats that come out at night and openthe veinsof cattle and horses and suck dry their veinshow in someislands ofthe Western seas there are bats which hang on the treesall dayand those who have seen describe as like giant nuts or podsand thatwhen the sailors sleep on the deckbecause that it is hotflit downon them and thenand then in the morning are found dead menwhite aseven Miss Lucy was?"
"GoodGodProfessor!" I saidstarting up. "Do youmeanto tell methat Lucy was bitten by such a batand that sucha thing ishere in London in the nineteenth century?"
He wavedhis hand for silenceand went on"Can you tell mewhy thetortoise lives more long than generations of menwhy theelephant goes on and on till he have sees dynastiesand whythe parrot never die only of bite of cat of dogor othercomplaint? Can you tell me why men believe in allages andplaces that there are men and women who cannot die?We allknowbecause science has vouched for the factthat therehave beentoads shut up in rocks for thousands of yearsshut in oneso smallhole that only hold him since the youth of the world.Can youtell me how the Indian fakir can make himself to dieand havebeen buriedand his grave sealed and corn sowed on itand thecorn reaped and be cut and sown and reaped and cut againand thenmen come and take away the unbroken seal and that therelie theIndian fakirnot deadbut that rise up and walkamongstthem as before?"
Here Iinterrupted him. I was getting bewildered.He socrowded on my mind his list of nature's eccentricities andpossibleimpossibilities that my imagination was getting fired.I had adim idea that he was teaching me some lessonas longago he used to do in his study at Amsterdam.But heused them to tell me the thingso that I couldhave theobject of thought in mind all the time.But now Iwas without his helpyet I wanted to follow himso I said
"Professorlet me be your pet student again. Tell methethesisso that I may apply your knowledge as you go on.At presentI am going in my mind from point to pointas amadmanand not a sane onefollows an idea.I feellike a novice lumbering through a bog in a midstjumpingfrom one tussock to another in the mere blind effortto move onwithout knowing where I am going."
"Thatis a good image" he said. "WellI shall tell you.My thesisis thisI want you to believe."
"Tobelieve what?"
"Tobelieve in things that you cannot. Let me illustrate.I heardonce of an American who so defined faith`that facultywhichenables us to believe things which we know to be untrue.'For oneIfollow that man. He meant that we shall have anopen mindand not let a little bit of truth check the rushof the bigtruthlike a small rock does a railway truck.We get thesmall truth first. Good! We keep himand wevalue himbut all the same we must not let him think himselfall thetruth in the universe."
"Thenyou want me not to let some previous conviction inurethereceptivity of my mind with regard to some strange matter.Do I readyour lesson aright?"
"Ahyou are my favorite pupil still. It is worth to teach you. Now that youarewilling to understandyou have taken the first step to understand.You thinkthen that those so small holes in the children's throats were madeby thesame that made the holes in Miss Lucy?"
"Isuppose so."
He stoodup and said solemnly"Then you are wrong. Ohwould itwere so!But alas! No. It is worsefarfar worse."
"InGod's nameProfessor Van Helsingwhat do you mean?" Icried.
He threwhimself with a despairing gesture into a chairand placedhis elbows on the tablecovering his face with hishands ashe spoke.
"Theywere made by Miss Lucy!"
For awhile sheer anger mastered me. It was as if he had during herlifestruckLucy on the face. I smote the table hard and rose up as I saidto him"Dr.Van Helsingare you mad?"
He raisedhis head and looked at meand somehow the tendernessof hisface calmed me at once. "Would I were!" he said."Madnesswere easy to bear compared with truth like this.Ohmyfriendwheythink youdid I go so far roundwhy takeso long to tell so simple a thing?Was itbecause I hate you and have hated you all my life?Was itbecause I wished to give you pain? Was it that I wantedno solaterevenge for that time when you saved my lifeand from afearful death? Ah no!"
"Forgiveme" said I.
He wenton"My friendit was because I wished to be gentle inthebreaking to youfor I know you have loved that so sweet lady.But evenyet I do not expect you to believe. It is so hardto acceptat once any abstract truththat we may doubt suchto bepossible when we have always believed the `no' of it.It is morehard still to accept so sad a concrete truthand ofsuch a one as Miss Lucy. Tonight I go to prove it.Dare youcome with me?"
Thisstaggered me. A man does not like to prove such a truthByronexcepted from the catagoryjealousy.
"Andprove the very truth he most abhorred."
He saw myhesitationand spoke"The logic is simpleno madman'slogic thistimejumping from tussock to tussock in a misty bog.If it notbe truethen proof will be relief. At worst it will not harm.If it betrue! Ahthere is the dread. Yet every dread should helpmy causefor in itis some need of belief. ComeI tell you what I propose.Firstthat we go off now and see that child in the hospital. Dr.Vincentof theNorth Hospitalwhere the papers say the child isis a friendof mineand I think of yours since you were in class at Amsterdam.He willlet two scientists see his caseif he will not let two friends.We shalltell him nothingbut only that we wish to learn.And then. . ."
He took akey from his pocket and held it up. "And then wespend thenightyou and Iin the churchyard where Lucy lies.This isthe key that lock the tomb. I had it from the coffinman togive to Arthur."
My heartsank within mefor I felt that there was some fearfulordealbefore us. I could do nothinghoweverso I pluckedup whatheart I could and said that we had better hastenas theafternoon was passing.
We foundthe child awake. It had had a sleep and taken some foodandaltogether was going on well. DrVincent took the bandagefrom itsthroatand showed us the punctures. There was nomistakingthe similarity to those which had been on Lucy's throat.They weresmallerand the edges looked fresherthat was all.We askedVincent to what he attributed themand he repliedthat itmust have been a bite of some animalperhaps a ratbut forhis own parthe was inclined to think it was one ofthe batswhich are so numerous on the northern heights of London."Outof so many harmless ones" he said"there may be somewildspecimen from the South of a more malignant species.Somesailor may have brought one homeand it managedto escapeor even from the Zoological Gardens a young onemay havegot looseor one be bred there from a vampire.Thesethings do occuryouknow. Only ten days ago a wolfgot outand wasI believetraced up in this direction.For a weekafterthe children were playing nothing but RedRidingHood on the Heath and in every alley in the place untilthis`bloofer lady' scare came alongsince then it has beenquite agala time with them. Even this poor little mitewhen hewoke up todayasked the nurse if he might go away.When sheasked him why he wanted to gohe said he wantedto playwith the `bloofer lady'."
"Ihope" said Van Helsing"that when you are sending thechildhome youwill caution its parents to keep strict watch over it.Thesefancies to stray are most dangerousand if the childwere toremain out another nightit would probably be fatal.But in anycase I suppose you will not let it away for some days?"
"Certainlynotnot for a week at leastlonger if the woundis nothealed."
Our visitto the hospital took more time than we hadreckonedonand the sun had dipped before we came out.When VanHelsing saw how dark it washe said
"Thereis not hurry. It is more late than I thought.Comeletus seek somewhere that we may eatand then we shallgo on ourway."
We dinedat `Jack Straw's Castle' along with a little crowd of bicyclists andothers whowere genially noisy. About ten o'clock we started from the inn.It wasthen very darkand the scattered lamps made the darkness greaterwhenwe wereonce outside their individual radius. The Professor hadevidentlynoted theroad we were to gofor he went on unhesitatinglybutas for meI was inquite a mixup as to locality. As we went furtherwe metfewer andfewer peopletill at last we were somewhat surprised when wemet eventhe patrol of horse police going their usual suburban round.At last wereached the wall of the churchyardwhich we climbed over.With somelittle difficultyfor it was very darkand the whole place seemedso strangeto uswe found the Westenra tomb. The Professor took the keyopened thecreaky doorand standing backpolitelybut quite unconsciouslymotionedme to precede him. There was a delicious irony in the offerin thecourtliness of giving preference on such a ghastly occasion.Mycompanion followed me quicklyand cautiously drew the door toaftercarefully ascertaining that the lock was a fallingand not aspringone. In the latter case we should have been in a bad plight.Then hefumbled in his bagand taking out a matchbox and a piece of candleproceededto make a light. The tomb in the daytimeand when wreathedwith freshflowershad looked grim and gruesome enoughbut nowsome daysafterwardswhen the flowers hung lank and deadtheir whitesturning torust and their greens to brownswhen the spider and the beetlehadresumed their accustomed dominancewhen the time-discolored stoneanddust-encrusted mortarand rustydank ironand tarnished brassandclouded silver-plating gave back the feeble glimmer of a candlethe effectwas more miserable and sordid than could have been imagined.Itconveyed irresistibly the idea that lifeanimal lifewas not theonlythingwhich could pass away.
VanHelsing went about his work systematically. Holding hiscandle sothat he could read the coffin platesand so holdingit thatthe sperm dropped in white patches which congealedas theytouched the metalhe made assurance of Lucy's coffin.Anothersearch in his bagand he took out a turnscrew.
"Whatare you going to do?" I asked.
"Toopen the coffin. You shall yet be convinced."
Straightwayhe began taking out the screwsand finally lifted off the lidshowingthe casing of lead beneath. The sight was almost too much forme.It seemedto be as much an affront to the dead as it would have beento havestripped off her clothing in her sleep whilst living.I actuallytook hold of his hand to stop him.
He onlysaid"You shall see"and again fumbling in his bag tookout a tinyfret saw. Striking the turnscrew through the lead witha swiftdownward stabwhich made me wincehe made a small holewhich washoweverbig enough to admit the point of the saw.I hadexpected a rush of gas from the week-old corpse.Wedoctorswho have had to study our dangershave to becomeaccustomedto such thingsand I drew back towards the door.But theProfessor never stopped for a moment. He sawed down acouple offeet along one side of the lead coffinand then acrossand downthe other side. Taking the edge of the loose flangehe bent itback towards the foot of the coffinand holdingup thecandle into the aperturemotioned to me to look.
I drewnear and looked. The coffin was empty. It was certainly asurpriseto meandgave me a considerable shockbut Van Helsing was unmoved.He was nowmore sure than ever of his groundand so emboldened to proceedin histask."Are you satisfied nowfriend John?" he asked.
I felt allthe dogged argumentativeness of my nature awake within me as Iansweredhim"I am satisfied that Lucy's body is not in that coffinbut thatonly proves one thing."
"Andwhat is thatfriend John?"
"Thatit is not there."
"Thatis good logic" he said"so far as it goes.But how doyouhow can youaccount for it not being there?"
"Perhapsa body-snatcher" I suggested. "Some of theundertaker'speople mayhave stolen it." I felt that I was speaking follyand yet itwas the only real cause which I could suggest.
TheProfessor sighed. "Ah well!" he said" we musthave more proof.Come withme."
He put onthe coffin lid againgathered up all his things and placed themin thebagblew out the lightand placed the candle also in the bag.We openedthe doorand went out. Behind us he closed the doorand lockedit. He handed me the keysaying"Will you keep it?You hadbetter be assured."
I laughedit was not a very cheerful laughI am bound to sayas Imotioned him to keep it. "A key is nothing" I said"theeare many duplicatesand anyhow it is not difficultto pick alock of this kind."
He saidnothingbut put the key in his pocket.Then hetold me to watch at one side of the churchyard whilsthe wouldwatch at the other.
I took upmy place behind a yew treeand I saw his dark figure move untiltheintervening headstones and trees hid it from my sight.
It was alonely vigil. Just after I had taken my place I hearda distantclock strike twelveand in time came one and two.I waschilled and unnervedand angry with the Professorfor takingme on such an errand and with myself for coming.I was toocold and too sleepy to be keenly observantand notsleepy enough to betray my trustso altogether Ihad adrearymiserable time.
Suddenlyas I turned roundI thought I saw something like awhitestreakmoving between two dark yew trees at the sideof thechurchyard farthest from the tomb. At the same timea darkmass moved from the Professor's side of the groundandhurriedly went towards it. Then I too movedbut I had to goroundheadstones and railed-off tombsand I stumbled over graves.The skywas overcastand somewhere far off an early cock crew.A littleways offbeyond a line of scattered juniper treeswhichmarked the pathway to the churcha white dim figureflitted inthe direction of the tomb. The tomb itself was hiddenby treesand I could not see where the figure had disappeared.I heardthe rustle of actual movement where I had first seenthe whitefigureand coming overfound the Professor holdingin hisarms a tiny child. When he saw me he held it out to meand said"Are you satisfied now?"
"No"I saidin a way that I felt was aggressive.
"Doyou not see the child?"
"Yesit is a childbut who brought it here? And is it wounded?"
"Weshall see" said the Professorand with one impulse we tookour wayout of the churchyardhe carrying the sleeping child.
When wehad got some little distance awaywe went into a clumpof treesand struck a matchand looked at the child's throat.It waswithout a scratch or scar of any kind.
"WasI right?" I asked triumphantly.
"Wewere just in time" said the Professor thankfully.
We had nowto decide what we were to do with the childand soconsultedabout it. If we were to take it to a police station weshouldhave to give some account of our movements during the night.At leastwe should have had to make some statement as to how wehad cometo find the child. So finally we decided that we wouldtake it tothe Heathand when we heard a policeman comingwouldleave it where he could not fail to find it. We would thenseek ourway home as quickly as we could. All fell out well.At theedge of Hampstead Heath we heard a policeman's heavy trampand layingthe child on the pathwaywe waited and watched untilhe saw itas he flashed his lantern to and fro. We heard hisexclamationof astonishmentand then we went away silently.By goodchance we got a cab near the `Spainiards' and drove to town.
I cannotsleepso I make this entry. But I must try to geta fewhours' sleepas Van Helsing is to call for me at noon.He insiststhat I go with him on another expedition.
27September.--It was two o'clock before we found a suitableopportunityfor our attempt. The funeral held at noon wasallcompletedand the last stragglers of the mourners had takenthemselveslazily awaywhenlooking carefully from behind a clumpof aldertreeswe saw the sexton lock the gate after him.We knewthat we were safe till morning did we desire itbut theProfessortold me that we should not want more than an hour at most.Again Ifelt that horrid sense of the reality of thingsin which anyeffort ofimagination seemed out of placeand I realized distinctlythe perilsof the law which we were incurring in our unhallowed work.BesidesIfelt it was all so useless. Outrageous as it was to opena leadencoffinto see if a woman dead nearly a week were really deadit nowseemed the height of folly to open the tomb againwhen we knewfrom theevidence of our own eyesightthat the coffin was empty.I shruggedmy shouldershoweverand rested silentfor Van Helsinghad a wayof going on his own roadno matter who remonstrated.He tookthe keyopened the vaultand again courteously motioned metoprecede. The place was not so gruesome as last nightbut ohhowunutterably mean looking when the sunshine streamed in.VanHelsing walked over to Lucy's coffinand I followed.He bentover and again forced back the leaden flangeand a shockofsurprise and dismay shot through me.
There layLucyseemingly just as we had seen her the nightbefore herfuneral. She wasif possiblemore radiantlybeautifulthan everand I could not believe that she was dead.The lipswere rednay redder than beforeand on the cheekswas adelicate bloom.
"Isthis a juggle?" I said to him.
"Areyou convinced now?" said the Professorin responseand as hespoke he put over his handand in a way that mademeshudderpulled back the dead lips and showed the white teeth."See"he went on"they are even sharper than before.With thisand this" and he touched one of the canine teethand thatbelow it"the little children can be bitten.Are you ofbelief nowfriend John?"
Once moreargumentative hostility woke within me. I could not acceptsuch anoverwhelming idea as he suggested. Sowith an attempt to argueof which Iwas even at the moment ashamedI said"She may have beenplacedhere since last night."
"Indeed? That is soand by whom?"
"I donot know. Someone has done it."
"Andyet she has been dead one week. Most peoples in that time wouldnot lookso."
I had noanswer for thisso was silent. Van Helsing did not seem tonotice mysilence. At any ratehe showed neither chagrin nor triumph.He waslooking intently at the face of the dead womanraising the eyelidsandlooking atthe eyesand once more opening the lips and examining the teeth.Then heturned to me and said
"Herethere is one thing which is different from all recorded.Here issome dual life that is not as the common. She was bittenby thevampire when she was in a trancesleep-walkingohyoustart. You do not know thatfriend Johnbut you shall knowit laterand in trance could he best come to take more blood.In tranceshe diesand in trance she is UnDeadtoo. So itis thatshe differ from all other. Usually when the UnDeadsleep athome" as he spoke he made a comprehensive sweepof his armto designate what to a vampire was `home'"theirface showwhat they arebut this so sweet that was when shenot UnDeadshe go back to the nothings of the common dead.There isno malign thereseeand so it make hard that I mustkill herin her sleep."
Thisturned my blood coldand it began to dawn upon me that Iwasaccepting Van Helsing's theories. But if she were really deadwhat wasthere of terror in the idea of killing her?
He lookedup at meand evidently saw the change in my facefor hesaid almost joyously"Ahyou believe now?"
Ianswered"Do not press me too hard all at once. I amwilling to accept.How willyou do this bloody work?"
"Ishall cut off her head and fill her mouth with garlicand Ishall drive a stake through her body."
It made meshudder to think of so mutilating the body of the woman whomI hadloved. And yet the feeling was not so strong as I had expected.I wasinfactbeginning to shudder at the presence of this beingthisUnDeadas Van Helsing called itand to loathe it.Is itpossible that love is all subjectiveor all objective?
I waited aconsiderable time for Van Helsing to beginbut hestood as if wrapped in thought. Presently he closedthe catchof his bag with a snapand said
"Ihave been thinkingand have made up my mind as to what is best.If I didsimply follow my inclining I would do nowat this momentwhat is tobe done. But there are other things to followand thingsthat arethousand times more difficult in that them we do not know.This issimple. She have yet no life takenthough that is of timeand to actnow would be to take danger from her forever.But thenwe may have to want Arthurand how shall we tell him of this?If youwho saw the wounds on Lucy's throatand saw the woundsso similaron the child's at the hospitalif youwho sawthe coffinempty last night and full today with a woman who havenot changeonly to be more rose and more beautiful in a whole weekafter shedieif you know of this and know of the white figurelast nightthat brought the child to the churchyardand yet of yourown sensesyou did not believehow thencan I expect Arthurwho knownone of those thingsto believe?
"Hedoubted me when I took him from her kiss when she was dying.I know hehas forgiven me because in some mistaken idea Ihave donethings that prevent him say goodbye as he oughtand he maythink that in some more mistaken idea this woman wasburiedaliveand that in most mistake of all we have killed her.He willthen argue back that it is wemistaken onesthat havekilled herby our ideasand so he will be much unhappy always.Yet henever can be sureand that is the worst of all.And hewill sometimes think that she he loved was buried aliveand thatwill paint his dreams with horrors of what shemust havesufferedand againhe will think that wemay berightand that his so beloved wasafter allanUnDead. No! I told him onceand since then I learn much.NowsinceI know it is all truea hundred thousand timesmore do Iknow that he must pass through the bitter watersto reachthe sweet. Hepoor fellowmust have one hourthat willmake the very face of heaven grow black to himthen wecan act for good all round and send him peace.My mind ismade up. Let us go. You return home for tonightto yourasylumand see that all be well. As for meI shallspend the night here in this churchyard in my own way.Tomorrownight you will come to me to the Berkeley Hotelat ten ofthe clock. I shall send for Arthur to come tooand alsothat so fine young man of America that gave his blood.Later weshall all have work to do. I come with you so farasPiccadilly and there dinefor I must be back here beforethe sunset."
So welocked the tomb and came awayand got over the wall of thechurchyardwhich wasnot much of a taskand drove back to Piccadilly.
"Iwrite this in case anything should happen. I go alone to watchin thatchurchyard. It pleases me that the UnDeadMiss Lucyshall notleave tonightthat so on the morrow night she may bemoreeager. Therefore I shall fix some things she like notgarlic anda crucifixand so seal up the door of the tomb.She isyoung as UnDeadand will heed. Moreoverthese areonly toprevent her coming out. They may not prevail on herwanting toget infor then the UnDead is desperateand mustfind theline of least resistancewhatsoever it may be.I shall beat hand all the night from sunset till after sunriseand ifthere be aught that may be learned I shall learn it.For MissLucy or from herI have no fearbut that otherto whom isthere that she is UnDeadhe have not the powerto seekher tomb and find shelter. He is cunningas I knowfrom Mr.Jonathan and from the way that all along he havefooled uswhen he played with us for Miss Lucy's lifeand welostand in many ways the UnDead are strong.He havealways the strength in his hand of twenty meneven wefour whogave our strength to Miss Lucy it also is all to him.Besideshe can summon his wolf and I know not what.So if itbe that he came thither on this night he shall find me.But noneother shalluntil it be too late. But it may be thathe willnot attempt the place. There is no reason why he should.Hishunting ground is more full of game than the churchyardwhere theUnDead woman sleepsand the one old man watch.
"ThereforeI write this in case. . .Take the papers that are with thisthediaries of Harker and the restand read themand then find thisgreatUnDeadand cut off his head and burn his heart or drive a stakethroughitso that the world may rest from him.
"Ifit be sofarewell.
28September.--It is wonderful what a good night's sleep will do forone.YesterdayI was almost willing to accept Van Helsing's monstrous ideasbut nowthey seem to start out lurid before me as outrageson commonsense. I have no doubt that he believes it all.I wonderif his mind can have become in any way unhinged. Surely theremust besome rational explanation of all these mysterious things.Is itpossible that the Professor can have done it himself?He is soabnormally clever that if he went off his head he would carryout hisintent with regard to some fixed idea in a wonderful way.I amloathe to think itand indeed it would be almost as greata marvelas the other to find that Van Helsing was madbut anyhowI shallwatch him carefully. I may get some light on the mystery.
29September.--Last nightat a little before ten o'clockArthur andQuincey came into Van Helsing's room.He told usall what he wanted us to dobut especially addressinghimself toArthuras if all our wills were centered in his.He beganby saying that he hoped we would all come with him too"for"he said"there is a grave duty to be done there.You weredoubtless surprised at my letter?" This query wasdirectlyaddressed to Lord Godalming.
"Iwas. It rather upset me for a bit. There has been so muchtroublearound my house of late that I could do without any more.I havebeen curioustooas to what you mean.
"Quinceyand I talked it overbut the more we talkedthe morepuzzled we gottill now I can say for myself that I'mabout up atree as to any meaning about anything."
"Metoo" said Quincey Morris laconically.
"Oh"said the Professor"then you are nearer the beginningboth ofyouthan friend John herewho has to go a long waybackbefore he can even get so far as to begin."
It wasevident that he recognized my return to my old doubting frameof mindwithout my saying a word. Thenturning to the other twohe saidwith intense gravity
"Iwant your permission to do what I think good this night.It isIknowmuch to askand when you know what it is Ipropose todo you will knowand only then how much.Thereforemay I ask that you promise me in the darkso thatafterwardsthough you may be angry with me for a timeI must notdisguise from myself the possibility that such may beyou shallnot blame yourselves for anything."
"That'sfrank anyhow" broke in Quincey. "I'll answer for theProfessor.I don'tquite see his driftbut I swear he's honestand that's goodenough forme."
"Ithank youSir" said Van Helsing proudly. "I havedone myself the honorofcounting you one trusting friendand such endorsement is dear tome."He heldout a handwhich Quincey took.
ThenArthur spoke out"Dr. Van HelsingI don't quite liketo `buy apig in a poke'as they say in Scotlandand if itbeanything in which my honour as a gentleman or my faithas aChristian is concernedI cannot make such a promise.If you canassure me that what you intend does not violateeither ofthese twothen I give my consent at oncethough forthe lifeof meI cannot understand what you are driving at."
"Iaccept your limitation" said Van Helsing"and all I askof youis that ifyou feel it necessary to condemn any act of mineyou willfirst consider it well and be satisfied that it does notviolateyour reservations."
"Agreed!"said Arthur. "That is only fair. And now that thepourparlersare overmay I ask what it is we are to do?"
"Iwant you to come with meand to come in secretto thechurchyard at Kingstead."
Arthur'sface fell as he said in an amazed sort of way
"Wherepoor Lucy is buried?"
TheProfessor bowed.
Arthurwent on"And when there?"
"Toenter the tomb!"
Arthurstood up. "Professorare you in earnestor is it somemonstrousjoke? Pardon meI see that you are in earnest."He satdown againbut I could see that he sat firmly and proudlyas one whois on his dignity. There was silence until he asked again"Andwhen in the tomb?"
"Toopen the coffin."
"Thisis too much!" he saidangrily rising again."I amwilling to be patient in all things that are reasonablebut inthisthis desecration of the graveof one who.. ."He fairly choked with indignation.
TheProfessor looked pityingly at him."If I could spare youone pangmy poor friend" he said"God knows I would.But thisnight our feet must tread in thorny pathsor laterand foreverthe feet you love must walk in paths of flame!"
Arthurlooked up with set white face and said"Take caresirtakecare!"
"Wouldit not be well to hear what I have to say?" said Van Helsing."Andthen you will at least know the limit of my purpose.Shall I goon?"
"That'sfair enough" broke in Morris.
After apause Van Helsing went onevidently with an effort"Miss Lucyis deadis it not so? Yes! Then there can be no wrong to her.But if shebe not dead. . ."
Arthurjumped to his feet"Good God!" he cried. "Whatdo you mean?Has therebeen any mistakehas she been buried alive?"He groanedin anguish that not even hope could soften.
"Idid not say she was alivemy child. I did not think it.I go nofurther than to say that she might be UnDead."
"UnDead! Not alive! What do you mean? Is this all a nightmareor what isit?"
"Thereare mysteries which men can only guess atwhich age by age theymay solveonly in part. Believe mewe are now on the verge of one.But I havenot done. May I cut off the head of dead Miss Lucy?"
"Heavensand earthno!" cried Arthur in a storm of passion."Notfor the wide world will I consent to any mutilationof herdead body. Dr. Van Helsingyou try me too far.What haveI done to you that you should torture me so?What didthat poorsweet girl do that you should want to cast suchdishonoron her grave? Are you madthat you speak of such thingsor am Imad to listen to them? Don't dare think more of suchadesecration. I shall not give my consent to anything you do.I have aduty to do in protecting her grave from outrageand byGodI shall do it!"
VanHelsing rose up from where he had all the time been seatedand saidgravelyand sternly"My Lord GodalmingI toohave a duty to doadutyto othersa duty to youa duty to the deadand by GodI shall do it!All I askyou now is that you come with methat you look and listenand ifwhen later I make the same request you do not be more eager for itsfulfillmenteven than I amthenI shall do my dutywhatever it may seemto me. And thento follow your Lordship's wishes I shall hold myselfat yourdisposal to render an account to youwhen and where you will."His voicebroke a littleand he went on with a voice full of pity.
"ButI beseech youdo not go forth in anger with me. In a long lifeof actswhich were often not pleasant to doand which sometimesdid wringmy heartI have never had so heavy a task as now.Believe methat if the time comes for you to change your mindtowardsmeone look from you will wipe away all this so sad hourfor Iwould do what a man can to save you from sorrow. Just think.For whyshould I give myself so much labor and so much of sorrow?I havecome here from my own land to do what I can of goodat thefirst toplease my friend Johnand then to help a sweet young ladywhom tooI come to love. For herI am ashamed to say so muchbut I sayit in kindnessI gave what you gavethe blood of my veins.I gave itI who was notlike youher loverbut only herphysicianand her friend. I gave her my nights and daysbeforedeathafter deathand if my death can do her good even nowwhen sheis the dead UnDeadshe shall have it freely."He saidthis with a very gravesweet prideand Arthur was muchaffectedby it.
He tookthe old man's hand and said in a broken voice"Ohit is hard to think of itand I cannot understandbut atleast I shall go with you and wait."
It wasjust a quarter before twelve o'clock when we got into the churchyardover thelow wall. The night was dark with occasional gleams ofmoonlightbetweenthe dents of the heavy clouds that scudded across the sky.We allkept somehow close togetherwith Van Helsing slightly in front ashe led theway. When we had come close to the tomb I looked well atArthurfor Ifeared the proximity to a place laden with so sorrowful a memorywouldupset himbut he bore himself well. I took it that the verymystery ofthe proceeding was in some way a counteractant to his grief.TheProfessor unlocked the doorand seeing a natural hesitation amongstus forvarious reasonssolved the difficulty by entering first himself.The restof us followedand he closed the door. He then lit a darklanternand pointed to a coffin. Arthur stepped forward hesitatingly.VanHelsing said to me"You were with me here yesterday.Was thebody of Miss Lucy in that coffin?"
TheProfessor turned to the rest saying"You hearand yet thereis no onewho does not believe with me.'
He tookhis screwdriver and again took off the lid of the coffin.Arthurlooked onvery pale but silent. When the lid was removedhe steppedforward. He evidently did not know that therewas aleaden coffinor at any ratehad not thought of it.When hesaw the rent in the leadthe blood rushed to hisface foran instantbut as quickly fell away againso thatheremained of a ghastly whiteness. He was still silent.VanHelsing forced back the leaden flangeand we all lookedin andrecoiled.
The coffinwas empty!
Forseveral minutes no one spoke a word. The silence wasbroken byQuincey Morris"ProfessorI answered for you.Your wordis all I want. I wouldn't ask such a thing ordinarilyI wouldn'tso dishonor you as to imply a doubtbut thisis amystery that goes beyond any honor or dishonor.Is thisyour doing?"
"Iswear to you by all that I hold sacred that I havenotremoved or touched her. What happened was this.Two nightsago my friend Seward and I came herewith goodpurposebelieve me. I opened that coffinwhich wasthen sealed upand we found it as nowempty.We thenwaitedand saw something white come through the trees.The nextday we came here in daytime and she lay there.Did shenotfriend John?
"Thatnight we were just in time. One more so small childwasmissingand we find itthank Godunharmed amongst the graves.YesterdayI came here before sundownfor at sundown the UnDead can move.I waitedhere all night till the sun rosebut I saw nothing.It wasmost probable that it was because I had laid overthe clampsof those doors garlicwhich the UnDead cannot bearand otherthings which they shun. Last night there was no exodusso tonightbefore the sundown I took away my garlic and other things.And so itis we find this coffin empty. But bear with me.So farthere is much that is strange. Wait you with me outsideunseen andunheardand things much stranger are yet to be.So"here he shut the dark slide of his lantern"now to theoutside."He openedthe doorand we filed outhe coming last and lockingthe doorbehind him.
Oh! But it seemed fresh and pure in the night air afterthe terrorof that vault. How sweet it was to see the cloudsrace byand the passing gleams of the moonlight betweenthescudding clouds crossing and passinglike the gladnessand sorrowof a man's life. How sweet it was to breathethe freshairthat had no taint of death and decay.Howhumanizing to see the red lighting of the sky beyond the hilland tohear far away the muffled roar that marks the lifeof a greatcity. Each in his own way was solemn and overcome.Arthur wassilentand wasI could seestriving to graspthepurpose and the inner meaning of the mystery.I wasmyself tolerably patientand half inclined againto throwaside doubt and to accept Van Helsing's conclusions.QuinceyMorris was phlegmatic in the way of a man who acceptsallthingsand accepts them in the spirit of cool braverywithhazard of all he has at stake. Not being able to smokehe cuthimself a good-sized plug of tobacco and began to chew.As to VanHelsinghe was employed in a definite way.First hetook from his bag a mass of what looked like thinwafer-likebiscuitwhich was carefully rolled up in a white napkin.Next hetook out a double handful of some whitish stufflike doughor putty. He crumbled the wafer up fine and workedit intothe mass between his hands. This he then tookandrolling it into thin stripsbegan to lay them intothecrevices between the door and its setting in the tomb.I wassomewhat puzzled at thisand being closeasked him what itwas thathe was doing. Arthur and Quincey drew near alsoas theytoo were curious.
Heanswered"I am closing the tomb so that the UnDead may notenter."
"Andis that stuff you have there going to do it?"
"Whatis that which you are using?" This time the question wasby Arthur.VanHelsing reverently lifted his hat as he answered.
"TheHost. I brought it from Amsterdam. I have an Indulgence."
It was ananswer that appalled the most sceptical of usand wefelt individually that in the presence of such earnestpurpose asthe Professor'sa purpose which could thus usethe to himmost sacred of thingsit was impossible to distrust.Inrespectful silence we took the places assigned to uscloseround the tombbut hidden from the sight of anyoneapproaching. I pitied the othersespecially Arthur.I hadmyself been apprenticed by my former visits to thiswatchinghorrorand yet Iwho had up to an hour agorepudiatedthe proofsfelt my heart sink within me.Never didtombs look so ghastly white. Never did cypressor yeworjuniper so seem the embodiment of funeral gloom.Never didtree or grass wave or rustle so ominously.Never didbough creak so mysteriouslyand never did the far-awayhowling ofdogs send such a woeful presage through the night.
There wasa long spell of silencebigachingvoidand thenfrom theProfessor a keen "S-s-s-s!" He pointedand fardown theavenue of yews we saw a white figure advancea dimwhite figurewhich held something dark at its breast.The figurestoppedand at the moment a ray of moonlight fellupon themasses of driving cloudsand showed in startlingprominencea dark-haired womandressed in the cerementsof thegrave. We could not see the facefor it wasbent downover what we saw to be a fair-haired child.There wasa pause and a sharp little crysuch as a child givesin sleepor a dog as it lies before the fire and dreams.We werestarting forwardbut the Professor's warning handseen by usas he stood behind a yew treekept us back.And thenas we looked the white figure moved forwards again.It was nownear enough for us to see clearlyand the moonlightstillheld. My own heart grew cold as iceand I couldhear thegasp of Arthuras we recognized the featuresof LucyWestenra. Lucy Westenrabut yet how changed.Thesweetness was turned to adamantineheartless crueltyand thepurity to voluptuous wantonness.
VanHelsing stepped outand obedient to his gesturewe all advancedtoo.The fourof us ranged in a line before the door of the tomb. Van Helsingraised hislantern and drew the slide. By the concentrated light that fellon Lucy'sface we could see that the lips were crimson with fresh bloodand thatthe stream had trickled over her chin and stained the purity of herlawn deathrobe.
Weshuddered with horror. I could see by the tremulouslight thateven Van Helsing's iron nerve had failed.Arthur wasnext to meand if I had not seized his arm and heldhim uphewould have fallen.
When LucyI call the thing that was before us Lucy because itbore hershapesaw us she drew back with an angry snarlsuch asa catgives when taken unawaresthen her eyes ranged over us.Lucy'seyes in form and colorbut Lucy's eyes unclean and fullof hellfireinstead of the puregentle orbs we knew.At thatmoment the remnant of my love passed into hate and loathing.Had shethen to be killedI could have done it with savage delight.As shelookedher eyes blazed with unholy lightand the facebecamewreathed with a voluptuous smile. OhGodhow it made meshudder tosee it! With a careless motionshe flung to the groundcallous asa devilthe child that up to now she had clutched strenuouslyto herbreastgrowling over it as a dog growls over a bone.The childgave a sharp cryand lay there moaning. There wasacold-bloodedness in the act which wrung a groan from Arthur.When sheadvanced to him with outstretched arms and a wanton smilehe fellback and hid his face in his hands.
She stilladvancedhoweverand with a languorousvoluptuous gracesaid"Come to meArthur. Leave these others and come to me.My armsare hungry for you. Comeand we can rest together.Comemyhusbandcome!"
There wassomething diabolically sweet in her tonessomething of the tinklingof glasswhen struckwhich rang through the brains even of us who heardthe wordsaddressed to another.
As forArthurhe seemed under a spellmoving his hands from his facehe openedwide his arms. She was leaping for themwhen Van Helsingsprangforward and held between them his little golden crucifix.Sherecoiled from itandwith a suddenly distorted facefull of ragedashedpast him as if to enter the tomb.
Whenwithin a foot or two of the doorhowevershe stoppedas ifarrested by some irresistible force. Then she turnedand herface was shown in the clear burst of moonlight and bythe lampwhich had now no quiver from Van Helsing's nerves.Never didI see such baffled malice on a faceand neverI trustshall such ever be seen again by mortal eyes.Thebeautiful color became lividthe eyes seemed to throwout sparksof hell firethe brows were wrinkled as thoughthe foldsof flesh were the coils of Medusa's snakesand thelovelyblood-stained mouth grew to an open squareas in thepassion masks of the Greeks and Japanese.If ever aface meant deathif looks could killwe saw itat thatmoment.
And so forfull half a minutewhich seemed an eternityseremained between the lifted crucifix and the sacred closingof hermeans of entry.
VanHelsing broke the silence by asking Arthur"Answer meoh myfriend!Am I toproceed in my work?"
"Doas you willfriend. Do as you will. There can be nohorrorlike thisever any more." And he groaned in spirit.
Quinceyand I simultaneously moved towards himand took his arms.We couldhear the click of the closing lantern as Van Helsingheld itdown. Coming close to the tombhe began to remove fromthe chinkssome of the sacred emblem which he had placed there.We alllooked on with horrified amazement as we sawwhen he stood backthe womanwith a corporeal body as real at that moment as our ownpassthrough the interstice where scarce a knife blade could have gone.We allfelt a glad sense of relief when we saw the Professor calmlyrestoringthe strings of putty to the edges of the door.
When thiswas donehe lifted the child and said"Come nowmy friends.We can dono more till tomorrow. There is a funeral at noonso here weshall allcome before long after that. The friends of the dead will allbe gone bytwoand when the sexton locks the gate we shall remain.Then thereis more to dobut not like this of tonight. As for thislittleonehe is not much harmedand by tomorrow night he shall be well.We shallleave him where the police will find himas on the other nightand thento home."
Comingclose to Arthurhe said"My friend Arthuryou have had a soretrialbut afterwhen you look backyou will see how it was necessary.You arenow in the bitter watersmy child. By this time tomorrow youwillpleaseGodhave passed themand have drunk of the sweet waters.So do notmourn over-much. Till then I shall not ask you to forgive me."
Arthur andQuincey came home with meand we tried to cheer each otheron theway. We had left behind the child in safetyand were tired.So we allslept with more or less reality of sleep.
29Septembernight.--A little before twelve o'clock we threeArthurQuincey Morrisand myselfcalled for the Professor.It was oddto notice that by common consent we had all puton blackclothes. Of courseArthur wore blackfor he wasin deepmourningbut the rest of us wore it by instinct.We got tothe graveyard by half-past oneand strolled aboutkeepingout of official observationso that when the gravediggershadcompleted their task and the sexton under the beliefthat everyone had gonehad locked the gatewe had the placeall toourselves. Van Helsinginstead of his little black baghad withhim a long leather onesomething like a cricketing bag.It wasmanifestly of fair weight.
When wewere alone and had heard the last of the footstepsdie out upthe roadwe silentlyand as if byorderedintentionfollowed the Professor to the tomb.Heunlocked the doorand we enteredclosing it behind us.Then hetook from his bag the lanternwhich he litand alsotwo waxcandleswhichwhen lightedhe stuck by meltingtheir ownendson other coffinsso that they might givelightsufficient to work by. When he again lifted the lid offLucy'scoffin we all lookedArthur trembling like an aspenand sawthat the corpse lay there in all its death beauty.But therewas no love in my own heartnothing but loathingfor thefoul Thing which had taken Lucy's shape without her soul.I couldsee even Arthur's face grow hard as he looked.Presentlyhe said to Van Helsing"Is this really Lucy's bodyor only ademon in her shape?"
"Itis her bodyand yet not it. But wait a whileand you shallsee her asshe wasand is."
She seemedlike a nightmare of Lucy as she lay therethepointed teeththe blood stainedvoluptuous mouthwhich madeoneshudder to seethe whole carnal and unspirited appearanceseeminglike a devilish mockery of Lucy's sweet purity.VanHelsingwith his usual methodicalnessbegan takingthevarious contents from his bag and placing them ready for use.First hetook out a soldering iron and some plumbing solderand thensmall oil lampwhich gave outwhen lit in a cornerof thetombgas which burned at a fierce heat with a blue flamethen hisoperating kniveswhich he placed to handand lasta roundwooden stakesome two and a half or three inchesthick andabout three feet long. One end of it was hardenedbycharring in the fireand was sharpened to a fine point.With thisstake came a heavy hammersuch as in householdsis used inthe coal cellar for breaking the lumps. To mea doctor'spreperations for work of any kind are stimulatingandbracingbut the effect of these things on both ArthurandQuincey was to cause them a sort of consternation.They bothhoweverkept their courageand remainedsilent andquiet.
When allwas readyVan Helsing said"Before we do anythinglet metell youthis. It is out of the lore and experience of the ancientsand of allthose who have studied the powers of the UnDead.When theybecome suchthere comes with the change the curseofimmortality. They cannot diebut must go on age after ageadding newvictims and multiplying the evils of the world.For allthat die from the preying of the Undead become themselves Undeadand preyon their kind. And so the circle goes on ever wideninglike asthe ripples from a stone thrown in the water.FriendArthurif you had met that kiss which you know of beforepoor Lucydieor againlast night when you open your arms to heryou wouldin timewhen you had diedhave become nosferatuas theycall it in Eastern europeand would for all time makemore ofthose Un-Deads that so have filled us with horror.The careerof this so unhappy dear lady is but just begun.Thosechildren whose blood she sucked are not as yet so much the worsebut if shelives onUnDeadmore and more they lose their blood andby herpower over them they come to herand so she draw their bloodwith thatso wicked mouth. But if she die in truththen all cease.The tinywounds of the throats disappearand they go backto theirplay unknowing ever of what has been. But of the mostblessed ofallwhen this now UnDead be made to rest as true deadthen thesoul of the poor lady whom we love shall again be free.Instead ofworking wickedness by night and growing more debasedin theassimilating of it by dayshe shall take her placewith theother Angels. So thatmy friendit will be a blessedhand forher that shall strike the blow that sets her free.To this Iam willingbut is there none amongst us who has a better right?Will it beno joy to think of hereafter in the silence of the nightwhen sleepis not`It was my hand that sent her to the stars.It was thehand of him that loved her bestthe hand that of allshe wouldherself have chosenhad it been to her to choose?'Tell me ifthere be such a one amongst us?"
We alllooked at Arthur. He saw toowhat we all didtheinfinite kindness which suggested that his should bethe handwhich would restore Lucy to us as a holyand notan unholymemory. He stepped forward and said bravelythough hishand trembledand his face was as pale as snow"Mytrue friendfrom the bottom of my broken heart I thank you.Tell mewhat I am to doand I shall not falter!"
