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ThomasWyatt (The Elder)
Henry Howard (Earl ofSurrey)
Nicholas Grimald
‘Uncertain Authors’
writtenby the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Howard late Earle of Surrey andother
ThePrinter to the Reader
That tohaue wel written in verseyea & in small parcellesdeseruethgreat praisethe workes of diuers LatinesItaliansand otherdoeproue sufficiently. That our tong is able in that kynde to do aspraiseworthely as <the> restthe honorable stile of the nobleearle of Surreyand the weightinesse of the depewitted sir ThomasWyat the elders versewith seuerall graces in sondry good Englishewritersdoe show abundantly. It resteth nowe (gentle reder) thatthou thinke it not euill doonto publishto the honor of theEnglishe tongand for profit of the studious of Englishe eloquencethose workes which the vngentle hordera (Note: horders) vp of suchtreasure haue heretofore enuied thee. And for this point (good reder)thine own profit and pleasurein these presentlyand in moehereaftershal answere for my defence. If parhappes some mislike thestatelinesse of stile remoued from the rude skill of common eares: Iaske help of the learned to defend their learned frender(Note:frendes) the authors of this work: And I exhort the vnlearnedbyreding to learne to be more skilfulland to purge that swinelikegrossenessethat maketh the swete maierome not to smell to theirdelight.
Tottel-- Songes and Sonettes --by HenryHowardEarl of Surrey
The sonnehath twise brought furth
Descripcionof the restlesse state of a louerwith sute to his ladieto rue onhis diyng hart.
The sonnehath twise brought furth his tender grene
And cladthe earth in liuely lustinesse:
Ones hauethe windes the trees despoiled clene
And newagain begins their cruelnesse
Since Ihaue hid vnder my brest the harm
That neuershall recouer healthfulnesse.
Thewinters hurt recouers with the warm:
Theparched grene restored is with shade.
Whatwarmth (alas) may serue for to disarm
The frosenhart that mine in flame hath made?
What coldeagaine is able to restore
My freshgrene yearesthat wither thus and fade?
AlasIsenothing hath hurt so sore
But timein time reduceth a returne:
In time myharm increaseth more and more
And semesto haue my cure alwaies in scorne.
Strangekindes of deathin life that I doe trie
At hand tomeltfarre of in flame to burne.
And likeas time list to my cure aply
So dotheche place my comfort cleane refuse.
All thingaliuethat seeth the heauens with eye
With clokeof night may couerand excuse
It selffrom trauail of the dayes vnrest
Saue Ialasagainst all others vse
That thenstirre vp the tormentes of my brest
And curseeche sterre as causer of my fate.
And whenthe sonne hath eke the dark opprest
Andbrought the dayit doth nothing abate
Thetrauailes of mine endles smart and payn
For thenas one that hath the light in hate
I wish fornightmore couertly to playn
And mewithdraw from euery haunted place
Lest by mychere my chance appere to playn:
And in myminde I measure pace by pace
To sekethe place where I my self had lost
That daythat I was tangled in the lace
In semyngslack that knitteth euer most:
But neueryet the trauaile of my thought
Of betterstate coulde catche a cause to bost.
For if Ifound sometime that I haue sought
Thosesterres by whome I trusted of the porte
My saylesdoe falland I aduance right nought
As ankerdfastmy spretes doe all resorte
To standeagazedand sinke in more and more
The deadlyharme which she dothe take in sport.
Loif Isekehow I doe finde my sore:
And yf Iflee I carie with me still
Thevenomde shaftwhiche dothe his force restore
By hast offlightand I may plaine my fill
Vnto myselfevnlesse this carefull song
Printe inyour harte some parcell of my tene
For Ialasin silence all to long
Of myneolde hurte yet fele the wounde but grene.
Rue on mylife: or els your cruell wronge
Shall wellappereand by my death be sene.
The sooteseason
Descriptionof Springwherin eche thing renewessaue onelie the louer.
The sooteseasonthat bud and blome furth bringes
With grenehath clad the hill and eke the vale:
Thenightingale with fethers new she singes:
The turtleto her make hath tolde her tale:
Somer iscomefor euery spray nowe springes
The harthath hong his olde hed on the pale:
The buckin brake his winter cote he flinges:
The fishesflote with newe repaired scale:
The adderall her sloughe awaye she slinges:
The swiftswalow pursueth the flyes smale:
The busybee her honye now she minges:
Winter isworne that was the flowers bale:
And thus Isee among these pleasant thinges
Eche caredecayesand yet my sorow springes.
When youthhad led me
Descripcionof the restlesse state of a louer.
When youthhad led me halfe the race
ThatCupides scourge me causde to ronne
I lokedback to mete the place
Fromwhence my wery course begonne.
And then Isawe how my desire
Misguidingme had led the way:
Mine eyento gredy of their hire
Had mademe lose a better pray.
For whenin sighes I spent the day
And couldnot cloke my griefe with game
Theboiling smoke did still bewray
Thepersaunt heate of secrete flame.
And whensalt teares doe bayne my brest
Where louehis pleasant traines hath sowen
Her bewtyhath the fruites opprest
Ere thatthe buds were spronge and blowen.
And whenmyne eyen dyd styll pursue
The flyingchace that was their quest
Theirgredy lokes dyd oft renewe.
the hiddenwound within my brest.
When eueryloke these chekes might staine
Fromdeadly pale to glowing red:
Byoutwarde signes appered plaine
The woewherin my hart was fed.
But all tolate loue learneth me
To painteall kinde of colours new
To blindetheir eyes that els shoulde see
My specledchekes with Cupides hewe.
And no we(Note: nowe) the couert brest I claime
Thatworshipt Cupide secretely:
Andnorished his sacred flame
Fromwhence no blasing sparkes doe flye.
Svchewaiward waies hath loue
Descriptionof the fickle affections panges and sleightes of loue.
Svchewaiward waies hath louethat most part in discord
Our willesdo standwhereby our hartes but seldom doe accord.
Disceit ishis delightand to begileand mock
The simplehartes whom he doth strike w<ith> froward diuers strok.
H e (Note:He) makes the one to rage with golden burning dart
And dothalay with leaden colde agayn the other hart.
Whoteglemes of burnyng fireand easy sparkes of flame
In balanceof vnegall weight he pondereth by aime.
From easyfordewhere I might wade and passe ful wel
He mewithdrawesand doth me driue into a depe dark hel
And mewithholdes where I am calde and offred place
And willesme that my mortall foe I doe beseke of grace:
He lettesme to pursue a conquest welnere wonne
To folowwhere my paines were lost ere that my suite begonne.
So by thismeanes I know how soone a hart may turne
From warreto peacefrom truce to strifeand so again returne
I know howto content my self in others lust
Of litlestuffe vnto my self to weaue a webbe of trust:
And how tohide my harmes with soft dissembling chere
When in myface the painted thoughtes would outwardly apere.
I know howthat the blood forsakes the face for dred:
And how byshame it staines again the chekes with flaming red.
I knowvnder the grene the serpent how he lurkes.
The hammerof the restles forge I wote eke how it wurkes.
I know andcan by roate the tale that I would tel:
But oftthe wordes come furth awrie of him that loueth wel.
I know inheat and colde the louer how he shakes:
In singinghow he doth complainin slepyng how he wakes:
Tolanguish without achesicklesse for to consume:
A thousandthinges for to deuise resoluing all in fume.
And thoughhe list to se his ladies grace ful sore
Suchpleasures as delight the eye doe not his health restore.
I know toseke the track of my desired foe
And feareto finde that I do seke. But chiefly this I know
Thatlouers must transforme into the thing beloued
And liue(alas who would beleue?) with sprite from life remoued
I know inharty sighesand laughters of the splene
At once tochange my statemy wylland eke my coloure clene.
I know howto deceaue my self with others help:
And howthe Lion chastised is by beating of the whelp.
Instandyng nere my fire I know how that I freze.
Farre of Iburnein both I wastand so my life I leze.
I know howloue doth rage vpon a yelding mynde:
How smal anet may take and meash a hart of gentle kinde:
Or elswith seldom swete to season heapes of gall
Reuiuedwith a glimse of grace olde sorowes to let fall
The hiddentraines I knowand secret snares of loue:
How soonea loke wil printe a thoughtthat neuer may remoue.
Theslipper state I knowthe sodain turnes from wealth
Thedoubtful hopethe certain woeand sure despeire of health.
When somertoke in hand
Complaintof a louerthat defied loueand was by loue after the moretormented.
Whenso<m>mer toke in hand the winter to assail
With forceof might& vertue grethis stormy blasts to quail
And whenhe clothed faire the earth about with grene
And euerytree new garmentedthat pleasure was to sene:
Mine hartgan new reuiueand changed blood dyd stur
Me towithdraw my winter woethat kept within the dore.
Abrodequod my desire: assay to set thy fote
Where thoushalt finde the sauour swete: for sprong is euery rote.
And to thyhealthif thou were sick in any case
Nothingmore goodthan in the spring the aire to fele a space.
Thereshalt thou here and se all kindes of birdes ywrought
Well tunetheir voice w<ith> warble smalas nature hath them tought.
Thuspricked me my lust the sluggish house to leaue:
And for myhealth I thought it best suche counsail to receaue.
So on amorow furthvnwist of any wight
I went toproue how well it would my heauy burden light.
And when Ifelt the aire so pleasant round about
Lordetomy self how glad I was that I had gotten out.
Theremight I se how Ver had euery blossom hent:
And ekethe new betrothed birdes ycoupled how they went.
And intheir songes me thought they thanked nature much
That byher lycence all that yere to loue their happe was such
Right asthey could deuise to chose them feres throughout:
With muchreioysing to their Lord thus flew they all about
Which whenI gan resolueand in my head conceaue
Whatpleasant lifewhat heapes of ioy these litle birdes receaue
And sawein what estate I wery man was brought
By want ofthat they had at willand I reiect at nought:
Lorde howI gan in wrath vnwisely me demeane.
I curssedloueand him defied: I thought to turne the streame.
But whan Iwell behelde he had me vnder awe
I askedmercie for my faultthat so transgrest his law.
Thoublinded god (quod I) forgeue me this offense
VnwillinglyI went about to malice thy pretense.
Wherewithhe gaue a beckand thus me thought he swore
Thy sorowought suffice to purge thy faulteif it were more.
The vertueof which sounde mine hart did so reuiue
That Imethoughtwas made as hole as any man aliue.
But hereye may perceiue mine errour all and some
For that Ithought that so it was: yet was it still vndone:
And allthat was no more but mine empressed mynde
That faynewoulde haue some good relefe of Cupide wel assinde.
I turnedhome forthwithand might perceiue it well
That heagreued was right sore with me for my rebell.
My harmeshaue euer since increased more and more
And Iremainewithout his helpvndone for euer more
A mirorlet me be vnto ye louers all:
Striue notwith loue: for if ye doit will ye thus befall
Louethatliuethand reigneth
Complaintof a louer rebuked.
Louethatliuethand reigneth in my thought
That builthis seat within my captiue brest
Clad inthe armeswherin with me he fought
Oft in myface he doth his banner rest.
Shethatme taught to loueand suffer payne
Mydoutfull hopeand eke my hote desyre
Withshamefast cloke to shadoweand refraine
Hersmilyng grace conuerteth straight to yre.
Andcowarde Loue then to the hart apace
Taketh hisflightwhereas he lurkesand plaines
Hispurpose lostand dare not shewe his face.
For mylordes gilt thus faultlesse byde I paynes.
Yet frommy lorde shall not my foote remoue.
Swete ishis deaththat takes his end by loue.
In Ciprusspringes
Complaintof the louer disdained.
In Ciprusspringes (whereas dame Venus dwelt)
A well sohotethat whoso tastes thesame(Note: the same)
Were he ofstoneas thawed yse should melt
Andkindled fynde his brest with fired flame.
Whosemoyst poyson dissolued hath my hate.
Thiscreeping fire my colde lims so opprest
That inthe hart that harborde freedome late
Endlessedespeyre longe thraldome hath imprest.
An otherso colde in frozen yse is founde
Whosechilling venom of repugnant kynde
Theferuent heat doth quenche of Cupides wounde:
And withthe spot of change infectes the minde:
Whereof mydere hath tastedto my paine.
My seruicethus is growen into disdaine.
Descriptionand praise of his loue Geraldine.
FromTuskane came my Ladies worthy race:
FaireFlorence was sometyme her auncient seate:
TheWestern ylewhose pleasaunt shore dothe face
WildeCambers clifsdid geue her liuely heate:
Fosteredshe was with milke of Irishe brest:
Her sirean Erle: her dameof princes blood.
Fromtender yeresin Britain she doth rest
Withkinges childewhere she tasteth costly food.
Honsdondid first present her to mine yien:
Bright isher heweand Geraldine she hight.
Hampton metaught to wishe her first for mine:
AndWindsoralasdothe chase me from her sight.
Her beautyof kind her vertues from aboue.
Happy ishethat can obtaine her loue.
Thefrailtie and hurtfulnes of beautie.
Brittlebeautiethat nature made so fraile
Wherof thegift is smalland short the season
Flowringto dayto morowe apt to faile
Tickelltreasure abhorred of reason
Daungerousto dele withvaineof none auaile
Costly inkepingpast not worthe two peason
Slipper insliding as is an eles taile
Harde toattaineonce gotten not geason
Iewel ofieopardie that perill dothe assaile
False andvntrueenticed oft to treason
Enmy toyouth: that moste may I bewaile.
Ah bitterswete infecting as the poyson:
Thoufarest as frute that with the frost is taken
To dayredy ripeto morowe all to shaken.
Alas soall thinges nowe
Acomplaint by night of the louer not beloued.
Alas soall thinges nowe doe holde their peace.
Heauen andearth disturbed in nothing:
Thebeastesthe ayerthe birdes their song doe cease:
Thenightes chare the starres aboute dothe bring:
Calme isthe Seathe waues worke lesse and lesse:
So am notIwhom loue alas doth wring
Bringingbefore my face the great encrease
Of mydesireswhereat I wepe and syng
In ioyeand woas in a doutfull ease.
For myswete thoughtes sometyme doe pleasure bring:
Butbyandby (Note: by and by) the cause of my disease
Geues me apangthat inwardly dothe sting
When thatI thinke what griefe it is againe
To liueand lacke the thing should ridde my paine.
WhenWindsor walles susteyned
How echething saue the louer in spring reuiueth to pleasure.
WhenWindsor walles susteyned my wearied arme
My handemy chinto ease my restlesse hed:
Thepleasant plot reuested green with warme
Theblossomd bowes with lusty Ver yspred
Theflowred meadesthe wedded birdes so late
Mine eyesdiscouer: and to my mynde resorte
The iolywoesthe hatelesse shorte debate
Therakehell lyfe that longes to loues disporte.
Wherewith(alas) the heauy charge of care
Heapt inmy brest breakes forth against my will
In smokysighesthat ouercast the ayer.
My vapordeyes suche drery teares distill
The tenderspring whiche quicken where they fall
And Ihalfebent to throwe me downe withall.
Set mewheras the sunne
Vow toloue faithfully howsoeuer he be rewarded.
Set mewheras the sunne doth parche the grene
Or wherehis beames do not dissolue the yse:
Intemperate heate where he is felt and sene:
Inpresence prest of people madde or wise.
Set me inhyeor yet in lowe degree:
In longestnightor in the shortest daye:
Inclearest skyeor where clowdes thickest be:
In lustyyouthor when my heeres are graye.
Set me inheauenin earthor els in hell
In hyllor daleor in the fomyng flood:
Thrallorat largealiue where so I dwell:
Sickeorin health: in euyll fameor good.
Hers willI beand onely with this thought
Content myselfealthough my chaunce be nought.
I neuersawe my Ladye
Complaintthat his ladie after she knew of his loue kept her face alway hiddenfrom him.
I Neuersawe my Ladye laye apart
Her cornetblackein colde nor yet in heate
Sith firstshe knew my griefe was growen so great
Whichother fansies driueth from my hart
That to myselfe I do the thought reserue
The whichvnwares did wounde my wofull brest:
But on herface mine eyes mought neuer rest
Yetsinsshe knew I did her loue and serue
Her goldentresses cladde alway with blacke
Hersmilyng lokes that hid thus euermore
And thatrestraines whiche I desire so sore.
So dothethis cornet gouerne me alacke:
In somersunne: in winters breatha frost:
Wherby thelight of her faire lokes I lost.
The goldengift
Request tohis loue to ioyne bountie with beautie.
The goldengift that nature did thee geue
To fastenfrendesand fede them at thy wyll
Withfourme and fauourtaught me to beleue
How thouart made to shew her greatest skill.
Whosehidden vertues are not so vnknowen
But liuelydomes might gather at the first
Wherebeautye so her perfect seede hath sowen
Of othergraces folow nedes there must.
Nowcertesse Ladiesins all this is true
That fromaboue thy gyftes are thus elect:
Do notdeface them than with fansies newe
Norchaunge of mindes let not thy minde infect:
But mercyhim thy frendethat doth thee serue
Who seekesalway thine honour to preserue.
So cruellprison
Prisonedin windsorhe recounteth his pleasure there passed.
So cruellprison how coulde betidealas
As proudeWindsor? where I in lust and ioye
With akinges sonnemy childishe yeres did passe
In greaterfeast than Priams sonnes of Troy:
Where echeswete place returns a taste full sower
The largegrene courteswhere we were wont to houe
With eyescast vp into the maydens tower.
And easiesighessuche as folke drawe in loue:
Thestately seatesthe ladies bright of hewe:
Thedaunces shortelonge tales of great delight:
Withwordes and lokesthat tygers coulde but rewe
Where echeof vs did pleade the others right:
The palmeplaywheredispoyled for the game
With dazedeies oft we by gleames of loue
Haue mistthe balland got sight of our dame
To baiteher eyeswhiche kept the leads aboue:
Thegrauell groundewith sleues tyed on the helme:
On fomyngehorsewith swordes and frendlye hartes:
Withcheareas though one should another whelme:
Where wehaue foughtand chased oft with dartes
Withsiluer droppes the meade yet spred for ruthe
In actiuegames of nimblenesand strength
Where wedid strainetrayned with swarmes of youth.
Our tenderlymmesthat yet shot vp in length:
Thesecrete groueswhich oft we made resounde
Ofpleasaunt playntand of our ladies prayse
Recordyngofte what grace eche one had founde
What hopeof spedewhat dreade of long delayes:
The wildeforestthe clothed holtes with grene:
With raynsauailedand swift ybreathed horse
With cryeof houndesand mery blastes betwene
Where wedid chase the fearfull harte of force
The widevales ekethat harborde vs ech night
Wherwith(alas) reuiueth in my brest
The sweteaccorde: such slepes as yet delight
Thepleasant dreamesthe quiet bed of rest:
Thesecrete thoughtes imparted with such trust:
The wantontalkethe diuers change of play:
Thefrendship sworneeche promise kept so iust:
Wherwithwe past the winter night away.
Andwiththis thoughtthe bloud forsakes the face
The tearesberayne my chekes of deadly hewe:
The whicheas sone as sobbyng sighes (alas)
Vpsuppedhauethus I my plaint renewe:
O place ofblisserenuer of my woes
Geue meaccomptwhere is my noble fere:
Whom inthy walles thou doest eche night enclose
To otherleefebut vnto me most dere.
Eccho(alas) that dothe my sorow rewe
Returnstherto a hollow sounde of playnte.
Thus Ialonewhere all my fredome grewe
In prisonpynewith bondage and restrainte
And withremembrance of the greater greefe
To banishethe lesseI find my chief releefe.
Whenragyng loue
The louercomforteth himself with the worthinesse of his loue.
Whenragyng loue with extreme payne
Mostcruelly distrains my hart:
When thatmy tearesas floudes of rayne
Bearewitnes of my wofull smart:
Whensighes haue wasted so my breath
That I lyeat the poynte of death:
I call tominde the nauye greate
That theGrekes brought to Troye towne:
And howthe boysteous windes did beate
Theirshypsand rente their sayles adowne
TillAgamemnons daughters bloode
Appeasdethe goddesthat them withstode.
And howthat in those ten yeres warre
Full manya bloudye dede was done
And many alordthat came full farre
Therecaught his bane (alas) to sone:
And many agood knight ouerronne
Before theGrekes had Helene wonne.
Thenthinke I thus: sithe suche repayre
So longetime warre of valiant men
Was all towinne a ladye fayre:
Shall Inot learne to suffer then
And thinkemy life well spent to be
Seruyng aworthier wight than she?
Therfore Ineuer will repent
But paynescontented stil endure.
For likeas whenrough winter spent
Thepleasant spring straight draweth in vre:
So afterragyng stormes of care
Ioyful atlength may be my fare.
O happydames
Complaintof the absence of her louer being vpon the sea.
O Happydamesthat may embrace
The fruteof your delight
Help tobewaile the wofull case
And ekethe heauy plight
Of methat wonted to reioyce
Thefortune of my pleasant choyce:
GoodLadieshelp to fill my moorning voyce.
In shipfreight with rememberance
Ofthoughtsand pleasures past
He sailesthat hath in gouernance
My lifewhile it wil last:
Withscalding sighesfor lack of gale
Furderinghis hopethat is his sail
Toward methe swete port of his auail.
Alashowoft in dreames I se
Thoseeyesthat were my food
Whichsomtime so delited me
That yetthey do me good.
Wherwith Iwake with his returne
Whoseabsent flame did make me burne.
But when Ifind the lackeLord how I mourne?
When otherlouers in armes acrosse
Reioycetheir chiefe delight:
Drowned inteares to mourne my losse
I standthe bitter night
In mywindowwhere I may see
Before thewindes how the cloudes flee.
Lowhat amariner loue hath made me.
And ingrene waues when the salt flood
Doth riseby rage of winde:
A thousandfansies in that mood
Assayle myrestlesse mind.
Alasnowdrencheth my swete fo
That withthe spoyle of my hart did go
And leftme but (alas) why did he so?
And whenthe seas waxe calme againe
To chasefro me annoye.
Mydoutfull hope doth cause me plaine:
So dreadecuts of my ioye.
Thus is mywealth mingled with wo
And of echthought a dout doth growe
Now hecomeswill he come? alasno no.
In wintersiust returne
Complaintof a diyng louer refused vpon his ladies iniust mistaking of hiswrityng.
In wintersiust returnewhen Boreas gan his raigne
And euerytree vnclothed fastas nature taught them plaine:
In mistymorning darkeas sheepe are then in holde
I hyed mefastit sat me onmy sheepe for to vnfolde.
And as itis a thingthat louers haue by fittes
Vnder apalm I heard one cryeas he had lost hys wittes.
Whosevoice did ring so shrillin vttering of his plaint
That Iamazed was to hearhow loue could hym attaint.
Ahwretched man (quod he) come deathand ridde thys wo:
A iustrewarda happy endif it may chaunce thee so.
Thypleasures past haue wrought thy wowithout redresse.
If thouhadst neuer felt no ioythy smart had bene the lesse.
Andretchlesse of his lifehe gan both sighe and grone
A rufullthing me thoughtit wasto hear him make such mone.
Thoucursed pen (sayd he) wo worth the bird thee bare
The manthe knifeand all that made theewo be to their share.
Wo worththe timeand placewhere I so could endite.
And wo beit yet once agaynethe pen that so can write.
Vnhappyhandit had ben happy time for me
Ifwhento writethou (Note: write thou) learned firstvnioynted hadst thoube.
Thuscursed he himselfand euery other wight
Saue heralone whom loue him bound to serue both day & night.
Which whenI heardand sawhow he himselfe fordid
Againstthe ground with bloudy strokeshimself euen there to rid:
Had ben myheart of flintit must haue melted tho:
For in mylife I neuer saw a man so full of wo.
Withtearesfor his redresseI rashly to him ran
And in myarmes I caught him fastand thus I spake hym than.
Whatwofull wight art thouthat in such heauy case
Tormentesthy selfe with such despitehere in this desert place?
Wherwithas all agastfulfild wyth ireand dred
He cast onme a staring lokewith colour paleand ded.
Naywhatart thou (quod he) that in this heauy plight
Doestfinde me heremost wofull wretchthat life hath in despight?
I am(quoth I) but pooreand simple in degre:
Ashepardes charge I haue in handvnworthy though I be.
With thathe gaue a sigheas though the skye should fall:
And lowd(alas) he shryked oftand Shepardgan he call
Comehiethe fast at onesand print it in thy hart:
So thoushalt knowand I shall tell thegiltlesse how I smart.
His backeagainst the treesore febled all with faint
With wearysprite he stretcht him vp: and thus hee told his plaint.
Ones in myhart (quoth he) it chanced me to loue
Such onein whom hath nature wroughther cu<n>ning for to proue.
And sure Ican not saybut many yeres were spent
With suchgood will so recompenstas both we were content.
Whertothen I me boundand she likewise also
The sonneshould runne his course awryere we this faith forgo.
Who ioiedthenbut I? who had this worldes blisse?
Who mightcompare a life to minethat neuer thought on this?
Butdwelling in thys truthamid my greatest ioy
Is mebefallen a greater lossethan Priam had of Troy.
She isreuersed clene: and beareth me in hand
That mydesertes haue giue<n> her cause to break thys faithful band.
And for myiust excuse auaileth no defense.
Nowknowest thou all: I can no morebut shepardhye the hense:
And giuehim leaue to diethat may no lenger liue:
Whoserecord lo I claime to hauemy deathI doe forgiue.
And ekewhen I am gonebe bolde to speake it plain:
Thou hastseen dye the truest manthat euer loue did pain.
Wherwithhe turned him roundand gasping oft for breath
Into hisarmes a tree he raughtand saydwelcome my death:
Welcome athousand foldnow dearer vnto me
Thanshouldwithout her loue to liuean emperour to be.
Thusinthis wofull statehe yelded vp the ghost:
And littleknoweth his ladywhat a louer she hath lost.
Whosedeath when I beheldno maruail was itright
For pitiethough my heart did bledeto see so piteous sight.
My bloodfrom heat to colde oft changed wonders sore:
A thousandtroubles there I found I neuer knew before.
Twenedreadand dolour so my sprites were brought in feare
That longit was ere I could call to mindewhat I did there
Butaseche thing hath endso had these paynes of mine:
The furiespastand I my wits restord by length of time.
Thenas Icould deuiseto seke I thought it best
Where Imight finde some worthy placefor such a corse to rest.
And in mymind it came: from thence not farre away
WhereChreseids loueking Priams so<n>ne<the> worthy Troiluslay.
By him Imade his tombin token he was treew:
Andas tohim belonged wellI couered it with bleew.
Whosesouleby Angels powerdeparted not so sone
But to theheauenslo it fledfor to receiue his dome.
Complaintof the absence of her louer being vpon the sea.
GoodLadiesye that haue your pleasures in exile
Step inyour footecome take a place& moorne with me a while
And suchas by their lordes do set but little price
Let themsit still: it skilles them not what chance come on <the> dice.
But yewhom loue hath bound by ordre of desire
To loueyour lordswhose good desertes none other wold require:
Come yeyet ones againand set your foote by mine
Whosewofull plight and sorrowes great no tong may wel define.
My loue and (Note: and) lordalasin whom consistes my wealth
Hathfortune sent to passe the seas in hazarde of his health.
Whome Iwas wont tembrace with well contented minde
Is nowamidde the foming floods at pleasure of the winde.
Where Godwell him preserueand sone him home me send.
Withoutwhich hopemy life (alas) wer shortly at an end.
Whoseabsence yetalthough my hope doth tell me plaine
With shortreturne he comes anonyet ceasith not my payne.
Thefearfull dreames I haueoft times do greue me so:
That whenI wakeI lye in doutewhere they be trueor no.
Sometimethe roring seas (me semes) do grow so hye:
That mydere Lord (ay me alas) me thinkes I se him die.
Anothertime the same doth tell me: he is cumne:
Andplayengwhere I shall him find with his faire little sonne.
So forth Igo apace to se that leefsom sight.
And with akisseme thinkI say: welcome my lordmy knight:
Welcome myswetealasthe stay of my welfare.
Thypresence bringeth forth a truce atwixt me& my care.
Thenliuely doth he lokeand salueth me againe
And saith:my derehow is it nowthat you haue all thys paine?
Wherwiththe heauy cares: that heapt are in my brest
Breakeforthand me dischargen clene of all my huge vnrest.
But when Ime awakeand finde it but a dreme
Theanguishe of my former wo beginneth more extreme:
And metormenteth sothat vnneath may I finde
Sum hiddenplacewherein to slake the gnawing of my mind.
Thus eueryway you sewith absence how I burn:
And for mywound no cure I findbut hope of good return.
Saue whanI thinkby sowre how swete is felt the more:
It dothabate som of my painesthat I abode before.
And thenvnto my self I say: when we shal meete.
But litlewhile shall seme this painethe ioy shal be so sweete.
Ye windesI you coniure in chiefest of your rage
That ye mylord me safely sendemy sorowes to asswage:
And that Imay not long abide in this excesse.
Do yourgood willto cure a wightthat liueth in distresse.
Geue placeye louers
A praiseof his loue: wherin he teproueth (Note: reproueth) them that comparetheir Ladies with his.
Geue placeye louershere before
That spentyour bostes and bragges in vaine:
My Ladiesbeawtie passeth more
The bestof yoursI dare well sayen
Than doththe sonnethe candle light:
Orbrightest daythe darkest night.
Andthereto hath a trothe as iust
As hadPenelope the fayre.
For whatshe saithye may it trust
As it bywriting sealed were.
Andvertues hath she many moe
Than Iwith pen haue skill to showe.
I coulderehearseif that I wolde
The wholeeffect of natures plaint
When shehad lost the perfit mold
The liketo whom she could not paint:
Withwringyng handes howe she dyd cry
And whatshe saidI know itI.
I knoweshe swore with ragyng mynd:
Herkingdom onely set apart
There wasno losseby lawe of kind
That couldhaue gone so nere her hart.
And thiswas chiefly all her payne:
She couldenot make the lyke agayne.
Sithnature thus gaue her the prayse
To be thechiefest worke she wrought:
In faithme thinkesome better waies
On yourbehalfe might well be sought
Then tocompare (as ye haue done)
To matchethe candle with the sonne.
Although Ihad a check
To theLadie that scorned her louer.
Although Ihad a check
To geuethe mate is hard.
For I hauefound a neck
To kepe mymen in gard.
And youthat hardy ar
To geue sogreat assay
Vnto a manof warre
To driuehis men away
I redeyoutake good hede
And markethis foolish verse:
For I willso prouide
That Iwill haue your ferse.
And whenyour ferse is had
And allyour warre is done:
Then shallyour selfe be glad
To endethat you begon.
For yf bychance I winne
Yourperson the in feeld:
To latethen come you in
your selfeto me to yeld.
For I willvse my power
As captainfull of might
And such Iwill deuour
As vse toshew me spight.
And forbecause you gaue
Me checkein such degre
Thisvantage loe I haue:
Nowcheckeand garde to the.
Defend itif thou may:
Standstiffein thine estate.
For sure Iwill assay
If I cangiue the mate.
To dearelyhad I bought
A warningto the louer how he is abused by his loue.
To dearelyhad I bought my grene and youthfull yeres
If in mineage I could not finde when craft for loue apperes.
And seldomthough I come in court among the rest:
Yet can Iiudge in colours dim as depe as can the best.
Wheregrefe tormentes the man that suffreth secret smart
To brekeit forth vnto som frend it easeth well the hart.
So standesit now with me for my beloued frend.
This caseis thine for whom I fele such torment of my minde.
And forthy sake I burne so in my secret brest
That tillthou know my hole disseyse my hart can haue no rest.
I see howthine abuse hath wrested so thy wittes
That allit yeldes to thy desireand folowes the by fittes.
Where thouhast loued so long with hart and all thy power.
I se theefed with fayned wordesthy fredom to deuour.
I know(though she say nayand would it well withstand)
When inher grace thou held the mostshe bare the but in hand.
I see herpleasant chere in chiefest of thy suite:
Whan thouart goneI se him comethat gathers vp the fruite.
And eke inthy respect I se the base degre
Of him towhom she gaue the hart that promised was to the.
I se (whatwould you more) stode neuer man so sure
On womanswordbut wisedome would mistrust it to endure.
O lothsomeplace where I
Theforsaken louer describeth & forsaketh loue.
O Lothsomeplace where I
Haue seneand herd my dere
When in myhert her eye
Hath madeher thought appere
Byglsiming (Note: glimsing) with such grace
As fortuneit ne would
Thatlasten any space
Betwene vslenger should.
As fortunedid auance
To furthermy desire:
Euen sohath fortunes chance
Throwenall ammiddes the myre.
And that Ihaue deserued
With trueand faithful hart
Is to hishandes reserued
That neuerfelt the smart.
But happyis that man
Thatscaped hath the griefe
That louewell teche him can
By wantinghis reliefe.
A scourgeto quiet mindes
It iswhotaketh hede
A comonplage that bindes
A trauellwithout mede.
This giftit hath also
Who soenioies it most
A thousandtroubles grow
To vexehis weried ghost.
And lastit may not long
The truestthing of all
And surethe greatest wrong
That iswithin this thrall.
But sinsthou desert place
Canst giueme no accompt
Of mydesired grace
That I tohaue was wont
farewelthou hast me tought
To thinkeme not the furst
That louehath set aloft.
And castenin the dust.
As oft asI behold and se
The louerdescribes his restlesse state.
As oft asI behold and se
Thesoueraigne bewtie that me bound:
The niermy comfort is to me
Alas thefresher is my wound.
As flamedoth quenche by rage of fire
Andrunning slremes (Note: stremes) consume by raine:
So doththe sightthat I desire
Appease mygrief and deadely paine
First whenI saw those cristall streames
whosebewtie made my mortall wound:
I littlethought within her beames
So swete avenom to haue found.
Butwilfull will did prick me forth
And blindCupide did whippe and guide:
Force mademe take my griefe in worth:
Myfruitles hope my harme did hide.
As cruellwaues full oft be found
Againstthe rockes to rore and cry:
So doth myhart full oft rebound
Ageinst mybrest full bitterly.
I falland se mine own decay
As on thatbeares flame in hys brest
Forgets inpaine to put away
The thingthat bredeth mine vnrest.
Though Iregarded not
The louerexcuseth himself of suspected change.
Though Iregarded not
Thepromise made by me
or passednot to spot
My faithand honeste:
Yet weremy fancie strange
Andwilfull will to wite
If Isought now to change
A falkonfor a kite.
All menmight well dispraise
My wit andenterprise
If Iestemed a pese
Aboue aperle in price:
Or iudgedthe oule in sight
Thesparehauke to excell
whichflieth but in the night
As all menknow right well:
Or if Isought to saile
Into thebrittle port
whereanker hold doth faile
To such asdoe resort
And leauethe hauen sure
whereblowes no blustring winde
Norfickelnesse in vre
Sofarforth as I finde.
Nothinkeme not so light
Nor of sochorlish kinde
Though itlay in my might
My bondageto vnbinde
That Iwould leue the hinde
To huntthe ganders fo.
No no Ihaue no minde
To makeexchanges so:
Nor yet tochange at all.
For thinkit may not be
That Ishould seke to fall
From myfelicite
Desyrousfor to win
And lothfor to forgo
Or newchange to begin:
How mayall this be so?
The fireit can not freze:
For it isnot his kinde
Nor trueloue cannot lese
Theconstance of the minde.
Yet assone shall the fire
want heatto blaze and burn
As I insuch desire
Haue oncea thought to turne.
Wrapt inmy carelesse cloke
Acarelesse manscorning and describingthe suttle vsage of womentowarde their louers.
Wrapt inmy carelesse clokeas I walke to and fro:
I sehowloue ca<n> shewwhat force there reigneth in his bow
And how heshoteth ekea hardy hart to wound:
And wherehe glanceth by agaynethat litle hurt is found.
For seldomis it senehe woundeth hartes alike.
The tonemay ragewhen tothers loue is often farre to seke.
All this Isewith more: and wonder thinketh me:
Howe hecan strike the one so soreand leaue the other fre.
I sethatwounded wightthat suffreth all this wrong:
How he isfed with yeasand nayesand liueth all to long.
In silencethough I kepe such secretes to my self:
Yet do Isehow she somtime doth yeld a loke by stelth:
As thoughit seemdywys I will not lose the so.
When inher hart so swete a thought did neuer truely go.
Then say Ithus: alasthat man is farre from blisse:
That dothreceiue for his relief none other gaynbut this.
And shethat fedes him soI feleand finde it plain:
Is but toglory in her powerthat ouer such can reign.
Nor aresuch graces spentbut when she thinkesthat he
A weriedman is fully bent such fansies to let flie:
Then to.(Note: to) retain him stil she wrasteth new her grace
Andsmileth loas though she would forthwith the man embrace.
But whenthe proofe is made to try such lokes withall:
He findeththen the place all voydeand fraighted full of gall.
Lorde whatabuse is this? who can such women praise?
That fortheir glory do deuise to vse such crafty wayes.
Ithatamong the rest do sitand mark the row
Fyndethat in her is greater craftthen is in twenty mo.
Whosetender yeresalaswith wyles so well are spedde:
What willshe dowhen hory heares are powdred in her hedde?
Martiallthe thinges
The meanesto attain happy life.
Martiallthe thinges that do attayn
The happylifebe theseI finde.
Therichesse leftnot got with pain:
Thefrutefull ground: the quiet mynde:
The egallfrendno grudgeno strife:
No chargeof rulenor gouernance:
Withoutdisease the healthfull lyfe:
Thehoushold of continuance:
The meanedietno delicate fare:
Trewwisdom ioyned with simplenesse:
The nightdischarged of all care
Where winethe wit may not oppresse:
Thefaithful wifewithout debate:
Sucheslepesas may begyle the night:
Contentedwith thine owne estate
Ne wishfor deathne feare his might.
Of thylyfeThomas
Praise ofmeane and constant estate.
Of thylyfeThomasthis compasse well mark:
Not ayewith full sayles the hye seas to beat:
Ne bycoward dredin shonning stormes dark
On shalowshores thy keel in perill freat.
Who sogladly halseth the golden meane
Voyde ofdangers aduisdly hath his home
Not withlothsom muckas a den vncleane:
Norpalacelykewherat disdayn may glome.
The loftypyne the great winde often riues:
Withviolenter swey falne turrets stepe:
Lightningesassault the hye mountainsand cliues
A hartwell staydin ouerthwartes depe
Hopethamendes: in swetedoth feare the sowre.
Godthatsendethwithdraweth winter sharp.
Now illnot aye thus: once Phebus to lowre
With bowvnbent shall cesseand frame to harp.
His voyce.In straite estate appere thou stout:
And sowiselywhen lucky gale of winde
All thypuft sailes shall filloke well about:
Take in aryft: hast is wastprofe doth finde.
The greatMacedon
Praise ofcertain psalmes of Dauidtranslated by sir. T. w. the elder.
The greatMacedonthat out of Persie chased
Dariusofwhose huge power all Asie rong
In therich ark dan Homers rimes he placed
Who faynedgestes of heathen princes song.
What holygraue? what worthy sepulture
To WiattesPsalmes should Christians then purchase?
Where hedoth paint the liuely faithand pure
Thestedfast hopethe swete returne to grace
Of iustDauidby perfite penitence.
Whererulers may se in a mirrour clere
The bitterfrute of false concupiscence:
How Iewrybought Vrias death full dere.
In princeshartes gods scourge imprinted depe
Ought themawakeout of their sinfull slepe.
Dyuers thydeath
Of thedeath of the same sir. T. w.
Dyuers thydeath doe diuersly bemone.
Somethatin presence of thy liuelyhed
Lurkedwhose brestes enuy with hate had swolne
YeldCeasars teares vpon Pompeius hed.
Somethatwatched with the murdrers knife
With egrethirst to drink thy giltlesse blood
Whosepractise brake by happy ende of lyfe
Wepeenuious teares to heare thy fame so good.
But Ithat knew what harbred in that hed:
Whatvertues rare were temperd in that brest:
Honour theplacethat such a iewell bred
And kissethe groundwhereas thy corse doth rest
Withvapord eyes: from whence such streames auayl
As Pyramusdyd on Thisbes brest bewail.
W. restethhere
Of thesame.
W. restethherethat quick could neuer rest:
Whoseheauenly giftes encreased by disdayn
And vertuesank the deper in his brest.
Suchprofit he by enuy could obtain.
A hedwhere wisdom misteries did frame:
Whosehammers bet styll in that liuely brayn
As on astithe: where that some work of fame
Was daylywroughtto turne to Britaines gayn.
A visagesternand myld: where bothe did grow
Vice tocontemnein vertue to reioyce:
Amid greatstormeswhom grace assured so
To lyuevprightand smile at fortunes choyce.
