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The world of Jules Verne

All Verne from Readme italian and french 
Ventimila Leghe sotto i mari italian  
L’isola Misteriosa italian  

Reading path

Fascinating Character Jules Verne. In his life he didn't travel much, yet he showed such passion in telling the marvelous travels in his mind. Who doesn't know the Nautilus or captain Nemo and their trip "20000 leagues under the seas?" It is a voyage in a physical and geographical space but mainly in a world of knowledge. Written in the end of the 19th century, when most of the technologies described in the book were at their early beginnings or nonexistent, it deals with a voyage in all the known seas, from the South pole to the Mediterranean, from the Indian ocean up to the coasts of Norway.
It describes with detail some marvelous characters, and Nemo, a hero that walks without fear on the backdrop of the ocean and faces sharks and giant piovres barehanded, but is at the same time a frightened little fellow when found a few meters by the shore, where he turns back terrorized. Nemo, a nobody, with an impenetrable past and a mysterious future. Just like the "Mysterious Island", in which five men in escape on an aerostatic ball find themselves in an unknown place, helped by a mysterious character.
2005 is the centennial of Verne's death, and we wish to remember Verne proposing a reading path on the author considered the father of the science fiction. In Italian we propose "Ventimila Leghe sotto i mari" and "The Mysterious island". Many other pieces are available in French. Enjoy your reading!

Simone Alessandria

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