VanHelsing laid a hand on his shoulderand said"Brave lad!A moment'scourageand it is done. This stake must be driven through her.It well bea fearful ordealbe not deceived in thatbut it will be onlya shorttimeand you will then rejoice more than your pain was great.From thisgrim tomb you will emerge as though you tread on air.But youmust not falter when once you have begun. Only think that weyour truefriendsare round youand that we pray for you all the time."
"Goon" said Arthur hoarsely."Tell me what I am to do."
"Takethis stake in your left handready to place tothe pointover the heartand the hammer in your right.Then whenwe begin our prayer for the deadI shall read himI havehere the bookand the others shall followstrike inGod'snamethat so all may be well with the dead that we loveand thatthe UnDead pass away."
Arthurtook the stake and the hammerand when once his mindwas set onaction his hands never trembled nor even quivered.VanHelsing opened his missal and began to readand Quinceyand Ifollowed as well as we could.
Arthurplaced the point over the heartand as I looked I could see its dintin thewhite flesh. Then he struck with all his might.
The thingin the coffin writhedand a hideousblood-curdlingscreech came from the opened red lips.The bodyshook and quivered and twisted in wild contortions.The sharpwhite champed together till the lips were cutand the mouthwassmeared with a crimson foam. But Arthur never faltered.He lookedlike a figure of Thor as his untrembling arm rose and felldrivingdeeper and deeper the mercy-bearing stakewhilst the bloodfrom thepierced heart welled and spurted up around it.His facewas setand high duty seemed to shine through it.The sightof it gave us courage so that our voices seemedto ringthrough the little vault.
And thenthe writhing and quivering of the body became lessand theteeth seemed to champand the face to quiver.Finally itlay still. The terrible task was over.
The hammerfell from Arthur's hand. He reeled and wouldhavefallen had we not caught him. The great drops of sweatsprangfrom his foreheadand his breath came in broken gasps.It hadindeed been an awful strain on himand had he not beenforced tohis task by more than human considerations he couldnever havegone through with it. For a few minutes we wereso takenup with him that we did not look towards the coffin.When wedidhowevera murmur of startled surprise ran fromone to theother of us. We gazed so eagerly that Arthur rosefor he hadbeen seated on the groundand came and looked tooand then aglad strange light broke over his face and dispelledaltogetherthe gloom of horror that lay upon it.
Thereinthe coffin lay no longer the foul Thing that we has so dreadedand grownto hate that the work of her destruction was yielded as a privilegeto the onebest entitled to itbut Lucy as we had seen her in lifewith herface of unequalled sweetness and purity. True that there werethereas we hadseen them in lifethe traces of care and pain and waste.But thesewere all dear to usfor they marked her truth to what we knew.One andall we felt that the holy calm that lay like sunshine over the wastedface andform was only an earthly token and symbol of the calm that wasto reignfor ever.
VanHelsing came and laid his hand on Arthur's shoulderand said to him"AndnowArthur my frienddear ladam I not forgiven?"
Thereaction of the terrible strain came as he took the old man's handin hisand raising it to his lipspressed itand said"Forgiven!God blessyou that you have given my dear one her soul againand me peace."He put hishands on the Professor's shoulderand laying his head onhisbreastcried for a while silentlywhilst we stood unmoving.
When heraised his head Van Helsing said to him"And nowmy childyou may kiss her. Kiss her dead lips if you willas shewould have you toif for her to choose.For she isnot a grinning devil nownot any more a foul Thingfor alleternity. No longer she is the devil's UnDead.She isGod's true deadwhose soul is with Him!"
Arthurbent and kissed herand then we sent him and Quincey out of thetomb.TheProfessor and I sawed the top off the stakeleaving the point of itin thebody. Then we cut off the head and filled the mouth withgarlic.Wesoldered up the leaden coffinscrewed on the coffin lidandgatheringup ourbelongingscame away. When the Professor locked the door hegavethe key toArthur.
Outsidethe air was sweetthe sun shoneand the birds sangand itseemed as if all nature were tuned to a different pitch.There wasgladness and mirth and peace everywherefor wewere atrest ourselves on one accountand we were gladthough itwas with a tempered joy.
Before wemoved away Van Helsing said"Nowmy friendsone stepor our work is doneone the most harrowing to ourselves.But thereremains a greater taskto find out the authorof allthis or sorrow and to stamp him out. I have clueswhich wecan followbut it is a long taskand a difficult oneand thereis danger in itand pain. Shall you not all help me?We havelearned to believeall of usis it not so?And sincesodo we not see our duty? Yes! And do we notpromise togo on to the bitter end?"
Each inturnwe took his handand the promise was made.Then saidthe Professor as we moved off"Two nights hence youshall meetwith me and dine together at seven of the clockwithfriend John. I shall entreat two otherstwo that youknow notas yetand I shall be ready to all our work showand ourplans unfold. Friend Johnyou come with me homefor I havemuch to consult you aboutand you can help me.Tonight Ileave for Amsterdambut shall return tomorrow night.And thenbegins our great quest. But first I shall havemuch tosayso that you may know what to do and to dread.Then ourpromise shall be made to each other anew.For thereis a terrible task before usand once our feetare on theploughshare we must not draw back."
When wearrived at the Berkely HotelVan Helsing found a telegramwaitingfor him.
"Amcoming up by train. Jonathan at Whitby. Important news.MinaHarker."
TheProfessor was delighted. "Ahthat wonderful Madam Mina"he said"pearl among women! She arrivebut I cannot stay.She mustgo to your housefriend John. You must meet her at thestation.Telegraphher en route so that she may be prepared."
When thewire was dispatched he had a cup of tea.Over it hetold me of a diary kept by Jonathan Harker when abroadand gaveme a typewritten copy of itas also of Mrs. Harker'sdiary atWhitby. "Take these" he said"and study themwell.When Ihave returned you will be master of all the factsand we canthen better enter on our inquisition.Keep themsafefor there is in them much of treasure.You willneed all your faitheven you who have had such anexperienceas that of today. What is here told" he laid hishandheavily and gravely on the packet of papers as he spoke"maybe the beginning of the end to you and me and many anotheror it maysound the knell of the UnDead who walk the earth.Read allI pray youwith the open mindand if you can addin any wayto the story here told do sofor it is all important.You havekept a diary of all these so strange thingsis itnot so? Yes! Then we shall go through all these togetherwhen wemeet." He then made ready for his departure and shortlydrove offto Liverpool Street. I took my way to Paddingtonwhere Iarrived about fifteen minutes before the train came in.
The crowdmelted awayafter the bustling fashion commonto arrivalplatformsand I was beginning to feel uneasylest Imight miss my guestwhen a sweet-faceddaintylookinggirl stepped up to meand after a quick glance said"Dr.Sewardis it not?"
"Andyou are Mrs. Harker!" I answered at oncewhereupon sheheldout herhand.
"Iknew you from the description of poor dear Lucybut.. ."She stopped suddenlyand a quick blush overspread her face.
The blushthat rose to my own cheeks somehow set us both at easefor it wasa tacit answer to her own. I got her luggagewhich includedatypewriterand we took the Underground to Fenchurch Streetafter Ihad sent a wire to my housekeeper to have a sitting roomand abedroom prepared at once for Mrs. Harker.
In duetime we arrived. She knewof coursethat the placewas alunatic asylumbut I could see that she was unableto repressa shudder when we entered.
She toldme thatif she mightshe would come presentlyto mystudyas she had much to say. So here I am finishingmy entryin my phonograph diary whilst I await her.As yet Ihave not had the chance of looking at the paperswhich VanHelsing left with methough they lie open before me.I must gether interested in somethingso that I mayhave anopportunity of reading them. She does not knowhowprecious time isor what a task we have in hand.I must becareful not to frighten her. Here she is!
29September.--After I had tidied myselfI went down to Dr. Seward'sstudy.At thedoor I paused a momentfor I thought I heard him talking withsome one. Ashoweverhe had pressed me to be quickI knocked at the doorand on hiscalling out"Come in" I entered.
To myintense surprisethere was no one with him.He wasquite aloneand on the table opposite him was what Iknew atonce from the description to be a phonograph.I hadnever seen oneand was much interested.
"Ihope I did not keep you waiting" I said"but I stayed atthe dooras I heardyou talkingand thought there was someone with you."
"Oh"he replied with a smile"I was only entering my diary."
"Yourdiary?" I asked him in surprise.
"Yes"he answered. "I keep it in this." As he spokehe laidhis hand on the phonograph. I felt quite excitedover itand blurted out"Whythis beats even shorthand!May I hearit say something?"
"Certainly"he replied with alacrityand stood up to put itin trainfor speaking. Then he pausedand a troubled lookoverspreadhis face.
"Thefact is" he began awkwardly."I only keep my diary in itand as it isentirelyalmost entirelyabout my cases it may be awkwardthat isI mean.. ."He stoppedand I tried to help him out of his embarrassment.
"Youhelped to attend dear Lucy at the end. Let me hear howshe diedfor all that I know of herI shall be very grateful.She wasveryvery dear to me."
To mysurprisehe answeredwith a horrorstruck look in his face"Tellyou of her death? Not for the wide world!"
"Whynot?" I askedfor some graveterrible feeling was comingover me.
Again hepausedand I could see that he was trying to invent an excuse.At lengthhe stammered out"You seeI do not know how to pick outanyparticular part of the diary."
Even whilehe was speaking an idea dawned upon himand hesaid with unconscious simplicityin a different voiceand withthe naivete of a child"that's quite trueupon myhonor. Honest Indian!"
I couldnot but smileat which he grimaced."I gave myselfaway thattime!" he said. "But do you know thatalthough Ihave keptthe diary for months pastit never once struck mehow I wasgoing to find any particular part of it in case Iwanted tolook it up?"
By thistime my mind was made up that the diary of a doctorwhoattended Lucy might have something to add to the sumof ourknowledge of that terrible Beingand I said boldly"ThenDr. Sewardyou had better let me copy it out for youon mytypewriter."
He grew toa positively deathly pallor as he said"No! No! No! For alltheworld. I wouldn't let you know that terrible story.!"
Then itwas terrible. My intuition was right! For a momentI thoughtand as my eyes ranged the roomunconsciously lookingforsomething or some opportunity to aid methey lit on a greatbatch oftypewriting on the table. His eyes caught the lookin mineand without his thinkingfollowed their direction.As theysaw the parcel he realized my meaning.
"Youdo not know me" I said. "When you have read thosepapersmy owndiary andmy husband's alsowhich I have typedyou will know me better.I have notfaltered in giving every thought of my own heart in this cause.Butofcourseyou do not know meyetand I must not expect you to trustme sofar."
He iscertainly a man of noble nature. Poor dear Lucy was right abouthim.He stoodup and opened a large drawerin which were arranged in ordera numberof hollow cylinders of metal covered with dark waxand said
"Youare quite right. I did not trust you because I did notknow you. But I know you nowand let me say that I shouldhave knownyou long ago. I know that Lucy told you of me.She toldme of you too. May I make the only atonement in my power?Take thecylinders and hear them. The first half-dozenof themare personal to meand they will not horrify you.Then youwill know me better. Dinner will by then be ready.In themeantime I shall read over some of these documentsand shallbe better able to understand certain things."
He carriedthe phonograph himself up to my sitting room and adjustedit forme. Now I shall learn something pleasantI am sure.For itwill tell me the other side of a true love episode of which Iknow oneside already.
29September.--I was so absorbed in that wonderful diary ofJonathanHarker and that other of his wife that I let the timerun onwithout thinking. Mrs. Harker was not down when the maidcame toannounce dinnerso I said"She is possibly tired.Let dinnerwait an hour" and I went on with my work.I had justfinished Mrs. Harker's diarywhen she came in.She lookedsweetly prettybut very sadand her eyeswereflushed with crying. This somehow moved me much.Of late Ihave had cause for tearsGod knows! But the reliefof themwas denied meand now the sight of those sweet eyesbrightenedby recent tearswent straight to my heart.So I saidas gently as I could"I greatly fear Ihavedistressed you."
"Ohnonot distressed me" she replied. "But Ihave beenmore touched than I can say by your grief.That is awonderful machinebut it is cruelly true.It toldmein its very tonesthe anguish of your heart.It waslike a soul crying out to Almighty God. No one musthear themspoken ever again! SeeI have tried to be useful.I havecopied out the words on my typewriterand none otherneed nowhear your heart beatas I did."
"Noone need ever knowshall ever know" I said in a low voice.She laidher hand on mine and said very gravely"Ahbut they must!"
"Must!but why?" I asked.
"Becauseit is a part of the terrible storya part of poor Lucy'sdeath andall that led to it. Because in the struggle which wehavebefore us to rid the earth of this terrible monster wemust haveall the knowledge and all the help which we can get.I thinkthat the cylinders which you gave me contained more than youintendedme to know. But I can see that there are in your recordmanylights to this dark mystery. You will let me helpwill younot?I know allup to a certain pointand I see alreadythough yourdiary onlytook me to 7 Septemberhow poor Lucy was besetand howher terrible doom was being wrought out. Jonathan and Ihave beenworking day and night since Professor Van Helsing saw us.He is goneto Whitby to get more informationand he will beheretomorrow to help us. We need have no secrets amongst us.Workingtogether and with absolute trustwe can surely be strongerthan ifsome of us were in the dark."
She lookedat me so appealinglyand at the same time manifestedsuchcourage and resolution in her bearingthat I gave in at onceto herwishes. "You shall" I said"do as you like inthe matter.Godforgive me if I do wrong! There are terrible things yet tolearn of.But if youhave so far traveled on the road to poor Lucy's deathyou willnot be contentI knowto remain in the dark. Naythe endthe veryendmay give you a gleam of peace. Comethere is dinner.We mustkeep one another strong for what is before us. We have a cruelanddreadful task. When you have eaten you shall learn the restand Ishall answer any questions you askif there be anything which youdo notunderstandthough it was apparent to us who were present."
29September.--After dinner I came with Dr. Seward to his study.He broughtback the phonograph from my roomand I took a chairandarranged the phonograph so that I could touch it without getting upand showedme how to stop it in case I should want to pause.Then hevery thoughtfully took a chairwith his back to meso that Imight be as free as possibleand began to read.I put theforked metal to my ears and listened.
When theterrible story of Lucy's deathand all that followedwas doneI lay back in my chair powerless. Fortunately I amnot of afainting disposition. When Dr. Seward saw me he jumpedup with ahorrified exclamationand hurriedly taking a casebottlefrom the cupboardgave me some brandywhich in a fewminutessomewhat restored me. My brain was all in a whirland onlythat there came through all the multitude of horrorsthe holyray of light that my dear Lucy was at last at peaceI do notthink I could have borne it without making a scene.It is allso wild and mysteriousand strange that if Ihad notknown Jonathan's experience in Transylvania I couldnot havebelieved. As it wasI didn't know what to believeand so gotout of my difficulty by attending to something else.I took thecover off my typewriterand said to Dr. Seward
"Letme write this all out now. We must be ready for Dr. VanHelsingwhen he comes. I have sent a telegram to Jonathanto come onhere when he arrives in London from Whitby.In thismatter dates are everythingand I think that if weget all ofour material readyand have every item putinchronological orderwe shall have done much.
"Youtell me that Lord Godalming and Mr. Morris are coming too.Let us beable to tell them when they come."
Heaccordingly set the phonograph at a slow paceand I began totypewritefrom thebeginning of the seventeenth cylinder. I used manifoldand sotook three copies of the diaryjust as I had done with the rest.It waslate when I got throughbut Dr. Seward went about his work of goinghis roundof the patients. When he had finished he came back and satnear mereadingso that I did not feel too lonely whilst I worked.How goodand thoughtful he is. The world seems full of good meneven ifthere are monsters in it.
Before Ileft him I remembered what Jonathan put in his diaryof theProfessor's perturbation at reading something in an eveningpaper atthe station at Exetersoseeing that Dr. Seward keepshisnewspapersI borrowed the files of `The Westminster Gazette'and `ThePall Mall Gazette' and took them to my room.I rememberhow much the `Dailygraph' and `The Whitby Gazette'of which Ihad made cuttingshad helped us to understandtheterrible events at Whitby when Count Dracula landedso I shalllook through the evening papers since thenandperhaps I shall get some new light. I am not sleepyand thework will help to keep me quiet.
30September.--Mr. Harker arrived at nine o'clock. He got his wife'swire justbeforestarting. He is uncommonly cleverif one can judge from hisfaceand fullof energy. If this journal be trueand judging by one's ownwonderfulexperiencesit must behe is also a man of great nerve.That goingdown to the vault a second time was a remarkable piece of daring.Afterreading his account of it I was prepared to meet a good specimenofmanhoodbut hardly the quietbusinesslike gentleman who came heretoday.
LATER.--Afterlunch Harker and his wife went back to their own roomand as Ipassed a while ago I heard the click of the typewriter.They arehard at it. Mrs. Harker says that knitting togetherinchronological order every scrap of evidence they have.Harker hasgot the letters between the consignee of the boxesat Whitbyand the carriers in London who took charge of them.He is nowreading his wife's transcript of my diary.I wonderwhat they make out of it. Here it is. . .
Strangethat it never struck me that the very next housemight bethe Count's hiding place! Goodness knows that wehad enoughclues from the conduct of the patient Renfield!The bundleof letters relating to the purchase of the housewere withthe transcript. Ohif we had only had them earlierwe mighthave saved poor Lucy! Stop! That way madness lies!Harker hasgone backand is again collecting material.He saysthat by dinner time they will be able to showa wholeconnected narrative. He thinks that in the meantimeI shouldsee Renfieldas hitherto he has been a sortof indexto the coming and going of the Count. I hardly seethis yetbut when I get at the dates I suppose I shall.What agood thing that Mrs. Harker put my cylinders into type!We nevercould have found the dates otherwise.
I foundRenfield sitting placidly in his room with his hands foldedsmilingbenignly. At the moment he seemed as sane as any one I eversaw.I sat downand talked with him on a lot of subjectsall of whichhe treatednaturally. He thenof his own accordspoke of going homea subjecthe has never mentioned to my knowledge during his sojourn here.In facthe spoke quite confidently of getting his discharge at once.I believethathad I not had the chat with Harker and read the lettersand thedates of his outburstsI should have been prepared to sign for himafter abrief time of observation. As it isI am darkly suspicious.All thoseout-breaks were in some way linked with the proximity of the Count.What thendoes this absolute content mean? Can it be that his instinctissatisfied as to the vampire's ultimate triumph? Stay. Heishimselfzoophagousand in his wild ravings outside the chapel doorof thedeserted house he always spoke of `master'. This all seemsconfirmationof our idea. Howeverafter a while I came away.My friendis just a little too sane at present to make it safe to probehim toodeep with questions. He might begin to thinkand then.. .So Icame away. I mistrust these quiet moods of of hisso I havegiventheattendant a hint to look closely after himand to have a straitwaistcoatready in case of need.
29Septemberin train to London.--When I receivedMr.Billington's courteous message that he would give meanyinformation in his power I thought it best to go downto Whitbyand makeon the spotsuch inquiries as I wanted.It was nowmy object to trace that horrid cargo of the Count'sto itsplace in London. Laterwe may be able to deal with it.Billingtonjuniora nice ladmet me at the stationand broughtme to hisfather's housewhere they had decided that I must spendthenight. They are hospitablewith true Yorkshire hospitalitygive aguest everything and leave him to do as he likes.They allknew that I was busyand that my stay was shortand Mr.Billington had ready in his office all the papersconcerningthe consignment of boxes. It gave me almost a turnto seeagain one of the letters which I had seen on the Count'stablebefore I knew of his diabolical plans. Everything had beencarefullythought outand done systematically and with precision.He seemedto have been prepared for every obstacle whichmight beplaced by accident in the way of his intentionsbeingcarried out. To use and Americanismhe had `taken nochances'and the absolute accuracy with which his instructionswerefulfilled was simply the logical result of his care.I saw theinvoiceand took note of it.`Fifty cases ofcommonearthto be used for experimental purposes'. Alsothe copyof the letter to Carter Patersonand their reply.Of boththese I got copies. This was all the informationMr.Billington could give meso I went down to the port and sawthecoastguardsthe Customs Officers and the harbor masterwho kindlyput me in communication with the men who had actuallyreceivedthe boxes. Their tally was exact with the listand theyhad nothing to add to the simple description `fiftycases ofcommon earth'except that the boxes were `mainand mortalheavy'and that shifting them was dry work.One ofthem added that it was hard lines that there wasn'tanygentleman `such like as like yourselfsquire'to showsome sortof appreciation of their efforts in a liquid form.Anotherput in a rider that the thirst then generated was suchthat eventhe time which had elapsed had not completely allayed it.Needlessto addI took care before leaving to liftforeverand adequatelythis source of reproach.
30September.--The station master was good enough to give me a line tohisoldcompanion the station master at King's Crossso that when I arrivedthere inthe morning I was able to ask him about the arrival of the boxes.Hetooput me at once in communication with the proper officialsand I sawthat their tally was correct with the original invoice.Theopportunities of acquiring an abnormal thirst had been here limited.A nobleuse of them hadhoweverbeen madeand again I was compelledto dealwith the result in ex post facto manner.
Fromthence I went to Carter Paterson's central officewhere Imet with the utmost courtesy. They looked upthetransaction in their day book and letter bookand at oncetelephonedto their King's Cross office for more details.By goodfortunethe men who did the teaming were waitingfor workand the official at once sent them oversendingalso by one of them the way-bill and all the papersconnectedwith the delivery of the boxes at Carfax.Here againI found the tally agreeing exactly. The carriers'men wereable to supplement the paucity of the written wordswith a fewmore details. These wereI shortly foundconnectedalmost solely with the dusty nature of the joband theconsequent thirst engendered in the operators.On myaffording an opportunitythrough the medium of thecurrencyof the realmof the allayingat a later periodthisbeneficial evilone of the men remarked
"That`ere `ouseguv'noris the rummiest I everwas in. Blyme! But it ain't been touched sence a hundred years.There wasdust that thick in the place that you might have slep'on itwithout `urtin' of yer bones. An' the place was thatneglectedthat yer might `ave smelled ole Jerusalem in it.But theold chapelthat took the cikethat did!Me and mymatewe thort we wouldn't never git out quick enough.Lor'Iwouldn't take less nor a quid a moment to staytherearter dark."
Havingbeen in the houseI could well believe himbut if he knewwhat Iknowhe wouldI think have raised his terms.
Of onething I am now satisfied. That all those boxes which arrived atWhitbyfrom Varnain the Demeter were safely deposited in the old chapel at Carfax.Thereshould be fifty of them thereunless any have since been removedas fromDr. Seward's diary I fear.
Later.--Minaand I have worked all dayand we have put allthe papersinto order.
30September.--I am so glad that I hardly know how to contain myself.It isIsupposethe reaction from the haunting fear which I have hadthat thisterrible affair and the reopening of his old woundmight actdetrimentally on Jonathan. I saw him leave for Whitbywith asbrave a face as couldbut I was sick with apprehension.The efforthashoweverdone him good. He was never so resolutenever sostrongnever so full of volcanic energyas at present.It is justas that deargood Professor Van Helsing saidhe is true gritand heimproves under strain that would kill a weaker nature. He cameback fullof life and hope and determination. We have got everythingin orderfor tonight. I feel myself quite wild with excitement.I supposeone ought to pity anything so hunted as the Count.That isjust it. This thing is not humannot even a beast.To readDr. Seward's account of poor Lucy's deathand what followedis enoughto dry up the springs of pity in one's heart.
Later.--LordGodalming and Mr. Morris arrived earlier than we expected.Dr. Sewardwas out on businessand had taken Jonathan with himso I hadto see them. It was to me a painful meetingfor itbroughtback all poor dear Lucy's hopes of only a few months ago.Of coursethey had heard Lucy speak of meand it seemed thatDr. VanHelsingtoohad been quite `blowing my trumpet'as Mr. Morrisexpressedit. Poor fellowsneither of them is aware that I knowall aboutthe proposals they made to Lucy. They did not quite knowwhat tosay or doas they were ignorant of the amount of my knowledge.So theyhad to keep on neutral subjects. HoweverI thoughtthe matteroverand came to the conclusion that the best thingI could dowould be to post them on affairs right up to date.I knewfrom Dr. Seward's diary that they had been at Lucy's deathher realdeathand that I need not fear to betray any secretbefore thetime. So I told themas well as I couldthat Ihad readall the papers and diariesand that my husband and Ihavingtypewritten themhad just finished putting them in order.I gavethem each a copy to read in the library. When Lord Godalminggot hisand turned it overit does make a pretty good pilehe said"Didyou write all thisMrs. Harker?"
I noddedand he went on.
"Idon't quite see the drift of itbut you people are all so goodand kindand have been working so earnestly and so energeticallythat all Ican do is to accept your ideas blindfold and try to help you.I have hadone lesson already in accepting facts that should make a manhumble tothe last hour of his life. BesidesI know you loved my Lucy.. ."
Here heturned away and covered his face with his hands.I couldhear the tears in his voice. Mr. Morriswithinstinctive delicacyjust laid a hand for a momenton hisshoulderand then walked quietly out of the room.I supposethere is something in a woman's nature that makesa man freeto break down before her and express his feelingson thetender or emotional side without feeling it derogatoryto hismanhood. For when Lord Godalming found himself alonewith me hesat down on the sofa and gave way utterly and openly.I sat downbeside him and took his hand. I hope he didn't thinkit forwardof meand that if her ever thinks of it afterwardshe neverwill have such a thought. There I wrong him.I know henever will. He is too true a gentleman.I said tohimfor I could see that his heart was breaking"Iloved dear Lucyand I know what she was to youand what youwere toher. She and I were like sistersand now she is gonewill younot let me be like a sister to you in your trouble?I knowwhat sorrows you have hadthough I cannot measure the depthof them. If sympathy and pity can help in your afflictionwon't youlet me be of some little servicefor Lucy's sake?"
In aninstant the poor dear fellow was overwhelmed with grief.It seemedto me that all that he had of late been suffering in silencefound avent at once. He grew quite hystericaland raising hisopenhandsbeat his palms together in a perfect agony of grief.He stoodup and then sat down againand the tears rained down his cheeks.I felt aninfinite pity for himand opened my arms unthinkingly.With a sobhe laid his head on my shoulder and cried like a wearied childwhilst heshook with emotion.
We womenhave something of the mother in us that makes us riseabovesmaller matters when the mother spirit is invoked.I feltthis big sorrowing man's head resting on meas thoughit werethat of a baby that some day may lie on my bosomand Istroked his hair as though he were my own child.I neverthought at the time how strange it all was.
After alittle bit his sobs ceasedand he raised himself with an apologythough hemade no disguise of his emotion. He told me that for daysand nightspastweary days and sleepless nightshe had been unableto speakwith any oneas a man must speak in his time of sorrow.There wasno woman whose sympathy could be given to himor with whomowing tothe terrible circumstance with which his sorrow was surroundedhe couldspeak freely.
"Iknow now how I suffered" he saidas he dried his eyes"butI do not know even yetand none other can ever knowhow muchyour sweet sympathy has been to me today.I shallknow better in timeand believe me thatthough I amnotungrateful nowmy gratitude will grow with my understanding.You willlet me be like a brotherwill you notfor all our livesfor dearLucy's sake?"
"Fordear Lucy's sake" I said as we clasped hands."Ayand foryour own sake" he added"for if a man's esteem andgratitudeare ever worth the winningyou have won mine today.If everthe future should bring to you a time when youneed aman's helpbelieve meyou will not call in vain.God grantthat no such time may ever come to you to breakthesunshine of your lifebut if it should ever comepromise methat you will let me know."
He was soearnestand his sorrow was so freshthat I feltit wouldcomfort himso I said"I promise."
As I camealong the corridor I say Mr. Morris looking out of a window.He turnedas he heard my footsteps. "How is Art?" he said. Then noticingmy redeyeshe went on"AhI see you have been comforting him.Poor oldfellow! He needs it. No one but a woman can help a manwhen he isin trouble of the heartand he had no one to comfort him."
He borehis own trouble so bravely that my heart bled for him.I saw themanuscript in his handand I knew that when he readit hewould realize how much I knewso I said to him"I wish Icouldcomfort all who suffer from the heart. Will you let me beyourfriendand will you come to me for comfort if you need it?You willknow later why I speak."
He sawthat I was in earnestand stoopingtook my handand raisingit to hislipskissed it. It seemed but poor comfort to so braveandunselfish a souland impulsively I bent over and kissed him.The tearsrose in his eyesand there was a momentary chokingin histhroat. He said quite calmly"Little girlyou will neverforgetthat true hearted kindnessso long as ever you live!"Then hewent into the study to his friend.
"Littlegirl!" The very words he had used to Lucyandohbut heprovedhimself afriend.
30September.--I got home at five o'clockand found that Godalmingand Morrishad not only arrivedbut had already studied the transcriptof thevarious diaries and letters which Harker had not yet returned fromhis visitto the carriers' menof whom Dr. Hennessey had written to me.Mrs.Harker gave us a cup of teaand I can honestly say thatfor thefirst timesince I have lived in itthis old house seemed like home.When wehad finishedMrs. Harker said
"Dr.Sewardmay I ask a favor? I want to see your patientMr.Renfield.Do let mesee him. What you have said of him in your diary interestsme somuch!"
She lookedso appealing and so pretty that I could not refuse herand therewas no possible reason why I shouldso I took her with me.When Iwent into the roomI told the man that a lady would like to see himto whichhe simply answered"Why?"
"Sheis going through the houseand wants to see every onein it"I answered.
"Ohvery well" he said"let her come inby all meansbut justwait a minute till I tidy up the place."
His methodof tidying was peculiarhe simply swallowed allthe fliesand spiders in the boxes before I could stop him.It wasquite evident that he fearedor was jealous ofsomeinterference. When he had got through his disgusting taskhe saidcheerfully"Let the lady come in" and sat downon theedge of his bed with his head downbut with hiseyelidsraised so that he could see her as she entered.For amoment I thought that he might have some homicidal intent.Iremembered how quiet he had been just before he attacked mein my ownstudyand I took care to stand where I could seizehim atonce if he attempted to make a spring at her.
She cameinto the room with an easy gracefulness which would at oncecommandthe respect of any lunaticfor easiness is one of the qualitiesmad peoplemost respect. She walked over to himsmiling pleasantlyand heldout her hand.
"GoodeveningMr. Renfield" said she. "You seeI knowyoufor Dr.Seward has told me of you." He made no immediate replybut eyedher all over intently with a set frown on his face.This lookgave way to one of wonderwhich merged in doubtthen to myintense astonishment he said"You're not the girlthe doctorwanted to marryare you? You can't beyou knowfor she'sdead."
Mrs.Harker smiled sweetly as she replied"Oh no! I have ahusbandof my ownto whom I was married before I ever saw Dr. Sewardor he me.I am Mrs.Harker."
"Thenwhat are you doing here?"
"Myhusband and I are staying on a visit with Dr. Seward."
"Thendon't stay."
"Butwhy not?"
I thoughtthat this style of conversation might not be pleasantto Mrs.Harkerany more than it was to meso I joined in"Howdid you know I wanted to marry anyone?"
His replywas simply contemptuousgiven in a pause in which he turnedhis eyesfrom Mrs. Harker to meinstantly turning them back again"Whatan asinine question!"
"Idon't see that at allMr. Renfield" said Mrs. Harkerat oncechampioning me.
He repliedto her with as much courtesy and respect as he had showncontemptto me"You willof courseunderstandMrs. Harkerthat whena man is so loved and honored as our host iseverythingregarding him is of interest in our little community.Dr. Sewardis loved not only by his household and his friendsbut evenby his patientswhobeing some of them hardlyin mentalequilibriumare apt to distort causes and effects.Since Imyself have been an inmate of a lunatic asylumI cannotbut noticethat the sophistic tendencies of some of its inmatesleantowards the errors of non causa and ignoratio elenche."
Ipositively opened my eyes at this new development.Here wasmy own pet lunaticthe most pronounced of his typethat I hadever met withtalking elemental philosophyand withthe manner of a polished gentleman. I wonder if it wasMrs.Harker's presence which had touched some chord in his memory.If thisnew phase was spontaneousor in any way due to herunconsciousinfluenceshe must have some rare gift or power.
Wecontinued to talk for some timeand seeing that he was seeminglyquitereasonableshe venturedlooking at me questioningly as she beganto leadhim to his favorite topic. I was again astonishedfor headdressedhimself tothe question with the impartiality of the completest sanity.He eventook himself as an example when he mentioned certain things.
"WhyI myself am an instance of a man who had a strange belief.Indeeditwas no wonder that my friends were alarmedandinsisted on my being put under control. I used to fancythat lifewas a positive and perpetual entityand that byconsuminga multitude of live thingsno matter how low inthe scaleof creationone might indefinitely prolong life.At times Iheld the belief so strongly that I actuallytried totake human life. The doctor here will bear meout thaton one occasion I tried to kill him for the purposeofstrengthening my vital powers by the assimilation withmy ownbody of his life through the medium of his bloodrelying ofcourseupon the Scriptural phrase`For the bloodis thelife.' Thoughindeedthe vendor of a certain nostrumhasvulgarized the truism to the very point of contempt.Isn't thattruedoctor?"
I noddedassentfor I was so amazed that I hardly knew whatto eitherthink or sayit was hard to imagine that I had seenhim eat uphis spiders and flies not five minutes before.Looking atmy watchI saw that I should go to the station to meetVanHelsingso I told Mrs. Harker that it was time to leave.
She cameat onceafter saying pleasantly to Mr. Renfield"Goodbyeand I hope I may see you oftenunder auspicespleasanterto yourself."
To whichto my astonishmenthe replied"Goodbyemy dear.I pray GodI may never see your sweet face again.May Hebless and keep you!"
When Iwent to the station to meet Van Helsing I left the boys behind me.Poor Artseemed more cheerful than he has been since Lucy first took illandQuincey is more like his own bright self than he has been for manya longday.
VanHelsing stepped from the carriage with the eager nimbleness of a boy.He saw meat onceand rushed up to mesaying"Ahfriend Johnhow goesall? Well? So! I have been busyfor I come here tostayif needbe. All affairs are settled with meand I have much to tell.Madam Minais with you? Yes. And her so fine husband? AndArthurand myfriend Quinceythey are with youtoo? Good!"
As I droveto the house I told him of what had passedand of how myown diaryhad come to be of some use through Mrs. Harker's suggestionat whichthe Professor interrupted me.
"Ahthat wonderful Madam Mina! She has man's braina brainthat a manshould have were he much giftedand a woman's heart.The goodGod fashioned her for a purposebelieve mewhen He madethat sogood combination. Friend Johnup to now fortune has madethat womanof help to usafter tonight she must not have to do with thissoterrible affair. It is not good that she run a risk so great.We men aredeterminednayare we not pledgedto destroy this monster?But it isno part for a woman. Even if she be not harmedher heartmay failher in so much and so many horrors and hereafter she may sufferboth inwakingfrom her nervesand in sleepfrom her dreams.Andbesidesshe is young woman and not so long marriedthere maybe other things to think of some timeif not now.You tellme she has wrote allthen she must consult with usbuttomorrow she say goodbye to this workand we go alone."
I agreedheartily with himand then I told him what wehad foundin his absencethat the house which Draculahad boughtwas the very next one to my own. He was amazedand agreat concern seemed to come on him.
"Ohthat we had known it before!" he said"for then we mighthavereached him in time to save poor Lucy. However`the milkthat isspilt cries not out afterwards'as you say. We shallnot thinkof thatbut go on our way to the end." Then he fellinto asilence that lasted till we entered my own gateway.Before wewent to prepare for dinner he said to Mrs. Harker"I amtoldMadam Minaby my friend John that you and yourhusbandhave put up in exact order all things that have beenup to thismoment."
"Notup to this momentProfessor" she said impulsively"butup to this morning."
"Butwhy not up to now? We have seen hitherto how good lightall thelittle things have made. We have told our secretsand yet noone who has told is the worse for it."
Mrs.Harker began to blushand taking a paper fromherpocketsshe said"Dr. Van Helsingwill you read thisand tellme if it must go in. It is my record of today.I too haveseen the need of putting down at present everythinghowevertrivialbut there is little in this except what is personal.Must it goin?"
TheProfessor read it over gravelyand handed it backsaying"Itneed not go in if you do not wish itbut I pray that it may.It can butmake your husband love you the moreand all usyourfriendsmore honor youas well as more esteem and love."She tookit back with another blush and a bright smile.
And sonowup to this very hourall the records we have are completeand inorder. The Professor took away one copy to study after dinnerand beforeour meetingwhich is fixed for nine o'clock. The rest of ushavealready read everythingso when we meet in the study we shall allbeinformed as to factsand can arrange our plan of battle with thisterribleand mysterious enemy.
30September.--When we met in Dr. Seward's study two hours after dinnerwhich hadbeen at six o'clockwe unconsciously formed a sort of boardorcommittee. Professor Van Helsing took the head of the tableto whichDr. Seward motioned him as he came into the room.He made mesit next to him on his rightand asked me to act as secretary.Jonathansat next to me. Opposite us were Lord GodalmingDr. Sewardand Mr.MorrisLord Godalming being next the Professorand Dr. Sewardin thecenter.
TheProfessor said"I mayI supposetake it that we areallacquainted with the facts that are in these papers."We allexpressed assentand he went on"Then it wereI thinkgood thatI tell you something of the kind of enemy with whichwe have todeal. I shall then make known to you somethingof thehistory of this manwhich has been ascertained for me.So we thencan discuss how we shall actand can takeourmeasure according.
"Thereare such beings as vampiressome of us have evidence thattheyexist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experiencetheteachings and the records of the past give proof enoughfor sanepeoples. I admit that at the first I was sceptic.Were itnot that through long years I have trained myselfto keep anopen mindI could not have believed untilsuch timeas that fact thunder on my ear.`See! See!I proveIprove.' Alas! Had I known at first what nowI knownayhad I even guess at himone so preciouslife hadbeen spared to many of us who did love her.But thatis goneand we must so workthat other poor soulsperishnotwhilst we can save. The nosferatu do not dielike thebee when he sting once. He is only strongerand beingstrongerhave yet more power to work evil.Thisvampire which is amongst us is of himself so strong in personas twentymenhe is of cunning more than mortalfor his cunningbe thegrowth of ageshe have still the aids of necromancywhich isas his etymology implythe divination by the deadand allthe dead that he can come nigh to are for him at commandhe isbruteand more than brutehe is devil in callousand theheart of him is nothe canwithin his rangedirect theelementsthe stormthe fogthe thunderhe cancommand all the meaner thingsthe ratand the owland thebatthe mothand the foxand the wolfhe can growand becomesmalland he can at times vanish and come unknown.How thenare we to begin our strike to destroy him? How shallwe findhis whereand having found ithow can we destroy?Myfriendsthis is muchit is a terrible task that we undertakeand theremay be consequence to make the brave shudder.For if wefail in this our fight he must surely winand thenwhere end we? Life is nothingsI heed him not.But tofail hereis not mere life or death. It is that we becomeas himthat we henceforward become foul things of the nightlike himwithout heart or consciencepreying on the bodiesand thesouls of those we love best. To us forever arethe gatesof heaven shutfor who shall open them to us again?We go onfor all time abhorred by alla blot on the face ofGod'ssunshinean arrow in the side of Him who died for man.But we areface to face with dutyand in such case mustweshrink? For meI say nobut then I am oldand lifewith hissunshinehis fair placeshis song of birdshis musicand his lovelie far behind. You others are young.Some haveseen sorrowbut there are fair days yet in store.What sayyou?"
Whilst hewas speakingJonathan had taken my hand. I fearedoh somuchthat the appalling nature of our danger was overcominghim when Isaw his hand stretch outbut it was life to meto feelits touchso strongso self reliantso resolute.A braveman's hand can speak for itselfit does not even needa woman'slove to hear its music.
When theProfessor had done speaking my husband looked in my eyesand I inhisthere was no need for speaking between us.
"Ianswer for Mina and myself" he said.
"Countme inProfessor" said Mr. Quincey Morrislaconically asusual.
"I amwith you" said Lord Godalming"for Lucy's sakeif for noother reason."
Dr. Sewardsimply nodded.
TheProfessor stood up andafter laying his goldencrucifixon the tableheld out his hand on either side.I took hisright handand Lord Godalming his leftJonathan heldmy rightwith his left and stretched across to Mr. Morris.So as weall took hands our solemn compact was made. I feltmy hearticy coldbut it did not even occur to me to draw back.We resumedour placesand Dr. Van Helsing went on with a sortofcheerfulness which showed that the serious work had begun.It was tobe taken as gravelyand in as businesslike a wayas anyother transaction of life.
"Wellyou know what we have to contend againstbut we tooare notwithout strength. We have on our side powerofcombinationa power denied to the vampire kindwe havesources of sciencewe are free to act and thinkand thehours of the day and the night are ours equally.In factso far as our powers extendthey are unfetteredand we arefree to use them. We have self devotion in acause andan end to achieve which is not a selfish one.Thesethings are much.
"Nowlet us see how far the general powers arrayed againstus arerestrictand how the individual cannot. In finelet usconsider the limitations of the vampire in generaland ofthis one in particular.
"Allwe have to go upon are traditions and superstitions.These donot at the first appear muchwhen the matter is oneof lifeand deathnay of more than either life or death.Yet mustwe be satisfiedin the first place because wehave tobeno other means is at our controland secondlybecauseafter all these thingstradition and superstitionareeverything. Does not the belief in vampires rest for othersthoughnotalas! for uson them! A year ago which of uswould havereceived such a possibilityin the midst ofourscientificscepticalmatter-of-fact nineteenth century?We evenscouted a belief that we saw justified under our very eyes.Take itthenthat the vampireand the belief in hislimitationsand his curerest for the moment on the same base.Forletme tell youhe is known everywhere that men have been.In oldGreecein old Romehe flourish in Germany all overin Francein Indiaeven in the Chermoseseand in Chinaso farfrom us inall waysthere even is heand the peoples for himat thisday. He have follow the wake of the berserker Icelanderthedevil-begotten Hunthe Slavthe Saxonthe Magyar.
"Sofarthenwe have all we may act uponand let metell youthat very much of the beliefs are justifiedby what wehave seen in our own so unhappy experience.Thevampire live onand cannot die by mere passing of the timehe canflourish when that he can fatten on the blood of the living.Even morewe have seen amongst us that he can even grow youngerthat hisvital faculties grow strenuousand seem as thoughtheyrefresh themselves when his special pabulum is plenty.