A handthat taughtwhat might be sayd in ryme:
That reftChaucer the glory of his wit:
A markthe which (vnparfitedfor time)
Some mayapprochebut neuer none shall hit.
A toungthat serued in forein realmes his king:
Whosecourteous talke to vertue did enflame.
Eche noblehart: a worthy guide to bring
OurEnglish youthby trauailvnto fame.
An eyewhose iudgement none affect could blinde
Frendes toallureand foes to reconcile:
Whosepersing loke did represent a mynde
Withvertue fraughtreposedvoyd of gyle.
A hartwhere drede was neuer so imprest
To hydethe thoughtthat might the trouth auance:
In neytherfortune loftnor yet represt
To swellin wealthor yeld vnto mischance.
A valiantcorpswhere forceand beawty met:
Happyalasto happybut for foes:
Liuedandran the racethat nature set:
Ofmanhodesshape where she the molde did lose.
But to theheauens that simple soule is fled:
Which leftwith suchas couet Christ to know
Witnesseof faiththat neuer shall be ded:
Sent forour helthbut not receiued so.
Thusforour giltethis iewel haue we lost:
The earthhis bonesthe heauens possesse his gost.
Thassirianking in peace
OfSardinapalus dishonorable lifeand miserable death.
Thassirianking in peacewith foule desire
And filthylustesthat staynd his regall hart
In warrethat should set princely hartes on fire:
Did yeldvanquisht for want of marciall art.
The dintof swordes from kisses semed strange:
Andharderthan his ladies sydehis targe:
Fromglutton feastesto souldiars fare a change:
Hishelmetfarre aboue a garlands charge.
Who scacethe name of manhode did retayn
Drenchedin slouthand womanish delight
Feble ofspriteimpacient of pain:
When hehad lost his honorand his right:
Proudtime of wealthin stormes appalled with drede
Murtheredhimselfto shew some manful dede.
Layd in myquiet bed
How no ageis content with his own estate& how the age of children is thehappiestif they had skill to vnderstand it.
Layd in myquiet bedin study as I were
I sawwithin my troubled heada heape of thoughtes appere:
And euerythought did shew so liuely in myne eyes
That now Isighed& the<n> I smildeas cause of thought doth ryse.
I saw thelytle boy in thoughthow oft that he
Did wishof godto scape the roda tall yongman to be.
Theyongman eke that feleshis bones with paines opprest
How hewould be a rich olde manto lyueand lye at rest.
The richoldman that sees his end draw on so sore
How hewould be a boy agaynto liue somuch (Note: so much) the more.
Wheratfull oft I smildeto sehow all these three
From boyto manfrom man to boywould chop & change degree.
And musyngthus I thynkthe case is very strange
That manfrom welthto lyue in wodoth euer seke to change.
Thusthoughtfull as I layI saw my wytherd skyn
How itdoth show my dented chewesthe flesh was worne so thyn:
And eke mytothelesse chapsthe gates of my rightway
That opesand shutsas I do speakedoe thus vnto me say:
Thy whiteand hoarish hearesthe messengers of age
That shewlike lines of true beliefthat this life doth asswage
Byds theelay handand fele them hanging on thy chin:
The whichedo write two ages pastthe third now comming in.
Hang vptherfore the bit of thy yong wanton tyme:
And thouthat therin beaten artthe happiest life define.
Wherat Isighedand saydfarewellmy wonted ioy:
Trusse vpthy packand trudge from me to euery litle boy:
And tellthem thus from metheyr tyme most happy is:
Iftotheir timethey reason had to know the trueth of this.
Thestormes are past
Bonum estmihi quod humiliasti me.
Thestormes are past these cloudes are ouerblowne
And humblechere great rygour hath represt:
For thedefaute is set a paine foreknowne
Andpacience graft in a determed brest.
And in thehart where heapes of griefes were growne
The swetereuenge hath planted mirth and rest
No companyso pleasant as myne owne.
Thraldomat large hath made this prison fre
Dangerwell past remembred workes delight:
Oflingring doutes such hope is sprong pardie
Thatnought I finde displeasaunt in my sight:
But whenmy glasse presented vnto me.
Thecurelesse wound that bledeth day and nyght
To think(alas) such hap should graunted be
Vnto awretch that hath no hart to fight
To spillthat blood that hath so oft bene shed
ForBritannes sake (alas) and now is ded.
My Ratclif
Exhortacionto learne by others trouble.
MyRatclifwhen thy rechlesse youth offendes:
Receue thyscourge by others chastisement.
For suchcallyngwhen it workes none amendes:
Thenplages are sent without aduertisement.
YetSalomon saydthe wronged shall recure:
But Wiatsaid truethe skarre doth aye endure.
The fansywhich that I
The fansieof a weried louer.
The fansywhich that I haue serued long
That hathalway bene enmy to myne ease
Semed oflate to rue vpon my wrong
And bad meflye the cause of my misease.
And Iforthwith dyd prease out of the throng
Thatthought by flight my painfull hart to please
Som otherway: tyll I saw faith more strong:
And to myself I sayd: alasthose dayes
In vaynwere spentto runne the race so long.
And withthat thoughtI met my guydethat playn
Out of theway wherin I wandred wrong
Brought meamiddes the hyllesin base Bullayn:
Where I amnowas restlesse to remayn
Against mywillfull pleased with my payn.
Songesby ThomasWyatt
The longeloue
The louerfor shamefastnesse hideth his desire within his faithfull hart.
The longelouethat in my thought I harber
And in myhart doth kepe his residence
Into myface preaseth with bold pretence
And therecampethdisplaying his banner.
She thatme learns to loueand to suffer
And willesthat my trustand lustes negligence
Be reinedby reasonshameand reuerence
With hishardinesse takes displeasure.
Wherwithloue to the hartes forest he fleeth
Leauynghis enterprise with paine and crye
And therehim hideth and not appeareth.
What may Ido? when my maister feareth
But in thefield with him to liue and dye
For goodis the lifeendyng faithfully.
Yet was Ineuer
The louerwaxeth wiserand will not die for affection
Yet was Ineuer of your loue agreued
Nor neuershallwhile that my life doth last:
But ofhatyng my selfthat date is past
And tearescontinual sore haue me weried.
I will notyet in my graue be buried
Nor on mytombe your name haue fixed fast
As cruelcausethat did my sprite sone hast.
Fromthunhappy boones by great sighes stirred.
Then if anhart of amorous fayth and will
Contentyour minde withouten doyng grief:
Please ityou so to this to do relief.
Ifotherwise you seke for to fulfill
Yourwrath: you erreand shal not as you wene
And youyour self the cause therof haue bene.
Was neuerfile yet half
The abusedlouer seeth his folyand entendeth to trust no more.
Was neuerfile yet half so well yfiled
To file afile for any smithes intent
As I wasmade a filyng instrument
To frameotherwhile that I was begiled.
Butreasonloehath at my foly smiled
Andpardoned mesins that I me repent
Of my lostyeresand of my time mispent.
For youthled meand falshod me misguided.
Yetthistrust I haue of great apparence:
Sins thatdisceit is ay returnable
Of veryeforce it is agreable
Thattherwithall be done the recompence.
Then gilebegiled playnd should be neuer
And thereward is little trust for euer.
The liuelysparkes
The louerdescribeth his being striken with sight of his loue.
The liuelysparkesthat issue from those eyes
Againstthe which there vaileth no defence
Haue perstmy hartand done it none offence
Withquakyng pleasuremore then once or twise.
Was neuerman could any thing deuise
Sunnebeames to turne with so great vehemence
To dasemans sightas by their bright presence
Dased amImuch like vnto the gise
Of onstriken with dint of lightenyng
Blind withthe strokeand erryng here and there.
So call Ifor helpeI not whennor where
The payneof my fall paciently bearyng.
Forstreight after the blase (as is no wonder)
Of deadlynoyse heare I the fearfull thunder.
Svch vainthought
Thewaueryng louer wyllethand dreadethto moue his desire.
Svch vainthoughtas wonted to mislead me
In deserthope by well assured mone
Makes mefrom company to liue alone
Infolowyng her whom reason bids me fle.
And afterher my hart would faine be gone:
But armedsighes my way do stop anone
Twixt hopeand dread lockyng my libertie.
So fleethshe by gentle crueltie.
Yet as Igesse vnder disdainfull brow
One beameof ruth is in her cloudy loke:
Whichcomfortes the mindthat erst for fear shoke.
Thatbolded straight the way then seke I how
To vtterforth the smart I bide within:
But suchit isI not how to begyn.
The louerhauing dreamed enioying of his louecomplaineth that the dreame isnot either longer or truer.
Vnstabledreameaccordyng to the place
Bestedfast onesor els at least be true.
By tastedswetenessemake me not to rew
The sodenlosse of thy false fained grace.
By goodrespect in such a dangerous case
Thoubroughtest not her into these tossing seas
But madestmy sprite to liue my care tencrease
My body intempest her delight timbrace.
The bodydeadthe sprite had his desire.
Painelessewas thonethe other in delight.
Why thenalas did it not kepe it right
But thusreturn to leape in to the fire:
And whereit was at wishecould not remayne?
Suchmockes of dreames do turne to deadly payne.
Ye that inloue finde luck
The louervnhappy biddeth happy louers reioice in Maiewhile he waileth thatmoneth to him most vnlucky.
Ye that inloue finde luck and swete abundance
And lyuein lust of ioyfull iolitie
Aryse forshamedoway (Note: do way) your sluggardy:
Arise Isaydo May some obseruance:
Let me inbed lyedreamyng of mischance.
Let meremember my missehappes vnhappy
That mebetide in May most commonly:
As onewhom loue list little to aduance.
Stephansaid truethat my natiuitie
Mischancedwas with the ruler of May.
He gest (Iproue) of that the veritie.
In May mywealthand eke my wittesI say
Haue standso oft in such perplexitie.
Ioye: letme dreame of your felicitie.
If wakercare
The louerconfesseth him in loue with Phillis.
If wakercare: if sodayn pale colour:
If manysigheswith litle speach to plaine:
Now ioyenow wo: if they my chere distayne:
For hopeof smallif much to fear therfore
To hasteor slack: my pace to lesseor more:
Be signeof loue: then do I loue agayne.
If thouaske whom: sure sins I did refrayne
Brunetthat set my welth in such a rore
Thunfaynedchere of Phillis hath the place
ThatBrunet had: she hathand euer shall:
She frommy self now hath me in her grace:
She hathin hand my witmy willand all:
My hartalone welworthy she doth stay
Withoutwhose helpe skant do I liue a day.
Cesarwhen that the
Of othersfained sorrowand the louers fained mirth.
Cesarwhen that the traytour of Egypt
Withthonorable hed did him present
Couerynghis hartes gladnessedid represent
Plaintwith his teares outwardas it is writ.
EkeHannibalwhen fortune him outshyt
Clene fromhis reigneand from all his entent
Laught tohis folkewhom sorow did torment
His crueldespite for to disgorge and quit.
Sochanceth methat euery passion
The mindehideth by colour contrary
Withfayned visagenow sadnow mery.
Wherbyifthat I laugh at any season:
It isbecause I haue none other way
To clokemy carebut vnder sport and play.
Eche manme telth
Of changein minde.
Eche manme telthI change most my deuise:
Andon myfaithme thinke it good reason
To changepurposelike after the season.
For in echcase to kepe still one guise
Is metefor themthat would be taken wise.
And I amnot of such maner condicion:
Buttreated after a diuers fashion:
Andtherupon my diuersnesse doth rise.
But youthis diuersnesse that blamen most
Change youno morebut still after one rate
Treat youme well: and kepe you in that state.
And whilewith me doth dwell this weried gost
My wordnor I shall not be variable
Butalwaies oneyour owne both firme and stable.
Somefowles there be
How thelouer perisheth in his delightas the flie in the fire.
Somefowles there bethat haue so perfit sight
Againstthe sunne their eies for to defend:
And somebecause the light doth them offend
Neuerappearebut in the darkeor night.
Otherreioyceto se the fire so bryght
And weneto play in itas they pretend:
But findcontrary of itthat they intend.
Alasofthat sort may I beby right.
For towithstand her loke I am not able:
Yet can Inot hide me in no dark place:
Sofoloweth me remembrance of that face:
That withmy teary eynswolneand vnstable
My destenyto beholde her doth me lead:
And yet IknoweI runne into the glead.
Because Istill kept thee
Againsthis tong that failed to vtter his sutes.
Because Istill kept thee fro lyesand blame
And to mypower alwayes thee honoured
Vnkindtongueto yll hast thou me rendred
For suchdesert to do me wreke and shame.
In nede ofsuccour most when that I am
To askereward: thou standst like one afraied
Alway mostcold: and if one word be sayd
As in adreamevnperfit is the same.
And yesalt tearesagaynst my wyll eche nyght
That arewyth mewhen I would be alone:
Then areye gonewhen I should make my mone.
And ye soready sighesto make me shright
Then areye slackewhen that ye should outstart.
And onelydoth my loke declare my hart.
I find nopeace
Descriptionof the contrarious passions in a louer.
I Find nopeaceand all my warre is done:
I feareand hope: I burneand frese like yse:
I flyealoftyet can I not arise:
And noughtI haueand all the worlde I season.
Thatlockes nor losethholdeth me in pryson
And holdesme notyet can I scape no wise:
Nor lettesme lyuenor dyeat my deuise
And yet ofdeath it geueth me occasion.
Withouteye I sewithout tong I playne:
I wish toperyshyet I aske for helth:
I loueanotherand thus I hate my selfe.
I fede mein sorowand laugh in all my payne.
Lothusdispleaseth me both death and life.
And mydelight is causer of this strife.
My galleycharged
The louercompareth his state to a shippe in perilous storme tossed on the sea.
My galleycharged with forgetfulnesse
Throughsharpe seasin winter nightes doth passe
Twenerockeand rocke: and eke my fo (alas)
That is mylordstereth with cruelnesse:
And eueryhourea thought in readinesse
As thoughthat death were lightin such a case.
Anendlesse wynd doth teare the sayle apace
Of forcedsighesand trusty fearfulnesse.
A rayne oftearesa clowde of darke disdayne
Haue donethe weried coardes great hinderance
Wrethedwith errourand wyth ignorance.
Thestarres be hiddethat leade me to this payne.
Drownde isreason that should be my comfort:
And Iremaynedispearyng of the port.
Avisyngthe bright beames
Ofdouteous loue.
Avisyngthe bright beames of those fayre eyes
Where heabides that mine oft moistes and washeth:
The weriedmynd streight from the hart departeth
To restwithin hys worldly Paradise
And bitterfindes the swetevnder this gyse.
Whatwebbes there he hath wroughtwell he perceaueth
Wherbythen with him self on loue he playneth
That spurswyth fireand brydleth eke with yse.
In suchextremity thus is he brought:
Frosen nowcoldand now he standes in flame:
Twixt woand welth: betwixt earnestand game:
Withseldome gladand many a diuers thought:
In sorerepentance of hys hardinesse.
Of such aroote lo cometh frute frutelesse.
They fleefrom me
The louersheweth how he is forsaken of such as he somtime enioyed.
They fleefrom methat somtime did me seke
With nakedfote stalkyng within my chamber.
Once haueI seen them gentletameand meke
That noware wildand do not once remember
Thatsometyme they haue put them selues in danger
To takebread at my handand now they range
Busilysekyng in continuall change.
Thanked befortuneit hath bene otherwise
Twentytymes better: but once especiall
In thinnearayafter a pleasant gyse
When herloose gowne did from her shoulders fall
And she mecaught in her armes long and small
Andtherwithallso swetely did me kysse
And softlysayd: deare harthow like you this?
It was nodreame: for I lay broade awakyng.
But all isturnde now through my gentlenesse.
Into abitter fashion of forsakyng:
And I haueleaue to go of her goodnesse
And shealso to vse newfanglenesse.
Butsinsthat I vnkyndly so am serued:
How likeyou thiswhat hath she now deserued?
Madamewithouten many wordes
To a ladieto answere directly with yea or nay.
Madamewithouten many wordes:
Once I amsureyou willor no.
And if youwill: then leaue your boordes
And vseyour witand shew it so:
For with abeck you shall me call.
And if ofonethat burns alway
Ye hauepity or ruth at all:
Answer hymfayer with yeaor nay.
If it beyea: I shall be faine.
Yf it benay: frendesas before.
You shallanother man obtayn:
And I mineowneand yours nomore. (Note: no more)
To hisloue whom he had kissed against her will.
AlasMadamefor stealing of a kisse
Haue I somuch your mynde therin offended?
Or haue Idone so greuously amisse:
That by nomeanesit may not be amended?
Reuengeyou thenthe rediest way is this:
Anotherkisse my life it shall haue ended.
Forto mymouth the first my hart did suck:
The nextshall clene out of my brest it pluck.
Thewandring gadling
Of theIelous man that loued the same woman and espied this other sittingwith her.
Thewandring gadlingin the sommer tyde
Thatfindes the Adder with his rechlesse foote
Startesnot dismaid so sodeinly aside
As iealousdespite didthough there were no boote
When thathe saw me sitting by her syde
That of myhealth is very cropand roote.
It pleasedme then to haue so fayre a grace
To styngthe hartthat would haue had my place.
What nedesthese threatnyng woordes
To hisloue from whom he hadd her gloues.
What nedesthese threatnyng woordesand wasted wynd?
All thiscan not make me restore my pray
To robbeyour good ywis is not my minde:
Norcauselesse your faire hand did I display.
Let louebe iudge: or els whom next we finde:
That mayboth hearwhat you and I can say.
She reftmy hart: and I a gloue from her:
Let vs sethen if one be worth the other.
Right trueit is
Of thefained frend.
Right trueit isand sayd full yore ago:
Take hedeof himthat by the backe thee claweth.
Fornoneis worsethen is a frendly fo.
Thought heseme goodall thing that thee deliteth
Yet knowit wellthat in thy bosome crepeth.
Formanya man such fire oft times he kindleth:
That withthe blase his berd him self he singeth.
It may begood
The louertaughtmistrusteth allurementes.
It may begood like it who list:
But I dodoutwho can me blame?
For oftassuredyet haue I mist:
And nowagaine I fear the same.
Thewordesthat from your mouth last came
Of sodaynchange make me agast.
For dreadto fallI stand not fast.
Alas Itread an endlesse mase:
That seketaccord two contraries:
And hopethus stylland nothing hase:
Imprisonedin liberties
As onevnheardand styll that cryes:
Alwayesthirstyand naught doth taste
For dreadeto fallI stand not fast.
Assured Idout I be not sure
Should Ithen trust vnto such suretie?
That ofthaue put the proufe in vre
And neueryet haue found it trustie?
Nay syr infaythit were great folly.
And yet mylife thus do I waste
For dreadeto fall I stand not fast.
Resowndemy voyce ye woodes
The louercomplayneth that his loue doth not pitie him.
Resowndemy voyce ye woodesthat heare me plaine:
Bothhilles and vales causyng reflexion
And riuersekerecord ye of my paine:
Which haueoft forced ye by compassion
As iudgeslo to heare my exclamacion.
Amongewhomsuch (I finde) yet doth remaine.
Where I itsekealasthere is disdaine.
Oft yeriuersto hear my wofull sounde
Haue stoptyour coursand plainely to expresse
Many ateare by moisture of the grounde
The earthhath wept to hear my heauinesse:
Whichcauselesse I endure without redresse.
The hugyokes haue rored in the winde
Ech thingme thought complayning in their kinde.
Why thenalas doth not she on me rew
Or is herhart so hard that no pitie
May in itsinkemy ioye for to renew?
O stonyhart who hath thus framed thee
So cruell?that art cloked with beauty
That fromthee may no grace to me procede
But asreward death for to be my mede.
In fayth Iwot not what to say
The louerreioyseth against fortune that by hindering his sute had happily madehim forsake his folly.
In fayth Iwot not what to say
Thychaunces ben so wonderous
Thoufortune with thy diuers play
That makstthe ioyfull dolourous
And ekethe same right ioyous.
Yet thoughthy chayne hath me enwrapt
Spite ofthy haphap hath well hapt.
Thoughthou hast set me for a wonder
And sekestby change to do me payne:
Mensmindes yet mayst thou not so order
Forhonestie if it remayne
Shallshine for all thy cloudy rayne.
In vaynethou sekest to haue me trapt
Spite ofthy haphap hath well hapt.
Inhindryng meme didst thou further
And made agap where was a style.
Cruellwilles ben oft put vnder
Wenyng tolowerthen didst thou smile.
Lordhowthy selfe thou didst begyle
That inthy cares wouldst me haue wrapt?
But spiteof thy haphap hath well hapt.
Farewellthe hart of crueltie
Arenouncing of hardly escaped loue.
Farewellthe hart of crueltie.
Thoughthat with payne my libertie
Deare haueI boughtand wofully
Finisht myfearfull tragedy.
Of force Imust forsake such pleasure:
A goodcause iustsins I endure
Therby mywowhiche be ye sure
Shalltherwith go me to recure.
I fare asone escapt that fleeth
Glad he isgoneand yet styll feareth
Spied tobe caughtand so dredeth
That hefor nought his paine leseth.
In ioyfullpayne reioyce my hart
Thus tosustaine of ech a part.
Let notthis song from thee astart.
Welcomeamong my pleasant smart.
Therestfull place
The louerto his bedwith describing of his vnquiet state.
Therestfull placerenewer of my smart:
Thelabours salueencreasyng my sorow:
The bodyeseaseand troubler of my hart:
Quieter ofmindemyne vnquiet fo:
Forgetterof payneremembrer of my wo:
The placeof slepewherin I do but wake:
Besprentwith tearesmy bedI thee forsake.
The frostysnowes may not redresse my heat:
Nor heatof sunne abate my feruent cold.
I knownothing to ease my paynes so great.
Ech curecauseth encrease by twenty fold
Renewyngcares vpon my sorowes old.
Suchouerthwart effectes in me they make.
Besprentwith teares my bedde for to forsake.
But allfor nought: I finde no better ease
In bedorout. This most causeth my paine:
Where I doseke how best that I may please
My lostlabour (alas) is all in vaine.
My hartonce setI can not it refrayne.
No placefrom me my grief away can take.
Wherforewith tearesmy bedI thee forsake.
From thesehie hilles
Comparisonof loue to a streame falling from the Alpes.
From thesehie hilles as when a spring doth fall
Ittrilleth downe with still and suttle course
Of thisand that it gathers ay and shall
Till ithaue iust downflowed to streame and force:
Then atthe fote it rageth ouer all.
So farethlouewhen he hath tane a sourse.
Rage ishis raine. Resistance vayleth none.
The firsteschue is remedy alone.
Myne oldedere enmy
wiatescomplaint vpon Loueto Reason: with Loues answer.
Myne oldedere enmymy froward maister
Afore thatQueneI causde to be accited
Whichholdeth the diuine part of our nature
Thatlikeas goldein fire he mought be tryed.
Chargedwith dolourthere I me presented
Withhorrible feareas one that greatly dredeth
Awrongfull deathand iustice alway seketh.
And thus Isayd: once my left footeMadame
When I wasyongI set within his reigne:
Wherbyother than fierly burning flame
I neuerfeltbut many a greuous pain.
Torment Isuffredangreand disdain:
That mineoppressed pacience was past
And I mineowne life hatedat the last.
Thushitherto haue I my time passed
In painand smart. What wayes profitable:
How manypleasant dayes haue me escaped
In seruingthis false lyer so deceauable?
What withaue wordes so prestand forceable
That mayconteyn my great mishappinesse
And iustcomplaintes of his vngentlenesse?
So smallhonymuch aloesand gall
Inbitternessemy blinde life hath ytasted.
His falsesemblancethat turneth as a ball:
With fairand amorous dauncemade me be traced
AndwhereI had my thoughtand mynde araced
Fromearthly frailnesseand from vayn pleasure
Me from myrest he tokeand set in errour:
God madehe me regard lessethan I ought
And to myself to take right litle hede:
And for awoman haue I set at nought
All otherthoughtes: in this onely to spede.
And he wasonely counseler of this dede:
Whettyngalwayes my youthly frayle desire
On cruellwhetstontempered with fire.
But (Ohalas) wherehad I euer wit?
Or othergiftgeuen to me of nature?
Thatsooner shalbe changed my weried sprite:
Then theobstinate wyllthat is my ruler.
So robbethhe my fredom with displeasure
Thiswicked traytourwhom I thus accuse:
Thatbitter life hath turned in pleasant vse.
He hath mehastedthorough diuers regions:
Throughdesert wodesand sharp hye mountaines:
Throughfroward peopleand through bitter passions:
Throughrocky seasand ouer hilles and plaines:
With werytrauelland with laborous paynes:
Alwayes introuble and in tediousnesse:
All inerrourand dangerous distresse
But notherhenor shemy tother fo
For all myflightdyd euer me forsake:
Thatthough my timely death hath been to slow
That me asyetit hath not ouertake:
Theheauenly goddes of pity doe it slake.
Andnotethey this his cruell tiranny
That fedeshimwith my careand misery.
Since Iwas hishower rested I neuer
Nor loketo do: and eke the waky nightes
Thebanished slepe may in no wise recouer.
By guileand forceouer my thralled sprites
He isruler: since which bel neuer strikes
That Iheare not as sounding to renue
Myplaintes. Himselfhe knoweththat I say true.
Forneuerwormes olde rotten stocke haue eaten:
As he myhartwhere he is resident
And doththesame (Note: the same) with death dayly threaten.
Thencecome the tearesand thence the bitter torment:
Thesighes: the wordesand eke the languishment:
That noyboth meand parauenture other.
Iudgethou: that knowest the oneand eke the tother.
Mineaduersairwith such greuous reproofe
Thus hebegan. Heare Ladythother part:
That theplain trothfrom which he draweth aloofe
Thisvnkinde man may shewere that I part.
In hisyong ageI toke him from that art
Thatselleth wordesand makes a clatteryng Knight:
And of mywealth I gaue him the delight.
Now shameshe not on me for to complain
That heldhim euermore in pleasant gain
From hisdesyrethat might haue been his payn.
Yet therbyalone I brought him to some frame:
Which nowas wretchedneshe doth so blame:
Andtowarde honor quickned I his wit:
Where:as adaskard els he mought haue sit.
Heknowethhow grete Atride that made Troy freat
AndHanniballto Rome so troubelous:
Whom HomerhonoredAchilles that great
AndThaffricane Scipion the famous:
And manyotherby much nurture glorious:
Whosefameand honor did bring them aboue:
I did letfall in base dishonest loue.
And vntohimthough he vnworthy were:
I chosethe best of many a Milion:
Thatvnder sonne yet neuer was her pere
Of wisdomwomanhodand of discrecion:
And of mygrace I gaue her such a facion
And ekesuch way I taught her for to teache
That neuerbase thought his hart so hye might reche
Euermorethus to content his maistresse
That washis onely frame of honesty
I stirredhim stilltoward gentlenesse:
And causdehim to regard fidelity.
Pacience Itaught him in aduersity.
Suchvertues learnedhe in my great schole:
Wherofrepentethnow the ignorant foole.
Thesewere the same deceitesand bitter gall
That Ihaue vsedthe tormentand the anger:
Sweterthen euer dyd to other fall
Of rightgood sede yll frute loe thus I gather.
And soshall hethat the vnkinde dothe further.
A Serpentnourish I vnder my wing:
And now ofnatureginneth he to styng.
And for totellat lastmy great seruise.
Fromthousand dishonesties haue I him drawen:
Thatbymy meaneshim in no maner wyse.
Neuer vilepleasure once hath ouerthrowen.
Whereinhis dedeshame hath him alwaies gnawen:
Doutyngreportthat should come to her eare:
Whom nowhe blamesher wonted he to feare.
What euerhe hath of any honest custome:
Of herand me: that holdes he euerywhit
Butloyet neuer was there nightly fantome
So farrein errouras he is from his wit.
To plainon vshe striueth with the bit
Which mayrule himand do him easeand pain:
And in onehowermake all his grief his gayn.
Butonething yet there isaboue all other:
I gaue himwingeswherwith he might vpflie
To honorand fame: and if he would to higher
Thanmortall thingesaboue the starry skie:
Consideringthe pleasurethat an eye
Might geuein earthby reason of the loue:
Whatshould that be that lasteth still aboue?
And he thesame himself hath saydere this.
Butnowforgotten is both that and I
That gaueher himhis onely wealth and blisse.
Andatthis wordwith dedly shreke and cry:
Thou gaueher once: quod Ibut by and by
Thou tokeher ayen from me: that wo worth the.
Not I butprice: more worth than thou (quod he.)
At last:eche other for himselfconcluded:
Itrembling still: but hewith small reuerence.
Lothusas we eche other haue accused:
Dere Lady:now we waite thyne onely sentence.
Shesmilingat the whisted audience:
It likethme (quod she) to haue hard your question:
Butlenger time doth ask a resolucion.
Maruell nomore altho
The louerssorowfull state maketh him write sorowfull songesbut Souche hisloue may change thesame. (Note: the same)
Maruellnomore (Note: no more) altho
ThesongesI sing do mone:
For otherlyfe then wo
I neuerproued none.
And in myhartalso
Is grauenwith letters depe
A thousandsighes and mo:
A flood ofteares to wepe.
How may aman in smart
Findematter to reioyce?
How may amoornyng hart
Set foortha pleasant voice.
Play whoso canthat part:
Nedes mustin me appere:
Howfortune ouerthwart
Doth causemy moorning chere.
Perdythere is no man
If he sawneuer sight:
Thatperfitly tell can
The natureof the light.
Alas: howshould I than
That neuertaste but sowre:
But doasI began
Continuallyto lowre.
But yetperchance some chance
May chanceto change my tune:
Andwhen(Souch) chance doth chance:
Thenshall I thank fortune?
And if Ihaue (Souch) chance:
Perchanceere it be long:
For(Souch) a pleasant chance
To singsome pleasant song.
Whereshall I haue
The louercomplaineth himself forsaken.
Whereshall I haueat myne owne wyll
Teares tocomplain? Where shall I fet
Suchsighes? that I may sigh my fyll:
And thenagayne my plaintes repete.
Forthough my plaint shall haue none end:
My tearescannot suffise my wo.
To mone myharmhaue I no frend.
Forfortunes frend is mishaps fo.
Comfort(God wot) els haue I none:
But in thewinde to wast my wordes
Noughtmoueth you my dedly mone:
But stilyou turne it into bordes.
I speakenotnowto moue your hart
That youshould rue vpon my payn:
Thesentence geuen may not reuert:
I knowsuch labour were but vayn.
But sincethat I for you (my dere)
Haue lostthat thyngthat was my best:
A rightsmall losse it must appere
To lesethese wordesand all the rest.
Butthough they sparcle in the winde:
Yetshallthey shew your falsed faith:
Which isreturned to his kynde:
For lyketo like: the prouerb sayeth
Fortuneand you did me auance.
MethoughtI swamand could not drowne:
Happiestof allbut my mischance
Did liftme vpto throw me downe.
And youwith herof cruelnesse
Dyd setyour foote vpon my neck
Meand mywelfare to oppresse:
Withoutoffenceyour hart to wreck
Where areyour pleasant wordes? alas:
Where isyour faith? your stedfastnesse?
There isno more: but all doth passe:
And I amleft all comfortlesse.
But sinceso much it doth you greue
And alsome my wretched life:
Haue heremy troth: Nought shall releue
But deathalone my wretched strife.
Therforefarewell my lifemy death
My gaynmy losse: my saluemy sore:
Farewellalsowith you my breath:
ForI amgone for euermore.
She satand sowed
Of hisloue that pricked her finger with a nedle.
She satand sowed: that hath done me the wrong:
Wherof Iplainand haue done many a day:
Andwhilst she herd my plaintin piteous song:
She wishtmy hart the samplarthat it lay.
The blindemaisterwhom I haue serued so long:
Grudgyngto hearethat he did heare her say:
Made herowne weapon do her finger blede:
To feleif pricking wer so good in dede.
What manhath hard such cruelty
Ofthesame. (Note: the same)
What manhath hard such cruelty before?
Thatwhenmy plaint remembred her my wo
Thatcaused it: she cruell moreand more
Wishedeche stitcheas she did sitand sow
Had pricktmy hartfor to encrease my sore.
Andas Ithinkshe thoughtit had bene so.
For as shethoughtthis is his hart in dede:
Shepricked hard: and made her self to blede.
BeholdLouethy power
Request toCupidefor reuenge of his vnkinde loue.
BeholdLouethy power how she despiseth:
My greuouspayn how litle she regardeth
Thesolemne othewherof she takes no cure
Broken shehath: and yetshe bydeth sure
Right ather easeand litle thee she dredeth.
Weaponedthou artand she vnarmed sitteth:
To thedisdainfulall her life she leadeth:
To mespitefullwithout iust causeor measure.
BeholdLouehow proudly she triumpheth
I am inholdbut if thee pitie meueth:
Gobendthy bowthat stony hartes breaketh:
And withsome stroke reuenge the great displeasure
Of theeand himthat (Note: him that) sorow doth endure
And as hisLord thee lowly here entreateth.
Whatvaileth troth?
Complaintfor true loue vnrequited.
Whatvaileth troth? or by itto take payn?
To striueby stedfastnessefor to attayn
How to beiust: and flee from doublenesse?
Since allalykewhere ruleth craftinesse
Rewardedis both crafty falseand plain.
Soonest hespedesthat most can lye and fayn.
Truemeaning hart is had in hye disdain.
Againstdeceytand cloked doublenesse
Whatvaileth trothor parfit stedfastnesse.
Deceaud isheby false and crafty trayn
Thatmeanes no gyleand faithfull doth remayn
Within thetrapwithout help or redresse.
But for toloue (lo) such a sterne maistresse
Wherecruelty dwellesalas it were in vain.
Somtime Ifled the fire
The louerthat fled loue now folowes it with his harme.
Somtime Ifled the firethat me so brent
By seabylandby waterand by wynde:
And nowthe coales I folowthat be quent
From Douerto Calaiswith willing minde
Lohowdesire is both furth sprongand spent:
And he mayseethat whilom was so blinde:
And allhis labourlaughes he now to scorne
Meashed inthe breersthat erst was onely torne.
He is notdead
The louerhopeth of better chance.
He is notdeadthat somtime had a fall.
The Sonnereturnesthat hid was vnder clowd.
And whenFortune hath spit out all her gall
I trustgood luck to me shall be alowd.
ForIhaue seen a ship in hauen fall
After thatstorme hath broke both masteand shroude.
Thewillowe ekethat stoupeth with the winde
Doth riseagaineand greater wood doth binde.
Thefurious goonne
The louercompareth his hart to the ouercharged gonne.
Thefurious goonnein his most ragyng yre
When thatthe boule is rammed in to sore:
And thatthe flame cannot part from the fire
Crackes insunder: and in the ayer doe rore
Thesheuered peces. So doth my desyre
Whoseflame encreaseth ay from more to more.
Which tolet outI dare not lokenor speake:
So inwardforce my hart doth all to breake.
Accusedthough I be
The louersuspected of change praieth that it be not beleued against him.
Accusedthough I bewithout desert:
Sith nonecan prouebeleue it not for true.
For neueryetsince that you had my hert
Intended Ito falseor be vntrue.
Sooner Iwould of death sustayn the smart
Thanbreake one word of that I promised you.
Accepttherfore my seruice in good part.
None isalyuethat can yll tonges eschew.
Hold themas false: and let not vs depart
Ourfrendship oldein hope of any new.
Put notthy trust in such as vse to fayn
Exceptthou mynde to put thy frend to payn.
My loue toskorne
The louerabused renownseth loue.
My loue toskornemy seruice to retayne
Therin (methought) you vsed crueltie.
Since withgood will I lost my libertie
Mightneuer wo yet cause me to refrain
But onelythiswhich is extremitie
To geue menought (alas) nor to agree
That as Iwasyour man I might remain.
But syncethat thus ye list to order me
That wouldhaue bene your seruant trueand fast:
Displeaseyou not: my doting time is past.
And withmy losse to leaue I must agree.
For asthere is a certayn time to rage:
So isthere time such madnes to aswage.
Within mybrest
The louerprofesseth himself constant.
Within mybrest I neuer thought it gain
Of gentlemynde the fredom for to lose.
Nor in myhart sanck neuer such disdain
To be aforgerfaultes for to disclose.
Nor I cannot endure the truth to glose
To set aglosse vpon an earnest pain.
Nor I amnot in nomber one of those
That listto blow retrete to euery train.
Passeforth my wonted cryes
The louersendeth his complaintes and teares to sue for grace.
Passeforth my wonted cryes
Thosecruell eares to pearce
Which inmost hatefull wyse
Doe styllmy plaintes reuerse.
Doe youmy tearesalso
So wet herbarrein hart:
That pityethere may grow
Andcrueltie depart.
For thoughhard rockes among
She semesto haue bene bred:
And of theTigre long
Benenourishedand fed.
Yet shallthat nature change
If pitieonce win place.
Whom asvnknowenand strange
She nowaway doth chase.
And as thewater soft
Withoutforcyng or strength
Where thatit falleth oft
Hardstones doth perse at length:
So in herstony hart
Myplaintes at last shall graue
Andrygour set apart
Winnegrant of that I craue.
Wherforemy plaintespresent
Styll soto her my sute
As yethrough her assent
May bringto me some frute.
And as sheshall me proue
So bid herme regarde
And renderloue for loue:
Which is aiust reward.
Your lokesso often cast
The louerscase can not be hidden how euer he dissemble.
Your lokesso often cast
Your eyesso frendly rolde
Your sightfixed so fast
Alwayesone to behold.
Thoughhyde it fayn ye would:
It plainlydoth declare
Who hathyour hart in hold
And wheregood will ye bare
Fayn wouldye finde a cloke
Yourbrennyng fire to hyde:
Yet boththe flameand smoke
Breakesout on euery syde.
Yee cannot loue so guide
That it noissue winne.
Abrodenedes must it glide
That brensso hote within.
For causeyour self do wink
Ye iudgeall other blinde:
And secretit you think
Whicheuery man doth finde.
In wastoft spend ye winde
Your selfin loue to quit:
For aguesof that kinde
Will showwho hath the fit.
Yoursighes yow fet from farre
And all towry your wo:
Yet are yenere the narre
Men ar notblinded so.
Depely oftswere ye no:
But allthose othes ar vaine.
So wellyour eye doth showe
Who puttesyour hert to paine.
Thinke nottherfore to hide
That stillit selfe betrayes:
Nor sekemeanes to prouide
To darkethe sunny daies.
Forgetthose wonted waies:
Leaue ofsuch frowning chere:
There willbe found no stayes
To stoppea thing so clere.
Disdaineme not without desert
The louerpraieth not to be disdainedrefusedmistrustednor forsaken.
Disdaineme not without desert:
Nor leaueme not so sodenly:
Sins wellye wotthat in my hert
I meane yenot but honestly.
Refuse menot without cause why:
Nor thinkme not to be vniust:
Sins thatby lotte of fantasy
Thiscarefull knot neades knit I must.
Mistrustme notthough some there be
That fainewould spot my stedfastnesse:
Beleuethem notsins that ye se
The profeis notas they expresse.
Forsake menottill I deserue:
Nor hateme nottyll I offend.
Destroy menottyll that I swerue.
But sinsye know what I intend:
Disdaineme not that am your owne:
Refuse menot that am so true:
Mistrustme not till all be knowne:
Forsake menotne for no new.
For wantof will
The louerlamenteth his estate with sute for grace.
For wantof willin wo I playne:
Vndercolour of sobernesse.
Renewyngwith my sute my payne
My wanhopewith your stedfastnesse.
Awaketherfore of gentlenesse.
Regard atlengthI you require
Thesweltyng paynes of my desire.
Betimeswho geueth willingly
Redoubledthankes aye doth deserue.
And I thatsue vnfaynedly
Infrutelesse hope (alas) do sterue.
How greatmy cause is for to swerue:
And yethow stedfast is my sute:
Lohereye seewhere is the frute?
As houndethat hath his keper lost
Seke Iyour presence to obtayne:
In whichmy hart deliteth most
And shalldelight though I be slayne.
You mayrelease my band of payne.
Lose thenthe care that makes me crye
For wantof helpe or els I dye.
I dyethough not incontinent
Byprocesse yet consumingly
As wasteof firewhich doth relent.
If you aswilfull wyll denye.
Wherforecease of such crueltye:
And takeme wholy in your grace:
Whichlacketh will to change his place.
If euerman might him auaunt
The louerwaileth his changed ioyes.
If euerman might him auaunt
Offortunes frendly chere:
It was myselfe I must it graunt
For I hauebought it dere.
And derelyhaue I helde also
The gloryof her name:
In yeldingher such tributelo
As did setforth her fame.
Sometyme Istode so in her grace:
Thatas I would require
Echioy I thought did me imbrace
Thatfurdered my desire.
Andall those pleasures (lo) had I
Thatfansy might support:
Andnothing she did me denye
Thatwas to my comfort.
Ihad (what would you more perdee?)
Echgrace that I did craue.
Thusfortunes will was vnto me
Allthing that I would haue.
But all torathe alas the while
She builton such a ground:
In littlespaceto great a guyle
In her nowhaue I found.
For shehath turned so her whele:
That Ivnhappy man
May wailethe time that I did fele
Wherwithshe fedde me than.
For brokennow are her behestes:
Andpleasant lokes she gaue:
Andtherfore now all my requestes
Fromperill can not saue.
Yet wouldI well it might appere
To her mychiefe regard:
Though mydesertes haue ben to dere
To meritesuch reward.
Sithfortunes will is now so bent
To plageme thus pore man:
I must myselfe therwith content:
And beareit as I can.
Some menwould thinke of right
The louerlamenteth other to haue the frutes of his seruice.
Some menwould thinke of right to haue
For theirtrue meaning some reward.
But whilethat I do crye and craue:
I se thatother be preferd.
I gape forthat I am debard.
I fare asdoth the hounde at hatch:
The worseI spedethe lenger I watch.
Mywastefull will is tried by trust:
My fondfansie is mine abuse.
For that Iwould refrayne my lust:
For mineauayle I can not chuse
A willand yet no power to vse.
A willnowill by reason iust
Sins mywill is at others lust.
They eatthe honyI hold the hyue.
I sowe thesedethey reape the corne.
I wastethey winneI drawthey driue.
Theirs isthe thankemine is the skorne.
I sekethey spedein waste my winde is worne.
I gapethey getand gredely I snatch:
Till wurseI spedethe lenger I watch.
I fastthey fede: they drynkeI thurst.
TheylaughI wayle: they ioyeI mourne.
TheygayneI lose: I haue the worst.
TheywholeI sicke: they coldI burne.
TheyleapeI lye: they slepeI tosse and turne
I wouldthey may: I crauethey haue at will.
Thathelpeth themlocruelty doth me kyll.
Theanswere that ye made
To hisloue that had geuen him answere of refusell.
Theanswere that ye made to me my deare
When I didsue for my pore hartes redresse:
Hath soappalde my countenance and my chere:
That inthis caseI am all comfortlesse:
Sins I ofblame no cause can well expresse.
I haue nowrongwhere I can clayme no right.
Noughttane me frowhere I haue nothing had.
Yet of mywoI can not so be quite.
Namelysins that another may be glad
With thatthat thus in sorow makes me sad.
Yet nonecan claime (I saie) by former graunt
Thatknoweth not of any graunt at all.
And bydesertI dare well make auaunt
Offaithfull willthere is no where that shall
Bear youmore trouthmore ready at your call.
Now goodthencall againe that bitter word:
Thattoucht your frende so nere with panges of paine:
And saiemy dere that it was sayd in bord.
Lateortosone(Note: to sone) let it not rule the gaine
Wherwithfree will doth true desert retayne.
Svch isthe course
To hisladie cruel ouer her yelden louer.
Svch isthe coursethat natures kinde hath wrought
Thatsnakes haue time to cast away their stynges.
Ainstchainde prisoners what nede defence be sought:
The fiercelyon will hurt no yelden thinges:
Whyshoulde such spite be nursed then in thy thought?
Sith allthese powers are prest vnder thy winges:
And ekethou seestand reason thee hath taught:
Whatmischief malice many waies it bringes.
Considerekethat spight auaileth naught
Therforethis song thy fault to thee it singes:
Displeasethee notfor saiyng thus (me thought.)
Nor hatethou him from whom no hate forth springes
Norfuriesthat in hell be execrable
For thatthey hateare made most miserable.
The enmyof life
The louercomplaineth that deadlie sicknesse can not helpe his affeccion.
The enmyof lifedecayer of all kinde
That withhis cold wythers away the grene:
This othernightme in my bed did finde:
And offerdme to ryd my feuer clene.
And I didgraunt: so did dispayre me blinde.
He drewhis bowwith arrowes sharpe and kene:
And strakethe placewhere loue had hit before:
And drauethe first dart deper more and more.
Once as methought
The louerreioiceth the enioying of his loue.
Once as methoughtfortune me kist:
And bademe askewhat I thought best:
And Ishould haue it as me list
Therewithto set my hart in rest.
I askedbut my ladies hart
To hauefor euermore myne owne:
Then at anend were all my smart:
Thenshould I nede no more to mone.
Yet forall that a stormy blast
Hadouerturnde this goodly day:
Andfortune semed at the last
That toher promise she said nay.
But likeas one out of dispayre
To sodainhope reuiued I.
Nowfortune sheweth her selfe so fayre
That Icontent me wondersly.
My mostdesire my hand may reach:
My will isalway at my hand.
Me nedenot long for to beseche
Herthathath power me to commaunde.
Whatearthly thing more can I craue?
What wouldI wishe more at my will?
Nothing onearth more would I haue
Saue thatI haueto haue it styll.
Forfortune hath kept her promesse
Ingrauntyng me my most desire.
Of mysoueraigne I haue redresse
And Icontent me with my hire.
My luteawake
The louercomplayneth the vnkindnes of his loue.
My luteawake performe the last
Labourthat thou and I shall waste:
And endthat I haue now begonne:
And whenthis song is song and past:
My lute bestyll for I haue done.
As to beheard where eare is none:
As lead tograue in marble stone:
My songmay pearse her hart as sone.
Should wethen sigh? or singeor mone?
Nonomylute for I haue done.
The rockesdo not so cruelly
Repulsethe waues continually
As she mysute and affection:
So that Iam past remedy
Wherby mylute and I haue done.
Proude ofthe spoile that thou hast gotte
Of simplehartes through loues shot:
By whomvnkinde thou hast them wonne
Thinke nothe hath his bow forgot
Althoughmy lute and I haue done.
Vengeaunceshall fall on thy disdaine
Thatmakest but game on earnest payne.
Thinke notalone vnder the sunne
Vnquit tocause thy louers plaine:
Althoughmy lute and I haue done.
May chancethee lie witherd and olde
In winternightes that are so colde
Playningin vaine vnto the mone:
Thy wishesthen dare not be tolde.
Care thenwho listfor I haue done.
And thenmay chance thee to repent
The timethat thou hast lost and spent
To causethy louers sigh and swowne.
Then shaltthou know beauty but lent
And wishand want as I haue done.
Now ceasemy lute this is the last
Labourthat thou and I shall wast
And endedis that we begonne.
Now isthis song both song and past
My lute bestill for I haue done.
Naturethat gaue the Bee
How by akisse he found both his life and death.
Naturethat gaue the Bee so feat a grace
To findehony of so wondrous fashion:
Hathtaught the spider out of the same place
To fetchpoyson by strange alteracion.
Thoughthis be strangeit is a stranger case
With onekisse by secrete operacion
Both theseat once in those your lippes to finde
In changewherofI leaue my hart behinde.
Vnwarelyso was neuer
The louerdescribeth his being taken with sight of his loue.
Vnwarelyso was neuer no man caught
Withstedfast loke vpon a goodly face:
As I oflate: for sodainely me thought
My hartwas torne out of his proper place.
Thorowmine eye the stroke from hers did slide
Directlydowne into my hart it ranne:
In helpewherof the blood therto did glide
And leftmy face both pale and wanne.
Then was Ilike a man for wo amased:
Or likethe fowle that fleeth into the fire.
For whilethat I vpon her beauty gased:
The more Iburnde in my desire.
Anone thebloud start in my face agayne
Inflamdewith heatthat it had at my hart.
Andbrought therwith through out in euery vaine
A quakyngheat with pleasant smart.
Then was Ilike the strawwhen that the flame
Is driuentherinby forceand rage of winde.
I can nottellalaswhat I shall blame:
Nor whatto sekenor what to finde.
But well Iwot: the griefe doth hold me sore
In heatand coldbetwixt both hope and dreade:
Thatbuther helpe to health do me restore:
Thisrestlesse life I may not lead.
Al in thyloke my life
To hislouer to loke vpon him.
Al in thyloke my life doth whole depende.
Thouhydest thy selfand I must dye therfore.
But sinsthou mayst so easily helpe thy frend:
Why doestthou stick to salue that thou madest sore?
Why do Idye? sins thou mayst me defend?
And if Idyethy life may last no more.
For ech byother doth liue and haue reliefe
I in thylokeand thou most in my griefe.
Perdy Isayd it not
The louerexcuseth him of wordes wherwith he was vniustly charged.
Perdy Isayd it not:
Nor neuerthought to do.
As well asI ye wot:
I haue nopower therto
And if Ididthe lot
That firstdid me enchayne:
May neuerslake the knot
Butstrayght it to my payne.
And if Idid ech thing
That maydo harme or wo:
Continuallymay wring
My hartwhere so I go.
Report mayalwayes ring
Of shameon me for aye:
If in myhart did spring
The wordesthat you do say
And if Idid ech starre
That is inheauen aboue
May frowneon me to marre
The hope Ihaue in loue.
And if Idid such warre
As theybrought vnto Troye
Bring allmy life as farre
From allhis lust and ioye.
And if Idid so say:
Thebeautie that me bounde
Encreasefrom day to day
Morecruell to my wounde:
With allthe mone that may
To plaintmay turne my song:
My lifemay sone decay
Withoutredresse by wrong.
If I becleare from thought
Why do youthen complayne?
Then isthis thing but sought.
To turnemy hart to payne
Then thisthat you haue wrought
You mustit now redresse
Of righttherfore you ought
Suchrigour to represse.
And as Ihaue deserued:
So grauntme now my hire:
You know Ineuer swerued
You neuerfounde me lyer.
For Rachelhaue I serued
For Leacared I neuer:
And her Ihaue reserued
Within myhart for euer.
Lvxmyfaire fawlcon
Of such ashad forsaken him.
Lvxmyfaire fawlconand thy felowes all:
How welpleasant it were your libertie:
Ye notforsake methat faire mought you fall.
But theythat sometime liked my company:
Like liceaway from dead bodies they crall.
Loewhata proufe in light aduersitie?
But ye mybirdesI sweare by all your belles
Ye be myfrendesand very few elles.
A facethat should content
Adescription of such a one as he would loue.
A Facethat should content me wonderous well
Should notbe fairebut louely to beholde:
Of liuelylokeall griefe for to repell:
With rightgood graceso would I that it should
Speakewithout wordsuch wordes as none can tell.
The tressealso should be of crisped gold.
With witand these perchance I might be tryde
And knitagaine with knotthat should not slide.
Ever myhap is slack
Howvnpossible it is to finde quiet in his loue.
Ever myhap is slack and slowe in commyng
Desireencreasyng ay my hope vncertaine:
That loueor wait italike doth me payne.
And Tygrelike so swift it is in partyng.
Alas thesnow black shal it be and scalding
The seawaterlesand fishe vpon the mountaine:
The Temisshal backe returne into his fountaine:
And wherehe rose the sunne shall take his lodgyng.
Ere I inthis finde peace or quietnesse.
Or thatloue or my lady rightwisely
Leaue toconspire against me wrongfully.
And if Ihaue after such bitternesse
Any thingswetemy mouth is out of taste:
That allmy trust and trauell is but waste.
LoueFortuneand my minde
Of LoueFortuneand the louers minde.
LoueFortuneand my minde which do remember
Eke thatis nowand that that once hath bene:
Torment myhart so sore that very often
I hate andenuy them beyonde all measure.
Louesleeth my hart while Fortune is depriuer
Of all mycomfort: the folishe minde than:
Burnethand playneth: as one that sildam
Liueth inrest. Still in dispeasure (Note: displeasure)
Mypleasant daies they flete away and passe.
And daylydoth myne yll change to the worse.
While morethen halfe is runne now of my course.
Alas notof stelebut of brittle glasse
I se thatfrom my hand falleth my trust:
And all mythoughtes are dasshed into dust.
How ofthaue I
The louerprayeth his offred hart to be receiued.
How ofthaue Imy deare and cruell fo:
With mygreat pain to get som peace or truce
Geuen youmy hart? but you do not vse
In so hiethingesto cast your minde so low.
If anyother loke for itas you trow
Theirvaine weake hope doth greatly them abuse.
And thatthus I disdaynethat you refuse.
It wasonce mineit can no more be so.
If you itchasethat it in you can finde
In thisexileno maner of comfort:
Nor liuealonenor where he is calderesort
He maywander from his naturall kinde.
So shallit be great hurt vnto vs twayne
And yoursthe losseand mine the deadly payne.
Lyke vntothese
The louerslife compared to the Alpes.
Lyke vntothese vnmesurable mountaines
So is mypainefull lifethe burden of yre.
For hye betheyand hye is my desire.
And I oftearesand they be full of fountaines.
Vndercraggy rockes they haue barren plaines
Hardthoughtes in me my wofull minde doth tyre
Smallfrute and many leaues their toppes do attire
With smalleffect great trust in me remaines.
Theboystous windes oft their hye boughes do blast:
Hotesighes in me continually be shed.
Wildebeastes in themfierce loue in me is fed.
Vnmoueableam I: and they stedfast.
Of singingbirdes they haue the tune and note:
And Ialwaies plaintes passing through my throte.
Ifamourous fayth
Chargingof his loue as vnpiteous and louing other.
Ifamourous faythor if an hart vnfained
A swetelanguora great louely desire:
If honestwillkindled in gentle fire:
If longerrour in a blinde mase chained
If in myvisage ech thought distayned:
Or if mysparkelyng voyceloweror hier
Which fearand shameso wofully doth tyre:
If palecolourwhich loue alas hath stayned:
If to haueanother then my self more dere
If wailyngor sighyng continually
Withsorowfull anger fedyng busily
If burnynga farre ofand fre syng (Note: fresyng) nere
Are causethat by loue my selfe I stroy:
Yours isthe faultand mine the great annoy.
Arenouncing of loue.
FarewellLoueand all thy lawes for euer.
Thy baytedhokes shall tangle me no more.
SenecandPlato call me from thy lore:
To parfitwealth my wit for to endeuer.
In blindeerrour when I dyd parseuer:
Thy sharprepulsethat pricketh aye so sore:
Taught mein trifles that I set no store:
But scapeforth thence: since libertie is leuer.
Therforefarewell: go trouble yonger hartes:
And in meclaime no more auctoritie.
With ydleyouth go vse thy propartie:
And theronspend thy many brittle dartes.
Forhytherto though I haue lost my tyme:
Me lyst nolenger rotten bowes to clime.
My hart Igaue thee
The louerforsaketh his vnkinde loue
My hart Igaue theenot to do it pain:
Buttopreseruelo it to thee was taken.
I seruedthee not that I should be forsaken:
ButthatI should receiue reward again
I wascontent thy seruant to remain:
Andnotto be repayd after this fashion.
Nowsincein thee is there none nother reason:
Displeasethee notif that I do refrain.
Vnsaciatof my woand thy desyre.
Assured bycraft for to excuse thy fault.
Butsinceit pleaseth thee to fain defaut:
FarewellI saydeparting from the fire.
Forhethat doth beleue bearyng in hand:
Ploweth inthe water: and soweth in the sand.
Theflaming sighes
The louerdescribeth his restlesse state.
Theflaming sighes that boyle within my brest
Sometimebreake forth and they can well declare
The hartesvnrest and how that it doth fare
The paintherof the grief and all the rest.
The watredeyen from whence the teares doe fall
Do felesome force or els they would be drye:
The wastedflesh of colour ded can trye
andsomthing tell what swetenesse is in gall.
And hethat lust to see and to disarne
How carecan force within a weried minde:
Come he tome I am that place assinde.
But forall this no force it doth no harme.
The woundalas happe in some other place:
Fromwhence no toole away the skar can race.
But youthat of such like haue had your part
Can bestbe iudge wherfore my frend so deare:
I thoughtit good my state should now appeare
To you andthat there is no great desart.
And wherasyou in weighty matters great:
Of fortunesaw the shadow that you know
Fortrifling thinges I now am striken so
Thatthough I fele my hart doth wound and beat:
I sitalone saue on the second day:
My feuercomes with whom I spend my time
In burningheat while that she list assigne.
And whohath helth and libertie alway:
Let himthank god and let him not prouoke
To hauethe like of this my painfull stroke.
The pillerperisht
The louerlamentes the death of his loue.
The pillerperisht is wherto I lent
Thestrongest stay of mine vnquiet minde:
The likeof it no man again can finde:
From Eastto West still seking though he went
To minevnhappe for happe away hath rent
Of all myioy the very bark and rynde:
And I(alas) by chance am thus assinde.
Daily tomoorne till death do it relent
But sincethat thus it is by desteny
What can Imore but haue a wofull hart
My pennein plaintmy voyce in carefull crye:
My mindein womy body full of smart.
And I myselfmy selfe alwayes to hate
Tilldreadfull death do ease my dolefull state.
Go burningsighes
The louersendeth sighes to mone his sute.
Go burningsighes vnto the frosen hart
Go breakethe yse which pities painfull dart.
Myghtneuer perce and yf that mortall prayer
In heauenbe herdat lest yet I desire.
That deathor mercy end my wofull smart.
Take withthee paynwherof I haue my part
And ekethe flame from which I cannot start
And leaueme then in restI you require:
Go burningsighes fulfil that I desire.
I must goworke I see by craft and art
For truthand faith in her is laid apart:
AlasIcan not therfore assaile her
Withpitefull complaint and scalding fier
That frommy brest disceiuably doth start.
So febleis the threde
Complaintof the absence of his loue.
So febleis the thredethat doth the burden stay
Of mypoore life: in heauy plightthat falleth in decay:
Thatbutit haue elswhere some ayde or some succours:
Therunning spindle of my fate anone shall end his course.
For sincethunhappy howerthat dyd me to depart
From myswete weale: one onely hope hath stayed my lifeapart:
Which dothperswade such wordes vnto my sored minde:
Maintainthy selfO wofull wightsome better luck to finde.
For thoughthou be depriued from thy desired sight:
Who canthee tellif thy returne be for thy more delight?
Orwhocan tellthy losse if thou mayst once recouer?
Somepleasant hower thy wo may wrappe: & thee defend& couer.
Thus inthis trust as yet it hath my life sustained:
But now(alas) I see it faint: and Iby trustam trayned.
The tymedoth fleteand I se how the howersdo bend
So fast:that I haue scant the space to mark my commyng end.
Westwardthe sonne from out the East scant shewes his light:
When inthe West he hides him straytwithin the dark of nyght.
And comesas fastwhere he beganhis path awry.
From Fastto Westfrom West to East so doth his iourney ly.
The lifeso shortso frailethat mortall men liue here:
So great aweightso heauy charge the bodiesthat we bere:
ThatwhenI think vpon the distaunceand the space:
That dothso farre deuide me from my dere desired face:
I knownothow tattain the wingesthat I require
To lift mevp: that I might flieto folow my desyre.
Thus ofthat hopethat doth my life somethyng sustayne
Alas: Ifeareand partly fele: full litle doth remain.
Eche placedoth bring me griefe: where I do not behold
Thoseliuely eyes: which of my thoughts wer wont <the> keys to hold
Thosethoughtes were pleasa<n>t swete: whilst I enioyed that grace:
Mypleasure pastmy present painwhen I might well embrace.
Andforbecause my want should more my wo encrease:
In watchand slepeboth dayand nightmy will doth neuer cease
That thingto wish: wherof since I did leese the sight:
Was neuerthing that mought in ought my woful hart delight
ThunesylyfeI leaddoth teach me for to mete
Thefloodesthe seasthe landthe hylles: that doth the<m>entermete
Twene meand those shene lightes: that wonted for to clere
My darkedpanges of cloudy thoughtsas bright as Pheb<es> spere
Itteacheth mealsowhat was my pleasant state:
The moreto feleby such recordhow that my wealth doth bate.
If suchrecord (alas) prouoke thenflamed mynde:
Whichsprong that daythat I did leaue the best of me behynde:
If loueforget himselfby length of absencelet:
Who dothme guyde (O wofull wretch) vnto this bayted net?
Where dothencrease my care: much better wer for me
As dummeas stoneall thyng forgotstill absent for to be.
Alas: theclere cristallthe bright transplendant glasse
Doth notbewray the colours hiddewhich vnderneth it hase:
As doththaccumbred sprite the thoughtfull throwes discouer
Of fearesdeliteof feruent loue: that in our hartes we couer.
Out bythese eyesit sheweth that euermore delight.
In plaintand teares to seke redresse: and eke both day and night.
Thesekindes of pleasures most wherein men so reioyce
To me theydo redubble still of stormy sighes the voyce.
ForI amone of themwhom playnt doth well content:
It sits mewell: myne absent wealth me semes for to lament:
And withmy tearestassay to charge myne eies twayn:
Lyke as myhart aboue the brink is fraughted full of payn.
Andforbecausethertoof those fair eyes to treate
Do meprouoke: I wyll returnemy plaint thus to repeate.
Forthereis nothing elsthat toucheth me so within:
Where theyrule all: and I alone nought but the caseor skin.
WhereforeI shall returne to themas wellor spring:
From whomdescendes my mortall woaboue all other thing.
So shallmyne eyes in pain accompany my hart:
That werethe guidesthat did it lead of loue to fele the smart.
Thecrisped goldethat doth surmount Apollos pride:
The liuelystreames of pleasant starres that vnder it doth glyde:
Whereinthe beames of loue doe styll encrease theyr heate:
Which yetso farre touch me so nerein colde to make me sweate.
The wyseand pleasant talkso rareorels (Note: or els) alone:
That gaueto me the curteis giftthat erst had neuer none:
Be farrefrom mealas: and euery other thyng
I mightforbeare with better wyll: then this that dyd me bryng
Withpleasant worde and chereredresse of lingred pain:
And wontedoft in kindled will to vertue me to trayn.
Thusam Iforst to heareand harken after newes.
My comfortscant my large desire in doutfull trust renewes.
And yetwith more delite to mone my wofull case:
I mustcomplain those handesthose armes: <that> firmely do embrace
Me from myself: and rule the sterne of my poore lyfe:
The swetedisdainesthe pleasant wrathesand eke <the> louely strife:
Thatwonted well to tune in temper iustand mete
The rage:that oft dyd make me erreby furour vndiscrete.
All thisis hydde me frowith sharpand ragged hylles:
At otherswillmy long abode my depe dispaire fullfils.
And if myhope sometime ryse vpby some redresse:
Itstumbleth straitefor feble faint: my feare hath such excesse.
Such isthe sort of hope: the lesse for more desyre:
And yet Itrust ere that I dye to see that I require:
Therestyng place of loue: where vertue dwelles and growes
There Idesiremy wery lifesomtimemay take repose.
My song:thou shalt attain to finde that pleasant place:
Where shedoth lyueby who<m> I liue: may chanceto haue this grace
When shehath redand sene the griefwherin I serue:
Betweneher brestes she shall thee put: thereshall she thee reserue
Thentellherthat I cumme: she shall me shortly see:
And if forwaighte the body faylethe soule shall to her flee.
Svffisednot (madame)
The louerblameth his loue for renting of the letter he sent her.
Svffisednot (madame) that you did teare
My wofullhartbut thus also to rent:
The wepingpaper that to you I sent.
Wherofeche letter was written with a teare.
Could notmy present painesalas suffise
Your gredyhart? and that my hart doth fele
Tormentesthat prick more sharper then the stele
But newand new must to my lot arise.
Vse thenmy death. So shal your cruelty:
Spite ofyour spite rid me from all my smart
And I nomore such tormentes of the hart:
Fele as Ido. This shalt thou gain thereby.
When firstmine eyes
The louercurseth the tyme when first he fell in loue.
When firstmine eyes did viewand marke
Thy fairebeawtie to beholde:
And whenmine eares listned to hark:
Thepleasant wordesthat thou me tolde:
I would asthenI had been free
From earesto heareand eyes to see.
And whenmy lips gan first to moue
Wherby myhart to thee was knowne:
And whenmy tong did talk of loue
To theethat hast true loue down throwne:
I wouldmy lipsand tong also:
Had thenbene dumno deale to go.
And whenmy handes haue handled ought
That theehath kept in memorie:
And whenmy fete haue goneand sought
To findeand geat thy company:
I wouldeche hand a foote had bene
And I echefoote a hand had sene.
And whenin mynde I did consent
To folowthis my fansies will:
And whenmy hart did first relent
To tastsuch baytmy life to spyll:
I wouldmy hart had bene as thyne:
Orels(Note: or els) thy hart had beneas mine.
Synce louewyll nedes
The louerdetermineth to serue faithfully.
Synce louewyll nedesthat I shall loue:
Of veryforce I must agree.
And sinceno chance may it remoue:
In welthand in aduersitie
I shallalway my self apply
To serueand suffer paciently.
Though forgood will I finde but hate:
Andcruelty my life to wast:
And thoughthat still a wretched state
Shouldpine my dayes vnto the last:
Yet Iprofesse it willingly.
To serueand suffer paciently.
For sincemy hart is bound to serue:
And I notruler of mine owne:
What sobefalltyll that I sterue.
By proofefull well it shall be knowne:
That Ishall still my selfe apply
To serueand suffer paciently.
Yea thoughmy grief finde no redresse:
But stillincrease before mine eyes:
Though myreward be cruelnesse
With allthe harmehappe can deuise:
Yet Iprofesse it willingly
To serueand suffer paciently.
Yea thoughfortune her pleasant face
Shouldshewto set me vp a loft:
Andstreightmy wealth for to deface
Shouldwrithe awayas she doth oft:
Yet wouldI styll my self apply
To serueand suffer paciently.
There isno griefno smartno wo:
That yet Ifeleor after shall:
That fromthis mynde may make me go
Andwhatsoeuer me befall:
I doprofesse it willingly
To serueand suffer paciently.
Mystrustfullmindes be moued
The louersuspected blameth yll tonges.
Mystrustfullmindes be moued
To haue mein suspect.
The trothit shalbe proued:
Which timeshall once detect.
Thoughfalshed go about
Of crimeme to accuse:
At lengthI do not doute
But truthshall me excuse.
Suchsawceas they haue serued
To mewithout desart:
Euen asthey haue deserued:
Therof godsend them part.
It burnethyet
The louercomplaineth and his lady comforteth. (Note: Part assignment on first lines are handwritten in margin)
<Lo:>It burneth yetalasmy hartes desire.
<La:>What is the thingthat hath inflamde thy hert?
<Lo:>A certain pointas feruentas the fyre.
<La:>The heate shall ceaseif that thou wilt conuert.
<Lo:>I cannot stoppe the feruent raging yre.
La. Whatmay I doif thy self cause thy smart?
Lo. Hearemy requestalaswith weping chere.
La. Withright good wyllsay on: loI thee here.
Lo. Thatthing would Ithat maketh two content.
La. Thousekestperchanceof methat I may not.
Lo. Wouldgodthou wouldstas thou maistwell assent.
La. That Imay notthy grief is mine: God wot.
Lo. But Iit felewhat so thy wordes haue ment.
La.Suspect me not: my wordes be not forgot. (Note: period insuperscript)
Lo. Thensayalas: shall I haue help? or no.
La. I seeno time to answeryeabut no.
Lo. Sayyedere hart: and stand no more in dout.
La. I maynot grant a thingthat is so dere.
Lo. Lowith delayes thou drieues me still about.
La. Thouwouldest my death: it plainly doth appere.
Lo. Firstmay my hart his bloodeand life blede out.
La. Thenfor my sakealasthy will forbere.
Lo. Fromday to daythus wastes my life away.
La. Yetfor the bestsuffer some small delay.
Lo. Nowgoodsay yea: do once so good a dede.
La. If Isayd yea: what should therof ensue?
Lo. Anhart in pain of succour so should spede
Twixt yeaand naymy doute shall styll renew.
My swetesay yea: and do away this drede.
La. Thouwilt nedes so: be it so: but then be trew.
Lo. Noughtwould I elsnor other treasure none.
Thushartes be wonneby louerequest and mone.
Ofpurposeloue chose first
why loueis blinde.
Ofpurposeloue chose first for to be blinde:
Forhewith sight of thatthat I beholde
Vanquishthad beenagainst all godly kinde.
His bowyour handand trusse should haue vnfolde.
And hewith me to serue had bene assinde.
Butforhe blindeand recklesse would him holde:
And stillby chancehis dedly strokes bestowe:
With suchas seeI serueand suffer wo.
What rageis this?
To hisvnkinde loue.
What rageis this? what furor? of what kinde?
Whatpowerwhat plage doth wery thus my minde:
Within mybones to rankle is assinde
Whatpoyson pleasant swete?
Loseemyne eyes flow with continuall teares:
The bodystill away slepelesse it weares:
My foodenothing my fainting strength repayres
Nor dothmy limmes sustain.
In depewide woundthe dedly stroke doth turne:
To curelesskarre that neuer shall returne.
Go to:triumph: reioyce thy goodly turne:
Thy frendthou doest oppresse.
Oppressethou doest: and hast of him no cure:
Nor yet myplaint no pitie can procure.
FierceTigrefellhard rock without recure:
Cruellrebell to Loue
Once maythou loueneuer beloued again:
So louethou stylland not thy loue obtain:
Sowrathfull louewith spites of iust disdain
May thretthy cruell hart.
Desire(alas) my master
The louerblameth hs (Note: his) instant desyre.
Desire(alas) my masterand my fo:
So sorealtred thy self how mayst thou see?
Sometimethou sekestthat drieues me to and fro
Sometimethou leadstthat leadeth theeand me.
Whatreason is to rule thy subiectes so?
By forcedlawand mutabilitie.
For whereby thee I douted to haue blame:
Euen nowby hate again I dout thesame. (Note: the same)
I seethat chance
The louercomplayneth his estate.
I seethat chance hath chosen me
Thussecretely to liue in paine:
And to another geuen the fee
Of all mylosse to haue the gayn.
By chanceassinde thus do I serue:
And otherhauethat I deserue.
Vnto myself sometime alone
I dolament my wofull case.
But whatauaileth me to mone?
Sincetrothand pitie hath no place
In them:to whom I sue and serue:
And otherhauethat I deserue.
To seke bymeane to change this minde:
AlasIproueit will not be.
For in myhart I cannot finde
Once torefrainbut still agree
As boundeby forcealway to serue:
And otherhauethat I deserue.
Such isthe fortunethat I haue
To louethem mostthat loue me lest:
And to mypain to sekeand craue
The thingthat other haue possest.
So thus invain alway I serue.
And otherhauethat I deserue.
And till Imay apease the heate:
If that myhappe will happe so well:
To wailemy wo my hart shall freate:
Whosepensif pain my tong can tell.
Yet thusvnhappy must I serue:
And otherhauethat I deserue.
Forshamefast harm of great
Againsthourders of money.
Forshamefast harm of greatand hatefull nede:
In depedespayreas did a wretch go
With readycordeout of his life to spede:
Hisstumbling foote did finde an hoordelo
Of goldeI say: where he preparde this dede:
And ineschangehe left the cordetho.
Hethathad hidde the goldeand founde it not:
Of thathe foundehe shapte his neck a knot.
Vvlcanebegat me
Discripcionof a gonne.
Vvulcane(Note: Vulcane) begat me: Minerua me taught:
Naturemymother: Craft nourisht me yere by yere:
Threebodyes are my foode: my strength is in naught:
Angrewrathwastand noyce are my children dere.
Gessefrendwhat I am: and how I am wraught:
Monster ofseaor of landor of els where.
Know meand vse me: and I may thee defend:
And if Ibe thine enmyI may thy life end.
Syghes aremy foode
wiat beingin prisonto Brian.
Syghes aremy foode: my drink are my teares.
Clinkyngof fetrers would such Musick craue
Stinkandclose ayer away my life it weares.
Poreinnocence is all the hopeI haue.
Raynwindeor wether iudge I by mine eares.
Maliceassaultesthat righteousnesse should haue.
Sure am IBrianthis wound shall heale again:
But yetalasthe skarre shall still remayn.
Throughout the world
Ofdissembling wordes.
Throughout the world if it wer sought
Fairewordes ynough a man shall finde:
They begood chepe they cost right nought.
Theirsubstance is but onely winde:
But wellto say and so to mene
That sweteacord is seldom sene.
Stond whoso list
Of themeane and sure estate.
Stond whoso list vpon the slipper whele
Of hyeastate and let me here reioyce.
And vse mylife in quietnesse eche dele
Vnknowenin court that hath the wanton toyes.
In hiddenplace my time shall slowly passe
And whenmy yeres be past withouten noyce
Let me dyeolde after the common trace
For gripesof death doth he to hardly passe
Thatknowen is to all: but to him selfe alas
He dyethvnknowendased with dreadfull face.
In courtto serue
Thecourtiers life.
In courtto serue decked with freshe aray
Of sugredmeates felyng the swete repast:
The lifein banketsand sundry kindes of play
Amid thepresse of lordly lokes to waste
Hath withit ioynde oft times such bitter taste.
That whoso ioyes such kinde of life to holde
In prisonioyes fettred with cheines of gold.
OfCarthage he
Ofdisapointed purpose by negligence.
OfCarthage he that worthy warriour
Couldouercomebut could not vse his chaunce
And Ilikewise of all my long endeuour
The sharpeconquest though fortune did aduance
Ne could Ivse. The holde that is geuen ouer
Ivnpossest. so hangeth in balance
Of warremy peacereward of all my paine
AtMountzon thus I restlesse rest in Spaine.
Of hisreturne from Spaine.
Tagusfarewel that westward with thy stremes
Turnes vpthe graines of gold already tried
For I withspurre and saile go seke the temmes
Gainewardthe sunne that sheweth her welthy pride
And to thetowne that Brutus sought by dreames
Likebended mone that leanes her lusty side.
My kingmy countreyI seke for whom I liue
O mightyIoue the windes for this me geue.
Driuen bydesire
Of sodainetrustyng.
Driuen bydesire I did this dede
To dangermy self without cause why:
To trustthuntrue not like to spede
To speakeand promise faythfully:
But nowthe proufe doth verifie
That whoso trusteth ere he know.
Doth hurthim self and please his foe.
Indoubtfull breast
Of themother that eat her childe at the siege of Ierusalem.
Indoubtfull breast whiles motherly pity
Withfurious famine standeth at debate
The mothersayth: O childe vnhappy
Returnethy bloud where thou hadst milke of late
Yeld methose lymmes that I made vnto thee
And enterthere where thou were generate.
For of onebody agaynst all nature
To another must I make sepulture.
My mothersmaides
Of themeane and sure estate written to Iohn Poins.
My mothersmaides when they do sowe and spinne:
They singa song made of the feldishe mouse:
Thatforbicause her liuelod was but thinne
Wouldnedes go se her townish sisters house
Shethoughther selfe endured to greuous payne
The stormyblastes her caue so sore did sowse:
That whenthe furrowes swimmed with the rayne:
She mustlie coldeand wet in sory plight.
And worsethen thatbare meat there did remaine
To comfortherwhen she her house had dight:
Sometime abarly corne: sometime a beane:
For whichshe laboured hard both day and night
In haruesttymewhile she might go and gleane.
And whenher store was stroyed with the floode:
Thenweleaway for she vndone was cleane.
Then wasshe faine to take in stede of fode
Slepe ifshe mighther honger to begyle.
My sister(quod she) hath a liuyng good:
And hencefrom me she dwelleth not a myle.
In coldeand stormeshe lieth warme and dry
In bed ofdowne: the durt doth not defile
Her tenderfoteshe labours not as I
Richelyshe fedesand at the richemans cost:
And forher meat she nedes not craue nor cry.
By seabylandof delicates the most
Her catersekesand spareth for no perill:
She fedeson boyle meatbake meatand on rost:
And haththerfore no whit of charge nor trauell.
And whenshe list the licour of the grape
Doth gladher harttill that her belly swell.
And atthis iourney makes she but a iape:
So forthshe goestrusting of all this wealth
With hersister her part so for to shape:
That ifshe might there kepe her self in health:
To liue aLady while her life doth last.
And to thedore now is she come by stealth:
And withher fote anone she scrapes full fast.
Thotherfor feardurst not well scarse appere:
Of euerynoyse so was the wretch agast.
At lastshe asked softly who was there.
And in herlanguage as well as she could
Pepe (quodthe other) sister I am here.
Peace(quod the towne mouse) why speakest thou so loude?
And by thehand she toke her fayre and well.
Welcome(quod she) my sister by the rode.
Shefeasted her that ioye it was to tell
The farethey haddethey dranke the wine so clere:
And as topurpose now and then it fell:
She cheredherwith how sister what chere?
Amid thisioye be fell a sory chance:
That(weleaway) the stranger bought full dere
The fareshe had. For as she lookt a scance:
Vnder astole she spied two stemyng eyes.
In arounde headwith sharpe eares: in Fraunce
Was neuermouse so ferdefor the vnwise
Had notysene such a beast before.
Yet hadnature taught her after her gise
To knowher fo: and dread him euermore.
Thetownemouse fled: she knew whither to go:
The otherhad no shiftbut wonders sore
Ferde ofher lifeat home she wisht her tho:
And to thedore (alas) as she did skippe:
The heauenit wouldlo: and eke her chance was so:
At thethreshold her sely fote did trippe:
And ereshe might recouer it agayne:
Thetraytour cat had caught her by the hippe:
And madeher there against hir will remayne:
That hadforgot her powersurety and rest
For semyngwelthwherin she thought to raine.
Alas (myPoyns) how men do seke the best
And findethe worstby errour as they stray
And nomaruellwhen sight is so opprest
Andblindes the guideanone out of the way
Goethguide and all in seking quiet life.
O wretchedmindesthere is no golde that may
Grauntthat you sekeno warreno peaceno strife.
Nonoalthough thy head were hoopt with golde
Sergeantwith macewith hawbartswordnor knife
Can notrepulse the care that folow should.
Ech kindeof life hath with him his disease.
Liue indeliteeuen as thy lust would:
And thoushalt findewhen lust doth most thee please:
It irkethstraightand by it selfe doth fade.
A smallthing is itthat may thy minde appease.
None ofyou al there isthat is so madde
To sekefor grapes on bramblesor on bryers:
Nor none Itrow that hath his witte so badde
To set hishaye for conies ouer riuers:
Nor ye setnot a dragge net for an hare.
And yetthe thingthat most is your desire
You domissekewith more trauell and care.
Makeplaine thine hartthat it be not knotted
With hopeor dreadeand se thy will be bare
From allaffecteswhom vice hath euer spotted.
Thy selfecontent with that is thee assinde:
And vse itwell that is to thee alotted.
Then sekeno more out of thy selfe to finde
The thingthat thou hast sought so long before.
For thoushalt feele it stickyng in thy minde
Madde ifye list to continue your sore.
Letpresent passeand gape on time to come:
And depeyour selfe in trauell more and more.
Henceforth(my Poins) this shalbe all and summe
Thesewretched foles shall haue nought els of me:
Buttothe great God and to his dome
None otherpaine pray I for them to be:
But whenthe rage doth leade them from the right:
Thatlokyng backwardVertue they may se
Euen asshe isso goodly fayre and bright.
And whilstthey claspe their lustes in armes a crosse:
Grauntthem good Lordas thou maist of thy might
To freateinwardfor losyng such a losse.
Myne owneIohn Poyns
Of theCourtiers life written to Iohn Poins.
Myne owneIohn Poyns: sins ye delite to know
The causeswhy that homeward I me draw
And flethe prease of courteswhere so they go:
Ratherthen to liue thrall vnder the awe
Of lordlylokeswrapped within my cloke
To willand lust learnyng to set a law:
It is notbecause I scorne or mocke
The powerof them: whom fortune here hath lent
Chargeouer vsof ryght to strike the stroke.
But trueit is that I haue alwayes ment
Lesse toesteme themthen the common sort
Of outwardthinges: that iudge in their entent
Withoutregardwhat inward doth resort.
I grauntsometime of glory that the fire
Doth touchmy hart. Me list not to report
Blame byhonourand honour to desire.
But howmay I this honour now attaine?
That cannot dye the colour blacke a lyer.
My PoynsI can not frame my tune to fayne:
To clokethe truthfor prayse without desert
Of themthat list all nice for to retaine.
I can nothonour themthat set their part
WithVenusand Bacchusall their life long:
Nor holdemy peace of themalthough I smart.
I can notcrouch nor knele to such a wrong:
To worshipthem like God on earth alone:
That areas wolues these sely lambes among.
I can notwith my wordes complaine and mone
And suffernought: nor smart without complaynt:
Nor turnethe worde that from my mouth is gone.
I can notspeake and loke like as a saynt:
Vse wilesfor witand make disceyt a pleasure:
Call craftcounsailefor lucre still to paint.