"Buthe cannot flourish without this diethe eat not as others.Evenfriend Jonathanwho lived with him for weeksdid never seehim eatnever! He throws no shadowhe make in the mirror no reflectas againJonathan observe. He has the strength of many of his handwitnessagain Jonathan when he shut the door against the wolvesand whenhe help him from the diligence too. He can transform himselfto wolfas we gather from the ship arrival in Whitbywhen he tearopen thedoghe can be as batas Madam Mina saw him on the windowat Whitbyand as friend John saw him fly from this so near houseand as myfriend Quincey saw him at the window of Miss Lucy.
"Hecan come in mist which he createthat noble ship's captain provedhim ofthisbutfrom what we knowthe distance he can make this mistislimitedand it can only be round himself.
"Hecome on moonlight rays as elemental dustas againJonathansaw those sisters in the castle of Dracula.He becomeso smallwe ourselves saw Miss Lucyere she wasat peaceslip through a hairbreadth space at the tomb door.He canwhen once he find his waycome out from anythingor intoanythingno matter how close it be bound or even fusedup withfiresolder you call it. He can see in the darkno smallpower thisin a world which is one half shut fromthelight. Ahbut hear me through.
"Hecan do all these thingsyet he is not free. Nayhe is evenmoreprisonerthan the slave of the galleythan the madman in his cell.He cannotgo where he listshe who is not of nature has yetto obeysome of nature's lawswhy we know not. He may not enteranywhereat the firstunless there be some one of the householdwho bidhim to comethough afterwards he can come as he please.His powerceasesas does that of all evil thingsat the comingof theday.
"Onlyat certain times can he have limited freedom.If he benot at the place whither he is boundhe canonlychange himself at noon or at exact sunrise or sunset.Thesethings we are toldand in this record of ours we haveproof byinference. Thuswhereas he can do as he will withinhis limitwhen he have his earth-homehis coffin-homehishell-homethe place unhallowedas we saw when he wentto thegrave of the suicide at Whitbystill at other time he canonlychange when the time come. It is saidtoothat he canonly passrunning water at the slack or the flood of the tide.Then thereare things which so afflict him that he has no poweras thegarlic that we know ofand as for things sacredas thissymbolmy crucifixthat was amongst us evennow whenwe resolveto them he is nothingbut in theirpresencehe take his place far off and silent with respect.There areotherstoowhich I shall tell you oflest in ourseeking wemay need them.
"Thebranch of wild rose on his coffin keep him that he movenot fromita sacred bullet fired into the coffin kill himso that hebe true deadand as for the stake through himwe knowalready of its peaceor the cut off head that giveth rest.We haveseen it with our eyes.
"Thuswhen we find the habitation of this man-that-waswe can confine himto hiscoffin and destroy himif we obey what we know. But he isclever.I haveasked my friend Arminiusof Buda-Pesth Universityto make hisrecordand fromall the means that arehe tell me of what he has been.He mustindeedhave been that Voivode Dracula who won his name againstthe Turkover the great river on the very frontier of Turkeyland.If it besothen was he no common manfor in that timeand forcenturiesafterhe was spoken of as the cleverest and the most cunningas well asthe bravest of the sons of the `land beyond the forest.'Thatmighty brain and that iron resolution went with him to his graveand areeven now arrayed against us. The Draculas weresays Arminiusa greatand noble racethough now and again were scions who wereheld bytheir coevals to have had dealings with the Evil One.Theylearned his secrets in the Scholomanceamongst the mountainsover LakeHermanstadtwhere the devil claims the tenth scholaras hisdue. In the records are such words as `stregoica' witch`ordog'and `pokol' Satan and helland in one manuscript this veryDracula isspoken of as `wampyr'which we all understand too well.There havebeen from the loins of this very one great men and good womenand theirgraves make sacred the earth where alone this foulness can dwell.For it isnot the least of its terrors that this evil thing is rooteddeep inall goodin soil barren of holy memories it cannot rest."
Whilstthey were talking Mr. Morris was looking steadily atthewindowand he now got up quietlyand went out of the room.There wasa little pauseand then the Professor went on.
"Andnow we must settle what we do. We have here much dataand wemust proceed to lay out our campaign. We know fromtheinquiry of Jonathan that from the castle to Whitby camefiftyboxes of earthall of which were delivered at Carfaxwe alsoknow that at least some of these boxes have been removed.It seemsto methat our first step should be to ascertainwhetherall the rest remain in the house beyond that wallwhere welook todayor whether any more have been removed.If thelatterwe must trace. . ."
Here wewere interrupted in a very startling way.Outsidethe house came the sound of a pistol shotthe glassof thewindow was shattered with a bulletwhich ricochettingfrom thetop of the embrasurestruck the far wall of the room.I amafraid I am at heart a cowardfor I shrieked out.The menall jumped to their feetLord Godalming flew overto thewindow and threw up the sash. As he did so we heardMr.Morris' voice without"Sorry! I fear I have alarmed you.I shallcome in and tell you about it."
A minutelater he came in and said"It was an idioticthing ofme to doand I ask your pardonMrs. HarkermostsincerelyI fear I must have frightened you terribly.But thefact is that whilst the Professor was talkingthere camea big bat and sat on the window sill.I have gotsuch a horror of the damned brutes from recent eventsthat Icannot stand themand I went out to have a shotas Ihave beendoing of late of eveningswhenever I have seen one.You usedto laugh at me for it thenArt."
"Didyou hit it?" asked Dr. Van Helsing.
"Idon't knowI fancy notfor it flew away into the wood."Withoutsaying any more he took his seatand the Professorbegan toresume his statement.
"Wemust trace each of these boxesand when we are readywe must eithercapture orkill this monster in his lairor we mustso to speaksterilizethe earthso that no more he can seek safety in it.Thus inthe end we may find him in his form of man between the hoursof noonand sunsetand so engage with him when he is at his most weak.
"Andnow for youMadam Minathis night is the end until all be well.You aretoo precious to us to have such risk. When we part tonightyou nomore must question. We shall tell you all in good time.We are menand are able to bearbut you must be our star and our hopeand weshall act all the more free that you are not in the dangersuch as weare."
All themeneven Jonathanseemed relievedbut it didnot seemto me good that they should brave danger andperhapslessen their safetystrength being the best safetythroughcare of mebut their minds were made upand thoughit was abitter pill for me to swallowI could say nothingsave toaccept their chivalrous care of me.
Mr. Morrisresumed the discussion"As there is no timeto loseIvote we have a look at his house right now.Time iseverything with himand swift action on our partmay saveanother victim."
I own thatmy heart began to fail me when the time for actioncame soclosebut I did not say anythingfor I had a greaterfear thatif I appeared as a drag or a hindrance to their workthey mighteven leave me out of their counsels altogether.They havenow gone off to Carfaxwith means to get into the house.
Manlikethey had told me to go to bed and sleepas if awoman can sleep when those she loves are in danger!I shalllie downand pretend to sleeplest Jonathan have addedanxietyabout me when he returns.
1 October4 A.M.--Just as we were about to leave the housean urgentmessagewas brought to me from Renfield to know if I would see himat onceas he had something of the utmost importance to say to me.I told themessenger to say that I would attend to his wishes in the morningI was busyjust at the moment.
Theattendant added"He seems very importunatesir.I havenever seen him so eager. I don't know but whatif youdon't seehim soonhe will have one of his violent fits."I knew theman would not have said this without some causeso I said"All rightI'll go now" and I asked the othersto wait afew minutes for meas I had to go and see my patient.
"Takeme with youfriend John" said the Professor."His case inyour diaryinterestme muchand it had bearingtoonow and again on our case.I shouldmuch like to see himand especial when his mind is disturbed."
"MayI come also?" asked Lord Godalming.
"Metoo?" said Quincey Morris. "May I come?" saidHarker.I noddedand we all went down the passage together.
We foundhim in a state of considerable excitementbut farmorerational in his speech and manner than I had ever seen him.There wasan unusual understanding of himselfwhich was unlikeanything Ihad ever met with in a lunaticand he took it forgrantedthat his reasons would prevail with others entirely sane.We allfive went into the roombut none of the othersat firstsaid anything. His request was that I wouldat oncerelease him from the asylum and send him home.This hebacked up with arguments regarding his complete recoveryandadduced his own existing sanity.
"Iappeal to your friends"he said"they willperhapsnotmind sittinginjudgement on my case. By the wayyou have not introduced me."
I was somuch astonishedthat the oddness of introducing a madmanin anasylum did not strike me at the momentand besidesthere wasa certain dignity in the man's mannerso muchof thehabit of equalitythat I at once made the introduction"LordGodalmingProfessor Van HelsingMr. Quincey Morrisof TexasMr. Jonathan HarkerMr. Renfield."
He shookhands with each of themsaying in turn"Lord GodalmingI had thehonor of seconding your father at the WindhamI grieveto knowby your holding the titlethat he is no more.He was aman loved and honored by all who knew himand in hisyouth wasI have heardthe inventor of a burnt rum punchmuchpatronized on Derby night. Mr. Morrisyou should be proudof yourgreat state. Its reception into the Union was a precedentwhich mayhave far-reaching effects hereafterwhen the Poleand theTropics may hold alliance to the Stars and Stripes.The powerof Treaty may yet prove a vast engine of enlargementwhen theMonroe doctrine takes its true place as a political fable.What shallany man say of his pleasure at meeting Van Helsing?SirImake no apology for dropping all forms of conventional prefix.When anindividual has revolutionized therapeutics by his discoveryof thecontinuous evolution of brain matterconventional formsareunfittingsince they would seem to limit him to one of a class.Yougentlemenwho by nationalityby heredityor by the possessionof naturalgiftsare fitted to hold your respective places inthe movingworldI take to witness that I am as sane as at leastthemajority of men who are in full possession of their liberties.And I amsure that youDr. Sewardhumanitarian and medico-juristas well asscientistwill deem it a moral duty to deal with meas one tobe considered as under exceptional circumstances."He madethis lastappeal with a courtly air of conviction which was notwithoutits own charm.
I think wewere all staggered. For my own partI was undertheconvictiondespite my knowledge of the man's character and historythat hisreason had been restoredand I felt under a strong impulseto tellhim that I was satisfied as to his sanityand would seeabout thenecessary formalities for his release in the morning.I thoughtit better to waithoweverbefore making so graveastatementfor of old I knew the sudden changes to which thisparticularpatient was liable. So I contented myself with makinga generalstatement that he appeared to be improving very rapidlythat Iwould have a longer chat with him in the morningand wouldthen seewhat I could do in the direction of meeting his wishes.
This didnot at all satisfy himfor he said quickly"ButI fearDr. Sewardthat you hardly apprehend my wish.I desireto go at onceherenowthis very hourthis very momentif I may. Time pressesand in our implied agreement withthe oldscytheman it is of the essence of the contract.I am sureit is only necessary to put before so admirableapractitioner as Dr. Seward so simpleyet so momentous a wishto ensureits fulfilment."
He lookedat me keenlyand seeing the negative in my faceturned tothe othersand scrutinized them closely.Notmeeting any sufficient responsehe went on"Is it possiblethat Ihave erred in my supposition?"
"Youhave" I said franklybut at the same timeas I feltbrutally.
There wasa considerable pauseand then he said slowly"ThenI suppose I must only shift my ground of request.Let me askfor this concessionboonprivilegewhat you will.I amcontent to implore in such a casenot on personal groundsbut forthe sake of others. I am not at liberty to giveyou thewhole of my reasonsbut you mayI assure youtake itfrom me that they are good onessound and unselfishand springfrom the highest sense of duty.
"Couldyou looksirinto my heartyou would approve to the fullthesentiments which animate me. Naymoreyou would count meamongstthe best and truest of your friends."
Again helooked at us all keenly. I had a growing convictionthat thissudden change of his entire intellectual methodwas butyet another phase of his madnessand so determinedto let himgo on a little longerknowing from experiencethat hewouldlike all lunaticsgive himself away in the end.VanHelsing was gazing at him with a look of utmost intensityhis bushyeyebrows almost meeting with the fixed concentrationof hislook. He said to Renfield in a tone which did not surpriseme at thetimebut only when I thought of it afterwardsfor it wasas of one addressing an equal"Can you not tellfranklyyour real reason for wishing to be free tonight?I willundertake that if you will satisfy even mea strangerwithoutprejudiceand with the habit of keeping an open mindDr. Sewardwill give youat his own risk and on hisownresponsibilitythe privilege you seek."
He shookhis head sadlyand with a look of poignant regret onhis face. The Professor went on"Comesirbethink yourself.You claimthe privilege of reason in the highest degreesince youseek to impress us with your complete reasonableness.You dothiswhose sanity we have reason to doubtsince you arenot yetreleased from medical treatment for this very defect.If youwill not help us in our effort to choose the wisest coursehow can weperform the duty which you yourself put upon us?Be wiseand help usand if we can we shall aid you toachieveyour wish."
He stillshook his head as he said"Dr. Van HelsingI have nothing tosay.Yourargument is completeand if I were free to speak I shouldnothesitate a momentbut I am not my own master in the matter.I can onlyask you to trust me. If I am refusedthe responsibilitydoes notrest with me."
I thoughtit was now time to end the scenewhich was becomingtoocomically graveso I went towards the doorsimply saying"Comemy friendswe have work to do. Goodnight."
AshoweverI got near the doora new change came over the patient.He movedtowards me so quickly that for the moment I fearedthat hewas about to make another homicidal attack.My fearshoweverwere groundlessfor he held up his twohandsimploringlyand made his petition in a moving manner.As he sawthat the very excess of his emotion was militatingagainsthimby restoring us more to our old relationshe becamestill more demonstrative. I glanced at Van Helsingand saw myconviction reflected in his eyesso I becamea littlemore fixed in my mannerif not more sternandmotioned to him that his efforts were unavailing.I hadpreviously seen something of the same constantlygrowingexcitement in him when he had to make some requestof whichat the time he had thought muchsuch for instanceas when hewanted a catand I was prepared to see the collapseinto thesame sullen acquiescence on this occasion.
Myexpectation was not realizedfor when he found that his appealwould notbe successfulhe got into quite a frantic condition.He threwhimself on his kneesand held up his handswringing theminplaintive supplicationand poured forth a torrent of entreatywith thetears rolling down his cheeksand his whole face and formexpressiveof the deepest emotion.
"Letme entreat youDr. Sewardohlet me implore youto let me outof thishouse at once. Send me away how you will and where you willsendkeepers with me with whips and chainslet them take me in astraitwaistcoatmanacled and leg-ironedeven to gaolbut let mego out ofthis. You don't know what you do by keeping me here.I amspeaking from the depths of my heartof my very soul.You don'tknow whom you wrongor howand I may not tell. Woe is me!I may nottell. By all you hold sacredby all you hold dearby yourlove that is lostby your hope that livesfor the sakeof theAlmightytake me out of this and save my soul from guilt!Can't youhear meman? Can't you understand? Will you never learn?Don't youknow that I am sane and earnest nowthat I am no lunaticin a madfitbut a sane man fighting for his soul? Ohhear me!Hear me! Let me golet me golet me go!"
I thoughtthat the longer this went on the wilder he would getand sowould bring on a fitso I took him by the hand andraised himup.
"Come"I said sternly"no more of thiswe have had quite enoughalready.Get toyour bed and try to behave more discreetly."
Hesuddenly stopped and looked at me intently for several moments.Thenwithout a wordhe rose and moving oversat down on the sideof thebed. The collapse had comeas on former occasionsjust as Ihad expected.
When I wasleaving the roomlast of our partyhe said to mein aquietwell-bred voice"You willI trustDr. Sewarddo me thejustice to bear in mindlater onthat I did what Icould toconvince you tonight."
1 October5 A.M.--I went with the party to the search with an easy mindfor Ithink I never saw Mina so absolutely strong and well.I am soglad that she consented to hold back and let us men do the work.Somehowit was a dread to me that she was in this fearful businessat allbut now that her work is doneand that it is due to herenergy andbrains and foresight that the whole story is put togetherin such away that every point tellsshe may well feel that her partisfinishedand that she can henceforth leave the rest to us.We wereIthinkall a little upset by the scene with Mr. Renfield.When wecame away from his room we were silent till we got backto thestudy.
Then Mr.Morris said to Dr. Seward"SayJackif that man wasn'tattemptinga bluffhe is about the sanest lunatic I ever saw.I'm notsurebut I believe that he had some serious purposeand if hehadit was pretty rough on him not to get a chance."
LordGodalming and I were silentbut Dr. Van Helsing added"FriendJohnyou know more lunatics than I doand I'm gladof itforI fear that if it had been to me to decide I wouldbeforethat last hysterical outburst have given him free.But welive and learnand in our present task wemust takeno chanceas my friend Quincey would say.All isbest as they are."
Dr. Sewardseemed to answer them both in a dreamy kind of way"Idon't know but that I agree with you. If that man had beenanordinary lunatic I would have taken my chance of trusting himbut heseems so mixed up with the Count in an indexy kind of waythat I amafraid of doing anything wrong by helping his fads.I can'tforget how he prayed with almost equal fervor for a catand thentried to tear my throat out with his teeth.Besideshe called the Count `lord and master'and he may wantto get outto help him in some diabolical way. That horridthing hasthe wolves and the rats and his own kind to help himso Isuppose he isn't above trying to use a respectable lunatic.Hecertainly did seem earnestthough. I only hope we havedone whatis best. These thingsin conjunction with the wildwork wehave in handhelp to unnerve a man."
TheProfessor stepped overand laying his hand on his shouldersaid inhis gravekindly way"Friend Johnhave no fear.We aretrying to do our duty in a very sad and terrible casewe canonly do as we deem best. What else have we to hope forexcept thepity of the good God?"
LordGodalming had slipped away for a few minutesbut now he returned.He held upa little silver whistleas he remarked"That old placemay befull of ratsand if soI've got an antidote on call."
Havingpassed the wallwe took our way to the housetaking care to keepin theshadows of the trees on the lawn when the moonlight shone out.When wegot to the porch the Professor opened his bag and took out a lotof thingswhich he laid on the stepsorting them into four little groupsevidentlyone for each. Then he spoke.
"Myfriendswe are going into a terrible dangerand we needarms ofmany kinds. Our enemy is not merely spiritual.Rememberthat he has the strength of twenty menand thatthough ournecks or our windpipes are of the common kindandtherefore breakable or crushablehis are not amenableto merestrength. A stronger manor a body of men morestrong inall than himcan at certain times hold himbut theycannot hurt him as we can be hurt by him.We mustthereforeguard ourselves from his touch.Keep thisnear your heart." As he spoke he lifted a littlesilvercrucifix and held it out to meI being nearest to him"putthese flowers round your neck" here he handed to me a wreathofwithered garlic blossoms"for other enemies more mundanethisrevolver and this knifeand for aid in allthese sosmallelectric lampswhich you can fasten to your breastand foralland above all at the lastthiswhich we mustnotdesecrate needless."
This was aportion of Sacred Waferwhich he put in an envelope and handedto me. Each of the others was similarly equipped.
"Now"he said"friend Johnwhere are the skeleton keys?If so thatwe can open the doorwe need not break houseby thewindowas before at Miss Lucy's."
Dr. Sewardtried one or two skeleton keyshis mechanicaldexterityas a surgeon standing him in good stead.Presentlyhe got one to suitafter a little play back andforwardthe bolt yieldedand with a rusty clangshot back.We pressedon the doorthe rusty hinges creakedand itslowlyopened. It was startlingly like the image conveyed to mein Dr.Seward's diary of the opening of Miss Westenra's tombI fancythat the same idea seemed to strike the othersfor withone accord they shrank back. The Professor wasthe firstto move forwardand stepped into the open door.
"Inmanus tuasDomine!"he saidcrossing himself as he passed overthethreshold. We closed the door behind uslest when we shouldhavelit ourlamps we should possibly attract attention from the road.TheProfessor carefully tried the locklest we might not be ableto open itfrom within should we be in a hurry making our exit.Then weall lit our lamps and proceeded on our search.
The lightfrom the tiny lamps fell in all sorts of odd formsas the rayscrossedeach otheror the opacity of our bodies threw great shadows.I couldnot for my life get away from the feeling that there was someone elseamongstus. I suppose it was the recollectionso powerfully broughthometo me bythe grim surroundingsof that terrible experience in Transylvania.I thinkthe feeling was common to us allfor I noticed that the otherskeptlooking over their shoulders at every sound and every new shadowjust as Ifelt myself doing.
The wholeplace was thick with dust. The floor was seemingly inches deepexceptwhere there were recent footstepsin which on holding downmy lamp Icould see marks of hobnails where the dust was cracked.The wallswere fluffy and heavy with dustand in the corners weremasses ofspider's webswhereon the dust had gathered till they lookedlike oldtattered rags as the weight had torn them partly down.On a tablein the hall was a great bunch of keyswith a time-yellowedlabel oneach. They had been used several timesfor on the table wereseveralsimilar rents in the blanket of dustsimilar to that exposedwhen theProfessor lifted them.
He turnedto me and said"You know this placeJonathan.You havecopied maps of itand you know it at least more than we do.Which isthe way to the chapel?"
I had anidea of its directionthough on my former visit Ihad notbeen able to get admission to itso I led the wayand aftera few wrong turnings found myself opposite a lowarchedoaken doorribbed with iron bands.
"Thisis the spot" said the Professor as he turned his lampon a smallmap of the housecopied from the file of myoriginalcorrespondence regarding the purchase. With a littletrouble wefound the key on the bunch and opened the door.We wereprepared for some unpleasantnessfor as we were openingthe door afaintmalodorous air seemed to exhale through the gapsbut noneof us ever expected such an odor as we encountered.None ofthe others had met the Count at all at close quartersand when Ihad seen him he was either in the fasting stage of hisexistencein his rooms orwhen he was bloated with fresh bloodin aruined building open to the airbut here the place was smalland closeand the long disuse had made the air stagnant and foul.There wasan earthy smellas of some dry miasmawhich came throughthe foulerair. But as to the odor itselfhow shall I describe it?It was notalone that it was composed of all the ills of mortality andwith thepungentacrid smell of bloodbut it seemed as though corruptionhad becomeitself corrupt. Faugh! It sickens me to think of it.Everybreath exhaled by that monster seemed to have clung to the placeandintensified its loathsomeness.
Underordinary circumstances such a stench would have broughtourenterprise to an endbut this was no ordinary caseand thehigh and terrible purpose in which we were involved gaveus astrength which rose above merely physical considerations.After theinvoluntary shrinking consequent on the firstnauseouswhiffwe one and all set about our work as thoughthatloathsome place were a garden of roses.
We made anaccurate examination of the placethe Professor sayingas webegan"The first thing is to see how many of the boxes areleftwe mustthen examine every hole and corner and cranny and see if wecannot getsome clue as to what has become of the rest."
A glancewas sufficient to show how many remainedfor the great earthchestswere bulkyand there was no mistaking them.
There wereonly twenty-nine left out of the fifty!Once I gota frightforseeing Lord Godalming suddenly turnand lookout of the vaulted door into the dark passage beyondI lookedtooand for an instant my heart stood still.Somewherelooking out from the shadowI seemed to see the highlights ofthe Count's evil facethe ridge of the nosethe redeyesthe red lipsthe awful pallor. It was onlyfor amomentforas Lord Godalming said"I thought I sawa facebut it was only the shadows" and resumed his inquiryI turnedmy lamp in the directionand stepped into the passage.There wasno sign of anyoneand as there were no cornersno doorsno aperture of any kindbut only the solid wallsof thepassagethere could be no hiding place even for him.I took itthat fear had helped imaginationand said nothing.
A fewminutes later I saw Morris step suddenly back from a cornerwhich hewas examining. We all followed his movements with our eyesforundoubtedly some nervousness was growing on usand we sawa wholemass of phosphorescencewhich twinkled like stars.We allinstinctively drew back. The whole place was becomingalive withrats.
For amoment or two we stood appalledall save Lord Godalmingwho wasseemingly prepared for such an emergency. Rushing over tothe greatiron-bound oaken doorwhich Dr. Seward had described fromtheoutsideand which I had seen myselfhe turned the key in the lockdrew thehuge boltsand swung the door open. Thentaking hislittlesilver whistle from his pockethe blew a lowshrill call.It wasanswered from behind Dr. Seward's house by the yelping of dogsand afterabout a minute three terriers came dashing round the cornerof thehouse. Unconsciously we had all moved towards the doorand as wemoved I noticed that the dust had been much disturbed.The boxeswhich had been taken out had been brought this way.But evenin the minute that had elapsed the number of the rats hadvastlyincreased. They seemed to swarm over the place all at oncetill thelamplightshining on their moving dark bodies and glitteringbalefuleyesmade the place look like a bank of earth set with fireflies.The dogsdashed onbut at the threshold suddenly stopped and snarledand thensimultaneously lifting their nosesbegan to howl inmostlugubrious fashion. The rats were multiplying in thousandsand wemoved out.
LordGodalming lifted one of the dogsand carrying him inplaced himon the floor. The instant his feet touched the groundhe seemedto recover his courageand rushed at his natural enemies.They fledbefore him so fast that before he had shaken the life out ofa scorethe other dogswho had by now been lifted in the same mannerhad butsmall prey ere the whole mass had vanished.
With theirgoing it seemed as if some evil presence had departedfor thedogs frisked about and barked merrily as they made sudden dartsat theirprostrate foesand turned them over and over and tossed themin the airwith vicious shakes. We all seemed to find our spirits rise.Whether itwas the purifying of the deadly atmosphere by the openingof thechapel dooror the relief which we experienced by findingourselvesin the open I know notbut most certainly the shadow of dreadseemed toslip from us like a robeand the occasion of our coming lostsomethingof its grim significancethough we did not slacken a whitin ourresolution. We closed the outer door and barred and locked itandbringing the dogs with usbegan our search of the house.We foundnothing throughout except dust in extraordinary proportionsand alluntouched save for my own footsteps when I had made my first visit.Never oncedid the dogs exhibit any symptom of uneasinessand even when wereturnedto the chapel they frisked about as though they had been rabbithunting ina summer wood.
Themorning was quickening in the east when we emerged from the front.Dr. VanHelsing had taken the key of the hall door from the bunchand lockedthe door in orthodox fashionputting the key into his pocketwhen hehad done.
"Sofar" he said"our night has been eminently successful.No harmhas come to us such as I feared might be andyet wehave ascertained how many boxes are missing.More thanall do I rejoice that thisour firstand perhapsour mostdifficult and dangerousstep has been accomplishedwithoutthe bringing thereinto our most sweet Madam Minaortroubling her waking or sleeping thoughts with sightsand soundsand smells of horror which she might never forget.Onelessontoowe have learnedif it be allowable to argueaparticularithat the brute beasts which are to the Count'scommandare yet themselves not amenable to his spiritual powerfor lookthese rats that would come to his calljust asfrom hiscastle top he summon the wolves to your goingand tothat poor mother's crythough they come to himthey runpell-mell from the so little dogs of my friend Arthur.We haveother matters before usother dangersother fearsand thatmonster. . .He has not used his power overthe bruteworld for the only or the last time tonight.So be itthat he has gone elsewhere. Good! It hasgiven usopportunity to cry `check'in some ways in thischessgamewhich we play for the stake of human souls.And nowlet us go home. The dawn is close at handand wehavereason to be content with our first night's work.It may beordained that we have many nights and days to followif full ofperilbut we must go onand from no dangershall weshrink."
The housewas silent when we got backsave for some poorcreaturewho was screaming away in one of the distant wardsand a lowmoaning sound from Renfield's room. The poor wretchwasdoubtless torturing himselfafter the manner of the insanewithneedless thoughts of pain.
I cametiptoe into our own roomand found Mina asleepbreathingso softly that I had to put my ear down to hear it.She lookspaler than usual. I hope the meeting tonight hasnot upsether. I am truly thankful that she is to be left outof ourfuture workand even of our deliberations. It is toogreat astrain for a woman to bear. I did not think so at firstbut I knowbetter now. Therefore I am glad that it is settled.There maybe things which would frighten her to hearand yet toconceal them from her might be worse than to tellher ifonce she suspected that there was any concealment.Henceforthour work is to be a sealed book to hertill atleast suchtime as we can tell her that all is finishedand theearth free from a monster of the nether world.I daresayit will be difficult to begin to keep silenceafter suchconfidence as oursbut I must be resoluteandtomorrow I shall keep dark over tonight's doingsand shallrefuse to speak of anything that has happened.I rest onthe sofaso as not to disturb her.
1 Octoberlater.--I suppose it was natural that we should havealloverslept ourselvesfor the day was a busy oneand the nighthad norest at all. Even Mina must have felt its exhaustionfor thoughI slept till the sun was highI was awake before herand had tocall two or three times before she awoke.Indeedshe was so sound asleep that for a few seconds she didnotrecognize mebut looked at me with a sort of blank terroras onelooks who has been waked out of a bad dream.Shecomplained a little of being tiredand I let her resttill laterin the day. We now know of twenty-one boxeshavingbeen removedand if it be that several were takenin any ofthese removals we may be able to trace them all.Such willof courseimmensely simplify our laborand thesooner the matter is attended to the better.I shalllook up Thomas Snelling today.
1October.--It was towards noon when I was awakened by the Professorwalkinginto my room. He was more jolly and cheerful than usualand it isquite evident that last night's work has helped to takesome ofthe brooding weight off his mind.
Aftergoing over the adventure of the night he suddenly said"Yourpatientinterestsme much. May it be that with you I visit him this morning?Or if thatyou are too occupyI can go alone if it may be.It is anew experience to me to find a lunatic who talk philosophyand reasonso sound."
I had somework to do which pressedso I told him that if he would goalone Iwould be gladas then I should not have to keep him waitingso Icalled an attendant and gave him the necessary instructions.Before theProfessor left the room I cautioned him against getting anyfalseimpression from my patient.
"But"he answered"I want him to talk of himself and of hisdelusionas to consuming live things. He said to Madam Minaas Isee inyour diary of yesterdaythat he had once had such a belief.Why do yousmilefriend John?"
"Excuseme" I said"but the answer is here." I laid myhandon thetypewritten matter."When our sane and learned lunaticmade thatvery statement of how he used to consume lifehis mouthwas actually nauseous with the flies and spiderswhich hehad eaten just before Mrs. Harker entered the room."
VanHelsing smiled in turn. "Good!" he said."Yourmemory is truefriend John. I should have remembered.And yet itis this very obliquity of thought and memorywhichmakes mental disease such a fascinating study.Perhaps Imay gain more knowledge out of the folly of thismadmanthan I shall from the teaching of the most wise.Whoknows?"
I went onwith my workand before long was through that in hand.It seemedthat the time had been very short indeedbut there wasVanHelsing back in the study.
"Do Iinterrupt?" he asked politely as he stood at the door.
"Notat all" I answered. "Come in. My work isfinishedand I am free.I can gowith you nowif you like."
"Itis needlessI have seen him!"
"Ifear that he does not appraise me at much.Ourinterview was short. When I entered his room he wassitting ona stool in the centerwith his elbows on his kneesand hisface was the picture of sullen discontent.I spoke tohim as cheerfully as I couldand with such a measureof respectas I could assume. He made no reply whatever.'Don't youknow me?' I asked. His answer was not reassuring."Iknow you well enoughyou are the old fool Van Helsing.I wish youwould take yourself and your idiotic braintheoriessomewhere else. Damn all thick-headed Dutchmen!'Not a wordmore would he saybut sat in his implacable sullennessasindifferent to me as though I had not been in the room at all.Thusdeparted for this time my chance of much learning fromthis soclever lunaticso I shall goif I mayand cheermyselfwith a few happy words with that sweet soul Madam Mina.FriendJohnit does rejoice me unspeakable that she is no moreto bepainedno more to be worried with our terrible things.Though weshall much miss her helpit is better so."
"Iagree with you with all my heart" I answered earnestlyfor Ididnot wanthim to weaken in this matter. "Mrs. Harker is better outof it.Things arequite bad enough for usall men of the worldand who havebeen inmany tight places in our timebut it is no place for a womanand if shehad remained in touch with the affairit would in timeinfalliblyhave wrecked her."
So VanHelsing has gone to confer with Mrs. Harker and HarkerQuinceyand Art are all out following up the clues as to the earth boxes.I shallfinish my round of work and we shall meet tonight.
1October.--It is strange to me to be kept in the dark as I am todayafterJonathan's full confidence for so many yearsto see himmanifestlyavoid certain mattersand those the most vital of all.Thismorning I slept late after the fatigues of yesterdayand thoughJonathanwas late toohe was the earlier. He spoke to me beforehe wentoutnever more sweetly or tenderlybut he never mentioneda word ofwhat had happened in the visit to the Count's house.And yet hemust have known how terribly anxious I was. Poor dear fellow!I supposeit must have distressed him even more than it did me.They allagreed that it was best that I should not be drawn furtherinto thisawful workand I acquiesced. But to think that he keepsanythingfrom me! And now I am crying like a silly foolwhen Iknow itcomes from my husband's great love and from the goodgoodwishes of those other strong men.
That hasdone me good. Wellsome day Jonathan will tell me all.And lestit should ever be that he should think for a momentthat Ikept anything from himI still keep my journal as usual.Then if hehas feared of my trust I shall show it to himwith everythought of my heart put down for his dear eyesto read. I feel strangely sad and low-spirited today.I supposeit is the reaction from the terrible excitement.
Last nightI went to bed when the men had gonesimply because they toldme to. I didn't feel sleepyand I did feel full of devouring anxiety.I keptthinking over everything that has been ever since Jonathan came toseeme inLondonand it all seems like a horrible tragedywith fate pressingonrelentlesslyto some destined end. Everything that one does seemsno matterhow rightit me beto bring on the very thing which is most to be deplored.If Ihadn't gone to Whitbyperhaps poor dear Lucy would be with us now.She hadn'ttaken to visiting the churchyard till I cameand if she hadn'tcome therein the day time with me she wouldn't have walked in her sleep.And if shehadn't gone there at night and asleepthat monster couldn'thavedestroyed her as he did. Ohwhy did I ever go to Whitby?There nowcrying again! I wonder what has come over me today.I musthide it from Jonathanfor if he knew that I had been crying twicein onemorning. . .Iwho never cried on my own accountand whom hehasnevercaused to shed a tearthe dear fellow would fret his heart out.I shallput a bold face onand if I do feel weepyhe shall never see it.I supposeit is just one of the lessons that we poor women have to learn.. .
I can'tquite remember how I fell asleep last night.I rememberhearing the sudden barking of the dogs and a lotof queersoundslike praying on a very tumultuous scalefrom Mr.Renfield's roomwhich is somewhere under this.And thenthere was silence over everythingsilence so profoundthat itstartled meand I got up and looked out of the window.All wasdark and silentthe black shadows thrown by themoonlightseeming full of a silent mystery of their own.Not athing seemed to be stirringbut all to be grim and fixedas deathor fateso that a thin streak of white mistthat creptwithalmost imperceptible slowness across the grass towardsthe houseseemed to have a sentience and a vitality of its own.I thinkthat the digression of my thoughts must have done me goodfor when Igot back to bed I found a lethargy creeping over me.I lay awhilebut could not quite sleepso I got out andlooked outof the window again. The mist was spreadingand wasnow close up to the houseso that I could see itlyingthick against the wallas though it were stealingup to thewindows. The poor man was more loud than everand thoughI could not distinguish a word he saidI couldin someway recognize in his tones some passionate entreatyon hispart. Then there was the sound of a struggleand I knewthat the attendants were dealing with him.I was sofrightened that I crept into bedand pulledtheclothes over my headputting my fingers in my ears.I was notthen a bit sleepyat least so I thoughtbut I musthave fallen asleepfor except dreamsI do notrememberanything until the morningwhen Jonathan woke me.I thinkthat it took me an effort and a little time to realizewhere Iwasand that it was Jonathan who was bending over me.My dreamwas very peculiarand was almost typical of the waythatwaking thoughts become merged inor continued indreams.
I thoughtthat I was asleepand waiting for Jonathan to come back.I was veryanxious about himand I was powerless to actmy feetand myhandsand my brain were weightedso that nothing couldproceed atthe usual pace. And so I slept uneasily and thought.Then itbegan to dawn upon me that the air was heavyand dankand cold.I put backthe clothes from my faceand foundto my surprisethat allwas dim around. The gaslight which I had left lit for Jonathanbut turneddowncame only like a tiny red spark through the fogwhich hadevidently grown thicker and poured into the room.Then itoccurred to me that I had shut the window before I hadcome tobed. I would have got out to make certain on the pointbut someleaden lethargy seemed to chain my limbs and even my will.I laystill and enduredthat was all. I closed my eyesbut couldstill seethrough my eyelids. (It is wonderful what tricks our dreamsplay usand how conveniently we can imagine.) The mist grew thickerandthicker and I could see now how it came infor I could see itlikesmokeor with the white energy of boiling waterpouring innotthrough the windowbut through the joinings of the door.It gotthicker and thickertill it seemed as if it became concentratedinto asort of pillar of cloud in the roomthrough the topof which Icould see the light of the gas shining like a red eye.Thingsbegan to whirl through my brain just as the cloudy columnwas nowwhirling in the roomand through it all came the scripturalwords "apillar of cloud by day and of fire by night." Was itindeedsuch spiritual guidance that was coming to me in my sleep?But thepillar was composed of both the day and the night guidingfor thefire was in the red eyewhich at the thought gat a newfascinationfor metillas I lookedthe fire dividedand seemedto shineon me through the fog like two red eyessuch as Lucytold me ofin her momentary mental wandering whenon the cliffthe dyingsunlight struck the windows of St. Mary's Church.Suddenlythe horror burst upon me that it was thus that Jonathanhad seenthose awful women growing into reality through the whirlingmist inthe moonlightand in my dream I must have faintedfor allbecame black darkness. The last conscious effort whichimaginationmade was to show me a livid white face bending over meout of themist.
I must becareful of such dreamsfor they would unseat one's reason if therewere toomuch of them. I would get Dr. Van Helsing or Dr. Seward toprescribesomethingfor me which would make me sleeponly that I fear to alarm them.Such adream at the present time would become woven into their fears for me.Tonight Ishall strive hard to sleep naturally. If I do notI shalltomorrownight getthem to give me a dose of chloralthat cannot hurt me for onceand itwill give me a good night's sleep. Last night tired me morethan if Ihad notslept at all.
2 October10 P.M.--Last night I sleptbut did not dream.I musthave slept soundlyfor I was not waked by Jonathancoming tobedbut the sleep has not refreshed mefor today Ifeelterribly weak and spiritless. I spent all yesterday tryingto reador lying down dozing. In the afternoonMr. Renfieldasked ifhe might see me. Poor manhe was very gentleand when Icame away he kissed my hand and bade God bless me.Some wayit affected me much. I am crying when I think of him.This is anew weaknessof which I must be careful.Jonathanwould be miserable if he knew I had been crying.He and theothers were out till dinner timeand they all camein tired. I did what I could to brighten them upand I supposethat theeffort did me goodfor I forgot how tired I was.Afterdinner they sent me to bedand all went off tosmoketogetheras they saidbut I knew that they wantedto telleach other of what had occurred to each during the day.I couldsee from Jonathan's manner that he had something importanttocommunicate. I was not so sleepy as I should have beenso beforethey went I asked Dr. Seward to give me a littleopiate ofsome kindas I had not slept well the night before.He verykindly made me up a sleeping draughtwhich he gave to metelling methat it would do me no harmas it was very mild.. .I havetaken itand am waiting for sleepwhich stillkeepsaloof. I hope I have not done wrongfor as sleep beginsto flirtwith mea new fear comesthat I may have beenfoolish inthus depriving myself of the power of waking.I mightwant it. Here comes sleep. Goodnight.
1 Octoberevening.--I found Thomas Snelling in his houseat BethnalGreenbut unhappily he was not in a conditiontoremember anything. The very prospect of beer which myexpectedcoming had opened to him had proved too muchand he hadbegun too early on his expected debauch.I learnedhoweverfrom his wifewho seemed a decentpoor soulthat he was only the assistant of Smolletwho of thetwo mates was the responsible person.So off Idrove to Walworthand found Mr. Joseph Smollet at homeand in hisshirtsleevestaking a late tea out of a saucer.He is adecentintelligent fellowdistinctly a goodreliabletype of workmanand with a headpiece of his own.Heremembered all about the incident of the boxesand from awonderful dog-eared notebookwhich he producedfrom somemysterious receptacle about the seat ofhistrousersand which had hieroglyphical entries in thickhalf-obliteratedpencilhe gave me the destinations of the boxes.Therewerehe saidsix in the cartload which he took fromCarfax andleft at 197 Chicksand StreetMile End New Townandanother six which he deposited at Jamaica LaneBermondsey.If thenthe Count meant to scatter these ghastly refugesof hisover Londonthese places were chosen as the firstofdeliveryso that later he might distribute more fully.Thesystematic manner in which this was done made me think thathe couldnot mean to confine himself to two sides of London.He was nowfixed on the far east on the northern shoreon theeast of the southern shoreand on the south.The northand west were surely never meant to be left out ofhisdiabolical schemelet alone the City itself and the veryheart offashionable London in the south-west and west.I wentback to Smolletand asked him if he could tell usif anyother boxes had been taken from Carfax.
Hereplied"Well guv'noryou've treated me very 'an'some"Ihad givenhim half a sovereign"an I'll tell yer all I know.I heard aman by the name of Bloxam say four nights agoin the'Are an' 'Oundsin Pincher's Alleyas 'ow he an'his mate'ad 'ad a rare dusty job in a old 'ouse at Purfleet.Thereain't a many such jobs as this 'erean' I'm thinkin'that maybeSam Bloxam could tell ye summut."
I asked ifhe could tell me where to find him. I told him that if he couldget me theaddress it would be worth another half sovereign to him.So hegulped down the rest of his tea and stood upsaying that he wasgoing tobegin the search then and there.
At thedoor he stoppedand said"Look 'ereguv'northere ain'tno sensein me a keepin' you 'ere. I may find Sam soonor I mayn'tbut anyhowhe ain't like to be in a way to tell ye much tonight.Sam is arare one when he starts on the booze. If you can giveme aenvelope with a stamp on itand put yer address on itI'll findout where Sam is to be found and post it ye tonight.But ye'dbetter be up arter 'im soon in the mornin'never mindthe boozethe night afore."