I can notwrest the law to fill the coffer:
Withinnocent bloud to fede my selfe fatte:
And domost hurt: where that most helpe I offer.
I am nothethat can alowe the state
Of hyeCeasarand damne Cato to dye:
That withhis death did scape out of the gate
FromCeasars handesif Liuye doth not lye:
And wouldnot liuewhere libertie was lost
So did hishart the common wealth apply.
I am nothesuch eloquence to bost:
To makethe crow in singyngas the swanne:
Nor callthe lyon of coward beastes the most.
That cannot take a mouseas the cat can.
And hethat dieth for honger of the golde
Call himAlexanderand say that Pan
PassethAppollo in musike manifold:
Praise syrTopas for a noble tale
And scornethe story that the knight tolde:
Prayse himfor counsellthat is dronke of ale:
Grinnewhen he laughesthat beareth all the sway:
Frownewhen he frownes: and grone when he is pale:
On otherslust to hang both night and day.
None ofthese poyntes would euer frame in me.
My wit isnoughtI can not learne the way.
And muchthe lesse of thinges that greater be
That askenhelpe of colours to deuise
To ioynethe meane with ech extremitie:
Withnearest vertue ay to cloke the vice.
And as topurpose likewise it shall fall:
To pressethe vertue that it may not rise.
And as topurpose likewise it shall fall
To pressethe vertue that it may not rise.
Asdronkennesse good felowship to call:
Thefrendly foewith his faire double face
Say he isgentle and curties therewithall.
Affirmethat fauell hath a goodly grace
Ineloquence: And cruelty to name
Zeale ofIustice: And change in time and place.
And hethat suffreth offence withoutt blame:
Call himpitifulland him true and plaine
Thatrayleth rechlesse vnto ech mans shame.
Say he isrudethat can not lye and faine:
Theletcher a louerand tyranny
To be theright of a Prynces rayghne.
I can notI nonoit will not be.
This isthe cause that I could neuer yet
Hang ontheir sleuesthat weygh (as thou mayst se)
A chippeof chance more then a pounde of wit.
Thismaketh me at home to hunt and hauke:
And infowle wether at my boke to sit:
In frostand snowthen with my bow to stalke.
No mandoth marke where so I ride or go.
In lustyleas at libertie I walke:
And ofthese newes I fele nor weale nor wo:
Saue thata clogge doth hang yet at my heele.
No forcefor thatfor it is ordred so:
That I mayleape both hedge and dike full wele
I am notnow in Fraunceto iudge the wine:
With savrysauce those delicates to fele.
Nor yet inSpaine where one must him incline
Ratherthen to beoutwardly to seme.
I meddlenot with wyttes that be so fine
NorFlaunders chere lettes not my syght to deme
Of blackeand whitenor takes my wittes away
Withbeastlinesse: such do those beastes esteme.
Nor I amnotwhere truth is geuen in pray
For moneypoysonand treason: of some
A commonpractisevsed nyght and day.
But I amhere in kent and christendome:
Among theMuseswhere I reade and ryme
Where ifthou list myne owne Iohn Poyns to come:
Thou shaltbe iudgehow I do spende my time.
A spendynghand
How to vsethe court and him selfe therinwritten to syr Fraunces Bryan.
A Spendynghand that alway powreth out
Had nedeto haue a bringer in as fast.
And on thestone that styll doth turne about
Theregroweth no mosse. These prouerbes yet do last:
Reasonhath set them in so sure a place:
Thatlength of yeres their force can neuer waste.
When Iremember thisand eke the case
Wherinthou standst: I thought forthwith to write
(Brian) tothee? who knowes how great a grace
In writyngis to counsaile man the right.
To theetherfore that trottes still vp and downe:
And neuerrestesbut runnyng day and night
Fromrealme to realmefrom citye streteand towne.
Why doestthou weare thy body to the bones?
Andmightest at home slepe in thy bedde of downe:
And drinkegood ale so noppy for the nones:
Fede thyselfe fatteand heape vp pounde by pounde.
Likestthou not this? No. Why? For swine so groines
In styeand chaw dung moulded on the ground.
Anddriuell on pearles with head styll in the manger
So of theharpe the asse doth heare the sound.
So sackesof durt be filde. The neate courtier
So seruesfor lessethen do these fatted swine.
Though Iseme leane and dryewithouten moysture:
Yet will Iserue my princemy lord and thine.
And letthem liue to fede the paunch that lyst:
So I mayliue to fede both me and myne.
By Godwell said. But what and if thou wist
How tobring inas fast as thou doest spend.
That wouldI learne. And it shall not be mist
To tellthee how. Now harke what I intende.
Thouknowest well firstwho so can seke to please
Shallpurchase frendes: where trouthshall but offend.
Fleetherefore truthit is both welth and ease.
For thoughthat trouth of euery man hath prayse:
Full nearethat winde goeth trouth in great misease.
Vsevertueas it goeth now a dayes:
In wordealone to make thy language swete:
And of thededeyet do not as thou saies.
Els bethou sure: thou shalt be farre vnmete
To get thybreadech thing is now so skant.
Seke stillthy profite vpon thy bare fete.
Lende inno wise: for feare that thou do want:
Vnlesse itbeas to a calfe a chese:
By whichreturne be sure to winne a cant
Of halfeat least. It is not good to leese.
Learne atthe laddethat in a long white cote
From vnderthe stallwithouten landes or feese
Hath leptinto the shoppe: who knowes by rote
This rulethat I haue told thee here before.
Sometimealso riche age beginnes to dote
Se thouwhen there thy gaine may be the more.
Stay himby the armewhele so he walke or go:
Be nerealwayand if he coughe to sore:
What hehath spit treade outand please him so.
A diligentknaue that pikes his masters purse
May pleasehim sothat he withouten mo
Executouris. And what is he the wurs?
But if sochancethou get nought of the man:
The wydowmay for all thy charge deburs.
A riueldskynnea stinkyng breathwhat than?
Atothelesse mouth shall do thy lippes no harme.
The goldeis goodand though she curse or banne:
Yet wherethee listthou mayest lye good and warme.
Let theolde mule bite vpon the bridle:
Whilstthere do lye a sweter in thine arme.
In thisalso se thou be not idle:
Thy necethy cosynthy sisteror thy daughter
If she beefaire: if handsome be her middle:
If thybetter hath her loue besought her:
Auauncehis causeand he shall helpe thy nede.
It is butloueturne it to a laughter.
But ware Isayso gold thee helpe and spede:
That inthis case thou be not so vnwise
As Pandarwas in such a like dede.
For he thefole of conscience was so nice:
That he nogaine would haue for all his payne.
Be nextthy selfe for frendshyp beares no price.
Laughestthou at mewhy? do I speake in vaine?
No not attheebut at thy thrifty iest.
WouldestthouI should for any losse or gayne
Changethat for goldethat I haue tane for best
Next godlythinges: to haue an honest name?
Should Ileaue that? then take me for a beast.
Nay thenfarewelland if thou care for shame:
Contentthee then with honest pouertie:
With freetongwhat thee mislikesto blame.
And forthy trouth sometime aduersitie.
Andtherwithall this thing I shall thee giue
In thisworld now litle prosperitie:
And coyneto kepeas water in a siue.
When Didofeasted first
The songof Iopas vnfinished.
When Didofeasted first the wanderyng Troian knight:
who<m>Iunos wrath w<ith> stormes did force in Libyk sa<n>ds tolight
Thatmighty Atlas taughtthe supper lastyng long
Withcrisped lockes on golden harpeIopas sang in song.
That same(quod he) that we the world do call and name:
Of heauenand earth with all contentsit is the very frame.
Or thusof heauenly powers by more power kept in one
Repungnantkindesin mids of who<m> the earth hath place alone:
Firmeroundof liuing thingesthe mother place and nourse:
Withoutthe which in egal weightthis heuen doth hold his course
And it iscallde by namethe first and mouyng heauen
Thefirmament is placed nextconteinyng other seuen
Ofheauenly powers that same is planted full and thicke:
As shinynglightes which we call starsthat therin cleue & sticke.
With greatswift swaythe first& with his restlesse sours
Carieth itselfand al those eyghtin euen continuall cours.
And ofthis world so round within that rollyng case
Two pointsthere be that neuer mouebut firmely kepe their place
The tonewe see alwaythe tother standes obiect
Againstthe samedeuidyng iust the grounde by line direct.
Which byimaginaciondrawen from the one to thother
Toucheththe centre of the earthfor way there is none other.
And thesebe callde the Polesdiscriyde by starres not bright.
Artike theone northward we see: Antartike thother hyght.
The linethat we deuise from thone to thother so:
As axelisvpon the which the heauens about do go
Which ofwater nor earthof ayre nor fire haue kinde.
Therforethe substance of those same were harde for man to finde.
But theybene vncorruptsimple and pure vnmixt:
And so wesay been all those starresthat in those same be fixt.
And ekethose erryng seuenin circle as they stray:
So calldbecause agaynst that first they haue repungnant way:
Andsmaller bywayes toskant sensible to man:
To busyworke for my pore harpe: let sing them hethat can.
The wydestsaue the firstof all these nine aboue
Onehundred yere doth aske of spacefor one degree to moue.
Of whichdegrees we makein the first moouyng heauen
Threehundred and threscore in partes iustly deuided euen.
And yetthere is another betwene those heauens two:
Whosemouyng is so sly so slack: I name it not for now.
Theseuenth heauen or the shellnext to the starry sky
All thosedegrees that gatherth vpwith aged pase so sly:
And dothperforme the sameas elders count hath bene
In nineand twenty yeres completeand daies almost sixtene:
Doth caryin his bowt the starre of Saturne old:
Athreatner of all liuyng thingswith drought & with his cold.
The sixtwhom this conteynsdoth stalke with yoonger pase:
And intwelue yere doth somwhat more then thothers viage was.
And thisin it doth bear the starre of Ioue benigne
TweneSaturns malice and vs menfrendly defendyng signe.
The fiftbears bloudy Marsthat in three hundred daies
And twiseeleuen with one full yerehath finisht all those wayes.
A yeredoth aske the fourthand howers therto sixe
And in thesame the dayes eie the sunnetherin her styckes.
The thirdthat gouernd is by thatthat gouerns mee:
And louefor loueand for no loue prouokes: as oft we see:
In likespace doth performe that coursethat did the tother.
So dothethe next vnto the samethat second is in order.
But itdoth bear the starrethat calld is Mercury:
That manya crafty secrete steppe doth treadas Calcars try.
That skyis lastand fixt next vsthose wayes hath gone
In seuenand twenty co<m>mon dayesand eke the third of one:
Andbeareth with his swaythe diuers Moone about:
Nowbrightnow brownnow be<n>tnow ful& now her light isout
Thus hauethey of their owne two mouynges al these seuen
Onewherin they be caried stillech in his seueral heuen.
An otherof them selueswhere their bodyes be layed
Inbywayesand in lesser rowndesas I afore haue sayd.
Saue ofthem all the sunne doth stray lest from the straight
The starrysky hath but one coursthat we haue calde the eight.
And allthese moouynges eight are ment from west to the east:
Althoughthey seme to clime aloftI say from east to west.
But thatis but by force of the first mouyng sky:
In twisetwelue houres fro<m> east to east <that> carieth the<m>by and by.
But markewe well alsothese mouinges of these seuen
Be notabout the axell tree of the first mouyng heuen.
For theyhaue their two poles directly tone tothe (Note: to the) tother. &c.
Tottel-- Songes and Sonettes -- . Songes written by Nicolas Grimald.
What sweetreleef
What sweetreleef the showers to thirstie plants we see:
What deredelitethe blooms to beez: my trueloue is to mee.
As freshand lusty vere foule winter doth exceed:
As morningbrightwith scarlet skydoth passe the euenings weed:
As melowpeares aboue the crabs esteemed be:
So doth myloue surmount them allwhom yet I hap to se.
The okeshall oliues bear: the lambthe lion fray:
The owleshall match the nightingalein tuning of her lay:
Or I myloue let slip out of mine entiere hert:
So deepreposed in my brest is shefor her desert.
For manyblessed giftesO happyhappy land:
WhereMarsand Pallas striue to make their glory most to stand
Yetlandmore is thy blisse: thatin this cruell age
A Venusympthou hast brought forthso stedfastand so sage.
Among theMuses nynea tenth yf Ioue would make:
And to theGraces threea fourth: her would Apollo take.
Let somefor honour hoontand hourd the massy golde:
With herso I may liueand dyemy weal cannot be tolde.
Phebetwise took her horns
The louerto his dearof his exceding loue.
Phebetwise took her hornstwise layd them by:
Iall thewhileon thee could set no yie.
Yet doo Iliue: if life you may it call
Whichonely holds my heauy hertas thrall.
Certessefor death doo I ful often pray
To rid mywoand pull these pangs away.
So plainesPromethhis womb no time to faile:
Andayelife lefthad leeferhe might quaile.
I erreorels (Note: or els) who this deuise first found
By thatgripes name he cleped loue vnsound.
In all thetownwhat streat haue I not seen?
In all thetownyet hath not Carie been.
Eyther thysier restraines thy free outgate
O womanworthy of farre better state:
Orpeeplepesterd London lykes thee nought
Butpleasant ayrin quiet countrie sought.
Perchauncein olds our loue thou doest repeat
And insure place woldst euery thing retreat.
Forthshall I gone will I stay for none
Vntyll Imay somwhere finde thee alone.
Therwhilekeep you of handsand neck the heew:
Let notyour cheeks becoom or blackor bleew.
Go withwelcouerd hed: for you incase (Note: in case)
Apollospiedburn wold he on your face.
Daphneingroueclad with bark of baytree:
Ay meeifsuch a tale should ryse of thee.
Calistofoundin woodsIoues force to fell:
I prayyoulet him not like you so well.
Eighhowmuch dreed? Here lurks of theeus a haunt:
Whoso thoubeestpreyseeker prowdauaunt.
Acteon mayteach thee Dictynnaes ire:
Of trouththis goddesse hath as fiers a fire.
What doo Ispeak? O chief part of my minde
Vnto youreares these woords no way doo finde.
Wold godwhen you read thisobserue I might
Yourvoyceand of your countinaunce haue sight
Thenforour louegood hope were not to seek:
I moughtsay with myselfshe will be meek.
DoutlesseI coomwhat euer town you keep
Or whereyou woonin woodsor mountanes steep:
I coomand if all pear not in my face
Myselfwill messenger be of my case.
If to myprayer all deafyou dare sayeno:
Streightof my death agilted shall you go.
Yet in middeaththis same shall ease my hart:
ThatCariethou wert cause of all the smart.
Louers menwarn the corps
The louerasketh pardon of his derefor fleeyng from her.
Louers menwarn the corps beloued to flee
From theblinde fire in case they wold liue free.
Ay meehow oft haue I fled theemy Day?
I fleebut loue bides in my brest alway.
Lo yetagaynI grauntI gan remoue:
But both Icouldand can say stillI loue.
If woods Iseekcooms to my thought Adone:
And wellthe woods do know my heauy mone.
In gardensif I walk: Narcissus there
I spyandHyacints with weepyng chere:
If meads ItredO what a fyre I feel?
In flamesof loue I burn from hed to heel.
Here Ibehold dame Ceres ymp in flight:
Here beemethynkblack Plutoes steeds in sight.
Stronds ifI look vponthe Nymphs I mynde:
Andinmid seaoft feruent powrs I fynde.
The hyerthat I clymein mountanes wylde
The nearermee approcheth Venus chylde.
Towns yf Ihaunt: in shortshall I all say?
Theresoondry fourms I viewnone to my pay.
Her fauournow I noteand now her yies:
Her hedamisse: her foother cheeksher guyse.
In fynewhere mater wantsdefautes I fayn:
Whomotherfayr: I deemshe hath soom stayn.
What bootsit then to fleesythe in nightyde
Anddaytyme tomy Day is at my side?
A shadetherfore mayst thou be calldby ryght:
ButshadowesderkthouDayart euer bright.
Nayratherworldly name is not for thee:
Sithe thouat once canst in twoo places bee.
Forgiuemegoddesseand becoom my sheeld:
Euen Venusto Anchise herself dyd yeeld.
LoIconfesse my flight: bee good therfore:
Ioueoftentimeshath pardond mee for more.
Next daymy Dayto you I coom my way:
Andyfyou(Note: yf you) suffer meedue payns wyll pay.
N.Vincent. to G. Black woodagaynst wedding.
SytheBlackwoodyou haue mynde to wed a wife:
I prayyoutellwherefore you like that life.
What? thathenceforth you may liue more in blisse?
Youblisful bewith flower of frying pan?
Orels(Note: or els) of face indifferent: (they say
Face butindifferent will soone decay.)
Or faire:whothenfor many men semes fine:
Ne can yousayshe is all holly mine.
And be shechaste (if noman (Note: no man) chaunce to sew)
A sort ofbrats she bringesand troubles new:
Orfrutelesse will so passe long yeres with thee
That scantone day shall voyd of brawlyng bee.
Heretoheap vp vndaunted hedstif hart
And allthe rest: eche spouse can tell a part.
Leauethenthis wayto hope for happy life:
Rather beyour bed soleand free from strife.
Of blessedstate if any path be here:
It lurkethnotwhere women wonne so nere.
G.Blackwood to. N. Vincentwith weddyng.
SytheVincentI haue minde to wed a wife:
You bid metellwherfore I like that life.
Foule willI notfaire I desire: content
If faireme faylewith one indifferent.
Fairyoualledgea thousand will applie:
Butnereso oft requirdeshe will denie.
Meanebeautie doth soone fade: therof playn hee
Whonothing loues in womanbut her blee.
Frute ifshe bringof frute is ioyfull sight:
If nonewhat then? our burden is but light.
The restyou mingcertessewe grauntbe great:
Stif hertvndaunted hed cause soom to freat.
Butinall thingesinborne displeasures be:
Yeapleasure wefull of displeasurese.
Andmaruail youI looke for good estate
Hereafterif a woman be my mate?
Ohstraight is vertues pathif sooth men say:
Andlikewisethat I seekstraight is the way.
Imps ofking Ioue
The Muses.
Imps ofking Ioueand quene Remembrance lo
Thesisters nynethe poets pleasant feres.
Calliopedoth stately style bestow
And worthyprayses payntes of princely peres.
Clio insolem songesreneweth old day
Withpresent yeres conioynyng age bypast.
Delitefulltalke loues Comicall Thaley:
In freshgreen youthwho dothe like laurell last.
Withvoyces Tragicall sowndes Melpomen
Andaswith cheynsthallured eare shee bindes.
Herstringes when Terpsichor dothe toucheeuen then
Sheetoucheth hartesand raigneth in mens mindes.
FineEratowhose look a liuely chere
Presentsin dauncyng keeps a comely grace.
Withsemely gesture doth Polymnie stere:
Whosewordes holle routes of renkes doo rule in place
Vranieher globes to view all bent
Theninefolde heauen obserues with fixed face.
Theblastes Euterpe tunes of instrument
Withsolace sweet hence heauie dumps to chase.
LordPhebus in the mids (whose heauenly sprite
Theseladies dothe enspire) embraceth all.
The gracesin the Muses weeddelite
To leadthem forththat men in maze they fall.
In workyngwell
Musoniusthe Philosophers saiyng.
In workyngwellif trauell you sustaine:
Into thewinde shall lightly passe the payne:
But of thedeed the glory shall remaine
And causeyour name with worthy wightes to raigne.
In workyngwrongif pleasure you attaine:
Thepleasure soon shall vadeand uoide(Note: voide) as vaine:
But of thedeedthroughout the lifethe shame
Enduresdefacyng you with fowl defame:
And stiltorments the mindebothe night and daye:
Scantlength of time the spot can wash awaye.
Flee thenylswading pleasures baits vntreew:
And noblevertues fayr renown purseew.
Who woldbeleeue mans life
MarcusCatoes comparison of mans life with yron.
Who woldbeleeue mans life like yron to bee
But proofhad beengreat Catomade by thee?
For iflong timeone put this yron in vre
Folowingech day his woorkwith bysye cure:
With daylyvsehee may the metall wear
And bothethe strengthand hardnesse eke impaire.
Againincase his yron hee cast aside
Andcarelesse long let it vntoucht abide:
Sythecankerd rust inuades the mettall sore
And herfowl teeth there fastneth more and more.
So manincase (Note: in case) his corps hee tyreand faint
With laborlong: his strength it shall attaint.
But if insluggard slothe the same dothe lye:
That manlymight will fall awayand dye:
Thatbodies strengththat force of wit remooue:
Hee shallfor mana weaklyng woman prooue.
Wherforemy childeholde twene these twaine the waye:
Notherwith to much toyl thy lyms decaye
In idleease nor giue to vices place:
In bothewho measure keepshee hath good grace.
One is mysire
Cleobulusthe Lydians riddle.
One is mysire: my soonstwise six they bee:
Ofdaughters ech of them begetsyou see
Thriseten: wherof one sort be fayr of face
The ootherdoth vnseemly black disgrace.
Nor thisholl rout is thrall vnto deathdaye
Nor wornwith wastful timebut liue alwaye:
And yetthe same alwaies (straunge case) do dye.
The sirethe daughtersand the soons distry.
Incase(Note: in case) you can so hard a knot vnknit:
You shallI count an Edipus in wit.
By heauenshye gift
ConcerningVirgils Eneids.
By heauenshye giftincase (Note: in case) reuiued were
LysipApellesand Homer the great:
The mosterenowmdand ech of them sance pere
Ingrauyngpaintyngand the Poets feat:
Yet couldthey notfor all their vein diuine
In marbletablepaper moreor lesse
Withcheezilpencilor with poyntel fyne
So graueso payntor so by style expresse
(Thoughthey beheld of euery ageand land
Thefayrest booksin euery toung contriued
To frame afourmand to direct their hand)
Of nobleprince the liuely shape descriued:
Asin thefamous woorkthat Eneids hight
Thenaamkouth Virgil hath set forth in sight.
A heauyhart
Of mirth.
A Heauyhartwith wo encreaseth euery smart:
Amirthfull minde in time of needdefendeth sorowes dart.
The spriteof quicnesse seemsby drery sadnesse slayn:
By mirtha man to liuely plightreuiued is agayn.
Dolourdryeth vp the bones: the sad shall sone be sick:
Mirth canpreserue the kyndly helthmirth makes the body quick.
Depe dumpsdo noughtbut dullnot meet for man but beast:
A meryhert sage Salomon countes his continuall feast.
Sad sollbefore thy timebrings thee vnto deaths dore:
That fondcondicions haue bereftlate daye can not restore.
Aswhenthe couered heauenshowes forth a lowryng face
FayrTitanwith his leam of lightreturns a goodly grace:
Sowhenour burdened brest is whelmd with clowdy thought
A pleasantcalm throughout the corpsby chereful hart is brought
Enioye wethen our ioyesand in the lorde reioyce:
Faithmakyng fast eternall ioyeof ioyes while wee haue choyce.
Charis thefourth
To L. I.S.
Charis thefourthPieris the tenththe second CyprisIane
One toassemblies thre adioynd: whom Phebus fereDiane
Among theNymphs Oreadesmight wel vouchsafe to place:
But you asgreat a goddesse seruethe quenes most noble grace:
Allhayleand whilelike Terpsichormuch melody you make:
Which ifthe fieldas doth the courtenioydthe trees wold shake:
Whilelatine youand french frequent: while English tales you tel:
Italianwhilesand Spanish you do hearand know full well:
Amid suchpearesand solemne sightesin case conuenient tyme
You can(good Lady) spareto read a rurall poets ryme:
Take herehis simple sawesin briefe: wherin no need to moue
YourLadishypbut thus lo speakes thabundance of his loue.
The worthyfeates that now so much set forth your noble name
So haue invrethey still encreastmay more encrease your fame.
For thoughdiuine your doings beyet thews w<ith> yeres may grow:
And if youstaystreight now adayes fresh wits will ouergo.
Wherforethe glory got maintaynemaintayne the honour great.
So shalthe world my doom approueand set you in that seat
WhereGracesMusesand Ioues ympthe ioyful Venusraigne:
So shallthe bacheler blessed beecan such a Nymph obtaine.
Whatcausewhat reaso<n>
Tomaistres D. A.
Whatcausewhat reaso<n> moueth me: what fansy fils my brains
That you Iminde of virgins alwho<m> Britan soile sustains
Bothe whento lady Mnemosynes dere daughters I resort
And ekewhe<n> I <that> season slow deceauew<ith> gladdisport?
Whatforcewhat power haue you so greatwhat charms haue you latefon<n>d(Note: fou<n>d; from previous line)
To pluckto drawto rauish hartes& stirre out of ther stownd?
To youItrowIoues daughter hath the louely gyrdle lent
ThatCestos hight: wherin there bee all maner graces blent
Allurementesof conceitsof wordes the pleasurable taste:
That sameI gessehath she giuen youand girt about your waste
Beset withsute of precious pearlas bright as sunny day.
But what?I am beguildeand gone (I wene) out of the way.
Thesecauses lo do not so much present your image prest
That willInill Inight and dayyou lodge within this brest:
Thosegifts of your right worthy mindethose golde<n> gifts of mind
Of my fastfixed fansiefourm first moouing cause I finde:
Loue ofthe oneand threefold powr: faith sacredsoundsincere:
A modestmaydens mood: an hertfrom clowd of enuy clere:
Witfedwith Pallas food diuine: willled with louely lore:
Memorieconteining lessons great of ladies fiueand fowr:
Woordssweeterthan the sugar sweetwith heauenly nectar drest:
Nothingbut coomly can they carpand wonders well exprest.
Suchdamsels did the auncient worldfor Poets pennssuffise:
Whichnowa dayeswelnye as rareas Poets fynearyse.
Wherforeby gracious gifts of godyou more than thrise yblest:
And Iwelblest myself suppose: whom chastefull loue imprest
Infrendships lacewith such a lassedoth knitand fast combine:
Which laceno threatning fortune shallno length of tyme vntwine:
And I thatdayewith gem snowwhitewill mark& eke depaynt
Withpricely pen: whichAwdleyfirst gan mee with you acquaint.
Deserts ofNymphs
Of m. D.A. (Note: spaces after the initial letter of each line: DAMASCENEAWDLEY)
Deserts ofNymphsthat auncient Poets showe
Ar not sokouthas hers: whose present face
Morethanmy Musemay cause the world to knowe
A naturenobly giuen: of woorthy race:
So traynedvpas honour did bestowe.
Cyllenein sugerd speechgaue her a grace.
Excell insong Apollo made his dere.
Nofingerfeat Minerue hid from her sight.
Exprest inlookshe hath so souerain chere
As Cyprianonce breathed on the Spartan bright.
Witwisdomwillwoordwoorkand allI ween
Darenomans (Note: no mans) pen presume to paint outright.
Lo luysterand light: which if old tyme had seen
Entronedshyne she shouldwith goddesse Fame.
YeeldEnuiethese due prayses to this dame.
Nowflaming Phebus
A neewyeres giftto the l. M. S.
Nowflaming Phebuspassing through his heauenly regio<n> hye
Thevttrest Ethiopian folk with ferueut (Note: feruent) beams doth frye:
And withthe soonthe yere also his secret race doth roon:
And Ianuswith his double facehath it again begoon:
O thouthat art the hed of allwhom moonethsand yeres obey:
At whosecommaund bee bothe the sterresand surges of the sea:
By powrdiuinenow prosper vs this yere with good successe:
This wellto leadand many movs with thy fauour blesse.
Grauntwith sound soll in body sound that here we dayly go:
Andafterin that conntrey lyuewhence bannisht is all wo:
Wherehoongerthirstand sory ageand sicknesse may not mell:
No senseperceiusno hert bethinks the ioyesthat there do dwel.
So happybee
An otherto. l.M.S.
So happybee the course of your long life:
So roonthe yere intoo his circle ryfe:
Thatnothyng hynder your welmeanyng minde:
Sharp witmay youremembrans redy fynde
Perfectintelligenceall help at hand:
Styllstayd your thought in frutefull studies stand.
Hed framedthus may thother parts well frame
Diuinedemeanour wyn a noble name:
By payzeddoom with leasureand good heed:
By vprightdoleand much auayling deed:
By hertvnthirldby vndiscoomfite chere
And brestdischarged quite of coward fere:
Bysobermood(Note: sober mood) and orders coomly rate:
In wealand woby holdyng one estate.
And tothat beauties gracekynde hath you lent
Of bodieshelth a perfite plight bee blent.
Damefortunes gifts may so stand you in sted
That welland wealfully your lyfe be led.
And heewho giues these graces not in vayn
Directyour deedshis honour to maintain.
To youmadameI wish
To. l. K.S.
To youmadameI wishbothe nowand eke from yere to yere
Stre<n>gthw<ith> Deborew<ith> Iudith faithw<ith>Maudle<n> zealAnns chere
Withblessed Mary modest moode: like Sibilllife full long:
A myndewith sacred sprite enspiredwit freshand body strong:
Andwhenof your forepointed fate you haue outroon the race:
Emong allthesein Ioues hye raygn of blisses fulla place.
As thisfirst daye of Ianus
To. l. E.S.
As thisfirst daye of Ianus youthe restores vnto the yere:
So beeyour minde in coorage good reuiuedand herty chere.
And asdame Tellus labreth now her frutes conceiued to breed:
Rightso(Note: Right so) of your most forward wit may great auail proceed.
So luckybee the yerethe moonethsthe weeks<the> dayes<the>howrs
That themwith long recoursyou may enioy in blisfull bowrs.
To. m. D.A.
Gorgeousattireby art made trymand clene
Cheynbraceletperlor gem of Indian riuer
To you Inilne can (good Damascene)
This timeof Ianus Calendshere deliuer.
Butwhat?My hert: whichthough long sins certain
Your ownit wasaye present at your hest:
Yet hereitself doth it resigne agayn
Withinthese noombers closde. Wherethink you best
This torepose? ThereI supposewhere free
Minerueyou place. For it hath you embraste
AsthHeliconian Nymphs: with whomeuen hee
That burnfor soomApollo liueth chaste.
Presentsin case by raarnesse you esteem:
O Lordhow great a gift shall this then seem?
To youthis present yere
To. m. S.H.
To youthis present yere full fayreand fortunable fall
Returningnow to his prime part: andgood luck therwithall
May itproceed: and endand oft returnto glad your hert:
O Susanwhom among my frendes I countby your desert.
Ioy mayyour heauenly sprite: endure fresh witin <that> fyne brayn:
Yourknowledge of good things encreas: your bodysafe remain:
A bodyofsuch shapeas showeth a worthy wight by kynde:
A closetfit for to contein the vertues of that minde.
What shallI yet moreouer add? God grauntw<ith> pleasaunt mate
Apleasaunt life you lead. Well may that man reioyse his fate.
No imagecarued
To hisfamiliar frend.
No imagecarued with coonnyng handno cloth of purple dye
Noprecious weight of metall brightno siluer plate gyue I:
Such gearallures not heue<n>ly herts: such gifts no grace they bring:
I lo<that> know your mindewill send none such what then? nothing.
What oneart thou
Descriptionof Vertue.
What oneart thouthus in torn weed yclad?
Vertueinprice whom auncient sages had.
Whypoorely rayd? For fadyng goodes past care.
Whydoublefaced? I mark eche fortunes fare.
Thisbridlewhat? Mindes rages to restrain.
Tooles whybeare you? I loue to take great pain.
Whywinges? I teach aboue the starres to flye.
Why treadyou death? I onely cannot dye.
Theauncient time commended
Prayse ofmeasure-kepyng.
Theauncient time commendednot for nought
The mean:what better thing can ther be sought?
In meanis vertue placed: on either side
Botherightand leftamisse a man shall slide.
Icarwithsire hadst thou the mid way flown
Icarianbeck by name had no man known.
If middlepath kept had proud Phaeton
No burningbrand this erth had falln vpon.
Ne cruellpowrne none to soft can raign:
That keepsa meanthesame (Note: the same) shall styll remain.
TheeIulieonce did toomuch (Note: too much) mercy spill:
TheeNerosternrigor extreem did kill.
How couldAugust so many yeres well passe?
Noronermeek(Note: ouer meek) nor ouerferse he was.
Worshipnot Ioue with curious fansies vain
Nor himdespise: hold right atween these twayn.
Nowastefull wightno greedy goom is prayzd.
Standslargesse iustin egall balance payzd.
So Catoesmeal surmountes Antonius chere
And betterfame his sober fare hath here.
To slenderbuildyngbad: as badto grosse:
Oneaneyesorethe tother falls to losse.
Asmedcines helpin measure: so (God wot)
Byouermuchthe sick their bane haue got.
Vnmeet meeseems to vtter thismo wayes:
Measureforbids vnmeasurable prayse.
What pathlist you to tred?
Mans lifeafter Possidoniusor Crates.
What pathlist you to tred? what trade will you assaye?
The courtsof pleaby braul& batedriue gentle peace away.
In housefor wifeand childethere is but carkand care:
Withtrauailand with toyl ynoughin feelds wee vse to fare.
Vpon theseas lieth dreed: the richein foraine land
Doo fearthe losse: and therethe poorelike misers poorly stand.
Strifewith a wifewithoutyour thrift full hard to see:
Yongbratsa trouble: none at alla maym it seems to bee:
Youthfond: age hath no hertand pincheth all to nye.
Choosethen the leefer of these twoono lifeor soon to dye.
What raceof life ronne you?
Metrodorusminde to the contrarie.
What raceof life ronne you? what trade will you assaye?
In courtsis glory gottand witt encreased daye by daye.
At homewee take our easeand beak our selues in rest:
The feeldsour nature doo refresh with pleasures of the best.
On seasis gayn to gett: the straungerhee shall bee
Esteemedhauing much: if notnone knoweth his lackbut hee.
A wifewill trym thy house: no wife? then art thou free.
Brood is alouely thing: withoutthy life is loose to thee.
Yongbloods be strong: old sires in double honour dwell.
Doo wayethat choysno lifeor soon to dye: for all is well.
Whenprinces lawes
Of lawes.
Whenprinces lawesw<ith> reuerend rightdo keep <the>co<m>mons vnder
As meek asla<m>besthei do their charge& scatter not asunder.
But ifthey raise their heades aloftand lawe her brydle slake:
Thenlikea tyger fellthey fareand lust for law they take.
Wherewater dothe preuailand fireno mercy they expresse:
But yetthe rage of that rude rout is much more mercilesse.
Of all theheauenly gifts
Of all theheauenly giftsthat mortall men commend
Whattrusty treasure in the world can cou<n>teruail a frend?
Our helthis soon decayd: goodescasualllightand vain:
Broke hauewe seen the force of powrand honour suffer stain.
In bodieslustman doth resemble but base brute:
Truevertue getsand keeps a frendgood guide of our pursute:
Whoseharty zeal with ours accordsin euery case:
No termeof timeno space of placeno storme can it deface.
Whenfickle fortune faylsthis knot endureth still:
Thy kinout of their kinde may swaruewhen fre<n>ds owe thee good wil.(Note: from following line)
Whatsweeter solace shall befallthan one to finde
Vpon whosebrest thou mayst repose the secrets of thy minde?
Heewayleth at thy wohis tears with thine be shed:
With theedothe hee all ioyes enioye: so leef a life is led.
Behold thyfrendand of thy self the pattern see:
One soulla wonder shall it seemin bodies twain to bee.
Inabsencepresentriche in wantin sickenesse sownd
Yeaafterdeath aliuemayst thou by thy sure frend be found.
Ech houseech towneech realm by stedfast loue dothe stand:
Where fowldebate breeds bitter balein eche diuided land.
Ofrendshipflowr of flowrs: O liuely sprite of life
O sacredbond of blisfull peacethe stalworth staunch of strife:
Scipiowith Lelius didst thou conioyn in care
At homein warrsfor weal and wowith egall faith to fare.
Gesippuseke with TiteDamon with Pythias
And withMenetus sonne Achillby thee combined was.
Euryalusand Nisus gaue Virgil cause to sing:
Of Pyladesdoo many rymesand of Orestes ring.
DownTheseus went to hellPirithhis frend to finde:
O <that>the wiuesin these our dayeswere to their mates so kinde.
Cicerothe frendly manto Atticushis frend
Offrendship wrote: such couples lo dothe lott but seeldom lend.
Recountthy racenow ronne: how few shalt thou there see
Of whometo saye: This same is heethat neuer fayled mee.
So rare aiewel then must nedes be holden dere:
And asthou wilt esteem thyselfso take thy chosen fere.
Thetyrantin dispayreno lack of gold bewayls:
ButOut Iam vndoon (sayth hee) for all my frendship fayls.
Wherforesins nothing is more kindely for our kinde:
Nextwisdomethus that teacheth vsloue we the frendful minde.
The issueof great Ioue
The issueof great Iouedraw nere youMuses nine:
Help vs topraise the blisfull plott of garden ground so fine.
The gardengiues good foodand ayd for leaches cure:
Thegardenfull of great delitehis master dothe allure.
Sweetsallet herbs bee hereand herbs of euery kinde:
The ruddygrapesthe seemly frutes bee here at hand to finde.
Herepleasans wanteth notto make a man full fayn:
Heremarueilous the mixture is of solaceand of gain.
To watersondry seedsthe forow by the waye
A ronningriuertrilling downe with liquorcan conuay.
Beholdewith liuely heewfayr flowrs that shyne so bright:
Withricheslike the orient gemsthey paynt the molde in sight.
Beezhumming with soft sound(their murmur is so small)
Of bloomsand blossoms suck the toppson dewed leaues they fall
Thecreping vine holds down her own bewedded elms:
Andwa<n>dering out w<ith> branches thickreeds foldedouerwhelms.
Treesspred their couerts wydewith shadows fresh and gaye:
Full welltheir branched bowz defend the feruent sonne awaye.
Birdschatterand some chirpand some sweet tunes doo yeeld:
Allmirthfullw<ith> their songs so blithethey make both ayre&feeld.
Thegardenit alluresit feedsit glads the sprite:
Fro<m>heauy harts all doolfull dumps the garden chaseth quite.
Stength(Note: Strength) it restores to limsdrawesand fulfils the sight:
With cherereuiues the senses alland maketh labour light.
Owhatdelites to vs the garden ground dothe bring?
Seedleafflowrfruteherbbeeand tree& morethen I may sing.
The worthyWilfords body
An epitaphof sir Iames wilford knight.
The worthyWilfords bodywhich alyue
Made boththe Scotand Frenchman sore adrad:
A bodyshapte of stomake stout to striue
Withforein foes: a corpsthat coorage had
So full offorcethe like nowhere was ryfe:
With hertas freeas ere had gentle knight:
Now herein graue (thus chaungeth aythis lyfe)
Restswith vnrest to many a wofull wight.
Oflargesse greatof manhodof forecast
Can echgood English souldiour bear record.
SpeakLaunderseytell Muttrel maruails past:
CryeMusselborough: prayse Haddington thy lord
From theethat held both Scotsand frekes of Fraunce:
Farewelmay England sayhard is my chaunce.
ForWilford wept first men
An otherof the same knightes death.
ForWilford wept first menthen ayr also
ForWilford felt the wayters wayfull wo.
The men sowept: that bookesabrode which bee
Ofmoornyng meeters full a man may see.
So wayldthe ayr: thatclowds consumderemaynd
No dropesbut drouth the parched erth sustaynd.
So greetedfloods: thatwhere ther rode before
A shipacar may go safe on the shore.
Left werenomo(Note: no mo) but heauenand erthto make
Throughoutthe worldthis greef his rigor take.
But sinsthe heauen this Wilfords goste dothe keep
And earthhis corps: saye meewhy shold they weep?
Manby awoman lern
An Epitaphof the ladye Margaret Lee. .
Manby awoman lernthis life what we may call:
Blodfre<n>dshipbeautyyouthattirewelthworshiphelth &al
Take notfor thine: nor yet thy self as thine beknow.
For hauingthesewith full great praysethis lady did but show
Her selfvnto the world: and in prime yeres (bee ware)
Sleepsdoolfull sisterwho is wont for no respect to spare
Alaswithdreew her hence: or rather softly led:
For withgood will I dare well sayeher waye to him shee sped:
Whoclaymedthat he bought: and took that erst hee gaue:
More meetthan any worldly wightsuch heauenly gems to haue.
Now woldshee not returnin earth a queen to dwell.
As sheehathe doon to yougood frendbid lady Leefarewell.
Myrrour ofmatrones
Vpon thetomb of A. w.
Myrrour ofmatronesflowr of spouslike loue
Of fayrbrood frutefull norssepoor peoples stay
Neyboursdelitetrue hert to him aboue
Inyeelding worlds encreas took her decaye:
Whoprinted liues yet in our hertes alway:
Whosecloset of good thewslayd here a space
Shallshortly with the soull in heauen haue place.
Nowblythe Thaley
Vpon thedeceas of w. Ch.
Nowblythe Thaleythy feastfull layes lay by:
And toresound these doolfull tunes apply.
Cause ofgreat greef the tyrant death imports:
Whosevgsoom idoll to my brayns resorts.
Agracefull ympa flowr of youthaway
Hath shebereft (alas) before his daye.
Chambersthis lyfe to leaueand thy dear mates
So soondoo thee constrayn enuyous fates?
Ohwiththat witthose manersthat good hert
Woorthy tolyue olde Nestors yeres thou wert.
You wantedoutward yies: and yet aryght
InstoriesPoetsoratours had sight.
Whatso youherdby liuely voyceexprest
Was soonreposde within that mindefull brest.
To meemore pleasant Plautus neuer was
Than thoseconceitsthat from your mouth did passe.
Ourstudiemates great hope did hold alway
You woldbe our schooles ornamentone day.
Yourparents thenthat thus haue you forgone
Yourbrethren eke must make theyr heauy mone:
Yourlouyng feres cannot theyr teares restrayn:
But Ibefore them allhaue cause to playn:
Who inpure loue was so conioynd with thee
An otherGrimald didst thou seem to bee.
Ha lordhow oft wisht youwith all your hart
That vs nochaunce a sonder might depart?
Happy wereIif this your prayer tooke place:
Ay meethat it dothe cruell death deface.
Ah lordhow oft your sweet woords I repeat
And in mymynde your woonted lyfe retreat?
OChambersO thy Grimalds mate moste dere:
Why hathfell fate tane theeand left him here?
But whertothese complaintes iu (Note: in) vain make wee?
Suchwoords in wyndes to wastewhat mooueth mee?
Thouholdst the hauen of helthwith blisfull Ioue:
Throughmany wauesand seasyet must I roue.
Notwoorthy Iso soon with thee to go:
Mee styllmy fates reteynbewrapt in wo.
Liueourcompanion oncenow lyue for aye:
Heauensioyes enioywhyle wee dye day by daye.
Youthatof faith so sure signes here exprest
Do triumphnownodout(Note: no dout) among the blest:
Hauechanged sea for portedarknesse for light
An inn forhomeexile for countrey right
Trauailfor reststraunge way for citie glad
Battailfor peasfree raign for bondage bad.
Thesewretched erthly stounds who can compare
Toheanenly (Note: heauenly) seatsand those delites moste rare?
We fraylyou firm: we with great trouble tost
You bathein blissethat neuer shall bee lost.
WherforeThaleyreneew thy feastfull layes:
Herdoolfull tunes my chered Muse now stayes.
Of N. Ch.
WhyNicolaswhy doest thou make such haste
After thybrother? Why goest thou so? To taste
Of changedlyfe with hym the better state?
Better?yea best of allthat thought can rate.
Ordidthe dreed of wretched world driue thee
Leste thouthis afterfall should hap to see:
MauortianmoodsSaturnian furies fell
Oftragicall turmoyls the haynous hell?
Owhosegood thews in brief cannot be told
Thehartiest matethat euer trod the mold:
If ourfarewellthat here liue in distresse
Auaylfarewell: the rest teares do suppresse.
Yeaand agood cause
A funerallsongvpon the deceas of Annes his moother.
Yeaand agood cause why thus should I playn.
For whatis heecan quietly sustayn
So great agriefwith mouth as styllas stone?
My louemy lyfeof ioye my ieewell is gone.
This hartyzeale if any wight disprooue
As womansworkwhom feeble minde doth mooue:
Heeneither knowes the mighty natures laws
Nortouching elders deeds hath seen old saws.
Martiusto vanquish Romewas set on fire:
Butvanquisht fellat moothers boonhis ire.
IntoHesperian land Sertorius fled
Of parentaye cheef care had in his hed.
Dearweight on shoulders Sicil brethren bore
WhileEtnaes gyant spouted flames full sore.
Notmore of Tyndars ymps hath Sparta spoke
Than Argeof charged necks with parents yoke.
Nor onelythem thus dyd foretyme entreat:
Thenwasthe noorsse also in honour great.
Caiet thePhrygian from amid fireflame
Rescuedwho gaue to Latine stronds the name.
Accaindubble sense Lupa ycleaped
To RomaneCalendars a feast hath heaped.
His CapraIoue among the sterres hath pight:
In welkinclere yet lo she shineth bryght.
Hyades asgratefully Lyai did place
Whominprimetidesupports the Bulls fayr face.
And shouldnot I expresse my inward wo
When youmost louyng damso soon hence go?
Iin yourfrutefull woomb conceyuedborn was
Whylewanderyng moon ten moonths did ouerpasse.
Meebrought to lightyour tender arms sustaynd:
Andwithmy lipsyour milky paps I straynd.
You meeembracedin bosom soft you mee
Cherishedas I your onely chylde had bee.
Of yssuefayr with noombers were you blest:
Yet Ithebestbeloued of all the rest.
Good luckcertayn forereadyng moothers haue
And you ofmee a speciall iudgement gaue.
Thenwhenfirm pase I fixed on the ground:
When tounggan cease to break the lispyng sound:
You meestreightway did too the Muses send
Nesuffered long a loytervng lyfe to spend
What gaynthe woollwhat gayn the wed had braught
It was hismeedthat me there dayly taught.
When withMinerue I had acquaintance woon:
And Phebusseemd to loue meeas his soon:
Brownshold I badat parents hestfarewell:
And gladlythere in schools I gan to dwell:
WhereGranta giues the ladies nyne such place
That theyreioyse to see theyr blisfull case.
With ioyesat hertin this pernasse I bode
Whylethrough his signesfiue tymes great Titan glode:
And twyseas longby that fayr foordwhereas
SwanfeederTemms no furder course can passe.
Owhatdesire had youtherwhileof mee?
Middoutfull dreedswhat ioyes were wont to bee?
Now linnenclotheswrought with those fyngers fyne
Now otherthynges of yours dyd you make myne:
Tyll yourlast thredes gan Clotho to vntwyne
And ofyour dayes the date extreem assygne.
Hearyngthe chaunceyour neybours made much mone:
Adearworth damethey thought theyr coomfort gone.
Kinswoomenwept: your chargethe maydens wept:
Yourdaughters weptwhom you so well had kept.
But mygood syre gauewith soft woordsreleef:
Andclokeswith outward cherehis inward greef:
Lestebyhis careyour sicknes should augment
And on hiscase your thoughtfull hert be bent.
Younotforgetting yet a moothers mood
When atthe dore dartthirling death there stood
Did saye:Adeewdear spousemy race is roon:
Wher so hebeeI haue left you a soon
AndNicolas you naamdand naamd agayn:
With otherspeechaspiring heauenly raign:
When intoayre your sprite departed fled
And leftthe corps a cold in lukewarm bed.
Ahcouldyou thusdeare motherleaue vs all?
Nowshould you liue: that yetbefore your fall
My songsyou might haue soonghaue heard my voyce
And incommodities of your own reioyce.
My sistersyet vnwedded who shall guide?
With whosegood lessons shall they bee applyed?
Hauemothermonumentes of our sore smart:
No costlytombareard with curious art:
NorMausolean massehoong in the ayre:
Nor loftiesteeplesthat will once appayre:
Butwaylful verseand doolfull song accept.
By versethe names of auncient peres be kept:
By verseliues Hercules: by verseAchil:
HectorEneby versebe famous still.
Suchformer yeressuch death hath chau<n>ced thee:
Closdewith good endgood life is woont to bee.
But nowmy sacred parentfare you well:
God shallcause vs agayn togither dwell
What timethis vniuersall globe shall hear
Of thelast troomp the rynging voyce: great fear
To soomto such as you a heauenly chear.
Til thenreposde rest you in gentle sleep:
While heewhom to you are bequeathdyou keep.
The nobleHenry
Vpon thedeath of the lord Mautrauersout of doctor Haddons latine.
The nobleHenryhethat was the lord Mautrauers named:
Heyr tothe house of thArundelsso long a time now famed:
Who fromFitzalens doth recount discent of worthy race
Fitzalensearls of hye estatemen of a goodly grace:
Whom hisrenowmed father had seen florishand excell
In armsin artsin wittin skillin speaking wonders well:
Whoseyeresto timely vertue hadand manly grauenesse caught:
With sodenruine is downfallnand into ashes braught:
Whileglory his coragious hert enflames to trauail great:
Andinhis youthly brest ther raigns an ouerferuent heat.
Theperelesse princesseMary queneher message to present
ThisBritan lordas one moste meetto Cesars broother sent.
Oncoursing steeds hee rids the waye: in ship hee fleeteth fast:
To royallCesars court he comesthe paynsand perils past:
His chargeenioynd perfourmeth heeattaind exceeding prayse:
His nameand fame so fully spredit dures for afterdayes.
But loaferuent feeuer dothamid his triumphsfall:
Andwithhertgripyng greefconsumes his tender lyms and all.
O rufullyouththy helth toofar (Note: too far) forgotand toomuch (Note:too much) heed
Tocountrieand too parent yeuen: why makest thou such speed?
Ostayeyour self: your country so to serue dothe right require
That oftenserue you may: and thenat lengthsucceed your sire.
But theeperchaunce it likesthy life the price of praise to paye:
Nor dethdoest dreedwhere honor shinesas brightas sonny day.
Certesseno greater glory couldthan thisto thee betide:
ThoughIouesix hundred yereshad made thy fatall thread abide
Ofiourneysand of trauails huge the cause thy country was:
Thyfunerall to honourforth great Cesars court gan passe.
And thusO thus (good lord) this ympof heue<n> most worthy wight
His happylife with blisfull death concluded hath aright:
Wheninfourt yere quene Maries raign proceeded: & what day
Was lastof Iulie moneththe same his last took him awaye.
From yerestwise ten if you in count wil but one yere abate:
The veryage then shall you finde of lord Mautrauers fate.
Likewisewas Titus Cesar hence withdrawnin his prime yeres:
Likewisethe yong prince Edward went: and diuers other peres.
Fatherforbear thy wofull tearsceaseEnglandtoo lament:
Fatesfauour nonethe enmie death to all alike is bent.
The onelymeanthat now remainswith eloquence full fine
HathShelley vsedin setting forth this barons name diuine.
YourHaddon ekewho erst in your life timebore you good hart
Presentethyou this monumentof woonted zeal some part.
And nowfarewell: of English youth most chosen gemfarewell:
A worthyerwightsaue Edwarddid in England neuer dwell.
Meethoughtof late
Vpon thesayd lord Mautrauers death.
Meethoughtof late when lord Mautrauers dyed
Our commonwealthusby her self shee cryed:
Oft haue Iwept for mineso layd a sleep
Yet neuerhad I iuster cause to weep.
Nowclattering arms
The deathof Zoroasan Egiptian Astronomerin the first fightthat Alexanderhad with the Persians.
Nowclattering armsnow ragyng broyls of warr
Gan passethe noyes of taratantars clang:
Shrowdedwith shaftsthe heuen: with clowd of darts
Coueredthe ayre: against fulfatted bulls
As forcethkindled ire the Lions keen:
Whosegreedy gutts the gnawing hoonger pricks:
SoMacedoins against the Persians fare.
Nowcorpses hide the purpurde soyl with blood:
Largeslaughteron ech side: but Perses more
Moystfeelds bebledd: their hertsand noombers bate.
Faintedwhile they giue backand fall to flight:
Thelightning Macedonby swoordsby gleaus
By bandsand trowpsof fotemen with his garde
Speeds toDarie: but himhis nearest kyn
Oxatepreserueswith horsemen on a plump
Before hiscart: that none the charge could giue.
Heregruntshere gronesechwhere strong youth is spent:
Shakingher bloody handsBelloneamong
ThePersessoweth all kindes of cruel death.
Withthrote ycutthee roores: hee lyeth along
Hisentrails with a launce through girded quite:
Him downthe clubhim beats farstryking bowe
And himthe slyngand him the shinand swoord:
Hee diethhee is all deddhee pantshee rests.
Right ouerstoodin snowwhite armour braue
TheMemphite Zoroasa cooning clerk:
To whomthe heauen lay openas his book:
And incelestiall bodyes hee could tell
Andinfluenceand constellations all:
Whatearthly chaunces wold betide: what yere
Of plentystordewhat signe forwarned derth:
How wintergendreth snow: what temperature
In theprimetide dothe season well the soyl:
Why soomerburns: why autum hath ripe grapes:
Whetherthe circlequadrate may becoom:
Whetherour tunes heauens harmony can yeeld:
Of fowrbegynnsamong them selues how great
Proportionis: what swaye the erring lightes
Dothe sendin course gayn that first moouing heauen:
Whatgreesone from an other distant bee:
What sterrdothe lett the hurtfull fire to rage
Or himmore mylde what opposition makes:
What firedothe qualifie Mauorses fire:
What houseechone doth seek: what planet raigns
Withinthis hemisphereor that: small things
I speak:holl heauen hee closeth in his brest.
This sagethenin the starrs had spied: the fates
Threatnedhim deathwithout delaye: and sithe
Hee sawhee could not fatall order change:
Forwardhee preastin battayl that hee might
Meet withthe ruler of the Macedoins:
Of hisright hand desirous to be slayn
Theboldest beurnand worthiest in the feeld:
Andas awight now weary of his life
Andseeking death: in first front of his rage
Coomsdesperatly to Alisanders face:
At himwith dartsone after otherthrowes:
Withreckles woordsand clamour him prouokes:
And saythNectanabs bastardshameful stain
Of mothersbed: why losest thou thy strokes
Cowardsemong? Turn thee to meein case
Manhodther bee so much left in thy hert:
Coom fightwith mee: that on my helmet wear
Apolloeslaurelbothe for learnings laude
And ekefor Martiall prayse: thatin my shield
Theseuenfold sophie of Minerue contein:
A matchmore meetsir kingthan any here.
The nobleprince amouedtakes ruthe vpon
Thewilfull wight: andwith soft woordsayen
Omonstrous man (quod he) whatso thou art
I prayetheelyue: ne do notwith thy death
This lodgeof lorethe Muses mansion marr.
Thattreasure house this hand shall neuer spoyl:
My swoordshall neuer bruze that skylfull brayn
Longgatherdheapes of science soon to spyll.
Ohowfaire frutes may you to mortall men
Fromwisdoms gardengiue? How many may
By youthe wyserand the better proue?
Whaterrorwhat mad moodewhat phrenzey thee
Persuadesto bee downsent to deep Auern:
Where noartes florishnor no knowledge vails?
For allthese saweswhen thus the souerain sayde
AlightedZoroas: with swoord vnsheathed
Thecarelesse king there smoteaboue the greaue
Atthopening of his quishes: wounded him
Sothatthe blood down reyled on the ground
TheMacedonperceyuing hurtgan gnash:
But yethis minde he bentin any wyse
Hym toforbear: set spurrs vnto his steed
And turndaway: leste anger of the smart
Shouldcause reuenger hand deal balefull blowes.
But of theMacedonian chieftanes knights
OneMeleagercould not bear this sight:
But ranvpon the sayd Egyptian renk:
And cuthim in both kneez: hee fell to ground:
Wherwith ahole route came of souldiours stern
And all inpeeces hewed the silly seg.
Buthappyly the soll fled to the sterres:
Wherevnder himhe hath full sight of all
Wherat heegazed herewith reaching looke.
ThePersians wayld such sapience to forgo:
The veryfonethe Macedonians wisht
Hee woldhaue lyued: kyng Alisander self
Deemd hima manvnmeet to dye at all:
Who woonlyke praysefor conquest of his ire
As forstout men in feeld that daye subdeewd:
Whoprinces taughthow to discern a man
That inhis hed so rare a iewell beares.
But ouerallthose same Camenesthose same
DiuineCameneswhose honour he procurde
As tenderparent dothe his daughters weal:
Lamented:aud(Note: and) for thanksall that they can
Do cherishhim deceastand set hym free
From derkobliuion of deuouryng death.
Therforewhen restlesse rage
MarcusTullius Ciceroes death.
Therforewhen restlesse rage of wyndeand waue
Hee saw:By fatesalas calld for (quod hee)
Ishaplesse Cicero: sayl onshape course
To thenext shoreand bryng me to my death.
Perdiethese thanksreskued from ciuil swoord
Wilt thoumy countreypaye? I see mine end:
So powrsdiuineso bid the gods aboue
In citiesaued that Consul Marcus shend.
Speakyngnomore(Note: no more) but drawyng from deep hert
Greatgroneseuen at the name of Room reherst:
His yiesand cheekswith showrs of teareshee washt.
And(though a route in dayly daungers worn)
Withforced facethe shipmen held theyr teares:
Andstriuyng long the seas rough floods to passe
In angrywyndesand stormy stowrs made waye:
And at thelastsafe anchord in the rode.
Came heauyCicero a land: with payn
Hisfaynted lyms the aged sire dothe draw:
Androundabout their masterstood his band:
Norgreatly with theyr own hard hap dismayd
Norplighted faythprone in sharp time to break:
Soomswoords prepare: soom theyr deare lord assist:
In littourlaydthey lead hym vnkouth wayes:
If sodeceaue Antonius cruell gleaus
Theymightand threats of folowing routs escape.
Thus lothat Tulliewentthat Tullius
Of royallrobeand sacred Senate prince:
When heeafar the men approche espyeth
And of hisfone the ensignes dothe aknow:
Andwithdrawn swoordPopilius threatnyng death:
Whoselifeand holl estatein hazard once
Hee hadpreserud: when Room as yet to free
Herd hymand at his thundryng voyce amazde.
Herenniuseekmore eyger than the rest
Presentenflamde with furiehim purseews.
What mighthee doo? Should hee vse in defense
Disarmedhands? or pardon askfor meed?
Should heewith woords attempt to turn the wrath
Of tharmedknyghtwhose safegard hee had wrought?
Noageforbidsand fixt within deep brest
Hiscountreys loueand falling Rooms image.
Thecharret turnsayth heelet loose the rayns:
Roon tothe vndeserued death: meelo
HathPhebus fowlas messangerforwarnd:
And Iouedesires a neew heauensman to make.
Brutusand Cassius soullsliue you in blisse:
In caseyet all the fates gaynstriue vs not
Neythershall wee perchaunce dye vnreuenged.
Now haue IliuedO Roomynough for mee:
My passedlyfe nought suffreth mee to dout
Noysomobliuion of the lothesom death.
Slea mee:yet all thofspring to coom shall know:
And thisdeceas shall bring eternall lyfe.
Yea and(onlesse I fayland all in vain
RoomIsoomtyme thy Augur chosen was)
Noteuermore shall frendly fortune thee
FauourAntonius: once the day shall coom:
When herdeare wightsby cruell spightthus slayn
VictoriousRoom shall at thy hands require.
Mee likestherwhylego see the hoped heauen.
Speech hadhe left: and therwith heegood man
His throteprepardeand held his hed vnmoued.
Hishastyng too those fates the very knights
Be lotheto see: andrage rebatedwhen
They hisbare neck beheldand his hore heyres:
Scantcould they hold the tearesthat forth gan burst:
And almostfell from bloody hands the swoords.
Onely thestern Herenniuswith grym look
Dastardswhy stand you styll? he sayth: and streight
Swaps ofthe hedwith his presumptuous yron.
Ne withthat slaughter yet is hee not fild:
Fowl shameon shame to heap is his delyte.
Wherforethe hands also doth hee of smyte
Whichdurst Antonius life so liuely paynt.
Himyeldyng strayned gostefrom welkin hye
Withlothly cherelord Phebus gan behold:
And inblack clowdthey sayelong hid his hed.
The latineMusesand the Grayesthey wept:
Andforhis falleternally shall weep.
And lohertpersyng Pitho (straunge to tell)
Who had tohim suffisde bothe senseand woords
When so hespake: and drestwith nectar soote
Thatflowyng toung: when his wyndpype disclosde
Fled withher fleeyng frend: and (out alas)
Hath leftthe erthne wil nomore (Note: no more) return.
Popiliusflyeththerwhyle: andleauyng there
Thesenslesse stocka gryzely sight doth bear
VntoAntonius boordwith mischief fed.
For Tullie
Of M. T.Cicero.
ForTullielatea toomb I gan prepare:
WhenCynthiethusbad mee my labour spare:
Such manerthings becoom the dedquoth hee:
But Tullieliuesand styll alyue shall bee.
N. G.
Tottel-- Songes and Sonettes -- by uncertain authors
If euerwofull man
Thecomplaint of a louer with sute to his loue for pitye.
If euerwofull man might moue your hartes to ruthe
Goodladies here his woful plaintwhose deth shal try his truth
Andrightfull iudges be on this his true report:
If hedeserue a louers name among the faithfull sort.
Fiuehundred times the sonne hath lodged him in the West:
Since inmy hart I harbred first of all the goodlyest gest.
Whoseworthinesse to shew my wittes are all to faint.
And I lackcunnyng of the scolesin colours her to paynt.
But this Ibriefly say in wordes of egall weight.
So void ofvice was neuer nonenor with such vertues freyght.
And forher beauties prayseno wightthat with her warres.
Forwhereshe comesshe shewes her self as sonne amo<n>g <the>starres.
But Lordthou wast to blameto frame such parfitenesse:
And puttesno pitie in her hartmy sorowes to redresse.
For yf yeknew the paynesand pangesthat I haue past:
A wonderwould it be to youhow that my life hath last.
When allthe Goddes agreedthat Cupide with his bow
Shouldshote his arrowes fro<m> her eieson me his might to show
I knew itwas in vain my force to trust vpon:
And well Iwistit was no shameto yelde to such a one.
Then did Ime submit with humble hartand minde
To be herman for euermore: as by the Goddes assinde.
And sincethat dayno wowherwith loue might torment
Could moueme fro<m> this faithfull band: or make me once repent.
Yet haue Ifelt full oft the hottest of his fire:
The bittertearesthe scalding sighesthe burning hote desyre.
And with asodain sight the trembling of the hart:
And howthe blood doth comeand goto succour euery part.
When thata pleasant loke hath lift me in the ayer:
A frownehath made me fall as fast into a depe despayer.
And whenthat Ier thismy tale could well by hart:
And thatmy tong had learned itso that no worde might start:
The sightof her hath set my wittes in such a stay:
That to belord of all the worldone word I could not say.
And many asodayn cramp my hart hath pinched so:
That forthe timemy senses all felt neither wealenor wo.
Yet saw Ineuer thingthat might my minde content:
But wishtit hersand at her willif she could so consent.
Nor neuerheard of wo: that did her will displease:
But wishtthe same vnto my selfso it might do her ease.
Nor neuerthought that fayrenor neuer liked face:
Vnlesse itdid resemble heror some part of her grace.
Nodistance yet of place could vs so farre deuide:
But thatmy hertand my good will did still with her abide.
Nor yet itneuer lay in any fortunes powre
To putthat swete out of my thoughtone minute of an howre.
No rage ofdrenching seanor woodenesse of the winde
Norcanno<n>s w<ith> their thundryng cracks could put herfro<m> my minde
For whenbothe sea and land asunder had vs set:
My holedelite was onely thenmy self alone to get.
Andthitherward to lokeas nere as I could gesse:
Where as Ithoughtthat shee was then<that> might my wo redresse.
Full oftit did me goodthat waies to take my winde:
Sopleasant ayre in no place elsme thought I could not finde.
I sayingto my selfmy life is yonder waye:
And by thewinde I haue here senta thousand sighes a daye.
And saydvnto the sunnegreat gifts are geuen thee:
For thoumayst see mine earthly blissewhere euer that she bee.
Thou seestin euery placewold God I had thy might:
And I theruler of my selfthen should she know no night.
And thusfrom wish to wishe my wits haue been at strife:
Andwantyng all that I haue wishtthus haue I led my life.
But longit can not lastthat in such wo remaines.
No forcefor that: for death is swete to himthat feles such paines.
Yet mostof all me greues: when I am in my graue
That sheshall purchase by my death a cruell name to haue.
Wherforeall you that heare this plaintor shall it see:
Wishthatit may so perce her hertthat she may pitie mee.
For and itwere her will: for bothe it were the best
To saue mylifeto kepe her nameand set my hert at rest.
Who iustlymay reioyce
Of thedeath of master Deuerox the lord Ferres sonne.
Who iustlymay reioyce in ought vnder the skye?
As lifeor lands: as frendsor frutes: which only liue to dye.
Or whodothe not well know all worldly works are vaine?
And geuethnought but to the lendesto take the same againe.
For thoughit lift some vp: as wee long vpward all:
Such isthe sort of slipper welth: all things do rise to fall.
Thuncertentieis such: experience teacheth so:
That whatthings men do couet mostthem sonest they forgo.
Lo Deuoroxwhere he lieth: whose life men heeld so deare
That nowhis death is sorowed sothat pitie it is to heare.
His birthof auncient blood: his parents of great fame:
And yet invertue farre before the formost of the same.
His kingand countrye bothe he serued to so great gaine:
That withthe Brutes record doth restand euer shall remaine.
No man inwarre so metean enterprise to take:
No man inpeace that pleasurd more of enmies frends to make.
A Cato forhis counsell: his head was surely such.
Ne Theseusfrenship was so greatbut Deuorox was as much.
A graffeof so small grothe so much good frute to bring:
Is seldomeheardor neuer sene: it is so rare a thing.
A man sentvs from Godhis life did well declare:
And nowsent for by god againto teach vs what we are.
Deathandthe grauethat shall accompany all that liue
Hathbrought hi<m> heue<n>though so<m>ewhat sonewhich life could neuer geue (Note: from following line)
God grauntwell allthat shall professe as he profest:
To liue sowellto dye no worse: and send his soule good rest.
If rightbe rackt
They ofthe meane estate are happiest.
Ifright be racktand ouerronne:
And powertake part with open wrong:
If fear byforce do yelde to soone
The lackis like to last to long.
If God forgoodes shalbe vnplaced:
If rightfor riches lose his shape:
If worldfor wisdome be embraced:
The gesseis greatmuch hurt may happe.
Among goodthingsI proue and finde
The quietlife dothe most abound:
And sureto the contented minde
There isno riches may be found.
For richeshates to be content:
Rule isenmy to quietnesse.
Power ismost part impacient:
And seldomlikes to liue in pease.
I hard aherdman once compare:
That quietnightes he had mo slept:
And had momery daies to spare:
Then hewhich ought the beasteshe kept.
I wouldnot haue it thought hereby
Thedolphin swimme I meane to teach:
Nor yet tolearne the Fawcon flie:
I rowe notso farre past my reache.
But as mypart aboue the rest
Is well towish and well to will:
So till mybreath shall fail my brest
I will notceasse to wish you styll.
The lyfeis long
Comparisonof lyfe and death.
The lyfeis longthat lothsumly doth last:
Thedolefull dayes draw slowly to theyr date:
Thepresent pangesand paynfull plages forepast
Yeldegriefe aye grene to stablish this estate.
So that Ifelein this great stormeand strife
The deathis swete that endeth such a life.
Yet by thestroke of this strange ouerthrow
At whichconflict in thraldom I was thrust:
The Lordbe praysed: I am well taught to know
Fromwhence man cameand eke whereto he must:
And by theway vpon how feble force
His termdoth standtill death doth end his course.
Thepleasant yeres that semeso swifte that runne:
The merydayes to endso fast that flete:
Theioyfull nightesof which day daweth so soone:
The happyhowerswhich mo do missethen mete
Doe allconsume: as snow against the sunne:
And deathwakes (Note: makes) end of allthat life begunne.
Sincedeath shall duretyll all the world be wast.
Whatmeaneth man to drede death then so sore?
As manmight makethat life should alway last.
Withoutregardthe lord hath led before
The daunceof deathwhich all must runne on row:
Thoughhowor whenthe lord alone doth know.
If manwould mindewhat burdens life doth bring:
Whatgreuous crimes to god he doth commit:
Whatplageswhat pangeswhat perilles therby spring:
With nosure hower in all his dayes to sit:
He wouldsure thinkas with great cause I do:
The day ofdeath were better of the two.
Death is aportwherby we passe to ioy
Life is alakethat drowneth all in pain.
Death isso dereit ceaseth all annoy.
Life is soleudethat all it yeldes is vayn.
And as bylife to bondage man is braught:
Euen solikewise by death was fredome wraught.
Wherforewith Paul let all men wishand pray
To bedissolude of this foule fleshy masse:
Or at theleast be armed against the day:
That theybe found good souldiersprest to passe
From lifeto death: from death to life agayn
To such alifeas euer shall remain.
In Grecesomtime
The taleof Pigmalion with conclusion vpon the beautye of his loue.
In Grecesomtime there dwelt a man of worthy fame:
To grauein stone his connyng was: Pygmalio<n> was his name.
To makehis fame endurewhen death had him bereft:
He thoughtit goodof his owne hand some filed work were left.
In secretestudie then such work he gan deuise
As mighthis conning best commendand please the lokers eyes.
A courserfaire he thought to grauebarbd for the field:
And on hisback a semely knightwell armd with speare & shield:
Orels(Note: Or els) some fouleor fish to graue he did deuise:
And stillwithin his wandering thoughtesnew fansies did aryse.
Thusvaryed he in myndewhat enterprise to take:
Till fansymoued his learned hand a woman fayre to make.
Whereon hestaydeand thought such parfite fourm to frame:
Whereby hemight amaze all Greeceand winne immortall name.
Of Yuoriewhite he made so faire a woman than:
Thatnature scornd her perfitnesse so taught by craft of man.
Welshapedwere her lymsfull cumly was her face:
Eche litlevayn most liuely couchteche part had semely grace.
Twixtnature& Pygmalionthere might appeare great stryfe.
So semelywas this ymage wroughtit lackt nothyng but life.
Hiscurious eye beheld his own deuised work:
Andgasyng oft thereonhe found much venome there to lurke.
For allthe featurde shape so dyd his fansie moue:
Thatwithhis idollwhom he madePygmalion fell in loue.
To whom hehonour gaueand deckt with garlandes swete
And didadourn with iewels richeas is for louers mete.
Somtimeson it he fawnd: some time in rage would crye:
It was awonder to beholdehow fansy bleard his eye.
Since thatthis ymage dum enflamde so wyse a man:
My derealas since I you louewhat wonder is it than?
In whomhath nature set the glory of her name:
And brakeher mouldin great dispayreyour like she could not frame. (Note: from previous line)
Lyke asthe lark
The louersheweth his wofull stateand prayeth pitye.
Lyke asthe lark within the marlians foote
Withpiteous tunes doth chirp her yelden lay:
So syng Inowseyng none other boote
Myrenderyng songand to your wyll obey.
Yourvertue mountes aboue my force so hye.
And withyour beautie seased I am so sure:
That thereauails resistance none in me
Butpaciently your pleasure to endure
For onyour wyll my fansy shall attend:
My lyfemy deathI put both in your choyce:
And ratherhad this lyfe by you to end
Than lyueby other alwayes to reioyce.
And ifyour crueltie doe thirst my blood:
Then letit forthif it may doe you good.
The lengerlyfe
Vponconsideracion of the stat (Note: stat<e of>)this lyfe hewisheth death.
The lengerlyfethe more offence:
The moreoffencethe greater payn:
Thegreater paynthe lesse defence:
The lessedefencethe lesser gayn.
The losseof gayn long yll doth trye:
Whereforecome deathand let me dye.
Theshorter lifelesse count I fynde:
The lesseaccountth e (Note: the) sooner made:
The countsoon madethe mercer minde:
The meryminde doth thought euade.
Short lyfein truth this thing doth trye:
Whereforecome deathand let me dye:
Comegentle deaththe ebbe of care
The ebbeof carethe flood of lyfe
The floodof lyfethe ioyfull fare
Theioyfull farethe end of strife.
The end ofstrifethat thing wishe I:
Whereforecome deathand let me dye.
To this mysong
The louerthat once disdained loue is now become subiect beyng caught in hissnare.
To this mysong geue earewho list:
And mineintent iudgeas you wyll:
The tymeis cumethat I haue mist
The thyngwheron I hoped styll
And fromthe top of all my trust
Myshaphath throwen me in the dust.
The timehath beenand that of late:
My hartand I might leape at large.
And wasnot shut within the gate
Of louesdesyre: nor toke no charge
Of anythyngthat dyd pertain
Astouching loue in any payn.
My thoughtwas freemy hart was light:
I markednotwho lostwho saught.
I playdeby dayI slept by night.
I forcednotwho weptwho laught.
My thoughtfrom all such thinges was free:
And I myself at libertee.
I toke nohede to tanntes(Note: tauntes) nor toyes:
As leefeto see them frowne as smile:
Wherefortune laught I scorned their ioyes:
I foundtheir fraudes and euery wile.
And to myself oft times I smiled:
To seehow loue had them begiled.
Thus inthe net of my conceit
I maskedstyll among the sort
Of such asfed vpon the bayt
ThatCupide laide for his disport.
Aud (Note:And) euer as I saw them caught:
I thembeheldand therat laught.
Till atthe length when Cupide spied
Myscornefull will and spitefull vse
And how Ipast not who was tied.
So that myself might still liue lose:
He sethimself to lye in wait:
And in myway he threw a bait.
Such oneas nature neuer made
I darewell say saue she alone.
Such oneshe was as would inuade
A hartmore hard then marble stone.
Such oneshe isI knowit right
Her naturemade to shew her might.
Then as aman euen in a maze
When vseof reason is away:
So I beganto stareand gaze.
Andsodeinlywithout delay
Or euer Ihad the wit to loke:
I swalowedvp both baytand hoke.
Whichdaily greues me more and more
By sondrysortes of carefull wo:
And nonealiue may salue the sore
But onelyshethat hurt me so.
In whom mylife doth now consist
To saue orslay me as she list.
But seingnow that I am caught
And boundeso fastI cannot flee:
Be ye bymine ensample taught
That inyour fansies fele you free.
Despisenot themthat louers are:
Lest yoube caught within his snare.
The plageis great
OfFortuneand Fame.
The plageis greatwhere fortune frownes:
Onemischief bringes a thousand woes
Wheretrumpets geue their warlike sownes:
The weakesustain sharp ouerthrowes.
No betterlife they tasteand fele:
Thatsubiect are to fortunes whele.
Her happychance may last no time:
Herpleasure threatneth paines to come.
She is thefall of thosethat clime:
And yether whele auanceth some.
No forcewhere that she hatesor loues:
Her ficleminde so oft remoues.
She geuesno giftbut craues as fast.
She soonerepentes a thankful dede.
Sheturneth after euery blast.
She helpesthem oftthat haue no nede.
Wherepower dwellesand riches rest:
Falsefortune is a common gest
Yet someaffirmand proue by skyll:
Fortune isnot as fleyng Fame
Sheneither can do goodnor yll.
She hathno fourmeyet beares a name.
Then webut striue agaynst the streames
To framesuch toyes on fansies dreames.
If shehaue shapeor name alone:
If she doruleor beare no sway:
If shehaue bodieliefor none:
Be she asprite I cannot say.
But well Iwotsome cause there is:
Thatcauseth woand sendeth blisse.
The causeof thinges I will not blame:
Lest Ioffend the prince of peas.
But I maychideand braule with Fame:
To makeher cryeand neuer cease.
To blowthe trump within her eares:
That mayapease my wofull teares.
O euylltonges
Againstwicked tonges.
O Euylltongeswhich clap at euery winde:
Ye sleathe quickand eke the dead defame:
Those thatliue wellsom faute in them ye fynde.
Ye take nothoughtin slaundring theyr good name.
Ye putiust men oft times to open shame.
Ye ryng soloudeye sound vnto the skyes:
And yet inproofe ye sowe nothyngbut lyes.
Ye makegreat warrewhere peace hath been of long
Ye bringrich realmes to ruineand decay.
Ye pluckdown right: ye doe enhaunce the wrong.
Ye turneswete myrth to woand welaway
Ofmischiefes all ye are the groundeI say.
Happy ishethat liues on such a sort:
That nedesnot feare such tonges of false report.
To walkeon doubtfull ground
Not totrust to much but beware by others calamaties.
To walkeon doubtfull groundwhere danger is vnseen
Dothdouble men that carelesse be in depe dispaire I wene
For as theblynde dothe fearewhat footing he shall fynde:
So doththe wise before he speakmistrust the strangers mynde.
For hethat blontly runnesmay light among the breers
And so beput vnto his plunge where danger least apperes:
The birdthat selly fooledoth warn vs to beware
Wholighteth not on euery bushehe dreadeth so the snare.
The mousethat shonnes the trapdoth shew what harme doth ly:
Within theswete betraying baitthat oft disceiues the eye.
The fishauoides the hokethough hunger byds him bite
Andhouereth still about the wormewhereon is his delyte.
Yf birdesand beastes can seewhere their vndoyng lies:
How shoulda mischief scape our heades<that> haue both wit and eyes.
Whatmadnesse may be morethen plow the barreyn field:
Or anyfrutefull wordes to sowto eares that are vnwyld.
They hereand than mislykethey like and than they lothe
Thei hatethei louethei skornthei praiseyea sure thei ca<n> do both
We seewhat falles they hauethat clyme on trees vnknowne:
As theythat truste to rotten bowesmust nedes be ouerthrowne.
A smart insilence keptdoth ease the hart much more
Than forto plain where is no saluefor to recure the sore.
Wherforemy grief I hidewithin a holow hart:
Vntill thesmoke thereof be spiedby flaming of the smart.
Therestlesse rage
Helltormenteth not the damned ghostes so sore as vnkindnesse the louer.
Therestlesse rage of depe deuouryng hell
Theblasing brandesthat neuer do consume
The roryngroutein Plutoes den that dwell:
The fierybreaththat from those ymps doth fume:
The dropsydryeththat Tantale in the flood
Endurethayeall hopelesse of relief:
Hehongersteruenwhere frute is ready food:
Sowretchedly his soule doth suffer grief:
The liuergnawne of gylefull Promethus
WhichVultures fell with strayned talant tyre:
The labourlost of wearyed Sisiphus:
Thesehellish houndeswith paines of quenchlesse fyre
Can not sosore the silly soules torment
As hervntruth my hart hath alltorent.
By fortuneas I lay in bed
Of themutabilitie of the world.
By fortuneas I lay in bedmy fortune was to fynde
Suchfa<n>siesas my carefull thought had brought into my minde
And wheneche one was gone to restfull soft in bed to lye:
I wouldhaue slept: but then the watch did folow still myne eye.
Andsodeinly I saw a sea of wofull sorowes prest:
Whosewicked wayes of sharp repulse bred mine vnquiet rest.
I saw thisworld: and how it wenteche state in his degree:
And thatfrom wealth ygraunted isboth lyfeand libertee.
I sawhowenuy it did rayneand beare the greatest price:
Yetgreater poyson is not found within the Cockatrice.
I sawalsohow that disdayn oft times to forge my wo
Gaue methe cup of bitter sweteto pledge my mortall fo.
I sawalsohow that desire to rest no place could finde
But styllconstrainde in endlesse pain to folow natures kynde.
I saw alsomost strauuge (Note: straunge) of all how nature did forsake
The bloodthat in her womb was wrought: as doth <the> lothed snake
I sawhowfansy would retayn no lenger then her lust:
And as thewinde how she doth change: and is not for to trust.
I sawhowstedfastnesse did fly with winges of often change:
A fleyngbirdebut seldom seenher nature is so strange.
I sawhowpleasant times did passeas flowers doe in the mede:
To daythat ryseth red as rose: to morow falleth ded.
I sawmytyme how it did runneas sand out of the glasse.
Euen aseche hower appointed is from tymeand tyde to passe.
I saw theyearesthat I had spentand losse of all my gayn:
And howthe sport of youthfull playes my foly dyd retayn.
I sawhowthat the litle ant in somer still dothe runne
To sekeher foodewherby to liue in winter for to come.
I saw ekevertuehow she sat the threde of life to spinne.
Whichsheweth the end of euery workbefore it doth beginne.
And whenall these I thus beheld with many mo pardy:
In memethoughteche one had wrought a parfite proparty.
And then Isaid vnto my self: a lesson this shalbe
For other:that shall after comefor to beware by me.
Thusallthe night I did deuisewhich way I might constrayn.
To fourmea plotthat wit might work these branches in my brain.
Phylidawas a fayer mayde
Harpeluscomplaynt of Phillidaes loue bestowed on Corinwho loued her not anddenied himthat loued her.
Phylidawas a fayer mayde
And freshas any flowre:
WhomHarpalus the herdman prayed
To be hisparamour.
Harpalusand eke Corin
Wereherdmen both yfere:
AndPhillida could twist and spin
And thertosing full clere.
ButPhillida was all to coy
ForHarpelus to winne.