This wasall practicalso one of the children went off with a pennyto buy anenvelope and a sheet of paperand to keep the change.When shecame backI addressed the envelope and stamped itand whenSmollet had again faithfully promised to post the addresswhenfoundI took my way to home. We're on the track anyhow.I am tiredtonightand I want to sleep. Mina is fast asleepand looksa littletoo pale. Her eyes look as though she had been crying.Poor dearI've no doubt it frets her to be kept in the darkand it maymake her doubly anxious about me and the others.But it isbest as it is. It is better to be disappointed and worriedin such away now than to have her nerve broken. The doctors were quiteright toinsist on her being kept out of this dreadful business.I must befirmfor on me this particular burden of silence must rest.I shallnot ever enter on the subject with her under any circumstances.IndeedItmay not be a hard taskafter allfor she herself hasbecomereticent on the subjectand has not spoken of the Countor hisdoings ever since we told her of our decision.
2 Octoberevening--A long and trying and exciting day.By thefirst post I got my directed envelope with a dirty scrapof paperenclosedon which was written with a carpenter's pencilin asprawling hand"Sam BloxamKorkrans4 Poters CortBartelStreetWalworth. Arsk for the depite."
I got theletter in bedand rose without waking Mina.She lookedheavy and sleepy and paleand far from well.Idetermined not to wake herbut that when I should return fromthis newsearchI would arrange for her going back to Exeter.I thinkshe would be happier in our own homewith herdailytasks to interest herthan in being here amongstus and inignorance. I only saw Dr. Seward for a momentand toldhim where I was off topromising to come back andtell therest so soon as I should have found out anything.I drove toWalworth and foundwith some difficultyPotter's Court.Mr.Smollet's spelling misled meas I asked for Poter's Courtinstead ofPotter's Court. Howeverwhen I had found the courtI had nodifficulty in discovering Corcoran's lodging house.
When Iasked the man who came to the door for the "depite" heshookhis headand said"I dunno 'im. There ain't no such a person 'ere.I never'eard of 'im in all my bloomin' days. Don't believe there ain'tnobody ofthat kind livin' 'ere or anywheres."
I took outSmollet's letterand as I read it it seemed to me thatthe lessonof the spelling of the name of the court might guide me."Whatare you?" I asked.
"I'mthe depity" he answered.
I saw atonce that I was on the right track. Phonetic spellinghad againmisled me. A half crown tip put the deputy'sknowledgeat my disposaland I learned that Mr. Bloxamwho hadslept off the remains of his beer on the previousnight atCorcoran'shad left for his work at Poplar at fiveo'clockthat morning. He could not tell me where the placeof workwas situatedbut he had a vague idea that it was somekind of a"new-fangled ware'us" and with this slender clueI had tostart for Poplar. It was twelve o'clock before Igot anysatisfactory hint of such a buildingand this I gotat acoffee shopwhere some workmen were having their dinner.One ofthem suggested that there was being erected at CrossAngelStreet a new "cold storage" buildingand as this suitedthecondition of a "new-fangled ware'us" I at once drove toit.Aninterview with a surly gatekeeper and a surlier foremanboth ofwhom were appeased with the coin of the realmput me onthe track of Bloxam. He was sent for on my suggestionthat I waswilling to pay his days wages to his foreman fortheprivilege of asking him a few questions on a private matter.He was asmart enough fellowthough rough of speech and bearing.When I hadpromised to pay for his information and given himanearnesthe told me that he had made two journeys betweenCarfax anda house in Piccadillyand had taken from thishouse tothe latter nine great boxes"main heavy ones"with ahorse and cart hired by him for this purpose.
I askedhim if he could tell me the number of the house in Piccadillyto whichhe replied"Wellguv'norI forgits the numberbut it wasonlya few doorfrom a big white churchor somethink of the kindnot long built.It was adusty old 'ousetoothough nothin' to the dustiness of the 'ousewe tookedthe bloomin' boxes from."
"Howdid you get in if both houses were empty?"
"Therewas the old party what engaged me a waitin' in the 'ouse at Purfleet.He 'elpedme to lift the boxes and put them in the dray. Curse mebut he wasthe strongest chap I ever struckan' him a old fellerwith awhite moustacheone that thin you would think he couldn'tthrow ashadder."
How thisphrase thrilled through me!
"Why'e took up 'is end o' the boxes like they was pounds of teaand me apuffin' an' a blowin' afore I could upend mine anyhowan'I'm nochickenneither."
"Howdid you get into the house in Piccadilly?" I asked.
"Hewas there too. He must 'a started off and got there afore mefor when Irung of the bell he kem an' opened the door 'isself an''elped mecarry the boxes into the 'all."
"Thewhole nine?" I asked.
"Yusthere was five in the first load an' four in the second.It wasmain dry workan' I don't so well remember 'ow I got 'ome."
Iinterrupted him"Were the boxes left in the hall?"
"Yusit was a big 'allan' there was nothin' else in it."
I made onemore attempt to further matters. "You didn't have anykey?"
"Neverused no key nor nothink. The old genthe openedthe door'isself an' shut it again when I druv off.I don'tremember the last timebut that was the beer."
"Andyou can't remember the number of the house?"
"Nosir. But ye needn't have no difficulty about that. It's a'igh'un with astone front with a bow on itan' 'igh steps up to the door.I knowthem steps'avin' 'ad to carry the boxes up with three loaferswhat comeround to earn a copper. The old gent give them shillin'san'theyseein' they got so muchthey wanted more. But 'e took one ofthemby theshoulder and was like to throw 'im down the stepstill the lotof themwent away cussin'."
I thoughtthat with this description I could find the houseso havingpaid myfriend for his informationI started off for Piccadilly.I hadgained a new painful experience. The Count couldit wasevidenthandle theearth boxes himself. If sotime was preciousfor nowthat he had achieved a certain amount of distributionhe couldby choosing his own timecomplete the task unobserved.AtPiccadilly Circus I discharged my caband walked westward.Beyond theJunior Constitutional I came across the house described andwassatisfied that this was the next of the lairs arranged by Dracula.The houselooked as though it had been long untenanted.Thewindows were encrusted with dustand the shutters were up.All theframework was black with timeand from the iron the painthad mostlyscaled away. It was evident that up to latelythere hadbeen a large notice board in front of the balcony.It hadhoweverbeen roughly torn awaythe uprights which hadsupportedit still remaining. Behind the rails of the balcony Isaw therewere some loose boardswhose raw edges looked white.I wouldhave given a good deal to have been able to see the noticeboardintactas it wouldperhapshave given some clue to the ownershipof thehouse. I remembered my experience of the investigationandpurchase of Carfaxand I could not but feel that I could findthe formerowner there might be some means discovered of gainingaccess tothe house.
There wasat present nothing to be learned from the Piccadilly sideandnothing could be doneso I went around to the back to seeifanything could be gathered from this quarter. The mewswereactivethe Piccadilly houses being mostly in occupation.I askedone or two of the grooms and helpers whom I sawaround ifthey could tell me anything about the empty house.One ofthem said that he heard it had lately been takenbut hecouldn't say from whom. He told mehoweverthat upto verylately there had been a notice board of "For Sale"upandthat perhaps MitchellSons& Candy the house agentscould tellme somethingas he thought he remembered seeingthe nameof that firm on the board. I did not wish to seemtoo eageror to let my informant know or guess too muchsothanking him in the usual mannerI strolled away.It was nowgrowing duskand the autumn night was closing inso I didnot lose any time. Having learned the addressofMitchellSons& Candy from a directory at the BerkeleyI was soonat their office in Sackville Street.
Thegentleman who saw me was particularly suave in mannerbutuncommunicative in equal proportion. Having once told methat thePiccadilly housewhich throughout our interview he calleda"mansion" was soldhe considered my business asconcluded.When Iasked who had purchased ithe opened his eyes a thought widerand pauseda few seconds before replying"It is soldsir."
"Pardonme" I saidwith equal politeness"but I have a specialreason forwishing to know who purchased it."
Again hepaused longerand raised his eyebrows still more."Itis soldsir" was again his laconic reply.
"Surely"I said"you do not mind letting me know so much."
"ButI do mind" he answered. "The affairs of theirclients are absolutelysafe inthe hands of MitchellSons& Candy."
This wasmanifestly a prig of the first waterand therewas no usearguing with him. I thought I had best meet himon his owngroundso I said"Your clientssirare happyin havingso resolute a guardian of their confidence.I ammyself a professional man."
Here Ihanded him my card. "In this instance I am not promptedbycuriosityI act on the part of Lord Godalmingwho wishesto knowsomething of the property which washe understoodlately forsale."
Thesewords put a different complexion on affairs.He said"I would like to oblige you if I couldMr. Harkerandespecially would I like to oblige his lordship.We oncecarried out a small matter of renting some chambersfor himwhen he was the Honorable Arthur Holmwood.If youwill let me have his lordship's address I willconsultthe House on the subjectand willin any casecommunicatewith his lordship by tonight's post.It will bea pleasure if we can so far deviate from our rulesas to givethe required information to his lordship."
I wantedto secure a friendand not to make an enemyso Ithankedhimgave the address at Dr. Seward's and came away.It was nowdarkand I was tired and hungry. I got a cupof tea atthe Aerated Bread Company and came down to Purfleetby thenext train.
I foundall the others at home. Mina was looking tired and palebut shemade a gallant effort to be bright and cheerful.It wrungmy heart to think that I had had to keep anythingfrom herand so caused her inquietude. Thank Godthis willbe thelast night of her looking on at our conferencesandfeeling the sting of our not showing our confidence.It tookall my courage to hold to the wise resolution of keepingher out ofour grim task. She seems somehow more reconciledor elsethe very subject seems to have become repugnant to herfor whenany accidental allusion is made she actually shudders.I am gladwe made our resolution in timeas with such a feelingas thisour growing knowledge would be torture to her.
I couldnot tell the others of the day's discovery till we were aloneso afterdinnerfollowed by a little music to save appearances evenamongstourselvesI took Mina to her room and left her to go to bed.The deargirl was more affectionate with me than everand clungto me asthough she would detain mebut there was much to be talkedof and Icame away. Thank Godthe ceasing of telling things has madenodifference between us.
When Icame down again I found the others all gathered roundthe firein the study. In the train I had written my diary so farand simplyread it off to them as the best means of letting themgetabreast of my own information.
When I hadfinished Van Helsing said"This has been a great day's workfriendJonathan. Doubtless we are on the track of the missing boxes.If we findthem all in that housethen our work is near the end.But ifthere be some missingwe must search until we find them.Then shallwe make our final coupand hunt the wretch to his real death."
We all satsilent awhile and all at once Mr. Morris spoke"Say!How are wegoing to get into that house?"
"Wegot into the other" answered Lord Godalming quickly.
"ButArtthis is different. We broke house at Carfaxbut we hadnight anda walled park to protect us. It will be a mighty differentthing tocommit burglary in Piccadillyeither by day or night.I confessI don't see how we are going to get in unless that agencyduck canfind us a key of some sort."
LordGodalming's brows contractedand he stood up and walked about theroom.By-and-byhe stopped and saidturning from one to another of us"Quincey'shead is level. This burglary business is getting serious.We got offonce all rightbut we have now a rare job on hand.Unless wecan find the Count's key basket."
As nothingcould well be done before morningand as it would be at leastadvisableto wait till Lord Godalming should hear from Mitchell'swe decidednot totake any active step before breakfast time. For a good while wesat andsmokeddiscussing the matter in its various lights and bearings.I took theopportunity of bringing this diary right up to the moment.I am verysleepy and shall go to bed. . .
Just aline. Mina sleeps soundly and her breathing is regular. Her foreheadispuckered up into little wrinklesas though she thinks even in hersleep.She isstill too palebut does not look so haggard as she did this morning.TomorrowwillI hopemend all this. She will be herself at home inExeter.Ohbut Iam sleepy!
1October.--I am puzzled afresh about Renfield.His moodschange so rapidly that I find it difficult to keeptouch ofthemand as they always mean something more thanhis ownwell-beingthey form a more than interesting study.Thismorningwhen I went to see him after his repulse ofVanHelsinghis manner was that of a man commanding destiny.He wasinfactcommanding destinysubjectively.He did notreally care for any of the things of mere earthhe was inthe clouds and looked down on all the weaknessesand wantsof us poor mortals.
I thoughtI would improve the occasion and learn somethingso I asked him"Whatabout the flies these times?"
He smiledon me in quite a superior sort of waysuch a smileas wouldhave become the face of Malvolioas he answered me"Theflymy dear sirhas one striking feature. It's wingsaretypical of the aerial powers of the psychic faculties.Theancients did well when they typified the soul as a butterfly!"
I thoughtI would push his analogy to its utmost logicallyso I said quickly"Ohit is a soul you are after nowis it?"
Hismadness foiled his reasonand a puzzled look spread over his faceasshakinghis head with a decision which I had but seldom seen in him.
He said"Ohnooh no! I want no souls. Life is all Iwant."Here hebrightened up. "I am pretty indifferent about it atpresent.Life isall right. I have all I want. You must get a new patientdoctorifyou wish to study zoophagy!"
Thispuzzled me a littleso I drew him on. "Then you commandlife.You are agodI suppose?"
He smiledwith an ineffably benign superiority. "Oh no!Far be itfrom me to arrogate to myself the attributes of the Deity.I am noteven concerned in His especially spiritual doings.If I maystate my intellectual position I amso far asconcernsthings purely terrestrialsomewhat in the positionwhichEnoch occupied spiritually!"
This was aposer to me. I could not at the moment recallEnoch'sappositenessso I had to ask a simple questionthough I feltthat by sodoing I was lowering myself in the eyes of the lunatic."Andwhy with Enoch?"
"Becausehe walked with God."
I couldnot see the analogybut did not like to admit itso Iharked back to what he had denied. "So you don'tcare aboutlife and you don't want souls. Why not?"I put myquestion quickly and somewhat sternlyon purposetodisconcert him.
The effortsucceededfor an instant he unconsciously relapsed into hisoldservile mannerbent low before meand actually fawned upon meas hereplied. "I don't want any soulsindeedindeed! Idon't. Icouldn'tuse them if I had them. They would be no manner of use to me.I couldn'teat them or. . ."
Hesuddenly stopped and the old cunning look spread over his facelike awind sweep on the surface of the water.
"Anddoctoras to lifewhat is it after all? When you'vegot allyou requireand you know that you will never wantthat isall. I have friendsgood friendslike youDr.Seward."This was said with a leer of inexpressible cunning."Iknow that I shall never lack the means of life!"
I thinkthat through the cloudiness of his insanity he sawsomeantagonism in mefor he at once fell back on the lastrefuge ofsuch as hea dogged silence. After a short timeI saw thatfor the present it was useless to speak to him.He wassulkyand so I came away.
Later inthe day he sent for me. Ordinarily I would nothave comewithout special reasonbut just at present I amsointerested in him that I would gladly make an effort.BesidesIam glad to have anything to help pass the time.Harker isoutfollowing up cluesand so are Lord GodalmingandQuincey. Van Helsing sits in my study poring over the recordpreparedby the Harkers. He seems to think that by accurateknowledgeof all details he will light up on some clue.He doesnot wish to be disturbed in the workwithout cause.I wouldhave taken him with me to see the patientonly I thoughtthat afterhis last repulse he might not care to go again.There wasalso another reason. Renfield might not speakso freelybefore a third person as when he and I were alone.
I foundhim sitting in the middle of the floor on his stoola posewhich isgenerally indicative of some mental energy on his part.When Icame inhe said at onceas though the question had beenwaiting onhis lips. "What about souls?"
It wasevident then that my surmise had been correct.Unconsciouscerebration was doing its workeven with the lunatic.Idetermined to have the matter out.
"Whatabout them yourself?" I asked.
He did notreply for a moment but looked all around himand up and downas thoughhe expected to find some inspiration for an answer.
"Idon't want any souls!" He said in a feebleapologeticway.The matterseemed preying on his mindand so I determined to use itto "becruel only to be kind." So I said"You like lifeand youwant life?"
"Ohyes! But that is all right. You needn't worry aboutthat!"
"But"I asked"how are we to get the life without gettingthe soulalso?"
Thisseemed to puzzle himso I followed it up"A nicetimeyou'll have some time when you're flying out herewith thesouls of thousands of flies and spiders and birdsand catsbuzzing and twittering and moaning all around you.You've gottheir livesyou knowand you must put upwith theirsouls!"
Somethingseemed to affect his imaginationfor he put hisfingers tohis ears and shut his eyesscrewing them up tightlyjust as asmall boy does when his face is being soaped.There wassomething pathetic in it that touched me.It alsogave me a lessonfor it seemed that before me was a childonly achildthough the features were wornand the stubbleon thejaws was white. It was evident that he was undergoingsomeprocess of mental disturbanceand knowing how his pastmoods hadinterpreted things seemingly foreign to himselfI thoughtI would enter into his mind as well as I couldand gowith him
The firststep was to restore confidenceso I asked himspeakingpretty loud so that he would hear me through his closed ears"Wouldyou like some sugar to get your flies around again?"
He seemedto wake up all at onceand shook his head.With alaugh he replied"Not much! Flies are poor thingsafterall!" After a pause he added"But I don't want theirsoulsbuzzing round meall the same."
"Orspiders?" I went on.
"Blowspiders! What's the use of spiders? There isn't anythingin them toeat or. . ." He stopped suddenly as though remindedof aforbidden topic.
"Soso!" I thought to myself"this is the second time hehassuddenlystopped at the word `drink'. What does it mean?"
Renfieldseemed himself aware of having made a lapsefor hehurried onas though to distract my attentionfrom it"I don't take any stock at all in such matters.`Rats andmice and such small deer' as Shakespeare has it`chickenfeed of the larder' they might be called.I'm pastall that sort of nonsense. You might as well aska man toeat molecules with a pair of chopsticksas to trytointerest me about the less carnivorawhen I know of whatis beforeme."
"Isee" I said."You want big things that you can make yourteeth meet in?How wouldyou like to breakfast on an elephant?"
"Whatridiculous nonsense you are talking?" He was getting toowide awakeso Ithought I would press him hard.
"Iwonder" I said reflectively"what an elephant's soul islike!"
The effectI desired was obtainedfor he at once fell from his high-horseand becamea child again.
"Idon't want an elephant's soulor any soul at all!" he said.For a fewmoments he sat despondently. Suddenly he jumped to his feetwith hiseyes blazing and all the signs of intense cerebral excitement."Tohell with you and your souls!" he shouted. "Why doyou plague meaboutsouls? Haven't I got enough to worryand painto distractmealreadywithout thinking of souls?"
He lookedso hostile that I thought he was in for another homicidal fitso I blewmy whistle.
Theinstanthoweverthat I did so he became calmand saidapologetically"ForgivemeDoctor. I forgot myself. You do not need any help.I am soworried in my mind that I am apt to be irritable. If you onlyknewtheproblem I have to faceand that I am working outyou would pityandtolerateand pardon me. Pray do not put me in a straitwaistcoat.I want tothink and I cannot think freely when my body is confined.I am sureyou will understand!"
He hadevidently self-controlso when the attendants came I toldthem notto mindand they withdrew. Renfield watched them go.When thedoor was closed he said with considerable dignityandsweetness"Dr. Sewardyou have been very considerate towardsme.Believe methat I am veryvery grateful to you!"
I thoughtit well to leave him in this moodand so I came away.There iscertainly something to ponder over in this man's state.Severalpoints seem to make what the American interviewercalls "astory" if one could only get them in proper order.Here theyare:
Will notmention "drinking."
Fears thethought of being burdened with the "soul" of anything.
Has nodread of wanting "life" in the future.
Despisesthe meaner forms of life altogetherthough he dreads being hauntedby theirsouls.
Logicallyall these things point one way! He has assuranceof somekind that he will acquire some higher life.
He dreadsthe consequencethe burden of a soul.Then it isa human life he looks to!
And theassurance. . .?
MercifulGod! The Count has been to himand there is some new schemeof terrorafoot!
Later.--Iwent after my round to Van Helsing and told himmysuspicion. He grew very graveand after thinking the matterover for awhile asked me to take him to Renfield. I did so.As we cameto the door we heard the lunatic within singing gailyas he usedto do in the time which now seems so long ago.
When weentered we saw with amazement that he had spread outhis sugaras of old. The flieslethargic with the autumnwerebeginning to buzz into the room. We tried to make him talkof thesubject of our previous conversationbut he would not attend.He went onwith his singingjust as though we had not been present.He had gota scrap of paper and was folding it into a notebook.We had tocome away as ignorant as we went in.
His is acurious case indeed. We must watch him tonight.
"Weare at all times only too happy to meet your wishes.We begwith regard to the desire of your Lordshipexpressed byMr. Harkeron your behalfto supply the following informationconcerningthe sale and purchase of No. 347Piccadilly.Theoriginal vendors are the executors of the late Mr. ArchibaldWinter-Suffield.The purchaser is a foreign noblemanCount deVillewho effected the purchase himself payingthepurchase money in notes `over the counter' if yourLordshipwill pardon us using so vulgar an expression.Beyondthis we know nothing whatever of him.
"Wearemy Lord
"YourLordship's humble servants
2October.--I placed a man in the corridor last nightand told him tomakeanaccurate note of any sound he might hear from Renfield's roomandgavehiminstructions that if there should be anything strange he was to callme.Afterdinnerwhen we had all gathered round the fire in the studyMrs.Harker having gone to bedwe discussed the attempts and discoveriesof theday. Harker was the only one who had any resultand we are ingreathopes thathis clue may be an important one.
Beforegoing to bed I went round to the patient's room and lookedin throughthe observation trap. He was sleeping soundlyhis heartrose and fell with regular respiration.
Thismorning the man on duty reported to me that a little aftermidnighthe was restless and kept saying his prayers somewhat loudly.I askedhim if that was all. He replied that it was all he heard.There wassomething about his mannerso suspiciousthat Iasked him point blank if he had been asleep.He deniedsleepbut admitted to having "dozed" for a while.It is toobad that men cannot be trusted unless they are watched.
TodayHarker is out following up his clueand Art and Quinceyarelooking after horses. Godalming thinks that it will bewell tohave horses always in readinessfor when we gettheinformation which we seek there will be no time to lose.We muststerilize all the imported earth between sunrise and sunset.We shallthus catch the Count at his weakestand withouta refugeto fly to. Van Helsing is off to the BritishMuseumlooking up some authorities on ancient medicine.The oldphysicians took account of things which their followersdo notacceptand the Professor is searching for witchand demoncures which may be useful to us later.
Isometimes think we must be all mad and that we shall wake to sanityin straitwaistcoats.
Later.--Wehave met again. We seem at last to be on the trackand ourwork of tomorrow may be the beginning of the end.I wonderif Renfield's quiet has anything to do with this.His moodshave so followed the doings of the Countthat the comingdestructionof the monster may be carried to him some subtle way.If wecould only get some hint as to what passed in his mindbetweenthe time of my argument with him today and hisresumptionof fly-catchingit might afford us a valuable clue.He is nowseemingly quiet for a spell. . . Is he?That wildyell seemed to come from his room. . .
Theattendant came bursting into my room and told me that Renfield hadsomehowmet with some accident. He had heard him yelland when he wentto himfound him lying on his face on the floorall covered with blood.I must goat once. . .
3October.--Let me put down with exactness all that happenedas well asI can remembersince last I made an entry.Not adetail that I can recall must be forgotten.In allcalmness I must proceed.
When Icame to Renfield's room I found him lying on the floor on hisleft sidein a glittering pool of blood. When I went to move himit becameat once apparent that he had received some terrible injuries.Thereseemed none of the unity of purpose between the parts of the bodywhichmarks even lethargic sanity. As the face was exposed I couldseethat itwas horribly bruisedas though it had been beaten against the floor.Indeed itwas from the face wounds that the pool of blood originated.
Theattendant who was kneeling beside the body said to me as weturned himover"I thinksirhis back is broken. Seeboth hisright armand leg and the whole side of his face are paralysed."How such athing could have happened puzzled the attendantbeyondmeasure. He seemed quite bewilderedand his brows weregatheredin as he said"I can't understand the two things.He couldmark his face like that by beating his own head on the floor.I saw ayoung woman do it once at the Eversfield Asylum beforeanyonecould lay hands on her. And I suppose he might have brokenhis neckby falling out of bedif he got in an awkward kink.But forthe life of me I can't imagine how the two things occurred.If hisback was brokehe couldn't beat his headand if his face waslike thatbefore the fall out of bedthere would be marks of it."
I said tohim"Go to Dr. Van Helsingand ask him to kindly comehere atonce. I want him without an instant's delay."
The manran offand within a few minutes the Professorin hisdressinggown and slippersappeared. When he saw Renfield onthegroundhe looked keenly at him a momentand then turned to me.I think herecognized my thought in my eyesfor he said very quietlymanifestlyfor the ears of the attendant"Aha sad accident!He willneed very careful watchingand much attention.I shallstay with you myselfbut I shall first dress myself.If youwill remain I shall in a few minutes join you."
Thepatient was now breathing stertorously and it was easy to seethat hehad suffered some terrible injury.
VanHelsing returned with extraordinary celeritybearingwith him a surgical case. He had evidently beenthinkingand had his mind made upfor almost before he lookedat thepatienthe whispered to me"Send the attendant away.We must bealone with him when he becomes consciousafter theoperation."
I said"Ithink that will do nowSimmons. We have done all that we canatpresent. You had better go your roundand Dr. Van Helsing willoperate.Let meknow instantly if there be anything unusual anywhere."
The manwithdrewand we went into a strict examination of the patient.The woundsof the face were superficial. The real injury was a depressedfractureof the skullextending right up through the motor area.
TheProfessor thought a moment and said"We must reducethepressure and get back to normal conditionsas far as can be.Therapidity of the suffusion shows the terrible natureof hisinjury. The whole motor area seems affected.Thesuffusion of the brain will increase quicklyso we musttrephineat once or it may be too late."
As he wasspeaking there was a soft tapping at the door.I wentover and opened it and found in the corridor withoutArthur andQuincey in pajamas and slippersthe former spoke"I heardyour mancall up Dr. Van Helsing and tell him of an accident.So I wokeQuincey or rather called for him as he was not asleep.Things aremoving too quickly and too strangely for soundsleep forany of us these times. I've been thinkingthattomorrow night will not see things as they have been.We'll haveto look backand forward a little more than we have done.May wecome in?"
I noddedand held the door open till they had enteredthen I closedit again. When Quincey saw the attitude and state of the patientand notedthe horrible pool on the floorhe said softly"My God!What hashappened to him? Poorpoor devil!"
I told himbrieflyand added that we expected he would recoverconsciousnessafter the operationfor a short timeat all events.He went atonce and sat down on the edge of the bedwith Godalmingbesidehim. We all watched in patience.
"Weshall wait" said Van Helsing"just long enough to fix thebestspot fortrephiningso that we may most quickly and perfectly removethe bloodclotfor it is evident that the haemorrhage is increasing."
Theminutes during which we waited passed with fearful slowness.I had ahorrible sinking in my heartand from Van Helsing'sface Igathered that he felt some fear or apprehension as towhat wasto come. I dreaded the words Renfield might speak.I waspositively afraid to think. But the conviction of whatwas comingwas on meas I have read of men who have heardthe deathwatch. The poor man's breathing came in uncertain gasps.Eachinstant he seemed as though he would open his eyes and speakbut thenwould follow a prolonged stertorous breathand he wouldrelapseinto a more fixed insensibility. Inured as I wasto sickbeds and deaththis suspense grew and grew upon me.I couldalmost hear the beating of my own heartand the bloodsurgingthrough my temples sounded like blows from a hammer.Thesilence finally became agonizing. I looked at my companionsone afteranotherand saw from their flushed facesand dampbrows that they were enduring equal torture.There wasa nervous suspense over us allas though overheadsome dreadbell would peal out powerfully when we shouldleastexpect it.
At lastthere came a time when it was evident that thepatientwas sinking fast. He might die at any moment.I lookedup at the Professor and caught his eyes fixed on mine.His facewas sternly set as he spoke"There is no time to lose.His wordsmay be worth many lives. I have been thinking soas I stoodhere. It may be there is a soul at stake!We shalloperate just above the ear."
Withoutanother word he made the operation. For a few momentsthebreathing continued to be stertorous. Then there came a breathsoprolonged that it seemed as though it would tear open his chest.Suddenlyhis eyes openedand became fixed in a wildhelpless stare.This wascontinued for a few momentsthen it was softenedinto aglad surpriseand from his lips came a sigh of relief.He movedconvulsivelyand as he did sosaid"I'll be quietDoctor.Tell themto take off the strait waistcoat. I have had a terrible dreamand it hasleft me so weak that I cannot move. What's wrong with my face?It feelsall swollenand it smarts dreadfully."
He triedto turn his headbut even with the effort hiseyesseemed to grow glassy again so I gently put it back.Then VanHelsing said in a quiet grave tone"Tell usyourdreamMr. Renfield."
As heheard the voice his face brightenedthrough its mutilationand hesaid"That is Dr. Van Helsing. How good it is of you tobe here.Give mesome watermy lips are dryand I shall try to tell you.Idreamed". . .
He stoppedand seemed fainting. I called quietly to Quincey"Thebrandyit is in my studyquick!" He flew and returnedwith aglassthe decanter of brandy and a carafe of water.Wemoistened the parched lipsand the patient quickly revived.
It seemedhoweverthat his poor injured brain had been workingin theintervalfor when he was quite conscioushe looked at mepiercinglywith an agonized confusion which I shall never forgetand said"I must not deceive myself. It was no dreambut all agrim reality." Then his eyes roved round the room.As theycaught sight of the two figures sitting patiently onthe edgeof the bed he went on"If I were not sure alreadyI wouldknow from them."
For aninstant his eyes closednot with pain or sleep butvoluntarilyas though he were bringing all his faculties to bear.When heopened them he saidhurriedlyand with more energythan hehad yet displayed"QuickDoctorquickI am dying!I feelthat I have but a few minutesand then I must goback todeathor worse! Wet my lips with brandy again.I havesomething that I must say before I die. Or before mypoorcrushed brain dies anyhow. Thank you! It was that nightafter youleft mewhen I implored you to let me go away.I couldn'tspeak thenfor I felt my tongue was tied.But I wasas sane thenexcept in that wayas I am now.I was inan agony of despair for a long time after you left meit seemedhours. Then there came a sudden peace to me.My brainseemed to become cool againand I realized where I was.I heardthe dogs bark behind our housebut not where He was!"
As hespokeVan Helsing's eyes never blinkedbut his hand came outand metmine and gripped it hard. He did nothoweverbetray himself.He noddedslightly and said"Go on" in a low voice.
Renfieldproceeded. "He came up to the window in the mistas I hadseen him often beforebut he was solid thennot aghostand his eyes were fierce like a man's when angry.He waslaughing with his red mouththe sharp white teethglinted inthe moonlight when he turned to look backover thebelt of treesto where the dogs were barking.I wouldn'task him to come in at firstthough I knew he wanted tojust as hehad wanted all along. Then he began promisingme thingsnot in words but by doing them."
He wasinterrupted by a word from the Professor"How?"
"Bymaking them happen. Just as he used to send in the flies whenthe sunwasshining. Great big fat ones with steel and sapphire on theirwings.And bigmothsin the nightwith skull and cross-bones on their backs."
VanHelsing nodded to him as he whispered to me unconsciously"TheAcherontia Atropos of the Sphingeswhat you callthe`Death's-head Moth'?"
Thepatient went on without stopping"Then he began towhisper.`Ratsratsrats! Hundredsthousandsmillions of themand everyone a life. And dogs to eat themand cats too. Alllives!All redbloodwith years of life in itand not merely buzzing flies!'I laughedat himfor I wanted to see what he could do.Then thedogs howledaway beyond the dark trees in His house.Hebeckoned me to the window. I got up and looked outand Heraised hishandsand seemed to call out without using any words.A darkmass spread over the grasscoming on like the shape of aflame offire. And then He moved the mist to the right and leftand Icould see that there were thousands of rats with theireyesblazing redlike His only smaller. He held up his handand theyall stoppedand I thought he seemed to be saying`All theselives will I give youayand many more and greaterthroughcountless agesif you will fall down and worship me!'And then ared cloudlike the color of bloodseemed to closeover myeyesand before I knew what I was doingI found myselfopeningthe sash and saying to Him`Come inLord and Master!'The ratswere all gonebut He slid into the room through the sashthough itwas only open an inch widejust as the Moon herself hasoften comein through the tiniest crack and has stood before mein all hersize and splendor."
His voicewas weakerso I moistened his lips with the brandy againand hecontinuedbut it seemed as though his memory had goneon workingin the interval for his story was further advanced.I wasabout to call him back to the pointbut Van Helsingwhisperedto me"Let him go on. Do not interrupt him.He cannotgo backand maybe could not proceed at all if oncehe lostthe thread of his thought."
Heproceeded"All day I waited to hear from himbut he did notsendmeanythingnot even a blowflyand when the moon got up I was prettyangry withhim. When he did slide in through the windowthough itwas shutand did not even knockI got mad with him. He sneered at meand hiswhite face looked out of the mist with his red eyes gleamingand hewent on as though he owned the whole placeand I was no one.He didn'teven smell the same as he went by me. I couldn't hold him.I thoughtthatsomehowMrs. Harker had come into the room."
The twomen sitting on the bed stood up and came overstanding behindhim sothat he could not see thembut where they could hear better.They wereboth silentbut the Professor started and quivered.His facehowevergrew grimmer and sterner still. Renfield went onwithoutnoticing"When Mrs. Harker came in to see me this afternoon shewasn't thesame. It was like tea after the teapot has been watered."Here weall movedbut no one said a word.
He wenton"I didn't know that she was here till she spokeand shedidn't look the same. I don't care for the pale people.I likethem with lots of blood in themand hers all seemedto haverun out. I didn't think of it at the timebut whenshe went away I began to thinkand it made memad toknow that He had been taking the life out of her."I couldfeel that the rest quiveredas I did. But we remainedotherwisestill. "So when He came tonight I was ready for Him.I saw themist stealing inand I grabbed it tight. I had heardthatmadmen have unnatural strength. And as I knew I was a madmanat timesanyhowI resolved to use my power. Ayand He feltit toofor He had to come out of the mist to struggle with me.I heldtightand I thought I was going to winfor I didn'tmean Himto take any more of her lifetill I saw His eyes.Theyburned into meand my strength became like water.He slippedthrough itand when I tried to cling to HimHe raisedme up and flung me down. There was a red cloud before meand anoise like thunderand the mist seemed to steal awayunder thedoor."
His voicewas becoming fainter and his breath more stertorous.VanHelsing stood up instinctively.
"Weknow the worst now" he said. "He is hereand weknow his purpose.It may notbe too late. Let us be armedthe same as we were the othernightbut loseno timethere is not an instant to spare."
There wasno need to put our fearnay our convictioninto wordswe sharedthem in common. We all hurried and took from our roomsthe samethings that we had when we entered the Count's house.TheProfessor had his readyand as we met in the corridorhe pointedto them significantly as he said"They never leave meand theyshall not till this unhappy business is over.Be wisealsomy friends. It is no common enemy that we dealwithAlas! Alas! That dear Madam Mina should suffer!"Hestoppedhis voice was breakingand I do not know if rageor terrorpredominated in my own heart.
Outsidethe Harkers' door we paused. Art and Quincey held backand thelatter said"Should we disturb her?"
"Wemust" said Van Helsing grimly. "If the door belockedI shallbreak it in."
"Mayit not frighten her terribly? It is unusual to breakinto alady's room!"
VanHelsing said solemnly"You are always right.But thisis life and death. All chambers are alike to the doctor.And evenwere they not they are all as one to me tonight.FriendJohnwhen I turn the handleif the door does not opendo you putyour shoulder down and shove. And you toomyfriends. Now!"
He turnedthe handle as he spokebut the door did not yield.We threwourselves against it. With a crash it burst openand wealmost fell headlong into the room. The Professordidactually falland I saw across him as he gatheredhimself upfrom hands and knees. What I saw appalled me.I felt myhair rise like bristles on the back of my neckand myheart seemed to stand still.
Themoonlight was so bright that through the thick yellow blind the roomwas lightenough to see. On the bed beside the window lay JonathanHarkerhis faceflushed and breathing heavily as though in a stupor.Kneelingon the near edge of the bed facing outwards was the white-cladfigure ofhis wife. By her side stood a tallthin manclad in black.His facewas turned from usbut the instant we saw we all recognizedthe Countin every wayeven to the scar on his forehead.With hisleft hand he held both Mrs. Harker's handskeeping themaway withher arms at full tension. His right hand gripped herby theback of the neckforcing her face down on his bosom.Her whitenightdress was smeared with bloodand a thin stream trickleddown theman's bare chest which was shown by his torn-open dress.Theattitude of the two had a terrible resemblance to a child forcinga kitten'snose into a saucer of milk to compel it to drink.As weburst into the roomthe Count turned his faceand thehellishlook that I had heard described seemed to leap into it.His eyesflamed red with devilish passion. The great nostrilsof thewhite aquiline nose opened wide and quivered at the edgeand thewhite sharp teethbehind the full lips of the blooddrippingmouthclamped together like those of a wild beast.With awrenchwhich threw his victim back upon the bedas thoughhurled from a heighthe turned and sprang at us.But bythis time the Professor had gained his feetand was holdingtowardshim the envelope which contained the Sacred Wafer.The Countsuddenly stoppedjust as poor Lucy had done outside the tombandcowered back. Further and further back he coweredas weliftingour crucifixesadvanced. The moonlight suddenly failedas a greatblack cloud sailed across the sky. And when the gaslightsprang upunder Quincey's matchwe saw nothing but a faint vapor.Thisaswe lookedtrailed under the doorwhich with the recoilfrom itsbursting openhad swung back to its old position.VanHelsingArtand I moved forward to Mrs. Harkerwho bythis time had drawn her breath and with it had givena screamso wildso ear-piercingso despairing that it seemsto me nowthat it will ring in my ears till my dying day.For a fewseconds she lay in her helpless attitude and disarray.Her facewas ghastlywith a pallor which was accentuated by the bloodwhichsmeared her lips and cheeks and chin. From her throattrickled athin stream of blood. Her eyes were mad with terror.Then sheput before her face her poor crushed handswhich boreon theirwhiteness the red mark of the Count's terrible gripand frombehind them came a low desolate wail which made the terriblescreamseem only the quick expression of an endless grief.VanHelsing stepped forward and drew the coverlet gently over her bodywhilstArtafter looking at her face for an instant despairinglyran out ofthe room.
VanHelsing whispered to me"Jonathan is in a stupor such as weknow theVampire can produce. We can do nothing with poorMadam Minafor a few moments till she recovers herself.I mustwake him!"
He dippedthe end of a towel in cold water and with it beganto flickhim on the facehis wife all the while holding her facebetweenher hands and sobbing in a way that was heart breakingto hear. I raised the blindand looked out of the window.There wasmuch moonshineand as I looked I could see QuinceyMorris runacross the lawn and hide himself in the shadow of agreat yewtree. It puzzled me to think why he was doing this.But at theinstant I heard Harker's quick exclamationas he woketo partial consciousnessand turned to the bed.On hisfaceas there might well bewas a look of wild amazement.He seemeddazed for a few secondsand then full consciousnessseemed toburst upon him all at onceand he started up.
His wifewas aroused by the quick movementand turned to him with her armsstretchedoutas though to embrace him. Instantlyhowevershe drewthemin againand putting her elbows togetherheld her hands before her faceandshuddered till the bed beneath her shook.
"InGod's name what does this mean?" Harker cried out."Dr.SewardDr. Van Helsingwhat is it? What has happened?What iswrong? Minadear what is it? What does that blood mean?My GodmyGod! Has it come to this!" Andraising himselfto hiskneeshe beat his hands wildly together."Good God help us!Help her! Ohhelp her!"
With aquick movement he jumped from bedand began to pull onhisclothesall the man in him awake at the need for instant exertion."Whathas happened? Tell me all about it!" he cried withoutpausing."Dr.Van Helsing you love MinaI know. Ohdo something to saveher.It cannothave gone too far yet. Guard her while I look for him!"
His wifethrough her terror and horror and distresssaw somesure danger to him. Instantly forgetting her own griefshe seizedhold of him and cried out.
"No! No! Jonathanyou must not leave me. I have sufferedenough tonightGod knowswithout the dread of his harming you. You must stay with me.Stay withthese friends who will watch over you!" Her expressionbecamefrantic asshe spoke. Andhe yielding to hershe pulled him down sittingon thebedsideand clung to him fiercely.
VanHelsing and I tried to calm them both. The Professor held uphisgoldencrucifixand said with wonderful calmness"Do not fearmydear.We arehereand whilst this is close to you no foul thing can approach.You aresafe for tonightand we must be calm and take counsel together."
Sheshuddered and was silentholding down her head on her husband'sbreast.When sheraised ithis white nightrobe was stained with blood where her lipshadtouchedand where the thin open wound in the neck had sent forthdrops.Theinstant she saw it she drew backwith a low wailand whisperedamidstchoking sobs.
"Uncleanunclean! I must touch him or kiss him no more.Ohthatit should be that it is I who am now his worst enemyand whomhe may have most cause to fear."
To this hespoke out resolutely"NonsenseMina. It is a shameto me tohear such a word. I would not hear it of you.And Ishall not hear it from you. May God judge me by my desertsand punishme with more bitter suffering than even this hourif by anyact or will of mine anything ever come between us!"
He put outhis arms and folded her to his breast. And for a whileshe laythere sobbing. He looked at us over her bowed headwith eyesthat blinked damply above his quivering nostrils.His mouthwas set as steel.
After awhile her sobs became less frequent and more faintand thenhe said to mespeaking with a studied calmnesswhich Ifelt tried his nervous power to the utmost.
"AndnowDr. Sewardtell me all about it. Too well I know thebroad fact.Tell meall that has been."
I told himexactly what had happened and he listened with seemingimpassivenessbut his nostrils twitched and his eyes blazed as I toldhow theruthless hands of the Count had held his wife in that terribleand horridpositionwith her mouth to the open wound in his breast.Itinterested meeven at that momentto see that whilst the faceof whiteset passion worked convulsively over the bowed headthe handstenderly and lovingly stroked the ruffled hair.Just as Ihad finishedQuincey and Godalming knocked at the door.Theyentered in obedience to our summons. Van Helsing lookedat mequestioningly. I understood him to mean if we were to takeadvantageof their coming to divert if possible the thoughts oftheunhappy husband and wife from each other and from themselves.So onnodding acquiescence to him he asked them what they had seenor done. To which Lord Godalming answered.
"Icould not see him anywhere in the passageor in any of our rooms.I lookedin the study butthough he had been therehe had gone.He hadhowever. . ." He stopped suddenlylooking at the poordroopingfigure onthe bed.
VanHelsing said gravely"Go onfriend Arthur. We wanthere nomore concealments. Our hope now is in knowing all.Tellfreely!"
So Artwent on"He had been thereand though it could only have beenfor a fewsecondshe made rare hay of the place. All the manuscript hadbeenburnedand the blue flames were flickering amongst the white ashes.Thecylinders of your phonograph too were thrown on the fireand the waxhad helpedthe flames."
Here Iinterrupted. "Thank God there is the other copy in thesafe!"
His facelit for a momentbut fell again as he went on."Iran downstairs thenbut could see no sign of him.I lookedinto Renfield's roombut there was no trace there except.. ."Again he paused.
"Goon" said Harker hoarsely. So he bowed his head andmoistening his lipswith histongueadded"except that the poor fellow is dead."
Mrs.Harker raised her headlooking from one to the other of usshe saidsolemnly"God's will be done!"
I couldnot but feel that Art was keeping back something.Butas Itook it that it was with a purposeI said nothing.
VanHelsing turned to Morris and asked"And youfriend Quinceyhave youany to tell?"
"Alittle" he answered. "It may be much eventuallybut atpresent I can't say. I thought it well to knowifpossible where the Count would go when he left the house.I did notsee himbut I saw a bat rise from Renfield's windowand flapwestward. I expected to see him in some shape goback toCarfaxbut he evidently sought some other lair.He willnot be back tonightfor the sky is reddening in the eastand thedawn is close. We must work tomorrow!"
He saidthe latter words through his shut teeth. For a spaceof perhapsa couple of minutes there was silenceand I couldfancy thatI could hear the sound of our hearts beating.
Then VanHelsing saidplacing his hand tenderly on Mrs. Harker's head"AndnowMadam Minapoor deardearMadam Minatell us exactlywhathappened. God knows that I do not want that you be painedbut it isneed that we know all. For now more than ever hasall workto be done quick and sharpand in deadly earnest.The day isclose to us that must end allif it may be soand now isthe chance that we may live and learn."
The poordear lady shiveredand I could see the tension of her nervesas sheclasped her husband closer to her and bent her head lowerand lowerstill on his breast. Then she raised her head proudlyand heldout one hand to Van Helsing who took it in hisand afterstooping and kissing it reverentlyheld it fast.The otherhand was locked in that of her husbandwho heldhis otherarm thrown round her protectingly. After a pausein whichshe was evidently ordering her thoughtsshe began.
"Itook the sleeping draught which you had so kindly given mebut for along time it did not act. I seemed to become more wakefulandmyriads of horrible fancies began to crowd in upon my mind.All ofthem connected with deathand vampireswith bloodand painand trouble." Her husband involuntarily groanedas sheturned to him and said lovingly"Do not fretdear.You mustbe brave and strongand help me through the horrible task.If youonly knew what an effort it is to me to tell of this fearfulthing atallyou would understand how much I need your help.WellIsaw I must try to help the medicine to its work with my willif it wasto do me any goodso I resolutely set myself to sleep.Sureenough sleep must soon have come to mefor I remember no more.Jonathancoming in had not waked mefor he lay by my side whennext Iremember. There was in the room the same thin white mistthat I hadbefore noticed. But I forget now if you know of this.You willfind it in my diary which I shall show you later.I felt thesame vague terror which had come to me before and the samesense ofsome presence. I turned to wake Jonathanbut found thathe sleptso soundly that it seemed as if it was he who had takenthesleeping draughtand not I. I triedbut I could not wake him.Thiscaused me a great fearand I looked around terrified.Thenindeedmy heart sank within me. Beside the bedas if he hadsteppedout of the mistor rather as if the mist had turned intohisfigurefor it had entirely disappearedstood a tallthin manall inblack. I knew him at once from the description of the others.The waxenfacethe high aquiline noseon which the light fellin a thinwhite linethe parted red lipswith the sharp whiteteethshowing betweenand the red eyes that I had seemed to seein thesunset on the windows of St. Mary's Church at Witby.I knewtoothe red scar on his forehead where Jonathan had struck him.For aninstant my heart stood stilland I would have screamed outonly thatI was paralyzed. In the pause he spoke in a sort of keencuttingwhisperpointing as he spoke to Jonathan.
"`Silence!If you make a sound I shall take him and dash hisbrains outbefore your very eyes.' I was appalled and wastoobewildered to do or say anything. With a mocking smilehe placedone hand upon my shoulder andholding me tightbared mythroat with the othersaying as he did so`Firstalittle refreshment to reward my exertions.You may aswell be quiet. It is not the first timeor thesecondthat your veins have appeased my thirst!'I wasbewilderedand strangely enoughI did not want to hinder him.I supposeit is a part of the horrible curse that such iswhen histouch is on his victim. And ohmy Godmy Godpity me! He placed his reeking lips upon my throat!"Herhusband groaned again. She clasped his hand harderand lookedat him pityinglyas if he were the injured oneand wenton.
"Ifelt my strength fading awayand I was in a half swoon.How longthis horrible thing lasted I know notbut it seemedthat along time must have passed before he took his foulawfulsneeringmouth away. I saw it drip with the fresh blood!"Theremembranceseemed for a while to overpower herand she droopedand wouldhave sunk down but for her husband's sustaining arm.With agreat effort she recovered herself and went on.
"Thenhe spoke to me mockingly`And so youlike the otherswould playyour brains against mine. You would helpthese mento hunt me and frustrate me in my design!You knownowand they know in part alreadyand willknow infull before longwhat it is to cross my path.Theyshould have kept their energies for use closer to home.Whilstthey played wits against meagainst me who commanded nationsandintrigued for themand fought for themhundreds ofyearsbefore they were bornI was countermining them.And youtheir best beloved oneare now to meflesh of my fleshblood ofmy bloodkin of my kinmy bountiful wine-pressfor awhileand shall be later on my companion and my helper.You shallbe avenged in turnfor not one of them but shallministerto your needs. But as yet you are to be punishedfor whatyou have done. You have aided in thwarting me.Now youshall come to my call. When my brain says "Come!"to youyou shall cross land or sea to do my bidding.And tothat end this!'
With thathe pulled open his shirtand with his long sharp nailsopened avein in his breast. When the blood began to spurt outhe took myhands in one of hisholding them tightand with the otherseized myneck and pressed my mouth to the woundso that I musteithersuffocate or swallow some to the. . .Ohmy God! My God!What haveI done? What have I done to deserve such a fateI who havetried to walk in meekness and righteousness all my days.God pityme! Look down on a poor soul in worse than mortal peril.And inmercy pity those to whom she is dear!" Then she began torubher lipsas though to cleanse them from pollution.
As she wastelling her terrible storythe eastern sky began to quickenandeverything became more and more clear. Harker was still andquiet.But overhis faceas the awful narrative went oncame a grey lookwhichdeepened and deepened in the morning lighttill when the first redstreak ofthe coming dawn shot upthe flesh stood darkly out againstthewhitening hair.
We havearranged that one of us is to stay within call of the unhappypair tillwe can meet together and arrange about taking action.
Of this Iam sure. The sun rises today on no more miserablehouse inall the great round of its daily course.
3October.--As I must do something or go madI write this diary.It is nowsix o'clockand we are to meet in the study in half an hourand takesomething to eatfor Dr. Van Helsing and Dr. Seward are agreedthat if wedo not eat we cannot work our best. Our best will beGod knowsrequired today. I must keep writing at every chancefor I darenot stop to think. Allbig and littlemust go down.Perhaps atthe end the little things may teach us most.Theteachingbig or littlecould not have landed Mina or meanywhereworse than we are today. Howeverwe must trust and hope.Poor Minatold me just nowwith the tears running down her dear cheeksthat it isin trouble and trial that our faith is tested.That wemust keep on trustingand that God will aid us up to the end.The end! Oh my God! What end?. . . To work! To work!
When Dr.Van Helsing and Dr. Seward had come back from seeing poor Renfieldwe wentgravely into what was to be done. FirstDr. Seward told usthat whenhe and Dr.Van Helsing had gone down to the room below they had found Renfieldlying onthe floorall in a heap. His face was all bruised and crushedinand thebones of the neck were broken.
Dr. Sewardasked the attendant who was on duty in the passage if he hadheardanything. He said that he had been sitting downhe confessedto halfdozingwhen he heard loud voices in the roomand then Renfieldhad calledout loudly several times"God! God! God!" After thatthere wasa sound of fallingand when he entered the room he foundhim lyingon the floorface downjust as the doctors had seen him.VanHelsing asked if he had heard "voices" or "a voice"and he saidhe couldnot say. That at first it had seemed to him as if there weretwobut asthere was no one in the room it could have been only one.He couldswear to itif requiredthat the word "God" was spokenby thepatient.
Dr. Sewardsaid to uswhen we were alonethat he did not wish to gointo thematter. The question of an inquest had to be consideredand itwould never do to put forward the truthas no one would believe it.As it washe thought that on the attendant's evidence he couldgive acertificate of death by misadventure in falling from bed.In casethe coroner should demand itthere would be a formal inquestnecessarilyto the same result.
When thequestion began to be discussed as to what should be our next stepthe veryfirst thing we decided was that Mina should be in full confidence.Thatnothing of any sortno matter how painfulshould be kept from her.Sheherself agreed as to its wisdomand it was pitiful to see her sobraveand yet sosorrowfuland in such a depth of despair.
"Theremust be no concealment" she said. "Alas! Wehave had toomuchalready. And besides there is nothing in all the world that cangive memore pain than I have already enduredthan I suffer now!Whatevermay happenit must be of new hope or of new courage to me!"
VanHelsing was looking at her fixedly as she spokeand saidsuddenlybut quietly"But dear Madam Minaare you not afraid.Not foryourselfbut for others from yourselfafter what has happened?"
Her facegrew set in its linesbut her eyes shonewith thedevotion of a martyr as she answered"Ah no!For mymind is made up!"
"Towhat?" he asked gentlywhilst we were all very stillfor eachin our ownway we hada sort of vague idea of what she meant.
Her answercame with direct simplicityas though she was simply statinga fact"Because if I find in myselfand I shall watch keenly for ita sign ofharm to any that I loveI shall die!"
"Youwould not kill yourself?" he askedhoarsely.
"Iwould. If there were no friend who loved mewho wouldsave me such a painand so desperate an effort!"She lookedat him meaningly as she spoke.
He wassitting downbut now he rose and came closeto her andput his hand on her head as he said solemnly."Mychildthere is such an one if it were for your good.For myselfI could hold it in my account with God to find suchaneuthanasia for youeven at this moment if it were best.Naywereit safe! But my child. . ."
For amoment he seemed chokedand a great sob rose in his throat.He gulpedit down and went on"There are here some who wouldstandbetween you and death. You must not die. You must notdie by anyhandbut least of all your own. Until the otherwho hasfouled your sweet lifeis true dead you must not die.For if heis still with the quick Undeadyour death wouldmake youeven as he is. Noyou must live! You must struggleand striveto livethough death would seem a boon unspeakable.You mustfight Death himselfthough he come to you in painor injoy. By the dayor the nightin safety or in peril!On yourliving soul I charge you that you do not die.Naynorthink of deathtill this great evil be past."
The poordear grew white as deathand shook and shiveredas I haveseen a quicksand shake and shiver at the incomingof thetide. We were all silent. We could do nothing.At lengthshe grew more calm and turning to him said sweetlybut oh sosorrowfullyas she held out her hand"I promise youmy dearfriendthat if God will let me liveI shall striveto do so. Tillif it may be in His good timethis horrormay havepassed away from me."
She was sogood and brave that we all felt that our hearts were strengthenedto workand endure for herand we began to discuss what we were to do.I told herthat she was to have all the papers in the safeand all the papersor diariesand phonographs we might hereafter useand was to keep the recordas she haddone before. She was pleased with the prospect of anything todoif"pleased" could be used in connection with so grim aninterest.
As usualVan Helsing had thought ahead of everyone elseand wasprepared with an exact ordering of our work.
"Itis perhaps well" he said"that at our meeting after ourvisit toCarfax wedecided not to do anything with the earth boxes that lay there.Had wedone sothe Count must have guessed our purposeand woulddoubtlesshave taken measures in advance to frustrate such an effortwithregard to the others. But now he does not know our intentions.Naymorein all probabilityhe does not know that such a power existsto us ascan sterilize his lairsso that he cannot use them as of old.
"Weare now so much further advanced in our knowledge as to theirdispositionthatwhen we have examined the house in Piccadillywe may trackthe verylast of them. Today thenis oursand in it rests our hope.The sunthat rose on our sorrow this morning guards us in its course.Until itsets tonightthat monster must retain whatever form he now has.He isconfined within the limitations of his earthly envelope. Hecannotmelt intothin air nor disappear through cracks or chinks or crannies.If he gothrough a doorwayhe must open the door like a mortal.And so wehave this day to hunt out all his lairs and sterilize them.So weshallif we have not yet catch him and destroy himdrive himto bay insome place where the catching and the destroying shall bein timesure."
Here Istarted up for I could not contain myself at the thought thattheminutes and seconds so preciously laden with Mina's life andhappinesswereflying from ussince whilst we talked action was impossible.But VanHelsing held up his hand warningly.
"Nayfriend Jonathan" he said"in thisthe quickest wayhome isthe longest wayso your proverb say. We shall allact andact with desperate quickwhen the time has come.But thinkin all probable the key of the situation is in that houseinPiccadilly. The Count may have many houses which he has bought.Of them hewill have deeds of purchasekeys and other things.He willhave paper that he write on. He will have his book of cheques.There aremany belongings that he must have somewhere.Why not inthis place so centralso quietwhere he come and go bythe frontor the back at all hourswhen in the very vast of the trafficthere isnone to notice. We shall go there and search that house.And whenwe learn what it holdsthen we do what our friend Arthur callin hisphrases of hunt `stop the earths' and so we run down ourold foxso? Is it not?"
"Thenlet us come at once" I cried"we are wastingthepreciousprecious time!"
TheProfessor did not movebut simply said"And how are weto getinto that house in Piccadilly?"
"Anyway!" I cried. "We shall break in if need be."
"Andyour police? Where will they beand what will they say?"
I wasstaggeredbut I knew that if he wished to delay he had a good reasonfor it. So I saidas quietly as I could"Don't wait more than need be.You knowI am surewhat torture I am in."
"Ahmy childthat I do. And indeed there is no wish of meto add toyour anguish. But just thinkwhat can we dountil allthe world be at movement. Then will come our time.I havethought and thoughtand it seems to me that the simplestway is thebest of all. Now we wish to get into the housebut wehave no key. Is it not so?" I nodded.
"Nowsuppose that you werein truththe owner of that houseand couldnotstill getin. And think there was to you no conscience of thehousebreakerwhat wouldyou do?"
"Ishould get a respectable locksmithand set him to work to pickthe lockfor me."
"Andyour policethey would interferewould they not?"
"Ohno! Not if they knew the man was properly employed."
"Then"he looked at me as keenly as he spoke"all that is in doubtis theconscience of the employerand the belief of your policemenas towhether or not that employer has a good conscience or a bad one.Yourpolice must indeed be zealous men and cleveroh so cleverin readingthe heartthat they trouble themselves in such matter.Nonomyfriend Jonathanyou go take the lock off a hundredemptyhouses in this your Londonor of any city in the worldand if youdo it as such things are rightly doneand atthe timesuch things are rightly doneno one will interfere.I haveread of a gentleman who owned a so fine house in Londonand whenhe went for months of summer to Switzerland and lock uphis housesome burglar come and broke window at back and got in.Then hewent and made open the shutters in front and walk outand inthrough the doorbefore the very eyes of the police.Then hehave an auction in that houseand advertise itand put upbig notice. And when the day come he sell off by agreatauctioneer all the goods of that other man who own them.Then he goto a builderand he sell him that housemaking an agreementthat hepull it down and take all away within a certain time.And yourpolice and other authority help him all they can.And whenthat owner come back from his holiday in Switzerlandhe findonly an empty hole where his house had been.This wasall done en regleand in our work we shall be en regle too.We shallnot go so early that the policemen who have then littleto thinkofshall deem it strange. But we shall go after teno'clockwhen there are many aboutand such things would be donewere weindeed owners of the house."
I couldnot but see how right he was and the terribledespair ofMina's face became relaxed in thought.There washope in such good counsel.
VanHelsing went on"When once within that house we may find moreclues.At anyrate some of us can remain there whilst the rest find the otherplaceswherethere be more earth boxesat Bermondsey and Mile End."
LordGodalming stood up. "I can be of some use here" hesaid."Ishall wire to my people to have horses and carriages where theywill bemost convenient."
"Lookhereold fellow" said Morris"it is a capital idea tohaveall readyin case we want to go horse backingbut don't you thinkthat oneof your snappy carriages with its heraldic adornments in a bywayofWalworth or Mile End would attract too much attention for ourpurpose?It seemsto me that we ought to take cabs when we go south or east.And evenleave them somewhere near the neighborhood we are going to."
"FriendQuincey is right!" said the Professor."Hishead is what you call in plane with the horizon.It is adifficult thing that we go to doand we do not wantno peoplesto watch us if so it may."
Mina tooka growing interest in everything and I was rejoicedto seethat the exigency of affairs was helping her toforget fora time the terrible experience of the night.She wasveryvery palealmost ghastlyand so thin that her lipswere drawnawayshowing her teeth in somewhat of prominence.I did notmention this lastlest it should give her needless painbut itmade my blood run cold in my veins to think of what hadoccurredwith poor Lucy when the Count had sucked her blood.As yetthere was no sign of the teeth growing sharperbut thetime as yet was shortand there was time for fear.
When wecame to the discussion of the sequence of our efforts andof thedisposition of our forcesthere were new sources of doubt.It wasfinally agreed that before starting for Piccadilly we should destroytheCount's lair close at hand. In case he should find it out toosoonwe shouldthus be still ahead of him in our work of destruction.And hispresence in his purely material shapeand at his weakestmight giveus some new clue.
A s to thedisposal of forcesit was suggested by theProfessorthatafter our visit to Carfaxwe should allenter thehouse in Piccadilly. That the two doctors and Ishouldremain therewhilst Lord Godalming and Quincey foundthe lairsat Walworth and Mile End and destroyed them.It waspossibleif not likelythe Professor urgedthat theCount might appear in Piccadilly during the dayand thatif so we might be able to cope with him then and there.At anyratewe might be able to follow him in force.To thisplan I strenuously objectedand so far as my goingwasconcernedfor I said that I intended to stay and protect Mina.I thoughtthat my mind was made up on the subjectbut Minawould notlisten to my objection. She said that theremight besome law matter in which I could be useful.Thatamongst the Count's papers might be some clue which Icouldunderstand out of my experience in Transylvania.And thatas it wasall the strength we could muster wasrequiredto cope with the Count's extraordinary power.I had togive infor Mina's resolution was fixed.She saidthat it was the last hope for her that we shouldall worktogether.
"Asfor me" she said"I have no fear. Things have beenas bad asthey can be. And whatever may happen must havein it someelement of hope or comfort. Gomy husband!God canif He wishes itguard me as well alone as withany onepresent."
So Istarted up crying out"Then in God's name let us come at oncefor we arelosing time. The Count may come to Piccadilly earlierthan wethink."
"Notso!" said Van Helsingholding up his hand.
"Butwhy?" I asked.
"Doyou forget" he saidwith actually a smile"that lastnighthebanqueted heavilyand will sleep late?"
Did Iforget! Shall I ever. . .can I ever! Can any of useverforget that terrible scene! Mina struggled hard to keepher bravecountenancebut the pain overmastered her and she puther handsbefore her faceand shuddered whilst she moaned.VanHelsing had not intended to recall her frightful experience.He hadsimply lost sight of her and her part in the affairin hisintellectual effort.
When itstruck him what he saidhe was horrified at his thoughtlessnessand triedto comfort her.
"OhMadam Mina" he said"deardearMadam Minaalas!That I ofall who so reverence you should have said anythingsoforgetful. These stupid old lips of mine and this stupid oldhead donot deserve sobut you will forget itwill you not?"He bentlow beside her as he spoke.
She tookhis handand looking at him through her tearssaid hoarsely"NoI shall not forgetfor it is well that I remember.And withit I have so much in memory of you that is sweetthat Itake it all together. Nowyou must all be going soon.Breakfastis readyand we must all eat that we may be strong."
Breakfastwas a strange meal to us all. We tried to be cheerful andencourageeach otherand Mina was the brightest and most cheerful of us.When itwas overVan Helsing stood up and said"Nowmy dear friendswe goforth to our terrible enterprise. Are we all armedas we wereon that night when first we visited our enemy's lair.Armedagainst ghostly as well as carnal attack?"
We allassured him.
"Thenit is well. NowMadam Minayou are in any case quitesafe hereuntil the sunset. And before then we shall return.. .if. ..We shall return! But before we go let me see you armedagainstpersonal attack. I have myselfsince you came downpreparedyour chamber by the placing of things of which we knowso that Hemay not enter. Now let me guard yourself.On yourforehead I touch this piece of Sacred Wafer in the nameof theFatherthe Sonand. . .
There wasa fearful scream which almost froze our hearts to hear.As he hadplaced the Wafer on Mina's foreheadit had seared it.. .hadburned into the flesh as though it had been a piece of whitehotmetal.My poordarling's brain had told her the significance of the fact asquickly asher nerves received the pain of itand the two so overwhelmedher thather overwrought nature had its voice in that dreadful scream.
But thewords to her thought came quickly. The echo of the screamhad notceased to ring on the air when there came the reactionand shesank on her knees on the floor in an agony of abasement.Pullingher beautiful hair over her faceas the leper of oldhismantleshe wailed out.
"Unclean! Unclean! Even the Almighty shuns my polluted flesh!I mustbear this mark of shame upon my forehead untiltheJudgement Day."
They allpaused. I had thrown myself beside her in an agonyofhelpless griefand putting my arms around held her tight.For a fewminutes our sorrowful hearts beat togetherwhilst thefriends around us turned away their eyes that rantearssilently. Then Van Helsing turned and said gravely.So gravelythat I could not help feeling that he was in somewayinspiredand was stating things outside himself.
"Itmay be that you may have to bear that mark till God himselfsee fitas He most surely shallon the Judgement Dayto redressall wrongs of the earth and of His children that Hehas placedthereon. And ohMadam Minamy dearmy dearmay we wholove you be there to seewhen that red scarthe signof God's knowledge of what has beenshall pass awayand leaveyour forehead as pure as the heart we know.For sosurely as we livethat scar shall pass away when Godsees rightto lift the burden that is hard upon us. Till thenwe bearour Crossas His Son did in obedience to His Will.It may bethat we are chosen instruments of His good pleasureand thatwe ascend to His bidding as that other through stripesandshame. Through tears and blood. Through doubts and fearand allthat makes the difference between God and man."
There washope in his wordsand comfort. And they made for resignation.Mina and Iboth felt soand simultaneously we each took one of the oldman'shands and bent over and kissed it. Then without a word we allkneltdowntogetherand all holding handsswore to be true to each other.We menpledged ourselves to raise the veil of sorrow from the head ofher whomeach in his own waywe loved. And we prayed for help andguidancein theterrible task which lay before us. It was then time to start.So I saidfarewell to Minaa parting which neither of us shall forgetto ourdying dayand we set out.
To onething I have made up my mind. If we find out that Mina must bea vampirein the endthen she shall not go into that unknown and terriblelandalone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meantmany.Just astheir hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earthso the holiestlove wasthe recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks.
We enteredCarfax without trouble and found all thingsthe sameas on the first occasion. It was hard to believethatamongst so prosaic surroundings of neglect and dust anddecaythere was any ground for such fear as already we knew.Had notour minds been made upand had there not been terriblememoriesto spur us onwe could hardly have proceeded with our task.We foundno papersor any sign of use in the house.And in theold chapel the great boxes looked just as we hadseen themlast.
Dr. VanHelsing said to us solemnly as we stood before him"And nowmyfriendswe have a duty here to do. We must sterilize thisearthso sacredof holy memoriesthat he has brought from a far distant landfor suchfell use. He has chosen this earth because it has been holy.Thus wedefeat him with his own weaponfor we make it more holy still.It wassanctified to such use of mannow we sanctify it to God."
As hespoke he took from his bag a screwdriver and a wrenchand verysoon the top of one of the cases was thrown open.The earthsmelled musty and closebut we did not somehow seemto mindfor our attention was concentrated on the Professor.Takingfrom his box a piece of the Scared Wafer he laid itreverentlyon the earthand then shutting down the lid beganto screwit homewe aiding him as he worked.
One by onewe treated in the same way each of the great boxesand leftthem as we had found them to all appearance.But ineach was a portion of the Host. When we closed the doorbehind usthe Professor said solemnly"So much is already done.It may bethat with all the others we can be so successfulthen thesunset of this evening may shine of Madam Mina'sforeheadall white as ivory and with no stain!"
As wepassed across the lawn on our way to the stationto catchour train we could see the front of the asylum.I lookedeagerlyand in the window of my own room saw Mina.I waved myhand to herand nodded to tell that our work therewassuccessfully accomplished. She nodded in reply to show thatsheunderstood. The last I sawshe was waving her hand infarewell.It waswith a heavy heart that we sought the station and just caughtthe trainwhich was steaming in as we reached the platform.I havewritten this in the train.
Piccadilly12:30 o'clock.--Just before we reached Fenchurch StreetLordGodalming said to me"Quincey and I will find a locksmith.You hadbetter not come with us in case there should be any difficulty.For underthe circumstances it wouldn't seem so bad for us to breakinto anempty house. But you are a solicitor and the Incorporated LawSocietymight tell you that you should have known better."
I demurredas to my not sharing any danger even of odiumbut he went on"Besidesit will attract less attention if there are not too many of us.My titlewill make it all right with the locksmithand with any policemanthat maycome along. You had better go with Jack and the Professorand stayin the Green Park. Somewhere in sight of the houseand whenyousee thedoor opened and the smith has gone awaydo you all come across.We shallbe on the lookout for youand shall let you in."
"Theadvice is good!" said Van Helsingso we said no more.Godalmingand Morris hurried off in a cabwe following in another.At thecorner of Arlington Street our contingent got out and strolledinto theGreen Park. My heart beat as I saw the house on which so muchof ourhope was centeredlooming up grim and silent in its desertedconditionamongst its more lively and spruce-looking neighbors.We satdown on a bench within good viewand began to smokecigars soas to attract as little attention as possible.Theminutes seemed to pass with leaden feet as we waited for the comingof theothers.
At lengthwe saw a four-wheeler drive up. Out of itin leisurelyfashiongot LordGodalming and Morris. And down from the box descendedathick-set working man with his rush-woven basket of tools.Morrispaid the cabmanwho touched his hat and drove away.Togetherthe two ascended the stepsand Lord Godalming pointedout whathe wanted done. The workman took off his coat leisurelyand hungit on one of the spikes of the railsaying somethingto apoliceman who just then sauntered along. The policeman noddedacquiescenceand the man kneeling down placed his bag beside him.Aftersearching through ithe took out a selection of toolswhich heproceeded to lay beside him in orderly fashion.Then hestood uplooked in the keyholeblew into itand turningto hisemployersmade some remark. Lord Godalming smiledand theman lifted a good sized bunch of keys. Selecting one of themhe beganto probe the lockas if feeling his way with it.Afterfumbling about for a bit he tried a secondand then a third.All atonce the door opened under a slight push from himand he andthe two others entered the hall. We sat still.My owncigar burnt furiouslybut Van Helsing's went cold altogether.We waitedpatiently as we saw the workman come out and bring his bag.Then heheld the door partly opensteadying it with his kneeswhilst hefitted a key to the lock. This he finally handedto LordGodalmingwho took out his purse and gave him something.The mantouched his hattook his bagput on his coat and departed.Not a soultook the slightest notice of the whole transaction.
When theman had fairly gonewe three crossed the street and knockedat thedoor. It was immediately opened by Quincey Morrisbeside whomstood LordGodalming lighting a cigar.
"Theplace smells so vilely" said the latter as we came in.It didindeed smell vilely. Like the old chapel at Carfax.And withour previous experience it was plain to usthat theCount had been using the place pretty freely.We movedto explore the houseall keeping together in caseof attackfor we knew we had a strong and wily enemy to deal withand as yetwe did not know whether the Count might not bein thehouse.
In thedining roomwhich lay at the back of the hallwe found eightboxes ofearth. Eight boxes only out of the nine which we sought!Our workwas not overand would never be until we should have foundthemissing box.
First weopened the shutters of the window which looked out acrossa narrowstone flagged yard at the blank face of a stablepointed tolook like the front of a miniature house. There wereno windowsin itso we were not afraid of being overlooked.We did notlose any time in examining the chests. With the toolswhich wehad brought with us we opened themone by oneandtreated them as we had treated those others in the old chapel.It wasevident to us that the Count was not at present in the houseand weproceeded to search for any of his effects.
After acursory glance at the rest of the roomsfrom basement to atticwe came tothe conclusion that the dining room contained any effects whichmightbelong to the Count. And so we proceeded to minutely examinethem.They layin a sort of orderly disorder on the great dining room table.
There weretitle deeds of the Piccadilly house in a great bundledeeds ofthe purchase of the houses at Mile End and Bermondseynotepaperenvelopesand pens and ink. All were covered upin thinwrapping paper to keep them from the dust. There werealso aclothes brusha brush and comband a jug and basin.The lattercontaining dirty water which was reddened as if with blood.Last ofall was a little heap of keys of all sorts and sizesprobablythose belonging to the other houses.
When wehad examined this last findLord Godalming and QuinceyMorristaking accurate notes of the various addresses of thehouses inthe East and the Southtook with them the keys in agreatbunchand set out to destroy the boxes in these places.The restof us arewith what patience we canwaiting their returnor thecoming of the Count.
3October.--The time seemed teribly long whilst we werewaitingfor the coming of Godalming and Quincey Morris.TheProfessor tried to keep our minds active by usingthem allthe time. I could see his beneficent purposeby theside glances which he threw from time to time at Harker.The poorfellow is overwhelmed in a misery that is appalling to see.Last nighthe was a frankhappy-looking manwith strongyouthfulfacefull of energyand with dark brown hair.Today heis a drawnhaggard old manwhose white hair matches wellwith thehollow burning eyes and grief-written lines of his face.His energyis still intact. In facthe is like a living flame.This mayyet be his salvationfor if all go wellit willtide him over the despairing period. He will thenin a kindof waywake again to the realities o f life.PoorfellowI thought my own trouble was bad enoughbut his. . .!
TheProfessor knows this well enoughand is doing his best to keephis mindactive. What he has been saying wasunder the circumstancesofabsorbing interest. So well as I can rememberhere it is:
"Ihave studiedover and over again since they came into my handsall thepapers relating to this monsterand the more I have studiedthegreater seems the necessity to utterly stamp him out.Allthrough there are signs of his advance. Not only of his powerbut of hisknowledge of it. As I learned from the researches of myfriendArminius of Buda-Pesthhe was in life a most wonderful man.Soldierstatesmanand alchemist. Which latter was the highestdevelopmentof the science knowledge of his time. He had a mighty braina learningbeyond compareand a heart that knew no fear and no remorse.He daredeven to attend the Scholomanceand there was no branchofknowledge of his time that he did not essay.
"Wellin him the brain powers survived the physical death.Though itwould seem that memory was not all complete.In somefaculties of mind he has beenand isonly a child.But he isgrowingand some things that were childish at the firstare now ofman's stature. He is experimentingand doing it well.And if ithad not been that we have crossed his path he would be yethe may beyet if we failthe father or furtherer of a new orderof beingswhose road must lead through Deathnot Life."
Harkergroaned and said"And this is all arrayed against my darling!But how ishe experimenting? The knowledge may help us to defeat him!"
"Hehas all alongsince his comingbeen trying his powerslowly butsurely. That big child-brain of his is working.Well forusit is as yeta child-brain. For had he daredat thefirstto attempt certain things he would long ago havebeenbeyond our power. Howeverhe means to succeedand a manwho hascenturies before him can afford to wait and to go slow.Festinalente may well be his motto."
"Ifail to understand" said Harker wearily. "Ohdo bemore plain to me!Perhapsgrief and trouble are dulling my brain."
TheProfessor laid his hand tenderly on his shoulder as he spoke"Ahmy childI will be plain. Do you not see howof latethismonster has been creeping into knowledge experimentally.How he hasbeen making use of the zoophagous patient to effecthis entryinto friend John's home. For your Vampirethough inall afterwards he can come when and how he willmust atthe first make entry only when asked thereto by an inmate.But theseare not his most important experiments.Do we notsee how at the first all these so great boxeswere movedby others. He knew not then but that must be so.But allthe time that so great child-brain of his was growingand hebegan to consider whether he might not himself movethe box. So he began to help. And thenwhen he foundthat thisbe all righthe try to move them all alone.And so heprogressand he scatter these graves of him.And nonebut he know where they are hidden.
"Hemay have intend to bury them deep in the ground.So thatonly he use them in the nightor at such timeas he canchange his formthey do him equal welland nonemay know these are his hiding place! Butmy childdo notdespairthis knowledge came to him just too late!Alreadyall of his lairs but one be sterilize as for him.And beforethe sunset this shall be so. Then he have no placewhere hecan move and hide. I delayed this morning that so wemight besure. Is there not more at stake for us than for him?Then whynot be more careful than him? By my clock it is onehour andalreadyif all be wellfriend Arthur and Quinceyare ontheir way to us. Today is our dayand we must go sureif slowand lose no chance. See! There are five of uswhen thoseabsent ones return."
Whilst wewere speaking we were startled by a knock at the hall doorthe doublepostman's knock of the telegraph boy. We all movedout to thehall with one impulseand Van Helsingholding up hishand to usto keep silencestepped to the door and opened it.The boyhanded in a dispatch. The Professor closed the door againand afterlooking at the directionopened it and read aloud.
"Lookout for D. He has just now12:45come from Carfax hurriedlyandhastened towards the South. He seems to be going the roundand maywant to see you: Mina."
There wasa pausebroken by Jonathan Harker's voice"NowGod bethankedwe shallsoon meet!"
VanHelsing turned to him quickly and said"God will act in Hisown wayand time. Do not fearand do not rejoice as yet.For whatwe wish for at the moment may be our own undoings."
"Icare for nothing now" he answered hotly"except to wipeout this brutefrom theface of creation. I would sell my soul to do it!"
"Ohhushhushmy child!" said Van Helsing. "God doesnot purchase soulsin thiswiseand the Devilthough he may purchasedoes not keep faith.But God ismerciful and justand knows your pain and your devotion to thatdear MadamMina. Think youhow her pain would be doubleddid she buthearyour wildwords. Do not fear any of uswe are all devoted to this causeand todayshall see the end. The time is coming for action. TodaythisVampire islimit to the powers of manand till sunset he may not change.It willtake him time to arrive heresee it is twenty minutes past oneand thereare yet some times before he can hither comebe he never so quick.What wemust hope for is that my Lord Arthur and Quincey arrive first."
About halfan hour after we had received Mrs. Harker's telegramthere camea quietresolute knock at the hall door.It wasjust an ordinary knocksuch as is given hourly by thousandsofgentlemenbut it made the Professor's heart and mine beat loudly.We lookedat each otherand together moved out into the hall.We eachheld ready to use our various armamentsthespiritual in the left handthe mortal in the right.VanHelsing pulled back the latchand holding the door half openstoodbackhaving both hands ready for action. The gladnessof ourhearts must have shown upon our faces when on the stepclose tothe doorwe saw Lord Godalming and Quincey Morris.They camequickly in and closed the door behind themthe formersayingas they moved along the hall.
"Itis all right. We found both places. Six boxes in each andwedestroyedthem all."
"Destroyed?"asked the Professor.
"Forhim!" We were silent for a minuteand then Quincey said"There'snothing to do but to wait here. Ifhoweverhe doesn'tturn up by five o'clockwe must start off.For itwon't do to leave Mrs. Harker alone after sunset."
"Hewill be here before long now' said Van Helsingwho had beenconsultinghispocketbook. "Nota benein Madam's telegram he went southfrom Carfax.That meanshe went to cross the riverand he could only do so at slackof tidewhich should be something before one o'clock. That he wentsouth hasa meaning for us. He is as yet only suspiciousand he wentfromCarfax first to the place where he would suspect interference least.You musthave been at Bermondsey only a short time before him.That he isnot here already shows that he went to Mile End next.This tookhim some timefor he would then have to be carried over the riverin someway. Believe memy friendswe shall not have long to waitnow.We shouldhave ready some plan of attackso that we may throw awaynochance. Hushthere is no time now. Have all your arms! Be ready!"He held upa warning hand as he spokefor we all could hear a key softlyinsertedin the lock of the hall door.
I couldnot but admireeven at such a momentthe way in which a dominantspiritasserted itself. In all our hunting parties and adventuresindifferent parts of the worldQuincey Morris had always been the oneto arrangethe plan of actionand Arthur and I had been accustomed to obeyhimimplicitly. Nowthe old habit seemed to be renewedinstinctively.With aswift glance around the roomhe at once laid out our plan of attackandwithout speaking a wordwith a gestureplaced us each in position.VanHelsingHarkerand I were just behind the doorso that when itwas openedthe Professor could guard it whilst we two stepped betweentheincomer and the door. Godalming behind and Quincey in frontstood justout of sight ready to move in front of the window.We waitedin a suspense that made the seconds pass with nightmare slowness.The slowcareful steps came along the hall. The Count was evidentlypreparedfor some surpriseat least he feared it.
Suddenlywith a single bound he leaped into the room.Winning away past us before any of us could raise a hand to stay him.There wassomething so pantherlike in the movementsomething so unhumanthat itseemed to sober us all from the shock of his coming.The firstto act was Harkerwho with a quick movementthrew himselfbefore thedoor leading into the room in the front of the house.As theCount saw usa horrible sort of snarl passed over his faceshowingthe eyeteeth long and pointed. But the evil smile as quicklypassedinto a cold stare of lion-like disdain. His expressionagainchanged aswith a single impulsewe all advanced upon him.It was apity that we had not some better organized plan of attackfor evenat the moment I wondered what we were to do. I did notmyselfknow whether our lethal weapons would avail us anything.
Harkerevidently meant to try the matterfor he had ready his great Kukriknife andmade a fierce and sudden cut at him. The blow was a powerfulone.Only thediabolical quickness of the Count's leap back saved him.A secondless and the trenchant blade had shorn through his coatmaking awide gapwhence a bundle of bank notes and a stream of gold fell out.Theexpression of the Count's face was so hellishthat for a moment Ifeared forHarkerthough I saw him throw the terrible knife aloft againforanother stroke. Instinctively I moved forward with a protectiveimpulseholdingthe Crucifix and Wafer in my left hand. I felt a mighty powerflyalong myarmand it was without surprise that I saw the monster cower backbefore asimilar movement made spontaneously by each one of us. It wouldbeimpossible to describe the expression of hate and baffled malignityof angerand hellish ragewhich came over the Count's face. His waxenhuebecamegreenish-yellow by the contrast of his burning eyesand the redscar onthe forehead showed on the pallid skin like a palpitating wound.The nextinstantwith a sinuous dive he swept under Harker's armere hisblow could falland grasping a handful of the money from the floordashedacross the roomthrew himself at the window. Amid the crashandglitter of the falling glasshe tumbled into the flagged area below.Throughthe sound of the shivering glass I could hear the "ting" ofthe goldas some ofthe sovereigns fell on the flagging.
We ranover and saw him spring unhurt from the ground. Herushing upthe stepscrossed the flagged yardand pushed open the stable door.There heturned and spoke to us.
"Youthink to baffle meyou with your pale faces all in a rowlike sheepin a butcher's. You shall be sorry yeteach one of you!You thinkyou have left me without a place to restbut I have more.My revengeis just begun! I spread it over centuriesand timeis on myside. Your girls that you all love are mine already.Andthrough them you and others shall yet be minemy creaturesto do mybidding and to be my jackals when I want to feed. Bah!"
With acontemptuous sneerhe passed quickly through the doorand weheard the rusty bolt creak as he fastened it behind him.A doorbeyond opened and shut. The first of us to speak was theProfessor.Realizingthe difficulty of following him through the stablewe movedtoward thehall.
"Wehave learnt something. . .much! Notwithstanding hisbravewordshe fears us. He fears timehe fears want!For ifnotwhy he hurry so? His very tone betray himor my earsdeceive. Why take that money? You follow quick.You arehunters of the wild beastand understand it so.For meImake sure that nothing here may be of use to himif so thathe returns."
As hespoke he put the money remaining in his pockettook thetitle deeds in the bundle as Harker had left themand sweptthe remaining things into the open fireplacewhere heset fire to them with a match.
Godalmingand Morris had rushed out into the yardand Harkerhadlowered himself from the window to follow the Count.He hadhoweverbolted the stable doorand by the timethey hadforced it open there was no sign of him.VanHelsing and I tried to make inquiry at the back of the house.But themews was deserted and no one had seen him depart.
It was nowlate in the afternoonand sunset was not far off.We had torecognize that our game was up. With heavy hearts we agreedwith theProfessor when he said"Let us go back to Madam Mina.Poorpoordear Madam Mina. All we can do just now is doneand we canthereat leastprotect her. But we need not despair.There isbut one more earth boxand we must try to find it.When thatis done all may yet be well."
I couldsee that he spoke as bravely as he could to comfort Harker.The poorfellow was quite broken downnow and again he gave a low groanwhich hecould not suppress. He was thinking of his wife.
With sadhearts we came back to my housewhere we foundMrs.Harker waiting uswith an appearance of cheerfulnesswhich didhonor to her bravery and unselfishness.When shesaw our facesher own became as pale as death.For asecond or two her eyes were closed as if she werein secretprayer.
And thenshe said cheerfully"I can never thank you all enough.Ohmypoor darling!"
As shespokeshe took her husband's grey head in her hands and kissed it.
"Layyour poor head here and rest it. All will yet be welldear! God willprotect usif He so will it in His good intent." The poor fellowgroaned.There wasno place for words in his sublime misery.
We had asort of perfunctory supper togetherand I think it cheeredus all upsomewhat. It wasperhapsthe mere animal heat of foodto hungrypeoplefor none of us had eaten anything since breakfastor thesense of companionship may have helped usbut anyhow we were alllessmiserableand saw the morrow as not altogether without hope.
True toour promisewe told Mrs. Harker everything which had passed.Andalthough she grew snowy white at times when danger had seemedtothreaten her husbandand red at others when his devotionto her wasmanifested she listened bravely and with calmness.When wecame to the part where Harker had rushed at the Countsorecklesslyshe clung to her husband's armand held it tight asthough herclinging could protect him from any harm that might come.She saidnothinghowevertill the narration was all doneandmatters had been brought up to the present time.