For Corinwas her onely ioye
Who forsther not a pynne.
How oftenwould she flowers twine
How oftengarlandes make:
OfCouslippes and of Colombine
And allfor Corins sake.
But Corinhe had haukes to lure
And forcedmore the field:
Of louerslawe he toke no cure
For oncehe was begilde.
Harpaluspreualed nought
His labourall was lost:
For he wasfardest from her thought
And yet heloued her most.
Therforewaxt he both pale and leane
And dryeas clot of clay:
His flesheit was consumed cleane
His colourgone away.
His beardit had not long be shaue
His hearehong all vnkempt:
A man mostfitte euen for the graue
Whomspitefull loue had spent.
His eyeswere red and all forewatched
His facebesprent with teares:
It semdevnhap had him long hatched.
In middesof his dispayres.
Hisclothes were blacke and also bare
As oneforlorne was he:
Vpon hisheade alwaies he ware
A wreathof wilow tree.
Hisbeastes he kept vpon the hyll
And hesate in the dale:
And thuswith sighes and sorowes shryll
He gan totell his tale.
O Harpelusthus would he say
Vnhappiestvnder sunne:
The causeof thine vnhappy day
By louewas first begone.
For thouwentest first by sute to seeke
A Tygre tomake tame:
That setsnot by thy loue a leke
But makesthy grefe her game.
As easyeit werefor to conuert
The frostinto the flame:
As for toturne a froward hert
Whom thouso fain wouldst frame.
Corin heliueth carelesse
He leapesamong the leaues:
He eatesthe frutes of thy redresse
Thoureapes he takes the sheaues.
My beastesa while your fode refrayne
And herkenyour herdmans sounde:
Whomspitefull loue alas hath slaine
Throughgirtwith many a wounde.
Oh happybe ye beastes wilde
That hereyour pasture takes:
I se thatye be not begylde
Of theseyour faythfull face.
The Harthe fedeth by the Hynde
The Buckehard by the Doo
The TurtleDoue is not vnkinde
To himthat loues her so.
The Eweshe hath by her the Ramme
The yongCow hath the Bulle:
The calfwith many a lusty lamme
Do feedetheir honger full.
Butwellaway that nature wrought
TheePhillida so faire:
For I maysay that I haue bought
Thy beautyall to deare.
Whatreason is it that cruelty
Withbeauty should haue part
Or elsthat such great tyranny
Shoulddwell in womans hart.
I seetherfore to shape my death
Shecruelly is prest:
To thendthat I may want my breathe
My dayesbeen at the best.
O Cupidegraunt this my request
And do notstoppe thine eares:
That shemay fele within her brest
The paynesof my dispayres.
Of Corinthat is carelesse
That shemay craue her fee:
As I hauedone in great distresse
That louedher faythfully.
But sinsthat I shall die her slaue
Her slaueand eke her thrall:
Write youmy frendesvpon my graue
Thischance that is befall.
Here liethvnhappy Harpelus
Whomcruell loue hath slayne:
ByPhillida vniustly thus
Murdredwith false disdaine.
Lo herethe end of man
Vpon sirIames wilfordes death.
Lo herethe end of man the cruell sisters three
The web ofWilfords life vnethe had half ysponne
When rashvpon misdede they all accorded bee
To brekevertues course er half the race were ronne
And triphim on his way that els had won the game
And holdenhighest place within the house of fame.
But yetthough he be gonethough sence with him be past
Whichtrode the euen steppes that leaden to renowne
We thatremaine aliue ne suffer shall to waste
The fameof his desertsso shall he lose but sowne.
The thingshall aye remaineaye kept as freshe in store
As if hiseares shold ring of that he wrought before.
Waile nottherfore his want sith he so left the stage
Of careand wretched lifewith ioye and clap of hands
Whoplaieth lenger partesmay (Note: partes may) well haue greater age
But few sowell may passe the gulfe of fortunes sandes
So triedlydid he treade ay prest at vertues beck
Thatfortune found no place to geue him once a check.
The fateshaue rid him hencewho shall not after go
Thoughearthed be his corpsyet florish shall his fame
A gladsomething it is that er he step vs fro
Suchmirrours he vs left our life therby to frame
Wherforehis praise shall last aye freshe in Brittons sight
Till sunneshall cease to shineand lende the earth his light.
Who listto liue vpright
Of thewretchednes in this world.
Who listto liue vprightand holde him self content
Shall sesuch wonders in this worldas neuer erst was sent.
Suchgropyng for the swetesuch tastyng of the sower
Suchwandryng here for wordly welth that lost is in one houre.
And as thegood or badde gette vp in hye degre
So wadesthe world in right or wrong it may none other be.
And lokewhat lawes they makeech man must them obay
And yokehimself with pacient hart to driue and draw <the> way.
For suchas long agogreat rulers were assinde
Both liues& lawes are now forgot & worne clene out of minde
So that bythis I seno state on earth may last
But astheir times appointed beto rise and fall as fast.
The goodesthat gotten beby good and iust desart
Yet vsethem so that neady handes may helpe to spend the part
For lokewhat heape thou hordstof rusty golde in store
Thineenemies shall waste the samethat neuer swat therfore.
Vnto theliuyng Lord
Therepentant sinner in durance and aduersitie.
Vnto theliuyng Lord for pardon do I pray
Fromwho<m> I graunt euen fro<m> the shellI haue run stylastray.
And otherliues there none (my death shall well declare)
On whom Iought to grate for graceas faulty folkes do fare.
But thee OLorde aloneI haue offended so
That thissmall scourge is much to scant for mine offence I know
I rannewithout returnethe way the world liekt best
And what Iought most to regardthat I respected lest
The throngwherin I thrusthath throwen me in such case
That Lordemy soule is sore beset without thy greater grace
My giltesare growen so greatmy power doth so appayre
That withgreat force they argue oftand mercy much dispayre.
But thenwith fayth I flee to thy prepared store
Wherethere lieth help for euery hurtand salue for euery sore.
My lostetime to lamentmy vaine waies to bewaile
No day nonight no place no houre no moment I shal faile
My souleshall neuer cease with an assured faith
To knockto craueto call to cry to thee for helpe which sayth
Knocke andit shalbe heardbut aske and geuen it is
And allthat like to kepe this courseof mercy shall not misse
For when Icall to minde how the one wandryng shepe
Did bringmore ioye with his returnethen all the flocke did kepe.
It yeldesfull hope and trust my strayed and wandryng ghost
Shalbereceiued and held more dere then those were neuer lost.
O Lord myhope beholdeand for my helpe make haste
To pardonthe forpassed race that carelesse I haue past.
And butthe day draw neare that death must pay the det
For loneof life which thou hast lent and time of payment set.
From thissharpe shower me shilde which threatened is at hand
Wherbythou shalt great power declare & I the storme withstand.
Not mywill lord but thynefulfilde be in ech case
To whosegret wil & mighty power al powers shal once geue place
My faythmy hope my trustmy God and eke my guide
Stretchforth thy hand to saue the soulewhat so the body bide.
Refuse notto receiue that thou so dere hast bought
For but bythee alone I know all safety in vaine is sought.
I know andknowledge eke albeit very late
That thouit is I ought to loue and dreade in ech estate.
And withrepentant hart do laude thee Lord on hye
That hastso gently set me straightthat erst walkt so awry.
Now grauntme grace my God to stand thine strong in sprite
And let<the> world the<n> work such wayesas to the world semesmete.
Sythesingyng gladdeth
The louerhere telleth of his diuers ioyes and aduersities in loue and lastlyof his ladies death.
Sythesingyng gladdeth oft the hartes
Of themthat fele the panges of loue:
And forthe while doth ease their smartes:
My self Ishall the same way proue.
And thoughthat loue hath smit the stroke
Wherby islost my libertie:
Which byno meanes I may reuoke:
Yet shallI singhow pleasantly.
Ny twentyyeres of youth I past:
Which allin libertie I spent:
And sofrom fyrst vnto the last
Er aught Iknewwhat louing ment.
And aftershall I syng the wo
The paynethe greefethe deadly smart:
When louethis lyfe did ouerthrowe
Thathydden lyes within my hart.
And thenthe ioyesthat I did feele.
Whenfortune lifted after this
And set mehye vpon her whele:
Andchanged my wo to pleasant blisse
And so thesodeyn fall agayne
From allthe ioyesthat I was in.
All youthat list to heare of payne
Geue earefor now I doe beginne.
Lofyrstof allwhen loue began
With hotedesyres my heart to burne:
Methoughthis might auailde not than
Fromlibertie my heart to turne.
For I wasfree: and dyd not knowe
How muchhis might mannes hert may greue.
I hadprofest to be his fo:
His law Ithought not to beleue.
I wentvntyed in lusty leas
I had mywish alwayes at will:
Ther wasno womight me displease:
Ofpleasant ioyes I had my fill.
Nopaynfull thought dyd passe my hart:
I spilt noteare to wet my brest:
I knew nosorowsighnor smart.
Mygreatest grefe was quyet rest.
I brake noslepeI tossed not:
Nor dyddelyte to syt alone.
I felt nochange of coldeand hote:
Nor noughta nightes could make me mone.
For allwas ioy that I did fele:
And ofvoide wandering I was free.
I had noclogge tied at my hele:
This wasmy life at libertie.
That yetme thinkes it is a blisse
To thinkevpon that pleasure past.
Butforthwithall I finde the misse
For thatit might no lenger last.
Thosedayes I spent at my desire
Without woor aduersitie:
Till thatmy hart was set a fire
With louewith wrathand ielousie.
For on aday (alas the while)
Lohearmy harme how it began:
Theblinded Lordthe God of guile
Had listto end my fredome than.
Andthrough mine eye into my hart
Allsodenly I felt it glide.
He shothis sharped fiery dart
So hardthat yet vnder my side
The head(alas) dothe still remaine
And yetsince could I neuer know
The way towring it out againe:
Yet was itnye three yere ago.
This sodenstroke made me agast:
And itbegan to vexe me sore.
But yet Ithoughtit would haue past
As othersuch had done before.
But it didnot that (wo is me)
So depeimprinted in my thought
The strokeabode: that yet I see
Me thynkesmy harme how it was wrought.
Kindetaught me streight that this was loue
And Iperceiued it perfectlye.
Yetthought I thus: Nought shall me moue:
I will notthrall my libertie.
And diuerswaies I did assay
By flightby forceby frendby fo
This fyryethought to put away.
I was solothe for to forgo
Mylibertie: that me was leuer
Thenbondage waswhere I heard saie:
Who oncewas boundewas sure neuer
Withoutgreat paine to scape away.
But whatfor thatthere is no choyce
For mymishap was shapen so:
That thosemy dayes that did reioyce
Shouldturne my blisse to bitter wo.
For withthat stroke my blisse toke ende.
In stedewherof forthwith I caught
Hotteburnyng sighesthat sins haue brend
Mywretched hart almost to naught.
And sinsthat dayO Lord my life
The miserythat it hath felt.
Thatnought hath hadbut wo and strife
And hottedesires my hart to melt.
O Lord howsodain was the change
From sucha pleasant liberty?
The verythraldome semed strange:
But yetthere was no remedy.
But I mustyeldand geue vp all
And makemy guide my chiest (Note: chiefest) fo.
And inthis wise became I thrall.
Lo loueand happe would haue it so.
I suffredwrong and helde my peace
I gaue myteares good leaue to ronne:
And neuerwould seke for redresse
But hoptto liue as I begonne.
For whatit was that might me ease
He liuednot that might it know.
Thusdranke I all mine owne disease:
And allalone bewailde my wo.
There wasno sight that might mee please
I fledfrom them that did reioyce.
And oftalone my hart to ease
I wouldbewayle with wofull voyce
My lifemy statemy miserie
And cursemy selfe and all my dayes.
Thuswrought I with my fantasie
And soughtmy helpe none other waies.
Sauesometime to my selfe alone
When farreof was my helpe God wot:
Lowdewould I cry: My life is gone
My dereif that ye helpe me not.
Then wishtI streightthat death might end
Thesebitter pangesand all this grief.
Fornoughtmethoughtmight it amend.
Thus indispaire to haue relief
I lingredforth: tyll I was brought
Withpining in so piteous case:
That allthat saw mesaydmethought:
Lodeathis painted in his face.
I went nowhere: but by the way
I saw somesight before mine eyes:
That mademe sighand oft times say:
My lifealas I thee despyse.
Thislasted well a yereand more:
Which nowight knewbut onely I:
So that mylife was nere forlore:
And Idispaired vtterly.
Tyll on adayas fortune would:
(Forthatthat shalbenedes must fall)
I sat medownas though I should
Haue endedthen my lyfeand all.
And as Isat to wryte my plaint
Meaning toshew my great vnrest:
Withquaking handand hart full faint
Amid myplaintesamong the rest
I wrotewith ynkand bitter teares:
I am notmyneI am not mine:
Behold mylyfeaway that weares:
And if Idye the losse is thyne.
Herewith alitle hope I caught:
That for awhyle my life did stay.
But ineffectall was for naught.
Thus liuedI styll: tyll on a day
As I satstaring on those eyes:
I meanethose eyesthat first me bound:
My inwardthought tho cryed: Aryse:
Lomercywhere it may be found.
Andtherewithall I drew me nere:
With feblehartand at a braide
(Butit was softly in her eare)
MercyMadamewas allI sayd.
But wo wasmewhen it was tolde.
Fortherewithall fainted my breath.
And I satestill for to beholde
And hearethe iudgement of my death.
But louenor Hap would not consent
To end methenbut welaway:
There gaueme blisse: that I repent
To thinkeI liue to see this day.
For afterthis I playned still
So longand in so piteous wise:
That I mywish had at my will
Grauntedas I would it deuise.
But Lordwho euer heardor knew
Of halfethe iove that I felt than?
Or who canthinke it may be true
That somuch blisse had euer man?
Lofortune thus set me aloft:
And moremy sorowes to releue
Ofpleasant ioyes I tasted oft:
As much asloue or happe might geue.
Thesorowes oldeI felt before
About myhartwere driuen thence:
And foreche greefeI felt afore
I had ablisse in recompence.
Thenthought I all the time well spent:
That I inplaint had spent so long.
So was Iwith my life content:
That to myself I sayd among.
Sins thouart ridde of all thine yll:
To showethy ioyes set forth thy voyce.
And sinsthou hast thy wish at will:
My happyhartreioycereioyce.
Thus feltI ioyes a great deale mo
Then by mysong may well be tolde:
Andthinkyng on my passed wo
My blissedid double many folde.
And thus Ithought with mannes blood
Suchblisse might not be bought to deare.
In suchestate my ioyes then stode:
That of achange I had no feare.
But whysing I so long of blisse?
It lastethnotthat will away
Let metherfore bewaile the misse:
And singthe cause of my decay.
Yet allthis while there liued none
That ledhis life more pleasantly:
Nor vnderhap there was uot (Note: not) one
Methoughtso well at easeas I.
But Oblinde ioyewho may thee trust?
For noestate thou canst assure?
Thyfaithfull vowes proue all vniust:
Thy fairebehestes be full vnsure.
Goodproufe by me: that but of late
Not fullytwenty dayes ago:
Whichthought my life was in such state:
Thatnought might worke my hart this wo.
Yet haththe enemy of my ease
Mishappe Imeanethat wretched wight:
Now whenmy life did moste me please:
Deuised mesuch cruel spight.
That fromthe hiest place of all
As to thepleasyng of my thought
Downe tothe deepest am I fall
And to myhelpe auaileth nought
Lothusare all my ioyes gone:
And I ambrought from happinesse
Continuallyto waileand mone.
Losuchis fortunes stablenesse.
In welth Ithought such suretie
Thatpleasure should haue ended neuer.
But now(alas) aduersitie
Doth makemy singyng cease for euer.
O brittleioyeO slidyng blisse
O frailepleasureO welth vnstable:
Who felesthee mosthe shall not misse
At lengthto be made miserable.
For allmust end as doth my blisse:
There isnone other certentie.
And at theend the worst is his
That mosthath knowen prosperitie.
For hethat neuer blisse assaied
May wellaway with wretchednesse:
But heshall finde that hath it sayd
A paine topart from pleasantnesse:
As I doenowfor er I knew
Whatpleasure was: I felt no griefe
Like vntothisand it is true
Thatblisse hath brought me all this mischiefe.
But yet Ihaue not songenhow
Thismischiefe came: but I intend
Withwofull voice to sing it now:
Andtherwithall I make an end.
But Lordnow that it is begoon
I feelemy sprites are vexed sore.
Ohgeueme breath till this be done:
And afterlet me liue no more
Alastheenmy of my life
The enderof all pleasantnesse:
Alashebringeth all this strife
Andcauseth all this wretchednesse.
For in themiddes of all the welth
Thatbrought my hart to happinesse:
Thiswicked death he came by stelthe
And robdeme of my ioyfulnesse.
He camewhen that I little thought
Of oughtthat might me vexe so sore:
Andsodenly he brought to nought
Mypleasantnesse for euermore
He slew myioye (alasthe wretch)
He slew myioyeor I was ware:
And now(alas) no might may stretch
To set anend to my great care.
For bythis cursed deadly stroke
My blisseis lostand I forlore:
And nohelp may the losse reuoke:
For lostit is for euermore.
And closedvp are those faire eyes
That gaueme first the signe of grace:
My faireswete foesmyne enemies
And earthdothe hide her pleasant face.
The lokewhich did my life vpholde:
And all mysorowes did confounde:
With whichmore blisse then may be tolde:
Alasnowlieth it vnder ground.
But ceasefor I will syng no more:
Since thatmy harme hath no redresse:
But as awretche for euermore
My lifewill waste with wretchednesse.
And endingthys my wofull song
Now thatit ended is and past:
I wold mylife were but as long:
And thatthis word might be my last.
Forlothsome is that life (men saye)
Thatliketh not the liuers minde:
Lothus Iseke myne owne decaye
And willtill that I may it finde
Fvll faireand white she is
Of hisloue named white.
Fvll faireand white she isand White by name:
Whosewhite doth striuethe lillies white to staine:
Who maycontemne the blast of blacke defame:
Who indarke nightcan bring day bright againe.
The ruddyrose inpreasethwith cleare heew
In lipsand chekesright orient to behold:
That thenere gaser may that bewty reew
And feledisparst in limmes the chilling cold:
For Whiteall white his bloodlesse face wil be:
The asshypale so alter will his cheare.
But I thatdo possesse in full degree
The hartyloue of this my hart so deare:
So oft tome as she presents her face
For ioyedo fele my hart spring from his place.
What thingis that
Of thelouers vnquiet state.
What thingis that which I bothe haue and lacke
With goodwill graunted yet it is denyed
How may Ibe receiued and put abacke
Alwaydoing and yet vnoccupied
Most slowin that which I haue most applied
Still thusto sekeand lese all that I winne
And thatwas ready is newest to begyn.
In richesfinde I wilfull pouertie
In greatpleasure liue I in heauinesse
In muchfreedome I lacke my libertie
Thus am Ibothe in ioye and in distresse.
And in fewwordesif that I shall be plaine
InParadise I suffer all this paine.
It is nofire
where goodwill is some profe will appere.
It is nofire that geues no heate
Though itappeare neuer so hotte:
And theythat runne and can not sweate
Are veryleane and dry God wot.
A perfectleche applieth his wittes
To gatherherbes of all degrees:
And feuerswith their feruent fittes
Be curedwith their contraries.
New winewill search to finde a vent
Althoughthe caske be neuer so strong:
And witwill walke when will is bent
Althoughthe way be neuer so long.
Therabbets runne vnder the rockes
Thesnailes do clime the highest towers:
Gunpowdercleaues the sturdy blockes
A feruentwill all thing deuowers.
When witte (Note: witte) with will and diligent
Apply themseluesand match as mates
There canno want of resident
From forcedefende the castell gates.
Forgetfulnessemakes little haste
And slouthdelites to lye full soft:
Thattelleth the deafhis tale dothe waste
And isfull drye that craues full oft.
Alas thateuer death
Verseswritten on the picture of sir Iames wilford.
Alas thateuer death such vertues should forlet
As compastwas within his corpswhose picture is here set.
Or that iteuer laye in any fortunes might
Throughdepe disdaine his life to traine <that> was so worthy a wight
For sithhe first began in armour to be clad
A worthierchampion then he was yet Englande neuer had.
And thoughrecure be pasthis life to haue againe
Yet wouldI wish his worthinesse in writyng to remaine.
That mento minde might call how farre he did excell
At allassayes to wynne the praisewhich were to long to tell.
And ekethe restlesse race that he full oft hath runne
Inpainfull plight fro<m> place to placewhere seruice was todoon
Thenshould men well perceiuemy tale to be of trouth
And he tobe the worthiest wight that euer nature wrought.
Shall Ithus euer long
The ladyepraieth the returne of of her louer abidyng on the seas.
Shall Ithus euer longand be no whit the neare
And shal Istyll complayn to theethe which me will not here?
Alas saynaysay nayand be no more so dome
But openthou thy manly mouthand say that thou wilt come.
Wherby myhart may thinkealthough I see not thee
That thouwilt come thy word so swareif thou a liues man be.
Theroaryng hugy wauesthey threaten my pore ghost
And tossethee vp and downe the seasin daunger to be lost.
Shall theynot make me feare that they haue swalowed thee
But asthou art most sure aliue so wilt thou come to me.
Wherby Ishall go see thy shippe ride on the strande
And thinkeand say lo where he comesand sure here will he land.
And then Ishall lift vp to thee my little hande
And thoushalt thinke thine hert in easein helth to se me stand.
And ifthou come in dede (as Christ the send to do)
Thosearmes which misse thee now shall then imbrace thee to.
Ech vaineto euery ioyntthe liuely bloud shall spred
Which nowfor want of thy glad sightdoth show full pale & dead.
But ifthou slip thy trouth and do not come at all
As minutesin the clocke do strike so call for death I shall.
To pleasebothe thy false hartand rid my self from wo
Thatrather had to dye in trouth then liue forsaken so.
Thedoutfull man
The meaneestate is best.
Thedoutfull man hath feuers strange
Andconstant hope is oft diseased
Dispairecan not but brede a change
Norfletyng hartes can not be pleasde.
Of allthese baddethe best I thinke
Is well tohopethough fortune shrinke.
Desiredthinges are not ay prest
Northinges denide left all vnsought
Nor newthings to be loued best
Nor alloffers to be set at nought
Wherefaithfull hart hath bene refusde
Thechosers wit was there abusde.
The wofulshyppe of carefull sprite
Fletyng onseas of wellyng teares
Withsayles of wishes broken quite
Hangyng onwaues of dolefull feares
By surgeof sighes at wrecke nere hand
May fastno anker holde on land.
What helpsthe dyall to the blinde
Or els theclock without it sound
Or who bydreames dothe hope to finde
The hiddengold within the ground:
Shalbe asfree from cares and feares
As he thatholds a wolfe by the eares.
And howmuch mad is he that thinkes
To climeto heauen by the beames
What ioyealashath he that winkes
At Titanor his golden stremes
His ioyesnot subiect to reasons lawes
Thatioyeth more then he hath cause.
For as thePhenix that climeth hye
The sonnelightly in ashes burneth
Againethe Faulcon so quicke of eye
Sone onthe ground the net masheth.
Experiencetherfore the meane assurance
Prefersbefore the doutfull pleasance.
Sith thatthe way
The louerthinkes no payne to greatwherby he may obtaine his lady.
Sith thatthe way to welth is woe
And afterpaynes pleasure prest
Whieshould I than dispaire so.
Aybewailling mine vnrest
Or let tolede my liefe in paine
So worthya lady to obtayne
The fisherman doth count no care
To casthys nets to wracke or wast
And inreward of eche mans share
A gogengift is much imbrast
Sould(Note: Should) I than grudge it grief or gall
That lokeat length to whelm a whall.
The porema<n> ploweth his grou<n>d for graine
And sowethhis seede increase to craue
And forthexpence of all hys paine.
Oft holdesit hap his seede to saue
Thesepacient paines my part do show
To longfor loue er that I know.
And takeno skorne to scape from skill
To spendemy spirites to spare my speche
To win forwelth the want of will.
And thusfor rest to rage I reche
Running myrace as rect vpright:
Tillteares of truth appease my plight.
And plantmy plaint within her brest
Whodoubtles may restore againe
My harmesto helth my ruthe to rest.
That lacedis within her chayne
For earstne are the grieues so gret:
As is theioy when loue is met.
For whocouets so high to clim
As doththe birde that pitfoll toke
Or whodelightes so swift to swim.
As doththe fishe that scapes the hoke
If thesehad neuer entred woe:
How moughtthey haue reioysed so.
But yetalas ye louers all
That hereme ioy thus lesse reioyce
Iudge notamys whatso befall.
In methere lieth no power of choyse
It is buthope that doth me moue:
Whostanderd bearer is to loue.
On whoseensigne when I beholde
I se theshadowe of her shape
Within myfaith so fast I folde:
Throughdread I diethrough hope I scape
Thus easeand wo full oft I finde
What willyou more she knoweth my minde.
A studentat his boke
Of a newmaried Student.
A Studentat his boke so plast
That welthhe might haue wonne:
From boketo wife did flete in haste
Fromwealth to wo to runne.
Nowwhohath plaied a feater cast
Sinceiuglyng first begoon ?
Inknittyng of him selfe so fast
Him selfehe hath vndoon.
Whocraftly castes to stere
The meaneestate is to be (Note: line preceded by a paragraph sign)accomptedthe best.
Whocraftly castes to stere his boate
and safelyskoures the flattering flood:
He cuttethnot the greatest waues
for whythat way were nothing good.
Ne fletethon the crocked shore
lest harmehim happe awayting lest.
But winesaway betwene the<m> both
as whowould say the meane is best.
Whowaiteth on the golde<n> meane
he put inpoint of sickernes:
Hides nothis head in sluttishe coates
neshroudes himself in filthines.
Ne sittesaloft in hye estate
wherehatefull hartes enuie his chance:
But wiselywalkes betwixt them twaine
ne proudlydoth himself auance
Thehighest tree in all the woode
is rifestrent with blustring windes:
The higherhall the greater fall
suchchance haue proude and lofty mindes.
WhenIupiter from hie doth threat
withmortall mace and dint of thunder
thehighest hilles ben batrid eft
when theystand still that stoden vnder
The manwhose head with wit is fraught
in welthwill feare a worser tide
Whenfortune failes dispaireth nought
butconstantly doth stil abide
For hethat sendith grisely stormes
withwhisking windes and bitter blastes
And fowlthwith haile the winters face
and frotesthe soile with hory frostes
Euen headawth the force of colde
the springin sendes with somer hote
The samefull oft to stormy hartes
is causeof bale: of ioye the roote.
Not alwaysil though so be now
whencloudes ben driuen then rides the racke
Phebus thefresh ne shoteth still
sometimehe harpes his muse to wake
Stand stiftherfore pluck vp thy hart
lose notthy port though fortune faile
Againewhan wind doth serue at will
take hedeto hye to hoyse thy saile.
I lent myloue to losse
The louerrefused lamen- (Note: line preceded by a paragraph sign)teth hisestate.
I Lent myloue to losse and gaged my life in vaine
If hatefor loue and death for life of louers be the gaine.
And curseI may by course the place eke time and howre
Thatnature first in me did forme to be a liues creature
Sith thatI must absent my selfe so secretly
In placedesert where neuer man my secretes shall discrye
In dollingof my dayes among the beastes so brute
Who withtheir tonges may not bewray the secretes of my sute
Nor I inlike to them may once to moue my minde
But gaseon them aud (Note: and) they on me as bestes are wont of kinde
Thusranging as refusde to reche some place of rest
All ruffof hearemy nayles vnnochtas to such semeth best.
Thatwander by theyr wittesdeformed so to be
That menmay saysuch one may curse the tyme he first gan se
The beautyof her faceher shape in such degree
As godhimself may not discerneone place mended to be.
Nor placeit in lyke placemy fansy for to please
Who wouldbecome a heardmans hyre one howre to haue of ease.
Wherby Imight restoreto me some stedfastnes
That hauemo thoughts hept in my head then life may lo<n>g disges.
As oft tothrow me downe vpon the earth so cold
Wheraswith teares most rufullymy sorowes do vnfold.
And inbeholding themI chiefly call to mynd
What womancould find in her heartsuch bondage for to bynd.
Thenrashly furth I yedeto cast me from that care
Lyke asthe byrd for foode doth flyeand lighteth in the snare.
Fromwhence I may not meuevntil my race be roon
So traynedis my truth through her<that> thinkes my life well woon.
Thus tosseI too and froin hope to haue reliefe
But in thefine I fynd not soit doubleth but my grief.
Wherfore Iwill my wanta warning for to be
Vnto allmenwishing that theya myrrour make of me.
Whe<n>dredful swelling seas
Thefelicitie of a mind imbracing vertuethat beholdeth the wretcheddesyres of the worlde.
Whe<n>dredful swelling seasthrough boisterous windy blastes
So tossethe shippesthat al for noughtserues ancor sayle & mastes.(Note: from following line)
Who takesnot pleasure thensafely on shore to rest
And seewith dreade & depe despayrehow shipmen are distrest.
Not thatwe pleasure takewhen others felen smart
Ourgladnes groweth to see their harmes& yet to fele no parte.
Delyght wetake alsowell ranged in aray
Whenarmies meete to see the fightyet free be from the fray.
But yetamong the restno ioy may match with this
Taspayrevnto the temple hyewhere wisdom troned is.
Defendedwith the saws of hory heades expert
Whichclere it kepe fro<m> errours mystthat myght the truthperuert.
Fromwhence thou mayst loke downand see as vnder foote
Manswa<n>dring wil & doutful lifefro<m> whe<n>cethey take their roote.
How someby wit contend by prowes some to rise
Riches andrule to gaine and hold is all that men deuise.
Omiserable mindes O hertes in folly drent
Why se younot what blindnesse in thys wretched life is spent.
Bodydeuoyde of grefe mynde free from care and dreede
Is all andsome that nature craues wherwith our life to feede.
So thatfor natures turne few thinges may well suffice
Dolour andgrief clene to expell and some delight surprice:
Yea and itfalleth oft that nature more contente
Is withthe lessethen when the more to cause delight is spent.
The winterwith his griesly
Allworldly pleasures fade.
The winterwith his griesly stormes no lenger dare abyde
Theplesant grassewith lusty grenethe earth hath newly dyde.
The treeshaue leues<the> bowes don sprednew cha<n>ged is <the>yere.
The waterbrokes are cleane sonke downthe plesa<n>t ba<n>kesapere.
The springis comethe goodly nimphes now dau<n>ce in euery place
Thus haththe yere most plesantly of late ychangde his face.
Hope forno immortalitiefor welth will weare away
As we maylearne by euery yereyea howres of euery day.
ForZepharus doth mollifye the colde and blustering windes:
The somersdrought doth take away <the> spryng out of our minds.
And yetthe somer cannot lastbut once must step asyde
The<n>Autumn thinkes to kepe hys placebut Autumn ca<n>not bide.
For whenhe hath brought furth his fruits & stuft <the> barns w<ith>corn
The wintereates & empties alland thus is Autumn worne.
Then horyfrostes possesse the placethe<n> te<m>pestes work muchharm
The<n>rage of stormes done make al colde whiche somer had made so warm(Note: from following line)
Wherforelet no man put his trust in thatthat will decay
Forslipper welth will not cu<n>tinueplesure will weare away.
For whenthat we haue lost our lyfe& lye vnder a stone
What arewe thenwe are but earththen is our pleasure gon.
No man cantell what god almight of euery wight doth cast
No man cansay to day I liuetill morne my lyfe shall last.
For whenthou shalt before thy iudge stand to receiue thy dome
Whatsentence Minos dothe pronounce that must of thee become.
Then shallnot noble stock and blud redeme the fro<m> his handes
Nor surgedtalke with eloquence shal lowse thee fro<m> his bandes.
Nor yetthy lyfe vprightly leadcan help thee out of hell
For whodescendeth downe so depemust there abyde & dwell.
Dianacould not thence deliuer chaste Hypolitus
Nor Theseus (Note: Theseus) could not call to life his frende Periothous.
In sekyngrest
Acomplaint of the losse of libertie by loue.
In sekyngrest vnrest I finde
I findethat welth is cause of wo:
Wo worththe time that I inclinde
To fixe inminde her beauty so.
That daybe darkened as the night
Letfurious rage it cleane deuour:
Ne sunnenor moone therin geue light
But itconsume with storme and shower.
Let nosmall birdes straine forth their voyce
Withpleasant tunes ne yet no beast:
Findecause wherat he may reioyce
That daywhen chaunced mine vnrest.
Wherinalas from me was raught
Mine ownefree choyse and quiet minde:
My life mydeath in balance braught
And reasonrasde through barke and rinde.
And I asyet in flower of age
Bothewitte and will did still aduaunce:
Ay toresist that burnyng rage:
But when Idarte then did I glaunce.
Nothing tome did seme so hye
In minde Icould it straight attaine:
Fansypersuaded me therby
Loue toesteme a thing most vaine.
But as thebirde vpon the brier
Dothepricke and proyne her without care:
Notknowyng alas pore fole how nere
She isvnto the fowlers snare
So I amiddisceitfull trust
Did notmistrust such wofull happe:
Tillcruell loue er that I wist
Had caughtme in his carefull trappe.
Then did Ifele and partly know
How littleforce in me did raigne:
So sone toyelde to ouerthrow
So fraileto flit from ioye to paine.
For whenin welth will did me leade
Oflibertie to hoyse my saile:
To hale atshete and cast my leade
I thoughtfree choise wold still preuaile
In whosecalme streames I sayld so farre
No ragyngstorme had in respect:
Vntyll Iraysde a goodly starre
Wherto mycourse I did direct.
In whoseprospect in doolfull wise
My tacklefailde my compasse brake:
Throughhote desires such stormes did rise
Thatsterne and toppe went all to wrake.
Oh cruellhappe oh fatall chaunce
O Fortunewhy were thou vnkinde:
Withoutregard thus in a traunce
To reuefro me my ioyfull minde.
Where Iwas free now must I serue
Where Iwas lose now am I bounde:
In deathmy life I do preserue
As onethrough girt with many a wound.
Geue placeyou Ladies
A praiseof his Ladye.
Geue placeyou Ladies and be gon
Boast notyour selues at all:
For hereat hande approcheth one
Whose facewill staine you all.
The vertueof her liuely lokes
Excels theprecious stone:
I wishe tohaue none other bokes
To read orloke vpon.
In eche ofher two cristall eyes
Smileth anaked boye:
It wouldyou all in hart suffise
To seethat lampe of ioye.
I thinkenature hath lost the moulde
Where sheher shape did take:
Or els Idoubt if nature could
So faire acreature make.
She may bewell comparde
Vnto thePhenix kinde:
Whose likewas neuer sene nor heard
That anyman can finde.
In lifeshe is Diana chast
In trouthPenelopey:
In wordand eke in dede stedfast
What willyou more we sey.
If all theworld were sought so farre
Who couldfinde such a wight:
Her beautytwinkleth like a starre
Within thefrosty night.
Herrosiall colour comes and goes
With sucha comely grace:
Moreredier to then doth the rose
Within herliuely face.
At Bacchusfeast none shall her mete
Ne at nowanton play:
Nor gasyngin an open strete
Norgaddyng as a stray.
The modestmirth that she dothe vse
Is mixtwith shamefastnesse:
All viceshe dothe wholy refuse
And hatethydlenesse.
O lord itis a world to see
How vertuecan repaire:
And deckein her such honestie
Whomnature made so fayre.
Truely shedothe as farre excede
Our womennow adayes:
As dothethe Ielifloure a wede
And more athousande wayes.
How mightI do to get a graffe:
Of thisvnspotted tree.
For allthe rest are plaine but chaffe
Which semegood corne to be.
This giftalone I shall her geue
When deathdoth what he can:
Her honestfame shall euer liue
Within themouth of man.
Experiencenow doth shew
The poreestate to be holden for best. (Note: space after first letter of eachline: EDWARDE SOMERSE)
Experiencenow doth shew what God vs taught before
Desiredpompe is vaineand seldome dothe it last:
Whoclimbes to raigne with kingesmay rue his fate full sore.
Alas thewofull ende that comes with care full fast
Reiect himdothe renowne his pompe full lowe is caste.
Deceiuedis the birde by swetenesse of the call
Expellthat pleasant tastewherein is bitter gall.
Such aswith oten cakes in pore estate abides
Of carehaue they no curethe crab with mirth they rost
More easefele they then thosethat from their height downe slides
Excessedoth brede their wothey saile in scillas cost
Remainyngin the stormes till shyp and all be lost.
Serue Godtherfore thou porefor lothou liues in rest
Eschue thegolden hallthy thatched house is best.
Thestilisa sely man
Thecomplaint of Thestilis amid the desert wodde.
Thestilisa sely manwhen loue did him forsake
Inmourning wiseamid <the> woods thus gan his plaint to make.
Ah wofullman (quod he) fallen is thy lot to mone
And pyneaway w<ith> carefull thoughtsvnto thy loue vnknowen.
Thy ladythee forsakes whom thou didst honor so
That ay toher thou wer a frendand to thy self a foe.
Ye louersthat haue lost your heartes desyred choyse
Lamentwith me my cruell happe& helpe my trembling voyce.
Was neuerman that stode so great in fortunes grace:
Nor withhis swete alas to deare possest so high a place.
As I whosesimple hart aye thought him selfe full sure
But now Ise hye springyng tides they may not aye endure.
She knowesmy giltelesse hartand yet she lets it pine
Of hervntrue professed loue so feble is the twine.
Whatwonder is it thanif I berent my heeres
Andcrauyng death continually do bathe my selfe in teares
WhenCresus king of Lide was cast in cruell bandes
And yeldedgoodes and life also into his enemies handes.
What tongcould tell hys wo yet was hys griefe much lesse:
Then minefor I haue lost my loue which might my woe redresse.
Ye woodesthat shroud my limes giue now your holow sound
That yemay helpe me to bewaile the cares that me confound.
Ye riuersrest a while and stay the stremes that runne
RewThestilis most woful man that liueth vnder sunne.
Transportmy sighes ye windes vnto my pleasant foe
Mytrickling teares shall witnesse bear of this my cruell woe.
O happyman wer I if all the goddes agreed:
That nowthe susters three should cut in twaine my fatall threde.
Till lifewith loue shall ende I here resigne all ioy:
Thypleasant swete I now lament whose lack bredes myne anoy
Farewellmy deare therfore farewell to me well knowne
If that Idie it shalbe sayd that thou hast slaine thine owne.
Naturethat taught
The louerpraieth pity showing that nature hath taught his dog as it were tosue for the same by kissing his ladies handes.
Naturethat taught my silly dog god wat:
Euen formy sake to like where I do loue
Inforcedhim wheras my lady sat
Withhumble sute before her falling flat.
As in hissorte he might her play and moue
To ruevpon his lord and not forgete
Thestedfast faith he beareth her and loue
Kissingher hand whom she could not remoue.
Away thatwould for frowning nor for threte
As thoughhe would haue sayd in my behoue.
Pity mylord your slaue that doth remaine
Lest byhis death you giltles slay vs twaine.
Since thoumy ring
Of hisring sent to his lady. (Note: title not offset with spaces in text)
Since thoumy ring mayst goe where I ne may.
Since thoumayst speake where I must hold my peace.
Say vntoher that is my liues stay.
Grauen thewithin which I do here expresse:
Thatsooner shall the sonne not shine by day
And withthe raine the floodes shall waxen lesse.
Sooner thetree the hunter shall bewray
Then I forchange or choyce of other loue
Do euerseke my fansy to remoue.
For that arestles head
Thechangeable state of louers.
For that arestles head must somewhat haue in vre
Wherwithit may acquaynted beas falcon is with lure.
Fansy dothme awake out of my drowsy slepe
In seeinghow the little mouseat night begyns to crepe.
So thedesyrous manthat longes to catch hys pray
In spyinghow to watch hys tymelyeth lurkyng styll by day.
In hopyngfor to haueand fearyng for to fynde
The saluethat should recure his sore& soroweth but the mynde
Such isthe guyse of loueand the vncertain state
That someshould haue theyr hoped happeand other hard estate.
That someshould seme to ioy in that they neuer had
And someagayn shall frown as fastwhere causeles they be sad.
Suchtrades do louers vse when they be most at large
That gydethe stere when they themselues lye fettred in <the> barge.
The grenesof my youth cannot therof expresse
Theprocesfor by profe vnknowenall this is but by gesse.
Wherfore Ihold it bestin tYme to hold my peace
But wantonwill it cannot holdor make my pen to cease.
A pen ofno auaylea fruitles labour eke
Mytroubled head with fansies fraughtdoth payn it self to seke.