Thenwithout letting go her husband's hand she stood up amongstus andspoke. Ohthat I could give any idea of the scene.Of thatsweetsweetgoodgood woman in all the radiant beautyof heryouth and animationwith the red scar on her foreheadof whichshe was consciousand which we saw with grinding of our teethrememberingwhence and how it came. Her loving kindness against ourgrimhate. Her tender faith against all our fears and doubting.And weknowing that so far as symbols wentshe with all her goodnessand purityand faithwas outcast from God.
"Jonathan"she saidand the word sounded like music on her lipsit was sofull of love and tenderness"Jonathan dearand youall mytruetrue friendsI want you to bear something in mindthroughall this dreadful time. I know that you must fight.That youmust destroy even as you destroyed the false Lucy so thatthe trueLucy might live hereafter. But it is not a work of hate.That poorsoul who has wrought all this misery is the saddest case of all.Just thinkwhat will be his joy when hetoois destroyed in hisworserpart that his better part may have spiritual immortality.You mustbe pitiful to himtoothough it may not hold your handsfrom hisdestruction."
As shespoke I could see her husband's face darken and draw togetheras thoughthe passion in him were shriveling his being to its core.Instinctivelythe clasp on his wife's hand grew closertill hisknuckleslooked white. She did not flinch from the pain which Iknew shemust have sufferedbut looked at him with eyes that weremoreappealing than ever.
As shestopped speaking he leaped to his feetalmost tearing his handfrom hersas he spoke.
"MayGod give him into my hand just for long enough todestroythat earthly life of him which we are aiming at.If beyondit I could send his soul forever and ever to burninghell Iwould do it!"
"Ohhush! Ohhush in the name of the good God.Don't saysuch thingsJonathanmy husbandor you willcrush mewith fear and horror. Just thinkmy dear.. .I havebeen thinking all this longlong day of it.. .that. .. perhaps. . .some day. . . Itoomay need such pityand thatsome other like youand with equal cause for angermay denyit to me! Ohmy husband! My husbandindeed I wouldhavespared you such a thought had there been another way.But I praythat God may not have treasured your wild wordsexcept asthe heart-broken wail of a very loving and sorelystrickenman. OhGodlet these poor white hairs go in evidenceof what hehas sufferedwho all his life has done no wrongand onwhom so many sorrows have come."
We menwere all in tears now. There was no resisting themand wewept openly. She wepttooto see that her sweeter counselshadprevailed. Her husband flung himself on his knees beside herandputting his arms round herhid his face in the folds of her dress.VanHelsing beckoned to us and we stole out of the roomleavingthe two loving hearts alone with their God.
Beforethey retired the Professor fixed up the room againstany comingof the Vampireand assured Mrs. Harker that shemight restin peace. She tried to school herself to the beliefandmanifestly for her husband's saketried to seem content.It was abrave struggleand wasI think and believenotwithout its reward. Van Helsing had placed at hand a bellwhicheither of them was to sound in case of any emergency.When theyhad retiredQuinceyGodalmingand I arrangedthat weshould sit updividing the night between usand watchover the safety of the poor stricken lady.The firstwatch falls to Quinceyso the rest of us shallbe off tobed as soon as we can.
Godalminghas already turned infor his is the second watch.Now thatmy work is done Itooshall go to bed.
3-4Octoberclose to midnight.--I thought yesterdaywouldnever end. There was over me a yearning for sleepin somesort of blind belief that to wake would be to findthingschangedand that any change must now be for the better.Before wepartedwe discussed what our next step was to bebut wecould arrive at no result. All we knew was that one earthboxremainedand that the Count alone knew where it was.If hechooses to lie hiddenhe may baffle us for years.And in themeantimethe thought is too horribleI dare not thinkof it evennow. This I knowthat if ever there was a womanwho wasall perfectionthat one is my poor wronged darling.I lovedher a thousand times more for her sweet pity of last nighta pitythat made my own hate of the monster seem despicable.Surely Godwill not permit the world to be the poorerby theloss of such a creature. This is hope to me.We are alldrifting reefwards nowand faith is our only anchor.ThankGod! Mina is sleepingand sleeping without dreams.I fearwhat her dreams might be likewith such terrible memoriesto groundthem in. She has not been so calmwithin my seeingsince thesunset. Thenfor a whilethere came over her facea reposewhich was like spring after the blasts of March.I thoughtat the time that it was the softness of the red sunseton herfacebut somehow now I think it has a deeper meaning.I am notsleepy myselfthough I am weary. . .weary to death.HoweverImust try to sleep. For there is tomorrow to think ofand thereis no rest for me until. . .
Later--Imust have fallen asleepfor I was awakened by Minawho wassitting up in bedwith a startled look on her face.I couldsee easilyfor we did not leave the room in darkness.She hadplaced a warning hand over my mouthand now shewhisperedin my ear"Hush! There is someone in the corridor!"I got upsoftlyand crossing the roomgently opened the door.
Justoutsidestretched on a mattresslay Mr. Morriswide awake.He raiseda warning hand for silence as he whispered to me"Hush!Go back tobed. It is all right. One of us will be here all night.We don'tmean to take any chances!"
His lookand gesture forbade discussionso I came back and told Mina.She sighedand positively a shadow of a smile stole over her poorpale faceas she put her arms round me and said softly"OhthankGod forgood brave men!" With a sigh she sank back again to sleep.I writethis now as I am not sleepythough I must try again.
4 Octobermorning.--Once again during the night I was wakened by Mina.This timewe had all had a good sleepfor the grey of the coming dawn wasmaking thewindows into sharp oblongsand the gas flame was like a speckratherthan a disc of light.
She saidto me hurriedly"Gocall the Professor.I want tosee him at once."
"Why?" I asked.
"Ihave an idea. I suppose it must have come in the nightandmatured without my knowing it. He must hypnotizeme beforethe dawnand then I shall be able to speak.Go quickdearestthe time is getting close."
I went tothe door. Dr. Seward was resting on the mattressand seeingmehe sprang to his feet.
"Isanything wrong?" he askedin alarm.
"No"I replied. "But Mina wants to see Dr. Van Helsing atonce."
"Iwill go" he saidand hurried into the Professor's room.
Two orthree minutes later Van Helsing was in the roomin hisdressing gownand Mr. Morris and Lord Godalmingwere withDr. Seward at the door asking questions.When theProfessor saw Mina a smilea positive smile oustedtheanxiety of his face.
He rubbedhis hands as he said"Ohmy dear Madam Minathis isindeed a change. See! Friend Jonathanwe have gotour dearMadam Minaas of oldback to us today!" Then turningto herhesaid cheerfully"And what am I to do for you?For atthis hour you do not want me for nothing."
"Iwant you to hypnotize me!" she said. "Do it beforethe dawnfor I feelthat thenI can speakand speak freely. Be quickfor the time isshort!"Without aword he motioned her to sit up in bed.
Lookingfixedly at herhe commenced to make passes in front of herfrom overthe top of her head downwardwith each hand in turn.Mina gazedat him fixedly for a few minutesduring which my own heartbeat likea trip hammerfor I felt that some crisis was at hand.Graduallyher eyes closedand she satstock still. Only bythe gentleheaving of her bosom could one know that she was alive.TheProfessor made a few more passes and then stoppedand I couldsee thathis forehead was covered with great beads of perspiration.Minaopened her eyesbut she did not seem the same woman.There wasa far-away look in her eyesand her voice had a saddreaminesswhich was new to me. Raising his hand to impose silencetheProfessor motioned to me to bring the others in.They cameon tiptoeclosing the door behind themand stood atthe footof the bedlooking on. Mina appeared not to see them.Thestillness was broken by Van Helsing's voice speaking in a lowlevel tonewhich would not break the current of her thoughts.
"Whereare you?" The answer came in a neutral way.
"I donot know. Sleep has no place it can call its own."Forseveral minutes there was silence. Mina sat rigidand theProfessor stood staring at her fixedly.
The restof us hardly dared to breathe. The room was growing lighter.Withouttaking his eyes from Mina's faceDr. Van Helsing motioned meto pull upthe blind. I did soand the day seemed just upon us.A redstreak shot upand a rosy light seemed to diffuse itself throughthe room. On the instant the Professor spoke again.
"Whereare you now?"
The answercame dreamilybut with intention. It were as though shewereinterpreting something. I have heard her use the same tonewhenreading her shorthand notes.
"I donot know. It is all strange to me!"
"Whatdo you see?"
"Ican see nothing. It is all dark."
"Whatdo you hear?" I could detect the strain in theProfessor'spatient voice.
"Thelapping of water. It is gurgling byand little waves leap.I can hearthem on the outside."
"Thenyou are on a ship?'"
We alllooked at each othertrying to glean something each from the other.We wereafraid to think.
The answercame quick"Ohyes!"
"Whatelse do you hear?"
"Thesound of men stamping overhead as they run about.There isthe creaking of a chainand the loud tinkle as the checkof thecapstan falls into the ratchet."
"Whatare you doing?"
"I amstilloh so still. It is like death!"The voicefaded away into a deep breath as of one sleepingand theopen eyes closed again.
By thistime the sun had risenand we were all in the full light of day.Dr. VanHelsing placed his hands on Mina's shouldersand laid her headdownsoftly on her pillow. She lay like a sleeping child for a fewmomentsand thenwith a long sighawoke and stared in wonder to see usall aroundher.
"HaveI been talking in my sleep?" was all she said.Sheseemedhoweverto know the situation without tellingthough shewas eager to know what she had told. The Professorrepeatedthe conversationand she said"Then there is nota momentto lose. It may not be yet too late!"
Mr. Morrisand Lord Godalming started for the door but the Professor'scalm voicecalled them back.
"Staymy friends. That shipwherever it waswas weighinganchor atthe moment in your so great Port of London.Which ofthem is it that you seek? God be thanked that we haveonce againa cluethough whither it may lead us we know not.We havebeen blind somewhat. Blind after the manner of mensince wecan look back we see what we might have seen lookingforward ifwe had been able to see what we might have seen!Alasbutthat sentence is a puddleis it not? We can knownow whatwas in the Count's mindwhen he seize that moneythoughJonathan's so fierce knife put him in the dangerthat evenhe dread. He meant escape. Hear meESCAPE!He sawthat with but one earth box leftand a pack of menfollowinglike dogs after a foxthis London was no place for him.He havetake his last earth box on board a shipand he leavethe land. He think to escapebut no! We follow him. Tally Ho!As friendArthur would say when he put on his red frock!Our oldfox is wily. Oh! So wilyand we must follow with wile.Itooamwily and I think his mind in a little while.Inmeantime we may rest and in peacefor there are between uswhich hedo not want to passand which he could not if he would.Unless theship were to touch the landand then onlyat full orslack tide. Seeand the sun is just roseand allday to sunset is us. Let us take bathand dressand havebreakfast which we all needand which we can eatcomfortablysince he be not in the same land with us."
Minalooked at him appealingly as she asked"But why need we seekhimfurtherwhen he is gone away from us?"
He tookher hand and patted it as he replied"Ask me nothing as yet.When wehave breakfastthen I answer all questions." He would sayno moreand weseparated to dress.
Afterbreakfast Mina repeated her question. He looked at hergravelyfor a minute and then said sorrowfully"Because my deardear MadamMinanow more than ever must we find him even if wehave tofollow him to the jaws of Hell!"
She grewpaler as she asked faintly"Why?"
"Because"he answered solemnly"he can live for centuriesand youare but mortal woman. Time is now to be dreadedsince oncehe put that mark upon your throat."
I was justin time to catch her as she fell forward in a faint.
This toJonathan Harker.
You are tostay with your dear Madam Mina. We shall go to makeoursearchif I can call it sofor it is not search but knowingand weseek confirmation only. But do you stay and take careof hertoday. This is your best and most holiest office.This daynothing can find him here.
Let metell you that so you will know what we four know alreadyfor I havetell them. Heour enemyhave gone away.He havegone back to his Castle in Transylvania. I know itso wellas if a great hand of fire wrote it on the wall.He haveprepare for this in some wayand that last earth boxwas readyto ship somewheres. For this he took the money.For thishe hurry at the lastlest we catch him before the sungo down. It was his last hopesave that he might hidein thetomb that he think poor Miss Lucybeing as he thoughtlike himkeep open to him. But there was not of time.When thatfail he make straight for his last resourcehis lastearth-work I might say did I wish double entente.He iscleveroh so clever! He know that his game here was finish.And so hedecide he go back home. He find ship going by the routehe cameand he go in it.
We go offnow to find what shipand whither bound.When wehave discover thatwe come back and tell you all.Then wewill comfort you and poor Madam Mina with new hope.For itwill be hope when you think it overthat all is not lost.This verycreature that we pursuehe take hundreds of yearsto get sofar as London. And yet in one daywhen we knowof thedisposal of him we drive him out. He is finitethough heis powerful to do much harm and suffers not as we do.But we arestrongeach in our purposeand we are all morestrongtogether. Take heart afreshdear husband of Madam Mina.Thisbattle is but begun and in the end we shall win.So sure asthat God sits on high to watch over His children.Thereforebe of much comfort till we return.
4October.--When I read to MinaVan Helsing's messagein thephonographthe poor girl brightened up considerably.Alreadythe certainty that the Count is out of the countryhas givenher comfort. And comfort is strength to her.For my ownpartnow that his horrible danger is not faceto facewith usit seems almost impossible to believe in it.Even myown terrible experiences in Castle Dracula seemlike along forgotten dream. Here in the crisp autumn airin thebright sunlight.
Alas! How can I disbelieve! In the midst of my thought my eyefell onthe red scar on my poor darling's white forehead.Whilstthat laststhere can be no disbelief. Mina and I fearto beidleso we have been over all the diaries again and again.Somehowalthough the reality seem greater each timethe painand the fear seem less. There is something of aguidingpurpose manifest throughoutwhich is comforting.Mina saysthat perhaps we are the instruments of ultimate good.It maybe! I shall try to think as she does.We havenever spoken to each other yet of the future.It isbetter to wait till we see the Professor and the othersaftertheir investigations.
The day isrunning by more quickly than I ever thought a day could runfor meagain. It is now three o'clock.
5 October5 P.M.--Our meeting for report. Present: Professor VanHelsingLordGodalmingDr. SewardMr. Quincey MorrisJonathan HarkerMinaHarker.
Dr. VanHelsing described what steps were taken during the day to discoveron whatboat and whither bound Count Dracula made his escape.
"As Iknew that he wanted to get back to TransylvaniaI felt surethat hemust go by the Danube mouthor by somewhere in the Black Seasince bythat way he come. It was a dreary blank that was before us.OmmeIgnotum pro magnifico. And so with heavy hearts westart tofind what ships leave for the Black Sea last night.He was insailing shipsince Madam Mina tell of sails being set.These notso important as to go in your list of the shipping inthe Timesand so we goby suggestion of Lord Godalmingto yourLloyd'swhere are note of all ships that sailhowever so small.There wefind that only one Black Sea bound ship go out with the tide.She is theCzarina Catherineand she sail from Doolittle'sWharf forVarnaand thence to other ports and up the Danube.`So!' saidI`this is the ship whereon is the Count.' So off we gotoDoolittle's Wharfand there we find a man in an office. Fromhimwe inquireo f the goings of the Czarina Catherine. He swear muchand he redface and loud of voicebut he good fellow all the same.And whenQuincey give him something from his pocket which crackleas he rollit upand put it in a so small bag which he have hid deepin hisclothinghe still better fellow and humble servant to us.He comewith usand ask many men who are rough and hot.These bebetter fellows too when they have been no more thirsty.They saymuch of blood and bloomand of others which I comprehend notthough Iguess what they mean. But nevertheless they tell us allthingswhich we want to know.
"Theymake known to us among themhow last afternoon at aboutfiveo'clock comes a man so hurry. A tall manthin and palewith highnose and teeth so whiteand eyes that seem to be burning.That he beall in blackexcept that he have a hat of strawwhich suitnot him or the time. That he scatter his moneyin makingquick inquiry as to what ship sails for the BlackSea andfor where. Some took him to the office and thento theshipwhere he will not go aboard but halt at shoreend ofgangplankand ask that the captain come to him.Thecaptain comewhen told that he will be pay welland thoughhe swearmuch at the first he agree to term. Then the thin mango andsome one tell him where horse and cart can be hired.He gothere and soon he come againhimself driving carton which agreat box. This he himself lift downthough ittakeseveral to put it on truck for the ship. He give muchtalk tocaptain as to how and where his box is to be place.But thecaptain like it not and swear at him in many tonguesand tellhim that if he like he can come and see where it shall be.But he say`no' that he come not yetfor that he have much to do.Whereuponthe captain tell him that he had better be quickwithbloodfor that his ship will leave the placeof bloodbefore the turn of the tidewith blood.Then thethin man smile and say that of course he must go whenhe thinkfitbut he will be surprise if he go quite so soon.Thecaptain swear againpolyglotand the thin man makehim bowand thank himand say that he will so far intrudeon hiskindness as to come aboard before the sailing.Final thecaptainmore red than everand in more tonguestell himthat he doesn't want no Frenchmenwith bloom uponthem andalso with bloodin his shipwith blood on her also.And soafter asking where he might purchase ship formshe departed.
"Noone knew where he went `or bloomin' well cared'as theysaidfor they had something else to think ofwell withblood again. For it soon became apparent to allthat theCzarina Catherine would not sail as was expected.A thinmist began to creep up from the riverand it grewand grew.Till soona dense fog enveloped the ship and all around her.Thecaptain swore polyglotvery polyglotpolyglot with bloomand bloodbut he could do nothing. The water rose and roseand hebegan to fear that he would lose the tide altogether.He was inno friendly moodwhen just at full tidethe thinman cameup the gangplank again and asked to see where his boxhad beenstowed. Then the captain replied that he wished thathe and hisboxold and with much bloom and bloodwere in hell.But thethin man did not be offendand went down withthe mateand saw where it was placeand came up and stoodawhile ondeck in fog. He must have come off by himselffor nonenotice him. Indeed they thought not of himfor soonthe fog begin to melt awayand all was clear again.My friendsof the thirst and the language that was of bloomand bloodlaughedas they told how the captain's swearsexceededeven his usual polyglotand was more than ever fullofpicturesquewhen on questioning other mariners who were onmovementup and down the river that hourhe found that fewof themhad seen any of fog at allexcept where it lay roundthewharf. Howeverthe ship went out on the ebb tideand wasdoubtless by morning far down the river mouth.She wasthenwhen they told uswell out to sea.
"Andsomy dear Madam Minait is that we have to rest for a timefor ourenemy is on the seawith the fog at his commandon his wayto theDanube mouth. To sail a ship takes timego she never so quick.And whenwe start to go on land more quickand we meet him there.Our besthope is to come on him when in the box between sunrise and sunset.For thenhe can make no struggleand we may deal with him as we should.There aredays for usin which we can make ready our plan.We knowall about where he go. For we have seen the owner ofthe shipwho have shown us invoices and all papers that can be.The box weseek is to be landed in Varnaand to be given to an agentoneRistics who will there present his credentials. And so ourmerchantfriendwill have done his part. When he ask if there be any wrongfor thatsohe can telegraph and have inquiry made at Varnawe say`no' forwhat is to be done is not for police or of the customs.It must bedone by us alone and in our own way."
When Dr.Van Helsing had done speakingI asked him if he werecertainthat the Count had remained on board the ship.Hereplied"We have the best proof of thatyour own evidencewhen inthe hypnotic trance this morning."
I askedhim again if it were really necessary that theyshouldpursue the Countfor oh! I dread Jonathan leaving meand I knowthat he would surely go if the others went.Heanswered in growing passionat first quietly.As he wentonhoweverhe grew more angry and more forcefultill inthe end we could not but see wherein was at leastsome ofthat personal dominance which made him so longa masteramongst men.
"Yesit is necessarynecessarynecessary! For your sakein thefirstand then for the sake of humanity. This monster hasdone muchharm alreadyin the narrow scope where he find himselfand in theshort time when as yet he was only as a body gropinghis sosmall measure in darkness and not knowing. All thishave Itold these others. Youmy dear Madam Minawill learn itin thephonograph of my friend Johnor in that of your husband.I havetold them how the measure of leaving his own barren landbarren ofpeoplesand coming to a new land where life of manteems tillthey are like the multitude of standing cornwas thework of centuries. Were another of the Undeadlike himto try todo what he has doneperhaps not all the centuriesof theworld that have beenor that will becould aid him.With thisoneall the forces of nature that are occult and deepand strongmust have worked together in some wonderous way.The veryplacewhere he have been aliveUndead for all these centuriesis full ofstrangeness of the geologic and chemical world.There aredeep caverns and fissures that reach none know whither.There havebeen volcanoessome of whose openings still send outwaters ofstrange propertiesand gases that kill or make to vivify.Doubtlessthere is something magnetic or electric in some of thesecombinationsof occult forces which work for physical life instrangewayand in himself were from the first some great qualities.In a hardand warlike time he was celebrate that he have moreironnervemore subtle brainmore braver heartthan any man.In himsome vital principle have in strange way found their utmost.And as hisbody keep strong and grow and thriveso his brain grow too.All thiswithout that diabolic aid which is surely to him.For ithave to yield to the powers that come fromand aresymbolicof good. And now this is what he is to us.He haveinfect youoh forgive memy dearthat I must say suchbut it isfor good of you that I speak. He infect you in such wisethat evenif he do no moreyou have only to liveto live in yourown oldsweet wayand so in timedeathwhich is of man'scommon lotand with God's sanctionshall make you like to him.This mustnot be! We have sworn together that it must not.Thus arewe ministers of God's own wish. That the worldand menfor whom His Son diewill not be given over to monsterswhose veryexistence would defame Him. He have allowed us to redeemone soulalreadyand we go out as the old knights of the Crossto redeemmore. Like them we shall travel towards the sunrise.And likethemif we fallwe fall in good cause."
He pausedand I said"But will not the Count take his rebuff wisely?Since hehas been driven from Englandwill he not avoid itas a tigerdoes thevillage from which he has been hunted?"
"Aha!"he said"your simile of the tiger goodfor meand Ishall adopt him. Your maneateras they of India callthe tigerwho has once tasted blood of the humancare no morefor theother preybut prowl unceasing till he get him.This thatwe hunt from our village is a tigertooa maneaterand henever cease to prowl. Nayin himself he is not oneto retireand stay afar. In his lifehis living lifehe goover theTurkey frontier and attack his enemy on his own ground.He bebeaten backbut did he stay? No! He come againand againand again. Look at his persistence and endurance.With thechild-brain that was to him he have long since conceivethe ideaof coming to a great city. What does he do?He findout the place of all the world most of promise for him.Then hedeliberately set himself down to prepare for the task.He find inpatience just how is his strengthand what arehispowers. He study new tongues. He learn new social lifenewenvironment of old waysthe politicsthe lawthe financethesciencethe habit of a new land and a new people whohave cometo be since he was. His glimpse that he have hadwhet hisappetite only and enkeen his desire. Nayit helphim togrow as to his brain. For it all prove to himhow righthe was at the first in his surmises. He have donethisaloneall alone! From a ruin tomb in a forgotten land.What moremay he not do when the greater world of thoughtis open tohim. He that can smile at deathas we know him.Who canflourish in the midst of diseases that kill offwholepeoples. Oh! If such an one was to come from Godand notthe Devilwhat a force for good might he not be in thisold worldof ours. But we are pledged to set the world free.Our toilmust be in silenceand our efforts all in secret.For inthis enlightened agewhen men believe not even what they seethedoubting of wise men would be his greatest strength.It wouldbe at once his sheath and his armorand his weaponsto destroyushis enemieswho are willing to peril even our ownsouls forthe safety of one we love. For the good of mankindand forthe honor and glory of God."
After ageneral discussion it was determined that for tonight nothingbedefinitely settled. That we should all sleep on the factsand try tothink out the proper conclusions. Tomorrowat breakfastwe are tomeet againand after making our conclusions known to one anotherwe shalldecide on some definite cause of action. . .
I feel awonderful peace and rest tonight. It is as if some hauntingpresencewere removed from me. Perhaps. . .
My surmisewas not finishedcould not befor I caught sight in the mirrorof the redmark upon my foreheadand I knew that I was still unclean.
5October.--We all arose earlyand I think that sleep didmuch foreach and all of us. When we met at early breakfastthere wasmore general cheerfulness than any of us had everexpectedto experience again.
It isreally wonderful how much resilience there is in human nature.Let anyobstructing causeno matter whatbe removed in any wayeven bydeathand we fly back to first principles of hope and enjoyment.More thanonce as we sat around the tablemy eyes opened inwonderwhether the whole of the past days had not been a dream.It wasonly when I caught sight of the red blotch on Mrs. Harker'sforeheadthat I was brought back to reality. Even nowwhen I amgravely revolving the matterit is almost impossibleto realizethat the cause of all our trouble is still existent.Even Mrs.Harker seems to lose sight of her trouble for whole spells.It is onlynow and againwhen something recalls it to her mindthat shethinks of her terrible scar. We are to meet here inmy studyin half an hour and decide on our course of action.I see onlyone immediate difficultyI know it by instinct ratherthanreason. We shall all have to speak frankly. And yet Ifearthat insome mysterious way poor Mrs. Harker's tongue is tied.I knowthat she forms conclusions of her ownand from all thathas been Ican guess how brilliant and how true they must be.But shewill notor cannotgive them utterance. I have mentioned thisto VanHelsingand he and I are to talk it over when we are alone.I supposeit is some of that horrid poison which has got into herveinsbeginning to work. The Count had his own purposes when he gaveher whatVan Helsing called "the Vampire's baptism of blood."Wellthere may be a poison that distills itself out of good things.In an agewhen the existence of ptomaines is a mystery we shouldnot wonderat anything! One thing I knowthat if my instinctbe trueregarding poor Mrs. Harker's silencesthen there isa terribledifficultyan unknown dangerin the work before us.The samepower that compels her silence may compel her speech.I dare notthink furtherfor so I should in my thoughts dishonora noblewoman!
Later.--Whenthe Professor came inwe talked over the state of things.I couldsee that he had something on his mindwhich he wanted to saybut feltsome hesitancy about broaching the subject. After beatingabout thebush a littlehe said"Friend Johnthere is somethingthat youand I must talk of alonejust at the first at any rate.Laterwemay have to take the others into our confidence."
Then hestoppedso I waited. He went on"Madam Minaour poordear MadamMina is changing."
A coldshiver ran through me to find my worst fears thus endorsed.VanHelsing continued.
"Withthe sad experience of Miss Lucywe must this time bewarnedbefore things go too far. Our task is now in realitymoredifficult than everand this new trouble makes every hourof thedirest importance. I can see the characteristics ofthevampire coming in her face. It is now but veryvery slight.But it isto be seen if we have eyes to notice without prejudge.Her teethare sharperand at times her eyes are more hard.But theseare not allthere is to her the silence now oftenas so itwas with Miss Lucy. She did not speakeven when she wrotethat whichshe wished to be known later. Now my fear is this.If it bethat she canby our hypnotic trancetell what the Count seeand hearis it not more true that he who have hypnotize her firstand whohave drink of her very blood and make her drink of hisshould ifhe willcompel her mind to disclose to him thatwhich sheknow?"
I noddedacquiescence. He went on"Thenwhat we must do isto preventthis. We must keep her ignorant of our intentand so shecannot tell what she know not. This is a painful task!Ohsopainful that it heartbreak me to think of itbut it must be.When todaywe meetI must tell her that for reason which we willnot tospeak she must not more be of our councilbut be simplyguarded byus."
He wipedhis foreheadwhich had broken out in profuseperspirationat the thought of the pain which he mighthave toinflict upon the poor soul already so tortured.I knewthat it would be some sort of comfort to him if Itold himthat I also had come to the same conclusion.For at anyrate it would take away the pain of doubt.I toldhimand the effect was as I expected.
It is nowclose to the time of our general gathering. Van Helsing hasgone awayto prepare for the meetingand his painful part of it.I reallybelieve his purpose is to be able to pray alone.
Later.--Atthe very outset of our meeting a great personalrelief wasexperienced by both Van Helsing and myself.Mrs.Harker had sent a message by her husband to say that shewould notjoin us at presentas she thought it betterthat weshould be free to discuss our movements without herpresenceto embarrass us. The Professor and I looked at eachother foran instantand somehow we both seemed relieved.For my ownpartI thought that if Mrs. Harker realized thedangerherselfit was much pain as well as much danger averted.Under thecircumstances we agreedby a questioning look and answerwithfinger on lipto preserve silence in our suspicionsuntil weshould have been able to confer alone again.We went atonce into our Plan of Campaign.
VanHelsing roughly put the facts before us first"TheCzarina Catherine left the Thames yesterday morning.It willtake her at the quickest speed she has ever made atleastthree weeks to reach Varna. But we can travel overlandto thesame place in three days. Nowif we allow for two daysless forthe ship's voyageowing to such weather influencesas we knowthat the Count can bring to bearand if we allowa wholeday and night for any delays which may occur to usthen wehave a margin of nearly two weeks.
"Thusin order to be quite safewe must leave here on 17th at latest.Then weshall at any rate be in Varna a day before the ship arrivesand ableto make such preparations as may be necessary.Of coursewe shall all go armedarmed against evil thingsspiritualas well as physical."
HereQuincey Morris added"I understand that the Count comes froma wolfcountryand it may be that he shall get there before us.I proposethat we add Winchesters to our armament. I have a kind ofbelief ina Winchester when there is any trouble of that sort around.Do yourememberArtwhen we had the pack after us at Tobolsk?Whatwouldn't we have given then for a repeater apiece!"
"Good!"said Van Helsing"Winchesters it shall be.Quincey'shead is level at timesbut most so when thereis tohuntmetaphor be more dishonor to science than wolvesbe ofdanger to man. In the meantime we can do nothing here.And as Ithink that Varna is not familiar to any of uswhy not gothere more soon? It is as long to wait here as there.Tonightand tomorrow we can get readyand then if all be wellwe fourcan set out on our journey."
"Wefour?" said Harker interrogativelylooking from one to anotherof us.
"Ofcourse!" answered the Professor quickly. "You mustremain to takecare ofyour so sweet wife!"
Harker wassilent for awhile and then said in a hollow voice"Letus talk of that part of it in the morning.I want toconsult with Mina."
I thoughtthat now was the time for Van Helsing to warn himnot todisclose our plan to herbut he took no notice.I lookedat him significantly and coughed. For answer he puthis fingerto his lips and turned away.
Octoberafternoon.--For some time after our meeting this morningI couldnot think. The new phases of things leave my mindin a stateof wonder which allows no room for active thought.Mina'sdetermination not to take any part in the discussion setmethinking. And as I could not argue the matter with herI couldonly guess. I am as far as ever from a solution now.The waythe others received ittoo puzzled me.The lasttime we talked of the subject we agreed that therewas to beno more concealment of anything amongst us.Mina issleeping nowcalmly and sweetly like a little child.Her lipsare curved and her face beams with happiness.Thank Godthere are such moments still for her.
Later.--Howstrange it all is. I sat watching Mina's happy sleepand I cameas near to being happy myself as I suppose I shall ever be.As theevening drew onand the earth took its shadows from the sunsinkinglowerthe silence of the room grew more and more solemn to me.
All atonce Mina opened her eyesand looking at me tenderly said"JonathanI want you to promise me something on your word of honor.A promisemade to mebut made holily in God's hearingand not to be brokenthough Ishould go down on my knees and implore you with bitter tears.Quickyoumust make it to me at once."
"Mina"I said"a promise like thatI cannot make at once.I may haveno right to make it."
"Butdear one" she saidwith such spiritual intensity that her eyeswere likepole stars"it is I who wish it. And it is not formyself.You canask Dr. Van Helsing if I am not right. If he disagrees youmay do asyou will. Naymore if you all agreelater you are absolvedfrom thepromise."
"Ipromise!"I saidand for a moment she looked supremely happy.Though tome all happiness for her was denied by the red scaron herforehead.
She said"Promise me that you will not tell me anythingof theplans formed for the campaign against the Count.Not bywordor inferenceor implicationnot at any time whilstthisremains to me!" And she solemnly pointed to the scar.I saw thatshe was in earnestand said solemnly"I promise!"and as Isaid it I felt that from that instant a door had beenshutbetween us.
Latermidnight.--Mina has been bright and cheerful all the evening.So much sothat all the rest seemed to take courageas if infectedsomewhatwith her gaiety. As a result even I myself felt as if the pallof gloomwhich weighs us down were somewhat lifted. We all retiredearly.Mina isnow sleeping like a little child. It is wonderful thing thatherfaculty ofsleep remains to her in the midst of her terrible trouble.Thank Godfor itfor then at least she can forget her care.Perhapsher example may affect me as her gaiety did tonight.I shalltry it. Oh! For a dreamless sleep.
6 Octobermorning.--Another surprise. Mina woke me earlyabout thesame time as yesterdayand asked me to bringDr. VanHelsing. I thought that it was another occassionforhypnotismand without question went for the Professor.He hadevidently expected some such callfor I found himdressed inhis room. His door was ajarso that he couldhear theopening of the door of our room. He came at once.As hepassed into the roomhe asked Mina if the othersmightcometoo.
"No"she said quite simply"it will not be necessary.You cantell them just as well. I must go with youon yourjourney."
Dr. VanHelsing was as startled as I was. After a moment's pausehe asked"But why?"
"Youmust take me with you. I am safer with youand you shallbe safertoo."
"Butwhydear Madam Mina? You know that your safety is oursolemnest duty.We go intodangerto which you areor may bemore liable than anyof usfrom. . .from circumstances. . .things that have been."He pausedembarrassed.
As sherepliedshe raised her finger and pointed to her forehead. "Iknow.That iswhy I must go. I can tell you nowwhilst the sun is coming up.I may notbe able again. I know that when the Count wills me I must go.I knowthat if he tells me to come in secretI must by wile.By anydevice to hoodwinkeven Jonathan." God saw the look thatsheturned onme as she spokeand if there be indeed a Recording Angel thatlook isnoted to her ever-lasting honor. I could only clasp her hand.I couldnot speak. My emotion was too great for even the relief oftears.
She wenton. "You men are brave and strong. You are strongin yournumbersfor you can defy that which would breakdown thehuman endurance of one who had to guard alone.BesidesImay be of servicesince you can hypnotize meand solearn that which even I myself do not know."
Dr. VanHelsing said gravely"Madam Minayou areas alwaysmostwise.You shallwith us come. And together we shall do that which we goforth toachieve."
When hehad spokenMina's long spell of silence made me look at her.She hadfallen back on her pillow asleep. She did not even wakewhen I hadpulled up the blind and let in the sunlight which floodedthe room. Van Helsing motioned to me to come with him quietly.We went tohis roomand within a minute Lord GodalmingDr. Sewardand Mr.Morris were with us also.
He toldthem what Mina had saidand went on."Inthe morning we shall leave for Varna. We have now to dealwith a newfactorMadam Mina. Ohbut her soul is true.It is toher an agony to tell us so much as she has done.But it ismost rightand we are warned in time.There mustbe no chance lostand in Varna we must be readyto act theinstant when that ship arrives."
"Whatshall we do exactly?" asked Mr. Morris laconically.
TheProfessor paused before replying"We shall at the first boardthatship. Thenwhen we have identified the boxwe shall placea branchof the wild rose on it. This we shall fastenfor when itis therenone can emergeso that at least says the superstition.And tosuperstition must we trust at the first. It was man's faithin theearlyand it have its root in faith still. Thenwhen weget theopportunity that we seekwhen none are near to seewe shallopen the boxand. . .and all will be well."
"Ishall not wait for any opportunity" said Morris. "WhenI see the boxI shallopen it and destroy the monsterthough there were a thousandmenlooking onand if I am to be wiped out for it the next moment!"I graspedhis hand instinctively and found it as firm as a piece of steel.I think heunderstood my look. I hope he did.
"Goodboy" said Dr. Van Helsing. "Brave boy. Quinceyis all man.God blesshim for it. My childbelieve me none of us shall lagbehind orpause from any fear. I do but say what we may do.. .what wemust do. Butindeedindeed we cannot saywhat wemay do. There are so many things which may happenand theirways and their ends are so various that untilthe momentwe may not say. We shall all be armedin all ways.And whenthe time for the end has comeour effort shall not be lack.Now let ustoday put all our affairs in order. Let all thingswhichtouch on others dear to usand who on us dependbe complete.For noneof us can tell whator whenor howthe end may be.As for memy own affairs are regulateand as I have nothingelse todoI shall go make arrangements for the travel.I shallhave all tickets and so forth for our journey."
There wasnothing further to be saidand we parted.I shallnow settle up all my affairs of earthand be readyforwhatever may come.
Later.--Itis done. My will is madeand all complete.Mina ifshe survive is my sole heir. If it should not be sothen theothers who have been so good to us shall have remainder.
It is nowdrawing towards the sunset. Mina's uneasinesscalls myattention to it. I am sure that there is somethingon hermind which the time of exact sunset will reveal.Theseoccasions are becoming harrowing times for us all.For eachsunrise and sunset opens up some new dangersome new painwhichhowevermay in God's will be means to a good end.I writeall these things in the diary since my darling must nothear themnow. But if it may be that she can see them againthey shallbe ready. She is calling to me.
11OctoberEvening.--Jonathan Harker has asked me to note thisas he sayshe is hardly equal to the taskand he wantsan exactrecord kept.
I thinkthat none of us were surprised when we were askedto seeMrs. Harker a little before the time of sunset.We have oflate come to understand that sunrise and sunsetare to hertimes of peculiar freedom. When her old self can bemanifestwithout any controlling force subduing or restraining herorinciting her to action. This mood or condition beginssome halfhour or more before actual sunrise or sunsetand laststill either the sun is highor whilst the cloudsare stillaglow with the rays streaming above the horizon.At firstthere is a sort of negative conditionas if some tiewereloosenedand then the absolute freedom quickly follows.Whenhoweverthe freedom ceases the change back or relapsecomesquicklypreceeded only by a spell of warning silence.
Tonightwhen we metshe was somewhat constrainedand boreall thesigns of an internal struggle. I put it down myselfto hermaking a violent effort at the earliest instant shecould doso.
A very fewminuteshowevergave her complete control of herself.Thenmotioning her husband to sit beside her on the sofa where shewas halfrecliningshe made the rest of us bring chairs up close.
Taking herhusband's hand in hersshe began"We are allheretogether in freedomfor perhaps the last time!I knowthat you will always be with me to the end."This wasto her husband whose hand hadas we could seetightenedupon her. "In the morning we go out upon our taskand Godalone knows what may be in store for any of us.You aregoing to be so good to me to take me with you.I knowthat all that brave earnest men can do for a poorweakwomanwhose soul perhaps is lostnononot yetbut is atany rate at stakeyou will do. But you must rememberthat I amnot as you are. There is a poison in my bloodin mysoulwhich may destroy mewhich must destroy meunlesssome relief comes to us. Ohmy friendsyou know as wellas I dothat my soul is at stake. And though I know thereis one wayout for meyou must not and I must not take it!"She lookedappealingly to us all in turnbeginning and endingwith herhusband.
"Whatis that way?" asked Van Helsing in a hoarse voice."Whatis that waywhich we must notmay nottake?"
"ThatI may die noweither by my own hand or that of anotherbefore thegreater evil is entirely wrought. I knowand you knowthat wereI once dead you could and would set free my immortal spiriteven asyou did my poor Lucy's. Were deathor the fear of deaththe onlything that stood in the way I would not shrink to diehere nowamidst the friends who love me. But death is not all.I cannotbelieve that to die in such a casewhen there ishopebefore us and a bitter task to be doneis God's will.ThereforeI on my partgive up here the certainty of eternal restand go outinto the dark where may be the blackest things thatthe worldor the nether world holds!"
We wereall silentfor we knew instinctively that this was only a prelude.The facesof the others were setand Harker's grew ashen grey.Perhapshe guessed better than any of us what was coming.
Shecontinued"This is what I can give into the hotch-pot."I couldnot but note the quaint legal phrase which she used in sucha placeand with all seriousness. "What will each of you give?Your livesI know" she went on quickly"that is easyfor bravemen. Your lives are God'sand you can give themback toHimbut what will you give to me?" She lookedagainquestionlybut this time avoided her husband's face.Quinceyseemed to understandhe noddedand her face lit up."ThenI shall tell you plainly what I wantfor there mustbe nodoubtful matter in this connection between us now.You mustpromise meone and alleven youmy beloved husbandthatshould the time comeyou will kill me."
"Whatis that time?" The voice was Quincey'sbut it was low andstrained.
"Whenyou shall be convinced that I am so changed that it is better that Idie that Imay live. When I am thus dead in the fleshthen you willwithout amoment's delaydrive a stake through me and cut off my heador dowhatever else may be wanting to give me rest!"
Quinceywas the first to rise after the pause. He kneltdownbefore her and taking her hand in his said solemnly"I'monly a rough fellowwho hasn'tperhapslived as a manshould towin such a distinctionbut I swear to you by allthat Ihold sacred and dear thatshould the time ever comeI shallnot flinch from the duty that you have set us.And Ipromise youtoothat I shall make all certainfor if Iam onlydoubtful I shall take it that the time has come!"
"Mytrue friend!" was all she could say amid her fast-falling tearsas bendingovershe kissed his hand.
"Iswear the samemy dear Madam Mina!"said Van Helsing. "AndI!"said LordGodalmingeach of them in turn kneeling to her to take the oath.Ifollowedmyself.
Then herhusband turned to her wan-eyed and with a greenishpallorwhich subdued the snowy whiteness of his hairand asked"Andmust Itoomake such a promiseohmy wife?"
"Youtoomy dearest" she saidwith infinite yearningof pity inher voice and eyes. "You must not shrink.You arenearest and dearest and all the world to me.Our soulsare knit into onefor all life and all time.Thinkdearthat there have been times when bravemen havekilled their wives and their womenkindto keepthem from falling into the hands of the enemy.Theirhands did not falter any the more because those thatthey lovedimplored them to slay them. It is men's dutytowardsthose whom they lovein such times of sore trial!And ohmydearif it is to be that I must meet death atany handlet it be at the hand of him that loves me best.Dr. VanHelsingI have not forgotten your mercy in poor Lucy'scase tohim who loved." She stopped with a flying blushandchanged her phrase"to him who had best right to give herpeace.If thattime shall come againI look to you to make ita happymemory of my husband's life that it was his lovinghand whichset me free from the awful thrall upon me."
"AgainI swear!" came the Professor's resonant voice.
Mrs.Harker smiledpositively smiledas with a sighof reliefshe leaned back and said"And now one wordofwarninga warning which you must never forget.This timeif it ever comemay come quickly and unexpectedlyand insuch case you must lose no time in using your opportunity.At such atime I myself might be. . .nay! If the time ever comeshall beleagued with your enemy against you.
"Onemore request" she became very solemn as she said this"itis not vital and necessary like the otherbut I want youto do onething for meif you will."
We allacquiescedbut no one spoke. There was no need to speak.
"Iwant you to read the Burial Service." She was interruptedby adeep groanfrom her husband. Taking his hand in hersshe held itover herheartand continued. "You must read it over me some day.Whatevermay be the issue of all this fearful state of thingsit will bea sweet thought to all or some of us. Youmy dearestwill Ihope read itfor then it will be in your voice in mymemoryforevercome what may!"
"Butohmy dear one" he pleaded"death is afar off from you."
"Nay"she saidholding up a warning hand. "I am deeper in deathat thismomentthan if the weight of an earthly grave lay heavy upon me!"
"Ohmy wifemust I read it?" he saidbefore he began.
"Itwould comfort memy husband!" was all she saidand he beganto readwhen she had got the book ready.
How can Ihow could anyonetell of that strange sceneits solemnityits gloomits sadnessits horrorand withalits sweetness.Even ascepticwho can see nothing but a travesty of bittertruth inanything holy or emotionalwould have been meltedto theheart had he seen that little group of loving and devotedfriendskneeling round that stricken and sorrowing lady.Or heardthe tender passion of her husband's voiceas in tonesso brokenand emotional that often he had to pausehe read the simpleandbeautiful service from the Burial of the Dead. I cannot go on.. .words. . .and v-voices. . .f-fail m-me!
She wasright in her instinct. Strange as it wasbizarre as it mayhereafterseem even to us who felt its potent influence at the timeitcomforted us much. And the silencewhich showed Mrs. Harker'scomingrelapse from her freedom of souldid not seem so full of despairto any ofus as we had dreaded.
15OctoberVarna.--We left Charing Cross on the morningof the12thgot to Paris the same nightand took the placessecuredfor us in the Orient Express. We traveled nightand dayarriving here at about five o'clock. Lord Godalmingwent tothe Consulate to see if any telegram had arrivedfor himwhilst the rest of us came on to this hotel"theOdessus." The journey may have had incidents.I washowevertoo eager to get onto care for them.Until theCzarina Catherine comes into port there willbe nointerest for me in anything in the wide world.ThankGod! Mina is welland looks to be getting stronger.Her coloris coming back. She sleeps a great deal.Throughoutthe journey she slept nearly all the time.Beforesunrise and sunsethowevershe is very wakeful and alert.And it hasbecome a habit for Van Helsing to hypnotizeher atsuch times. At firstsome effort was neededand he hadto make many passes. But nowshe seems to yieldat onceas if by habitand scarcely any action is needed.He seemsto have power at these particular moments to simply willand herthoughts obey him. He always asks her what she cansee andhear.
Sheanswers to the first"Nothingall is dark."
And to thesecond"I can hear the waves lapping against the shipand thewaterrushing by. Canvas and cordage strain and masts and yardscreak.The windis high. . .I can hear it in the shroudsand the bow throwsback thefoam."
It isevident that the Czarina Catherine is still at seahasteningon her way to Varna. Lord Godalming has just returned.He hadfour telegramsone each day since we startedand all tothe same effect. That the Czarina Catherinehad notbeen reported to Lloyd's from anywhere.He hadarranged before leaving London that his agent should sendhim everyday a telegram saying if the ship had been reported.He was tohave a message even if she were not reportedso that hemight be sure that there was a watch being keptat theother end of the wire.
We haddinner and went to bed early. Tomorrow we are to seethe ViceConsuland to arrangeif we canabout getting on boardthe shipas soon as she arrives. Van Helsing says that ourchancewill be to get on the boat between sunrise and sunset.The Counteven if he takes the form of a batcannot crosstherunning water of his own volitionand so cannot leave the ship.As he darenot change to man's form without suspicionwhich heevidently wishes to avoidhe must remain in the box.Ifthenwe can come on board after sunrisehe is atour mercyfor we can open the box and make sure of himas we didof poor Lucybefore he wakes. What mercy he shallget fromus all will not count for much. We think that weshall nothave much trouble with officials or the seamen.ThankGod! This is the country where bribery can do anythingand we arewell supplied with money. We have only to makesure thatthe ship cannot come into port between sunsetandsunrise without our being warnedand we shall be safe.JudgeMoneybag will settle this caseI think!
16October.--Mina's report still the same. Lapping waves andrushingwaterdarkness and favoring winds. We are evidently in good timeand whenwe hear of the Czarina Catherine we shall be ready.As shemust pass the Dardanelles we are sure to have some report.
17October.--Everything is pretty well fixed nowI thinkto welcomethe Count on his return from his tour.Godalmingtold the shippers that he fancied that the box sentaboardmight contain something stolen from a friend of hisand got ahalf consent that he might open it at his own risk.The ownergave him a paper telling the Captain to give himeveryfacility in doing whatever he chose on board the shipand also asimilar authorization to his agent at Varna.We haveseen the agentwho was much impressed with Godalming'skindlymanner to himand we are all satisfied that whateverhe can doto aid our wishes will be done.
We havealready arranged what to do in case we get the box open.If theCount is thereVan Helsing and Seward will cut offhis headat once and drive a stake through his heart.Morris andGodalming and I shall prevent interferenceeven if wehave to use the arms which we shall have ready.TheProfessor says that if we can so treat the Count's bodyit willsoon after fall into dust. In such case there would be noevidenceagainst usin case any suspicion of murder were aroused.But evenif it were notwe should stand or fall by our actandperhaps some day this very script may be evidenceto comebetween some of us and a rope. For myselfI shouldtake thechance only too thankfully if it were to come.We mean toleave no stone unturned to carry out our intent.We havearranged with certain officials that the instanttheCzarina Catherine is seenwe are to be informed bya specialmessenger.
24October.--A whole week of waiting. Daily telegramstoGodalmingbut only the same story. "Not yet reported."Mina'smorning and evening hypnotic answer is unvaried.Lappingwavesrushing waterand creaking masts.
"CzarinaCatherine reported this morning from Dardanelles."
25October.--How I miss my phonograph! To write a diary with a penis irksometo me! But Van Helsing says I must. We were all wildwithexcitement yesterday when Godalming got his telegram from Lloyd's.I know nowwhat men feel in battle when the call to action is heard.Mrs.Harkeralone of our partydid not show any signs of emotion.After allit is not strange that she did notfor we took special carenot to lether know anything about itand we all tried not to showanyexcitement when we were in her presence. In old days she wouldI am surehave noticedno matter how we might have tried to conceal it.But inthis way she is greatly changed during the past three weeks.Thelethargy grows upon herand though she seems strong and welland isgetting back some of her colorVan Helsing and I are not satisfied.We talk ofher often. We have nothoweversaid a word to the others.It wouldbreak poor Harker's heartcertainly his nerveif he knew that wehad even asuspicion on the subject. Van Helsing examineshe tells meher teethvery carefullywhilst she is in the hypnotic conditionfor hesays that so long as they do not begin to sharpen there isno activedanger of a change in her. If this change should comeit wouldbe necessary to take steps! We both know what those stepswould haveto bethough we do not mention our thoughts to each other.We shouldneither of us shrink from the taskawful though it betocontemplate. "Euthanasia" is an excellent and acomforting word!I amgrateful to whoever invented it.
It is onlyabout 24 hours' sail from the Dardanelles to hereat therate the Czarina Catherine has come from London.She shouldtherefore arrive some time in the morningbut as shecannotpossibly get in before noonwe are all about to retire early.We shallget up at one o'clockso as to be ready.
25OctoberNoon.--No news yet of the ship's arrival.Mrs.Harker's hypnotic report this morning was the same as usualso it ispossible that we may get news at any moment.We men areall in a fever of excitementexcept Harkerwho is calm.His handsare cold as iceand an hour ago I found him whetting the edgeof thegreat Ghoorka knife which he now always carries with him.It will bea bad lookout for the Count if the edge of that "Kukri"evertouches his throatdriven by that sternice-cold hand!
VanHelsing and I were a little alarmed about Mrs. Harker today.About noonshe got into a sort of lethargy which we did not like.Althoughwe kept silence to the otherswe were neither of ushappyabout it. She had been restless all the morningso that wewere atfirst glad to know that she was sleeping. Whenhoweverherhusband mentioned casually that she was sleeping so soundlythat hecould not wake herwe went to her room to see for ourselves.She wasbreathing naturally and looked so well and peaceful that weagreedthat the sleep was better for her than anything else.Poor girlshe has so much to forget that it is no wonder that sleepif itbrings oblivion to herdoes her good.
Later.--Ouropinion was justifiedfor when after a refreshing sleepof somehours she woke upshe seemed brighter and better than shehad beenfor days. At sunset she made the usual hypnotic report.Whereverhe may be in the Black Seathe Count is hurrying tohisdestination. To his doomI trust!
26October.--Another day and no tidings of the Czarina Catherine.She oughtto be here by now. That she is still journeying somewhereisapparentfor Mrs. Harker's hypnotic report at sunrise was still thesame.It ispossible that the vessel may be lying byat timesfor fog.Some ofthe steamers which came in last evening reported patches of fogboth tonorth and south of the port. We must continue our watchingas theship may now be signalled any moment.
27OctoberNoon.--Most strange. No news yet of the ship we waitfor.Mrs.Harker reported last night and this morning as usual. "Lappingwavesandrushing water" though she added that "the waves were veryfaint."Thetelegrams from London have been the same"no further report."VanHelsing is terribly anxiousand told me just now that he fearsthe Countis escaping us.
He addedsignificantly"I did not like that lethargy of MadamMina's.Souls and memories can do strange things during trance."I wasabout to as k him morebut Harker just then came inand heheld up a warning hand. We must try tonight at sunsetto makeher speak more fully when in her hypnotic state.
28October.--Telegram. Rufus SmithLondonto Lord Godalmingcare H. B.M. Vice ConsulVarna
"CzarinaCatherine reported entering Galatz at one o'clock today."
28October.--When the telegram came announcing the arrival in Galatz Ido notthink it was such a shock to any of us as might have been expected.Truewedid not know whenceor howor whenthe bolt would come.But Ithink we all expected that something strange would happen.The day ofarrival at Varna made us individually satisfied that thingswould notbe just as we had expected. We only waited to learn wherethe changewould occur. None the lesshoweverit was a surprise.I supposethat nature works on such a hopeful basis that we believeagainstourselves that things will be as they ought to benot as weshouldknow that they will be. Transcendentalism is a beacon to theangelseven if itbe a will-o'-the-wisp to man. Van Helsing raised his handover hishead for a momentas though in remonstrance with the Almighty.But hesaid not a wordand in a few seconds stood up with hisfacesternly set.
LordGodalming grew very paleand sat breathing heavily.I wasmyself half stunned and looked in wonder at one after another.QuinceyMorris tightened his belt with that quick movement which Iknew sowell. In our old wandering days it meant "action."Mrs.Harker grew ghastly whiteso that the scar on her forehead seemedto burnbut she folded her hands meekly and looked up in prayer.Harkersmiledactually smiledthe darkbitter smile of one who iswithouthopebut at the same time his action belied his wordsfor hishands instinctively sought the hilt of the great Kukriknife andrested there.
"Whendoes the next train start for Galatz?" said Van Helsingto usgenerally.
"At6:30 tomorrow morning!" We all startedfor the answercamefrom Mrs.Harker.
"Howon earth do you know?" said Art.
"Youforgetor perhaps you do not knowthough Jonathan doesand sodoes Dr. Van Helsingthat I am the train fiend.At home inExeter I always used to make up the time tablesso as tobe helpful to my husband. I found it so useful sometimesthat Ialways make a study of the time tables now.I knewthat if anything were to take us to Castle Draculawe shouldgo by Galatzor at any rate through Bucharestso Ilearned the times very carefully. Unhappily there are notmany tolearnas the only train tomorrow leaves as I say."
"Wonderfulwoman!" murmured the Professor.
"Can'twe get a special?" asked Lord Godalming.
VanHelsing shook his head"I fear not. This land is verydifferentfrom yours or mine. Even if we did have a specialit wouldprobably not arrive as soon as our regular train.Moreoverwe have something to prepare. We must think.Now let usorganize. Youfriend Arthurgo to the trainand getthe tickets and arrange that all be ready for us to goin themorning. Do youfriend Jonathango to the agentof theship and get from him letters to the agent in Galatzwithauthority to make a search of the ship just as it was here.QuinceyMorrisyou see the Vice Consuland get his aidwith hisfellow in Galatz and all he can do to make ourwaysmoothso that no times be lost when over the Danube.John willstay with Madam Mina and meand we shall consult.For so iftime be long you may be delayed. And it will not matterwhen thesun setsince I am here with Madam to make report."
"AndI" said Mrs. Harker brightlyand more like her old selfthan shehad been for many a long day"shall try to be of usein allwaysand shall think and write for you as I used to do.Somethingis shifting from me in some strange wayand I feel freerthan Ihave been of late!"
The threeyounger men looked happier at the moment as they seemedto realizethe significance of her words. But Van Helsing and Iturning toeach othermet each a grave and troubled glance.We saidnothing at the timehowever.
When thethree men had gone out to their tasks Van Helsingasked Mrs.Harker to look up the copy of the diariesand findhim the part of Harker's journal at the Castle.She wentaway to get it.
When thedoor was shut upon her he said to me"We mean the same!Speakout!"
"Hereis some change. It is a hope that makes me sickfor it maydeceive us."
"Quiteso. Do you know why I asked her to get the manuscript?"
"No!"said I"unless it was to get an opportunity of seeing mealone."
"Youare in part rightfriend Johnbut only in part.I want totell you something. And ohmy friendI am takinga greataterriblerisk. But I believe it is right.In themoment when Madam Mina said those words that arrest bothourunderstandingan inspiration came to me. In the tranceof threedays ago the Count sent her his spirit to read her mind.Or morelike he took her to see him in his earth box in the shipwith waterrushingjust as it go free at rise and set of sun.He learnthen that we are herefor she have more to tell in heropen lifewith eyes to see ears to hear than heshut as he isin hiscoffin box. Now he make his most effort to escape us.At presenthe want her not.
"Heis sure with his so great knowledge that she will come at his call.But he cuther offtake heras he can doout of his own powerthat soshe come not to him. Ah! There I have hope that our manbrainsthat havebeen of man so long and that have not lost the grace of Godwill comehigher than his child-brain that lie in his tomb for centuriesthat grownot yet to our statureand that do only work selfish andthereforesmall. Here comes Madam Mina. Not a word to her of hertrance!She knowsit notand it would overwhelm her and make despair just when wewant allher hopeall her couragewhen most we want all her great brainwhich istrained like man's brainbut is of sweet woman and have a specialpowerwhich the Count give herand which he may not take away altogetherthough hethink not so. Hush! Let me speakand you shall learn. OhJohnmy friendwe are in awful straits. I fearas I never feared before.We canonly trust the good God. Silence! Here she comes!"
I thoughtthat the Professor was going to break down and have hystericsjust as hehad when Lucy diedbut with a great effort he controlledhimselfand was at perfect nervous poise when Mrs. Harker trippedinto theroombright and happy looking andin the doing of workseeminglyforgetful of her misery. As she came inshe handed a numberof sheetsof typewriting to Van Helsing. He looked over them gravelyhis facebrightening up as he read.
Thenholding the pages between his finger and thumb he said"FriendJohnto you with so much experience alreadyand youtoodear Madam Minathat are younghere is a lesson.Do notfear ever to think. A half thought has been buzzingoften inmy brainbut I fear to let him loose his wings.Here nowwith more knowledgeI go back to where that halfthoughtcome from and I find that he be no half thought at all.That be awhole thoughtthough so young that he is not yetstrong touse his little wings. Naylike the `Ugly Duck'of myfriend Hans Andersenhe be no duck thought at allbut a bigswan thought that sail nobly on big wingswhen thetime come for him to try them. See I read herewhatJonathan have written.
"Thatother of his race whoin a later ageagain and againbroughthis forces over The Great River into Turkey Landwho whenhe was beaten backcame againand againand againthough hehad to come alone from the bloody field where histroopswere being slaughteredsince he knew that he alonecouldultimately triumph.
"Whatdoes this tell us? Not much? No! The Count'schildthought see nothingtherefore he speak so free.Your manthought see nothing. My man thought see nothingtill justnow. No! But there comes another word from some onewho speakwithout thought because shetooknow not what it meanwhat itmight mean. Just as there are elements which restyet whenin nature's course they move on their way and they touchthe pouf! And there comes a flash of lightheaven widethat blindand killand destroy some. But that show up all earth belowforleagues and leagues. Is it not so? WellI shall explain.To beginhav e you ever study the philosophy of crime?`Yes' and`No.' YouJohnyesfor it is a study of insanity.YounoMadam Minafor crime touch you notnot but once.Stillyour mind works trueand argues not a particulariaduniversale. There is this peculiarity in criminals.It is soconstantin all countries and at all timesthat evenpolicewho know not much from philosophycome toknow itempiricallythat it is. That is to be empiric.Thecriminal always work at one crimethat is the true criminalwho seemspredestinate to crimeand who will of none other.Thiscriminal has not full man brain. He is clever and cunningandresourcefulbut he be not of man stature as to brain.He be ofchild brain in much. Now this criminal of oursispredestinate to crime also. Hetoohave child brainand it isof the child to do what he have done. The little birdthe littlefishthe little animal learn not by principlebutempirically. And when he learn to dothen there isto him theground to start from to do more. `Dos pou sto'saidArchimedes. `Give me a fulcrumand I shall move the world!'To doonceis the fulcrum whereby child brain become man brain.And untilhe have the purpose to do morehe continue to dothe sameagain every timejust as he have done before!OhmydearI see that your eyes are openedand that to youthelightning flash show all the leagues"for Mrs. Harkerbegan toclap her hands and her eyes sparkled.
He wenton"Now you shall speak. Tell us two dry men of sciencewhat you seewith thoseso bright eyes." He took her hand and held it whilst hespoke.His fingerand thumb closed on her pulseas I thought instinctivelyandunconsciouslyas she spoke.
"TheCount is a criminal and of criminal type. Nordau and Lombrosowouldsoclassify himand qua criminal he is of an imperfectly formed mind.Thusin adifficulty he has to seek resource in habit. His past isa clueand the one page of it that we knowand that from his own lipstells thatonce beforewhen in what Mr. Morris would call a`tight place'he wentback to his own country from the land he had tried to invadeandthencewithout losing purposeprepared himself for a new effort.He cameagain better equipped for his workand won. So he came toLondonto invadea new land. He was beatenand when all hope of success waslostand hisexistence in dangerhe fled back over the sea to his home.Just asformerly he had fled back over the Danube from Turkey Land."
"Goodgood! Ohyou so clever lady!" said Van Helsingenthusiasticallyas he stooped and kissed her hand.A momentlater he said to meas calmly as though we hadbeenhaving a sick room consultation"Seventy-two onlyand in allthis excitement. I have hope."
Turning toher againhe said with keen expectation"But go on.Go on! There is more to tell if you will. Be not afraid.John and Iknow. I do in any caseand shall tell you if youareright. Speakwithout fear!"
"Iwill try to. But you will forgive me if I seem tooegotistical."
"Nay! Fear notyou must be egotistfor it is of you that we think."
"Thenas he is criminal he is selfish. And as his intellectis smalland his action is based on selfishnesshe confineshimself toone purpose. That purpose is remorseless.As he fledback over the Danubeleaving his forces to be cutto piecesso now he is intent on being safecareless of all.So his ownselfishness frees my soul somewhat from the terriblepowerwhich he acquired over me on that dreadful night.I feltit! OhI felt it! Thank Godfor His great mercy!My soul isfreer than it has been since that awful hour.And allthat haunts me is a fear lest in some trance or dreamhe mayhave used my knowledge for his ends."
TheProfessor stood up"He has so used your mindand by ithe has left us here in Varnawhilst the shipthatcarried him rushed through enveloping fog up to Galatzwheredoubtlesshe had made preparation for escaping from us.But hischild mind only saw so far. And it may be that as everis inGod's Providencethe very thing that the evil doer mostreckonedon for his selfish goodturns out to be his chiefest harm.The hunteris taken in his own snareas the great Psalmist says.For nowthat he think he is free from every trace of us alland thathe has escaped us with so many hours to himthen hisselfish child brain will whisper him to sleep.He thinktoothat as he cut himself off from knowing your mindthere canbe no knowledge of him to you. There is where he fail!Thatterrible baptism of blood which he give you makes you freeto go tohim in spiritas you have as yet done in your timesoffreedomwhen the sun rise and set. At such times you goby myvolition and not by his. And this power to good of youandothersyou have won from your suffering at his hands.This isnow all more precious that he know it notand to guardhimselfhave even cut himself off from his knowledge of our where.Wehoweverare not selfishand we believe that God is withus throughall this blacknessand these many dark hours.We shallfollow himand we shall not flinch. Even if we perilourselvesthat we become like him. Friend Johnthis has beena greathourand it have done much to advance us on our way.You mustbe scribe and write him all downso that whenthe othersreturn from their work you can give it to themthen theyshall know as we do."
And so Ihave written it whilst we wait their returnand Mrs. Harkerhaswritten with the typewriter all since she brought the MS to us.
29October.--This is written in the train from Varna to Galatz.Last nightwe all assembled a little before the time of sunset.Each of ushad done his work as well as he couldso far as thoughtandendeavorand opportunity gowe are prepared for the wholeof ourjourneyand for our work when we get to Galatz.When theusual time came round Mrs. Harker prepared herselffor herhypnotic effortand after a longer and more seriouseffort onthe part of Van Helsing than has been usually necessaryshe sankinto the trance. Usually she speaks on a hintbut thistime the Professor had to ask her questionsand toask thempretty resolutelybefore we could learn anything.At lasther answer came.
"Ican see nothing. We are still. There are no waveslappingbut only asteady swirl of water softly running againstthehawser. I can hear men's voices callingnear and farand theroll and creak of oars in the rowlocks.A gun isfired somewherethe echo of it seems far away.There istramping of feet overheadand ropes and chains aredraggedalong. What is this? There is a gleam of light.I can feelthe air blowing upon me."
Here shestopped. She had risenas if impulsivelyfrom where she layon thesofaand raised both her handspalms upwardsas if liftinga weight. Van Helsing and I looked at each other with understanding.Quinceyraised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her intentlywhilstHarker's hand instinctively closed round the hilt of his Kukri.There wasa long pause. We all knew that the time when she could speakwaspassingbut we felt that it was useless to say anything.
Suddenlyshe sat upand as she opened her eyes said sweetly"Wouldnone of you like a cup of tea? You must all be so tired!"
We couldonly make her happyand so acqueisced. She bustled off to gettea.When shehad gone Van Helsing said"You seemy friends. He iscloseto land. He has left his earth chest. But he has yet to get on shore.In thenight he may lie hidden somewherebut if he be not carriedon shoreor if the ship do not touch ithe cannot achieve the land.In suchcase he canif it be in the nightchange his form and jumpor fly onshorethenunless he be carried he cannot escape.And if hebe carriedthen the customs men may discover what the box contain.Thusinfineif he escape not on shore tonightor before dawnthere willbe the whole day lost to him. We may then arrive in time.For if heescape not at night we shall come on him in daytimeboxed upand at ourmercy. For he dare not be his true selfawake and visiblelest he bediscovered."
There wasno more to be saidso we waited in patience until the dawnat whichtime we might learn more from Mrs. Harker.
Early thismorning we listenedwith breathless anxietyfor herresponse in her trance. The hypnotic stage was evenlonger incoming than beforeand when it came the time remaininguntil fullsunrise was so short that we began to despair.VanHelsing seemed to throw his whole soul into the effort.At lastin obedience to his will she made reply.
"Allis dark. I hear lapping waterlevel with meand somecreakingas of wood on wood." She pausedand the red sun shot up.We mustwait till tonight.
And so itis that we are travelling towards Galatz in an agonyofexpectation. We are due to arrive between two and three inthemorning. But alreadyat Bucharestwe are three hours lateso wecannot possibly get in till well after sunup.Thus weshall have two more hypnotic messages from Mrs. Harker!Either orboth may possibly throw more light on what is happening.
Later.--Sunsethas come and gone. Fortunately it came at a timewhen therewas no distraction. For had it occurred whilst we were ata stationwe might not have secured the necessary calm and isolation.Mrs.Harker yielded to the hypnotic influence even less readilythan thismorning. I am in fear that her power of readingtheCount's sensations may die awayjust when we want it most.It seemsto me that her imagination is beginning to work.Whilst shehas been in the trance hitherto she has confined herselfto thesimplest of facts. If this goes on it may ultimately misleadus.If Ithought that the Count's power over her would die awayequallywith her power of knowledge it would be a happy thought.But I amafraid that it may not be so.
When shedid speakher words were enigmatical"Something is going out.I can feelit pass me like a cold wind. I can hearfar offconfusedsoundsas of mentalking in strange tonguesfierce falling waterand the howlingofwolves." She stopped and a shudder ran through herincreasing inintensityfor a few secondstill at the endshe shook as though in a palsy.She saidno moreeven in answer to the Professor's imperative questioning.When shewoke from the tranceshe was coldand exhaustedand languidbut hermind was all alert. She could not remember anythingbut askedwhat shehad said. When she was toldshe pondered over it deeply for alongtime andin silence.
30October7 A.M.--We are near Galatz nowand I may not have timeto writelater. Sunrise this morning was anxiously looked for by us all.Knowing ofthe increasing difficulty of procuring the hypnotic tranceVanHelsing began his passes earlier than usual. They producedno effecthoweveruntil the regular timewhen she yielded witha stillgreater difficultyonly a minute before the sun rose.TheProfessor lost no time in his questioning.
Her answercame with equal quickness"All is dark. I hear waterswirlingbylevel with my earsand the creaking of wood on wood.Cattle lowfar off. There is another sounda queer one like.. ."She stopped and grew whiteand whiter still.
"Goongo on! SpeakI command you!" said Van Helsing in anagonizedvoice. At the same time there was despair in his eyesfor therisen sun was reddening even Mrs. Harker's pale face.She openedher eyesand we all started as she saidsweetlyand seemingly with the utmost unconcern.
"OhProfessorwhy ask me to do what you know I can't? I don'trememberanything." Thenseeing the look of amazement on ourfacesshe saidturning from one to the other with a troubled look"Whathave I said? What have I done? I know nothingonly thatIwas lyingherehalf asleepand heard you say `go on! speakI commandyou!' It seemed so funny to hear you order me aboutas if Iwere a bad child!"
"OhMadam Mina" he saidsadly"it is proofif proof beneededof how Ilove andhonor youwhen a word for your goodspoken more earnest than evercan seemso strange because it is to order her whom I am proud to obey!"
Thewhistles are sounding. We are nearing Galatz.We are onfire with anxiety and eagerness.
30October.--Mr. Morris took me to the hotel where our roomshad beenordered by telegraphhe being the one who could bestbe sparedsince he does not speak any foreign language.The forceswere distributed much as they had been at Varnaexceptthat Lord Godalming went to the Vice Consulas his rankmightserve as an immediate guarantee of some sort to the officialwe beingin extreme hurry. Jonathan and the two doctors wentto theshipping agent to learn particulars of the arrivalof theCzarina Catherine.
Later.--LordGodalming has returned. The Consul is awayand the ViceConsulsick. So the routine work has been attended to by a clerk.He wasvery obligingand offered to do anything in his power.
30October.--At nine o'clock Dr. Van HelsingDr. Sewardand I calledonMessrs. Mackenzie & Steinkoffthe agents of the Londonfirm of Hapgood.They hadreceived a wire from Londonin answer to Lord Godalming'stelegraphedrequestasking them to show us any civility in their power.They weremore than kind and courteousand took us at once on boardtheCzarina Catherinewhich lay at anchor out in the river harbor.There wesaw the CaptainDonelson by namewho told us of his voyage.He saidthat in all his life he had never had so favorable a run.
"Man!"he said"but it made us afeardfor we expect it that we shouldhave topay for it wi' some rare piece o' ill luckso as to keep uptheaverage. It's no canny to run frae London to the Black Sea wi'a windahint yeas though the Deil himself were blawin' on yer sailfor hisain purpose. An' a' the time we could no speer a thing.Gin wewere nigh a shipor a portor a headlanda fog fell on usandtravelled wi' ustill when after it had lifted and we looked outthe deil athing could we see. We ran by Gibraltar wi' oot bein'able tosignal. An' til we came to the Dardanelles and had to waitto get ourpermit to passwe never were within hail o' aught. At firstI inclinedto slack off sail and beat about till the fog was lifted.ButwhilesI thocht that if the Deil was minded to get us intothe BlackSea quickhe was like to do it whether we would or no.If we hada quick voyage it would be no to our miscredit wi'the ownersor no hurtto our traffican' the Old Mon who had served his ain purposewad bedecently grateful to us for no hinderin' him."
Thismixture of simplicity and cunningof superstitionandcommercial reasoningaroused Van Helsingwho said"Minefriendthat Devil is more clever than he is thoughtby someand he know when he meet his match!"
Theskipper was not displeased with the complimentand went on"Whenwe got past the Bosphorus the men began to grumble.Some o'themthe Roumanianscame and asked me to heaveoverboarda big box which had been put on board by aqueerlookin' old man just before we had started frae London.I had seenthem speer at the fellowand put out their twafingerswhen they saw himto guard them against the evil eye.Man! butthe supersteetion of foreigners is pairfectly rideeculous!I sentthem aboot their business pretty quickbut as justafter afog closed in on us I felt a wee bit as they didanentsomethingthough I wouldn't say it was again the big box.Wellonwe wentand as the fog didn't let up for fivedays Ijoost let the wind carry usfor if the Deil wantedto getsomewhereswellhe would fetch it up a'reet. An'if hedidn'twellwe'd keep a sharp lookout anyhow.Sureeneuchwe had a fair way and deep water all the time.And twodays agowhen the mornin' sun came through the fogwe foundourselves just in the river opposite Galatz.TheRoumanians were wildand wanted me right or wrong to takeout thebox and fling it in the river. I had to argy wi'them abootit wi' a handspike. An' when the last o' them roseoff thedeck wi' his head in his handI had convinced them thatevil eyeor no evil eyethe property and the trust of myownerswere better in my hands than in the river Danube.They hadmind yetaken the box on the deck ready to fling inand as itwas marked Galatz via VarnaI thocht I'd let it lietill wedischarged in the port an' get rid o't althegither.We didn'tdo much clearin' that dayan' had to remain the nichtatanchor. But in the mornin'braw an' airlyan hourbeforesunupa man came aboard wi' an orderwritten to himfromEnglandto receive a box marked for one Count Dracula.Sureeneuch the matter was one ready to his hand.He had hispapers a' reetan' gla d I was to be rid o'the dam'thingfor I was beginnin' masel' to feel uneasy at it.If theDeil did have any luggage aboord the shipI'm thinkin'it wasnane ither than that same!"
"Whatwas the name of the man who took it?" asked Dr. Van Helsingwithrestrained eagerness.
"I'llbe tellin' ye quick!" he answeredand stepping downto hiscabinproduced a receipt signed "Immanuel Hildesheim."Burgen-strasse16 was the address. We found out that thiswas allthe Captain knewso with thanks we came away.
We foundHildesheim in his officea Hebrew of rathertheAdelphi Theatre typewith a nose like a sheepand a fez.Hisarguments were pointed with speciewe doing the punctuationand with alittle bargaining he told us what he knew.Thisturned out to be simple but important. He had receiveda letterfrom Mr. de Ville of Londontelling him to receiveifpossible before sunrise so as to avoid customsa boxwhichwould arrive at Galatz in the Czarina Catherine.This hewas to give in charge to a certain Petrof Skinskywho dealtwith the Slovaks who traded down the river to the port.He hadbeen paid for his work by an English bank notewhich hadbeen dulycashed for gold at the Danube International Bank.WhenSkinsky had come to himhe had taken him to the shipand handedover the boxso as to save parterage.That wasall he knew.
We thensought for Skinskybut were unable to find him.One of hisneighborswho did not seem to bear him any affectionsaid thathe had gone away two days beforeno one knew whither.This wascorroborated by his landlordwho had received by messengerthe key ofthe house together with the rent duein English money.This hadbeen between ten and eleven o'clock last night.We were ata standstill again.
Whilst wewere talking one came running and breathlesslygasped outthat the body of Skinsky had been foundinside thewall of the churchyard of St. Peterand thatthe throathad been torn open as if by some wild animal.Those wehad been speaking with ran off to see the horrorthe womencrying out. "This is the work of a Slovak!"We hurriedaway lest we should have been in some way drawninto theaffairand so detained.
As we camehome we could arrive at no definite conclusion.We wereall convinced that the box was on its wayby watertosomewherebut where that might be we would have to discover.With heavyhearts we came home to the hotel to Mina.
When wemet togetherthe first thing was to consult as to takingMina againinto our confidence. Things are getting desperateand it isat least a chancethough a hazardous one.As apreliminary stepI was released from my promise to her.
30Octoberevening.--They were so tired and worn out and dispiritedthatthere wasnothing to be done till they had some restso I asked them all tolie downfor half an hour whilst I should enter everything up to the moment.I feel sograteful to the man who invented the "Traveller's"typewriterand to Mr.Morris for getting this one for me. I should have felt quiteastraydoing the work if I had to write with a pen. . .
It is alldone. Poor deardear Jonathanwhat he must have sufferedwhat hemust be suffering now. He lies on the sofa hardly seemingtobreatheand his whole body appears in collapse. His brows areknit.His faceis drawn with pain. Poor fellowmaybe he is thinkingand Ican seehis face all wrinkled up with the concentration of his thoughts.Oh! if Icould only help at all. I shall do what I can.
I haveasked Dr. Van Helsingand he has got me all the papersthat Ihave not yet seen. Whilst they are restingI shall goover allcarefullyand perhaps I may arrive at some conclusion.I shalltry to follow the Professor's exampleand think withoutprejudiceon the facts before me. . .
I dobelieve that under God's providence I have made a discovery.I shallget the maps and look over them.
I am morethan ever sure that I am right. My new conclusion is readyso I shallget our party together and read it. They can judge it.It is wellto be accurateand every minute is precious.
Ground ofinquiry.--Count Dracula's problem is to get backto his ownplace.
(a) Hemust be brought back by some one. This is evident.For had hepower to move himself as he wished he could goeither asmanor wolfor bator in some other way.Heevidently fears discovery or interferencein the stateofhelplessness in which he must beconfined as he is betweendawn andsunset in his wooden box.
(b) How ishe to be taken?--Here a process of exclusions may help us.By roadby railby water?
1. By Road.--There are endless difficultiesespecially in leaving thecity.
(x) Thereare people. And people are curiousand investigate.A hintasurmisea doubt as to what might be in the boxwoulddestroy him.
(y) Thereareor there may becustoms and octroi officers to pass.
(z) Hispursuers might follow. This is his highest fear.And inorder to prevent his being betrayed he has repelledso far ashe caneven his victimme!
2. By Rail.--There is no one in charge of the box.It wouldhave to take its chance of being delayedand delaywould be fatalwith enemies on the track.Truehemight escape at night. But what would he beif left ina strange place with no refuge that he could fly to?This isnot what he intendsand he does not mean to risk it.
3. By Water.--Here is the safest wayin one respectbut with mostdanger inanother. On the water he is powerless except at night.Even thenhe can only summon fog and storm and snow and his wolves.But werehe wreckedthe living water would engulf himhelplessand hewould indeed be lost. He could have the vessel drive to landbut if itwere unfriendly landwherein he was not free to movehisposition would still be desperate.
We knowfrom the record that he was on the waterso what wehave to dois to ascertain what water.
The firstthing is to realize exactly what he has done as yet.We maythenget a light on what his task is to be.
Firstly.--Wemust differentiate between what he did in Londonas part ofhis general plan of actionwhen he was pressedformoments and had to arrange as best he could.
Secondlywe must seeas well as we can surmise it from the facts we know ofwhat hehas done here.
As to thefirsthe evidently intended to arrive at Galatzand sentinvoice toVarna to deceive us lest we should ascertain his means of exitfromEngland. His immediate and sole purpose then was to escape.The proofof thisis the letter of instructions sent ot ImmanuelHildesheimto clear and take away the box before sunrise.There isalso the instruction to Petrof Skinsky. These we mustonly guessatbut there must have been some letter or messagesinceSkinsky came to Hildesheim.
Thatsofarhis plans were successful we know.TheCzarina Catherine made a phenomenally quick journey.So much sothat Captain Donelson's suspicions were aroused.But hissuperstition united with his canniness playedtheCount's game for himand he ran with his favoring windthroughfogs and all till he brought up blindfold at Galatz.That theCount's arrangements were well madehas been proved.Hildesheimcleared the boxtook it offand gave it to Skinsky.Skinskytook itand here we lose the trail. We only knowthat thebox is somewhere on the watermoving along.Thecustoms and the octroiif there be anyhave been avoided.
Now wecome to what the Count must have done after his arrivalon landat Galatz.
The boxwas given to Skinsky before sunrise.At sunrisethe Count could appear in his own form.Hereweask why Skinsky was chosen at all to aid in the work?In myhusband's diarySkinsky is mentioned as dealingwith theSlovaks who trade down the river to the port.And theman's remarkthat the murder was the work ofa Slovakshowed the general feeling against his class.The Countwanted isolation.
My surmiseis thisthat in London the Count decided to getback tohis castle by wateras the most safe and secret way.He wasbrought from the castle by Szganyand probably theydeliveredtheir cargo to Slovaks who took the boxes to Varnafor therethey were shipped to London. Thus the Count hadknowledgeof the persons who could arrange this service.When thebox was on landbefore sunrise or after sunsethe cameout from his boxmet Skinsky and instructed him whatto do asto arranging the carriage of the box up some river.When thiswas doneand he knew that all was in trainhe blottedout histracesas he thoughtby murdering his agent.
I haveexamined the map and find that the river most suitablefor theSlovaks to have ascended is either the Pruth or the Sereth.I read inthe typescript that in my trance I heard cows lowand waterswirling level with my ears and the creaking of wood.The Countin his boxthenwas on a river in an open boatpropelledprobably either by oars or polesfor the banksare nearand it is working against stream. There would be nosuch iffloating down stream.
Of courseit may not be either the Sereth or the Pruthbut we maypossibly investigate further. Now of these twothe Pruthis the more easily navigatedbut the Sereth isat Fundujoined bythe Bistritza which runs up round the Borgo Pass.The loopit makes is manifestly as close to Dracula's castleas can begot by water.
When I haddone readingJonathan took me in his arms and kissed me.The otherskept shaking me by both handsand Dr. Van Helsing said"Ourdear Madam Mina is once more our teacher. Her eyes havebeen wherewe were blinded. Now we are on the track once againand thistime we may succeed. Our enemy is at his most helpless.And if wecan come on him by dayon the waterour task will be over.He has astartbut he is powerless to hastenas he may not leavethis boxlest those who carry him may suspect. For them to suspectwould beto prompt them to throw him in the stream where he perish.This heknowsand will not. Now mento our Council of Warfor hereand nowwe must plan what each and all shall do."
"Ishall get a steam launch and follow him" said Lord Godalming.
"AndIhorses to follow on the bank lest by chance he land"said Mr.Morris.
"Good!"said the Professor"both good. But neither mustgo alone. There must be force to overcome force if need be.The Slovakis strong and roughand he carries rude arms."All themen smiledfor amongst them they carried a small arsenal.
Said Mr.Morris"I have brought some Winchesters.They arepretty handy in a crowdand there may be wolves.The Countif you remembertook some other precautions.He madesome requisitions on others that Mrs. Harker could notquite hearor understand. We must be ready at all points."
Dr. Sewardsaid"I think I had better go with Quincey.We havebeen accustomed to hunt togetherand we twowellarmedwill be a match for whatever may come along.You mustnot be aloneArt. It may be necessary to fight the Slovaksand achance thrustfor I don't suppose these fellows carry gunswould undoall our plans. There must be no chancesthis time.We shallnot rest until the Count's head and body havebeenseparatedand we are sure that he cannot reincarnate."
He lookedat Jonathan as he spokeand Jonathan looked at me.I couldsee that the poor dear was torn about in his mind.Of coursehe wanted to be with me. But then the boatservicewouldmost likelybe the one which would destroy the.. .the. ..Vampire. (Why did I hesitate to write the word?)
He wassilent awhileand during his silence Dr. Van Helsing spoke"FriendJonathanthis is to you for twice reasons.Firstbecause you are young and brave and can fightand all energiesmay beneeded at the last. And again that it is your right todestroyhim. Thatwhich has wrought such woe to you and yours.Be notafraid for Madam Mina. She will be my careif I may.I am old. My legs are not so quick to run as once.And I amnot used to ride so long or to pursue as need beor tofight with lethal weapons. But I can be of other service.I canfight in other way. And I can dieif need beas wellas youngermen. Now let me say that what I would is this.While youmy Lord Godalming and friend Jonathan go in yourso swiftlittle steamboat up the riverand whilst JohnandQuincey guard the bank where perchance he might be landedI willtake Madam Mina right into the heart of the enemy's country.Whilst theold fox is tied in his boxfloating on the runningstreamwhence he cannot escape to landwhere he dares not raisethe lid ofhis coffin box lest his Slovak carriers should in fearleave himto perishwe shall go in the track where Jonathan wentfromBistritz over the Borgoand find our way to the CastleofDracula. HereMadam Mina's hypnotic power will surely helpand weshall find our wayall dark and unknown otherwiseafter thefirst sunrise when we are near that fateful place.There ismuch to be doneand other places to be made sanctifyso thatthat nest of vipers be obliterated."
HereJonathan interrupted him hotly"Do you mean to sayProfessorVan Helsingthat you would bring Minain hersad caseand tainted as she is with that devil's illnessright intothe jaws of his deathtrap? Not for the world!Not forHeaven or Hell!"
He becamealmost speechless for a minuteand then went on"Do you knowwhat theplace is? Have you seen that awful den of hellish infamywith thevery moonlight alive with grisly shapesand ever speckof dustthat whirls in the wind a devouring monster in embryo?Have youfelt the Vampire's lips upon your throat?"