And ifperhappes my wordes of none auayle do pricke
Such as dofele the hidden harmesI would not they shold kicke.
Ascauseles me to blame which thinketh them no harme
Although Iseme by others fyresometime my self to warme.
Whichclerely I denyeas gyltles of that cryme
And thoughwrong demde I be therintruth it will trye in tyme.
WhenAudley had runne out
A praiseof Audley.
WhenAudley had runne out his race and ended wer his days
His famestept forth & bad me write of hi<m> some worthy praise.
What lifehe ladwhat actes he did: his vertues & good name
Wherto Icalde for true reportas witnes of the same.
Wel bornhe was wel bent by kindewhose mind did neuer swarue
A skilfullheada valiant herta ready hand to serue.
Brought vp& trained in feats of war long time beyond the seas
Cald homeagain to serue his prince who<m> styll he sought to please.
Whattornay was there he refusdewhat seruice did he shone
Where hewas not nor his aduicewhat great exploit was done
In towne alambe in felde full fierce a lyon at the nede
In soberwit a Salomonyet one of Hectors sede.
Then shameit were that any tong shold now defame his dedes
That inhis life a mirror was to all that him succedes.
No poreestate nor hie renowne his nature could peruart
No hardmischaunce that him befel could moue his constant hart.
Thus longhe liued loued of all as one mislikt of none
And wherehe went who cald him not the gentle Peragon.
But courseof kinde doth cause eche frute to fall whe<n> it is ripe
Andspitefull death will suffer none to scape his greuous gripe.
Yet thoughthe ground receiued haue his corps into her wombe
Thisepitaphe ygraue in brasseshall stand vpon his tombe.
Lo here helies that hateth viceand vertues life imbrast
His namein earth his sprite aboue deserues to be well plast.
Eche thingI se
Timetrieth truth.
Eche thingI se hath time which time must trye my truth
Whichtruth deserues a special truston trust gret fre<n>dshipgro-weth (Note: syllable from following line)
Andfrendship may not faile where faithfulnesse is founde
Andfaithfulnesse is ful of frute& fruteful thinges be sounde.
And soundis good at proufeand proufe is prince of praise
Andprecious praise is such a pearle as seldome ner decayes.
All thesethinges time tries forthwhich time I must abide
How sholdI boldly credite craue till time my truth haue tryed.
For as Ifound a time to fall in fansies frame
So I dowishe a lucky time for to declare the same.
If hap mayanswere hope and hope may haue his hire
Then shallmy hart possesse in peace the time that I desire.
Myyouthfull yeres are past
The louerrefused of his loue imbraceth death.
Myyouthfull yeres are past
My ioyfulldayes are gone:
My life itmay not last
My graueand I am one.
My mirthand ioyes are fled
And I aman in wo:
Desirousto be dedde
Mymischiefe to forgo.
I burneand am a colde
I friseamids the fire:
I see shedothe withholde
That is mymost desire.
I see myhelpe at hand
I see mylyfe also:
I seewhere she dothe stande
That is mydeadly foe.
I see howshe dothe see
And yetshe will be blinde:
I se inhelpyng me
She sekesand will not finde.
I see howshe doth wry
When Ibegyn to mone:
I see whenI come nie
Hhw (Note:How) faine she wold be gone.
I see whatwill ye more
She willme gladly kyll:
And youshall see therfore
That sheshall haue her will.
I can notliue with stones
It is tohard a fode:
I will bedead at once
To do myLady good.
Behold mypicture here
ThePicture of a louer.
Behold mypicture here well portrayed for the nones
With hartconsumed and fallyng flesshelo here the very bones.
Whosecruell chaunce alas and desteny is such
Onelybecause I put my trust in some folke all to much.
For sincethe time that I did enter in this pine
I neuersaw the risyng sunne but with my wepyng eyen.
Nor yet Ineuer heard so swete a voice or sounde
But thatto me it did encrease the dolour of my wounde.
Nor in sosoft a beddealas I neuer laye
But thatit semed hard to me or euer it was daye.
Yet inthis body bare that nought but life retaines
Thestrength wherof clene past away the care yet still remaines.
Like asthe cole in flame dothe spende it selfe you se
To vaineand wretched cinder dust till it consumed be.
So dothethis hope of mine inforce my feruent sute
To make mefor to gape in vainewhilst other eate the frute.
And shalldo till the death do geue me such a grace
To ridthis sillye wofull spirite out of this dolefull case.
And thenwold God were writte in stone or els in leade
ThisEpitaphe vpon my graueto shew why I am deade.
Here lieththe louer loewho for the loue he aught
Aliue vntohis ladye derehis death therby he caught.
And in ashielde of blackeloe here his armes appeares
Withweping eies as you may seewell poudred all with teares.
Loe hereyou may beholdealoft vpon his brest
A womanshand strainyng the hart of him that loued her best.
Wherforeall you that se this corps for loue that starues
Examplemake vnto you allthat thankelesse louers sarues.
Bewailewith me all ye
Of thedeath of Phillips.
Bewailewith me all ye that haue profest
Of musicketharte by touche of coarde or winde:
Laye downeyour lutes and let your gitterns rest
Phillipsis dead whose like you can not finde.
Of musickemuch exceadyng all the rest
Musestherfore of force now must you wrest.
Yourpleasant notes into an other sounde
The stringis brokethe lute is dispossest
The handis coldethe bodye in the grounde.
Thelowring lute lamenteth now therfore
Phillipsher frende that can her touche no more.
I seethere is no sort
That allthing sometime finde ease of their painesaue onely the louer.
I Seethere is no sort
Of thingesthat liue in griefe:
Which atsometime may not resort
Wherasthey haue reliefe.
Thestriken dere by kinde
Of deaththat standes in awe:
For hisrecure an herbe can finde
The arrowto withdrawe.
The chaseddere hath soile
To coolehim in his het:
The asseafter his wery toyle
In stableis vp set.
The conyehath his caue
The littlebirde his nest:
From heateand colde them selues to saue
At alltimes as they lyst.
The owlewith feble sight
Liethlurkyng in the leaues:
Thesparrow in the frosty nyght
Mayshroude her in the eaues.
But wo tome alas
In sunnenor yet in shade.
I can notfinde a restyng place
My burdento vnlade.
But day byday still beares
The burdenon my backe:
Withwepyng eyen and watry teares
To holdemy hope abacke.
Allthinges I see haue place
Wherinthey bowe or bende:
Saue thisalas my wofull case
Which nowhere findeth ende.
WhenCupide scaled first
Thassaultof Cupide vpon the fort where the louers hart lay wounded and how hewas taken.
WhenCupide scaled first the fort
Wherin myhart lay wounded sore:
The battrywas of such a sort
That Imust yelde or dye therfore.
There sawI loue vpon the wall
How he hisbanner did display:
Alarmealarme he gan to call
And badhis souldiours kepe aray.
The armesthe which that Cupide bare
Werepearced harts with teares besprent:
In siluerand sable to declare
Thestedfast loue he alwayes ment.
Theremight you se his band all drest
In colourslike to white and blacke:
Withpowder and with pellets prest
To bringthe fort to spoile and sacke.
Good willthe master of the shot
Stode inthe rampyre braue and proud:
For spenceof powder he spared not
Assaultassault to crye aloude.
Theremight you heare the cannons rore
Eche pecedischarged a louers loke:
Which hadthe power to rentand tore
In anyplace whereas they toke.
And euenwith the trumpets sowne
Thescalyng ladders were vp set:
And beautywalked vp and downe
With bowin hand and arrowes whet.
Then firstdesire began to scale
Andshrowded him vnder his targe:
As on theworthiest of them all
And aptestfor to geue the charge.
Thenpusshed souldiers with their pikes
Andholbarders with handy strokes:
Thehargabushe in fleshe it lightes
And dimsthe ayre with misty smokes.
And as itis the souldiers vse
When shotand powder gins to want:
I hangedvp my flagge of truce
Andpleaded for my liues graunt.
When fansythus had made her breach
And beautyentred with her bande:
With bagand baggage selye wretch
I yeldedinto beauties hand.
Thenbeawty bad to blow retrete
And euerysoldiour to retire.
And mercywilde with spede to fet:
Me captiuebound as prisoner.
Madame(quoth I) sith that thys day
Hathserued you at all assaies:
I yeld toyou without delay
Here ofthe fortresse all the kaies.
And siththat I haue ben the marke
At whomyou shot at with youe eye:
Nedes mustyou with your handy warke
Or saluemy sore or let me dye.
I lothethat I did loue
The agedlouer renounceth loue.
I Lothethat I did loue
In youththat I thought swete:
As timerequires for my behoue
Me thinkesthey are not mete
My lustesthey do me leaue
My fansiesall be fledde:
And tractof time begins to weaue
Grayheares vpon my hedde.
For agewith stelyng steppes
Hathclawed me with his cowche:
And lustylife away she leapes
As therehad bene none such.
My musedothe not delight
Me as shedid before:
My handand pen are not in plight
As theyhaue bene of yore.
For reasonme denies
Thisyouthly idle rime:
And day byday to me she cryes
Leaue ofthese toyes in time.
Thewrincles in my brow
Thefurrowes in my face:
Saylimpyng age will hedge him now
Whereyouth must geue him place.
Theharbinger of death
To me Isee him ride:
The coughthe coldethe gaspyng breath
Dothe bidme to prouide.
A pikeaxand a spade
And eke ashrowdyng shete
A house ofclaye for to be made
For such agest most mete.
Me thinkesI heare the clarke
That knolsthe careful knell:
And bidsme leaue my wofull warke
Er natureme compell.
My kepersknit the knot
That youthdid laugh to scorne:
Of me thatclene shalbe forgot
As I hadnot ben borne.
Thus mustI youth geue vp
Whosebadge I long did weare:
To them Iyelde the wanton cup
Thatbetter may it beare.
Loe herethe bared scull
By whosebalde signe I know:
Thatstoupyng age away shall pull
Whichyouthfull yeres did sowe.
For beautywith her bande
Thesecroked cares hath wrought:
Andshipped me into the lande
Fromwhence I first was brought.
And yethat bide behinde
Haue yenone other trust:
As ye ofclaye were cast by kinde
So shallye waste to dust.
To liue todye
Of theladie wentworthes death.
To liue todyeand dye to liue againe
With goodrenowne of fame well led before
Here liethshe that learned had the lore
Whom ifthe perfect vertues wolden daine.
To be setforth with foile of worldly grace
Was nobleborne and matcht in noble race
LordWentworthes wifenor wa<n>ted to attain
In naturesgiftes her praise among the rest
But thatthat gaue her praise aboue the best
Not fameher wedlocks chastnes durst distain
Whereinwith child deliueryng of her wombe
Thuntimelybirth hath brought them both in tombe (Note: from followingline)
So leftshe life by death to liue again.
The smokysighes
The loueraccusing hys loue for her vnfaithfulnessepnrposeth (Note:purposeth) to liue in libertie.
The smokysighes the bitter teares
That I invaine haue wasted:
The brokenslepesthe wo and feares
That longin me haue lasted:
The loueand all I owe to thee
Here Irenounce and make me free.
Whichfredome I haue by thy guilt
And not bymy deseruing
Since sovnconstantly thou wilt
Not louebut still be swaruyng.
To leue meoft which was thine owne
Withoutcause why as shalbe knowen.
The fruteswere faire the which did grow
Within thygarden planted
The leaueswere grene of euery bough
Andmoysture nothing wanted
Yet or theblossoms gan to fall
Thecaterpiller wasted all.
Thy bodywas the garden place
And sugredwordes it beareth
Theblossomes all thy faith it was
Which asthe canker wereth.
The caterpiller is the same
That hathwonne thee and lost thy name.
I meanethy louer loued now
By thypretended folye
Which willproue lykethou shalt fynd how
Vnto atree of holly:
That barkeand bery beares alwayes
The onebyrdes feedesthe other slayes.
And rightwell mightest thou haue thy wish
Of thyloue new acquaynted:
For thouart lyke vnto the dishe
ThatAdrianus paynted:
Wherin wergrapes portrayd so fayre
Thatfowles for foode did there repayre.
But I amlyke the beaten fowle
That fromthe net escaped
And thouart lyke the rauening owle
That allthe night hath waked.
For noneintent but to betray
Thesleping fowle before the day.
Thus haththy loue been vnto me
Aspleasant and commodious
As was thefyre made on the sea
By Naulushate so odious.
Therwithto trayn the grekish host
FromTroyes return where they wer lost.
As Cyprestree that rent
The louerfor want of his desyresheweth his death at hand.
As Cyprestree that rent is by the roote.
As branchor slyppe bereft from whe<n>ce it growes
As wellsowen seede for drought that can not sproute
As gapingground that raineles can not close
As moulesthat want the earth to do them bote
As fisheon lande to whom no water flowes
AsChameleon that lackes the ayer so sote.
As flowersdo fade when Phebus rarest showes.
Assalamandra repulsed from the fyre:
So wantingmy wishe I dye for my desyre
Theshinyng season
A happyend excedeth all plea. (Note: -)sures and riches of the worlde
Theshinyng season here to some
The gloryin the worldes sight
Renowmedfame through fortune wonne
Theglitteryng golde the eyes delight.
Thesensuall life that semes so swete
The hartwith ioyfull dayes replete
The thingwherto eche wight is thrall
The happyende exceadeth all.
O temeroustauntres
Against anvnstedfast woman.
O Temeroustauntres that delights in toyes
Tumblingcockboat tottryng to and fro
Ianglyngiestres depraueres of swete ioyes
Ground ofthe graffe whence al my grief dothe grow (Note: from followingline)
Sullenserpent enuironned w<ith> dispite
That yllfor good at all times doest requite.
O petrarkehed and prince
A praiseof Petrarke and of Laura his ladie.
O Petrarkehed and prince of poets all
Whoseliuely gift of flowyng eloquence
Wel may wesekebut finde not how or whence
So rare agift with thee did rise and fall
Peace tothy bonesand glory immortall
Be to thynameand to her excellence.
Whosebeauty lighted in thy time and sence
So to beset forth as none other shall.
Why hathnot our pens rimes so p<er>fit wrought
Ne why ourtime forth bringeth beauty such
To tryeour wittes as golde is by the touche
If to thestile the matter aided ought.
Buttherwas (Note: ther was) neuer Laura more then one
And herhad petrarke for his paragone
Withpetrarke to compare
Thatpetrark cannot be passed but notwithstanding that Lawra is farsurpassed.
Withpetrarke to compare there may no wight
Nor yetattain vnto so high a stile
But yet Iwote full well where is a file.
To frame alearned man to praise aright:
Of staturemeane of semely forme and shap
Eche lineof iust proporsion to her height:
Her colourfreshe and mingled with such sleight:
As thoughthe rose sate in the lilies lap.
In wit andtong to shew what may be sed
To euerydede she ioynes a parfit grace
If Lawraliude she would her clene deface.
For I daresay and lay my life to wed
That Momuscould not if he downe discended
Onceiustly say lo this may be amended.
Cruell andvnkind
Against acruell woman.
Cruell andvnkind whom mercy cannot moue
Herbour ofvnhappe where rigours rage doth raigne
The groundof my griefe where pitie cannot proue:
To tickleto trust of all vntruth the traine
thourigorous rocke that ruth cannot remoue.
Daungerousdelph depe dungeon of disdaine:
The sackeof selfe will the chest of craft and change
Whatcauseth the thus so causels for to change.
Ah pitelesplante whome plaint cannot prouoke
Darke denof disceite that right doth still refuse
Causlesvnkinde that carieth vnder cloke
Crueltyand craft me onely to abuse
Statelyeand stubberne withstanding cupides stroke
Thoumerueilouse mase that makest men to muse
Solleyn byselfe willmost stony stiffe and straunge
Whatcauseth thee thus causelesse for to chaunge.
Slipperand secrete where surety can not sowe
Net ofneweltyneast of newfanglenesse
Spring ofvery spitefrom whence whole fluddes do flow
Thou caueand cage of care and craftin esse (Note: craftinesse)
Waueryngwillow that euery blast dothe blowe
Graffewithouten grothe and cause of carefulnesse.
The heapeof mishap of all my griefe the graunge
Whatcauseth thee thus causelesse for to chaunge.
Hast thouforgote that I was thine infeft
By forceof loue haddest thou not hart at all
Sawestthou not other that for thy loue were left
Knowestthou vnkindethat nothing mught befall
From outmy hart that could haue the bereft.
Whatmeanest thou then at ryot thus to raunge
Andleauest thine owne that neuer thought to chaunge.
If it wereso that God
The louersheweth what he would haue if it were graunted him to haue what hewould wishe.
If it wereso that God would graunt me my request
And that Imight of earthly thinges haue <that> I liked best.
I wouldnot wishe to clime to princely hye astate
whichslipper is and slides so oftand hath so fickle fate.
Nor yet toconquere realmes with cruell sworde in hande
And so toshede the giltlesse bloude of such as would withstand.
Nor Iwould not desire in worldly rule to raigne
Whosefrute is all vnquietnesseand breakyng of the braine.
Norrichesse in excesse of vertue so abhorde
I wouldnot craue which bredeth care and causeth all discorde.
But myrequest should be more worth a thousand folde:
That Imight haue and her enioye that hath my hart in holde.
Oh Godwhat lusty life should we liue then for euer
Inpleasant ioy and perfect blisseto length our liues together.
Withwordes of frendlye chereand lokes of liuely loue
To vtterall our hotte desireswhich neuer should remoue.
But groseand gredie wittes which grope but on the ground.
To gathermuck of worldly goodes which oft do them confounde.
Can notattaine to knowe the misteries deuine
Of perfiteloue wherto hie wittes of knowledge do incline
A nigardof his gold suche ioye can neuer haue
whichgettes w<ith> toile and kepes with care and is his money slaue.
As theyenioy alwayes that taste loue in his kinde
For theydo holde continually a heauen in their minde.
No worldlygoodes could bring my hart so great an ease
As for tofinde or do the thing that might my ladye please.
For by heronely loue my hart should haue all ioye
And withthe same put care awayand all that coulde annoy.
As if thatany thyng shold chance to make me sadde
Thetouching of her corall lippes would straighteways make me gladde(Note: from following line)
And whenthat in my heart I fele that dyd me greue
With oneimbracing of her armes she might me sone releue:
And as theAngels all which sit in heauen hye
Withpresence and the sight of god haue theyr felicitie.
Solykewyse I in earthshould haue all earthly blis
Withpresence of that paragonmy god in earth that is.
To louealas
The ladyforsaken of her louerprayeth his returneor the end of her ownlife.
To louealaswho would not feare
That seethmy wofull state
For he towhom my heart I beare
Doth meextremely hate
And whytherfore I cannot tell
He will nolenger with me dwell.
Did younot sewe and long me serue
Ere I yougraunted grace?
And willyou this now from me swarue
That neuerdid trespace?
Alas poorewoman then alas
A werylyfe here must I passe.
And isthere now no remedy
But thatyou will forgeat her
Ther was atyme when that perdy
You wouldhaue heard her better.
But nowthat time is gone and past
And allyour loue is but a blast.
And canyou thus breake your behest
In dedeand can you so?
Did younot sweare you loude me best
And canyou now say no?
Rememberme poore wight in payne
And for mysake turne once agayne.
Alas pooreDido now I fele
Thypresent paynful state
When salse(Note: false) Eneas did hym stele
From theeat Carthage gate.
And leftthee sleapyng in thy bedde
Regardyngnot what he had sayd.
Was neuerwoman thus betrayed
Nor man sofalse forsworne
His faithand trouth so strongly tayed
Vntruthhath alltotorne:
And I haueleaue for my good will
To waileand wepe alone my fill.
But sinceit will not better be
My tearesshall neuer blyn:
To moistthe earth in such degree
That I maydrowne therin:
That by mydeath all men may saye
Lo womenare as true as they.
By me allwomen may beware
That seemy wofull smart
To seketrue loue let them not spare
Beforethey set their hart.
Or elsthey may become as I
Which formy truth am like to dye.
In fredomewas my fantasie
The loueryelden into his ladies handespraieth mercie.
In fredomewas my fantasie
Abhorryngbondage of the minde
But now Iyelde my libertie
Andwillingly my selfe I binde.
Truely toserue with all my hart
Whileslife doth last not to reuart.
Her beautybounde me first of all
And forstmy will for to consent:
And Iagree to be her thrall
For as shelist I am content.
My will ishers in that I may
And whereshe biddes I will obey.
It liethin her my wo or welth
She may dothat she liketh best
If thatshe list I haue my helth
If shelist not in wo I rest.
Sins I amfast within her bandes
My wo andwelth lieth in her handes.
She can nolesse then pitie me
Sith thatmy faith to her is knowne
It were tomuch extremitie
Withcruelty to vse her owne.
Alas asinnefull enterprice
To slaythat yeldes at her deuice.
But Ithinke not her hart so harde
Nor thatshe hath such cruell lust:
I doubtnothing of her reward
For mydesert but well I trust
As shehath beauty to allure
So hathshe a hart that will recure.
Among damenatures workes
Thatnature which worketh al thinges for our behofehath made women alsofor our comfort and delite.
Among damenatures workes such perfite lawe is wrought
Thatthings be ruled by course of kinde in order as they ought
Andserueth in their statein such iust frame and sorte
Thatslender wits may iudge the same& make therof report.
Beholdewhat secrete force the winde dothe easely showe
Whichguides the shippes amid the seas if he his bellowes blow
The waterswax en (Note: waxen) wilde where blustering blastes do rise
Yetseldome do they passe their bond es (Note: bondes) for nature thatdeuise.
The firewhich boiles the leade and trieth out the golde:
Hath inhis power both help and hurt if he his force vnfolde.
The frostwhich kilth the fruite doth knit the brused bones:
And is amedecin of kind prepared for the nones.
The earthin whose entrails the foode of man doth liue
At eueryspring and fall of leafe what plesure doth she giue.
The aierwhich life desires and is to helth so swete
Of natureyeldes such liuely smelles that co<m>fortes euery sprete.
The sonnethrough natures might doth draw away the dew
Andspredes <the> flowers where he is wo<n>t his princelyface to shew
The Monewhich may be cald the lanterne of the night
Is halfe aguide to traueling men such vertue hath her light.
The stersnot vertuelesse are bewtie to the eies
A lodesman to the mariner a signe of calmed skies.
Theflowers and fruitefull trees to man doe tribute pay
And whenthey haue their duety done by course they fade away.
Eche beastboth fishe and fouledoth offer lief and all
To norisheman and do him ease yea serue him at his call.
Theserpentes venemouswhose vglye shapes we hate
Aresoueraigne salues for sondry sores& nedefull in their state.
Sithnature shewes her powerin eche thing thus at large
Why shouldnot man submit hymself to be in natures charge
Whothinkes to flee her forceat length becomes her thrall
The wysestcannot slip her snarefor nature gouernes all.
Lonaturegaue vs shapelo nature fedes our lyues:
The<n>they are worse the<n> mad I thinkagainst her force <that>striues.
Thoughsome do vse to saywhich can do nought but fayne
Women weremade for this intentto put vs men to payne.
Yet sure Ithink they are a pleasure to the mynde
A ioywhich man can neuer wantas nature hath assynde.
To mymishap alas I fynde
whenaduersitie is once fallenit is to late to beware.
To mymishap alas I fynde
That happyhap is daungerous:
Andfortune worketh but her kynd
To makethe ioyfull dolorous.
But all tolate it comes to minde
To wailethe want that makes me blinde
Amid mymirth and pleasantnesse
Suchchaunce is chaunced sodainly
That indispaire without redresse
I finde mychiefest remedy.
No newkinde of vnhappinesse
Shouldthus haue left me comfortlesse.
Who woldhaue thought that my request
Shouldbring me forth such bitter frute:
But now ishapt that I feard lest
And allthis harme comes by my sute
For when Ithought me happiest
Euen thenhapt all my chiefe vnrest.
In bettercase was neuer none
And yetvnwares thus am I trapt
My chiefedesire doth cause me mone
And to myharme my welth is hapt
There isno man but I alone
That hathsuch cause to sigh and mone.
Thus am Itaught for to beware
And trustno more such pleasant chance
My happyhappe bred me this care
Andbrought my mirth to great mischance.
There isno man whom happe will spare
But whenshe list his welth is bare.
Al youthat frendship
Of a louerthat made his onelye God of his loue.
Al yon(Note: you) that frendship do professe
And of afrende present the place:
Geue eareto me that did possesse
As frendlyfrutes as ye imbrace.
And todeclare the circumstaunce
There werethem selues that did auaunce:
To teacheme truely how to take
Afaithfull frende for vertues sake.
But I asone of little skill
To knowwhat good might grow therby
Vnto mywelth I had no will
Nor to mynede I had none eye
But as thechilde dothe learne to go
So I intime did learne to know.
Of allgood frutes the worlde brought forth
Afaythfull frende is thing most worth.
Then withall care I sought to finde
One worthyto receiue such trust:
One onelythat was riche in minde
Onesecretesoberwiseand iust.
Whomriches coulde not raise at all
Norpouertie procure to fall:
And to beshort in few wordes plaine
One such afrend I did attaine.
And when Idid enioy this welth
Who liuedLord in such a case
For to myfrendes it was great helth
And to myfoes a fowle deface
Aad (Note:And) to my selfe a thing so riche
As sekethe worlde and finde none sich
Thus bythis frende I set such store
As by myselfe I set no more.
Thisfrende so much was my delight
When carehad clene orecome my hart
Onethought of her rid care as quite
As neuercare had caused my smarte
Thus ioyedI in my frende so dere
Was neuerfrende sate man so nere
I cardefor her so much alone
That otherGod I carde for none.
But as itdothe to them befall
That tothem selues respect haue none:
So myswete graffe is growen to gall
Where Isowed mirthe I reaped mone
This ydollthat I honorde so
Is nowtransformed to my fo.
That memost pleased me most paynes
And indispaire my hart remaines.
And foriust scourge of such desart
Threplages I may my selfe assure
First ofmy frende to lose my parte
And nextmy life may not endure
And lastof all the more to blame
My souleshall suffer for the same
Wherforeye frendes I warne you all
Sit fastefor feare of such a fall
Death andthe kyng
Vpon thedeath of sir Antony Denny.
Death andthe kyng did as it were contende
Which ofthem two bare Denny greatest loue.
The kingto shew his loue gan farre extende
Did himaduaunce his betters farre aboue.
Nereplacemuch welthegreat honour eke him gaue
To make itknowen what power great princes haue.
But whendeath came with his triumphant gift
Fromworldly cark he quite his weried ghost
Free fromthe corpsand straight to heauen it lift
Now demethat can who did for Denny most.
The kinggaue welth but fadyng and vnsure
Deathbrought him blisse that euer shall endure.
Lyke asthe brake
Acomparison of the louers paines.
Lyke asthe brake within the riders hande
Dothestrayne the horse nye woode with griefe of payne
Not vsedbefore to come in such a bande
Striuethfor griefealthough godwot (Note: god wot) in vayne.
To be aserst he was at libertie
But forceof force dothe straine the contrary.
Euen sosince band dothe cause my deadly griefe
That mademe so my wofull chaunce lament
Like thinghath brought me into paine and mischiefe
Sauewillingly to it I did assent.
To bindethe thing in fredome which was free
That nowfull sore alas repenteth me.
Svchegrene to me
Of aRosemary braunche sente.
Svchegrene to me as you haue sent
Such greneto you I sende agayn:
A flowringhart that wyll not feint
For dredeof hope or losse of gaine:
A stedfastthought all wholy bent
So that hemaye your grace obtain:
As you byproofe haue alwaies sene
To liueyour owne and alwayes grene.
As I hauebene
To hisloue of his constant hart.
As I hauebene so will I euer be
Vnto mydeath and lenger yf I might.
Haue I ofloue the frendly lokyng eye
Haue I offortune the fauour or the spite
I am ofrock by proofe as you may see:
Not madeof waxe nor of no metall light
As leefeto dyeby chaunge as to deceaue
Or breakethe promise made. And so I leaue.
The goldenapple
Of thetoken which his loue sent him.
The goldenapple that the Troyan boy
Gaue toVenus the fayrest of the thre
Which wasthe cause of all the wrack of Troy
Was notreceiued with a greater ioye
Then wasthe same (my loue) thou sent to me
It healedmy sore it made my sorowes free
It gaue mehope it banisht mine annoy:
Thy happyhand full oft of me was blist
That cangeue such a salue when that thou list.
Tho Cowerdoft
Manhodeauaileth not without good Fortune.
Tho Cowerdoft whom deinty viandes fed
Thatbosted much his ladies eares to please
By helpeof them whom vnder him he led
Hath reaptthe palme that valiance could not cease.
Thevnexpert that shoores vnknowen neare sought
WhomNeptune yet apaled not with feare:
Inwandryng shippe on trustlesse seas hath tought
The skillto fele that time to long doth leare.
Thesportyng knight that scorneth Cupides kinde
With fanedchere the payned cause to brede:
In gamevnhides the leden sparkes of minde
And gainesthe golewhere glowyng flames should spede
Thus I seeproufe that trouth and manly hart
May notauayleif fortune chaunce to start.
Though inthe waxe
Thatconstancy of all vertues is most worthy.
Though inthe waxe a perfect picture made
Dothe shewas fayre as in the marble stone
Yet do wesee it is estemed of none
Becausethat fire or force the forme dothe fade.
Wheras themarble holden is full dere
Since thatendures the date of lenger dayes.
OfDiamondes it is the greatest prayse
So long tolast and alwayes one tappere.
Then if wedo esteme that thing for best
Which inperfection lengest time dothe last:
And thatmost vayne that turnes with euery blast
Whatiewell then with tonge can be exprest.
Like tothat hart where loue hath framed such fethe
That cannot fade but by the force of dethe.
Thestilisthou sely man
A comfortto the complaynt of Thestilis.
Thestilisthou sely manwhy dost thou so complaine
If nedesthy loue will thee forsakethy mourning is in vaine.
For nonecan force the streames against their course to ronne
Nor yetvnwillyng loue with teares or wailyng can be wonne.
Cease thoutherfore thy plainteslet hope thy sorowes ease
Theshipmen though their sailes be rent yet hope to scape the seas
Thoughstraunge she seme a whileyet thinke she will not chau<n>ge
Goodcauses driue a ladies louesometime to seme full straunge.
No louerthat hath witbut can forsee such happe
That nowight can at wish or will slepe in his ladies lappe.
Achillesfor a time fayre Brises did forgo
Yet didthey mete with ioye againethen thinke thou maist do so.
Though heand louers al in loue sharpe stormes do finde
Dispairenot thou pore Thestilis though thy loue seme vnkinde.
Ah thinkeher graffed loue can not so sone decay
Hiespringes may cease from swellyng styllbut neuer dry away
Oftstormes of louers yredo more their loue encrease:
As shinyngsunne refreshe the frutes whe<n> rainyng gins to cease.
Whenspringes are waxen lowethen must they flow againe
So shallthy hart aduaunced beto pleasure out of paine.
When lackeof thy delight most bitter griefe apperes
Thinke onEtrascus worthy loue that lasted thirty yeres
Whichcould not long atcheue his hartes desired choyse
Yet at theende he founde rewarde that made him to reioyce.
Since heso long in hope with pacience did remaine
Can notthy feruent loue forbeare thy loue a moneth or twaine.
Admit sheminde to chaunge and nedes will thee forgo
Is thereno mo may thee delight but she that paynes thee so?
Thestilisdraw to the towne and loue as thou hast done
In timethou knowest by faythfull loue as good as she is wonne.
And leauethe desert woodes and waylyng thus alone
And seketo salue thy sore els whereif all her loue be gonne.
Lyke asthe rage of raine
Thevncertaine state of a louer.
Lyke asthe rage of raine
Fillesriuers with excesse
And as thedrought againe
Dothe drawthem lesse and lesse.
So I bothefall and clyme
With noand yea sometime.
As theyswell hye and hye
So dotheencrease my state
As theyfall drye and drye
So doth mywealth abate
As yea ismixt with no
So mirtheis mixt with wo.
As nothingcan endure
That liuesand lackes reliefe
So nothingcan stande sure
Wherechaunge dothe raigne as chiefe.
Wherfore Imust intende
To bowewhen others bende.
And whenthey laugh to smile
And whenthey wepe to waile
And whenthey craftbegile
And whenthey fightassayle
And thinkethere is no chaunge
Can makethem seme to straunge.
Oh mostvnhappy slaue
What manmay leade this course
To lackehe would faynest haue
Or els todo much worse.
These berewardes for such
As liueand loue to much.
Atlibertie I sit and see
The louerin libertie smileth at them in thraldomethat sometime scorned hisbondage.
Atlibertie I sit and see
Them thathaue erst laught me to scorne:
Whipt withthe whip that scourged me
And nowthey banne that they were borne.
I see themsit full soberlye
And thinketheir earnest lokes to hide:
Now inthem selues they can not spye
That theyor this in me haue spied.
I see themsittyng all alone
Markyngthe steppes ech worde and loke:
And nowthey treade where I haue gone
Thepainfull pathe that I forsoke.
Now I seewell I saw no whit
When theysaw well that now are blinde
But happyhap hath made me quit
And iustiudgement hath them assinde.
I see themwander all alone
And tredefull fast in dredfull dout:
The selfesame pathe that I haue gone
Blessed behap that brought me out.
Atlibertie all this I see
And say noworde but erst among:
Smiling atthem that laught at me
Lo such ishap marke well my song.
I read howTroylus
Acomparison of his loue wyth the faithfull and painful loue of Troylusto Creside.
I Read howTroylus serued in Troy
A ladylong and many a day
And how hebode so great anoy
For her asall the stories saye.
That halfethe paine had neuer man
Which hadthis wofull Troyan than.
His youthhis sporthis pleasant chere
Hiscourtly state and company
In him sostraungly altred were
With sucha face of contrary.
That eueryioye became a wo
Thispoyson new had turned him so.
And whatmen thought might most him ease
And mostthat for his comfort stode
The samedid most his minde displease
And sethim most in furious mode
For allhis pleasure euer lay
To thinkeon her that was away
Hischamber was his common walke
Wherin hekept him seretely(Note: secretely)
He madehis bedde the place of talke
To hearehis great extremitie.
In nothingels had he delight
But euento be a martyr right.
And now tocall her by her name
Andstraight therwith to sigh and throbbe:
And whenhis fansyes might not frame
Then intoteares and so to sobbe
All inextreames and thus he lyes
Making twofountayns of his eyes.
As agueshaue sharpe shiftes of fittes
Of coldeand heat successiuely:
So had hishead like chaunge of wittes:
Hispacience wrought so diuersly.
Now vpnow downenow herenow there
Like onethat was he wist not where.
And thusthough he were Pryams sonne
And commenof the kinges hie bloude
This carehe had er he her wonne.
Till sheethat was his maistresse good
And lotheto see her seruaunt so
BecamePhisicion to his wo.
And tokehim to her handes and grace
And saidshe would her minde apply
To helpehim in his wofull case
If shemight be his remedy.
And thusthey say to ease his smart
She madehim owner of her hart.
And truthit is except they lye
From thatday forth her study went
To shew toloue him faithfully
And hiswhole minde full to content.
So happy aman at last was he
And eke soworthy a woman she.
Lo ladythen iudge you by this
Mine easeand how my case dothe fall
For surebetwene my life and his
Nodifference there is at all.
His carewas great so was his paine
And mineis not the lest of twaine.
For whathe felt in seruice true
For herwhom that he loued so
The same Ifele as large for you
To whom Ido my seruice owe
There wasthat time in him no payne
But nowthe same in me dothe raine.
Which ifyou can compare and waye
And how Istande in euery plight
Then thisfor you I dare well saye
Your hartmust nedes remorce of right
To grauntme grace and so to do
As Cresidethen did Troylus to.
For well Iwot you are as good
And euenas faire as euer was shee
And commenof as worthy bloode
And hauein you as large pitie.
To tenderme your owne true man
As she didhim her seruaunt than.
Which giftI pray God for my sake
Full soneand shortly you me sende
So shallyou make my sorowes slake
So shallyou bring my wo to ende.
And set mein as happy case
As Troyluswith his lady was.
Fleefro<m> the prese
To leade avertuous and honest life
Fleefro<m> the prese & dwell with sothfastnes
Suffise tothee thy good though it be small
For hordehath hate and climyng ticklenesse
Praisehath enuyand weall is blinde in all
Fauour nomorethen thee behoue shall.
Rede wellthy self that others well canst rede
And trouthshall the deliuer it is no drede.
Paine theenot eche croked to redresse
In hope ofher that turneth as a ball
Great reststandeth in litle busynesse
Bewarealso to spurne against a nall
Striue notas doth a crcoke (Note: crooke) against a wall
Deme firstthy selfethat demest others dede
And trouthshall the deliuerit is no drede.
That theis sentreceiue in boxomnesse
Thewrestling of this world axith a fall:
Here is nohomehere is but wildernesse.
Forthpilgrame forth beast out of thy stall
Looke vpon highgiue thankes to god of all:
Weane wellthy lustand honest life ay leade
So trouthshall the deliuerit is no dreade.
Sins Marsfirst moued warre
Thewounded louer deter mineth to make sute to his lady for his recure.
Sins Marsfirst moued warre or stirred men to strife
Was neuerseen so fearce a fightI scarce could scape with life.
Resist solong I didtill death approched so nye
To saue myselfe I thought it bestwith spede away to fly.
In daungerstill I fledby flight I thought to scape
From mydere foeit vailed notalas it was to late.
For venusfrom her campe brought Cupide with hys bronde
Who saydnow yeldeor els desire shall chace the in euery londe.
Yet wouldI not straite yeldetill fansy fiersly stroke
Who frommy will did cut the raines and charged me w<ith> this yoke
Then allthe dayes and nightes mine eare might heare the sound
Whatcarefull sighes my heart would steale to fele it self so bound
For thoughwithin my brestthy care I worke he sayd
Why forgood wyll didest thou behold her persing iye displayde.
Alas thefishe is caughtthrough baitethat hides the hoke
Euen soher eye me trained hathand tangled with her loke.
But orthat it be longmy hart thou shalt be faine
To stay mylife pray her furththrowe swete lokes wha<n> I co<m>plaine
When thatshe shall denyto doe me that good turne
Then shallshe see to asshes grayby flames my body burne.
Desearteof blame to herno wight may yet impute
For feareof nay I neuer soughtthe way to frame my sute.
Yet hapthat what hap shalldelay I may to long
Assay Ishall for I here saythe still man oft hath wrong.
Thedolefull bell
The louershewing of the continuall paines that abide within his brestdetermineth to die because he can not haue redresse.
Thedolefull bell that still dothe ring
The wofullknell of all my ioyes:
Thewretched hart dothe perce and wringe
And filsmine eare with deadly noyes.
The hongryvyper in my brest
That on myhart dothe lye and gnawe:
Dothedayly brede my new vnrest
And depersighes dothe cause me drawe.
And thoughI force bothe hande and eye
Onpleasant matter to attende:
My sorowesto deceaue therby
Andwretched life for to amende.
Yet goeththe mill within my hart
Whichgryndeth nought but paine and wo:
Andturneth all my ioye to smart
The euillcorne it yeldeth so.
ThoughVenus smile with yeldyng eyes
And swetemusike both play and singe:
Yet dothmy sprites fele none of these
The clackedothe at mine eare so ringe.
Assmallest sparckes vncared for
Togreatest flames dothe sonest growe
Euen sodid this myne inwarde sore
Begin ingame and ende in wo.
And now byvse so swift it goeth
Thatnothing can mine eares so fil:
But thatthe clacke it ouergoeth
Andplucketh me backe into the myll.
But sincethe mill will nedes about
The pinnewheron the whele dothe go:
I wyllassaye to strike it out
And so themyll to ouerthrow.
For loueAppollo
The powerof loue ouer gods them selues.
For loueAppollo (his Godhead set aside)
Wasseruant to the kyng of Thessaley
Whosedaughter was so pleasant in his eye
That bothehis harpe and sawtrey he defide.
Andbagpipe solace of the rurall bride
Did puffeand blowe and on the holtes hy
Hiscattell kept with that rude melody
And ofteke him that doth the heauens gyde.
Hath louetransformed to shapes for him to base
Transmutedthus sometime a swan is he
Ledataccoyeand eft Europe to please
A mildewhite bullvnwrinckled front and face
Suffrethher play tyll on his backe lepeth she
Whom ingreat care he ferieth through the seas.
Svchwaiward waies
Of thesutteltye of craftye louers.
Svchwaiward waies haue some when folly stirres their braines
To fain &plaine full oft of loue when lest they fele his paynes.
And for toshew a griefe such craft haue they in store
That theycan halt and lay a salue wheras they fele no sore.