Here heturned to meand as his eyes lit on my forehead he threw up his armswith acry"Ohmy Godwhat have we done to have this terror uponus?"and hesank down on the sofa in a collapse of misery.
TheProfessor's voiceas he spoke in clearsweet toneswhichseemed to vibrate in the aircalmed us all.
"Ohmy friendit is because I would save Madam Mina from that awfulplacethat Iwould go. God forbid that I should take her into that place.There isworkwild workto be done before that place can be purify.Rememberthat we are in terrible straits. If the Count escape us thistimeand he isstrong and subtle and cunninghe may choose to sleep himfor acenturyand then in time our dear one" he took my hand"wouldcome to him to keep him companyand would be as those othersthat youJonathansaw. You have told us of their gloating lips.You heardtheir ribald laugh as they clutched the moving bagthat theCount threw to them. You shudderand well may it be.Forgive methat I make you so much painbut it is necessary. My friendis it nota dire need for that which I am givingpossibly my life?If itwere that any one went into that place to stayit is I who wouldhave to goto keep them company."
"Doas you will" said Jonathanwith a sob that shook him all over"weare in the hands of God!"
Later.--Ohit did me good to see the way that these brave men worked.How canwomen help loving men when they are so earnestand so trueand sobrave! Andtooit made me think of the wonderfulpower ofmoney! What can it not do when basely used. I feltsothankful that Lord Godalming is richand both he and Mr. Morriswho alsohas plenty of moneyare willing to spend it so freely.For ifthey did notour little expedition could not starteither sopromptly or so well equippedas it will within another hour.It is notthree hours since it was arranged what part each of uswas todo. And now Lord Godalming and Jonathan have a lovelysteamlaunchwith steam up ready to start at a moment's notice.Dr. Sewardand Mr. Morris have half a dozen good horseswell appointed.We haveall the maps and appliances of various kinds that can be had.ProfessorVan Helsing and I are to leave by the 11:40 train tonightforVerestiwhere we are to get a carriage to drive to the Borgo Pass.We arebringing a good deal of ready moneyas we are to buya carriageand horses. We shall drive ourselvesfor we haveno onewhom we can trust in the matter. The Professor knowssomethingof a great many languagesso we shall get on all right.We haveall got armseven for me a large bore revolver. Jonathan wouldnot behappy unless I was armed like the rest. Alas! I cannotcarryone armthat the rest dothe scar on my forehead forbids that.Dear Dr.Van Helsing comforts me by telling me that I am fully armedas theremay be wolves. The weather is getting colder every hourand thereare snow flurries which come and go as warnings.
Later.--Ittook all my courage to say goodby to my darling.We maynever meet again. CourageMina! The Professoris lookingat you keenly. His look is a warning.There mustbe no tears nowunless it may be that God will letthem fallin gladness.
30Octobernight.--I am writing this in the light from the furnacedoor ofthe steam launch. Lord Godalming is firing up.He is anexperienced hand at the workas he has had for yearsa launchof his own on the Thamesand another on the Norfolk Broads.Regardingour planswe finally decided that Mina's guesswascorrectand that if any waterway was chosen for the Count'sescapeback to his Castlethe Sereth and then the Bistritzaat itsjunctionwould be the one. We took itthat somewhereabout the47th degreenorth latitudewould be the place chosenforcrossing the country between the river and the Carpathians.We have nofear in running at good speed up the river at night.There isplenty of waterand the banks are wide enoughapart tomake steamingeven in the darkeasy enough.LordGodalming tells me to sleep for a whileas it is enoughfor thepresent for one to be on watch. But I cannot sleephow can Iwith the terrible danger hanging over my darlingand hergoing out into that awful place. . .
My onlycomfort is that we are in the hands of God. Only for that faithitwould beeasier to die than to liveand so be quit of all the trouble.Mr. Morrisand Dr. Seward were off on their long ride before we started.They areto keep up the right bankfar enough off to get on higherlandswhere they can see a good stretch of river and avoid the followingof itscurves. They havefor the first stagestwo men to ride andlead theirspare horsesfour in allso as not to excite curiosity.When theydismiss the menwhich shall be shortlythey shall themselveslook afterthe horses. It may be necessary for us to join forces.If so theycan mount our whole party. One of the saddles has a moveablehornand can beeasily adapted for Minaif required.
It is awild adventure we are on. Hereas we are rushing along throughthedarknesswith the cold from the river seeming to rise up and strikeuswith allthe mysterious voices of the night around usit all comes home.We seem tobe drifting into unknown places and unknown ways.Into awhole world of dark and dreadful things. Godalming is shuttingthefurnace door. . .
31October.--Still hurrying along. The day has comeand Godalmingissleeping. I am on watch. The morning is bitterly coldthefurnace heat is gratefulthough we have heavy fur coats.As yet wehave passed only a few open boatsbut none of them had onboard anybox or package of anything like the size of the one we seek.The menwere scared every time we turned our electric lamp on themand fellon their knees and prayed.
1Novemberevening.--No news all day. We have found nothingof thekind we seek. We have now passed into the Bistritzaand if weare wrong in our surmise our chance is gone.We haveoverhauled every boatbig and little. Early this morningone crewtook us for a Government boatand treatedusaccordingly. We saw in this a way of smoothing mattersso atFunduwhere the Bistritza runs into the Serethwe got aRoumanian flag which we now fly conspicuously.With everyboat which we have overhauled since then this trickhassucceeded. We have had every deference shown to usand notonce any objection to whatever we chose to ask or do.Some ofthe Slovaks tell us that a big boat passed themgoing atmore than usual speed as she had a double crew on board.This wasbefore they came to Funduso they could not tellus whetherthe boat turned into the Bistritza or continuedon up theSereth. At Fundu we could not hear of anysuch boatso she must have passed there in the night.I amfeeling very sleepy. The cold is perhaps beginningto tellupon meand nature must have rest some time.Godalminginsists that he shall keep the first watch.God blesshim for all his goodness to poor dear Mina and me.
2Novembermorning.--It is broad daylight. That good fellowwould notwake me. He says it would have been a sin tofor Islept peacefully and was forgetting my trouble.It seemsbrutally selfish to me to have slept so longand lethim watch all nightbut he was quite right.I am a newman this morning. Andas I sit here andwatch himsleepingI can do all that is necessary bothas tominding the enginesteeringand keeping watch.I can feelthat my strength and energy are coming back to me.I wonderwhere Mina is nowand Van Helsing.Theyshould have got to Veresti about noon on Wednesday.It wouldtake them some time to get the carriage and horses.So if theyhad started and travelled hardthey wouldbe aboutnow at the Borgo Pass. God guide and help them!I amafraid to think what may happen. If we could only go faster.But wecannot. The engines are throbbing and doing their utmost.I wonderhow Dr. Seward and Mr. Morris are getting on.There seemto be endless streams running down the mountainsinto thisriverbut as none of them are very largeat presentat alleventsthough they are doubtless terrible in winter and whenthe snowmeltsthe horsemen may not have met much obstruction.I hopethat before we get to Strasba we may see them.For if bythat time we have not overtaken the Countit maybenecessary to take counsel together what to do next.
2November.--Three days on the road. No newsand no timeto writeit if there had beenfor every moment is precious.We havehad only the rest needful for the horses.But we areboth bearing it wonderfully. Those adventurousdays ofours are turning up useful. We must push on.We shallnever feel happy till we get the launch in sight again.
3Novenber.--We heard at Fundu that the launch had gone up theBistritza.I wish itwasn't so cold. There are signs of snow coming.And if itfalls heavy it will stop us. In such case we must geta sledgeand go onRussian fashion.
4Novenber.--Today we heard of the launch having been detainedby anaccident when trying to force a way up the rapids.The Slovakboats get up all rightby aid of a rope and steeringwithknowledge. Some went up only a few hours before.Godalmingis an amateur fitter himselfand evidently it washe who putthe launch in trim again.
Finallythey got up the rapids all rightwith local helpand are off onthe chaseafresh. I fear that the boat is not any better for theaccidentthepeasantry tell us that after she got upon smooth water againshe keptstopping every now and again so long as she was in sight.We mustpush on harder than ever. Our help may be wanted soon.
31October.--Arrived at Veresti at noon. The Professor tells methat thismorning atdawn he could hardly hypnotize me at alland that all I couldsay was"dark and quiet." He is off now buying a carriage andhorses.He saysthat he will later on try to buy additional horsesso that wemay beable to change them on the way. We have something more than 70milesbefore us. The country is lovelyand most interesting. If only wewere underdifferent conditionshow delightful it would be to see it all.IfJonathan and I were driving through it alone what a pleasure it wouldbe.To stopand see peopleand learn something of their lifeand to fill ourminds andmemories with all the color and picturesqueness of the whole wildbeautifulcountry and the quaint people! Butalas!
Later.--Dr.Van Helsing has returned. He has got the carriageandhorses. We are to have some dinnerand to start in an hour.Thelandlady is putting us up a huge basket of provisions.It seemsenough for a company of soldiers. The Professor encourages herandwhispers to me that it may be a week before we can get any foodagain.He hasbeen shopping tooand has sent home such a wonderfullot of furcoats and wrapsand all sorts of warm things.There willnot be any chance of our being cold.
We shallsoon be off. I am afraid to think what may happen to us.We aretruly in the hands of God. He alone knows what may beand I prayHimwith all the strength of my sad and humble soulthat Hewill watch over my beloved husband. That whatever may happenJonathanmay know that I loved him and honored him more than I can sayand thatmy latest and truest thought will be always for him.
1November.--All day long we have travelledand at a good speed.The horsesseem to know that they are being kindly treatedfor theygo willingly their full stage at best speed.We havenow had so many changes and find the same thing so constantlythat weare encouraged to think that the journey will be an easy one.Dr. VanHelsing is laconiche tells the farmers that he is hurryingtoBistritzand pays them well to make the exchange of horses.We get hotsoupor coffeeor teaand off we go.It is alovely country. Full of beauties of all imaginable kindsand thepeople are braveand strongand simpleand seemfull ofnice qualities. They are veryvery superstitious.In thefirst house where we stoppedwhen the woman who servedus saw thescar on my foreheadshe crossed herself and putout twofingers towards meto keep off the evil eye.I believethey went to the trouble of putting an extraamount ofgarlic into our foodand I can't abide garlic.Ever sincethen I have taken care not to take off my hat or veiland sohave escaped their suspicions. We are travelling fastand as wehave no driver with us to carry taleswe go aheadofscandal. But I daresay that fear of the evil eye will followhardbehind us all the way. The Professor seems tireless.All day hewould not take any restthough he made me sleepfor a longspell. At sunset time he hypnotized meand he says Iansweredas usual"darknesslapping water and creaking wood."So ourenemy is still on the river. I am afraid to thinkofJonathanbut somehow I have now no fear for himor for myself.I writethis whilst we wait in a farmhouse for the horsesto beready. Dr. Van Helsing is sleeping. Poor dearhe looksvery tiredand old and greybut his mouth is set as firmly as aconqueror's.Even in his sleep he is intense with resolution.When wehave well started I must make him rest whilst I drive.I shalltell him that we have days before usand he mustnot breakdown when most of all his strength will be needed.. .All isready. We are off shortly.
2Novembermorning.--I was successfuland we took turnsdrivingall night. Now the day is on usbright though cold.There is astrange heaviness in the air. I say heavinessfor wantof a better word. I mean that it oppresses us both.It is verycoldand only our warm furs keep us comfortable.At dawnVan Helsing hypnotized me. He says I answered "darknesscreakingwood androaring water" so the river is changing as they ascend.I do hopethat my darling will not run any chance of dangermore thanneed bebut we are in God's hands.
2Novembernight.--All day long driving. The country getswilder aswe goand the great spurs of the Carpathianswhich atVeresti seemed so far from us and so low onthehorizonnow seem to gather round us and tower in front.We bothseem in good spirits. I think we make an efforteach tocheer the otherin the doing so we cheer ourselves.Dr. VanHelsing says that by morning we shall reach the Borgo Pass.The housesare very few here nowand the Professor saysthat thelast horse we got will have to go on with usas wemay not beable to change. He got two in addition to the twowechangedso that now we have a rude four-in-hand. The dearhorses arepatient and goodand they give us no trouble.We are notworried with other travellersand so even Icandrive. We shall get to the Pass in daylight.We do notwant to arrive before. So we take it easyand haveeach along rest in turn. Ohwhat will tomorrow bring to us?We go toseek the place where my poor darling suffered so much.God grantthat we may be guided arightand that He willdeign towatch over my husband and those dear to us bothand whoare in such deadly peril. As for meI am not worthyin Hissight. Alas! I am unclean to His eyesand shallbe untilHe may deign to let me stand forth in His sightas one ofthose who have not incurred His wrath.
4November.--This to my old and true friend John SewardM. D.ofPurefleetLondonin case I may not see him.It mayexplain. It is morningand I write by a firewhich allthe night I have kept aliveMadam Mina aiding me.It iscoldcold. So cold that the grey heavy sky is full of snowwhich whenit falls will settle for all winter as the ground ishardeningto receive it. It seems to have affected Madam Mina.She hasbeen so heavy of head all day that she was notlikeherself. She sleepsand sleepsand sleeps!She who isusual so alerthave done literally nothing all the day.She evenhave lost her appetite. She make no entry into herlittlediaryshe who write so faithful at every pause.Somethingwhisper to me that all is not well. Howevertonight sheis morevif. Her long sleep all day have refresh andrestoreherfor now she is all sweet and bright as ever.At sunsetI try to hypnotize herbut alas! with no effect.The powerhas grown less and less with each dayand tonight itfail mealtogether. WellGod's will be donewhatever it may beandwhithersoever it may lead!
Now to thehistoricalfor as Madam Mina write not in her stenographyI mustin mycumbrous old fashionthat so each day of us may not go unrecorded.
We got tothe Borgo Pass just after sunrise yesterday morning.When I sawthe signs of the dawn I got ready for the hypnotism.We stoppedour carriageand got down so that there might be no disturbance.I made acouch with fursand Madam Minalying downyield herself as usualbut moreslow and more short time than everto the hypnotic sleep.As beforecame the answer"darkness and the swirling of water."Then shewokebright and radiant and we go on our way and soon reachthe Pass. At this time and placeshe become all on fire with zeal.Some newguiding power be in her manifestedfor she point to a roadand say"This is the way."
"Howknow you it?" I ask.
"Ofcourse I know it' she answerand with a pauseadd"Have notmyJonathantravelled it and wrote of his travel?"
At first Ithink somewhat strangebut soon I see that therebe onlyone such byroad. It is used but littleand verydifferentfrom the coach road from the Bukovina to Bistritzwhich ismore wide and hardand more of use.
So we camedown this road. When we meet other waysnot alwayswere wesure that they were roads at allfor they be neglectand lightsnow have fallenthe horses know and they only.I giverein to themand they go on so patient. By and by wefind allthe things which Jonathan have note in that wonderfuldiary ofhim. Then we go on for longlong hours and hours.At thefirstI tell Madam Mina to sleep. She tryand shesucceed. She sleep all the timetill at the lastI feelmyself to suspicious growand attempt to wake her.But shesleep onand I may not wake her though I try.I do notwish to try too hard lest I harm her. For I know thatshe havesuffer muchand sleep at times be all-in-all to her.I think Idrowse myselffor all of sudden I feel guiltas thoughI have done something. I find myself bolt upwith thereins in my handand the good horses go along jogjogjust asever. I look down and find Madam Mina still asleep.It is nownot far off sunset timeand over the snowthe lightof the sun flow in big yellow floodso that wethrowgreat long shadow on where the mountain rise so steep.For we aregoing upand upand all is ohso wild and rockyas thoughit were the end of the world.
Then Iarouse Madam Mina. This time she wake with notmuchtroubleand then I try to put her to hypnotic sleep.But shesleep notbeing as though I were not. Still I tryand trytill all at once I find her and myself in darkso I lookroundand find that the sun have gone down.Madam Minalaughand I turn and look at her. She is nowquiteawakeand look so well as I never saw her since thatnight atCarfax when we first enter the Count's house.I amamazeand not at ease then. But she is so brightand tenderand thoughtful for me that I forget all fear.I light afirefor we have brought supply of wood with usand sheprepare food while I undo the horses and set themtetheredin shelterto feed. Then when I return to the fireshe havemy supper ready. I go to help herbut she smileand tellme that she have eat already. That she was so hungrythat shewould not wait. I like it notand I have grave doubts.But I fearto affright herand so I am silent of it.She helpme and I eat aloneand then we wrap in fur and liebeside thefireand I tell her to sleep while I watch.Butpresently I forget all of watching. And when I suddenrememberthat I watchI find her lying quietbut awakeandlooking at me with so bright eyes. Oncetwice morethe sameoccurand I get much sleep till before morning.When Iwake I try to hypnotize herbut alas!Though sheshut her eyes obedientshe may not sleep.The sunrise upand upand upand then sleep come to her too latebut soheavy that she will not wake. I have to lift her upand placeher sleeping in the carriage when I have harnessedthe horsesand made all ready. Madam still sleepand shelook inher sleep more healthy and more redder than before.And I likeit not. And I am afraidafraidafraid! I amafraid ofall thingseven to think but I must go on my way.The stakewe play for is life and deathor more than theseand wemust not flinch.
5Novembermorning.--Let me be accurate in everythingfor thoughyou and I have seen some strange things togetheryou may atthe first think that IVan Helsingam mad.That themany horrors and the so long strain on nerves hasat thelast turn my brain.
Allyesterday we travelalways getting closer to the mountainsand movinginto a more and more wild and desert land.There aregreatfrowning precipices and much falling waterand Natureseem to have held sometime her carnival.Madam Minastill sleep and sleep. And though I did have hungerandappeased itI could not waken hereven for food.I began tofear that the fatal spell of the place wasupon hertainted as she is with that Vampire baptism."Well"said I to myself"if it be that she sleep allthe dayit shall also be that I do not sleep at night."As wetravel on the rough roadfor a road of an ancientandimperfect kind there wasI held down my head and slept.
Again Iwaked with a sense of guilt and of time passedand foundMadam Mina still sleepingand the sun low down.But allwas indeed changed. The frowning mountains seemed furtherawayandwe were near the top of a steep rising hillon summitof whichwas such a castle as Jonathan tell of in his diary.At once Iexulted and feared. For nowfor good or illthe endwas near.
I wokeMadam Minaand again tried to hypnotize herbut alas!unavailingtill too late. Thenere the great dark came upon usfor evenafter down sun the heavens reflected the gone sunon thesnowand all was for a time in a great twilight.I took outthe horses and fed them in what shelter I could.Then Imake a fireand near it I make Madam Minanow awakeand morecharming than eversit comfortable amid her rugs.I gotready foodbut she would not eatsimply saying that shehad nothunger. I did not press herknowing her unavailingness.But Imyself eatfor I must needs now be strong for all.Thenwiththe fear on me of what might beI drew a ringso big forher comfortround where Madam Mina sat.And overthe ring I passed some of the waferand I broke itfine sothat all was well guarded. She sat still all the timeso stillas one dead. And she grew whiter and even whitertill thesnow was not more paleand no word she said.But when Idrew nearshe clung to meand I could knowthat thepoor soul shook her from head to feet with a tremorthat waspain to feel.
I said toher presentlywhen she had grown more quiet"Will you notcome overto the fire?" for I wished to make a test of what she could.She roseobedientbut when she have made a step she stoppedand stoodas onestricken.
"Whynot go on?" I asked. She shook her headand comingbacksat downin her place. Thenlooking at me with open eyesas of onewakedfromsleepshe said simply"I cannot!" and remained silent. I rejoicedfor I knewthat what she could notnone of those that we dreaded could.Thoughthere might be danger to her bodyyet her soul was safe!
Presentlythe horses began to screamand tore at their tethers till Icame tothem and quieted them. When they did feel my hands on themtheywhinnied low as in joyand licked at my hands and were quietfor atime. Many times through the night did I come to themtill itarrive to the cold hour when all nature is at lowestand everytime my coming was with quiet of them. In the cold hourthe firebegan to dieand I was about stepping forth to replenish itfor nowthe snow came in flying sweeps and with it a chill mist.Even inthe dark there was a light of some kindas there everis oversnowand it seemed as though the snow flurries and thewreaths ofmist took shape as of women with trailing garments.All was indeadgrim silence only that the horses whinnied and coweredas if interror of the worst. I began to fearhorrible fears.But thencame to me the sense of safety in that ring wherein I stood.I begantooto think that my imaginings were of the nightand the gloomand theunrest that I have gone throughand all the terrible anxiety.It was asthough my memories of all Jonathan's horrid experiencewerebefooling me. For the snow flakes and the mist began to wheeland circleroundtill I could get as though a shadowy glimpseof thosewomen that would have kissed him. And then the horsescoweredlower and lowerand moaned in terror as men do in pain.Even themadness of fright was not to themso that they could break away.I fearedfor my dear Madam Mina when these weird figures drew nearandcircled round. I looked at herbut she sat calmand smiled atme.When Iwould have stepped to the fire to replenish itshe caughtme andheld me backand whisperedlike a voice that one hearsin adreamso low it was.
"No! No! Do not go without. Here you are safe!"
I turnedto herand looking in her eyes said"But you?It is foryou that I fear!"
Whereatshe laugheda laugh low and unrealand said"Fear for me!Why fearfor me? None safer in all the world from them than I am"and as Iwondered at the meaning of her wordsa puff of wind made the flameleap upand I see the red scar on her forehead. Thenalas! Iknew.Did I notI would soon have learnedfor the wheeling figures of mistand snowcame closerbut keeping ever without the Holy circle.Then theybegan to materialize tillif God have not taken away my reasonfor I sawit through my eyes. There were before me in actual fleshthe samethree women that Jonathan saw in the roomwhen they wouldhavekissed his throat. I knew the swaying round formsthe brighthard eyesthe white teeththe ruddy colorthe voluptuous lips.Theysmiled ever at poor dear Madam Mina. And as their laugh camethroughthe silence of the nightthey twined their arms and pointedto herand said in those so sweet tingling tones that Jonathan saidwere ofthe intolerable sweetness of the water glasses"Comesister.Come tous. Come!"
In fear Iturned to my poor Madam Minaand my heart with gladnessleapt likeflame. For oh! the terror in her sweet eyestherepulsionthe horrortold a story to my heart that wasall ofhope. God be thanked she was notyet of them.I seizedsome of the firewood which was by meand holdingout someof the Waferadvanced on them towards the fire.They drewback before meand laughed their low horrid laugh. I fedthe fireand feared them not. For I knew that we were safe withinthe ringwhich she could not leave no more than they could enter.The horseshad ceased to moanand lay still on the ground.The snowfell on them softlyand they grew whiter.I knewthat there was for the poor beasts no more of terror.
And so weremained till the red of the dawn began to fall throughthe snowgloom. I was desolate and afraidand full of woe and terror.But whenthat beautiful sun began to climb the horizon life was to me again.At thefirst coming of the dawn the horrid figures melted in the whirlingmistand snow. The wreaths of transparent gloom moved away towards the castleand werelost.
Instinctivelywith the dawn comingI turned to Madam Minaintending tohypnotizeher. But she lay in a deep and sudden sleepfrom which Icould notwake her. I tried to hypnotize through her sleepbut shemade noresponsenone at alland the day broke. I fear yet to stir.I havemade my fire and have seen the horsesthey are all dead.Today Ihave much to do hereand I keep waiting till the sun is up high.For theremay be places where I must gowhere that sunlightthough snowand mistobscure itwill be to me a safety.
I willstrengthen me with breakfastand then I will do my terrible work.Madam Minastill sleepsand God be thanked! She is calm in her sleep. . .
4Novemberevening.--The accident to the launch has beena terriblething for us. Only for it we should have overtakenthe boatlong agoand by now my dear Mina would have been free.I fear tothink of heroff on the wolds near that horrid place.We havegot horsesand we follow on the track. I notethiswhilst Godalming is getting ready. We have our arms.The Szganymust look out if they mean to fight. Ohif onlyMorris andSeward were with us. We must only hope!If I writeno more Goodby Mina! God bless and keep you.
5November.--With the dawn we saw the body of Szgany beforeus dashingaway from the river with their leiter wagon.Theysurrounded it in a clusterand hurried along as though beset.The snowis falling lightly and there is a strange excitement in the air.It may beour own feelingsbut the depression is strange.Far off Ihear the howling of wolves. The snow brings them downfrom themountainsand there are dangers to all of usand fromallsides. The horses are nearly readyand we are soon off.We ride todeath of some one. God alone knows whoor whereor whator whenor how it may be. . .
5Novemberafternoon.--I am at least sane. Thank God for thatmercyat alleventsthough the proving it has been dreadful. When I leftMadam Minasleeping within the Holy circleI took my way to the castle.Theblacksmith hammer which I took in the carriage from Veresti wasusefulthough thedoors were all open I broke them off the rusty hingeslest someill intent or ill chance should close themso that being enteredI mightnot get out. Jonathan's bitter experience served me here.By memoryof his diary I found my way to the old chapelfor Iknew thathere my work lay. The air was oppressive. It seemedas ifthere was some sulphurous fumewhich at times made me dizzy.Eitherthere was a roaring in my ears or I heard afar off the howl ofwolves.Then Ibethought me of my dear Madam Minaand I was in terrible plight.Thedilemma had me between his horns.
HerI hadnot dare to take into this placebut left safe fromtheVampire in that Holy circle. And yet even there would be thewolf!I resolveme that my work lay hereand that as to the wolves we must submitif it wereGod's will. At any rate it was only death and freedom beyond.So did Ichoose for her. Had it but been for myself the choice had beeneasythe maw ofthe wolf were better to rest in than the grave of the Vampire!So I makemy choice to go on with my work.
I knewthat there were at least three graves to findgraves thatareinhabit. So I searchand searchand I find one of them.She lay inher Vampire sleepso full of life and voluptuousbeautythat I shudder as though I have come to do murder.AhIdoubt not that in the old timewhen such things weremany a manwho set forth to do such a task as minefound atthe lasthis heart fail himand then his nerve. So he delayand delayand delaytill the mere beauty and the fascinationof thewanton Undead have hypnotize him. And he remainon and ontill sunset comeand the Vampire sleep be over.Then thebeautiful eyes of the fair woman open and look loveand thevoluptuous mouth present to a kissand the man is weak.And thereremain one more victim in the Vampire fold.One moreto swell the grim and grisly ranks of the Undead!. . .
There issome fascinationsurelywhen I am moved by the merepresenceof such an oneeven lying as she lay in a tomb frettedwith ageand heavy with the dust of centuriesthough therebe thathorrid odor such as the lairs of the Count have had.YesI wasmoved. IVan Helsingwith all my purpose andwith mymotive for hate. I was moved to a yearning for delaywhichseemed to paralyze my faculties and to clog my very soul.It mayhave been that the need of natural sleepand the strangeoppressionof the air were beginning to overcome me.Certain itwas that I was lapsing into sleepthe open eyedsleep ofone who yields to a sweet fascinationwhen therecamethrough the snow stilled air a longlow wailso fullof woe andpity that it woke me like the sound of a clarion.For it wasthe voice of my dear Madam Mina that I heard.
Then Ibraced myself again to my horrid taskand found by wrenchingaway tombtops one other of the sistersthe other dark one.I darednot pause to look on her as I had on her sisterlest oncemore I should begin to be enthrall. But I go onsearchinguntilpresentlyI find in a high great tomb as if madeto onemuch beloved that other fair sister whichlike JonathanI had seento gather herself out of the atoms of the mist.She was sofair to look onso radiantly beautifulsoexquisitely voluptuousthat the very instinct of man in mewhichcalls some of my sex to love and to protect one of hersmade myhead whirl with new emotion. But God be thankedthat soulwail of my dear Madam Mina had not died out of my ears.Andbefore the spell could be wrought further upon meI hadnerved myself to my wild work. By this tim e I hadsearchedall the tombs in the chapelso far as I could tell.And asthere had been only three of these Undead phantomsaround usin the nightI took it that there were no more ofactiveUndead existent. There was one great tomb more lordlythan allthe rest. Huge it wasand nobly proportioned.On it wasbut one word.
This thenwas the Undead home of the King Vampireto whom so many morewere due. Its emptiness spoke eloquent to make certain what I knew.Before Ibegan to restore these women to their dead selves through myawfulworkI laid in Dracula's tomb some of the Waferand so banishedhim fromitUndeadfor ever.
Then beganmy terrible taskand I dreaded it.Had itbeen but oneit had been easycomparative. But three!To begintwice more after I had been through a deed of horror.For it wasterrible with the sweet Miss Lucywhat would it notbe withthese strange ones who had survived through centuriesand whohad been strenghtened by the passing of the years.Who wouldif they couldhave fought for their foul lives.. .
Ohmyfriend Johnbut it was butcher work. Had I not beennerved bythoughts of other deadand of the living overwhom hungsuch a pall of fearI could not have gone on.I trembleand tremble even yetthough till all was overGod bethankedmy nerve did stand. Had I not seen the reposein thefirst placeand the gladness that stole over it justere thefinal dissolution cameas realization that the soulhad beenwonI could not have gone further with my butchery.I couldnot have endured the horrid screeching as the stakedrovehomethe plunging of writhing formand lips of bloody foam.I shouldhave fled in terror and left my work undone.But it isover! And the poor soulsI can pity them nowand weepas I think of them placid each in her full sleepof deathfor a short moment ere fading. Forfriend Johnhardly hadmy knife severed the head of eachbefore the wholebody beganto melt away and crumble into its native dustas thoughthe death that should have come centuries agone hadat lastassert himself and say at once and loud"I am here!"
Before Ileft the castle I so fixed its entrances that never more canthe Countenter there Undead.
When Istepped into the circle where Madam Mina sleptshe wokefrom her sleep andseeing mecried out in painthat I hadendured too much.
"Come!"she said"come away from this awful place!Let us goto meet my husband who isI knowcoming towards us."She waslooking thin and pale and weak. But her eyes werepure andglowed with fervor. I was glad to see her palenessand herillnessfor my mind was full of the fresh horrorof thatruddy vampire sleep.
And sowith trust and hopeand yet full of fearwe go eastward to meetourfriendsand himwhom Madam Mina tell me that she know are comingto meetus.
6November.--It was late in the afternoon when the Professor and Itook ourway towards the east whence I knew Jonathan was coming.We did notgo fastthough the way was steeply downhillfor w ehad to take heavy rugs and wraps with us. We dared notface thepossibility of being left without warmth in the coldand thesnow. We had to take some of our provisions toofor wewere in a perfect desolationand so far as we could seethroughthe snowfallthere was not even the sign of habitation.When wehad gone about a mileI was tired with the heavywalkingand sat down to rest. Then we looked back and sawwhere theclear line of Dracula's castle cut the sky.For wewere so deep under the hill whereon it was set that the angleofperspective of the Carpathian mountains was far below it.We saw itin all its grandeurperched a thousand feet onthe summitof a sheer precipiceand with seemingly a great gapbetween itand the steep of the adjacent mountain on any side.There wassomething wild and uncanny about the place.We couldhear the distant howling of wolves. They werefar offbut the soundeven though coming muffled throughthedeadening snowfallwas full of terror. I knew fromthe wayDr. Van Helsing was searching about that he was tryingto seeksome strategic pointwhere we would be less exposedin case ofattack. The rough roadway still led downwards.We couldtrace it through the drifted snow.
In alittle while the Professor signalled to meso I got up andjoinedhim. He had found a wonderful spota sort of natural hollowin a rockwith an entrance like a doorway between two boulders.He took meby the hand and drew me in.
"See!"he said"here you will be in shelter. And if the wolvesdo come Ican meet them one by one."
He broughtin our fursand made a snug nest for meand gotout some provisions and forced them upon me.But Icould not eatto even try to do so was repulsive to meand muchas I would have liked to please himI could not bringmyself tothe attempt. He looked very sadbut did not reproach me.Taking hisfield glasses from the casehe stood on the topof therockand began to search the horizon.
Suddenlyhe called out"Look! Madam Minalook! Look!"
I sprangup and stood beside him on the rock. He handed mehisglasses and pointed. The snow was now falling more heavilyandswirled about fiercelyfor a high wind was beginningto blow. Howeverthere were times when there were pausesbetweenthe snow flurries and I could see a long way round.From theheight where we were it was possible to see a great distance.And faroffbeyond the white waste of snowI could see the riverlying likea black ribbon in kinks and curls as it wound its way.Straightin front of us and not far offin fact so near that I wonderedwe had notnoticed beforecame a group of mounted men hurrying along.In themidst of them was a carta long leiter wagon which sweptfrom sideto sidelike a dog's tail waggingwith each sterninequalityof the road. Outlined against the snow as they wereI couldsee from the men's clothes that they were peasants or gypsiesof somekind.
On thecart was a great square chest. My heart leaped as I saw itforIfelt thatthe end was coming. The evening was now drawing closeand wellI knewthat at sunset the Thingwhich was till then imprisoned therewould takenew freedom and could in any of many forms elude pursuit. InfearI turnedto the Professor. To my consternationhoweverhe was notthere.An instantlaterI saw him below me. Round the rock he had drawn acirclesuch as wehad found shelter in last night.
When hehad completed it he stood beside me again saying"At leastyou shallbe safe here from him!" He took the glasses from meand at thenext lull of the snow swept the whole space below us."See"he said"they come quickly. They are flogging the horsesandgalloping as hard as they can."
He pausedand went on in a hollow voice"They are racing for the sunset.We may betoo late. God's will be done!" Down came anotherblindingrush ofdriving snowand the whole landscape was blotted out.It soonpassedhoweverand once more his glasses were fixed on the plain.
Then camea sudden cry"Look! Look! Look! Seetwohorsemenfollowfastcoming up from the south. It must be Quincey and John.Take theglass. Look before the snow blots it all out!"I took itand looked. The two men might be Dr. Seward and Mr. Morris.I knew atall events that neither of them was Jonathan. At the same timeI knewthat Jonathan was not far off. Looking around I saw on thenorthside ofthe coming party two other menriding at breakneck speed.One ofthem I knew was Jonathanand the other I tookof courseto be LordGodalming. They toowere pursuing the party with the cart.When Itold the Professor he shouted in glee like a schoolboyand afterlooking intently till a snow fall made sight impossiblehe laidhis Winchester rifle ready for use against the boulderat theopening of our shelter.
"Theyare all converging" he said."When the time comes we shallhavegypsies on all sides." I got out my revolver ready tohandfor whilstwe were speaking the howling of wolves came louderandcloser. When the snow storm abated a moment we looked again.It wasstrange to see the snow falling in such heavy flakesclose tousand beyondthe sun shining more and morebrightlyas it sank down towards the far mountain tops.Sweepingthe glass all around us I could see here and theredotsmoving singly and in twos and threes and larger numbers.The wolveswere gathering for their prey.
Everyinstant seemed an age whilst we waited.The windcame now in fierce burstsand the snow wasdrivenwith fury as it swept upon us in circling eddies.At timeswe could not see an arm's length before us.But atothersas the hollow sounding wind swept by usit seemedto clearthe air space around us so that we could see afar off.We had oflate been so accustomed to watch for sunriseandsunsetthat we knew with fair accuracy when it would be.And weknew that before long the sun would set.It washard to believe that by our watches it was lessthan anhour that we waited in that rocky shelter beforethevarious bodies began to converge close upon us.The windcame now with fiercer and more bitter sweepsand moresteadilyfrom the north. It seemingly had driven the snowcloudsfrom usfor with only occasional burststhe snow fell.We coulddistinguish clearly the individuals of each partythepursued and the pursuers. Strangely enough those pursued didnot seemto realizeor at least to carethat they were pursued.Theyseemedhoweverto hasten with redoubled speed as the sundroppedlower and lower on the mountain tops.
Closer andcloser they drew. The Professor and I croucheddownbehind our rockand held our weapons ready.I couldsee that he was determined that they should not pass.One andall were quite unaware of our presence.
All atonce two voices shouted out to"Halt!"One was myJonathan'sraised in a high key of passion.The otherMr. Morris' strong resolute tone of quiet command.Thegypsies may not have known the languagebut there was nomistakingthe tonein whatever tongue the words were spoken.Instinctivelythey reined inand at the instant Lord GodalmingandJonathan dashed up at one side and Dr. Seward and Mr. Morrison theother. The leader of the gypsiesa splendid lookingfellow whosat his horse like a centaurwaved them backand in afierce voice gave to his companions some word to proceed.Theylashed the horses which sprang forward. But the four menraisedtheir Winchester riflesand in an unmistakable waycommandedthem to stop. At the same moment Dr. Van Helsingand I rosebehind the rock and pointed our weapons at them.Seeingthat they were surrounded the men tightened their reinsand drewup. The leader turned to them and gave a word atwhichevery man of the gypsy party drew what weapon he carriedknife orpistoland held himself in readiness to attack.Issue wasjoined in an instant.
Theleaderwith a quick movement of his reinthrew his horse outin frontand pointed first to the sunnow close down on the hill topsand thento the castlesaid something which I did not understand.Foranswerall four men of our party threw themselves from theirhorses anddashed towards the cart. I should have felt terriblefear atseeing Jonathan in such dangerbut that the ardorof battlemust have been upon me as well as the rest of them.I felt nofearbut only a wildsurging desire to do something.Seeing thequick movement of our partiesthe leader of the gypsiesgave acommand. His men instantly formed round the cart in a sortofundisciplined endeavoreach one shouldering and pushing the otherin hiseagerness to carry out the order.
In themidst of this I could see that Jonathan on one side of the ringof menand Quincey on the otherwere forcing a way to the cart.It wasevident that they were bent on finishing their task beforethe sunshould set. Nothing seemed to stop or even to hinder them.Neitherthe levelled weapons nor the flashing knives of the gypsiesin frontnor the howling of the wolves behindappeared to evenattracttheir attention. Jonathan's impetuosityand the manifestsinglenessof his purposeseemed to overawe those in front of him.Instinctivelythey cowered aside and let him pass.In aninstant he had jumped upon the cartand with a strengthwhichseemed incredibleraised the great boxand flung itover thewheel to the ground. In the meantimeMr. Morris hadhad to useforce to pass through his side of the ring of Szgany.All thetime I had been breathlessly watching Jonathan I hadwith thetail of my eyeseen him pressing desperately forwardand hadseen the knives of the gypsies flash as he won a way through themand theycut at him. He had parried with his great bowie knifeand atfirst I thought that he too had come through in safety.But as hesprang beside Jonathanwho had by now jumped from the cartI couldsee that with his left hand he was clutching at his sideand thatthe blood was spurting through his fingers. He did notdelaynotwithstanding thisfor as Jonathanwith desperate energyattackedone end of the chestattempting to prize off the lid with hisgreatKukri knifehe attacked the other frantically with his bowie.Under theefforts of both men the lid began to yield.The nailsdrew with a screeching soundand the top of the boxwas thrownback.
By thistime the gypsiesseeing themselves covered by the Winchestersand at themercy of Lord Godalming and Dr. Sewardhad givenin andmade no further resistance. The sun was almost down onthemountain topsand the shadows of the whole group fell uponthe snow. I saw the Count lying within the box upon the earthsome ofwhich the rude falling from the cart had scattered over him.He wasdeathly palejust like a waxen imageand the red eyesglaredwith the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well.
As Ilookedthe eyes saw the sinking sunand the look of hate in themturned totriumph.
Butonthe instantcame the sweep and flash of Jonathan's great knife.I shriekedas I saw it shear through the throat. Whilst at the same momentMr.Morris's bowie knife plunged into the heart.
It waslike a miraclebut before our very eyesand almost in the drawingof abreaththe whole body crumbled into dust and passed from our sight.
I shall beglad as long as I live that even in that momentof finaldissolutionthere was in the face a look of peacesuch as Inever could have imagined might have rested there.
The Castleof Dracula now stood out against the red skyand everystone of its broken battlements was articulatedagainstthe light of the setting sun.
Thegypsiestaking us as in some way the cause of the extraordinarydisappearanceof the dead manturnedwithout a wordand rodeaway as iffor their lives. Those who were unmounted jumped uponthe leiterwagon and shouted to the horsemen not to desert them.Thewolveswhich had withdrawn to a safe distancefollowed intheirwakeleaving us alone.
Mr.Morriswho had sunk to the groundleaned on his elbowholdinghis hand pressed to his side. The blood stillgushedthrough his fingers. I flew to himfor the Holycircle didnot now keep me backso did the two doctors.Jonathanknelt behind him and the wounded man laid back his headon hisshoulder. With a sigh he tookwith a feeble effortmy hand inthat of his own which was unstained.
He musthave seen the anguish of my heart in my facefor he smiledat me andsaid"I am only too happy to have been of service! OhGod!"he criedsuddenlystruggling to a sitting posture and pointing to me."Itwas worth for this to die! Look! Look!"
The sunwas now right down upon the mountain topand the redgleamsfell upon my faceso that it was bathed in rosy light.With oneimpulse the men sank on their knees and a deepandearnest "Amen" broke from all as their eyes followedthepointing of his finger.
The dyingman spoke"Now God be thanked that all has not beenin vain! See! The snow is not more stainless than her forehead!The cursehas passed away!"
Andtoour bitter griefwith a smile and in silencehe dieda gallantgentleman.
Sevenyears ago we all went through the flames. And the happinessof some ofus since then iswe thinkwell worth the pain we endured.It is anadded joy to Mina and to me that our boy's birthday is the sameday asthat on which Quincey Morris died. His mother holdsI knowthe secretbelief that some of our brave friend's spirit has passed into him.His bundleof names links all our little band of men together.But wecall him Quincey.
In thesummer of this year we made a journey to Transylvaniaand wentover the old ground which wasand isto us so fullof vividand terrible memories. It was almost impossibleto believethat the things which we had seen with our owneyes andheard with our own ears were living truths.Everytrace of all that had been was blotted out. The castlestood asbeforereared high above a waste of desolation.
When wegot home we were talking of the old timewhich we could all lookback onwithout despairfor Godalming and Seward are both happily married.I took thepapers from the safe where they had been ever since our returnso longago. We were struck with the factthat in all the mass ofmaterialof whichthe record is composedthere is hardly one authentic document.Nothingbut a mass of typewritingexcept the later notebooks of Minaand Sewardand myselfand Van Helsing's memorandum. We could hardly askany oneeven did we wish toto accept these as proofs of so wild a story.VanHelsing summed it all up as he saidwith our boy on his knee.
"Wewant no proofs. We ask none to believe us! This boy willsome dayknow what a brave and gallant woman his mother is.Already heknows her sweetness and loving care.Later onhe will understand how some men so loved herthat theydid dare much for her sake.