As houndevnto the foteor dogge vnto the bow
So arethey made to vent her out whom bent to loue they know
That if Ishould discribe on hundred of their driftes
Twohu<n>dred witts beside mine owne I should put to their shiftes
No woodmanbetter knowes how for to lodge his dere
Norshypman on the sea that more hath skill to guide the stere
Nor beatendogge to herd can warer chose his game
Norscholeman to his fansy can a scholer better frame.
Then oneof these which haue olde Ouids art in vre
Can sekethe wayes vnto their minde a woman to allure.
As roundeabout a hiue the bees do swarme alway
So roundeabout <the> house they prease wherin they seke their pray.
And whomthey so besegeit is a wonderous thing
Whatcrafty engins to assault these wily warriers bring.
The eye asscout and watch to stirre both to and fro
Doth serueto stale her here & there where she doth come and go
The tongedoth plede for right as herauld of the hart:
And boththe handes as oratours do serue to point theyr part.
So shewesthe countinaunce then with these fowre to agree
As thoughin witnes with the rest it wold hers sworne be.
But if shethen mistrust it would turne black to whyte
For thatthe woorrier lokes most smoth whe<n> he wold fainest bite.
Then witas counsellor a help for this to fynde:
Straightmakes <the> hand as secretayr forthwith to write his minde
And so theletters straight embassadours are made
To treatein hast for to procure her to a better trade.
Wherin ifshe do think all this is but a shewe
Or but asubtile masking cloke to hyde a craft ye (Note: craftye) shrewe.
Then comethey to the larmethen shew they in the fielde
Thenmuster they in colours strange that wayes to make her yeld
Thenshoote they batrye ofthen compasse they her in
At tilteand turney oft they striue this selly soule to win.
Then soundthey on their Lutes then strain they forth their so<n>ge
Thenromble they with instrumentes to laye her quite a long.
Then bordethey her with giftes then doe they woe and watche
Then nightand day they labour hard this simple holde to catche.
As patheswithin a woodeor turnes within a mase:
So thenthey shewe of wyles & craftes they can a thousand wayes
Girt in mygiltlesse gowne
Of thedissembling louer.
Girt in mygiltlesse gowne as I sit here and sow
I see thatthynges are not in dede as to the outward show.
And who solist to loke and note thinges somewhat nere:
Shall fyndwher playnesse semes to hau<n>t nothing but craft appere
For withindifferent eyes my self can well discerne
How someto guide a ship in stormes seke for to take the sterne.
Whosepractise yf were proued in calme to stere a barge
Assuredlybeleue it well it were to great a charge.
And some Isee agayne sit styll and saye but small
That coulddo ten tymes more than they that saye they can do all.
Whosegoodly giftes are such the more they vnderstande
The morethey seke to learne and knowe & take lesse charge in ha<n>d
And todeclare more plain the tyme fletes not so fast:
But I canbeare full well in minde the songe now sou<n>ge and past.
Theauthour wherof came wrapt in a craftye cloke:
With willto force a flamyng fire where he could raise no smoke.
If powerand will had ioynde as it appeareth plaine
The truthnor right had tane no place their vertues had ben vain.
So thatyou may perceiueand I may safely se
Theinnocent that giltlesse iscondemned should haue be.
As Lawrellleaues
Thepromise of a constant louer.
As Lawrellleaues that cease not to be grene
Fromparching sunnenor yet from winters thrette:
Ashardened oke that fearth no sworde so kene
As flintfor toole in twaine that will not frette.
As fast asrocke or piller surely set
So fast amI to you and aye haue bene.
Assuredlywhom I can not forget
For ioyfor painefor torment nor for tene.
For lossefor gaynefor frownyngnor for thret.
But eueroneyea bothe in calme or blast
Yourfaithfull frendeand will be to my last.
False mayhe be
Againsthim that had slaundered a gentlewoman with him selfe
False mayhe beand by the powers aboue
Neuer hauehe good spede or lucke in loue.
That socan lye or spot the worthy fame
Of her forwhom thou .R. art to blame.
For chasteDiane that hunteth still the chase
And allher maides that sue her in the race.
With fairebowes bent and arrowes by their side
Can sayethat thou in this hast falsely lied.
For neuerhonge the bow vpon the wall
Of Dianestemple no nor neuer shall.
Of brokenchaste the sacred vowe to spot
Of herwhom thou doste charge so large I wot.
But ifought be wherof her blame may rise
It is inthat she did not well aduise
To markethe right as now she dothe thee know
False ofthy dedes false of thy talke also.
Lurker ofkinde like serpent layd to bite
As poysonhid vnder the suger white.
Whatdaunger suche? So was the house defilde
OfCollatiue: so was the wife begilde.
So smartedsheand by a trayterous force
TheCartage quene so she fordid her corse.
Sostrangled was the R. so depe can auoyde
Fyetraytour fyeto thy shame be it sayd
Thoudunghyll crowe that crokest agaynst the rayne
Home tothy holebrag not with Phebe agayne.
Carrionfor the and lothsome be thy voyce
Thy songis fowle I wery of thy noyce.
Thy blackefetherswhich are thy wearyng wede.
Wet themwith teares and sorowe for thy dede.
And indarke caueswhere yrkesome wormes do crepe
Lurke thouall dayeand flye when thou shouldest slepe.
And neuerlight where liuyng thing hath life
But eatand drinke where stinche and filthe is rife.
For shethat is a fowle of fethers bryght
Admit shetoke some pleasure in thy sight.
As fowleof state sometimes delight to take
Fowle ofmeane sort their flight with them to make.
For playof winge or solace of their kinde:
But not insort as thou dost breke thy mynde.
Not for totreade with such foule fowle as thou
No no Iswere and I dare it here auowe.
Thou neuersettest thy fote within her nest
Boast notso broade then to thine owne vnrest.
But blushefor shame for in thy face it standes
And thoucanst not vnspot it with thy handes.
For allthe heauens against thee recorde beare
And all inearth against thee eke will sweare.
That thouin this art euen none other man
But as theiudges were to Susan than.
Forgers ofthat where to their lust them prickt
Basheblaser then the truth hath thee conuict.
And she awoman of her worthy fame
Vnspottedstandesand thou hast caught the shame.
And thereI pray to God that it may rest
False asthou artas false as is the best
That socanst wrong the noble kinde of man
In whomall trouth furst floorist and began.
And sohath stande till now the wretched part
Hathspotted vs of whose kinde one thou art.
That allthe shame that euer rose or may
Ofshamefall dede on thee may light I saye.
And on thykindeand thus I wishe thee rather
That allthy sede may like be to their father.
Vntrue asthouand forgers as thou art
So as allwe be blamelesse of thy part.
And of thydede. And thus I do thee leaue
Still tobe falseand falsely to deceaue.
I heardwhen Fame
A praiseof maistresse Ryce.
I Heardwhen Fame with thundryng voice did sommon to appere
The chiefeof natures children all that kinde had placed here.
To viewwhat brute by vertue got their liues could iustly craue
And badethe<m> shew what praise by truth they worthy were to haue
Wherwith Isaw how Venus came and put her selfe in place
And gaueher ladies leue at large to stand and pleade their case.
Eche onewas calde by name arowein that assemble there
That henceare gone or here remaines in court or otherwhere.
A solemnesilence was proclaimdethe iudges sate and heard
What truthcould tell or craft could faine& who should be preferd.
Thenbeauty stept before the barrewhose brest and neck was bare
With hearetrust vp and on her head a caule of gold she ware.
ThusCupides thralles began to flock whose hongry eyes did say
That shehad stayned all the dames that present were that day.
For er shespake w<ith> whispring wordsthe prease was filde through-out(Note: syllable from following line)
And fansyforced common voyce therat to geue a shoute.
Whichcried to fame take forth thy trump& sound her praise on hie
That gladsthe hart of euery wight that her beholdes with eye.
Whatstirre and rule (quod order than) do these rude people make
We holdeher best that shall deserue a praise for vertues sake.
Thissentence was no soner said but beauty therewith blusht
Theaudience ceased with the sameand euery thing was whusht.
Thenfinenesse thought by trainyng talke to win that beauty lost
And whether tonges with ioly wordesand spared for no cost.
Yetwantonnesse could not abidebut brake her tale in haste
Andpeuishe pride for pecockes plumes wold nedes be hiest plast.
Andtherwithall came curiousnesse and carped out of frame.
Theaudience laught to here the strife as they beheld the same.
Yet reasonsone appesde the bruteher reuerence made and don
Shepurchased fauour for to speake and thus her tale begoon
Sinsbountye shall the garland were and crowned be by fame
O happyiudges call for her for she deserues the same.
Wherete<m>perance gouernes bewtyes flowers & glory is not sought
Andshamefast mekenes mastreth pride & vertue dwels in thought
Byd hercome forth and shew her face or els assent eche one
That truereport shall graue her name in gold or marble stone.
For allthe world to rede at will what worthines doth rest
In perfectpure vnspotted life which she hath here possest.
Then skillrose vp and sought the preace to find if <that> he might
A personof such honest name that men should praise of right.
This one Isaw full sadly sit and shrinke her self a side
Whosesober lokes did shew what gifts her wiefly grace did hide
Lo here(quod skillgood people all) is Lucrece left aliue
And sheshall most excepted be that lest for praise did striue.
No lengerfame could hold her peacebut blew a blast so hye
That madean eckow in the ayer and sowning through the sky.
The voicewas loude & thus it sayd come Rise with happy daies
Thy honestlife hath wonne the fame & crowned thee with praies.
And when Iheard my maistres name I thrust amids the throng.
And claptmy handes and wisht of god <that> she might prosper long.
I ne canclose
Of onevniustly defamed.
I Ne canclose in short and cunning verse
Thy worthypraise of bountie by desart:
Thehatefull spite and slaunder to reherse.
Of themthat see but know not what thou art
For kindby craft hath wrought thee so to eye
That nowight may thy wit and vertue spye.
But hehaue other fele then outward sight
The lackwherof doth hate and spite to trie
Thus kindthy craft is let of vertues light:
See howthe outward shew the wittes may dull:
Not of thewise but as the most entend
Mineruayet might neuer perce their scull
ThatCirces cup and Cupides brand hath blend.
Whosefonde affects now sturred haue their braine
So dothethy hap thy hue with colour staine.
Beauty thyfoe thy shape doubleth thy sore
To hidethy wit and shewe thy vertue vayne
Fell werethy fateif wisdome were not more.
I meane bythee euen G. by name
Whomstormy windes of enuy and disdaine
Do tossewith boisteous blastes of wicked fame.
Wherestedfastnesse as chiefe in thee dothe raigne
Paciencethy setled minde dothe guide and stere
Silenceand shame with many resteth there.
Till timethy mother list them forth to call
Happy ishe that may enioye them all.
Yet onceagaine my muse
Of thedeath of the late county of Penbroke.
Yet onceagaine my muse I pardon pray
Thineintermitted song if I repete:
Not insuch wise as when loue was my pay
My ioly wowith ioyfull verse to treat.
But now(vnthanke to our desert be geuen
Whichmerite not a heauens gift to kepe)
Thou mustwith me bewaile that fate hath reuen
From eartha iewell laied in earth to slepe.
A iewellyea a gemme of womanhed
Whoseperfect vertues linked as in chaine:
So didadorne that humble wiuelyhed
As is notrife to finde the like againe.
For witand learnyng framed to obey
Herhusbandes will that willed her to vse
The louehe bare her chiefely as a staye
For allher frendes that would her furtherance chuse.
Well saydtherfore a heauens gift she was
Becausethe best are sonest hence bereft:
And thoughher selfe to heauen hence did passe
Her spoyleto earth from whence it came she left.
And to vsteares her absence to lament
And ekehis chance that was her make by lawe:
Whoselosse to lose so great an ornament
Let themesteme which true loues knot can draw.
Whyfearest thou
That echething is hurt of it selfe.
Whyfearest thou thy outward foe
When thouthy selfe thy harme doste fede
Of griefeor hurtof paineof wo
Withineche thing is sowen the sede.
So finewas neuer yet the cloth
No smithso harde his yron did beate:
But thoneconsumed was with mothe
Thotherwith canker all to fret.
The knottyoke and weinscot old
Withindothe eat the silly worme:
Euen so aminde in enuy rold
Alwayeswithin it self doth burne.
Thus euerything that nature wrought
Within itself his hurt doth beare:
No outwardharme nede to be sought
Whereenmies be within so neare.
Theflickeryng fame
Of thechoise of a wife.
Theflickeryng fame that flieth from eare to eare.
And ayeher strength encceaseth (Note: encreaseth) with her flight
Geuesfirst the cause why men to heare delight
Of thosewhom she dothe note for beauty bright.
And withthis fame that flieth on so fast
Fansydothe hye when reason makes no haste
And yetnot so content they wishe to see
Andthereby knowe if fame haue sayd aright.
Moretrustyng to the triall of their eye
Then tothe brute that goes of any wight.
Wise inthat poynt that lightly will not leeue
Vnwise toseke that may them after greue.
Whoknoweth not how sight may loue allure
And kindlein the hart a hotte desire:
The eye toworke that fame could not procure
Of greatercause there commeth hotter fire.
For ere hewete him self he feleth warme
The fameand eye the causers of his harme.
Let famenot make her knowen whom I shall know
Nor yetmine eye therin to be my guide:
Suffisethme that vertue in her grow
Whosesimple life her fathers walles do hide.
Contentwith this I leaue the rest to go
And insuch choise shall stande my welth and wo.
Who louesto liue in peace
Descripcionof an vngodlye worlde.
WHo louesto liue in peaceand marketh euery change
Shal hearsuch news fro<m> time to timeas semeth woderous stra<n>ge.
Suchfraude in frendly lokessuch frendshippe all for gayne:
Suchcloked wrath in hatefull hartswhich worldly men retayne.
Suchfayned flatteryng faythamongs both hye and low:
Such greatdeceitesuch subtell wittesthe pore to ouerthrowe.
Such spitein sugred tongessuch malice full of pride:
Such openwrong such great vntruthwhich can not go vnspied.
Suchrestlesse sute for roumeswhich bringeth men to care:
Suchslidyng downe from slippry seatesyet can we not beware.
Suchbarkyng at the goodsuch bolstrynge of the yll:
Suchthreatnyng of the wrathe of Godsuch vyce embraced styll.
Suchstriuynge for the bestsuch climyng to estate:
Such greatdissemblyng euery wheresuch loue all mixt wyth hate
Suchtraynes to trap the iustsuch prollyng faultes to pyke:
Suchcruell wordes for speakyng truthwho euer hearde the like.
Suchstrife for stirryng strawessuch discord dayly wrought
Suchforged tales dul wits to blindsuch matters made of nought
Suchtrifles tolde for trouthsuch credityng of lyes
Suchsilence kept when foles do speakesuch laughyng at the wise
Suchplenty made so scarcesuch criyng for redresse
Suchfeared signes of our decaywhich tong dares not expresse.
Suchchaunges lightly marktsuch troubles still apperes
Whichneuer were before this timeno not this thousand yeres.
Suchbribyng for the pursewhich euer gapes for more
Suchhordyng vp of worldly welthsuch kepyng muck in store.
Such follyfounde in agesuch will in tender youth
Suchsundry sortes among great clarkes& few <that> speake thetruth
Suchfalshed vnder craftand such vnstedfast wayes
Was neuersene within mens hartesas is found now adayes.
The causeand ground of this is our vnquiet minde
Whichthinkes to take those goods away which we must leue be-hinde. (Note: syllable from following line)
Why do menseke to get which they cannot possesse
Or breketheir slepes w<ith> carefull thoughtes & all forwretchednes.
Though oneamonges a skorehath welth and ease a while
A thousandwant which toyleth sore and trauaile many a mile.
And somealthough they slepeyet welth falles in their lap
Thus somebe riche and some be pore as fortune geues the hap
Wherfore Iholde him wise which thinkes himself at ease
And iscontent in simple state both god and man to please.
For thosethat liue like gods and honored are to day
Withinshort time their glory falles as flowers do fade away.
Vncerteinis their lifes on whom this world will frowne
For thoughthey sit aboue <the> starres a storm may strike the<m>downe
In welthwho feares no fall may slide from ioy full sone
There isno thing so sure on earth but changeth as the Mone.
Whatpleasure hath the riche or ease more then the pore
Althoughhe haue a plesant house his trouble is the more.
They boweand speake him fayrewhich seke to suck his blood
And somedo wishe his soule in hell and all to haue his good.
Thecoueting of the goodes doth nought but dull the spirite
And somemen chaunce to tast the sower that gropeth for the swete
The richeis still enuied by those which eate his bred
Withfawning spech and flattering tales his eares are dayly fed.
In fine Isee and proue the riche haue many foes
He slepethbest and careth lest that litle hath to lose.
As timerequireth now who would avoide much strife
Werebetter liue in pore estate then leade a princes life.
To passethose troblesome times I see but little choise
But helpto waile with those that wepe & laugh when they reioise
For as wese to day our brother brought in care
To morowmay we haue such chance to fall with him in snare
Of this wemay be surewho thinkes to sit most fast
Shalsonest fal like wethered leaues that cannot bide a blast.
Thoughthat the flood be greatthe ebbe as lowe doth ronne
When eueryman hath playd his part our pagent shalbe donne.
Whotrustes this wretched world I hold him worse then mad
Here isnot one that fereth god the best is all to badde.
For thosethat seme as saintes are deuilles in their dedes:
Though<that> the earth bringes forth some flowers it beareth manywedes. (Note: word from following line)
I se nopresent help from mischief to preuaile
But fleethe seas of worldly cares or beare a quiet sayle.
For whothat medleth least shall saue him sesfe (Note: selfe) from smart
Whostyrres an oare in euery boat shal play a folish part.
Walkyngthe pathe
Thedispairyng louer lamenteth.
Walkyngthe pathe of pensiue thought
I askt myhart how came this wo.
Thine eye(quod he) this care me brought.
Thy mindethy wittethy will also
Enforcethme to loue her euer
This isthe cause ioye shall I neuer.
And as Iwalkt as one dismayde
Thinkyngthat wrong this wo me lent:
Rightsent me worde by wrathwhich sayd
This iustiudgement to thee is sent:
Neuer todyebut diyng euer
Tillbreath thee faileioy shalt thou neuer.
Sitheright doth iudge this wo tendure
Of healthof wealthof remedy:
As I hauedone so be she sure
Of faythand trouth vntill I dye.
And asthis payne cloke shall I euer
Soinwardly ioye shall I neuer.
Gripyng ofgripes greue not so sore
Norserpentes styng causeth such smarte
Nothing onearth may payne me more
Then sightthat perst my wofull hart.
Drownedwith cares styll to perseuer
Come deathbetimesioye shall I neuer.
O libertiewhy doest thou swarue
And stealeaway thus all at ones:
And I inpryson like to sterue
For lackeof fode do gnaw on bones.
My hopeand trust in thee was euer
Now thouart gone ioye shall I neuer.
But styllas one all desperate
To leademy life in miserie:
Sith fearefrom hope hath lockt the gate
Where pityshould graunt remedye.
Dispairethis lotte assignes me euer
To liue inpayne. Ioee shall I neuer.
Fromworldly wo
An epitaphof maister Henry williams.
Fromworldly wo the mede of misbeliefe
From causeof care that leadeth to lament
From vainedelight the grounde of greater griefe
From fearefrom frendesfrom matter to repent
Frompainfull panges last sorow that is sent.
From dredeof death sithe death dothe set vs free
With itthe better pleased should we be.
Thislothsome life where likyng we do finde
Thencreaserof our crimes: dothe vs beriue
Our blissethat alway ought to be in minde.
This wylyworlde whiles here we breath aliue
And flesheour fayned fodo stifely striue
To flattervs assuryng here the ioye
Where wealas do finde but great annoy.
Vntoldeheapes though we haue of worldly welth
Though wepossesse the sea and frutefull grounde
Strengthbeautyknowledgeand vnharmed helth
Though atour wishe all pleasure do abound.
It werebut vaineno frendship can be founde
When deathassaulteth with his dredfull dart.
Noraunsome can stay the home hastyng hart.
And sithethou hast cut the liues line in twaine
Of Henrysonne to sir Iohn Williams knight
Whosemanly hart and prowes none coulde stayne.
Whosegodly life to vertue was our light
Whoseworthy fame shall florishe long by right.
Though inthis life so cruell mightest thou be
Hisspirite in heauen shall triumph ouer thee.
To falsereport
Against agentlewoman by whom he was refused.
To falsereport and flying fame
While erstmy minde gaue credite light
Beleuyngthat her bolstred name
Had stuffeto shew that praise did hight.
I findewell now I did mistake
Vponreport my gounde (Note: grounde) to make.
I heardeit sayd such one was she
As rare tofinde as parragon
Of lowlycheare of heart so free
As her forbounty could passe none.
Such onesofaire (Note: so faire) though forme and face
Were meaneto passe in seconde place.
I soughtit neare thinkyng to finde
Report anddede both to agree:
Butchaunge had tride her suttell minde
Of force Iwas enforced to see
That shein dede was nothing so
Which mademy will my hart forgo.
For she issuch as geason none
And whatshe most may bost to be:
I findeher matches mo then one
What nedeshe so to deale with me?
Ha fleringface with scornefull harte
So yllrewarde for good desert?
I willrepent that I haue done
To ende sowell the losse is small
I lost herlouethat lesse hath wonne
To vauntshe had me as her thrall.
Whatthough a gyllot sent that note
By cockeand pye I meant it not.
Lo herelieth G.
Anepitaphe written by w. G. to be set vpon his owne graue.
Lo herelieth G. vnder the grounde
Emong thegreedy wormes:
Which inhis life time neuer founde
But strifeand sturdy stormes.
And namelythrough a wicked wife
As to theworlde apperes:
She wasthe shortnyng of his life
By manydaies and yeres.
He mighthaue liued long god wot
His yeresthey were but yong:
Of wickedwiues this is the lot
To killwith spitefull tong.
Whosememory shall still remaine
In writynghere with me:
That menmay know whom she hath slaine.
And saythis same is she.
If thatthy wicked wife
If thatthy wicked wife had spon the thred
And werethe weauer of thy wo:
Then artthou double happy to be dead
As happilydispatched so.
If ragedid causelesse cause thee to complaine
And madmoode mouer of thy mone:
If frensyforced on thy testy braine:
Then blistis she to liue alone.
Sowhether were the ground of others griefe
Because sodoutfull was the dome:
Now deathhath brought your payne a right reliefe
Andblessed be ye bothe become:
She thatshe liues no lenger bounde to beare
The ruleof such a frowarde hed:
Thou thatthou liuest no lenger faine to feare
Therestlesse ramp that thou hadst wedde.
Be thou asglad therfore that thou art gone
As she isglad she dothe abide.
For so yebe a sonderall is one:
A baddermatch cad (Note: can) not betide.
A man mayliue
Againstwomen either good or badde.
A Man mayliue thrise Nestors life
Thrisewander out Vlisses race:
Yet neuerfinde Vlisses wife.
Suchchaunge hath chanced in this case.
Lesse agewill serue than Paris had
Small peyn(if none be small inough)
To findegood store of Helenes trade.
Such sapthe rote dothe yelde the bough.
For onegood wife Vlisses slew
A worthyknot of gentle blood:
For oneyll wife Grece ouerthrew
The towneof Troy. Sith bad and good
Bringmischiefe: Lordlet be thy will
To kepe mefree from either yll.
The vertueof Vlisses wife
The vertueof Vlisses wife
Dotheliuethough she hath ceast her race
And farresurmountes old Nestors life:
But now inmoe than then it was.
Suchchange is chanced in this case.
Ladyes nowliue in other trade:
Farreother Helenes now we see
Than shewhom Troyan Paris had.
As vertuefedes the rooteso be
The sapand frute of bough and tree.
Vlissesragenot his good wife
Spiltgentle blood. Not Helenes face
But Pariseye did rayse the strife
That didthe Troyan buildyngs race.
Thus sithene goodne bad do yll:
Them allO Lordmaintain my will
To seruewith all my force and skyll.
Procrynthat some tyme
The louerpraieth his seruice to be accepted and his defaultes pardoned.
Procrynthat some tyme serued Cephalus
With hartas true as any louer might
Yet herbetyd in louyng this vnright.
That as inhart with loue surprised thus
She on adaye to see this Cephalus
Where hewas wont to shrowde him in the shade
When ofhis huntyng he an ende had made.
Within thewoddes with dredfull fote she stalketh
So busilyloue in her hedde it walketh.
That sheto sene him may her not restrayne.
ThisCephalus that heard one shake the leaues
Vprist allegre thrustyng after pray
With dartein hande him list no further dayne
To see hisloue but slew her in the greues
That mentto him but perfect loue alway.
So curiousbene alas the rites all
Of mightyloue that vnnethes may I thinke
In hishigh seruice how to loke or winke
Thus Icomplaine that wrechedest am of all.
To you myloue and souerayne lady dere
That maymyne hart with death or life stere
As ye bestlist. That ye vouchsafe in all
Minehumble seruice. And if that me misfall
Bynegligenceor els for lacke of witte
That ofyour mercy you do pardon it
And thinkethat loue made Procrin shake the leaues
When withvnright she slayne was in the greues.
Lyke thePhenix
Descriptionand praise of his loue.
Lyke thePhenix a birde most rare in sight
With goldeand purple that nature hath drest:
Such sheme semes in whom I most delight
If I mightspeake for enuy at the least.
Nature Ithinke first wrought her in despite
Of roseand lillye that sommer bringeth first
In beautysure excedyng all the rest
Vnder thebent of her browes iustly pight:
As polishtDiamondesor Saphires at the least:
Herglistryng lightes the darkenesse of the night.
Whoselittle mouth and chinne like all the rest.
Her ruddylippes excede the corall quite.
Her yueryteeth where none excedes the rest.
Faultlesseshe is from fote vnto the waste.
Her bodysmall and straight as mast vpright.
Her armeslong in iust proporcion cast
Her handesdepaint with veines all blew and white.
What shallI say for that is not in sight?
The hiddenpartes I iudge them by the rest.
And if Iwere the forman of the quest
To geue averdite of her beauty bright
Forgeue mePhebusthou shouldst be dispossest
Whichdoest vsurpe my ladies place of right.
Here willI cease lest enuy cause dispite.
But naturewhen she wrought so fayre a wight
In thisher worke she surely did entende
To frame athing that God could not amende.
To trustthe fayned face
An answereto a song before imprinted beginnyng. To walke on doutfull grounde.
To trustthe fayned faceto rue on forced teares
To creditfinely forged taleswherin there oft appeares
Andbreathes as from the brest a smoke of kindled smart
Whereonely lurkes a depe deceit within the hollow hart
Betrayesthe simple soulewhom plaine deceitlesse minde
Taught notto feare that in it self it self did neuer finde.
Not euerytricklyng teare doth argue inward paine:
Not euerysigh dothe surely shewe the sigher not to fayne:
Not euerysmoke dothe proue a presence of the fire:
Not eueryglistring geues the goldethat gredy folke desire:
Not euerywailyng word is drawen out of the depe:
Not griefefor want of graunted grace enforceth all to wepe.
Oft malicemakes the minde to shed the boyled brine:
And enuieshumor oft vnlades by conduites of the eyen.
Oft craftcan cause the man to make a semyng show
Of hartwith dolour all distreinedwhere griefe did neuer grow.
As cursedCrocodile most cruelly can toll.
Withtruthlesse tearesvnto his deaththe silly pitiyng soule.
Blameneuer those therforethat wisely can beware
Theguillful manthat suttly sayth him selfe to dread the snare.
Blame notthe stopped eares against the Syrenes song:
Blame notthe mind not moued w<ith> mone of falsheds flowing tong.
If guiledo guide your wit by silence so to speake
By craftto craue and faine by fraude the cause <that> you wold breake:
Greatharme your suttle soule shall suffer for the same:
And mightyloue will wreke the wrong so cloked with his name.
But wewhom you haue warndethis lessor (Note: lesson) learne by you:
To knowthe tree before we climeto trust no rotten bowe
To viewthe limed busheto loke afore we light
To shunnethe perilous bayted hokeand vse a further sight.
As do themousethe birdethe fisheby sample fitly show
That wylywittes and ginnes of men do worke the simples wo:
Sosimplesithe we areand you so suttle be
God helpthe mousethe birde<the> fishe& vs your sleights tofle.
Tottel-- Songes and Sonettes -- Other Songs and Sonettes written byHenry HowardEarl of Surrey
Synsfortunes wrath
Theconstant louer lamenteth.
Synsfortunes wrath enuieth the welth
Wherin Iraygned by the sight:
Of thatthat fed mine eyes by stelth
With sowerswetedreadeand delight.
Let not mygriefe moue you to mone
For I willwepe and wayle alone.
Spitedraue me into Borias raigne
Where horyfrostes the frutes do bite
Whenhilles were spred and euery playne:
Withstormy winters mantle white.
And yet mydeare such was my heate
Whenothers frese then did I swete.
And nowthough on the sunne I driue
Whoseferuent flame all thinges decaies
His beamesin brightnesse may not striue
With lightof your swete golden rayes
Nor frommy brest this heate remoue
The frosenthoughtes grauen by loue.
Ne may thewaues of the salt floode
Quenchethat your beauty set on fire
For thoughmine eyes forbere the fode
That didreleue the hote desire.
Such as Iwas such will I be
Your ownewhat would ye more of me.
In therude age
A praiseof sir Thomas wyate thelder for his excellent learning.
In therude age when knowledge was not rife
If Ioue inCreate and other were that taught
Artes toconuert to profite of our life
Wendeafter death to haue their temples sought
If vertueyet no voyde vnthankefull time
Failed ofsome to blast her endles fame
A goodlymeane both to deterre from crime:
And to hersteppes our sequele to enflame
In dayesof truth if wyates frendes then wayle
The onlydet that dead of quick may claime:
That rarewit spent employd to our auaile.
WhereChrist is taught we led to vertues traine.
His liuelyface their brestes how did it freat
Whosecindres yet with enuye they do eate.
Eche beastcan chose
A songwritten by the earle of Surrey by a lady that refused to daunce withhim.
Eche beastcan chose hys fere according to his minde
And ekecan shew a frendly chere like to their beastly kinde.
A Lion sawI late as white as any snow
Whichsemed well to lead the race his port the same did show.
Vpon thegentle beast to gaze it pleased me
For stillme thought he semed well of noble blood to be.
And as hepraunced beforestill seking for a make
As whowold say there is none here I trow will me forsake.
I mightparceiue a wolfe as white as whales bone
A fairerbeast of fresher hue beheld I neuer none.
Saue thather lokes were coyand froward eke her grace
Vnto thewhich this gentle beast gan him aduance apace.
And with abeck full low he bowed at herfeete(Note: her feete)
In humblewise as who would say I am to farre vnmete.
But such ascornefull chere wherwith she him rewarded
Was neuersene I trow the like to such as well deserued.
With thatshe start aside welnere a fote or twaine
And vntohim thus gan she say with spite and great disdaine.
Lyon shesayd if thou hadst knowen my mind before
Thou hadstnot spent thy trauail thus nor al thy paine forlore.
Do way Ilet the wete thou shalt not play with me
Go rangeabout where thou mayst finde some meter fere for the:
With thathe bet his tailehis eyes began to flame
I mightperceiue hys noble hart much moued by the same.
Yet saw Ihim refraine and eke his wrath aswage
And vntoher thus gan he say when he was past his rage.
Cruellyou do me wrong to set me thus so light
Withoutdesert for my good will to shew me such despight.
How can yethus entreat a Lion of the race
That withhis pawes a crowned king deuoured in the place:
Whosenature is to pray vpon no simple food
As long ashe may suck the flesheand drink of noble blood.
If you befaire and fresham I not of your hue?
And for myvaunt I dare well say my blood is not vntrue.
For youyour self haue heard it is not long agoe
Sith thatfor loue one of the race did end his life in woe
In towerstrong and hie for his assured truthe
Where asin teares he spent his breathalas the more the ruthe.
Thisgentle beast likewise whom nothing could remoue
Butwillingly to lese his life for losse of his true loue.
Otherthere be whose liues doe lingre still in paine
Againsttheir willes preserued ar that would haue died faine.
But now Idoe perceue that nought it moueth you
My goodententmy gentle hartnor yet my kind so true.
But thatyour will is such to lure me to the trade
As othersome full many yeres to trace by craft ye made.
And thusbehold our kyndes how that we differ farre.
I seke myfoes: and you your frendes do threten still with warre.
I fawnewhere I am fled: you slay that sekes to you
I candeuour no yelding pray: you kill where you subdue.
My kindeis to desire the honoure of the field:
And youwith blood to slake your thirst on such as to you yeld.
Wherfore Iwould you wist that for your coyed lokes
I am noman that will be trapt nor tangled with such hokes.
And thoughsome lust to loue where blame full well they might
And tosuch beasts of currant sort that should haue trauail bright.
I willobserue the law that nature gaue to me
To conquersuch as will resist and let the rest goe fre.
And as afaucon free that soreth in the ayre
Whichneuer fed on hand nor lurenor for no stale doth care
While thatI liue and breath such shall my custome be
In wildnesof the woodes to seke my pray where pleseth me.
Where manyone shal rusethat neuer made offense.
This yourrefuse against my power shall bode them ne defence.
And forreuenge therof I vow and swere therto
I thousandspoiles I shall commit I neuer thought to do.
And if tolight on you my luck so good shall be
I shall beglad to fede on that that would haue fed on me.
And thusfarewell vnkinde to whom I bent and bow
I would yewist the ship is safe that bare his sailes so low.
Sith thata lions hart is for a wolfe no pray
Withbloody mouth go slake your thirst on simple shepe I say.
With moredispite and ire than I can now expresse
Which tomy pain though I refraine the cause you may wel gesse.
As forbecause my self was aucthor of the game
It bootesme not that for my wrath I should disturbe the same.
If care docause men cry
Thefaithfull louer declareth his paines and his vncertein ioiesandwith only hope recomforteth somwhat his wofull heart.
If care docause men crywhy do not I complaine?
If echeman do bewaile his wowhy shew I not my paine?
Since thatamongest them all I dare well say is none
So farrefrom wealeso full of woor hath more cause to mone.
For allthynges hauing life sometime haue quiet rest.
The beringassethe drawing oxeand euery other beast.
Thepeasant and the postthat serue at al assayes
The shypboy and the galley slaue haue time to take their ease
Saue Ialas whom care of force doth so constraine
To wailethe day and wake the night continually in paine
Frompensiuenes to plaintfrom plaint to bitter teares
Fromteares to painfull plaint againe: and thus my life it wears.
No thingvnder the sunne that I can here or se
But mouethme for to bewaile my cruell destenie.
For whermen do reioyce since that I can not so
I take nopleasure in that placeit doubleth but my woe.
And when Iheare the sound of song or instrument
Me thinkeeche tune there dolefull is and helpes me to lament.
And if Ise some haue their most desired sight
Alas thinkI eche man hath weal saue I most wofull wight.
Then asthe striken dere withdrawes him selfe alone
So doe Iseke some secrete place where I may make my mone.
There domy flowing eyes shew forth my melting hart
So <that>the stremes of those two welles right wel declare my smart
And inthose cares so colde I force my selfe a heate
As sickmen in their shaking fittes procure them self to sweate
Withthoughtes that for the time do much appease my paine.
But yetthey cause a ferther fere and brede my woe agayne.
Me thinkewithin my thought I se right plaine appere
My hartesdelight my sorowes leche mine earthly goddesse here.
With euerysondry grace that I haue sene her haue
Thus Iwithin my wofull brest her picture paint and graue.
And in mythought I roll her bewties to and fro
Herlaughing chere her louely looke my hart that perced so.
Herstrangenes when I sued her seruant for to be
And whatshe sayd and how she smiled when that she pitied me.
Then comesa sodaine feare that riueth all my rest
Lestabsence cause forgetfulnes to sink within her brest.
For when Ithinke how far this earth doth vs deuide.
Alas mesemes loue throwes me downe I fele how that I slide.
But then Ithinke againe why should I thus mistrust
So swete awight so sad and wise that is so true and iust.
For lothshe was to loueand wauering is she not.
Thefarther of the more desirde thus louers tie their knot.
So indispaire and hope plonged am I both vp an doune
As is theship with wind and waue when Neptune list to froune.
But as thewatry showers delay the raging winde
So dothgood hope clene put away dispayre out of my minde.
And biddesme for to serue and suffer pacientlie
For whatwot I the after weale that fortune willes to me.
For thosethat care do knowe and tasted haue of trouble
Whenpassed is their woful paine eche ioy shall seme them double.
And bittersendes she now to make me tast the better
Theplesant swete when that it comes to make it seme the sweter.
And sodetermine I to serue vntill my brethe.
Ye ratherdye a thousand times then once to false my feithe.
And if myfeble corps through weight of wofull smart.
Do fayleor faint my will it is that still she kepe my hart.
And whenthys carcas here to earth shalbe refarde
I dobequeth my weried ghost to serue her afterwarde.
OtherSonges and sonettes written by Sir Thomas Wyatt
What wordis that
Of hisloue called. Anna.
What wordis thatthat changeth not
Though itbe turned and made in twaine:
It is mineAnna god it wot.
The onlycauser of my paine:
My louethat medeth with disdaine.
Yet is itloued what will you more
It is mysalueand eke my sore.
Thatpleasure is mixed with euery paine.
Venemousthornes that are so sharp and kene
Beareflowers we se full fresh and faire of hue:
Poison isalso put in medicine.
And vntoman his helth doth oft renue.
The fierthat all thinges eke consumeth cleane
May hurtand heale: then if that this be true.
I trustsometime my harme may be my health
Sins euerywoe is ioyned with some wealth.
A ladygaue me a gift
A riddleof a gift geuen by a Ladie.
A Ladygaue me a gift she had not
And Ireceyued her gift which I toke not
She gaueit me willinglyand yet she would not
and Ireceiued italbeitI could not
If shegiue it meI force not
And if shetake it againe she cares not.
Consterwhat this is and tell not
For I amfast sworne I may not.
Speakethou and spede
Thatspeaking or profering bringes alway speding.
Speakethou and spede where will or power ought helpthe
Wherepower dothe want will must be wonne by welth.
For nedewill spedewhere will workes not his kinde
And gaynethy foes thy frendes shall cause thee finde.
For suteand goldewhat do not they obtaine
Of goodand bad the triers are these twaine.
If thouwilt mighty be
He rulethnot though he raigne ouer realmes that is subiect to his owne lustes.
If thouwilt mighty beflee from the rage
Of cruellwylland see thou kepe thee free
From thefoule yoke of sensuall bondage
For thoughthy empyre stretche to Indian sea
And forthy feare trembleth the fardest Thylee
If thydesire haue ouer thee the power
Subiectthen art thou and no gouernour.
If to benoble and high thy minde be meued
Considerwell thy grounde and thy beginnyng:
For hethat hath eche starre in heanen (Note: heauen) fixed
And geuesthe Moone her hornes and her eclipsyng:
Alike hathmade the noble in his workyng
So thatwretched no way thou may bee
Exceptfoule lust and vice do conquere thee.
All wereit so thou had a flood of golde
Vnto thythirst yet should it not suffice.
And thoughwith Indian stones a thousande folde
Moreprecious then can thy selfe deuise
Ychargedwere thy backe: thy couitise
And busyebytyng yet should neuer let
Thywretchid life ne do thy death profet.
Lyke asthe birde
whetherlibertie by losse of lifeor life in prison and thraldome be to bepreferred.
Lyke asthe birde within the cage enclosed
The dorevnsparredher foe the hawke without
Twixtdeath and prison piteously oppressed
Whetherfor to chose standeth in doubt
Loso doIwhich seke to bryng about
Whichshould be best by determinacion
By losseof life libertieor lyfe by pryson.
Omischiefe by mischiefe to be redressed.
Wherepayne is best there lieth but little pleasure.
By shortdeath better to be deliuered
Than bidein paynefull lifethraldomeand dolore.
Small isthe pleasure where much payne we suffer.
Rathertherfore to chuse me thinketh wisdome
By losseof life libertyethen life by prison.
And yet methinkes although I liue and suffer
I do butwait a time and fortunes chance:
Oft manythinges do happen in one houre.
That whichoppressed me now may me aduance.
In time istrust which by deathes greuance
Is wholylost. Then were it not reason
By deathto chuse libertieand not life by pryson.
But deathwere deliuerance where life lengthes paine.
Of thesetwo euyls let se now chuse the best:
This birdeto deliuer that here dothe playne
What sayeye louers? whiche shall be the best?
In cagethraldomeor by the hawke opprest.
And whicheto chuse make plaine conclusion
By losseof life libertieor life by pryson.